program plotgrids use map_utils implicit none ! Parameters integer, parameter :: MAX_DOMAINS = 21 ! Variables integer :: iproj_type, n_domains, io_form_output, dyn_opt integer :: i, j, max_dom, funit, io_form_geogrid integer :: interval_seconds integer, dimension(MAX_DOMAINS) :: parent_grid_ratio, parent_id, ixdim, jydim integer, dimension(MAX_DOMAINS) :: i_parent_start, j_parent_start, & s_we, e_we, s_sn, e_sn, & start_year, start_month, start_day, start_hour, & end_year, end_month, end_day, end_hour real :: known_lat, known_lon, stand_lon, truelat1, truelat2, known_x, known_y, & dxkm, dykm, phi, lambda, ref_lat, ref_lon, ref_x, ref_y real :: dx, dy real :: ri, rj, rlats, rlons, rlate, rlone real :: polat , rot real :: rparent_gridpts real :: xa,xb,ya,yb,xxa,xxy,yya,yyb real :: xs, xe, ys, ye integer :: jproj, jgrid, jlts, iusout, idot, ier integer :: ltype , idom real, dimension(MAX_DOMAINS) :: parent_ll_x, parent_ll_y, parent_ur_x, parent_ur_y character (len=128) :: geog_data_path, opt_output_from_geogrid_path, opt_geogrid_tbl_path character (len=128), dimension(MAX_DOMAINS) :: geog_data_res character (len=128) :: map_proj character (len=128), dimension(MAX_DOMAINS) :: start_date, end_date character (len=3) :: wrf_core character (len=1) :: gridtype logical :: do_tiled_output integer :: debug_level logical :: is_used type (proj_info) :: map_projection namelist /share/ wrf_core, max_dom, start_date, end_date, & start_year, end_year, start_month, end_month, & start_day, end_day, start_hour, end_hour, & interval_seconds, & io_form_geogrid, opt_output_from_geogrid_path, debug_level namelist /geogrid/ parent_id, parent_grid_ratio, & i_parent_start, j_parent_start, s_we, e_we, s_sn, e_sn, & map_proj, ref_x, ref_y, ref_lat, ref_lon, & truelat1, truelat2, stand_lon, dx, dy, & geog_data_res, geog_data_path, opt_geogrid_tbl_path ! Set defaults for namelist variables debug_level = 0 io_form_geogrid = 2 wrf_core = 'ARW' max_dom = 1 geog_data_path = 'NOT_SPECIFIED' ref_x = NAN ref_y = NAN ref_lat = NAN ref_lon = NAN dx = 10000. dy = 10000. map_proj = 'Lambert' truelat1 = NAN truelat2 = NAN stand_lon = NAN do i=1,MAX_DOMAINS geog_data_res(i) = 'default' parent_id(i) = 1 parent_grid_ratio(i) = INVALID s_we(i) = 1 e_we(i) = INVALID s_sn(i) = 1 e_sn(i) = INVALID start_year(i) = 0 start_month(i) = 0 start_day(i) = 0 start_hour(i) = 0 end_year(i) = 0 end_month(i) = 0 end_day(i) = 0 end_hour(i) = 0 start_date(i) = '0000-00-00_00:00:00' end_date(i) = '0000-00-00_00:00:00' end do opt_output_from_geogrid_path = './' opt_geogrid_tbl_path = 'geogrid/' interval_seconds = INVALID ! Read parameters from Fortran namelist do funit=10,100 inquire(unit=funit, opened=is_used) if (.not. is_used) exit end do open(funit,file='namelist.wps',status='old',form='formatted',err=1000) read(funit,share) read(funit,geogrid) close(funit) dxkm = dx dykm = dy known_lat = ref_lat known_lon = ref_lon known_x = ref_x known_y = ref_y ! Convert wrf_core to uppercase letters do i=1,3 if (ichar(wrf_core(i:i)) >= 97) wrf_core(i:i) = char(ichar(wrf_core(i:i))-32) end do ! Before doing anything else, we must have a valid grid type gridtype = ' ' if (wrf_core == 'ARW') then gridtype = 'C' dyn_opt = 2 else if (wrf_core == 'NMM') then gridtype = 'E' dyn_opt = 4 end if if (gridtype /= 'C' .and. gridtype /= 'E') then write(6,*) 'A valid wrf_core must be specified in the namelist. '// & 'Currently, only "ARW" and "NMM" are supported.' stop end if ! ! Currently, plotgrids.exe does not work with NMM domains ! if (gridtype == 'E') then write(6,*) write(6,*) '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' write(6,*) '! This version of the plotgrids utility does not work for NMM domains. !' write(6,*) '! An NMM-specific plotgrids may or may not be under development. !' write(6,*) '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' write(6,*) stop end if if (max_dom > MAX_DOMAINS) then write(6,*) 'In namelist, max_dom must be <= ',MAX_DOMAINS,'. To run with more'// & ' than ',MAX_DOMAINS,' domains, increase the MAX_DOMAINS parameter.' stop end if ! Every domain must have a valid parent id do i=2,max_dom if (parent_id(i) <= 0 .or. parent_id(i) >= i) then write(6,*) 'In namelist, the parent_id of domain ',i,' must be in '// & 'the range 1 to ',i-1 stop end if end do ! Convert map_proj to uppercase letters do i=1,len(map_proj) if (ichar(map_proj(i:i)) >= 97) map_proj(i:i) = char(ichar(map_proj(i:i))-32) end do ! Assign parameters to module variables if ((index(map_proj, 'LAMBERT') /= 0) .and. & (len_trim(map_proj) == len('LAMBERT'))) then iproj_type = PROJ_LC rot=truelat1 polat=truelat2 jproj = 3 else if ((index(map_proj, 'MERCATOR') /= 0) .and. & (len_trim(map_proj) == len('MERCATOR'))) then iproj_type = PROJ_MERC rot=0. polat=0. jproj = 9 else if ((index(map_proj, 'POLAR') /= 0) .and. & (len_trim(map_proj) == len('POLAR'))) then iproj_type = PROJ_PS rot=0. polat=SIGN(90., ref_lat) jproj = 1 else if ((index(map_proj, 'ROTATED_LL') /= 0) .and. & (len_trim(map_proj) == len('ROTATED_LL'))) then iproj_type = PROJ_ROTLL else write(6,*) 'In namelist, invalid map_proj specified. Valid '// & 'projections are "lambert", "mercator", "polar", '// & 'and "rotated_ll".' end if n_domains = max_dom do i=1,n_domains ixdim(i) = e_we(i) - s_we(i) + 1 jydim(i) = e_sn(i) - s_sn(i) + 1 end do if (gridtype == 'E') then phi = dykm*real(jydim(1)-1)/2. lambda = dxkm*real(ixdim(1)-1) end if ! If the user hasn't supplied a known_x and known_y, assume the center of domain 1 if (known_x == NAN) known_x = ixdim(1) / 2. if (known_y == NAN) known_y = jydim(1) / 2. ! Checks specific to C grid if (gridtype == 'C') then ! C grid does not support the rotated lat/lon projection if (iproj_type == PROJ_ROTLL) then write(6,*) 'Rotated lat/lon projection is not supported for the ARW core. '// & 'Valid projecitons are "lambert", "mercator", and "polar".' stop end if ! Check that nests have an acceptable number of grid points in each dimension do i=2,n_domains rparent_gridpts = real(ixdim(i)-1)/real(parent_grid_ratio(i)) if (floor(rparent_gridpts) /= ceiling(rparent_gridpts)) then write(6,*) 'For nest ',i,' (e_we-s_we+1) must be one greater than an '// & 'interger multiple of the parent_grid_ratio.' stop end if rparent_gridpts = real(jydim(i)-1)/real(parent_grid_ratio(i)) if (floor(rparent_gridpts) /= ceiling(rparent_gridpts)) then write(6,*) 'For nest ',i,' (e_sn-s_sn+1) must be one greater than an '// & 'interger multiple of the parent_grid_ratio.' stop end if end do end if do i=1,n_domains parent_ll_x(i) = real(i_parent_start(i)) parent_ll_y(i) = real(j_parent_start(i)) parent_ur_x(i) = real(i_parent_start(i))+real(ixdim(i))/real(parent_grid_ratio(i))-1. parent_ur_y(i) = real(j_parent_start(i))+real(jydim(i))/real(parent_grid_ratio(i))-1. end do call map_init(map_projection) call map_set(iproj_type, map_projection, & lat1=known_lat, & lon1=known_lon, & knowni=known_x, & knownj=known_y, & dx=dx, & stdlon=stand_lon, & truelat1=truelat1, & truelat2=truelat2, & ixdim=ixdim(1), & jydim=jydim(1)) call ij_to_latlon(map_projection, 1., 1., rlats, rlons) call ij_to_latlon(map_projection, real(e_we(1)), real(e_sn(1)) , rlate, rlone) call opngks ! Set some colors call gscr(1, 0, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00) call gscr(1, 1, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00) ! Do not grind them with details jgrid=10 jlts=-2 iusout=1 idot=0 call supmap(jproj,polat,stand_lon,rot,& rlats,rlons,rlate,rlone, & jlts,jgrid,iusout,idot,ier) call setusv('LW',1000) call perim(e_we(1)-1,1,e_sn(1)-1,1) call getset(xa,xb,ya,yb,xxa,xxy,yya,yyb,ltype) call set (xa,xb,ya,yb, & 1.,real(e_we(1)),1.,real(e_sn(1)),ltype) do idom = 2 , max_dom call getxy ( xs, xe, ys, ye, & idom , max_dom , & e_we , e_sn , & parent_id , parent_grid_ratio , & i_parent_start , j_parent_start ) call line ( xs , ys , xe , ys ) call line ( xe , ys , xe , ye ) call line ( xe , ye , xs , ye ) call line ( xs , ye , xs , ys ) end do call frame call clsgks stop 1000 write(6,*) 'Error opening namelist.wps' stop end program plotgrids subroutine getxy ( xs, xe, ys, ye, & dom_id , num_domains , & e_we , e_sn , & parent_id , parent_grid_ratio , & i_parent_start , j_parent_start ) implicit none integer , intent(in) :: dom_id integer , intent(in) :: num_domains integer , intent(in) , dimension(num_domains):: e_we , e_sn , & parent_id , parent_grid_ratio , & i_parent_start , j_parent_start real , intent(out) :: xs, xe, ys, ye ! local vars integer :: idom xs = 0. xe = e_we(dom_id) -1 ys = 0. ye = e_sn(dom_id) -1 idom = dom_id compute_xy : DO xs = (i_parent_start(idom) + xs -1 ) / & real(parent_grid_ratio(parent_id(idom))) xe = xe / real(parent_grid_ratio(idom)) ys = (j_parent_start(idom) + ys -1 ) / & real(parent_grid_ratio(parent_id(idom))) ye = ye / real(parent_grid_ratio(idom)) idom = parent_id(idom) if ( idom .EQ. 1 ) then exit compute_xy end if END DO compute_xy xs = xs + 1 xe = xs + xe ys = ys + 1 ye = ys + ye end subroutine getxy