;+ ; NAME: ; FSC_DROPLIST ; ; PURPOSE: ; ; The purpose of this compound widget is to provide an alternative ; to the DROPLIST widget offered in the IDL distribution. What has ; always annoyed me about a droplist is that you can't get the current ; "value" of a droplist easily. This compound widget makes this and ; other tasks much easier. ; ; AUTHOR: ; ; FANNING SOFTWARE CONSULTING ; David Fanning, Ph.D. ; 1645 Sheely Drive ; Fort Collins, CO 80526 USA ; Phone: 970-221-0438 ; E-mail: davidf@dfanning.com ; Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming: http://www.dfanning.com/ ; ; CATEGORY: ; ; General programming. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; droplistObj = FSC_Droplist(parent, Title='Animals: ", Value=['Dog'. 'Cat', 'Coyote'], Index=2) ; ; The return value of the FSC_Droplist (droplistObj in this example) is ; an object reference. Interaction with the droplist will occur through ; object methods. ; ; INPUT PARAMETERS: ; ; parent -- The parent widget ID of the compound widget. Required. ; ; INPUT KEYWORDS: ; ; Any keyword that is appropriate for the Widget_Droplist function can be used. ; In addition, these keywords are explicitly defined. ; ; EVENT_FUNC -- Set this keyword to the name of an Event Handler Function. ; EVENT_PRO -- Set this keyword to the name of an Event Handler Procedure. ; FORMAT -- A format specifier for the "format" of the values in the droplist. ; INDEX -- The index number of the current selection. ; SPACES -- A two-element array that indicates the number of blank spaces to be added ; to the the beginning and end of the formatted values. If a single number ; is provided, this number of blank spaces is added to both the beginning ; and the end of the value. ; TITLE -- The title of the droplist widget. ; UNAME -- The user name of the droplist widget. (Only available in IDL 5.2 and higher.) ; UVALUE -- The normal "user value" of the droplist. ; VALUE -- An array of the droplist "selections". May be any data type. ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; ; None. ; ; DEPENDENCIES: ; ; Requires ERROR_MESSAGE from the Coyote Library.. ; ; EVENT STRUCTURE: ; ; An event is returned each time the droplist value is changed. The event structure ; is defined like this: ; ; event = { FSC_DROPLIST_EVENT, $ ; The name of the event structure. ; ID: 0L, $ ; The ID of the compound widget's top-level base. ; TOP: 0L, $ ; The widget ID of the top-level base of the hierarchy. ; HANDLER: 0L, $ ; The event handler ID. Filled out by IDL. ; INDEX: 0L, $ ; The index number of the current selection. ; SELECTION:Ptr_New() $ ; A pointer to the current selection "value". ; SELF:Obj_New() } ; The object reference of the compound widget. ; ; PUBLIC OBJECT METHODS: ; ; GetID -- A function with no arguments that returns the widget identifier ; of the droplist widget. ; ; droplistID = droplistObj->GetID() ; ; GetIndex -- A function with no arguments that returns the index ; number of the current droplist selection. ; ; currentIndex = droplistObj->GetIndex() ; ; GetSelection -- A function with no arguments that returns the current ; droplist selection. ; ; currentSelection = droplistObj->GetSelection() ; ; GetUValue -- A function with no arguments that returns the "user value" ; of the compound widget i.e., the value set with the UVALUE keyword). ; ; myUValue = droplistObj->GetUValue() ; ; GetValues -- A function with no arguments that returns the "values" or ; "selections" for the droplist. ; ; possibleSelections = droplistObj->GetValues() ; ; Resize -- A procedure that sets the X screen size of the droplist. It is ; defined like this: ; ; PRO Resize, newSize, ParentSize=parentSize ; ; The "newSize" keyword is the new X screen size. If this argument is ; missing, the screen X size of the compound widget's parent is used. ; The parentSize keyword is an output keyword that returns the X screen ; size of the compound widget's parent. ; ; droplistObj->Resize, 400 ; ; Note that not all devices (e.g., X Windows devices) support droplist resizing. ; ; SetIndex -- A procedure that sets the current droplist selection based on ; the given index. This is equivalent to Widget_Control, droplistID, Set_Droplist_Select=newIndex ; ; droplistObj->SetIndex, newIndex ; ; SetSelection -- Whereas a regular droplist widget can only be set by index ; number, this compound widget can also be set by a "selection". The new selection ; can be any data type and corresponds to one of the "values" of the droplist. ; ; droplistObj->SetSelection, newSelection ; ; SetValues -- Sets the possible selections of the droplist widget. The CurrentIndex keyword ; will allow the current index of the selection to be changed to: ; ; newChoices = ['dog', 'cat', 'coyote'] ; droplistObj->SetValues, newChoices, CurrentIndex=2 ; ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; An example program is provided at the end of the FSC_DROPLIST code. To run it, ; type these commands: ; ; IDL> .Compile FSC_DROPLIST ; IDL> Example ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; ; Written by: David W Fanning, 17 Jan 2000. DWF. ; Added FORMAT and SPACES keywords 28 April 2000. DWF. ; Fixed a small problem with event processing when the EVENT_FUNC keyword ; was used. 29 Dec 2000. DWF. ; Attached the UNAME value to the TLB of the compound widget instead ; of to the droplist widget itself. 11 Jan 2001. DWF. ; Fixed a problem when the droplist was part of a modal widget and used the ; EVENT_PRO keyword. 27 Oct 2003. DWF. ; Added a SetValue method for setting all the values in the droplist at once. 12 Nov 2004. DWF. ; Fixed type on line 346/ 6 Feb 2008. DWF. ;- ;########################################################################### ; ; LICENSE ; ; This software is OSI Certified Open Source Software. ; OSI Certified is a certification mark of the Open Source Initiative. ; ; Copyright 2000-2008 Fanning Software Consulting ; ; This software is provided "as-is", without any express or ; implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable ; for any damages arising from the use of this software. ; ; Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any ; purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and ; redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: ; ; 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must ; not claim you wrote the original software. If you use this software ; in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation ; would be appreciated, but is not required. ; ; 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must ; not be misrepresented as being the original software. ; ; 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. ; ; For more information on Open Source Software, visit the Open Source ; web site: http://www.opensource.org. ; ;########################################################################### ; PRO FSC_Droplist_Kill_Notify, droplistID ; This procedure is called automatically when the droplist is destroy. The ; purpose is to destroy the self object so there are no memory leaks. Widget_Control,droplistID, Get_UValue=self Obj_Destroy, self END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION FSC_Droplist::EventHandler, event ; This is the event handler method of the object. The purpose is to set the ; object's current selection and index number. If an event handler has ; been specified, a FSC_DROPLIST event is sent to the proper event handler. ; Set the current selection and index number. *self.selection = (*self.value)[event.index] self.index = event.index ; If we need to send an event package the event up. Include both ; the index number (what normal droplist events produce), the current ; selection, and the self object reference. thisEvent = {FSC_Droplist_EVENT, ID:self.tlb, TOP:event.top, HANDLER:event.handler, $ INDEX:self.index, SELECTION:self.selection, SELF:self} ; Send the event if requested. If it is requested, no events returned. IF self.event_pro NE "" THEN BEGIN Call_Procedure, self.event_pro, thisEvent thisEvent = 0 IF Obj_Valid(self) EQ 0 THEN RETURN, thisEvent ; Modal widget destroyed. ENDIF IF self.event_func NE "" THEN BEGIN ok = Call_Function(self.event_func, thisEvent) thisEvent = 0 ENDIF RETURN, thisEvent END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION FSC_Droplist_Events, event ; This is the droplist event handler. The purpose of this procedure is to ; get the self object reference and call the object's own event method. ; The event handler method will return 0 if an event handler procedure or ; function has been called. Otherwise, it will return the event. Widget_Control, event.id, Get_UValue=self theEvent = self->EventHandler(event) RETURN, theEvent END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO FSC_Droplist::Sensitive, value ; This method makes the droplist sensitive (value=1) or insensitive (value=0). Widget_Control, self.droplistID, Sensitive=value END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO FSC_Droplist::Resize, newSize, ParentSize=parentSize ; This method resizes the droplist. If the variable "newSize" is not provided, ; the new size is set by the parent widget's X screen size. This makes it possible ; to have the droplist sized to fit it's parent base widget. ; Get the parent widget's geometry and X screen size. parentGeometry = Widget_Info(self.parent, /Geometry) parentSize = parentGeometry.scr_xsize ; Has a size been provided? In not, use the parent's X screen size. IF N_Elements(newSize) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN newSize = parentGeometry.scr_xsize ENDIF ; Resize the droplist widget. Widget_Control, self.droplistID, Scr_XSize=newSize END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO FSC_Droplist::SetSelection, selection ; This method sets the current selection of the droplist by means of ; the selection "value". With a normal droplist you must set the selection ; by specifying an index number. ; Find the selection in the value. Return it's index number. IF N_Elements(selection) EQ 0 THEN selection = (*self.value)[0] index = Where(StrUpCase( Strtrim(*self.value,2) ) EQ StrUpCase( StrTrim(selection,2) ), count) ; If you can't find the selection, print an error message. IF count EQ 0 THEN BEGIN uname = Widget_Info(self.droplistID,/UName) ok = Error_Message('No item with name "' + uname + ':' + $ StrTrim(selection,2) + '" exists. Returning...') RETURN ENDIF ; Set the current index and selection for the object. index = 0 > index < (N_Elements(*self.value) - 1) self.index = index *self.selection = selection ; Set the current selection for the droplist widget. Widget_Control, self.droplistID, Set_Droplist_Select=self.index END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO FSC_Droplist::SetIndex, index ; This method sets the current selection by means of its index number. ; Make sure the index number is there and valid. IF N_Elements(index) EQ 0 THEN index = 0 self.index = 0 > index < (N_Elements(*self.value) - 1) ; Set the current selection. *self.selection = (*self.value)[index] ; Set the selection on the droplist widget. Widget_Control, self.droplistID, Set_Droplist_Select=self.index END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO FSC_Droplist::SetValues, theValues, CurrentIndex=currentIndex ; This method allows all the values in the droplist to be changed simultaneously. IF Ptr_Valid(self.value) THEN *self.value = theValues ELSE self.value = Ptr_New(theValues) Widget_Control, self.droplistID, Set_Value=*self.value IF N_Elements(currentIndex) EQ 0 THEN currentIndex = self.index ELSE self.index = currentIndex < (N_Elements(theValues)-1) IF currentIndex GT (N_Elements(*self.value)-1) THEN BEGIN currentIndex = 0 self.index = currentIndex ENDIF IF Ptr_Valid(self.selection) THEN *self.selection = (*self.value)[self.index] ELSE $ self.selection = Ptr_New((*self.value)[self.index]) Widget_Control, self.droplistID, Set_Droplist_Select=self.index END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION FSC_Droplist::GetIndex ; This method returns the index number of the current selection. RETURN, self.index END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION FSC_Droplist::GetSelection ; This method returns the "value" of the current selection. RETURN, *self.selection END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION FSC_Droplist::GetValues ; This method returns the current "values" or "selections" of the droplist. RETURN, *self.value END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION FSC_Droplist::GetUValue ; This method returns the "user value" of the droplist. RETURN, *self.storage END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION FSC_Droplist::GetID ; This method returns the droplist widget identifier. RETURN, self.droplistID END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO FSC_Droplist::CLEANUP ; This is the object's cleanup method. Free's up all the pointers used in the ; object. Ptr_Free, self.value Ptr_Free, self.selection Ptr_Free, self.storage END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION FSC_Droplist::INIT, $ parent, $ ; The widget ID of the droplist's parent widget. Required. debug=debug, $ ; Turns full error handling on for INIT catch error handler. Event_Func=event_func, $ ; The name of an event handler function. Event_Pro=event_pro, $ ; The name of an event handler procedure. _Extra=extra, $ ; A keyword that allows any droplist keyword to be used in initialization. Format=format, $ ; The format of the "value" of the droplist. Index=index, $ ; The index number of the current selection. Spaces=spaces, $ ; Number of blank spaces to add to formatted "values". Title=title, $ ; The text that goes in the TITLE of the droplist. UName=uname, $ ; A user name. Left for the user of the cw_droplist program. UValue=storage, $ ; A user value. Left for the user of the cw_droplist program. Value=value ; The "value" or selections of the droplist. May be any data type. ; Catch any errors. Catch, theError IF theError NE 0 THEN BEGIN Catch, /Cancel ok = Error_Message(!Error_State.Msg, Traceback=Keyword_Set(debug)) RETURN, 0 ENDIF ; This is the object's initialization method. IF N_Elements(parent) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN ok = Error_Message('Parent parameter must be provided. Returning...') RETURN, 0 ENDIF ; Check for presence of keywords. IF N_Elements(title) EQ 0 THEN title = 'Selection: ' IF N_Elements(value) EQ 0 THEN value = ['Dog', 'Cat', 'Coyote'] IF N_Elements(storage) EQ 0 THEN storage = "" IF N_Elements(index) EQ 0 THEN index = 0 IF N_Elements(event_pro) EQ 0 THEN event_pro = "" IF N_Elements(event_func) EQ 0 THEN event_func = "" IF N_Elements(uname) EQ 0 THEN uname = "" IF N_Elements(spaces) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN forwardSpace = "" trailingSpace = "" ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF N_Elements(spaces) EQ 2 THEN BEGIN IF spaces[0] LE 0 THEN forwardSpace = "" ELSE forwardSpace = String(Replicate(32B,spaces[0])) IF spaces[1] LE 0 THEN trailingSpace = "" ELSE trailingSpace = String(Replicate(32B,spaces[1])) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF spaces[0] LE 0 THEN forwardSpace = "" ELSE forwardSpace = String(Replicate(32B,spaces[0])) IF spaces[0] LE 0 THEN trailingSpace = "" ELSE trailingSpace = String(Replicate(32B,spaces[0])) ENDELSE ENDELSE index = 0 > index < (N_Elements(value) - 1) ; Create the droplist widget. UName only available for IDL 5.2 and higher. IF Float(!Version.Release) GE 5.2 THEN BEGIN IF Keyword_Set(format) THEN theValue = String(value, Format=format) ELSE theValue = StrTrim(value,2) self.tlb = Widget_Base(parent, UValue=storage, UName=uname) self.droplistID = Widget_Droplist(self.tlb, $ Title=title, $ Value=forwardSpace + theValue + trailingSpace, $ _Extra=extra, $ Kill_Notify='FSC_Droplist_Kill_Notify', $ Event_Func='FSC_Droplist_Events', $ UValue=self) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF Keyword_Set(format) THEN theValue = String(value, Format=format) ELSE theValue = StrTrim(value,2) self.tlb = Widget_Base(parent, UValue=storage) self.droplistID = Widget_Droplist(self.tlb, $ Title=title, $ Value=forwardSpace + theValue + trailingSpace, $ _Extra=extra, $ Kill_Notify='FSC_Droplist_Kill_Notify', $ Event_Func='FSC_Droplist_Events', $ UValue=self) ENDELSE ; Set the current selection on the droplist. selection = Value[index] Widget_Control, self.droplistID, Set_Droplist_Select=index ; Populate the object. self.storage = Ptr_New(storage) self.index = index self.title = title self.parent = parent self.selection = Ptr_New(selection) self.event_func = event_func self.event_pro = event_pro self.value = Ptr_New(value) RETURN, 1 END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO FSC_Droplist__DEFINE struct = { FSC_Droplist, $ ; The FSC_DROPLIST object class definition. title:"", $ ; The droplist title. value:Ptr_New(), $ ; The values or selections on the droplist. parent:0L, $ ; The widget identifer of the parent widget. tlb:0L, $ ; The top-level base of the compound widget. . droplistID:0L, $ ; The droplist widget identifier. selection:Ptr_New(), $ ; The current droplist selection. storage:Ptr_New(), $ ; The storage locaton for the "user value". event_pro:"", $ ; The name of an event handler procedure. event_func:"", $ ; The name of an event handler function. index:0 $ ; The index number of the current selecton. } END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION FSC_Droplist, parent, Title=title, Value=value, _Extra=extra ; This is the compound widget function call. It's purpose is to ; create the compound widget object and return it. RETURN, Obj_New('FSC_Droplist', parent, Title=title, Value=value, _Extra=extra) END ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO Example_Events, event Widget_Control, event.top, Get_UValue=droplists thisEvent = Tag_Names(event, /Structure_Name) CASE thisEvent OF 'FSC_DROPLIST_EVENT': BEGIN thisDroplist = event.self->GetUValue() Print, "" Print, thisDroplist + ' Selection: ', *event.selection Print, thisDroplist + ' Index Number: ', event.index ENDCASE 'WIDGET_BUTTON': BEGIN Widget_Control, event.id, Get_UValue=thisValue CASE thisValue OF ; Set the droplists by "selection". 'SET_DROPLIST1': droplists[0]->SetSelection, 'Coyote' 'SET_DROPLIST2': droplists[1]->SetSelection, 99.8 ELSE: Widget_Control, event.top, /Destroy ENDCASE ENDCASE ENDCASE END ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO Example ; Droplist 1 is filled with string selections. ; Droplist 2 is filled with number selections. tlb = Widget_Base(Title='FSC_Droplist Example', Column=1) animals = ['Dog', 'Cat', 'Opposum', 'Coyote'] numbers = [45.6, 18.3, 21.5, 99.8] ; Create the droplists. droplist1 = FSC_Droplist(tlb, Value=animals, Index=3, UValue='DROPLIST 1') droplist2 = FSC_Droplist(tlb, Value=numbers, Index=1, UValue='DROPLIST 2', $ Format='(F5.2)', Spaces=[2,0], Debug=1) ; Other widgets. button = Widget_Button(tlb, Value='Set Droplist 1 to "Coyote"', UValue='SET_DROPLIST1') button = Widget_Button(tlb, Value='Set Droplist 2 to 99.8', UValue='SET_DROPLIST2') button = Widget_Button(tlb, Value='Quit', UValue='QUIT') ; Resize the droplists. droplist1->Resize, 200 droplist2->Resize, 200 Widget_Control, tlb, /Realize, Set_UValue=[droplist1, droplist2] XManager, 'Example', tlb, Event_Handler='Example_Events', /No_Block ; Test of SetValues method: ; Wait, 2 ; newChoices = ['dog', 'cat', 'coyote'] ; droplist1->SetValues, newChoices, CurrentIndex=2 END ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------