3 years |
slebonnois |
SL+AM : various corrections prior to VCD 2.0
3 years |
flefevre |
Venus: un peu de nettoyage dans l'initialisation de la chimie et de la …
3 years |
slebonnois |
SL: VENUS update (i) bug correction (2 bugs, phytrac and physiq), …
3 years |
slebonnois |
SL: Version used for VCD 1.1 (tuneupperatm => key+photochemistry, …
4 years |
emillour |
Venus GCM:
Update yamada4 to use q2 computed from previous time step …
4 years |
slebonnois |
SL: Venus GCM outputs for VCD + bug correction in moldiff_red
4 years |
emillour |
Venus GCM:
Cleanup radlwsw_newtoncool (make it a module in the …
4 years |
slebonnois |
SL: major update related to extension to 250 km. New EUV heating as …
5 years |
flefevre |
Thermosphere: au premier appel de la physique, calcul de la masse …
5 years |
flefevre |
ajout de commentaires sur le pas de temps chimique
5 years |
emillour |
Venus GCM:
Some cleanup to be able to compile with modern gfortran …
5 years |
flefevre |
- correction du supercycling de la chimie
- changements cosmetiques …
5 years |
flefevre |
correction de bugs dans le supercycling de la chimie
5 years |
slebonnois |
SL: ajustement commit precedent pour la microphysique de Sabrina
5 years |
flefevre |
mise en place du supercycling du rayonnement et de la chimie
6 years |
slebonnois |
SL, Venus: new keys for flexibility cp0/cp(T) and Held-Suarez type physics
6 years |
slebonnois |
SL, Venus: removing use of zonal averages
6 years |
slebonnois |
SL: VENUS, ajout des modifs apportees par Thomas Navarro pour la …
8 years |
slebonnois |
SL: adjustments after revision 1723, + some debug for cloud …
8 years |
mlefevre |
Mesoscale modification for Venus LMD physics
8 years |
emillour |
Venus GCM:
Stop using "abort_gcm" in the physics (it is a routine from …
8 years |
emillour |
Venus GCM:
Add possibility to start without a startphy.nc file by …
8 years |
slebonnois |
SL: corrections after testing of cloud microphysics in 1D
8 years |
slebonnois |
SL: bugs corrections outputs/clouds_AStol/upper_atmosphere/start2archive
8 years |
emillour |
All GCMs: set things up to enable pluging physics with dynamico
* …
8 years |
slebonnois |
SL: oubli commit precedent + modif calcul N2 + XIOS
8 years |
slebonnois |
SL: Cloud model for Venus. Not validated yet.
8 years |
slebonnois |
SL: implementation of XIOS outputs + removal of deltatemp (chemistry) …
8 years |
emillour |
Further work on full dynamics/physics separation.
- …
9 years |
emillour |
All GCMs:
Further adaptations to keep up with changes in LMDZ5 …
9 years |
emillour |
All GCMs:
Further adaptations to keep up with changes in LMDZ5 …
copied from trunk/LMDZ.VENUS/libf/phyvenus/physiq.F:
9 years |
emillour |
Venus and Titan GCMs:
Adaptation wrt previous changes for Titan and …