5 years |
flefevre |
1) correction de bug sur la photolyse de S2
2) ajustement de la valeur …
5 years |
flefevre |
Thermosphere: au premier appel de la physique, calcul de la masse …
5 years |
flefevre |
ajout de commentaires sur le pas de temps chimique
5 years |
emillour |
Venus GCM:
Some cleanup to be able to compile with modern gfortran …
5 years |
flefevre |
- correction du supercycling de la chimie
- changements cosmetiques …
5 years |
flefevre |
correction de bugs dans le supercycling de la chimie
5 years |
flefevre |
reglages Diogo Quirino & Gabriella Gilli pour la haute atmosphere
5 years |
flefevre |
initialisation des moments dans la microphysique de Sabrina
5 years |
slebonnois |
SL: ajustement commit precedent pour la microphysique de Sabrina
5 years |
flefevre |
mise en place du supercycling du rayonnement et de la chimie
5 years |
flefevre |
sauvegarde des tendances dues a la chimie et a la sedimentation
5 years |
flefevre |
- nouvelle version de la photochimie venusienne (calquee sur la …
5 years |
flefevre |
Nouvelle version du code chimique vénusien, en phase de test. Non …
5 years |
flefevre |
Venus photochemistry: updated kinetics (Lisboa)
6 years |
slebonnois |
SL, Venus: new keys for flexibility cp0/cp(T) and Held-Suarez type physics
6 years |
slebonnois |
SL, Venus: removing use of zonal averages
6 years |
slebonnois |
SL: VENUS, autres details
6 years |
slebonnois |
SL: VENUS, ajout des modifs apportees par Thomas Navarro pour la …
6 years |
emillour |
Venus GCM:
Missing initializations of 3rd and 4th indexes of …
7 years |
emillour |
Venus physics:
Follow-up of longer tracer names in the dynamics and …
7 years |
slebonnois |
Correction of a bug in radlwsw Venus
8 years |
emillour |
Venus and Generic GCMS:
Corrections for the XIOS calendar; it must …
8 years |
slebonnois |
SL: adjustments after revision 1723, + some debug for cloud …
8 years |
mlefevre |
Mesoscale modification for Venus LMD physics
8 years |
emillour |
Venus GCM:
Stop using "abort_gcm" in the physics (it is a routine from …
8 years |
emillour |
Venus GCM:
Add possibility to start without a startphy.nc file by …
8 years |
slebonnois |
SL: bug correction for 1D with microphysics
8 years |
slebonnois |
SL: corrections after testing of cloud microphysics in 1D
8 years |
slebonnois |
SL: a problem in hgardfou to properly stop a crazy GCM
8 years |
slebonnois |
SL: bugs corrections outputs/clouds_AStol/upper_atmosphere/start2archive
8 years |
emillour |
All GCMs: set things up to enable pluging physics with dynamico
* …
8 years |
emillour |
Venus GCM: fix type mismatch in the declaration of nlay.
8 years |
slebonnois |
SL: update of xml file for xios output + a few modifications for run …
8 years |
slebonnois |
SL: correction of a bug in microphysics
8 years |
slebonnois |
SL: an other round of bug corrections for Venus clouds
8 years |
slebonnois |
SL: oubli commit precedent + modif calcul N2 + XIOS
8 years |
slebonnois |
SL: update of the cloud model after first debug
8 years |
slebonnois |
SL: Cloud model for Venus. Not validated yet.
8 years |
slebonnois |
SL: deep atmosphere commented until further work
8 years |
slebonnois |
SL: implementation of XIOS outputs + removal of deltatemp (chemistry) …
8 years |
slebonnois |
SL, VENUS: optimisation of computer time for photochemistry and …
8 years |
slebonnois |
SL: corrections for Venus newstart
8 years |
emillour |
Venus GCM:
Some debug prints that should not have been commited with …
8 years |
emillour |
Venus GCM:
Bug fix in clmain.
8 years |
emillour |
Further work on full dynamics/physics separation.
- …
8 years |
slebonnois |
SL: correction of a bug introduced in the previous Venus commit
8 years |
slebonnois |
SL: Mise a jour de la haute atmosphere, du transfert radiatif …
9 years |
emillour |
All GCMs:
Further adaptations to keep up with changes in LMDZ5 …
9 years |
emillour |
All GCMs:
Further adaptations to keep up with changes in LMDZ5 …
9 years |
emillour |
Venus and Titan GCMs:
Adaptation wrt previous changes for Titan and …
9 years |
emillour |
All models: Further adaptations to keep up with changes in LMDZ5 …
9 years |
emillour |
All GCMS: Further adaptations to keep up with changes in LMDZ5 …
9 years |
emillour |
Venus and Titan GCMs:
Updates in the physics to keep up with updates …
9 years |
emillour |
All GCMs:
More on enforcing dynamics/physics separation: get rid of …
9 years |
emillour |
More updates to enforce dynamics/physics separation:
get …
9 years |
emillour |
All models: More updates to make planetary codes (+Earth) setups …
9 years |
emillour |
All GCMs: Updates to make planetary codes (+Earth) setups converge.
* …
9 years |
slebonnois |
SL: volcanisme et traceurs sur Venus
9 years |
slebonnois |
SL: petit probleme avec rho pour Venus... A revoir pour bien valider …
9 years |
slebonnois |
SL: bugs en 1D pour Venus et Titan
9 years |
emillour |
Venus GCM:
Some minor modifications to compile/run with gfortran:
- …
10 years |
slebonnois |
SL: bug corrections
10 years |
slebonnois |
SL: bug dans la prise en compte de d_tr_vdf dans la physique (Venus)
10 years |
slebonnois |
SL: bugs in previous commit…
10 years |
slebonnois |
SL: converging photochemistry/high atm, with bug corrections and rho output
10 years |
emillour |
Titan and Venus GCMs:
Follow-up to the changes in dynamics/physics …
10 years |
slebonnois |
SL: update of the Venus GCM, + corrections on routines used for …
10 years |
emillour |
Common dynamics/physics interface: fix and add a couple of links …
10 years |
emillour |
All models: Reorganizing the physics/dynamics interface.
* makelmdz …
10 years |
emillour |
Venus/Titan? physics:
Fix typo in iniphysiq.F90
10 years |
emillour |
Some cleanup and tidying on the dynamics/physics interface. …
10 years |
slebonnois |
SL: update to newstart/start2archive tools in Venus+Titan / additional …
11 years |
slebonnois |
SL: bug correction upper atmosphere
11 years |
slebonnois |
SL: VENUS VERTICAL EXTENSION. NLTE and thermospheric processes, to be …
11 years |
slebonnois |
SL: correction for arch files (lapack)
11 years |
slebonnois |
SL: VENUS PHOTOCHEMISTRY. Needs Lapack (see arch files...)
11 years |
slebonnois |
SL: many bug corrections in phyvenus, some cleaning, and a new ksi …
11 years |
emillour |
Common dynamics:
Some updates to keep up with LMDZ5 Earth model …
11 years |
slebonnois |
SL: update for tracers management in phytrac, Venus
11 years |
slebonnois |
SL: bugs in rcm1d (venus, titan)
11 years |
slebonnois |
SL: Titan and Venus modifications following a modif in dyn3d[par].
11 years |
slebonnois |
SL: small details…
11 years |
slebonnois |
SL: update pour divers details titan + quelques modifs arch et makelmdz
12 years |
emillour |
Dynamics & Venus: Small fixes
-leapfrog_p.F : remove unecessary call …
12 years |
emillour |
Common dynamics: (and collateral adaptations in Venus physics) …
12 years |
slebonnois |
EM+SL: bug corrections in Venus physics
12 years |
slebonnois |
SL: optimisation pour le parallèle suite à tests Venus / petite …
12 years |
slebonnois |
SL: mise a jour de quelques docs + correction bug dans newstart (Venus)
12 years |
slebonnois |
SL: small modifs on Venus outputs
12 years |
slebonnois |
SL: debug pour rcm1d apres parallelisation Venus
12 years |
slebonnois |
SL: small modifications on rcm1d (Venus, Titan)
12 years |
slebonnois |
SL: Important commit ! Adaptation of Venus physics to parallel …
12 years |
slebonnois |
SL: small modifications to the tools, to Venus default .def files and …
12 years |
slebonnois |
SL: add rcm1d tool in Venus and Titan physics to run the code in 1D, …
12 years |
emillour |
Work on common dynamics and interfacing with different physics:
- Put …
12 years |
emillour |
Common dynamics:
- updates to keep up with LMDZ5 Earth (rev 1678) …
12 years |
slebonnois |
SL: amelioration angmom.F90 (Venus, Titan Tools) + correction bug GW …
12 years |
slebonnois |
- newstart-VT.F and start2archive-VT.F added in dyn3d/, their name …
12 years |
slebonnois |
SL: petites modifs Titan et Venus pour tableau controle dans la …
12 years |
slebonnois |
SL: corrections de bugs pour Titan, + suppression de la dependance …