! Copyright (c) (2013-2015,2017,2022) Jeremie Burgalat (jeremie.burgalat@univ-reims.fr). ! ! This file is part of SWIFT ! ! Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of ! this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in ! the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to ! use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of ! the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, ! subject to the following conditions: ! ! The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all ! copies or substantial portions of the Software. ! ! THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR ! IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS ! FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR ! COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER ! IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN ! CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. !! file: asciiread.f90 !! summary: ASCII data file reader source file !! author: burgalat !! date: 2013-2015,2017,2022 MODULE ASCIIREAD !! ASCII data file reader module !! !! This module provides a single generic method that can be used to read 2D/3D !! data array from ASCII file. !! !! ``` !! FUNCTION read_data(path,data) RESULT(err) !! ``` !! !! Where: !! !! - __path__ is a string with the path of the data file. !! - __data__ is an output __allocatable__ 2D/3D array of real(kind=8) values. !! !! ## Expected Format of the data file !! !! The input file: !! - must use blank space(s) as value delimiter. !! - must have a regular number of columns, that is each data line must !! have the same number of columns. !! - can contains any number of empty lines and/or comment line (i.e. line !! where first non-blank character is "#"). All other lines are assumed !! to be data. !! Moreover, in the case of 3D data, it must use a SINGLE empty line for "depth" block separator. !! !! Error occured when: !! !! - path does not refer to a existing file (1) !! - No free logical unit available (1) !! - the file does not have regular data-columns number (5) !! - at least a value cannot be cast in double precision (5) !! !! On error, __data__ array is not allocated. !! !! ## 3D data structure !! !! In the case of 3D data the method assumes that the input files consists in _D_ blocks !! of _R_ lines with _C_ columns. Each block must be separated by a single empty line !! and each columns must separated by one or more blank spaces (no tabulation ALLOWED). !! !! On success, the shape of the 3D output array will be _data(R,C,D)_. USE, INTRINSIC :: ISO_FORTRAN_ENV, ONLY: IOSTAT_END, IOSTAT_EOR !USE STRING_OP, ONLY: tokenize,from_string, st_slen USE STRING_OP USE ERRORS IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC :: noerror,error, error_to_string,aborting PUBLIC :: readline,read_data, OPERATOR(/=), OPERATOR(==) !! Global interface to reading methods INTERFACE read_data MODULE PROCEDURE read_data_2d, read_data_3d END INTERFACE CONTAINS FUNCTION read_data_3d(path,data3d,delimiter) RESULT(err) !! Read an input ASCII data file and stores its content in a 3D array !! !! The function reads an ASCII file and saves its values in a real(kind=8) 3D-array. !! !! The input file: !! !! - must have a regular number of columns, that is each data line must have the same number !! of columns (according to the delimiter used). !! - must use a SINGLE empty line for "depth" block separator. !! - can contains any number of comment lines (i.e. line where first non-blank character is "#"). !! All other lines (except empty lines) are assumed to be data. !! !! Error occured when: !! - Path does not refer to a existing file (-11) !! - No free logical unit available (-1) !! - The file does not have regular data-columns number (-5) !! - At least a value cannot be cast in double precision (-10) !! !! The method assumes the input files consists in _D_ block of _R_ lines !! with _C_ columns. Each block must be separated by a single empty line and !! each columns must separated by one or more blank spaces (no tabulation ALLOWED). !! !! On success, the shape of the 3D output array will be _output(R,C,D)_. !! On error, the 3D output array is __not allocated__. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: path !! Path of the input data file REAL(kind=8), INTENT(out), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: data3d !! 3D-array with the output values (double precision) CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: delimiter !! Optional column delimiter(s) TYPE(error) :: err !! Error status of the function LOGICAL :: ok INTEGER :: i,lc,tlc INTEGER :: ndr,ndc,ndd INTEGER :: ir,jc,kd,lu REAL(kind=8), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp CHARACTER(len=5) :: slc CHARACTER(len=15) :: i2s CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: line,lm1,zdelim CHARACTER(len=st_slen), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: wrds zdelim = CHAR(9)//CHAR(32) IF (PRESENT(delimiter)) zdelim = delimiter ! Check file status INQUIRE(FILE=TRIM(path),EXIST=ok) IF (.NOT.ok) THEN err = error(trim(path)//": no such file",-1) ; RETURN ENDIF lu = free_lun() IF (lu == -1) THEN ; err = error("Cannot find available logical unit...",-1) ; RETURN ; ENDIF ! Open file OPEN(lu,FILE=TRIM(path),STATUS='OLD',ACTION='READ') ! First pass : ! ------------ ! - get size (rows, columns, depth) ! - check size consistendcy ! - check value type lc = 0 ; tlc = 0 ndr = -1 ; ndc = -1 ; ndd = 1 DO WHILE(readline(lu,line)) lm1 = line ! Read the line lc = lc + 1 ; WRITE(slc,'(I5)') lc ; slc = ADJUSTL(slc) ! skip comment line IF (INDEX(TRIM(ADJUSTL(line)),"#") == 1) CYCLE ! An empty line: new 2D block IF (LEN_TRIM(line) == 0) THEN ndd = ndd + 1 IF (ndr < 0) THEN ndr = tlc ELSEIF (tlc /= ndr) THEN WRITE(i2s,'(I15)') ndd ; i2s = ADJUSTL(i2s) err = error(trim(path)//":Invalid number of lines in block #"//i2s//"(line "//TRIM(slc)//")",-5) RETURN ENDIF tlc = 0 CYCLE ENDIF tlc = tlc + 1 ! Splits line in words IF (.NOT.tokenize(line,wrds,zdelim,.true.)) THEN ! cannot tokenize err = error(trim(path)//": Cannot parse line "//TRIM(slc),-5) RETURN ELSEIF (.NOT.from_string(wrds,tmp)) THEN ! cannot cast values err = error(trim(path)//": Cannot cast values at line "//TRIM(slc),-5) RETURN ELSEIF (ndc > 0 .AND. ndc /= SIZE(wrds)) THEN ! current number of columns not equal to last one err = error(trim(path)//": Invalid number of columns (line "//TRIM(slc)//")",-5) RETURN ENDIF IF (ndc == -1) ndc = SIZE(wrds) IF (ALLOCATED(wrds)) DEALLOCATE(wrds) IF (ALLOCATED(tmp)) DEALLOCATE(tmp) ENDDO ! NOTE: ! there is a possible bug if data file ends by an empty line: ! we will have an extra empty bloc ! ! current patch: we save the last line of the file and check it: ! - if we have empty line, we reduce ndd by one. IF (LEN_TRIM(lm1) == 0) ndd = ndd-1 ! Rewind input data file REWIND(lu) ! Allocate memory ALLOCATE(data3d(ndr,ndc,ndd)) ir = 0 ; kd = 1 ; DO WHILE(readline(lu,line)) IF (INDEX(TRIM(ADJUSTL(line)),"#") == 1) CYCLE ir = ir + 1 ! empty line update block subscripts IF (LEN_TRIM(line) == 0) THEN kd = kd + 1 ; ir = 0 ; CYCLE ENDIF ok = tokenize(line,wrds,zdelim,.true.) DO jc = 1,ndc ; ok = from_string(wrds(jc),data3d(ir,jc,kd)) ; ENDDO IF (ALLOCATED(wrds)) DEALLOCATE(wrds) ENDDO CLOSE(lu) END FUNCTION read_data_3d FUNCTION read_data_2d(path,data2d,delimiter) RESULT(err) !! Read an input ASCII data file and stores its content in a 2D array !! !! The function reads an ASCII file and saves its values in a real(kind=8) 2D-array. !! !! The input file: !! !! - can contains any number of empty lines and/or comment line (i.e. line where first !! non-blank character is "#"). All other lines are assumed to be data. !! - must have a regular number of columns, that is each data line must have the same !! number of columns. !! - must use blank space(s) as value delimiter. !! !! Error occured when: !! !! - Path does not refer to a existing file (-1) !! - No free logical unit available (-1) !! - The file does not have regular data-columns number (-5) !! - At least a value cannot be cast in double precision (-5) !! !! On error, the 2D output array is __not allocated__. USE FSYSTEM CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: path !! Path of the input data file REAL(kind=8), INTENT(out), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: data2d !! 2D-array with the output values (double precision) CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: delimiter !! Optional column delimiter(s) TYPE(error) :: err !! Error status of function. LOGICAL :: ok INTEGER :: i,e,vc,lc INTEGER :: nl,nc,lu REAL(kind=8), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp CHARACTER(len=5) :: slc CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: line,zdelim CHARACTER(len=st_slen), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: wrds zdelim = CHAR(9)//CHAR(32) IF (PRESENT(delimiter)) zdelim = delimiter INQUIRE(FILE=TRIM(path),EXIST=ok) IF (.NOT.ok) THEN err = error(trim(path)//": no such file",-1) ; RETURN ENDIF lu = free_lun() IF (lu == -1) THEN ; err = error("Cannot find available logical unit...",-1) ; RETURN ; ENDIF OPEN(lu,FILE=TRIM(path),STATUS='OLD',ACTION='READ') vc = 0 ; lc=0 ; ok = .true. ! Read the file twice :) lc=0 ; vc = 0 ; nc=-1 ! First pass : get number of row values and checks everything ! DO ! Read the line IF (.NOT.readline(lu,line)) EXIT lc = lc + 1 ; WRITE(slc,'(I5)') lc ; slc = ADJUSTL(slc) ! skip empty/comment line IF (INDEX(TRIM(ADJUSTL(line)),"#") == 1.OR.LEN_TRIM(line) == 0) CYCLE ! update row counter vc = vc + 1 IF (.NOT.tokenize(line,wrds,zdelim,.true.)) THEN ! cannot tokenize err = error(trim(path)//": Cannot parse line "//TRIM(slc),-5) RETURN ELSEIF (.NOT.from_string(wrds,tmp)) THEN ! cannot cast values err = error(trim(path)//": Cannot cast values at line "//TRIM(slc),-5) RETURN ELSEIF (nc > 0 .AND. nc /= SIZE(tmp)) THEN ! current number of columns not equal to last one err = error(trim(path)//": Invalid number of columns (line "//TRIM(slc)//")",-5) RETURN ENDIF IF (nc == -1) nc = SIZE(wrds) IF (ALLOCATED(wrds)) DEALLOCATE(wrds) IF (ALLOCATED(tmp)) DEALLOCATE(tmp) ENDDO ! Rewind input data file REWIND(lu) nl = vc ! allocate memory ALLOCATE(data2d(nl,nc)) ! Second pass : saves values :) vc = 0 DO WHILE(vc <= nl) ! Reads the line IF (.NOT.readline(lu,line)) EXIT ! Check if we have comment or null string IF (INDEX(TRIM(ADJUSTL(line)),"#") == 1.OR.LEN_TRIM(line) == 0) CYCLE vc = vc + 1 ok = tokenize(line,wrds,zdelim,.true.) DO i = 1,nc ok = from_string(wrds(i),data2d(vc,i)) ENDDO IF (ALLOCATED(wrds)) DEALLOCATE(wrds) ENDDO CLOSE(lu) RETURN END FUNCTION read_data_2d FUNCTION readline(lun,line) RESULT(not_eof) !! Read a complete line !! !! Each time, it is called, the function reads a complete of the file opened in __lun__ !! logical unit and returns .false. if EOF has been reached, .true. otherwise. !! !! The function is intended to read a file line by line: !! !! ``` !! lu = 1 !! open(lu,file="path/to/the/file/to/read") !! l=0 ! A line counter !! DO WHILE(readline(lu,line)) !! l = l + 1 !! WRITE(*,'("L",I2.2,": ",(a))') il,line !! ENDDO !! CLOSE(1) !! ``` INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: lun !! Logical unit with the opened file to read. CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(out) :: line !! Processed line LOGICAL :: not_eof !! .true. if EOF has NOT been reached yet, .false. otherwise CHARACTER(len=50) :: buf INTEGER :: e,sz not_eof = .true. ; line = '' DO READ(lun,'(a)',ADVANCE="no",SIZE=sz,IOSTAT=e) buf IF (e == IOSTAT_END) THEN not_eof = .false. IF (sz > 0) line=line//buf(1:sz) EXIT ELSE IF (e == IOSTAT_EOR) THEN line = line//buf(1:sz) EXIT ELSE line = line//buf ENDIF ENDDO END FUNCTION readline END MODULE ASCIIREAD