!WRF:DRIVER_LAYER:TOP ! !TBH: $$$ move this to ../frame? MODULE module_wrf_top ! ! This module defines top-level wrf_init(), wrf_run(), and wrf_finalize() ! routines. ! USE module_machine USE module_domain USE module_integrate USE module_driver_constants USE module_configure USE module_timing USE module_wrf_error #ifdef DM_PARALLEL USE module_dm #endif IMPLICIT NONE REAL :: time INTEGER :: loop , & levels_to_process TYPE (domain) , POINTER :: keep_grid, grid_ptr, null_domain TYPE (grid_config_rec_type), SAVE :: config_flags INTEGER :: number_at_same_level INTEGER :: time_step_begin_restart INTEGER :: max_dom , domain_id , fid , oid , idum1 , idum2 , ierr INTEGER :: debug_level LOGICAL :: input_from_file #ifdef DM_PARALLEL INTEGER :: nbytes INTEGER, PARAMETER :: configbuflen = 4* CONFIG_BUF_LEN INTEGER :: configbuf( configbuflen ) LOGICAL , EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor #endif CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: rstname CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: message INTERFACE SUBROUTINE Setup_Timekeeping( grid ) USE module_domain TYPE(domain), POINTER :: grid END SUBROUTINE Setup_Timekeeping #if (EM_CORE == 1) SUBROUTINE wrf_dfi_write_initialized_state( ) END SUBROUTINE wrf_dfi_write_initialized_state SUBROUTINE wrf_dfi_bck_init( ) END SUBROUTINE wrf_dfi_bck_init SUBROUTINE wrf_dfi_fwd_init( ) END SUBROUTINE wrf_dfi_fwd_init SUBROUTINE wrf_dfi_fst_init( ) END SUBROUTINE wrf_dfi_fst_init SUBROUTINE wrf_dfi_array_reset ( ) END SUBROUTINE wrf_dfi_array_reset #endif END INTERFACE CONTAINS SUBROUTINE wrf_init( no_init1 ) ! ! WRF initialization routine. ! LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: no_init1 INTEGER i, myproc, nproc, hostid, loccomm, ierr, buddcounter, mydevice INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: hostids(:), budds(:) CHARACTER*512 hostname #if defined(DM_PARALLEL) && defined(RUN_ON_GPU) include "mpif.h" #endif #include "version_decl" ! ! Program_name, a global variable defined in frame/module_domain.F, is ! set, then a routine init_modules is ! called. This calls all the init programs that are provided by the ! modules that are linked into WRF. These include initialization of ! external I/O packages. Also, some key initializations for ! distributed-memory parallelism occur here if DM_PARALLEL is specified ! in the compile: setting up I/O quilt processes to act as I/O servers ! and dividing up MPI communicators among those as well as initializing ! external communication packages such as RSL or RSL_LITE. ! ! program_name = "WRF " // TRIM(release_version) // " MODEL" ! Initialize WRF modules: ! Phase 1 returns after MPI_INIT() (if it is called) CALL init_modules(1) IF ( .NOT. PRESENT( no_init1 ) ) THEN ! Initialize utilities (time manager, etc.) CALL WRFU_Initialize( defaultCalendar=WRFU_CAL_GREGORIAN ) ENDIF ! Phase 2 resumes after MPI_INIT() (if it is called) CALL init_modules(2) ! ! The wrf namelist.input file is read and stored in the USE associated ! structure model_config_rec, defined in frame/module_configure.F, by the ! call to initial_config. On distributed ! memory parallel runs this is done only on one processor, and then ! broadcast as a buffer. For distributed-memory, the broadcast of the ! configuration information is accomplished by first putting the ! configuration information into a buffer (get_config_as_buffer), broadcasting ! the buffer, then setting the configuration information (set_config_as_buffer). ! ! #ifdef DM_PARALLEL IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN CALL initial_config ENDIF CALL get_config_as_buffer( configbuf, configbuflen, nbytes ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( configbuf, nbytes ) CALL set_config_as_buffer( configbuf, configbuflen ) CALL wrf_dm_initialize #else CALL initial_config #endif CALL set_derived_rconfigs #ifdef RUN_ON_GPU CALL wrf_get_myproc( myproc ) CALL wrf_get_nproc( nproc ) CALL wrf_get_hostid ( hostid ) # ifdef DM_PARALLEL CALL wrf_get_dm_communicator ( loccomm ) ALLOCATE( hostids(nproc) ) ALLOCATE( budds(nproc) ) CALL mpi_allgather( hostid, 1, MPI_INTEGER, hostids, 1, MPI_INTEGER, loccomm, ierr ) if ( ierr .NE. 0 ) write(0,*)__FILE__,__LINE__,'error in mpi_allgather ',ierr budds = -1 buddcounter = 0 ! mark the ones i am on the same node with DO i = 1, nproc IF ( hostid .EQ. hostids(i) ) THEN budds(i) = buddcounter buddcounter = buddcounter + 1 ENDIF ENDDO mydevice = budds(myproc+1) DEALLOCATE( hostids ) DEALLOCATE( budds ) # else mydevice = 0 # endif CALL wsm5_gpu_init( myproc, nproc, mydevice ) #endif ! ! Among the configuration variables read from the namelist is ! debug_level. This is retrieved using nl_get_debug_level (Registry ! generated and defined in frame/module_configure.F). The value is then ! used to set the debug-print information level for use by wrf_debug throughout the code. Debug_level ! of zero (the default) causes no information to be printed when the ! model runs. The higher the number (up to 1000) the more information is ! printed. ! ! CALL nl_get_debug_level ( 1, debug_level ) CALL set_wrf_debug_level ( debug_level ) ! allocated and configure the mother domain NULLIFY( null_domain ) ! ! RSL is required for WRF nesting options. ! The non-MPI build that allows nesting is only supported on machines ! with the -DSTUBMPI option. Check to see if the WRF model is being asked ! for a for a multi-domain run (max_dom > 1, from the namelist). If so, ! then we check to make sure that we are under the parallel ! run option or we are on an acceptable machine. ! CALL nl_get_max_dom( 1, max_dom ) IF ( max_dom > 1 ) THEN #if ( ! defined(DM_PARALLEL) && ! defined(STUBMPI) ) CALL wrf_error_fatal( & 'nesting requires either an MPI build or use of the -DSTUBMPI option' ) #endif END IF ! ! The top-most domain in the simulation is then allocated and configured ! by calling alloc_and_configure_domain. ! Here, in the case of this root domain, the routine is passed the ! globally accessible pointer to TYPE(domain), head_grid, defined in ! frame/module_domain.F. The parent is null and the child index is given ! as negative, signifying none. Afterwards, because the call to ! alloc_and_configure_domain may modify the model's configuration data ! stored in model_config_rec, the configuration information is again ! repacked into a buffer, broadcast, and unpacked on each task (for ! DM_PARALLEL compiles). The call to setup_timekeeping for head_grid relies ! on this configuration information, and it must occur after the second ! broadcast of the configuration information. ! ! CALL wrf_message ( program_name ) CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'wrf: calling alloc_and_configure_domain ' ) CALL alloc_and_configure_domain ( domain_id = 1 , & grid = head_grid , & parent = null_domain , & kid = -1 ) CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'wrf: calling model_to_grid_config_rec ' ) CALL model_to_grid_config_rec ( head_grid%id , model_config_rec , config_flags ) CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'wrf: calling set_scalar_indices_from_config ' ) CALL set_scalar_indices_from_config ( head_grid%id , idum1, idum2 ) CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'wrf: calling init_wrfio' ) CALL init_wrfio #ifdef DM_PARALLEL CALL get_config_as_buffer( configbuf, configbuflen, nbytes ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( configbuf, nbytes ) CALL set_config_as_buffer( configbuf, configbuflen ) #endif #if (EM_CORE == 1) ! In case we are doing digital filter initialization, set dfi_stage = DFI_SETUP ! to indicate in Setup_Timekeeping that we want forecast start and ! end times at this point IF ( head_grid%dfi_opt .NE. DFI_NODFI ) head_grid%dfi_stage = DFI_SETUP #endif CALL Setup_Timekeeping (head_grid) ! ! The head grid is initialized with read-in data through the call to med_initialdata_input, which is ! passed the pointer head_grid and a locally declared configuration data ! structure, config_flags, that is set by a call to model_to_grid_config_rec. It is ! also necessary that the indices into the 4d tracer arrays such as ! moisture be set with a call to set_scalar_indices_from_config ! prior to the call to initialize the domain. Both of these calls are ! told which domain they are setting up for by passing in the integer id ! of the head domain as head_grid%id, which is 1 for the ! top-most domain. ! ! In the case that write_restart_at_0h is set to true in the namelist, ! the model simply generates a restart file using the just read-in data ! and then shuts down. This is used for ensemble breeding, and is not ! typically enabled. ! ! CALL med_initialdata_input( head_grid , config_flags ) IF ( config_flags%write_restart_at_0h ) THEN CALL med_restart_out ( head_grid, config_flags ) #ifndef AUTODOC_BUILD ! prevent this from showing up before the call to integrate in the autogenerated call tree CALL wrf_debug ( 0 , ' 0 h restart only wrf: SUCCESS COMPLETE WRF' ) ! TBH: $$$ Unscramble this later... ! TBH: $$$ Need to add state to avoid calling wrf_finalize() twice when ESMF ! TBH: $$$ library is used. Maybe just set clock stop_time=start_time and ! TBH: $$$ do not call wrf_finalize here... CALL wrf_finalize( ) #endif END IF ! set default values for subtimes head_grid%start_subtime = domain_get_start_time ( head_grid ) head_grid%stop_subtime = domain_get_stop_time ( head_grid ) END SUBROUTINE wrf_init SUBROUTINE wrf_run( ) ! ! WRF run routine. ! ! ! Once the top-level domain has been allocated, configured, and ! initialized, the model time integration is ready to proceed. The start ! and stop times for the domain are set to the start and stop time of the ! model run, and then integrate is called to ! advance the domain forward through that specified time interval. On ! return, the simulation is completed. ! ! ! The forecast integration for the most coarse grid is now started. The ! integration is from the first step (1) to the last step of the simulation. CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'wrf: calling integrate' ) CALL integrate ( head_grid ) CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'wrf: back from integrate' ) END SUBROUTINE wrf_run SUBROUTINE wrf_finalize( no_shutdown ) ! ! WRF finalize routine. ! ! ! A Mediation Layer-provided ! subroutine, med_shutdown_io is called ! to allow the the model to do any I/O specific cleanup and shutdown, and ! then the WRF Driver Layer routine wrf_shutdown (quilt servers would be ! directed to shut down here) is called to properly end the run, ! including shutting down the communications (for example, most comm ! layers would call MPI_FINALIZE at this point if they're using MPI). ! ! LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: no_shutdown ! shut down I/O CALL med_shutdown_io ( head_grid , config_flags ) CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'wrf: back from med_shutdown_io' ) CALL wrf_debug ( 0 , 'wrf: SUCCESS COMPLETE WRF' ) ! Call wrf_shutdown() (which calls MPI_FINALIZE() ! for DM parallel runs). IF ( .NOT. PRESENT( no_shutdown ) ) THEN ! Finalize time manager CALL WRFU_Finalize CALL wrf_shutdown ENDIF END SUBROUTINE wrf_finalize SUBROUTINE wrf_dfi() ! ! Runs a digital filter initialization procedure. ! IMPLICIT NONE #if (EM_CORE == 1) ! Initialization procedure IF ( config_flags%dfi_opt .NE. DFI_NODFI ) THEN SELECT CASE ( config_flags%dfi_opt ) CASE (DFI_DFL) wrf_err_message = 'Initializing with DFL' CALL wrf_message(TRIM(wrf_err_message)) wrf_err_message = ' Filtering forward in time' CALL wrf_message(TRIM(wrf_err_message)) CALL wrf_dfi_fwd_init() CALL wrf_run() CALL wrf_dfi_array_reset() CALL wrf_dfi_fst_init() IF ( config_flags%dfi_write_filtered_input ) THEN CALL wrf_dfi_write_initialized_state() END IF CASE (DFI_DDFI) wrf_err_message = 'Initializing with DDFI' CALL wrf_message(TRIM(wrf_err_message)) wrf_err_message = ' Integrating backward in time' CALL wrf_message(TRIM(wrf_err_message)) CALL wrf_dfi_bck_init() CALL wrf_run() wrf_err_message = ' Filtering forward in time' CALL wrf_message(TRIM(wrf_err_message)) CALL wrf_dfi_fwd_init() CALL wrf_run() CALL wrf_dfi_array_reset() CALL wrf_dfi_fst_init() IF ( config_flags%dfi_write_filtered_input ) THEN CALL wrf_dfi_write_initialized_state() END IF CASE (DFI_TDFI) wrf_err_message = 'Initializing with TDFI' CALL wrf_message(TRIM(wrf_err_message)) wrf_err_message = ' Integrating backward in time' CALL wrf_message(TRIM(wrf_err_message)) CALL wrf_dfi_bck_init() CALL wrf_run() CALL wrf_dfi_array_reset() wrf_err_message = ' Filtering forward in time' CALL wrf_message(TRIM(wrf_err_message)) CALL wrf_dfi_fwd_init() CALL wrf_run() CALL wrf_dfi_array_reset() CALL wrf_dfi_fst_init() IF ( config_flags%dfi_write_filtered_input ) THEN CALL wrf_dfi_write_initialized_state() END IF CASE DEFAULT wrf_err_message = 'Unrecognized DFI_OPT in namelist' CALL wrf_error_fatal(TRIM(wrf_err_message)) END SELECT END IF #endif END SUBROUTINE wrf_dfi SUBROUTINE set_derived_rconfigs ! ! Some derived rconfig entries need to be set based on the value of other, ! non-derived entries before package-dependent memory allocation takes place. ! This might be employed when, for example, we want to allocate arrays in ! a package that depends on the setting of two or more namelist variables. ! In this subroutine, we do just that. ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: i #if (EM_CORE == 1) IF ( model_config_rec % dfi_opt .EQ. DFI_NODFI ) THEN DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom model_config_rec % mp_physics_dfi(i) = -1 ENDDO ELSE DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom model_config_rec % mp_physics_dfi(i) = model_config_rec % mp_physics(i) ENDDO END IF #endif #if (DA_CORE == 1) IF ( model_config_rec % dyn_opt .EQ. 2 ) THEN DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom model_config_rec % mp_physics_4dvar(i) = -1 ENDDO ELSE DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom model_config_rec % mp_physics_4dvar(i) = model_config_rec % mp_physics(i) ENDDO END IF #endif END SUBROUTINE set_derived_rconfigs END MODULE module_wrf_top