subroutine hydrol(ngrid,nq,ptimestep,rnat,tsurf, & qsurf,dqsurf,dqs_hyd,pcapcal, & albedo0,albedo,mu0,pdtsurf,pdtsurf_hyd,hice) use ioipsl_getincom use watercommon_h, only: T_h2O_ice_liq, RLFTT, rhowater, mx_eau_sol USE surfdat_h use comdiurn_h USE comgeomfi_h USE tracer_h implicit none !================================================================== ! ! Purpose ! ------- ! Calculate the surface hydrology and albedo changes. ! ! Authors ! ------- ! Adapted from LMDTERRE by B. Charnay (2010). Further ! modifications by R. Wordsworth (2010). ! ! Called by ! --------- ! physiq.F ! ! Calls ! ----- ! none ! ! Notes ! ----- ! rnat is terrain type: 0-ocean; 1-continent ! !================================================================== #include "dimensions.h" #include "dimphys.h" #include "comcstfi.h" #include "callkeys.h" integer ngrid,nq ! Inputs ! ------ real albedoocean parameter (albedoocean=0.07) real albedoice save albedoice real snowlayer parameter (snowlayer=33.0) ! 33 kg/m^2 of snow, equal to a layer of 3.3 cm real oceantime parameter (oceantime=10*24*3600) logical,save :: oceanbulkavg ! relax ocean temperatures to a GLOBAL mean value? logical,save :: activerunoff ! enable simple runoff scheme? logical,save :: oceanalbvary ! ocean albedo varies with the diurnal cycle? ! Arguments ! --------- integer rnat(ngrid) ! I changed this to integer (RW) real,dimension(:),allocatable,save :: runoff real totalrunoff, tsea, oceanarea save oceanarea real ptimestep real mu0(ngrid) real qsurf(ngrid,nq), tsurf(ngrid) real dqsurf(ngrid,nq), pdtsurf(ngrid) real hice(ngrid) real albedo0(ngrid), albedo(ngrid) real oceanarea2 ! Output ! ------ real dqs_hyd(ngrid,nq) real pdtsurf_hyd(ngrid) ! Local ! ----- real a,b,E integer ig,iq, icap ! wld like to remove icap real fsnoi, subli, fauxo real twater(ngrid) real pcapcal(ngrid) real hicebis(ngrid) real zqsurf(ngrid,nq) real ztsurf(ngrid) integer, save :: ivap, iliq, iice logical, save :: firstcall data firstcall /.true./ if(firstcall)then oceanbulkavg=.false. oceanalbvary=.false. write(*,*)"Activate runnoff into oceans?" activerunoff=.false. call getin("activerunoff",activerunoff) write(*,*)" activerunoff = ",activerunoff ALLOCATE(runoff(ngrid)) ivap=igcm_h2o_vap iliq=igcm_h2o_vap iice=igcm_h2o_ice write(*,*) "hydrol: ivap=",ivap write(*,*) " iliq=",iliq write(*,*) " iice=",iice ! Here's the deal: iice is used in place of igcm_h2o_ice both on the ! surface and in the atmosphere. ivap is used in ! place of igcm_h2o_vap ONLY in the atmosphere, while ! iliq is used in place of igcm_h2o_vap ONLY on the ! surface. ! Soon to be extended to the entire water cycle... ! Ice albedo = snow albedo for now albedoice=albedosnow ! Total ocean surface area oceanarea=0. do ig=1,ngrid if(rnat(ig).eq.0)then oceanarea=oceanarea+area(ig) endif enddo if(oceanbulkavg.and.(oceanarea.le.0.))then print*,'How are we supposed to average the ocean' print*,'temperature, when there are no oceans?' call abort endif if(activerunoff.and.(oceanarea.le.0.))then print*,'You have enabled runoff, but you have no oceans.' print*,'Where did you think the water was going to go?' call abort endif firstcall = .false. endif ! add physical tendencies already calculated ! ------------------------------------------ do ig=1,ngrid ztsurf(ig) = tsurf(ig) + ptimestep*pdtsurf(ig) pdtsurf_hyd(ig)=0.0 do iq=1,nq zqsurf(ig,iq) = qsurf(ig,iq) + ptimestep*dqsurf(ig,iq) enddo enddo do ig=1,ngrid do iq=1,nq dqs_hyd(ig,iq) = 0.0 enddo enddo do ig = 1, ngrid ! Ocean ! ----- if(rnat(ig).eq.0)then ! re-calculate oceanic albedo if(diurnal.and.oceanalbvary)then fauxo = ( 1.47 - ACOS( mu0(ig) ) )/0.15 ! where does this come from (Benjamin)? albedo(ig) = 1.1*( .03 + .630/( 1. + fauxo*fauxo)) albedo(ig) = MAX(MIN(albedo(ig),0.60),0.04) else albedo(ig) = albedoocean ! modif Benjamin end if ! calculate oceanic ice height including the latent heat of ice formation ! hice is the height of oceanic ice with a maximum of maxicethick. hice(ig) = zqsurf(ig,iice)/rhowater ! update hice to include recent snowfall ! twater(ig) = tsurf(ig) + ptimestep*zdtsurf(ig) & twater(ig) = ztsurf(ig) - hice(ig)*RLFTT*rhowater/pcapcal(ig) ! this is temperature water would have if we melted entire ocean ice layer hicebis(ig) = hice(ig) hice(ig) = 0. if(twater(ig) .lt. T_h2O_ice_liq)then E=min((T_h2O_ice_liq+Tsaldiff-twater(ig))*pcapcal(ig),RLFTT*rhowater*maxicethick) hice(ig) = E/(RLFTT*rhowater) hice(ig) = max(hice(ig),0.0) hice(ig) = min(hice(ig),maxicethick) pdtsurf_hyd(ig) = (hice(ig) - hicebis(ig))*RLFTT*rhowater/pcapcal(ig)/ptimestep albedo(ig) = albedoice ! if (zqsurf(ig,iice).ge.snowlayer) then ! albedo(ig) = albedoice ! else ! albedo(ig) = albedoocean & ! + (albedosnow - albedoocean)*zqsurf(ig,iice)/snowlayer ! endif else pdtsurf_hyd(ig) = -hicebis(ig)*RLFTT*rhowater/pcapcal(ig)/ptimestep albedo(ig) = albedoocean endif zqsurf(ig,iliq) = zqsurf(ig,iliq)-(hice(ig)*rhowater-zqsurf(ig,iice)) zqsurf(ig,iice) = hice(ig)*rhowater ! Continent ! --------- elseif (rnat(ig).eq.1) then ! melt the snow if(ztsurf(ig).gt.T_h2O_ice_liq)then if(zqsurf(ig,iice).gt.1.0e-8)then a = (ztsurf(ig)-T_h2O_ice_liq)*pcapcal(ig)/RLFTT b = zqsurf(ig,iice) fsnoi = min(a,b) zqsurf(ig,iice) = zqsurf(ig,iice) - fsnoi zqsurf(ig,iliq) = zqsurf(ig,iliq) + fsnoi ! thermal effects pdtsurf_hyd(ig) = -fsnoi*RLFTT/pcapcal(ig)/ptimestep endif else ! freeze the water if(zqsurf(ig,iliq).gt.1.0e-8)then a = -(ztsurf(ig)-T_h2O_ice_liq)*pcapcal(ig)/RLFTT b = zqsurf(ig,iliq) fsnoi = min(a,b) zqsurf(ig,iice) = zqsurf(ig,iice) + fsnoi zqsurf(ig,iliq) = zqsurf(ig,iliq) - fsnoi ! thermal effects pdtsurf_hyd(ig) = +fsnoi*RLFTT/pcapcal(ig)/ptimestep endif endif ! deal with runoff if(activerunoff)then runoff(ig) = max(zqsurf(ig,iliq) - mx_eau_sol, 0.0) if( ! runoff only exists in 3D if(runoff(ig).ne.0.0)then zqsurf(ig,iliq) = mx_eau_sol ! runoff is added to ocean at end endif end if endif ! re-calculate continental albedo albedo(ig) = albedo0(ig) ! albedo0 = base values if (zqsurf(ig,iice).ge.snowlayer) then albedo(ig) = albedosnow else albedo(ig) = albedo0(ig) & + (albedosnow - albedo0(ig))*zqsurf(ig,iice)/snowlayer endif else print*,'Surface type not recognised in hydrol.F!' print*,'Exiting...' call abort endif end do ! ig=1,ngrid ! perform crude bulk averaging of temperature in ocean ! ---------------------------------------------------- if(oceanbulkavg)then oceanarea2=0. DO ig=1,ngrid if((rnat(ig).eq.0).and.(hice(ig).eq.0.))then oceanarea2=oceanarea2+area(ig)*pcapcal(ig) end if END DO tsea=0. DO ig=1,ngrid if((rnat(ig).eq.0).and.(hice(ig).eq.0.))then tsea=tsea+ztsurf(ig)*area(ig)*pcapcal(ig)/oceanarea2 end if END DO DO ig=1,ngrid if((rnat(ig).eq.0).and.(hice(ig).eq.0))then pdtsurf_hyd(ig) = pdtsurf_hyd(ig) + (tsea-ztsurf(ig))/oceantime end if END DO print*,'Mean ocean temperature = ',tsea,' K' endif ! shove all the runoff water into the ocean ! ----------------------------------------- if(activerunoff)then totalrunoff=0. do ig=1,ngrid if (rnat(ig).eq.1) then totalrunoff = totalrunoff + area(ig)*runoff(ig) endif enddo do ig=1,ngrid if (rnat(ig).eq.0) then zqsurf(ig,iliq) = zqsurf(ig,iliq) + & totalrunoff/oceanarea endif enddo endif ! Re-add the albedo effects of CO2 ice if necessary ! ------------------------------------------------- if(co2cond)then icap=1 do ig=1,ngrid if (qsurf(ig,igcm_co2_ice).gt.0) then albedo(ig) = albedice(icap) endif enddo endif do ig=1,ngrid dqs_hyd(ig,iliq)=(zqsurf(ig,iliq) - qsurf(ig,iliq))/ptimestep dqs_hyd(ig,iice)=(zqsurf(ig,iice) - qsurf(ig,iice))/ptimestep enddo call writediagfi(ngrid,'runoff','Runoff amount',' ',2,runoff) return end subroutine hydrol