! Copyright (c) (2013-2015,2017,2022) Jeremie Burgalat (jeremie.burgalat@univ-reims.fr). ! ! This file is part of SWIFT ! ! Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of ! this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in ! the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to ! use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of ! the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, ! subject to the following conditions: ! ! The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all ! copies or substantial portions of the Software. ! ! THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR ! IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS ! FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR ! COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER ! IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN ! CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. !! file: cfgparse.F90 !! summary: Configuration file parser source file. !! author: J. Burgalat !! date: 2013-2015,2017,2022 #include "defined.h" MODULE CFGPARSE !! Configuration file parsing module !! !! This module defines a set of derived types as well as methods to parse configuration files. !! !! If you only wish to have an overview of cfgparse usage, you'd better go !! [here](|url|/page/swift/p02_cfgparse.html). !! @todo !! Add interpolation from environment and/or parser options. USE, INTRINSIC :: ISO_FORTRAN_ENV USE ERRORS USE STRING_OP USE FSYSTEM IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC :: cfg_clear, cfg_read_config, cfg_write_config, & cfg_get_value, cfg_set_value, cfg_count, cfg_check_name, & cfg_has_option, cfg_has_section, & cfg_option_names,cfg_section_names, & cfg_remove_option, cfg_remove_section, & cfg_sort_options PUBLIC :: noerror,error, error_to_string, aborting ! some public definitions from other modules ! from strings PUBLIC :: to_lower,st_slen, st_llen PUBLIC :: OPERATOR(==), OPERATOR(/=), ASSIGNMENT(=) TYPE, PUBLIC :: option !! Define an option CHARACTER(len=st_slen), PRIVATE :: name = "" !! Name of the option CHARACTER(len=st_slen), PRIVATE :: section = "" !! Associated section name. TYPE(words), PRIVATE :: values !! Values of the option END TYPE option TYPE, PUBLIC :: cfgparser !! Define a parser of options !! !! A [[cfgparser(type)]] stores [[option(type)]] objects. TYPE(option), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: options !! list of options. #if HAVE_FTNPROC CONTAINS PROCEDURE, PRIVATE :: cp_get_rv_sc PROCEDURE, PRIVATE :: cp_get_dv_sc PROCEDURE, PRIVATE :: cp_get_iv_sc PROCEDURE, PRIVATE :: cp_get_lv_sc PROCEDURE, PRIVATE :: cp_get_cv_sc PROCEDURE, PRIVATE :: cp_get_sv_sc PROCEDURE, PRIVATE :: cp_get_rv_ve PROCEDURE, PRIVATE :: cp_get_dv_ve PROCEDURE, PRIVATE :: cp_get_iv_ve PROCEDURE, PRIVATE :: cp_get_lv_ve PROCEDURE, PRIVATE :: cp_get_cv_ve PROCEDURE, PRIVATE :: cp_get_sv_ve PROCEDURE, PRIVATE :: cp_set_rv_sc PROCEDURE, PRIVATE :: cp_set_dv_sc PROCEDURE, PRIVATE :: cp_set_iv_sc PROCEDURE, PRIVATE :: cp_set_lv_sc PROCEDURE, PRIVATE :: cp_set_cv_sc PROCEDURE, PRIVATE :: cp_set_sv_sc PROCEDURE, PRIVATE :: cp_set_rv_ve PROCEDURE, PRIVATE :: cp_set_dv_ve PROCEDURE, PRIVATE :: cp_set_iv_ve PROCEDURE, PRIVATE :: cp_set_lv_ve PROCEDURE, PRIVATE :: cp_set_cv_ve PROCEDURE, PRIVATE :: cp_set_sv_ve !> Read configuration file PROCEDURE, PUBLIC :: read_config => cfg_read_config !> Write configuration file PROCEDURE, PUBLIC :: write_config => cfg_write_config !> Get the number of sections in the parser PROCEDURE, PUBLIC :: count => cfg_count !> Clean the parser (delete all options, free memory) PROCEDURE, PUBLIC :: clear => cfg_clear !> Get the names of the user-defined sections in the parser PROCEDURE, PUBLIC :: section_names => cfg_section_names !> Get the list of options names PROCEDURE, PUBLIC :: option_names => cfg_option_names !> Check if parser has option by name PROCEDURE, PUBLIC :: has_option => cfg_has_option !> Check if parser has section by name PROCEDURE, PUBLIC :: has_section => cfg_has_section !> Remove an option from the parser. PROCEDURE, PUBLIC :: remove_option => cfg_remove_option !> Remove a section (and all the associated options) from the parser. PROCEDURE, PUBLIC :: remove_section => cfg_remove_section !> Get value(s) of an option in the parser by name !! !! ``` !! FUNCTION cfg_get_value(this,name,output) RESULT(error) !! ``` !! !! The method attempts to get the value(s) of an option that matches _name_ in _this_ parser. !! !! On error, __output__ argument is undefined (that is, left unchanged !! for scalar versions, **unallocated** for vector version). !! !! Errors occur in the following situations: !! - The option has no value (-6) !! - The option does not exist (-7) !! - The option's value cannot be cast in the desired type (-10) GENERIC, PUBLIC :: get_value => cp_get_rv_sc,cp_get_dv_sc,cp_get_iv_sc, & cp_get_lv_sc,cp_get_cv_sc,cp_get_sv_sc, & cp_get_rv_ve,cp_get_dv_ve,cp_get_iv_ve, & cp_get_lv_ve,cp_get_cv_ve,cp_get_sv_ve !> Set value(s) of an option in the parser by name !! !! ``` !! FUNCTION cfg_set_value(this,name,input,create) RESULT(error) !! ``` !! !! The method searches for the option matching the given _name_ in _this_ parser and sets new !! values. !! !! If _create_ is set to .true. (default to .false.) the method creates the option if does not !! exist in _this_ parser. !! @warning !! In such case, if the given is not valid, an assertion is raised ! !! !! On error (i.e. no option matches the given _name_), no values are set. GENERIC, PUBLIC :: set_value => cp_set_rv_sc,cp_set_dv_sc,cp_set_iv_sc, & cp_set_lv_sc,cp_set_cv_sc,cp_set_sv_sc, & cp_set_rv_ve,cp_set_dv_ve,cp_set_iv_ve, & cp_set_lv_ve,cp_set_cv_ve,cp_set_sv_ve #endif END TYPE cfgparser !> Get value(s) of an option in the parser by name. !! !! ``` !! FUNCTION cfg_get_value(parser,name,output) RESULT(error) !! ``` !! !! The method attempts to get the value(s) of an option that matches _name_ in _this_ parser. !! !! On error, __output__ argument is undefined (that is, left unchanged !! for scalar versions, **unallocated** for vector version). !! !! Errors occur in the following situations: !! - The option has no value (-6) !! - The option does not exist (-7) !! - The option's value cannot be cast in the desired type (-10) INTERFACE cfg_get_value MODULE PROCEDURE cp_get_rv_sc,cp_get_dv_sc,cp_get_iv_sc, & cp_get_lv_sc,cp_get_cv_sc,cp_get_sv_sc, & cp_get_rv_ve,cp_get_dv_ve,cp_get_iv_ve, & cp_get_lv_ve,cp_get_cv_ve,cp_get_sv_ve END INTERFACE !> Set value(s) of an option in the parser by name !! !! ``` !! FUNCTION set_value(this,name,input,create) RESULT(error) !! ``` !! !! The method searches for the option matching the given _name_ in _this_ parser and sets new !! values. !! !! If _create_ is set to .true. (default to .false.) the method quietly create the option if does not !! exist in _this_ parser. !! @warning !! In such case, if the given __name__ is not valid, an error is raised ! !! !! On error (i.e. no option matches the given _name_), no values are set. INTERFACE cfg_set_value MODULE PROCEDURE :: cp_set_rv_sc,cp_set_dv_sc,cp_set_iv_sc, & cp_set_lv_sc,cp_set_cv_sc,cp_set_sv_sc, & cp_set_rv_ve,cp_set_dv_ve,cp_set_iv_ve, & cp_set_lv_ve,cp_set_cv_ve,cp_set_sv_ve END INTERFACE !> Derived type assignment operator !! !! This interface defines the assignment operator for the containers defined in the module. INTERFACE ASSIGNMENT(=) MODULE PROCEDURE cp_affect_sc, op_affect_sc END INTERFACE CONTAINS SUBROUTINE op_affect_sc(this,other) !! Option object assignment operator subroutine !! !! The subroutine assigns __other__ to __this__. TYPE(option), INTENT(inout) :: this !! An option object to be assigned TYPE(option), INTENT(in) :: other !! An option object to assign CALL words_clear(this%values) ! normally not needed this%name = other%name this%section = other%section this%values = other%values END SUBROUTINE op_affect_sc FUNCTION op_valid(opt) RESULT(ok) !! Check whether or not the option is valid (i.e. has name) TYPE(option), INTENT(in) :: opt !! An option object LOGICAL :: ok !! True if the option is valid, false otherwise. ok = LEN_TRIM(opt%name) > 0 END FUNCTION op_valid SUBROUTINE op_clear(opt) !! Clear and invalid the given option. TYPE(option), INTENT(inout) :: opt !! An option object opt%name = '' opt%section = '' CALL words_clear(opt%values) END SUBROUTINE op_clear FUNCTION op_full_name(opt) RESULT(name) !! Get the full name of an option. !! !! @note !! If no section is defined in the option (that should not happen), "__default__" is used !! as the section part of the full name. TYPE(option), INTENT(in) :: opt !! An option object CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: name !! The fullname of the option IF (LEN_TRIM(opt%section) == 0) THEN name = "__default__/"//TRIM(opt%name) ELSE name = TRIM(opt%section)//"/"//TRIM(opt%name) ENDIF END FUNCTION op_full_name FUNCTION op_split_name(fname,sname,pname) RESULT(err) !> Split a full name in section and option names !! !! The method splits a full name into (section,option) names: !! !! - Option basename is always set in lower-case. !! - If any, section name case is left unmodified. !! !! A full name simply consists in a section name and an option name separated by a single "/". !! !! The method never checks the validity of the output names. Consider using [[cfg_check_name(function)]] !! to do so. !! @note !! If _fname_ does not contains any "/", the method sets the special name "\_\_default\_\_" for the output !! section name. !! @note !! On failure, output arguments are set to empty strings. !! @warning !! If _fname_ ends with a "/", an error (-9, invalid name) is raised: the method always assumes it can !! find an option part in the name. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: fname !! A name to split CHARACTER(len=:), INTENT(out), ALLOCATABLE :: sname, & !! Section part of the name pname !! Option part of the name TYPE(error) :: err !! Error status of the method INTEGER :: idx CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: tfname err = noerror ; pname = "" ; sname = "" tfname = op_format(fname,sname,pname) IF (LEN_TRIM(tfname) == 0) err = error("Invalid option name ("//TRIM(fname)//")",-9) END FUNCTION op_split_name FUNCTION op_format(name,sname,pname) RESULT(oname) !! Format the input name to be consistent with character case requirements. !! !! Given a **name**, the method tries to split in section/option names. !! Then it converts the option part in lower-case. !! !! If no section part is found (not '/' or set as first character of **name**), the !! special section name `__default__` is set. !! !! If **name** ends with a '/', it is an error and the method returns an empty string. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: name !! Name to format. CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(out), OPTIONAL :: sname !! Section part of the name (optional output) CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(out), OPTIONAL :: pname !! Option part of the name (optional output) CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: oname !! Formatted full option name. INTEGER :: idx CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: zsname,zpname zpname = "" ; zsname = "" ! splits input name in sname, pname idx = INDEX(name,'/') IF (idx == LEN_TRIM(name)) THEN oname = '' IF (PRESENT(sname)) sname = '' IF (PRESENT(pname)) pname = '' RETURN ELSE IF (idx <= 1) THEN zsname = "__default__" ; zpname = to_lower(TRIM(name)) IF (idx == 1) zpname=zpname(2:) ELSE zsname = name(:idx-1) zpname = to_lower(name(idx+1:LEN_TRIM(name))) ENDIF oname = zsname//"/"//zpname IF (PRESENT(sname)) sname = zsname IF (PRESENT(pname)) pname = zpname END FUNCTION op_format FUNCTION op_greater_than(left,right) RESULT(ret) !> greater than operator for option derived type. !! !! the comparison is made on section and option name (in alphabetical order). TYPE(option), INTENT(in) :: left !! LHS option. TYPE(option), INTENT(in) :: right !! RHS option. LOGICAL :: ret !! .true. if LHS is _greater_ than RHS (based on section and option name) ret = LGT(op_full_name(left),op_full_name(right)) END FUNCTION op_greater_than FUNCTION op_less_than(left,right) RESULT(ret) !> Less than operator for option derived type. !! !! the comparison is made on section and option name (in alphabetical order). TYPE(option), INTENT(in) :: left !! LHS option. TYPE(option), INTENT(in) :: right !! RHS option. LOGICAL :: ret !! .true. if LHS is _less_ than RHS (based on section and option name) ret = LLT(op_full_name(left),op_full_name(right)) END FUNCTION op_less_than FUNCTION op_to_str(opt,num_values) RESULT(str) !! Get the string representation of a option object !! @note !! If the object is not valid an empty string is returned. TYPE(option), INTENT(in) :: opt !! A option object INTEGER, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: num_values !! Optional integer with the number of values to print per line CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! An allocated string with the representation of the option object LOGICAL :: ret INTEGER :: nv,np,i CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: nspcs CHARACTER(len=st_slen), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: vec nv = 8 ; IF (PRESENT(num_values)) nv = MAX(1,num_values) str = "" str = TRIM(opt%name)//" = " ; np = LEN(str) ALLOCATE(CHARACTER(len=np) :: nspcs) ; nspcs(1:) = " " ! stores the error but do not check... ret = words_to_vector(opt%values,vec) IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(vec)) RETURN DO i=1,SIZE(vec) IF (string_is(TRIM(vec(i))) == st_string.AND.TRIM(vec(i))/="NULL") THEN str = str//'"'//remove_quotes(TRIM(vec(i)))//'",' ELSE str = str//TRIM(vec(i))//',' ENDIF IF (MOD(i,nv) == 0) THEN str = str//NEW_LINE('A')//nspcs ELSE str = str//CHAR(32) ENDIF ENDDO str = TRIM(str) IF (str(LEN(str):) == ",") str=str(:LEN(str)-1) END FUNCTION op_to_str !------------------------------- ! DERIVED TYPE cfgparser METHODS !------------------------------- SUBROUTINE cfg_clear(parser) !! Clear the cfgparser object ("destructor") !! !! This subroutine clears the given parser (deallocates memory). OBJECT(cfgparser), INTENT(inout) :: parser !! A cfgparser object to clear INTEGER :: i IF (ALLOCATED(parser%options)) THEN DO i = 1, SIZE(parser%options) CALL op_clear(parser%options(i)) ENDDO DEALLOCATE(parser%options) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE cfg_clear FUNCTION cfg_check_name(name) RESULT(valid) !! Check if a name is valid. !! !! If **name** contains a '/' it is assumed to be a full option name. In such case !! both parts of the name are checked against section/option names requirements (see below). !! !! Otherwise it is assumed to be the basename of the option. !! !! A valid option (base) name is an alphanumeric sequence in lower-case that always begin by !! a letter. !! !! A valid section name is and alphanumeric sequence (in any case) that always begins by !! by a letter. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: name !! A string with the name to check. LOGICAL :: valid !! .true. if the name is valid, .false. otherwise INTEGER :: i CHARACTER(len=26), PARAMETER :: alpha = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" CHARACTER(len=26), PARAMETER :: ualpha = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" CHARACTER(len=12), PARAMETER :: num = "0123456789_" CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: pname,sname TYPE(error) :: err valid = .false. i = INDEX(TRIM(name),"/") IF (i /= 0) THEN err = op_split_name(name,sname,pname) IF (err /= 0) THEN RETURN ENDIF ELSE pname = to_lower(TRIM(name)) sname = "__default__" ENDIF ! check option: i = INDEX(pname,CHAR(32)) IF (i /= 0.OR.LEN_TRIM(pname) <= 0) RETURN valid = (VERIFY(pname(1:1),alpha) == 0 .AND.VERIFY(TRIM(pname),alpha//num) == 0) IF (.NOT.valid) RETURN ! check section IF (sname == "__default__") THEN valid = .true. RETURN ELSE i = INDEX(sname,CHAR(32)) IF (i /= 0.OR.LEN_TRIM(sname) <= 0) RETURN valid = (VERIFY(sname(1:1),ualpha//alpha) == 0 .AND.VERIFY(TRIM(sname),ualpha//alpha//num) == 0) ENDIF END FUNCTION cfg_check_name FUNCTION cfg_count(this,section) RESULT(num) !! Get the total number of option in the parser. !! !! If a section name is given in argument, the method returns the count for the given section only. !! !! To get the number of top-level options (i.e. that belongs to the default section) the keyword \_\_default\_\_ !! should be set for the section argument. !! !! If __section__ is not defined in the parser, the method returns 0. !! !! @internal !! If no options are defined, then it implies that the internal vector of options is !! not allocated. OBJECT(cfgparser), INTENT(in) :: this !! A cfgparser object to search in CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: section !! Optional section name to search in. INTEGER :: num !! Number of current options registered in the parser. INTEGER :: i num = 0 IF(.NOT.ALLOCATED(this%options)) RETURN IF (.NOT.PRESENT(section)) THEN num = SIZE(this%options) ELSE DO i=1, SIZE(this%options) IF (this%options(i)%section == section) num = num+1 ENDDO ENDIF END FUNCTION cfg_count FUNCTION cfg_section_names(this) RESULT(list) !! Get the list of user-defined section names !! @note !! If the parser does not have user-defined sections, the vector is still !! allocated but with 0 elements. OBJECT(cfgparser), INTENT(in) :: this !! A cfgparser object to process. CHARACTER(len=st_slen), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: list !! List of section names. CHARACTER(len=st_slen), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp INTEGER :: i,j,k,no LOGICAL :: found no = cfg_count(this) IF (no == 0) THEN ALLOCATE(list(0)) RETURN ENDIF ALLOCATE(tmp(no)) tmp(1) = '' ! get the first non-default section DO i=1,no IF (this%options(i)%section /= "__default__") THEN tmp(1) = this%options(i)%section EXIT ENDIF ENDDO ! no user defined section IF (LEN_TRIM(tmp(1)) == 0) THEN DEALLOCATE(tmp) ALLOCATE(list(0)) RETURN ENDIF k = 1 DO i=1,no found = .false. DO j=1,k ! Found a match so start looking again found = (tmp(j) == this%options(i)%section .OR. & this%options(i)%section == "__default__") IF (found) EXIT ENDDO IF (.NOT.found) THEN k = k + 1 tmp(k) = this%options(i)%section ENDIF ENDDO ALLOCATE(list(k)) list(1:k) = tmp(1:k) DEALLOCATE(tmp) END FUNCTION cfg_section_names FUNCTION cfg_option_names(this,secname) RESULT(list) !! Get the list of option names. !! !! @note !! If the parser does not have options, the vector is still allocated but with 0 elements. OBJECT(cfgparser), INTENT(in) :: this !! A cfgparser object to process. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: secname !! Optional section name to search in. CHARACTER(len=st_slen), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: list !! List of option names. INTEGER :: j,i,no,nso no = cfg_count(this) IF (no == 0) THEN ALLOCATE(list(no)) ; RETURN ENDIF IF (PRESENT(secname)) THEN IF (.NOT.cfg_has_section(this,TRIM(secname))) THEN ALLOCATE(list(no)) ; RETURN ELSE nso = 0 DO i=1,no ; IF (this%options(i)%section == TRIM(secname)) nso = nso + 1 ; ENDDO ALLOCATE(list(nso)) IF (nso == 0) RETURN j = 1 DO i=1,no IF (this%options(i)%section == TRIM(secname)) THEN list(j) = TRIM(this%options(i)%section)//"/"//TRIM(this%options(i)%name) ; j=j+1 ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF ELSE ALLOCATE(list(no)) DO i=1,no IF (this%options(i)%section == "__default__") THEN list(i) = TRIM(this%options(i)%name) ELSE list(i) = TRIM(this%options(i)%section)//"/"//TRIM(this%options(i)%name) ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF END FUNCTION cfg_option_names FUNCTION cfg_has_section(this,name) RESULT(yes) !! Check if parser has section by name !! !! @note !! Keep in mind that section name in the configuration are case-sensitive. OBJECT(cfgparser), INTENT(in) :: this !! cfgparser object CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: name !! Name of the section to search LOGICAL :: yes !! .true. if the section exists, .false. otherwise INTEGER :: i,no yes = .false. no = cfg_count(this) IF (no == 0) RETURN DO i = 1,no IF (this%options(i)%section == name) THEN yes = .true. RETURN ENDIF ENDDO END FUNCTION cfg_has_section FUNCTION cfg_has_option(this,name) RESULT(yes) !! Check if parser has option by name OBJECT(cfgparser), INTENT(in) :: this !! A cfgparser object CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: name !! (extended) Name of the option to search LOGICAL :: yes !! .true. if the option is found, .false. otherwise CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: pname,zname INTEGER :: i,no,iscan yes = .false. no = cfg_count(this) IF (no == 0) RETURN zname = op_format(name) IF (LEN_TRIM(zname) == 0) RETURN DO i = 1,no pname = op_full_name(this%options(i)) IF (pname == zname) THEN yes = .true. RETURN ENDIF ENDDO END FUNCTION cfg_has_option SUBROUTINE cfg_sort_options(this) !! Sort the options in the parser (alphabetiCALLy). OBJECT(cfgparser), INTENT(inout) :: this !! A cfgparser object INTEGER :: no no = cfg_count(this) IF (no == 0) RETURN CALL insertionSort(this%options) END SUBROUTINE cfg_sort_options SUBROUTINE cfg_remove_option(this,name) !! Remove an option from parser by name. OBJECT(cfgparser), INTENT(inout) :: this !! A cfgparser object to search in CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: name !! The name of the option to remove INTEGER :: no,idx,i,j TYPE(option), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp idx = cp_get_opt_idx(this,name) IF (idx == -1) RETURN no = cfg_count(this) ! only one opt IF (no == 1) THEN CALL op_clear(this%options(1)) DEALLOCATE(this%options) RETURN ENDIF ALLOCATE(tmp(no-1)) j = 1 DO i=1,no IF (i /= idx) THEN tmp(j) = this%options(i) j= j+1 ENDIF CALL op_clear(this%options(i)) ENDDO DEALLOCATE(this%options) ALLOCATE(this%options(no-1)) DO i=1,no-1 this%options(i) = tmp(i) CALL op_clear(tmp(i)) ENDDO DEALLOCATE(tmp) END SUBROUTINE cfg_remove_option SUBROUTINE cfg_remove_section(this,name) !! Remove a section from parser by name. !! !! The method removes all the options that belong to the given section name. OBJECT(cfgparser), INTENT(inout) :: this !! A cfgparser object to search in CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: name !! The name of the section to remove INTEGER :: no,i,j,icount INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: idxs,itmp TYPE(option), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp no = cfg_count(this) IF (no == 0) RETURN ALLOCATE(itmp(no)) itmp(:) = -1 icount = 0 DO i=1,no IF (TRIM(this%options(i)%section) == TRIM(name)) THEN itmp(icount+1) = i icount = icount + 1 ENDIF ENDDO IF (icount == 0) RETURN ALLOCATE(idxs(icount)) idxs(:) = itmp(1:icount) !DEALLOCATE(itmp) ! all options matches (should be rarely the case): remove all IF (icount == no) THEN DO i=1,no ; CALL op_clear(this%options(i)); ENDDO DEALLOCATE(this%options) RETURN ENDIF ALLOCATE(tmp(icount)) j = 1 DO i=1,no IF (ANY(idxs == i)) THEN tmp(j) = this%options(i) j = j + 1 ENDIF CALL op_clear(this%options(i)) ENDDO DEALLOCATE(idxs) DEALLOCATE(this%options) ALLOCATE(this%options(icount)) DO i=1,icount this%options(i) = tmp(i) CALL op_clear(tmp(i)) ENDDO DEALLOCATE(tmp) END SUBROUTINE cfg_remove_section FUNCTION cfg_read_config(parser,path,override) RESULT(err) !! Read configuration file !! !! @note !! If the library support C bindings, the method can read included files which are defined !! by the __#include <...>__ directive (see [p_cfgparse](here) from more details). OBJECT(cfgparser), INTENT(inout) :: parser !! A cfgparser object that will store the configuration CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: path !! Path of the configuration file LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: override !! An optional boolean flag with .true. to override previous value of duplicated options instead of raising an error. TYPE(error) :: err !! An error with the first error encountered INTEGER :: i LOGICAL :: zoverride,ok TYPE(words) :: incfiles CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: name CHARACTER(len=st_slen) :: isec err = noerror zoverride = .false. ; IF (PRESENT(override)) zoverride = override isec = "__default__" name = TRIM(path) i = INDEX(name,'/',.true.) ; IF (i /= 0) name = name(i+1:) IF (i == 0) THEN name = fs_realpath("./"//path) ELSE name = fs_realpath(path) ENDIF CALL words_append(incfiles,name) INQUIRE(FILE=TRIM(path), EXIST=ok) IF (.NOT.ok) THEN err = error(TRIM(path)//": no such file",-11) ELSE err = read_include(parser,TRIM(path),isec,incfiles,zoverride) ENDIF call words_clear(incfiles) END FUNCTION cfg_read_config FUNCTION cfg_write_config(this,lu,num_values) RESULT(err) !> Write the content of the parser in the logical unit. !! !! the method expects the logical unit to be opened and does not close it !! at the end of the process. OBJECT(cfgparser), INTENT(inout) :: this !! Parser to write. INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: lu !! Logical unit. It should be already opened or an error is raised. INTEGER, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: num_values !! Optional integer with the number of values to print per line for options (default to 8). TYPE(error) :: err !! Error status CHARACTER(len=st_slen) :: sname LOGICAL :: ok INTEGER :: nv,no,i err = noerror INQUIRE(UNIT=lu,OPENED=ok) IF (.NOT.ok) THEN err = error("Logical unit not opened",-15) RETURN ENDIF no = cfg_count(this) IF (no == 0) THEN err = error("No options to write",-7) RETURN ENDIF ! sort options. CALL cfg_sort_options(this) nv = 8 ; IF (PRESENT(num_values)) nv = MAX(1,num_values) sname = this%options(1)%section IF (sname /= "__default__") & WRITE(lu,'(a)') "[ "//TRIM(sname)//" ]" DO i=1,no IF (this%options(i)%section /= sname) THEN sname = this%options(i)%section ! write section first WRITE(lu,*) WRITE(lu,'(a)') "[ "//TRIM(sname)//" ]" ENDIF WRITE(lu,'(a)') op_to_str(this%options(i),nv) ENDDO END FUNCTION cfg_write_config ! internal (private methods) SUBROUTINE cp_affect_sc(this,other) !! cfgparser object assignment operator subroutine !! !! The subroutine assigns __other__ to __this__. TYPE(cfgparser), INTENT(inout) :: this !! A cfgparser object to be assigned TYPE(cfgparser), INTENT(in) :: other !! A cfgparser object to assign INTEGER :: i,ono CALL cfg_clear(this) ono = cfg_count(other) IF (ono == 0) RETURN ALLOCATE(this%options(ono)) DO i=1,ono this%options(i) = other%options(i) ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE cp_affect_sc FUNCTION cp_get_opt_idx(this,name) RESULT(idx) !! Get the index of an option by name in the parser. !! !! The method searches in the parser for the option with the given (full) __name__. !! If found, it returns the index of the option in the internal vector of options. Otherwise !! -1 is returned. OBJECT(cfgparser), INTENT(in) :: this !! A cfgparser object CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: name !! A string with the name of the option INTEGER :: idx !! Index of the option (-1 if not found). CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: zname,pname INTEGER :: no,i idx = -1 no = cfg_count(this) IF (no == 0) RETURN zname = op_format(name) ! prepare the name to search. IF (LEN_TRIM(zname) == 0) RETURN DO i=1,no pname = op_full_name(this%options(i)) IF (pname == zname) THEN idx = i RETURN ENDIF ENDDO END FUNCTION cp_get_opt_idx FUNCTION cp_update_opt(this,sname,pname,values) RESULT(err) !! Update an option in the parser. !! !! The method attempts to update the option in the parser. !! !! If __sname__ is set to empty string, the method searches for the option !! in the default section. !! !! If no option is found, The the option is appended in the parser. Otherwise it is updated !! with the content of __values__. !! !! If the option name is not valid, the method does nothing and -9 error status is returned. !! !! @internal !! The method performs the same kind of operations than the setters except that it !! expects raw data ([[string_op(module):words(type)]]). OBJECT(cfgparser), INTENT(inout) :: this !! cfgparser object to process. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: sname !! Name of the section. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: pname !! Basename of the option. TYPE(words), INTENT(in) :: values !! Raw values. TYPE(error) :: err !! Error status. CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: zsname,fname INTEGER :: i err = noerror zsname = TRIM(sname) IF (LEN_TRIM(sname) == 0) zsname = "__default__" fname = zsname//"/"//to_lower(TRIM(pname)) IF (.NOT.cfg_check_name(fname)) THEN err = error("Invalid option (no name)",-9) RETURN ENDIF i = cp_get_opt_idx(this,fname) IF (i /= -1) THEN CALL words_clear(this%options(i)%values) this%options(i)%values = values ELSE err = cp_add_opt(this,zsname,pname,values) ENDIF END FUNCTION cp_update_opt FUNCTION cp_add_opt(this,sname,pname,values) RESULT(err) !! Add an option to the parser. !! !! In order to add an option to the default section, _sname_ should be left empty or set to "\_\_default\_\_". !! !! The following error code can be returned: !! - 0, no error. !! - -8, the option already exists. !! - -9, option name is not valid. OBJECT(cfgparser), INTENT(inout) :: this !! A cfgparser object to process. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: sname !! Section name. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: pname !! Option basename. TYPE(words), INTENT(in) :: values !! Values to set. TYPE(error) :: err !! Return error status. CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: zsname,fname TYPE(option), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp INTEGER :: no,i TYPE(option) :: sca err = noerror zsname = sname no = cfg_count(this) IF (LEN_TRIM(zsname) == 0) zsname = "__default__" fname = TRIM(zsname)//"/"//to_lower(TRIM(pname)) ! check name IF (.NOT.cfg_check_name(fname)) THEN err = error("Invalid option name '"//fname//"'",-9) RETURN ENDIF ! check if opt exists in the parser IF (no > 0) THEN IF (cp_get_opt_idx(this,fname) /= -1) THEN err = error("Duplicate option '"//TRIM(pname)//"' in "//TRIM(zsname),-8) RETURN ENDIF ENDIF ! build option CALL op_clear(sca) sca%name = to_lower(TRIM(pname)) sca%section = zsname sca%values = values IF (no == 0) THEN ! no options yet -> allocate ALLOCATE(this%options(1)) ELSE ! parser has options: increase this%options size (ugly copy). ALLOCATE(tmp(no)) DO i =1,no tmp(i) = this%options(i) CALL op_clear(this%options(i)) ENDDO DEALLOCATE(this%options) ALLOCATE(this%options(no+1)) DO i =1,no this%options(i) = tmp(i) CALL op_clear(tmp(i)) ENDDO DEALLOCATE(tmp) ENDIF ! always add the option at the end. this%options(no+1) = sca CALL op_clear(sca) END FUNCTION cp_add_opt FUNCTION cp_get_rv_sc(this,name,output) RESULT(err) !! Get the first value of an option in the parser by name (real/scalar) !! !! The following error status can be returned by the method: !! - -7, no option matches the given name. !! - -6, the option does not have value(s). !! - -10, the value cannot be converted in the output type. OBJECT(cfgparser), INTENT(in) :: this !! Cfgparser object CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: name !! (Full) Name of the option to get REAL(kind=4), INTENT(out) :: output !! Output value TYPE(error) :: err !! Error status INTEGER :: idx CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp err = noerror idx = cp_get_opt_idx(this,name) IF (idx == -1) THEN err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" does not exist",-7) RETURN ENDIF IF (words_length(this%options(idx)%values)== 0) THEN err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" has no value",-6) ELSE tmp = TRIM(ADJUSTL(words_get(this%options(idx)%values,1))) IF (LEN(tmp) == 0) THEN err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" has no value",-6) ELSE IF(.NOT.from_string(tmp,output)) & err = error(TRIM(name)//": Cannot convert "//tmp//" to real.",-10) ENDIF ENDIF END FUNCTION cp_get_rv_sc FUNCTION cp_get_dv_sc(this,name,output) RESULT(err) !! Get the first value of an option in the parser by name (double/scalar) !! !! The following error status can be returned by the method: !! - -7, no option matches the given name. !! - -6, the option does not have value(s). !! - -10, the value cannot be converted in the output type. OBJECT(cfgparser), INTENT(in) :: this !! Cfgparser object CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: name !! (Full) Name of the option to get REAL(kind=8), INTENT(out) :: output !! Output value TYPE(error) :: err !! Error status INTEGER :: idx CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp err = noerror idx = cp_get_opt_idx(this,name) IF (idx == -1) THEN err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" does not exist",-7) RETURN ENDIF IF (words_length(this%options(idx)%values)== 0) THEN err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" has no value",-6) ELSE tmp = TRIM(ADJUSTL(words_get(this%options(idx)%values,1))) IF (LEN(tmp) == 0) THEN err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" has no value",-6) ELSE IF(.NOT.from_string(tmp,output)) & err = error(TRIM(name)//": Cannot convert "//tmp//" to double.",-10) ENDIF ENDIF END FUNCTION cp_get_dv_sc FUNCTION cp_get_iv_sc(this,name,output) RESULT(err) !! Get the first value of an option in the parser by name (integer/scalar) !! !! The following error status can be returned by the method: !! - -7, no option matches the given name. !! - -6, the option does not have value(s). !! - -10, the value cannot be converted in the output type. OBJECT(cfgparser), INTENT(in) :: this !! Cfgparser object CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: name !! (Full) Name of the option to get INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: output !! Output value TYPE(error) :: err !! Error status INTEGER :: idx CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp err = noerror idx = cp_get_opt_idx(this,name) IF (idx == -1) THEN err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" does not exist",-7) RETURN ENDIF IF (words_length(this%options(idx)%values)== 0) THEN err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" has no value",-6) ELSE tmp = TRIM(ADJUSTL(words_get(this%options(idx)%values,1))) IF (LEN(tmp) == 0) THEN err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" has no value",-6) ELSE IF(.NOT.from_string(tmp,output)) & err = error(TRIM(name)//": Cannot convert "//tmp//" to integer.",-10) ENDIF ENDIF END FUNCTION cp_get_iv_sc FUNCTION cp_get_lv_sc(this,name,output) RESULT(err) !! Get the first value of an option in the parser by name (logical/scalar) !! !! The following error status can be returned by the method: !! - -7, no option matches the given name. !! - -6, the option does not have value(s). !! - -10, the value cannot be converted in the output type. OBJECT(cfgparser), INTENT(in) :: this !! Cfgparser object CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: name !! (Full) Name of the option to get LOGICAL, INTENT(out) :: output !! Output value TYPE(error) :: err !! Error status INTEGER :: idx CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp err = noerror idx = cp_get_opt_idx(this,name) IF (idx == -1) THEN err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" does not exist",-7) RETURN ENDIF IF (words_length(this%options(idx)%values)== 0) THEN err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" has no value",-6) ELSE tmp = TRIM(ADJUSTL(words_get(this%options(idx)%values,1))) IF (LEN(tmp) == 0) THEN err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" has no value",-6) ELSE IF(.NOT.from_string(tmp,output)) & err = error(TRIM(name)//": Cannot convert "//tmp//" to logical.",-10) ENDIF ENDIF END FUNCTION cp_get_lv_sc FUNCTION cp_get_cv_sc(this,name,output) RESULT(err) !! Get the first value of an option in the parser by name (complex/scalar) !! !! The following error status can be returned by the method: !! - -7, no option matches the given name. !! - -6, the option does not have value(s). !! - -10, the value cannot be converted in the output type. OBJECT(cfgparser), INTENT(in) :: this !! Cfgparser object CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: name !! (Full) Name of the option to get COMPLEX, INTENT(out) :: output !! Output value TYPE(error) :: err !! Error status INTEGER :: idx CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp err = noerror idx = cp_get_opt_idx(this,name) IF (idx == -1) THEN err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" does not exist",-7) RETURN ENDIF IF (words_length(this%options(idx)%values)== 0) THEN err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" has no value",-6) ELSE tmp = TRIM(ADJUSTL(words_get(this%options(idx)%values,1))) IF (LEN(tmp) == 0) THEN err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" has no value",-6) ELSE IF(.NOT.from_string(tmp,output)) & err = error(TRIM(name)//": Cannot convert "//tmp//" to complex.",-10) ENDIF ENDIF END FUNCTION cp_get_cv_sc FUNCTION cp_get_sv_sc(this,name,output) RESULT(err) !! Get the first value of an option in the parser by name (string/scalar) !! !! The following error status can be returned by the method: !! - -7, no option matches the given name. !! - -6, the option does not have value(s). OBJECT(cfgparser), INTENT(in) :: this !! Cfgparser object CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: name !! (Full) Name of the option to get CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(out) :: output !! Output value TYPE(error) :: err !! Error status INTEGER :: idx !CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp err = noerror idx = cp_get_opt_idx(this,name) IF (idx == -1) THEN err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" does not exist",-7) RETURN ENDIF IF (words_length(this%options(idx)%values)== 0) THEN err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" has no value",-6) ELSE output = TRIM(ADJUSTL(words_get(this%options(idx)%values,1))) err = noerror ENDIF END FUNCTION cp_get_sv_sc FUNCTION cp_get_rv_ve(this,name,output) RESULT(err) !! Get the value(s) of an option in the parser by name (real/vector) !! !! On error, the output vector is not allocated. OBJECT(cfgparser), INTENT(in) :: this !! Cfgparser object CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: name !! (Full) Name of the option to get REAL(kind=4), INTENT(out), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: output !! Output values TYPE(error) :: err !! Error status of the method (see [[cfgparser(type):get_value(bound)]] documentation) CHARACTER(len=st_slen), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp LOGICAL :: ok INTEGER :: i,idx CHARACTER(len=15) :: i2s err = noerror idx = cp_get_opt_idx(this,name) IF (idx == -1) THEN err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" does not exist",-7) RETURN ENDIF IF (words_length(this%options(idx)%values) == 0) THEN err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" has no value",-6) ELSE ALLOCATE(output(words_length(this%options(idx)%values))) ok = words_to_vector(this%options(idx)%values,tmp) DO i=1, SIZE(tmp) WRITE(i2s,'(I15)') i ; i2s=ADJUSTL(i2s) IF (LEN_TRIM(ADJUSTL(tmp(i))) == 0) THEN err = error("Cannot get value #"//TRIM(i2s)//" from option "//TRIM(name),-6) DEALLOCATE(output) ; EXIT ELSE IF (.NOT.from_string(tmp(i), output(i))) THEN err = error("Cannot convert value #"//TRIM(i2s)//" from option "//TRIM(name),-10) DEALLOCATE(output) ; EXIT ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF DEALLOCATE(tmp) RETURN END FUNCTION cp_get_rv_ve FUNCTION cp_get_dv_ve(this,name,output) RESULT(err) !! Get the value(s) of an option in the parser by name (double/vector) !! !! On error, the output vector is not allocated. OBJECT(cfgparser), INTENT(in) :: this !! Cfgparser object CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: name !! (Full) Name of the option to get REAL(kind=8), INTENT(out), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: output !! Output values TYPE(error) :: err !! Error status of the method (see [[cfgparser(type):get_value(bound)]] documentation) CHARACTER(len=st_slen), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp LOGICAL :: ok INTEGER :: i,idx CHARACTER(len=15) :: i2s err = noerror idx = cp_get_opt_idx(this,name) IF (idx == -1) THEN err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" does not exist",-7) RETURN ENDIF IF (words_length(this%options(idx)%values) == 0) THEN err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" has no value",-6) ELSE ALLOCATE(output(words_length(this%options(idx)%values))) ok = words_to_vector(this%options(idx)%values,tmp) DO i=1, SIZE(tmp) WRITE(i2s,'(I15)') i ; i2s=ADJUSTL(i2s) IF (LEN_TRIM(ADJUSTL(tmp(i))) == 0) THEN err = error("Cannot get value #"//TRIM(i2s)//" from option "//TRIM(name),-6) DEALLOCATE(output) ; EXIT ELSE IF (.NOT.from_string(tmp(i), output(i))) THEN err = error("Cannot convert value #"//TRIM(i2s)//" from option "//TRIM(name),-10) DEALLOCATE(output) ; EXIT ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF DEALLOCATE(tmp) RETURN END FUNCTION cp_get_dv_ve FUNCTION cp_get_iv_ve(this,name,output) RESULT(err) !! Get the value(s) of an option in the parser by name (integer/vector) !! !! On error, the output vector is not allocated. OBJECT(cfgparser), INTENT(in) :: this !! Cfgparser object CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: name !! (Full) Name of the option to get INTEGER, INTENT(out), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: output !! Output values TYPE(error) :: err !! Error status of the method (see [[cfgparser(type):get_value(bound)]] documentation) CHARACTER(len=st_slen), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp LOGICAL :: ok INTEGER :: i,idx CHARACTER(len=15) :: i2s err = noerror idx = cp_get_opt_idx(this,name) IF (idx == -1) THEN err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" does not exist",-7) RETURN ENDIF IF (words_length(this%options(idx)%values) == 0) THEN err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" has no value",-6) ELSE ALLOCATE(output(words_length(this%options(idx)%values))) ok = words_to_vector(this%options(idx)%values,tmp) DO i=1, SIZE(tmp) WRITE(i2s,'(I15)') i ; i2s=ADJUSTL(i2s) IF (LEN_TRIM(ADJUSTL(tmp(i))) == 0) THEN err = error("Cannot get value #"//TRIM(i2s)//" from option "//TRIM(name),-6) DEALLOCATE(output) ; EXIT ELSE IF (.NOT.from_string(tmp(i), output(i))) THEN err = error("Cannot convert value #"//TRIM(i2s)//" from option "//TRIM(name),-10) DEALLOCATE(output) ; EXIT ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF DEALLOCATE(tmp) RETURN END FUNCTION cp_get_iv_ve FUNCTION cp_get_lv_ve(this,name,output) RESULT(err) !! Get the value(s) of an option in the parser by name (logical/vector) !! !! On error, the output vector is not allocated. OBJECT(cfgparser), INTENT(in) :: this !! Cfgparser object CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: name !! (Full) Name of the option to get LOGICAL, INTENT(out), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: output !! Output values TYPE(error) :: err !! Error status of the method (see [[cfgparser(type):get_value(bound)]] documentation) CHARACTER(len=st_slen), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp LOGICAL :: ok INTEGER :: i,idx CHARACTER(len=15) :: i2s err = noerror idx = cp_get_opt_idx(this,name) IF (idx == -1) THEN err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" does not exist",-7) RETURN ENDIF IF (words_length(this%options(idx)%values) == 0) THEN err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" has no value",-6) ELSE ALLOCATE(output(words_length(this%options(idx)%values))) ok = words_to_vector(this%options(idx)%values,tmp) DO i=1, SIZE(tmp) WRITE(i2s,'(I15)') i ; i2s=ADJUSTL(i2s) IF (LEN_TRIM(ADJUSTL(tmp(i))) == 0) THEN err = error("Cannot get value #"//TRIM(i2s)//" from option "//TRIM(name),-6) DEALLOCATE(output) ; EXIT ELSE IF (.NOT.from_string(tmp(i), output(i))) THEN err = error("Cannot convert value #"//TRIM(i2s)//" from option "//TRIM(name),-10) DEALLOCATE(output) ; EXIT ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF DEALLOCATE(tmp) RETURN END FUNCTION cp_get_lv_ve FUNCTION cp_get_cv_ve(this,name,output) RESULT(err) !! Get the value(s) of an option in the parser by name (complex/vector) !! !! On error, the output vector is not allocated. OBJECT(cfgparser), INTENT(in) :: this !! Cfgparser object CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: name !! (Full) Name of the option to get COMPLEX, INTENT(out), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: output !! Output values TYPE(error) :: err !! Error status of the method (see [[cfgparser(type):get_value(bound)]] documentation) CHARACTER(len=st_slen), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp LOGICAL :: ok INTEGER :: i,idx CHARACTER(len=15) :: i2s err = noerror idx = cp_get_opt_idx(this,name) IF (idx == -1) THEN err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" does not exist",-7) RETURN ENDIF IF (words_length(this%options(idx)%values) == 0) THEN err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" has no value",-6) ELSE ALLOCATE(output(words_length(this%options(idx)%values))) ok = words_to_vector(this%options(idx)%values,tmp) DO i=1, SIZE(tmp) WRITE(i2s,'(I15)') i ; i2s=ADJUSTL(i2s) IF (LEN_TRIM(ADJUSTL(tmp(i))) == 0) THEN err = error("Cannot get value #"//TRIM(i2s)//" from option "//TRIM(name),-6) DEALLOCATE(output) ; EXIT ELSE IF (.NOT.from_string(tmp(i), output(i))) THEN err = error("Cannot convert value #"//TRIM(i2s)//" from option "//TRIM(name),-10) DEALLOCATE(output) ; EXIT ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF DEALLOCATE(tmp) RETURN END FUNCTION cp_get_cv_ve FUNCTION cp_get_sv_ve(this,name,output) RESULT(err) !! Get the value(s) of an option in the parser by name (string/vector) !! !! On error, the output vector is not allocated. OBJECT(cfgparser), INTENT(in) :: this !! Cfgparser object CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: name !! (Full) Name of the option to get CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(out), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: output !! Output values TYPE(error) :: err !! Error status of the method (see [[cfgparser(type):get_value(bound)]] documentation) LOGICAL :: ok INTEGER :: idx err = noerror idx = cp_get_opt_idx(this,name) IF (idx == -1) THEN err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" does not exist",-7) RETURN ENDIF IF (words_length(this%options(idx)%values) == 0) THEN err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" has no value",-6) ELSE ok = words_to_vector(this%options(idx)%values,output) ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION cp_get_sv_ve FUNCTION cp_set_rv_sc(this,name,input,create) RESULT(err) !! Set new value for the given option by name (real/scalar) !! !! If _create_ is given to .true., the method will add a new option if it does not exist in !! the parser. !! In such case, an error ((-9, invalid name)) is raised if the option name is not valid. !! !! In other case, if the option is not defined in the parser the error status is set to -7. OBJECT(cfgparser), INTENT(inout) :: this !! Cfgparser object CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: name !! (Full) Name of the option to set REAL(kind=4), INTENT(in) :: input !! Input value LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: create !! .true. to create option if it does not exist (default to false). TYPE(error) :: err !! Error status LOGICAL :: zcreate INTEGER :: idx CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: sname,pname TYPE(words) :: values zcreate = .false. ; IF (PRESENT(create)) zcreate = create err = noerror idx = cp_get_opt_idx(this,name) CALL words_append(values,to_string(input)) IF (idx == -1) THEN IF (zcreate) THEN err = op_split_name(name,sname,pname) IF (err == 0) err = cp_add_opt(this,sname,pname,values) ELSE err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" does not exist",-7) ENDIF ELSE this%options(idx)%values = values ENDIF CALL words_clear(values) END FUNCTION cp_set_rv_sc FUNCTION cp_set_dv_sc(this,name,input,create) RESULT(err) !! Set new value for the given option by name (double/scalar) !! !! If _create_ is given to .true., the method will add a new option if it does not exist in !! the parser. !! In such case, an error ((-9, invalid name)) is raised if the option name is not valid. !! !! In other case, if the option is not defined in the parser the error status is set to -7. OBJECT(cfgparser), INTENT(inout) :: this !! Cfgparser object CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: name !! (Full) Name of the option to set REAL(kind=8), INTENT(in) :: input !! Input value LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: create !! .true. to create option if it does not exist (default to false). TYPE(error) :: err !! Error status LOGICAL :: zcreate INTEGER :: idx CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: sname,pname TYPE(words) :: values zcreate = .false. ; IF (PRESENT(create)) zcreate = create err = noerror idx = cp_get_opt_idx(this,name) CALL words_append(values,to_string(input)) IF (idx == -1) THEN IF (zcreate) THEN err = op_split_name(name,sname,pname) IF (err == 0) err = cp_add_opt(this,sname,pname,values) ELSE err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" does not exist",-7) ENDIF ELSE this%options(idx)%values = values ENDIF CALL words_clear(values) END FUNCTION cp_set_dv_sc FUNCTION cp_set_iv_sc(this,name,input,create) RESULT(err) !! Set new value for the given option by name (double/scalar) !! !! If _create_ is given to .true., the method will add a new option if it does not exist in !! the parser. !! In such case, an error ((-9, invalid name)) is raised if the option name is not valid. !! !! In other case, if the option is not defined in the parser the error status is set to -7. OBJECT(cfgparser), INTENT(inout) :: this !! Cfgparser object CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: name !! (Full) Name of the option to set INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: input !! Input value LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: create !! .true. to create option if it does not exist (default to false). TYPE(error) :: err !! Error status LOGICAL :: zcreate INTEGER :: idx CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: sname,pname TYPE(words) :: values zcreate = .false. ; IF (PRESENT(create)) zcreate = create err = noerror idx = cp_get_opt_idx(this,name) CALL words_append(values,to_string(input)) IF (idx == -1) THEN IF (zcreate) THEN err = op_split_name(name,sname,pname) IF (err == 0) err = cp_add_opt(this,sname,pname,values) ELSE err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" does not exist",-7) ENDIF ELSE this%options(idx)%values = values ENDIF CALL words_clear(values) END FUNCTION cp_set_iv_sc FUNCTION cp_set_lv_sc(this,name,input,create) RESULT(err) !! Set new value for the given option by name (logical/scalar) !! !! If _create_ is given to .true., the method will add a new option if it does not exist in !! the parser. !! In such case, an error ((-9, invalid name)) is raised if the option name is not valid. !! !! In other case, if the option is not defined in the parser the error status is set to -7. OBJECT(cfgparser), INTENT(inout) :: this !! Cfgparser object CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: name !! (Full) Name of the option to set LOGICAL, INTENT(in) :: input !! Input value LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: create !! .true. to create option if it does not exist (default to false). TYPE(error) :: err !! Error status LOGICAL :: zcreate INTEGER :: idx CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: sname,pname TYPE(words) :: values zcreate = .false. ; IF (PRESENT(create)) zcreate = create err = noerror idx = cp_get_opt_idx(this,name) CALL words_append(values,to_string(input)) IF (idx == -1) THEN IF (zcreate) THEN err = op_split_name(name,sname,pname) IF (err == 0) err = cp_add_opt(this,sname,pname,values) ELSE err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" does not exist",-7) ENDIF ELSE this%options(idx)%values = values ENDIF CALL words_clear(values) END FUNCTION cp_set_lv_sc FUNCTION cp_set_cv_sc(this,name,input,create) RESULT(err) !! Set new value for the given option by name (complex/scalar) !! !! If _create_ is given to .true., the method will add a new option if it does not exist in !! the parser. !! In such case, an error ((-9, invalid name)) is raised if the option name is not valid. !! !! In other case, if the option is not defined in the parser the error status is set to -7. OBJECT(cfgparser), INTENT(inout) :: this !! Cfgparser object CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: name !! (Full) Name of the option to set COMPLEX, INTENT(in) :: input !! Input value LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: create !! .true. to create option if it does not exist (default to false). TYPE(error) :: err !! Error status LOGICAL :: zcreate INTEGER :: idx CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: sname,pname TYPE(words) :: values zcreate = .false. ; IF (PRESENT(create)) zcreate = create err = noerror idx = cp_get_opt_idx(this,name) CALL words_append(values,to_string(input)) IF (idx == -1) THEN IF (zcreate) THEN err = op_split_name(name,sname,pname) IF (err == 0) err = cp_add_opt(this,sname,pname,values) ELSE err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" does not exist",-7) ENDIF ELSE this%options(idx)%values = values ENDIF CALL words_clear(values) END FUNCTION cp_set_cv_sc FUNCTION cp_set_sv_sc(this,name,input,create) RESULT(err) !! Set new value for the given option by name (string/scalar) !! !! If _create_ is given to .true., the method will add a new option if it does not exist in !! the parser. !! In such case, an error ((-9, invalid name)) is raised if the option name is not valid. !! !! In other case, if the option is not defined in the parser the error status is set to -7. OBJECT(cfgparser), INTENT(inout) :: this !! Cfgparser object CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: name !! (Full) Name of the option to set CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: input !! Input value LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: create !! .true. to create option if it does not exist (default to false). TYPE(error) :: err !! Error status LOGICAL :: zcreate INTEGER :: idx CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: sname,pname TYPE(words) :: values zcreate = .false. ; IF (PRESENT(create)) zcreate = create err = noerror idx = cp_get_opt_idx(this,name) CALL words_append(values,input) IF (idx == -1) THEN IF (zcreate) THEN err = op_split_name(name,sname,pname) IF (err == 0) err = cp_add_opt(this,sname,pname,values) ELSE err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" does not exist",-7) ENDIF ELSE this%options(idx)%values = values ENDIF CALL words_clear(values) END FUNCTION cp_set_sv_sc FUNCTION cp_set_rv_ve(this,name,input,create) RESULT(err) !! Set new value for the given option by name (real/vector) !! !! If _create_ is given to .true., the method will add a new option if it does not exist in !! the parser. !! In such case, an error ((-9, invalid name)) is raised if the option name is not valid. !! !! In other case, if the option is not defined in the parser the error status is set to -7. OBJECT(cfgparser), INTENT(inout) :: this !! Cfgparser object CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: name !! (Full) Name of the option to get REAL(kind=4), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: input !! Input values LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: create !! .true. to create option if it does not exist (default to false) TYPE(error) :: err !! Error status LOGICAL :: zcreate INTEGER :: i,idx CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: sname,pname TYPE(words) :: values zcreate = .false. ; IF (PRESENT(create)) zcreate = create err = noerror idx = cp_get_opt_idx(this,name) DO i=1,SIZE(input) ; CALL words_append(values,to_string(input(i))); ENDDO IF (idx == -1) THEN IF (zcreate) THEN err = op_split_name(name,sname,pname) IF (err == 0) err = cp_add_opt(this,sname,pname,values) ELSE err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" does not exist",-7) ENDIF ELSE this%options(idx)%values = values ENDIF CALL words_clear(values) END FUNCTION cp_set_rv_ve FUNCTION cp_set_dv_ve(this,name,input,create) RESULT(err) !! Set new value for the given option by name (double/vector)) !! !! If _create_ is given to .true., the method will add a new option if it does not exist in !! the parser. !! In such case, an error ((-9, invalid name)) is raised if the option name is not valid. !! !! In other case, if the option is not defined in the parser the error status is set to -7. OBJECT(cfgparser), INTENT(inout) :: this !! Cfgparser object CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: name !! (Full) Name of the option to get REAL(kind=8), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: input !! Input values LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: create !! .true. to create option if it does not exist (default to false) TYPE(error) :: err !! Error status LOGICAL :: zcreate INTEGER :: i,idx CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: sname,pname TYPE(words) :: values zcreate = .false. ; IF (PRESENT(create)) zcreate = create err = noerror idx = cp_get_opt_idx(this,name) DO i=1,SIZE(input) ; CALL words_append(values,to_string(input(i))); ENDDO IF (idx == -1) THEN IF (zcreate) THEN err = op_split_name(name,sname,pname) IF (err == 0) err = cp_add_opt(this,sname,pname,values) ELSE err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" does not exist",-7) ENDIF ELSE this%options(idx)%values = values ENDIF CALL words_clear(values) END FUNCTION cp_set_dv_ve FUNCTION cp_set_iv_ve(this,name,input,create) RESULT(err) !! Set new value for the given option by name (integer/vector) !! !! If _create_ is given to .true., the method will add a new option if it does not exist in !! the parser. !! In such case, an error ((-9, invalid name)) is raised if the option name is not valid. !! !! In other case, if the option is not defined in the parser the error status is set to -7. OBJECT(cfgparser), INTENT(inout) :: this !! Cfgparser object CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: name !! (Full) Name of the option to get INTEGER, INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: input !! Input values LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: create !! .true. to create option if it does not exist (default to false) TYPE(error) :: err !! Error status LOGICAL :: zcreate INTEGER :: i,idx CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: sname,pname TYPE(words) :: values zcreate = .false. ; IF (PRESENT(create)) zcreate = create err = noerror idx = cp_get_opt_idx(this,name) DO i=1,SIZE(input) ; CALL words_append(values,to_string(input(i))); ENDDO IF (idx == -1) THEN IF (zcreate) THEN err = op_split_name(name,sname,pname) IF (err == 0) err = cp_add_opt(this,sname,pname,values) ELSE err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" does not exist",-7) ENDIF ELSE this%options(idx)%values = values ENDIF CALL words_clear(values) END FUNCTION cp_set_iv_ve FUNCTION cp_set_lv_ve(this,name,input,create) RESULT(err) !! Set new value for the given option by name (logical/vector) !! !! If _create_ is given to .true., the method will add a new option if it does not exist in !! the parser. !! In such case, an error ((-9, invalid name)) is raised if the option name is not valid. !! !! In other case, if the option is not defined in the parser the error status is set to -7. OBJECT(cfgparser), INTENT(inout) :: this !! Cfgparser object CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: name !! (Full) Name of the option to get LOGICAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: input !! Input values LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: create !! .true. to create option if it does not exist (default to false) TYPE(error) :: err !! Error status LOGICAL :: zcreate INTEGER :: i,idx CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: sname,pname TYPE(words) :: values zcreate = .false. ; IF (PRESENT(create)) zcreate = create err = noerror idx = cp_get_opt_idx(this,name) DO i=1,SIZE(input) ; CALL words_append(values,to_string(input(i))); ENDDO IF (idx == -1) THEN IF (zcreate) THEN err = op_split_name(name,sname,pname) IF (err == 0) err = cp_add_opt(this,sname,pname,values) ELSE err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" does not exist",-7) ENDIF ELSE this%options(idx)%values = values ENDIF CALL words_clear(values) END FUNCTION cp_set_lv_ve FUNCTION cp_set_cv_ve(this,name,input,create) RESULT(err) !! Set new value for the given option by name (complex/vector) !! !! If _create_ is given to .true., the method will add a new option if it does not exist in !! the parser. !! In such case, an error ((-9, invalid name)) is raised if the option name is not valid. !! !! In other case, if the option is not defined in the parser the error status is set to -7. OBJECT(cfgparser), INTENT(inout) :: this !! Cfgparser object CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: name !! (Full) Name of the option to get COMPLEX, INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: input !! Input values LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: create !! .true. to create option if it does not exist (default to false) TYPE(error) :: err !! Error status LOGICAL :: zcreate INTEGER :: i,idx CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: sname,pname TYPE(words) :: values zcreate = .false. ; IF (PRESENT(create)) zcreate = create err = noerror idx = cp_get_opt_idx(this,name) DO i=1,SIZE(input) ; CALL words_append(values,to_string(input(i))); ENDDO IF (idx == -1) THEN IF (zcreate) THEN err = op_split_name(name,sname,pname) IF (err == 0) err = cp_add_opt(this,sname,pname,values) ELSE err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" does not exist",-7) ENDIF ELSE this%options(idx)%values = values ENDIF CALL words_clear(values) END FUNCTION cp_set_cv_ve FUNCTION cp_set_sv_ve(this,name,input,create) RESULT(err) !! Set new value for the given option by name (complex/vector) !! !! If _create_ is given to .true., the method will add a new option if it does not exist in !! the parser. !! In such case, an error ((-9, invalid name)) is raised if the option name is not valid. !! !! In other case, if the option is not defined in the parser the error status is set to -7. OBJECT(cfgparser), INTENT(inout) :: this !! Cfgparser object CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: name !! (Full) Name of the option to get CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: input !! Input values LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: create !! .true. to create option if it does not exist (default to false) TYPE(error) :: err !! Error status LOGICAL :: zcreate INTEGER :: i,idx CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: sname,pname TYPE(words) :: values zcreate = .false. ; IF (PRESENT(create)) zcreate = create err = noerror idx = cp_get_opt_idx(this,name) DO i=1,SIZE(input) ; CALL words_append(values,trim(input(i))); ENDDO IF (idx == -1) THEN IF (zcreate) THEN err = op_split_name(name,sname,pname) IF (err == 0) err = cp_add_opt(this,sname,pname,values) ELSE err = error("Option "//TRIM(name)//" does not exist",-7) ENDIF ELSE this%options(idx)%values = values ENDIF CALL words_clear(values) END FUNCTION cp_set_sv_ve ! i/o functions !-------------- RECURSIVE FUNCTION read_include(parser,path,isec,ipaths,override) RESULT(err) !! Read and parse an included configuration file (internal) !! @note !! On error, the cfgparser object is left unchanged. TYPE(cfgparser), INTENT(inout) :: parser !! A cfgparser object that will store the configuration CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: path !! A string with the path of the input file to read CHARACTER(len=st_slen), INTENT(inout) :: isec !! Current section name TYPE(words), INTENT(inout) :: ipaths !! List of paths of already included files LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: override !! An optional boolean flag with .true. to override previous value of duplicated options instead of raising an error. TYPE(error) :: err !! An error with the first error encountered TYPE(option) :: curopt LOGICAL :: zoverride,ok,has_opt INTEGER :: lineno,lu,i CHARACTER(len=2), PARAMETER :: space = CHAR(32)//"," ! check if , is really wanted... A: YES space are the delimiter of the words internal object ! CHARACTER(len=2), PARAMETER :: blanks = CHAR(9)//CHAR(32) ! currently not used because blanks truncate. CHARACTER(len=15) :: sln CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: fulp,dirp,basp CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: curval,ipath CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: line,name,value INTEGER, PARAMETER :: cfg_UNKNOWN = -1, & cfg_SECTION = 0, & cfg_OPTION = 1 zoverride = .false. ; IF (PRESENT(override)) zoverride = override ! initialize local variables curval = '' ; line = '' ; name = '' ; value = '' lineno = 0 ; lu = free_lun() IF (LEN_TRIM(isec) == 0) isec = "__default__" i = INDEX(TRIM(path),"/",.true.) IF (i == 0) THEN fulp = fs_realpath("./"//TRIM(ADJUSTL(path))) ELSE fulp = fs_realpath(TRIM(ADJUSTL(path))) ENDIF basp = fs_basename(fulp) dirp = fs_dirname(fulp) ! check for file INQUIRE(FILE=TRIM(path),EXIST=ok) IF (.NOT.ok) THEN err = error(TRIM(path)//": no such file",-11) RETURN ENDIF ! check for lun IF (lu == -1) THEN ; err = error("No available logical unit",-12) ; RETURN ; ENDIF OPEN(lu,FILE=TRIM(path),STATUS='old',ACTION='READ') DO WHILE(readline(lu,line)) lineno = lineno + 1 WRITE(sln,'(I15)') lineno ; sln=ADJUSTL(sln) ! comment or blank line ? IF (is_comment(line,ipath)) THEN ! check for includes IF (LEN(ipath) > 0) THEN ! 1) get relative path ipath = fs_relpath(ipath,dirp) ! 2) compute asbolute path ipath = TRIM(dirp)//"/"//TRIM(ipath) ipath = fs_realpath(ipath) IF (.NOT.check_include(ipaths,ipath)) THEN ipath = fs_basename(ipath) err = error(basp//'(L'//TRIM(sln)//"): Circular include & &reference to "//ipath,-14) EXIT ENDIF IF (op_valid(curopt) .AND. LEN(curval) > 0) THEN CALL words_extend(curopt%values,TRIM(ADJUSTL(curval)),space,.true.,.true.) IF (zoverride) THEN err = cp_update_opt(parser,curopt%section,curopt%name,curopt%values) ELSE err = cp_add_opt(parser,curopt%section,curopt%name,curopt%values) ENDIF CALL op_clear(curopt); curval = '' ENDIF err = read_include(parser,ipath,isec,ipaths,zoverride) IF (err /= 0) EXIT ENDIF CYCLE ENDIF ! continuation line ? IF (SCAN(line(1:1),blanks) /= 0 .AND. op_valid(curopt)) THEN IF (LEN(curval) == 0) THEN curval = strip_comment(line) ELSE curval = curval//CHAR(32)//strip_comment(line) ENDIF ELSE ! 1. Remove comment part and left adjust line line = strip_comment(line) ! a section header or option header? SELECT CASE (get_kind(line,name,value)) CASE(cfg_SECTION) ! 1. add current value to current option (if any) ! 2. update "isec" variable IF (op_valid(curopt)) THEN IF (LEN(curval) > 0) & CALL words_extend(curopt%values,TRIM(ADJUSTL(curval)),space,.true.,.true.) IF (zoverride) THEN err = cp_update_opt(parser,curopt%section,curopt%name,curopt%values) ELSE err = cp_add_opt(parser,curopt%section,curopt%name,curopt%values) ENDIF ENDIF CALL op_clear(curopt) ; curval = '' IF (cfg_has_section(parser,name) .AND. & TRIM(name)/="__default__" .AND. & .NOT.zoverride) THEN err = error(basp//'(L'//TRIM(sln)//"): Duplicate section '"//name,-8) EXIT ENDIF isec = TRIM(name) CASE(cfg_OPTION) ! 1. add current value to current option (if any) ! 2. search for option in cursect: ! --> duplicate option error if it exists ! --> create new option if it does not exist (using curopt) ! 3. curval is set to value ! 4. update curval IF (op_valid(curopt)) THEN IF (LEN(curval) > 0) & CALL words_extend(curopt%values,TRIM(ADJUSTL(curval)),space,.true.,.true.) IF (zoverride) THEN err = cp_update_opt(parser,curopt%section,curopt%name,curopt%values) ELSE err = cp_add_opt(parser,curopt%section,curopt%name,curopt%values) ENDIF ENDIF CALL op_clear(curopt) ; curval = '' has_opt = cfg_has_option(parser,TRIM(isec)//"/"//TRIM(name)) IF (has_opt.AND..NOT.zoverride) THEN ! it is an error: no duplicate allowed err = error(basp//'(L'//TRIM(sln)//"): Duplicate option '"//TRIM(name)//"' in "//isec,-8) EXIT ENDIF curopt%name = TRIM(name) curopt%section = TRIM(isec) CALL words_clear(curopt%values) curval = value CASE(cfg_UNKNOWN) ! unknown handles also invalid name: it is a critical error IF (err == -9) EXIT END SELECT ENDIF ENDDO IF (op_valid(curopt)) THEN IF (LEN(curval) > 0) & CALL words_extend(curopt%values,TRIM(ADJUSTL(curval)),space,.true.,.true.) IF (zoverride) THEN err = cp_update_opt(parser,curopt%section,curopt%name,curopt%values) ELSE err = cp_add_opt(parser,curopt%section,curopt%name,curopt%values) ENDIF ENDIF CALL op_clear(curopt) ; curval = '' CLOSE(lu) CONTAINS FUNCTION get_kind(string,name,value) RESULT(kind) !! Split input line and attempt to guess its relevant kind of statement !! !! The input line is searched for section header format or option assignment. !! !! - If line begins with '[', has ']' and no '=#' between '[' and ']' !! it is a section header. !! - Otherwise, if line has '=', without '#' before '=', it is an option. !! !! Then the method returns an integer with the kind flag of the statement which is one of !! -1 (cfg_UNKNOWN), 0 (cfg_SECTION) or 1 (cfg_OPTION). CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: string !! Input string to process CHARACTER(len=:), INTENT(out), ALLOCATABLE :: name, & !! Name of the relevant option/section if any, otherwise an empty string. value !! Value of the relevant option (if any), otherwise an empty string INTEGER :: kind !! An integer with the kind of statement. CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: copy INTEGER :: bi,ei CHARACTER(len=2), PARAMETER :: quotes=CHAR(34)//CHAR(39) kind = cfg_UNKNOWN ! get a trimmed (and left adjusted) copy copy = TRIM(string) ! Is it a section ? ! ---> search for subscripts of '[' and ']' ! ---> check that '[' is 1st char and ']' is last char bi = INDEX(copy,'[') ; ei = INDEX(copy,']') IF (bi == 1 .AND. ei == LEN(copy) .AND. bi < ei) THEN ! it is a section header kind = cfg_SECTION ! get section name: adjust and trim to remove extra blank spaces name = TRIM(ADJUSTL(copy(bi+1:ei-1))) ! hack cfg_check_name: append '/a' to get a valid option part to test IF (TRIM(name) /= "__default__" .AND. .NOT.cfg_check_name(name//"/a")) THEN kind = cfg_UNKNOWN err = error("Invalid section name ("//name//")",-9) RETURN ENDIF value = '' ELSE ! Is it an option ? ! --> search for '=' and check if it is set before ! 1st quote (if any) bi = INDEX(copy,"=") ! search for quotes ei = SCAN(copy,quotes) ; IF (ei==0) ei = LEN(copy)+1 IF (bi /= 0 .AND. bi < ei) THEN kind = cfg_OPTION name = to_lower(TRIM(copy(1:bi-1))) IF (.NOT.cfg_check_name(name)) THEN kind = cfg_UNKNOWN err = error("Invalid option name ("//TRIM(name)//")",-9) RETURN ENDIF IF (bi == LEN(copy)) THEN value = '' ELSE value = TRIM(copy(bi+1:)) ENDIF ELSE ! not an option and not a section: malformed statement ! err = error('Malformed statement at line '//TRIM(sln),-13) ENDIF ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION get_kind FUNCTION strip_comment(line) RESULT(stripped) !! Replace comments part of a string by blank spaces !! The method replaces every characters after '#' (included) by spaces. !! @note !! Output string is also left adjusted, thus only trailing blank can be present. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: line !! A string to process CHARACTER(len=LEN(line)) :: stripped !! A string of same length than 'line' but without comment(s) INTEGER :: idx stripped = ADJUSTL(line) idx = INDEX(stripped,"#") IF (idx > 0) stripped(idx:) = REPEAT(CHAR(32),LEN(line)-idx+1) RETURN END FUNCTION strip_comment FUNCTION readline(lun,string) RESULT(not_eof) !! Read a complete line !! !! Each time it is CALLed, the function reads a complete of the file opened in 'lun' logical !! unit and returns .false. if EOF has been reached, .true. otherwise. !! !! The function is intended to read a file line by line: !! !! ``` !! lu = 1 !! open(lu,file="path/to/the/file/to/read") !! l=0 ! A line counter !! DO WHILE(readline(lu,line)) !! l = l + 1 !! WRITE(*,'("L",I2.2,": ",(a))') il,line !! ENDDO !! CLOSE(1) !! ``` INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: lun !! Logical unit with the opened file to read. CHARACTER(len=:), INTENT(out), ALLOCATABLE :: string !! Output processed line LOGICAL :: not_eof !! .true. if EOF has NOT been reached yet, .false. otherwise CHARACTER(len=50) :: buf INTEGER :: e,sz not_eof = .true. ; string = '' DO READ(lun,'(a)',ADVANCE="no",SIZE=sz,IOSTAT=e) buf IF (e == IOSTAT_END) THEN not_eof = .false. IF (sz > 0) THEN string=string//buf(1:sz) ENDIF EXIT ELSE IF (e == IOSTAT_EOR) THEN string = string//buf(1:sz) EXIT ELSE string = string//TRIM(buf) ENDIF ENDDO END FUNCTION readline FUNCTION is_comment(str,incpath) RESULT(res) !! Check if line is a comment or an empty string !! @warning !! Currently, if an '#include' statement is found, the method assumes a single path is set after the directive. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: str !! The string to check CHARACTER(len=:), INTENT(out), ALLOCATABLE :: incpath !! A string with the filepath to be included if '#include' statement is found, empty string otherwise LOGICAL :: res !! .true. if line is a comment or an empty string, .false. otherwise CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: copy res = .false. ; incpath = '' copy = TRIM(ADJUSTL(str)) IF (LEN(copy) == 0) THEN res = .true. ELSE IF (INDEX(copy,"#") == 1) THEN res = .true. ! search for include statement ! IMPORTANT: assume that there is only a path after include statement IF (INDEX(copy,"#include ") == 1) incpath = remove_quotes(TRIM(ADJUSTL(copy(10:)))) ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION is_comment FUNCTION check_include(list,incpath) RESULT(ok) !! Check if path is not in list !! @note !! If path is not in list it is added to the list. TYPE(words), INTENT(inout) :: list !! A list of paths CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: incpath !! Path to check in list LOGICAL :: ok !! .true. if 'path' is __not__ in list, .false. otherwise CALL words_reset(list) ok = .true. DO WHILE(words_valid(list)) IF (TRIM(incpath) == TRIM(words_current(list))) THEN ok = .false. ; EXIT ENDIF CALL words_next(list) ENDDO IF (ok) CALL words_append(list,TRIM(incpath)) END FUNCTION check_include END FUNCTION read_include ! insertion sort... internal SUBROUTINE insertionSort(opts) !! Sort an array of Options using insertion sort algorithm TYPE(option), INTENT(inout), DIMENSION(:) :: opts !! Array to sort. TYPE(option) :: temp INTEGER :: i, j DO i = 2, SIZE(opts) j = i - 1 temp = opts(i) DO WHILE (j>=1) ! .AND. op_greater_than(opts(j),temp)) IF (op_greater_than(opts(j),temp)) THEN opts(j+1) = opts(j) j = j - 1 ELSE EXIT ENDIF ENDDO opts(j+1) = temp CALL op_clear(temp) ENDDO END SUBROUTINE insertionSort END MODULE CFGPARSE