! ! Todd Hutchinson ! WSI ! August 17, 2005 ! ! Routines in this file are shared by io_grib1 and io_grib2 ! !***************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE get_dims(MemoryOrder, Start, End, ndim, x_start, x_end, y_start, & y_end, z_start, z_end) IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER (LEN=*) ,INTENT(IN) :: MemoryOrder INTEGER ,INTENT(OUT) :: ndim,x_start,x_end,y_start INTEGER ,INTENT(OUT) :: y_end,z_start,z_end integer ,dimension(*),intent(in) :: Start, End CHARACTER (LEN=1) :: char INTEGER :: idx CHARACTER (LEN=3) :: MemoryOrderLcl x_start = 1 x_end = 1 y_start = 1 y_end = 1 z_start = 1 z_end = 1 ! ! Note: Need to add "char == 'S'" for boundary conditions ! ndim = 0 ! Fix for out-of-bounds references MemoryOrderLcl = ' ' do idx=1,len_trim(MemoryOrder) MemoryOrderLcl(idx:idx) = MemoryOrder(idx:idx) enddo ! ! First, do the special boundary cases. These do not seem to ! if ((MemoryOrderLcl(1:3) .eq. 'XSZ') & .or. (MemoryOrderLcl(1:3) .eq. 'XEZ')) then x_start = Start(3) x_end = End(3) y_start = Start(1) y_end = End(1) z_start = Start(2) z_end = End(2) ndim = 3 else if ((MemoryOrderLcl(1:3) .eq. 'YSZ') .or. & (MemoryOrderLcl(1:3) .eq. 'YEZ')) then x_start = Start(1) x_end = End(1) y_start = Start(3) y_end = End(3) z_start = Start(2) z_end = End(2) ndim = 3 else if ((MemoryOrderLcl(1:2) .eq. 'YS') .or. & (MemoryOrderLcl(1:2) .eq. 'YE')) then x_start = Start(1) x_end = End(1) y_start = Start(2) y_end = End(2) ndim = 2 else if ((MemoryOrderLcl(1:2) .eq. 'XS') .or. & (MemoryOrderLcl(1:2) .eq. 'XE')) then x_start = Start(2) x_end = End(2) y_start = Start(1) y_end = End(1) ndim = 2 else if ((MemoryOrderLcl(1:1) .eq. 'C') .or. (MemoryOrderLcl(1:1) .eq. 'c')) then ! This is for "non-decomposed" fields x_start = Start(1) x_end = End(1) ! y_start = Start(2) ! y_end = End(2) ! z_start = Start(3) ! z_end = End(3) ndim = 3 else do idx=1,len_trim(MemoryOrderLcl) char = MemoryOrderLcl(idx:idx) if ((char == 'X') .or. (char == 'x')) then x_start = Start(idx) x_end = End(idx) ndim = ndim + 1 else if ((char == 'Y') .or. (char == 'y')) then y_start = Start(idx) y_end = End(idx) ndim = ndim + 1 else if ((char == 'Z') .or. (char == 'z')) then z_start = Start(idx) z_end = End(idx) ndim = ndim + 1 else if (char == '0') then ! Do nothing, this indicates field is a scalar. ndim = 0 else call wrf_message('Invalid Dimension in get_dims: '//char) endif enddo endif END SUBROUTINE get_dims !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUBROUTINE geth_idts (ndate, odate, idts) IMPLICIT NONE ! From 2 input mdates ('YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.ffff'), ! compute the time difference. ! on entry - ndate - the new hdate. ! odate - the old hdate. ! on exit - idts - the change in time in seconds. CHARACTER (LEN=*) , INTENT(INOUT) :: ndate, odate REAL , INTENT(OUT) :: idts ! Local Variables ! yrnew - indicates the year associated with "ndate" ! yrold - indicates the year associated with "odate" ! monew - indicates the month associated with "ndate" ! moold - indicates the month associated with "odate" ! dynew - indicates the day associated with "ndate" ! dyold - indicates the day associated with "odate" ! hrnew - indicates the hour associated with "ndate" ! hrold - indicates the hour associated with "odate" ! minew - indicates the minute associated with "ndate" ! miold - indicates the minute associated with "odate" ! scnew - indicates the second associated with "ndate" ! scold - indicates the second associated with "odate" ! i - loop counter ! mday - a list assigning the number of days in each month CHARACTER (LEN=24) :: tdate INTEGER :: olen, nlen INTEGER :: yrnew, monew, dynew, hrnew, minew, scnew INTEGER :: yrold, moold, dyold, hrold, miold, scold INTEGER :: mday(12), i, newdys, olddys LOGICAL :: npass, opass INTEGER :: isign CHARACTER (LEN=300) :: wrf_err_message INTEGER :: ndfeb IF (odate.GT.ndate) THEN isign = -1 tdate=ndate ndate=odate odate=tdate ELSE isign = 1 END IF ! Assign the number of days in a months mday( 1) = 31 mday( 2) = 28 mday( 3) = 31 mday( 4) = 30 mday( 5) = 31 mday( 6) = 30 mday( 7) = 31 mday( 8) = 31 mday( 9) = 30 mday(10) = 31 mday(11) = 30 mday(12) = 31 ! Break down old hdate into parts hrold = 0 miold = 0 scold = 0 olen = LEN(odate) READ(odate(1:4), '(I4)') yrold READ(odate(6:7), '(I2)') moold READ(odate(9:10), '(I2)') dyold IF (olen.GE.13) THEN READ(odate(12:13),'(I2)') hrold IF (olen.GE.16) THEN READ(odate(15:16),'(I2)') miold IF (olen.GE.19) THEN READ(odate(18:19),'(I2)') scold END IF END IF END IF ! Break down new hdate into parts hrnew = 0 minew = 0 scnew = 0 nlen = LEN(ndate) READ(ndate(1:4), '(I4)') yrnew READ(ndate(6:7), '(I2)') monew READ(ndate(9:10), '(I2)') dynew IF (nlen.GE.13) THEN READ(ndate(12:13),'(I2)') hrnew IF (nlen.GE.16) THEN READ(ndate(15:16),'(I2)') minew IF (nlen.GE.19) THEN READ(ndate(18:19),'(I2)') scnew END IF END IF END IF ! Check that the dates make sense. npass = .true. opass = .true. ! Check that the month of NDATE makes sense. IF ((monew.GT.12).or.(monew.LT.1)) THEN PRINT*, 'GETH_IDTS: Month of NDATE = ', monew npass = .false. END IF ! Check that the month of ODATE makes sense. IF ((moold.GT.12).or.(moold.LT.1)) THEN PRINT*, 'GETH_IDTS: Month of ODATE = ', moold opass = .false. END IF ! Check that the day of NDATE makes sense. IF (monew.ne.2) THEN ! ...... For all months but February IF ((dynew.GT.mday(monew)).or.(dynew.LT.1)) THEN PRINT*, 'GETH_IDTS: Day of NDATE = ', dynew npass = .false. END IF ELSE IF (monew.eq.2) THEN ! ...... For February IF ((dynew.GT.ndfeb(yrnew)).OR.(dynew.LT.1)) THEN PRINT*, 'GETH_IDTS: Day of NDATE = ', dynew npass = .false. END IF END IF ! Check that the day of ODATE makes sense. IF (moold.ne.2) THEN ! ...... For all months but February IF ((dyold.GT.mday(moold)).or.(dyold.LT.1)) THEN PRINT*, 'GETH_IDTS: Day of ODATE = ', dyold opass = .false. END IF ELSE IF (moold.eq.2) THEN ! ....... For February IF ((dyold.GT.ndfeb(yrold)).or.(dyold.LT.1)) THEN PRINT*, 'GETH_IDTS: Day of ODATE = ', dyold opass = .false. END IF END IF ! Check that the hour of NDATE makes sense. IF ((hrnew.GT.23).or.(hrnew.LT.0)) THEN PRINT*, 'GETH_IDTS: Hour of NDATE = ', hrnew npass = .false. END IF ! Check that the hour of ODATE makes sense. IF ((hrold.GT.23).or.(hrold.LT.0)) THEN PRINT*, 'GETH_IDTS: Hour of ODATE = ', hrold opass = .false. END IF ! Check that the minute of NDATE makes sense. IF ((minew.GT.59).or.(minew.LT.0)) THEN PRINT*, 'GETH_IDTS: Minute of NDATE = ', minew npass = .false. END IF ! Check that the minute of ODATE makes sense. IF ((miold.GT.59).or.(miold.LT.0)) THEN PRINT*, 'GETH_IDTS: Minute of ODATE = ', miold opass = .false. END IF ! Check that the second of NDATE makes sense. IF ((scnew.GT.59).or.(scnew.LT.0)) THEN PRINT*, 'GETH_IDTS: SECOND of NDATE = ', scnew npass = .false. END IF ! Check that the second of ODATE makes sense. IF ((scold.GT.59).or.(scold.LT.0)) THEN PRINT*, 'GETH_IDTS: Second of ODATE = ', scold opass = .false. END IF IF (.not. npass) THEN WRITE( wrf_err_message , * ) & 'module_date_time: geth_idts: Bad NDATE: ', ndate(1:nlen) CALL wrf_error_fatal ( TRIM ( wrf_err_message ) ) END IF IF (.not. opass) THEN WRITE( wrf_err_message , * ) & 'module_date_time: geth_idts: Bad ODATE: ', odate(1:olen) CALL wrf_error_fatal ( TRIM ( wrf_err_message ) ) END IF ! Date Checks are completed. Continue. ! Compute number of days from 1 January ODATE, 00:00:00 until ndate ! Compute number of hours from 1 January ODATE, 00:00:00 until ndate ! Compute number of minutes from 1 January ODATE, 00:00:00 until ndate newdys = 0 DO i = yrold, yrnew - 1 newdys = newdys + (365 + (ndfeb(i)-28)) END DO IF (monew .GT. 1) THEN mday(2) = ndfeb(yrnew) DO i = 1, monew - 1 newdys = newdys + mday(i) END DO mday(2) = 28 END IF newdys = newdys + dynew-1 ! Compute number of hours from 1 January ODATE, 00:00:00 until odate ! Compute number of minutes from 1 January ODATE, 00:00:00 until odate olddys = 0 IF (moold .GT. 1) THEN mday(2) = ndfeb(yrold) DO i = 1, moold - 1 olddys = olddys + mday(i) END DO mday(2) = 28 END IF olddys = olddys + dyold-1 ! Determine the time difference in seconds idts = (newdys - olddys) * 86400 idts = idts + (hrnew - hrold) * 3600 idts = idts + (minew - miold) * 60 idts = idts + (scnew - scold) IF (isign .eq. -1) THEN tdate=ndate ndate=odate odate=tdate idts = idts * isign END IF END SUBROUTINE geth_idts !***************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE get_vert_stag(VarName,Stagger,vert_stag) character (LEN=*) :: VarName character (LEN=*) :: Stagger logical :: vert_stag if ((index(Stagger,'Z') > 0) .or. (VarName .eq. 'DNW') & .or.(VarName .eq. 'RDNW')) then vert_stag = .true. else vert_stag = .false. endif end SUBROUTINE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUNCTION ndfeb ( year ) RESULT (num_days) ! Compute the number of days in February for the given year IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: year INTEGER :: num_days num_days = 28 ! By default, February has 28 days ... IF (MOD(year,4).eq.0) THEN num_days = 29 ! But every four years, it has 29 days ... IF (MOD(year,100).eq.0) THEN num_days = 28 ! Except every 100 years, when it has 28 days ... IF (MOD(year,400).eq.0) THEN num_days = 29 ! Except every 400 years, when it has 29 days. END IF END IF END IF END FUNCTION ndfeb !***************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE get_dimvals(MemoryOrder,x,y,z,dims) IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER (LEN=*) ,INTENT(IN) :: MemoryOrder INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: x,y,z INTEGER, DIMENSION(*),INTENT(OUT) :: dims INTEGER :: idx CHARACTER (LEN=1) :: char CHARACTER (LEN=3) :: MemoryOrderLcl dims(1) = 1 dims(2) = 1 dims(3) = 1 ! Fix for out-of-bounds references MemoryOrderLcl = ' ' do idx=1,len_trim(MemoryOrder) MemoryOrderLcl(idx:idx) = MemoryOrder(idx:idx) enddo ! ! Note: Need to add "char == 'S'" for boundary conditions ! if ((MemoryOrderLcl(1:3) .eq. 'XSZ') & .or. (MemoryOrderLcl(1:3) .eq. 'XEZ')) then dims(1) = y dims(2) = z dims(3) = x else if ((MemoryOrderLcl(1:3) .eq. 'YSZ') .or. & (MemoryOrderLcl(1:3) .eq. 'YEZ')) then dims(1) = x dims(2) = z dims(3) = y else if ((MemoryOrderLcl(1:2) .eq. 'YS') .or. & (MemoryOrderLcl(1:2) .eq. 'YE')) then dims(1) = x dims(2) = y dims(3) = z else if ((MemoryOrderLcl(1:2) .eq. 'XS') .or. & (MemoryOrderLcl(1:2) .eq. 'XE')) then dims(1) = y dims(2) = x dims(3) = z else if ((MemoryOrderLcl(1:1) .eq. 'C') .or. & (MemoryOrderLcl(1:1) .eq. 'c')) then ! Non-decomposed field dims(1) = x dims(2) = y dims(3) = z else do idx=1,len_trim(MemoryOrderLcl) char = MemoryOrderLcl(idx:idx) if ((char == 'X') .or. (char == 'x')) then dims(idx) = x else if ((char == 'Y') .or. (char == 'y')) then dims(idx) = y else if ((char == 'Z') .or. (char == 'z')) then dims(idx) = z else if (char == '0') then ! This is a scalar, do nothing. else call wrf_message ('Invalid Dimension in get_dimvals: '//char) endif enddo endif END SUBROUTINE get_dimvals !***************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE get_soil_layers(VarName,soil_layers) character (LEN=*) :: VarName logical :: soil_layers if ((VarName .eq. 'ZS') .or. (VarName .eq. 'DZS') & .or.(VarName .eq. 'TSLB') .or. (VarName .eq. 'SMOIS') & .or. (VarName .eq. 'SH2O') .or. (VarName .eq. 'KEEPFR3DFLAG') & .or. (VarName .eq. 'SMFR3D')) then soil_layers = .true. else soil_layers = .false. endif end SUBROUTINE !***************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE Transpose(MemoryOrder, di, FieldType, Field, & Start1, End1, Start2, End2, Start3, End3, data, zidx, numrows, numcols) IMPLICIT NONE #include "wrf_io_flags.h" CHARACTER (LEN=*),INTENT(IN) :: MemoryOrder INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: Start1,End1,Start2,End2,Start3,End3 INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: di integer ,intent(inout) :: & Field(di,Start1:End1,Start2:End2,Start3:End3) INTEGER ,intent(in) :: FieldType real ,intent(in) :: data(*) INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: zidx, numcols, numrows INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: dims INTEGER :: col, row LOGICAL :: logicaltype CHARACTER (LEN=1000) :: msg if ((FieldType == WRF_REAL) .or. (FieldType == WRF_DOUBLE)) then do col=1,numcols do row=1,numrows call get_dimvals(MemoryOrder,col,row,zidx,dims) Field(1:di,dims(1),dims(2),dims(3)) = & TRANSFER(data((row-1)*numcols+col),Field,1) enddo enddo else if (FieldType == WRF_INTEGER) then do col=1,numcols do row=1,numrows call get_dimvals(MemoryOrder,col,row,zidx,dims) Field(1:di,dims(1),dims(2),dims(3)) = data((row-1)*numcols+col) enddo enddo else write (msg,*)'Reading of type ',FieldType,'from grib data not supported' call wrf_message(msg) endif ! ! This following seciton is for the logical type. This caused some problems ! on certain platforms. ! ! else if (FieldType == WRF_LOGICAL) then ! do col=1,numcols ! do row=1,numrows ! call get_dimvals(MemoryOrder,col,row,zidx,dims) ! Field(1:di,dims(1),dims(2),dims(3)) = & ! TRANSFER(data((row-1)*numcols+col),logicaltype,1) ! enddo ! enddo end SUBROUTINE !***************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE Transpose1D(MemoryOrder, di, FieldType, Field, & Start1, End1, Start2, End2, Start3, End3, data, nelems) IMPLICIT NONE #include "wrf_io_flags.h" CHARACTER (LEN=*),INTENT(IN) :: MemoryOrder INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: Start1,End1,Start2,End2,Start3,End3 INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: di integer ,intent(inout) :: & Field(di,Start1:End1,Start2:End2,Start3:End3) INTEGER ,intent(in) :: FieldType real ,intent(in) :: data(*) LOGICAL :: logicaltype CHARACTER (LEN=1000) :: msg integer :: elemnum,nelems if ((FieldType == WRF_REAL) .or. (FieldType == WRF_DOUBLE)) then do elemnum=1,nelems Field(1:di,elemnum,1,1) = TRANSFER(data(elemnum),Field,1) enddo else if (FieldType == WRF_INTEGER) then do elemnum=1,nelems Field(1:di,elemnum,1,1) = TRANSFER(data(elemnum),Field,1) enddo else write (msg,*)'Reading of type ',FieldType,'from grib1 data not supported' call wrf_message(msg) endif ! ! This following seciton is for the logical type. This caused some problems ! on certain platforms. ! ! else if (FieldType == WRF_LOGICAL) then ! do col=1,numcols ! do row=1,numrows ! call get_dimvals(MemoryOrder,col,row,zidx,dims) ! Field(1:di,dims(1),dims(2),dims(3)) = & ! TRANSFER(data((row-1)*numcols+col),logicaltype,1) ! enddo ! enddo end SUBROUTINE Transpose1D !***************************************************************************** ! ! Takes a starting date (startTime) in WRF format (yyyy-mm-dd_hh:mm:ss), ! adds an input number of seconds to the time, and outputs a new date ! (endTime) in WRF format. ! !***************************************************************************** subroutine advance_wrf_time(startTime, addsecs, endTime) implicit none integer , intent(in) :: addsecs character (len=*), intent(in) :: startTime character (len=*), intent(out) :: endTime integer :: syear,smonth,sday,shour,smin,ssec integer :: days_in_month(12) read(startTime,'(I4.4,1X,I2.2,1X,I2.2,1X,I2.2,1X,I2.2,1X,I2.2)') & syear,smonth,sday,shour,smin,ssec ssec = ssec + addsecs do while (ssec .ge. 60) smin = smin + 1 ssec = ssec - 60 enddo do while (smin .ge. 60) shour = shour + 1 smin = smin - 60 enddo do while (shour .ge. 24) sday = sday + 1 shour = shour - 24 enddo days_in_month(1) = 31 if (((mod(syear,4) .eq. 0) .and. (mod(syear,100) .ne. 0)) & .or. (mod(syear,400) .eq. 0)) then days_in_month(2) = 29 else days_in_month(2) = 28 endif days_in_month(3) = 31 days_in_month(4) = 30 days_in_month(5) = 31 days_in_month(6) = 30 days_in_month(7) = 31 days_in_month(8) = 31 days_in_month(9) = 30 days_in_month(10) = 31 days_in_month(11) = 30 days_in_month(12) = 31 do while (sday .gt. days_in_month(smonth)) sday = sday - days_in_month(smonth) smonth = smonth + 1 if (smonth .gt. 12) then smonth = 1 syear = syear + 1 endif enddo write(endTime,'(I4.4,A,I2.2,A,I2.2,A,I2.2,A,I2.2,A,I2.2)') & syear,'-',smonth,'-',sday,'_',shour,':',smin,':',ssec return end subroutine