subroutine interpolateH2H2(wn,temp,pres,abcoef,firstcall,ind) !================================================================== ! ! Purpose ! ------- ! Calculates the H2-H2 CIA opacity, using a lookup table from ! HITRAN (2011 or later) ! ! Authors ! ------- ! R. Wordsworth (2011) ! ! + J.Vatant d'Ollone (2019) ! - Enable updated HITRAN file (Karman2019,Fletcher2018) ! (2018 one should be default for giant planets) !================================================================== use callkeys_mod, only: versH2H2cia, strictboundcia, H2orthopara_mixture use datafile_mod, only: datadir use mod_phys_lmdz_para, only : is_master implicit none ! input double precision wn ! wavenumber (cm^-1) double precision temp ! temperature (Kelvin) double precision pres ! pressure (Pascals) ! output double precision abcoef ! absorption coefficient (m^-1) integer nS,nT parameter(nT=10) double precision, parameter :: losch = 2.6867774e19 ! Loschmit's number (molecule cm^-3 at STP) ! converts cm^5 molecule^-2 --> cm^-1 amagat^-2 ! see Richard et al. 2011, JQSRT for details double precision amagat double precision temp_arr(nT) double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: wn_arr double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: abs_arr integer k,iT logical firstcall save nS, wn_arr, temp_arr, abs_arr !read by master character*100 dt_file integer ios character(LEN=*), parameter :: fmat11 = "(A20,F10.3,F10.3,I7,F7.1,E10.3,F5.3)" character(LEN=*), parameter :: fmat18 = "(A12,A3,A5,F10.6,F10.4,I7,F7.3,E10.3,F5.3)" character*20 bleh double precision blah, Ttemp, ztemp integer nres integer ind ztemp=temp if ((H2orthopara_mixture .eq. "hot")) then if (ztemp .gt. 7000.) then if (strictboundcia) then if (is_master) then print*,'Your temperatures are too high for this H2-H2 CIA dataset (>7000K, Hot Jupiter case)' endif !is_master stop else !if (is_master) then ! print*,'Your temperatures are too high for this H2-H2 CIA dataset (Hot Jupiter case)' ! print*,'you have chosen strictboundcia = ', strictboundcia ! print*,'*********************************************************' ! print*,' we allow model to continue but with temp = 7000 ' ! print*,' ... for H2-H2 CIA dataset ... ' ! print*,' ... we assume we know what you are doing ... ' ! print*,'*********************************************************' !endif !is_master ztemp = 7000. endif !strictboundcia endif !(temp .gt. 7000.) else ! if not "hot" if( if (strictboundcia) then if (is_master) then print*,'Your temperatures are too high for this H2-H2 CIA dataset. If you ' print*,'really want to run simulations with hydrogen at T > 400 K, contact' print*,'Robin Wordsworth [].' endif !is_master stop else !if (is_master) then ! print*,'Your temperatures are too high for this H2-H2 CIA dataset' ! print*,'you have chosen strictboundcia = ', strictboundcia ! print*,'*********************************************************' ! print*,' we allow model to continue but with temp = 400 ' ! print*,' ... for H2-H2 CIA dataset ... ' ! print*,' ... we assume we know what you are doing ... ' ! print*,'*********************************************************' !endif !is_master ztemp = 400 endif !of strictboundcia elseif( if (strictboundcia) then if (is_master) then print*,'Your temperatures are too low for this H2-H2 CIA dataset. If you ' print*,'really want to run simulations with hydrogen at T < 40 K, contact' print*,'Robin Wordsworth [].' endif ! is_master stop else !if (is_master) then ! print*,'Your temperatures are too low for this H2-H2 CIA dataset' ! print*,'you have chosen strictboundcia = ', strictboundcia ! print*,'*********************************************************' ! print*,' we allow model to continue but with temp = 40 ' ! print*,' ... for H2-H2 CIA dataset ... ' ! print*,' ... we assume we know what you are doing ... ' ! print*,'*********************************************************' !endif !is_master ztemp = 40 endif !of strictboundcia endif ! of (temp .gt. 400) endif ! of ((H2orthopara_mixture .eq. "hot").and. (temp .gt. 3000.)) amagat = (273.15/temp)*(pres/101325.0) if(firstcall)then ! called by sugas_corrk only if (is_master) print*,'----------------------------------------------------' if (is_master) print*,'Initialising H2-H2 continuum from HITRAN database...' ! 1.1 Open the ASCII files and set nS according to version ! Only two possible versions for now : 2011 or 2018 (sanity check in inifis_mod) if (versH2H2cia.eq.2011) then nS = 2428 if (H2orthopara_mixture.eq."normal") then dt_file=TRIM(datadir)//'/continuum_data/H2-H2_norm_2011.cia' else if (H2orthopara_mixture.eq."equilibrium") then dt_file=TRIM(datadir)//'/continuum_data/H2-H2_eq_2011.cia' else if (H2orthopara_mixture.eq."hot") then dt_file=TRIM(datadir)//'/continuum_data/H2-H2_2011_extended.cia' ns = 800 endif else if (versH2H2cia.eq.2018 .and. H2orthopara_mixture.eq."normal") then nS = 9600 dt_file=TRIM(datadir)//'/continuum_data/H2-H2_norm_2018.cia' else if (versH2H2cia.eq.2018 .and. H2orthopara_mixture.eq."equilibrium") then nS = 10860 dt_file=TRIM(datadir)//'/continuum_data/H2-H2_eq_0-15000cm-1_40-400K.cia' endif if(.not.allocated(wn_arr)) allocate(wn_arr(nS)) if(.not.allocated(abs_arr)) allocate(abs_arr(nS,nT)) !$OMP MASTER open(33,file=dt_file,form='formatted',status='old',iostat=ios) if ( then ! file not found if (is_master) then write(*,*) 'Error from interpolateH2H2' write(*,*) 'Data file ',trim(dt_file),' not found.' write(*,*) 'Check that your path to datagcm:',trim(datadir) write(*,*) 'is correct. You can change it in callphys.def with:' write(*,*) 'datadir = /absolute/path/to/datagcm' write(*,*) 'Also check that the continuum data is there.' endif call abort else if(versH2H2cia.eq.2011) then if (is_master) then write(*,*) '... You are using H2-H2 CIA from 2011 but you should use more recent data available on HITRAN !' write(*,*) '... (Especially if you are running a giant planet atmosphere)' write(*,*) '... Just find out the H2-H2 CIA from 2018, put it in your datadir and have a look at interpolateH2H2.F90 ! .' endif endif do iT=1,nT ! Only two possibles values for now : 2011 or 2018 (sanity check in inifis_mod) if(versH2H2cia.eq.2011) then read(33,fmat11) bleh,blah,blah,nres,Ttemp else if (versH2H2cia.eq.2018) then read(33,fmat18) bleh,bleh,bleh,blah,blah,nres,Ttemp endif if( if (is_master) then print*,'Resolution given in file: ',trim(dt_file) print*,'is ',nres,', which does not match nS.' print*,'Please adjust nS value in interpolateH2H2.F90' endif stop endif temp_arr(iT)=Ttemp do k=1,nS read(33,*) wn_arr(k),abs_arr(k,it) end do end do endif close(33) !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP BARRIER if (is_master) then print*,'interpolateH2H2: At wavenumber ',wn,' cm^-1' print*,' temperature ',temp,' K' print*,' pressure ',pres,' Pa' endif endif call bilinearbig(nS,nT,wn_arr,temp_arr,abs_arr,wn,ztemp,abcoef,ind) !print*,'the absorption is ',abcoef,' cm^5 molecule^-2' !print*,'or ',abcoef*losch**2,' cm^-1 amagat^-2' abcoef=abcoef*losch**2*100.0*amagat**2 ! convert to m^-1 !print*,'We have ',amagat,' amagats of H2' !print*,'So the absorption is ',abcoef,' m^-1' ! unlike for Rayleigh scattering, we do not currently weight by the BB function ! however our bands are normally thin, so this is no big deal. return end subroutine interpolateH2H2