Jun 4, 2013, 12:11:38 PM (12 years ago)
Laurent Fairhead

New version of Mellor et Yamada pronostic TKE

... based on energy transfer from the mean state.

The new version is yamada_c.
It must be called after vertical diffusion rather than just before
since the source terms u_z w'u' + v_z w'theta' and g/theta w'theta'
are diagnosed from the vertical diffusion (as energy loss from the mean
state) rather than computed as K (u_z2+v_z2) or g/\theta K theta_z
(where _z means vertical derivative).
The call to this version is controled by iflag_pbl.

iflag_pbl = 20 : with TKE computed at interfaces between layers
iflag_pbl = 25 : with TKE computed within the layer
In both cases, the dissipation of turbulence is translated into heat, and
passed to the physics as dtdiss (temperature tendency due to dissipation

of TKE).

The diffusion coefficient being computed after dissipation, it must be
kept for diffusion at the next time step, and thus be stored in the
restartphy file.
This coefficient must be computed and stored for each sub-surface.

A new way of managing subsurface variables is introduced.
For arrays of the form X(:,nbsrf) are extented to X(:,nbsrf+1), where
is_ave=nbsrf+1, is an additional sub-surface which contains the averaged values.

coef_diff_turb_mod.F90 : change of flags.
ener_conserv.F90 : energy conservation must not be applied in those


indicesol.h : definition of is_ave
pbl_surface_mod.F90 : call to yamada_c and changes in the management of


physiq.F : Change in the initialisation of pmflxr/s and

modified calls to pbl_surface_mod (introduction
of dtdiss, initialisation
of pbl_tke and coefh in 1D).

phys_local_var_mod.F90 : declaration of d_t_diss
phys_output_mod.F90 : new outputs (bils_tke and bils_diss) and


phys_state_var_mod.F90 : modified declaration for coefh and coefm

(nbsrf -> nbsrf+1)


1 edited


  • LMDZ5/trunk/libf/phylmd/phys_local_var_mod.F90

    r1742 r1761  
    5555      REAL, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: d_u_oli(:,:), d_v_oli(:,:)
    5656      !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(d_u_oli, d_v_oli)
    57       REAL, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: d_t_vdf(:,:), d_q_vdf(:,:)
    58       !$OMP THREADPRIVATE( d_t_vdf, d_q_vdf)
     57      REAL, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: d_t_vdf(:,:), d_q_vdf(:,:), d_t_diss(:,:)
     58      !$OMP THREADPRIVATE( d_t_vdf, d_q_vdf,d_t_diss)
    5959      REAL, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: d_u_vdf(:,:), d_v_vdf(:,:)
    6060      !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(d_u_vdf, d_v_vdf)
    216216      allocate(d_t_lscth(klon,klev),d_q_lscth(klon,klev))
    217217      allocate(plul_st(klon),plul_th(klon))
    218       allocate(d_t_vdf(klon,klev),d_q_vdf(klon,klev))
     218      allocate(d_t_vdf(klon,klev),d_q_vdf(klon,klev),d_t_diss(klon,klev))
    219219      allocate(d_u_vdf(klon,klev),d_v_vdf(klon,klev))
    220220      allocate(d_t_oli(klon,klev),d_t_oro(klon,klev))
    305305      deallocate(d_t_lscth,d_q_lscth)
    306306      deallocate(plul_st,plul_th)
    307       deallocate(d_t_vdf,d_q_vdf)
     307      deallocate(d_t_vdf,d_q_vdf,d_t_diss)
    308308      deallocate(d_u_vdf,d_v_vdf)
    309309      deallocate(d_t_oli,d_t_oro)
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