Custom Query (13 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#157 Improve outputs (XIOS / diagfi) management assigned emillour enhancement minor
#161 Running the Generic PCM with zero aerosols new defect minor
#164 viscosity computed at firstcall in newsedim new defect minor
#28 Print the revision number in GCM simulation output new task major
#44 Remove obsolete stuff fromLMDZ.GENERIC new enhancement major
#49 Apply Cp(T) to generic physics assigned jvatant enhancement major
#55 Problem of qsurf initialisation if non-empty traceur file but tracer=false new defect major
#56 Restore/add possibility to run 2D (axisymmetric) simulations new enhancement major
#70 enable "restarts" in 1D simulations new enhancement major
#77 Improve comments in solarlong new enhancement major
#134 Make VISxIR bands dynamic (defined at run time and not compile time) new enhancement major
#162 Potential problem in histwrite2d_xios for non-IR/VIS outputs new enhancement major
#163 Revisiting/improving the "ecritphy" parameter to specify output rate in physics new enhancement major
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.