- Timestamp:
- Jan 11, 2021, 11:24:08 PM (4 years ago)
- Location:
- LMDZ6/branches/Ocean_skin
- Files:
- 2 edited
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r3767 r3798 17 17 SUBROUTINE phys_output_write(itap, pdtphys, paprs, pphis, & 18 18 pplay, lmax_th, aerosol_couple, & 19 ok_ade, ok_aie, ok_volcan, ivap, iliq, isol, new_aod,ok_sync, &19 ok_ade, ok_aie, ok_volcan, ivap, iliq, isol, ok_sync, & 20 20 ptconv, read_climoz, clevSTD, ptconvth, & 21 21 d_u, d_t, qx, d_qx, zmasse, flag_aerosol, flag_aerosol_strat, ok_cdnc) … … 39 39 o_t2m_min_mon, o_t2m_max_mon, & 40 40 o_q2m, o_ustar, o_u10m, o_v10m, & 41 o_wind10m, o_wind10max, o_gusts, o_sicf, & 41 o_wind10m, o_wind10max, o_wind100m, o_gusts, o_sicf, & 42 o_loadfactor_wind_onshore, o_loadfactor_wind_offshore, & 42 43 o_psol, o_mass, o_qsurf, o_qsol, & 43 44 o_precip, o_rain_fall, o_rain_con, o_ndayrain, o_plul, o_pluc, o_plun, & 44 45 o_snow, o_msnow, o_fsnow, o_evap, o_ep,o_epmax_diag, & ! epmax_cape 45 46 o_tops, o_tops0, o_topl, o_topl0, & 46 o_SWupTOA, o_SWupTOAclr, o_SWupTOAcleanclr, o_SWdnTOA, &47 o_SWupTOA, o_SWupTOAclr, o_SWupTOAcleanclr, o_SWdnTOA, o_fdiffSWdnSFC, & 47 48 o_SWdnTOAclr, o_nettop, o_SWup200, & 48 49 o_SWup200clr, o_SWdn200, o_SWdn200clr, & … … 132 133 o_vitu, o_vitv, o_vitw, o_pres, o_paprs, & 133 134 o_zfull, o_zhalf, o_rneb, o_rnebjn, o_rnebcon, & 134 o_rnebls, o_rneblsvol, o_rhum, o_ ozone, o_ozone_light, &135 o_rnebls, o_rneblsvol, o_rhum, o_rhl, o_rhi, o_ozone, o_ozone_light, & 135 136 o_duphy, o_dtphy, o_dqphy, o_dqphy2d, o_dqlphy, o_dqlphy2d, & 136 137 o_dqsphy, o_dqsphy2d, o_albe_srf, o_z0m_srf, o_z0h_srf, & 137 o_ages_srf, o_snow_srf, o_alb1, o_alb2, o_tke, &138 o_ages_srf, o_snow_srf, o_alb1, o_alb2, o_tke, o_tke_dissip, & 138 139 o_tke_max, o_kz, o_kz_max, o_clwcon, & 139 140 o_dtdyn, o_dqdyn, o_dqdyn2d, o_dqldyn, o_dqldyn2d, & … … 172 173 o_uxv, o_vxq, o_vxT, o_wxq, o_vxphi, & 173 174 o_wxT, o_uxu, o_vxv, o_TxT, o_trac, & 174 #ifdef REPROBUS175 o_nas, &176 #endif177 175 o_dtr_vdf, o_dtr_the, o_dtr_con, & 178 176 o_dtr_lessi_impa, o_dtr_lessi_nucl, & … … 226 224 qsol, z0m, z0h, fevap, agesno, & 227 225 nday_rain, rain_con, snow_con, & 228 topsw, toplw, toplw0, swup, swdn, &226 topsw, toplw, toplw0, swup, swdn, solswfdiff, & 229 227 topsw0, swupc0, swdnc0, swup0, swdn0, SWup200, SWup200clr, & 230 228 SWdn200, SWdn200clr, LWup200, LWup200clr, & … … 255 253 zt2m_cor,zq2m_cor,zu10m_cor,zv10m_cor, zrh2m_cor, zqsat2m_cor, & 256 254 t2m_min_mon, t2m_max_mon, evap, & 257 l_mixmin,l_mix, &255 l_mixmin,l_mix, tke_dissip, & 258 256 zu10m, zv10m, zq2m, zustar, zxqsurf, & 259 257 rain_lsc, rain_num, snow_lsc, bils, sens, fder, & … … 262 260 sissnow, runoff, albsol3_lic, evap_pot, & 263 261 t2m, fluxt, fluxlat, fsollw, fsolsw, & 264 wfbils, wfbilo, wfevap, wfrain, wfsnow, & 262 wfbils, wfbilo, wfevap, wfrain, wfsnow, & 265 263 cdragm, cdragh, cldl, cldm, & 266 cldh, cldt, JrNt, cldljn, cldmjn, cldhjn, &267 cld tjn, cldq, flwp, fiwp, ue, ve, uq, vq, &264 cldh, cldt, JrNt, & ! only output names: cldljn,cldmjn,cldhjn,cldtjn 265 cldq, flwp, fiwp, ue, ve, uq, vq, & 268 266 uwat, vwat, & 269 267 plcl, plfc, wbeff, convoccur, upwd, dnwd, dnwd0, prw, prlw, prsw, & … … 301 299 ql_seri, qs_seri, tr_seri, & 302 300 zphi, u_seri, v_seri, omega, cldfra, & 303 rneb, rnebjn, rneblsvol, zx_rh, d_t_dyn, &301 rneb, rnebjn, rneblsvol, zx_rh, zx_rhl, zx_rhi, d_t_dyn, & 304 302 d_q_dyn, d_ql_dyn, d_qs_dyn, & 305 303 d_q_dyn2d, d_ql_dyn2d, d_qs_dyn2d, & … … 333 331 surf_PM25_sulf, tau_strat_550, tausum_strat, & 334 332 vsed_aer, tau_strat_1020, f_r_wet 335 #endif336 337 #ifdef REPROBUS338 USE CHEM_REP, ONLY : nas, nbnas, tnamenas, ttextnas339 333 #endif 340 334 … … 369 363 USE infotrac_phy, ONLY: nqtot, nqo, type_trac, tname, niadv 370 364 USE geometry_mod, ONLY: cell_area, latitude_deg, longitude_deg 371 USE surface_data, ONLY: type_ocean, version_ocean, ok_veget, ok_snow365 USE surface_data, ONLY: type_ocean, version_ocean, ok_veget, landice_opt 372 366 USE aero_mod, ONLY: naero_tot, id_STRAT_phy 373 367 USE ioipsl, ONLY: histend, histsync … … 390 384 use config_ocean_skin_m, only: activate_ocean_skin 391 385 386 USE vertical_layers_mod, ONLY: presnivs 387 392 388 IMPLICIT NONE 393 389 … … 401 397 INTEGER, DIMENSION(klon) :: lmax_th 402 398 LOGICAL :: aerosol_couple, ok_sync 403 LOGICAL :: ok_ade, ok_aie, ok_volcan , new_aod399 LOGICAL :: ok_ade, ok_aie, ok_volcan 404 400 LOGICAL, DIMENSION(klon, klev) :: ptconv, ptconvth 405 401 REAL :: pdtphys … … 419 415 INTEGER :: itau_w 420 416 INTEGER :: i, iinit, iinitend=1, iff, iq, iiq, nsrf, k, ll, naero 421 REAL, DIMENSION (klon) :: zx_tmp_fi2d, zpt_conv2d 417 REAL, DIMENSION (klon) :: zx_tmp_fi2d, zpt_conv2d, wind100m 422 418 REAL, DIMENSION (klon,klev) :: zx_tmp_fi3d, zpt_conv 423 419 REAL, DIMENSION (klon,klev+1) :: zx_tmp_fi3d1 … … 431 427 REAL, DIMENSION(klev,2) :: Ahyb_mid_bounds, Bhyb_mid_bounds 432 428 INTEGER :: ilev 429 INTEGER, SAVE :: kmax_100m 430 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(kmax_100m) 431 REAL :: x 433 432 #ifndef CPP_XIOS 434 433 REAL :: missing_val … … 446 445 LOGICAL, PARAMETER :: debug_strataer=.FALSE. 447 446 #endif 447 REAL,DIMENSION(klon,klev) :: z, dz 448 REAL,DIMENSION(klon) :: zrho, zt 448 449 449 450 ! On calcul le nouveau tau: … … 461 462 CALL wxios_set_context 462 463 #endif 464 465 #ifndef CPP_XIOS 466 missing_val=missing_val_nf90 467 #endif 468 469 IF (.NOT.vars_defined) THEN 470 kmax_100m=1 471 DO k=1, klev-1 472 IF (presnivs(k).GT.0.97*101325.) kmax_100m = k !--finding out max level for 100 m with a good margin 473 ENDDO 474 ENDIF 463 475 464 476 Ahyb_bounds(1,1) = 0. … … 694 706 695 707 IF (vars_defined) THEN 708 DO k = 1, kmax_100m !--we could stop much lower 709 zrho(:) = pplay(:,k)/t_seri(:,k)/RD ! air density in kg/m3 710 dz(:,k) = (paprs(:,k)-paprs(:,k+1))/zrho(:)/RG ! layer thickness in m 711 IF (k==1) THEN 712 z(:,1) = (paprs(:,1)-pplay(:,1))/zrho(:)/RG ! altitude middle of first layer in m 713 zt(:) = dz(:,1) ! altitude top of first layer in m 714 ELSE 715 z(:,k) = zt(:) + (paprs(:,k)-pplay(:,k))/zrho(:)/RG ! altitude middle of layer k in m 716 zt(:) = zt(:) + dz(:,k) ! altitude top of layer k in m 717 ENDIF 718 ENDDO 719 wind100m(:)=missing_val 720 DO k=1, kmax_100m-1 !--we could stop much lower 721 DO i=1,klon 722 IF (z(i,k).LT.100..AND.z(i,k+1).GE.100.) THEN 723 wind100m(i)=SQRT( (u_seri(i,k)+(100.-z(i,k))/(z(i,k+1)-z(i,k))*(u_seri(i,k+1)-u_seri(i,k)))**2.0 + & 724 (v_seri(i,k)+(100.-z(i,k))/(z(i,k+1)-z(i,k))*(v_seri(i,k+1)-v_seri(i,k)))**2.0 ) 725 ENDIF 726 ENDDO 727 ENDDO 728 ENDIF 729 CALL histwrite_phy(o_wind100m, wind100m) 730 731 IF (vars_defined) THEN 732 !--polynomial fit for 14,Vestas,1074,V136/3450 kW windmill - Olivier 733 DO i=1,klon 734 IF (pctsrf(i,is_ter).GT.0.05 .AND. wind100m(i).NE.missing_val) THEN 735 x=wind100m(i) 736 IF (x.LE.3.0 .OR. x.GE.22.5) THEN 737 zx_tmp_fi2d(i)=0.0 738 ELSE IF (x.GE.10.0) THEN 739 zx_tmp_fi2d(i)=1.0 740 ELSE 741 zx_tmp_fi2d(i)= 10.73 + x*(-14.69 + x*(8.339 + x*(-2.59 + x*(0.4893 + x*(-0.05898 + x*(0.004627 + & 742 x*(-0.0002352 + x*(7.478e-06 + x*(-1.351e-07 + x*(1.059e-09)))))))))) 743 zx_tmp_fi2d(i)=MIN(MAX(zx_tmp_fi2d(i),0.0),1.0) 744 ENDIF 745 ELSE 746 zx_tmp_fi2d(i)=missing_val 747 ENDIF 748 ENDDO 749 ENDIF 750 CALL histwrite_phy(o_loadfactor_wind_onshore, zx_tmp_fi2d) 751 752 IF (vars_defined) THEN 753 !--polynomial fit for 14,Vestas,867,V164/8000 kW - Olivier 754 DO i=1,klon 755 IF (pctsrf(i,is_oce).GT.0.05 .AND. wind100m(i).NE.missing_val) THEN 756 x=wind100m(i) 757 IF (x.LE.3.0 .OR. x.GE.25.5) THEN 758 zx_tmp_fi2d(i)=0.0 759 ELSE IF (x.GE.12.5) THEN 760 zx_tmp_fi2d(i)=1.0 761 ELSE 762 zx_tmp_fi2d(i)= 20.59 + x*(-22.39 + x*(10.25 + x*(-2.601 + x*(0.4065 + x*(-0.04099 + x*(0.002716 + & 763 x*(-0.0001175 + x*(3.195e-06 + x*(-4.959e-08 + x*(3.352e-10)))))))))) 764 zx_tmp_fi2d(i)=MIN(MAX(zx_tmp_fi2d(i),0.0),1.0) 765 ENDIF 766 ELSE 767 zx_tmp_fi2d(i)=missing_val 768 ENDIF 769 ENDDO 770 ENDIF 771 CALL histwrite_phy(o_loadfactor_wind_offshore, zx_tmp_fi2d) 772 773 IF (vars_defined) THEN 696 774 DO i = 1, klon 697 775 zx_tmp_fi2d(i) = pctsrf(i,is_sic) … … 863 941 ENDIF 864 942 CALL histwrite_phy(o_SWdnSFCcleanclr, zx_tmp_fi2d) 943 944 CALL histwrite_phy(o_fdiffSWdnSFC, solswfdiff) 865 945 866 946 IF (vars_defined) THEN … … 924 1004 CALL histwrite_phy(o_tauy, zx_tmp_fi2d) 925 1005 926 IF ( ok_snow) THEN1006 IF (landice_opt .GE. 1) THEN 927 1007 CALL histwrite_phy(o_snowsrf, snow_o) 928 1008 CALL histwrite_phy(o_qsnow, qsnow) … … 982 1062 CALL histwrite_phy(o_l_mixmin(nsrf), l_mixmin(:,1:klev,nsrf)) 983 1063 CALL histwrite_phy(o_tke_max_srf(nsrf), pbl_tke(:,1:klev,nsrf)) 1064 1065 984 1066 ENDIF 985 1067 !jyg< … … 992 1074 ! ENDIF 993 1075 994 995 1076 ENDDO 1077 1078 1079 IF (iflag_pbl > 1) THEN 1080 zx_tmp_fi3d=0. 1081 IF (vars_defined) THEN 1082 DO nsrf=1,nbsrf 1083 DO k=1,klev 1084 zx_tmp_fi3d(:,k)=zx_tmp_fi3d(:,k) & 1085 +pctsrf(:,nsrf)*tke_dissip(:,k,nsrf) 1086 ENDDO 1087 ENDDO 1088 ENDIF 1089 1090 CALL histwrite_phy(o_tke_dissip, zx_tmp_fi3d) 1091 ENDIF 996 1092 997 1093 IF (vars_defined) zx_tmp_fi2d(1 : klon) = sens_prec_liq_o(1 : klon, 1) … … 1117 1213 ! ATTENTION, LES ANCIENS HISTWRITE ONT ETES CONSERVES EN ATTENDANT MIEUX: 1118 1214 ! Champs interpolles sur des niveaux de pression 1119 missing_val=missing_val_nf901120 1215 DO iff=1, nfiles 1121 1216 ll=0 … … 1358 1453 !--OLIVIER 1359 1454 !This is warranted by treating INCA aerosols as offline aerosols 1360 ! IF (new_aod .and. (.not. aerosol_couple)) THEN 1361 IF (new_aod) THEN 1362 IF (flag_aerosol.GT.0) THEN 1363 CALL histwrite_phy(o_od443aer, od443aer) 1364 CALL histwrite_phy(o_od550aer, od550aer) 1365 CALL histwrite_phy(o_od865aer, od865aer) 1366 CALL histwrite_phy(o_abs550aer, abs550aer) 1367 CALL histwrite_phy(o_od550lt1aer, od550lt1aer) 1368 CALL histwrite_phy(o_sconcso4, sconcso4) 1369 CALL histwrite_phy(o_sconcno3, sconcno3) 1370 CALL histwrite_phy(o_sconcoa, sconcoa) 1371 CALL histwrite_phy(o_sconcbc, sconcbc) 1372 CALL histwrite_phy(o_sconcss, sconcss) 1373 CALL histwrite_phy(o_sconcdust, sconcdust) 1374 CALL histwrite_phy(o_concso4, concso4) 1375 CALL histwrite_phy(o_concno3, concno3) 1376 CALL histwrite_phy(o_concoa, concoa) 1377 CALL histwrite_phy(o_concbc, concbc) 1378 CALL histwrite_phy(o_concss, concss) 1379 CALL histwrite_phy(o_concdust, concdust) 1380 CALL histwrite_phy(o_loadso4, loadso4) 1381 CALL histwrite_phy(o_loadoa, loadoa) 1382 CALL histwrite_phy(o_loadbc, loadbc) 1383 CALL histwrite_phy(o_loadss, loadss) 1384 CALL histwrite_phy(o_loaddust, loaddust) 1385 CALL histwrite_phy(o_loadno3, loadno3) 1386 CALL histwrite_phy(o_dryod550aer, dryod550aer) 1387 DO naero = 1, naero_tot-1 1388 CALL histwrite_phy(o_drytausumaero(naero),drytausum_aero(:,naero)) 1389 END DO 1390 ENDIF 1391 !--STRAT AER 1392 IF (flag_aerosol.GT.0.OR.flag_aerosol_strat.GT.0) THEN 1393 DO naero = 1, naero_tot 1394 CALL histwrite_phy(o_tausumaero(naero),tausum_aero(:,2,naero)) 1395 END DO 1396 ENDIF 1397 IF (flag_aerosol_strat.GT.0) THEN 1398 CALL histwrite_phy(o_tausumaero_lw,tausum_aero(:,6,id_STRAT_phy)) 1399 ENDIF 1455 IF (flag_aerosol.GT.0) THEN 1456 CALL histwrite_phy(o_od443aer, od443aer) 1457 CALL histwrite_phy(o_od550aer, od550aer) 1458 CALL histwrite_phy(o_od865aer, od865aer) 1459 CALL histwrite_phy(o_abs550aer, abs550aer) 1460 CALL histwrite_phy(o_od550lt1aer, od550lt1aer) 1461 CALL histwrite_phy(o_sconcso4, sconcso4) 1462 CALL histwrite_phy(o_sconcno3, sconcno3) 1463 CALL histwrite_phy(o_sconcoa, sconcoa) 1464 CALL histwrite_phy(o_sconcbc, sconcbc) 1465 CALL histwrite_phy(o_sconcss, sconcss) 1466 CALL histwrite_phy(o_sconcdust, sconcdust) 1467 CALL histwrite_phy(o_concso4, concso4) 1468 CALL histwrite_phy(o_concno3, concno3) 1469 CALL histwrite_phy(o_concoa, concoa) 1470 CALL histwrite_phy(o_concbc, concbc) 1471 CALL histwrite_phy(o_concss, concss) 1472 CALL histwrite_phy(o_concdust, concdust) 1473 CALL histwrite_phy(o_loadso4, loadso4) 1474 CALL histwrite_phy(o_loadoa, loadoa) 1475 CALL histwrite_phy(o_loadbc, loadbc) 1476 CALL histwrite_phy(o_loadss, loadss) 1477 CALL histwrite_phy(o_loaddust, loaddust) 1478 CALL histwrite_phy(o_loadno3, loadno3) 1479 CALL histwrite_phy(o_dryod550aer, dryod550aer) 1480 DO naero = 1, naero_tot-1 1481 CALL histwrite_phy(o_drytausumaero(naero),drytausum_aero(:,naero)) 1482 END DO 1483 ENDIF 1484 !--STRAT AER 1485 IF (flag_aerosol.GT.0.OR.flag_aerosol_strat.GT.0) THEN 1486 DO naero = 1, naero_tot 1487 CALL histwrite_phy(o_tausumaero(naero),tausum_aero(:,2,naero)) 1488 END DO 1489 ENDIF 1490 IF (flag_aerosol_strat.GT.0) THEN 1491 CALL histwrite_phy(o_tausumaero_lw,tausum_aero(:,6,id_STRAT_phy)) 1400 1492 ENDIF 1401 1493 … … 1487 1579 CALL histwrite_phy(o_sollwad0, sollwad0_aero) 1488 1580 !====MS forcing diagnostics 1489 IF (new_aod) THEN1490 1581 !ym warning : topsw_aero, solsw_aero, topsw0_aero, solsw0_aero are not defined by model 1491 1582 !ym => init to 0 in radlwsw_m.F90 ztopsw_aero, zsolsw_aero, ztopsw0_aero, zsolsw0_aero 1492 1583 1493 IF (vars_defined) zx_tmp_fi2d(:)=topsw_aero(:,1)*swradcorr(:) 1494 CALL histwrite_phy(o_swtoaas_nat,zx_tmp_fi2d) 1495 IF (vars_defined) zx_tmp_fi2d(:)=solsw_aero(:,1)*swradcorr(:) 1496 CALL histwrite_phy(o_swsrfas_nat,zx_tmp_fi2d) 1497 IF (vars_defined) zx_tmp_fi2d(:)=topsw0_aero(:,1)*swradcorr(:) 1498 CALL histwrite_phy(o_swtoacs_nat,zx_tmp_fi2d) 1499 IF (vars_defined) zx_tmp_fi2d(:)=solsw0_aero(:,1)*swradcorr(:) 1500 CALL histwrite_phy(o_swsrfcs_nat,zx_tmp_fi2d) 1501 !ant 1502 IF (vars_defined) zx_tmp_fi2d(:)=topsw_aero(:,2)*swradcorr(:) 1503 CALL histwrite_phy(o_swtoaas_ant,zx_tmp_fi2d) 1504 IF (vars_defined) zx_tmp_fi2d(:)=solsw_aero(:,2)*swradcorr(:) 1505 CALL histwrite_phy(o_swsrfas_ant,zx_tmp_fi2d) 1506 IF (vars_defined) zx_tmp_fi2d(:)=topsw0_aero(:,2)*swradcorr(:) 1507 CALL histwrite_phy(o_swtoacs_ant,zx_tmp_fi2d) 1508 IF (vars_defined) zx_tmp_fi2d(:)=solsw0_aero(:,2)*swradcorr(:) 1509 CALL histwrite_phy(o_swsrfcs_ant,zx_tmp_fi2d) 1510 !cf 1511 IF (.not. aerosol_couple) THEN 1512 IF (vars_defined) zx_tmp_fi2d(:)=topswcf_aero(:,1)*swradcorr(:) 1513 CALL histwrite_phy(o_swtoacf_nat,zx_tmp_fi2d) 1514 IF (vars_defined) zx_tmp_fi2d(:)=solswcf_aero(:,1)*swradcorr(:) 1515 CALL histwrite_phy(o_swsrfcf_nat,zx_tmp_fi2d) 1516 IF (vars_defined) zx_tmp_fi2d(:)=topswcf_aero(:,2)*swradcorr(:) 1517 CALL histwrite_phy(o_swtoacf_ant,zx_tmp_fi2d) 1518 IF (vars_defined) zx_tmp_fi2d(:)=solswcf_aero(:,2)*swradcorr(:) 1519 CALL histwrite_phy(o_swsrfcf_ant,zx_tmp_fi2d) 1520 IF (vars_defined) zx_tmp_fi2d(:)=topswcf_aero(:,3)*swradcorr(:) 1521 CALL histwrite_phy(o_swtoacf_zero,zx_tmp_fi2d) 1522 IF (vars_defined) zx_tmp_fi2d(:)=solswcf_aero(:,3)*swradcorr(:) 1523 CALL histwrite_phy(o_swsrfcf_zero,zx_tmp_fi2d) 1524 ENDIF 1525 ENDIF ! new_aod 1584 IF (vars_defined) zx_tmp_fi2d(:)=topsw_aero(:,1)*swradcorr(:) 1585 CALL histwrite_phy(o_swtoaas_nat,zx_tmp_fi2d) 1586 IF (vars_defined) zx_tmp_fi2d(:)=solsw_aero(:,1)*swradcorr(:) 1587 CALL histwrite_phy(o_swsrfas_nat,zx_tmp_fi2d) 1588 IF (vars_defined) zx_tmp_fi2d(:)=topsw0_aero(:,1)*swradcorr(:) 1589 CALL histwrite_phy(o_swtoacs_nat,zx_tmp_fi2d) 1590 IF (vars_defined) zx_tmp_fi2d(:)=solsw0_aero(:,1)*swradcorr(:) 1591 CALL histwrite_phy(o_swsrfcs_nat,zx_tmp_fi2d) 1592 !ant 1593 IF (vars_defined) zx_tmp_fi2d(:)=topsw_aero(:,2)*swradcorr(:) 1594 CALL histwrite_phy(o_swtoaas_ant,zx_tmp_fi2d) 1595 IF (vars_defined) zx_tmp_fi2d(:)=solsw_aero(:,2)*swradcorr(:) 1596 CALL histwrite_phy(o_swsrfas_ant,zx_tmp_fi2d) 1597 IF (vars_defined) zx_tmp_fi2d(:)=topsw0_aero(:,2)*swradcorr(:) 1598 CALL histwrite_phy(o_swtoacs_ant,zx_tmp_fi2d) 1599 IF (vars_defined) zx_tmp_fi2d(:)=solsw0_aero(:,2)*swradcorr(:) 1600 CALL histwrite_phy(o_swsrfcs_ant,zx_tmp_fi2d) 1601 !cf 1602 IF (.not. aerosol_couple) THEN 1603 IF (vars_defined) zx_tmp_fi2d(:)=topswcf_aero(:,1)*swradcorr(:) 1604 CALL histwrite_phy(o_swtoacf_nat,zx_tmp_fi2d) 1605 IF (vars_defined) zx_tmp_fi2d(:)=solswcf_aero(:,1)*swradcorr(:) 1606 CALL histwrite_phy(o_swsrfcf_nat,zx_tmp_fi2d) 1607 IF (vars_defined) zx_tmp_fi2d(:)=topswcf_aero(:,2)*swradcorr(:) 1608 CALL histwrite_phy(o_swtoacf_ant,zx_tmp_fi2d) 1609 IF (vars_defined) zx_tmp_fi2d(:)=solswcf_aero(:,2)*swradcorr(:) 1610 CALL histwrite_phy(o_swsrfcf_ant,zx_tmp_fi2d) 1611 IF (vars_defined) zx_tmp_fi2d(:)=topswcf_aero(:,3)*swradcorr(:) 1612 CALL histwrite_phy(o_swtoacf_zero,zx_tmp_fi2d) 1613 IF (vars_defined) zx_tmp_fi2d(:)=solswcf_aero(:,3)*swradcorr(:) 1614 CALL histwrite_phy(o_swsrfcf_zero,zx_tmp_fi2d) 1615 ENDIF 1526 1616 !====MS forcing diagnostics 1527 1617 ENDIF … … 1624 1714 CALL histwrite_phy(o_rnebjn, zx_tmp_fi3d) 1625 1715 CALL histwrite_phy(o_rhum, zx_rh) 1716 IF (iflag_ice_thermo .GT. 0) THEN 1717 IF (vars_defined) zx_tmp_fi3d = zx_rhl * 100. 1718 CALL histwrite_phy(o_rhl, zx_tmp_fi3d) 1719 IF (vars_defined) zx_tmp_fi3d = zx_rhi * 100. 1720 CALL histwrite_phy(o_rhi, zx_tmp_fi3d) 1721 ENDIF 1722 1626 1723 1627 1724 IF (vars_defined) zx_tmp_fi3d = wo(:, :, 1) * dobson_u * 1e3 / zmasse / rmo3 * rmd … … 1682 1779 ENDIF 1683 1780 CALL histwrite_phy(o_tke, zx_tmp_fi3d) 1684 1685 CALL histwrite_phy(o_tke_max, zx_tmp_fi3d) 1781 CALL histwrite_phy(o_tke_max, zx_tmp_fi3d) 1782 1686 1783 ENDIF 1687 1784 … … 2101 2198 ! ATTENTION, LES ANCIENS HISTWRITE ONT ETES CONSERVES EN ATTENDANT MIEUX: 2102 2199 ! Champs interpolles sur des niveaux de pression 2103 missing_val=missing_val_nf902104 2200 DO iff=7, nfiles-1 !--OB: here we deal with files 7,8,9 2105 2201 … … 2237 2333 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2238 2334 IF (iflag_phytrac == 1 ) then 2239 IF (type_trac == 'lmdz' .OR. type_trac == ' repr' .OR. type_trac == 'coag') THEN2335 IF (type_trac == 'lmdz' .OR. type_trac == 'coag') THEN 2240 2336 DO iq=nqo+1, nqtot 2241 2337 !--3D fields … … 2262 2358 ENDDO 2263 2359 ENDIF 2264 #ifndef REPROBUS2265 2360 CALL histwrite_phy(o_trac_cum(iq-nqo), zx_tmp_fi2d) 2266 #endif2267 2361 ENDDO !--iq 2268 2362 ENDIF !--type_trac … … 2292 2386 ENDIF !--type_trac co2i 2293 2387 2294 IF (type_trac == 'repr') THEN2295 #ifdef REPROBUS2296 DO iq=1,nbnas2297 CALL histwrite_phy(o_nas(iq), nas(:,:,iq))2298 ENDDO2299 #endif2300 ENDIF2301 2302 2388 ENDIF !(iflag_phytrac==1) 2303 2389
Note: See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.