!*****************************************************************************! program g2print ! ! ! use table use gridinfo use storage_module use filelist use datarray implicit none interface subroutine parse_args(err, a1, h1, i1, l1, a2, h2, i2, l2,& a3, h3, i3, l3, hlast) integer :: err character(len=*) , optional :: a1, a2, a3 character(len=*), optional :: h1, h2, h3 integer , optional :: i1, i2, i3 logical, optional :: l1, l2, l3 character(len=*), optional :: hlast end subroutine parse_args end interface integer :: nunit1 = 12 character(LEN=120) :: gribflnm integer :: iprint integer , parameter :: maxlvl = 100 real :: startlat, startlon, deltalat, deltalon real :: level character (LEN=9) :: field character (LEN=3) :: out_format logical :: readit integer, dimension(255) :: iuarr = 0 character (LEN=19) :: HSTART, HEND, HDATE character(LEN=19) :: hsave = '0000-00-00_00:00:00' integer :: itime integer :: ntimes integer :: interval integer :: ierr logical :: ordered_by_date integer :: debug_level integer :: grib_version integer :: vtable_columns character(len=30) :: hopt logical :: ivb = .FALSE. logical :: idb = .FALSE. ! ----------------- gribflnm = ' ' call parse_args(ierr, a1='v', l1=ivb, a2='V', l2=idb, hlast=gribflnm) if (ierr.ne.0) then call getarg(0, hopt) write(*,'(//,"Usage: ", A, " [-v] [-V] file",/)') trim(hopt) write(*,'(" -v : Print more information about the GRIB records")') write(*,'(" -V : Print way too much information about the GRIB& & records")') write(*,'(" file : GRIB file to read"//)') stop endif ! ----------------- ! Determine GRIB Edition number grib_version=0 call edition_num(nunit1, trim(gribflnm), grib_version, ierr) if (ierr.eq.3) STOP 'GRIB file problem' debug_level = 0 if (ivb) debug_level = 51 if (idb) debug_level = 101 write(6,*) 'reading from grib file = ',gribflnm LOOP1 : DO ! At the beginning of LOOP1, we are at a new time period. ! Clear the storage arrays and associated level information. ! If we need to read a new grib record, then read one. if (grib_version.ne.2) then write(6,*) 'calling r_grib1 with iunit ', nunit1 write(6,*) 'flnm = ',gribflnm write(6,*) 'GRIB 1 not yet supported in this code' stop ! Read one record at a time from GRIB1 (and older Editions) ! call r_grib1(nunit1, gribflnm, level, field, & ! hdate, debug_level, ierr, iuarr, iprint) else ! Read one file of records from GRIB2. if (debug_level .gt. 100) write(6,*) 'calling r_grib2' call r_grib2(nunit1, gribflnm, hdate, & grib_version, debug_level, ierr) endif if (ierr.eq.1) then ! We have hit the end of a file. Exit LOOP1. exit LOOP1 endif enddo LOOP1 if (grib_version.ne.2) then call cclose(iuarr(nunit1), iprint, ierr) iuarr(nunit1) = 0 endif ! And Now we are done: print*,' ' print*,' ' print*,' Successful completion of g2print ' contains subroutine sort_filedates implicit none integer :: n logical :: done if (nfiles > 1) then done = .FALSE. do while ( .not. done) done = .TRUE. do n = 1, nfiles-1 if (filedates(n) > filedates(n+1)) then filedates(size(filedates)) = filedates(n) filedates(n) = filedates(n+1) filedates(n+1) = filedates(size(filedates)) filedates(size(filedates)) = '0000-00-00 00:00:00.0000' done = .FALSE. endif enddo enddo endif end subroutine sort_filedates end program g2print !*****************************************************************************! SUBROUTINE r_grib2(junit, gribflnm, hdate, & grib_edition, debug_level, ireaderr) use grib_mod use params use table ! Included to define cg2code use gridinfo ! Included to define map% use storage_module ! Included sub put_storage real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: hold_array parameter(msk1=32000,msk2=4000) character(len=1),allocatable,dimension(:) :: cgrib integer :: listsec0(3) integer :: listsec1(13) integer year, month, day, hour, minute, second, fcst character(len=*) :: gribflnm character(len=*) :: hdate character(len=8) :: pabbrev character(len=20) :: labbrev character(len=80) :: tabbrev integer :: lskip, lgrib integer :: junit, itot, icount, iseek integer :: grib_edition integer :: i, j, ireaderr, ith integer :: currlen logical :: unpack, expand type(gribfield) :: gfld ! For subroutine put_storage real :: level real :: scale_factor integer :: iplvl character (len=9) :: my_field ! For subroutine outout integer , parameter :: maxlvl = 100 real , dimension(maxlvl) :: plvl integer :: nlvl integer , dimension(maxlvl) :: level_array logical :: verbose=.false. integer :: debug_level character(len=4) :: tmp4 character(len=40) :: string character(len=13) :: pstring = ',t50,":",i14)' character(len=15) :: rstring = ',t50,":",f14.5)' ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! SET ARGUMENTS call start() unpack=.true. expand=.true. hdate = '0000-00-00_00:00:00' ierr=0 itot=0 icount=0 iseek=0 lskip=0 lgrib=0 currlen=0 ith=1 scale_factor = 1e6 ! do j = 1,10 ! write(6,'("j = ",i4," level1 = ",i8," level2 = ",i8)') j, & ! level1(j), level2(j) ! enddo !/* IOS Return Codes from BACIO: */ !/* 0 All was well */ !/* -1 Tried to open read only _and_ write only */ !/* -2 Tried to read and write in the same call */ !/* -3 Internal failure in name processing */ !/* -4 Failure in opening file */ !/* -5 Tried to read on a write-only file */ !/* -6 Failed in read to find the 'start' location */ !/* -7 Tried to write to a read only file */ !/* -8 Failed in write to find the 'start' location */ !/* -9 Error in close */ !/* -10 Read or wrote fewer data than requested */ !if ireaderr =1 we have hit the end of a file. !if ireaderr =2 we have hit the end of all the files. if ( debug_level .gt. 100 ) verbose = .true. if (verbose) write(6,*) 'begin r_grib2, flnm = ',gribflnm ! Open a byte-addressable file. CALL BAOPENR(junit,gribflnm,IOS) if (verbose) write(6,*) 'back from baopenr, ios = ',ios if (ios.eq.0) then VERSION: do ! Search opend file for the next GRIB2 messege (record). if (verbose) write(6,*) 'calling skgb' call skgb(junit,iseek,msk1,lskip,lgrib) ! Check for EOF, or problem if (lgrib.eq.0) then exit endif ! Check size, if needed allocate more memory. if (lgrib.gt.currlen) then if (allocated(cgrib)) deallocate(cgrib) allocate(cgrib(lgrib),stat=is) !print *,'G2 allocate(cgrib(lgrib)) status: ',IS currlen=lgrib endif ! Read a given number of bytes from unblocked file. call baread(junit,lskip,lgrib,lengrib,cgrib) if (lgrib.ne.lengrib) then print *,'G2 r_grib2: IO Error.',lgrib,".ne.",lengrib call errexit(9) endif iseek=lskip+lgrib icount=icount+1 if (verbose) PRINT *,'G2 GRIB MESSAGE ',icount,' starts at',lskip+1 ! Unpack GRIB2 field call gb_info(cgrib,lengrib,listsec0,listsec1, & numfields,numlocal,maxlocal,ierr) if (ierr.ne.0) then write(*,*) ' ERROR querying GRIB2 message = ',ierr stop 10 endif itot=itot+numfields grib_edition=listsec0(2) if (grib_edition.ne.2) then exit VERSION endif ! Additional print statments for developer. if (verbose) then print *,'G2 SECTION 0: ',(listsec0(j),j=1,3) print *,'G2 SECTION 1: ',(listsec1(j),j=1,13) print *,'G2 Contains ',numlocal,' Local Sections ', & ' and ',numfields,' data fields.' endif ! ---- ! Once per file fill in date, model and projection values. if (lskip.lt.10) then ! Build the 19-character date string, based on GRIB2 header date ! and time information, including forecast time information: n=1 call gf_getfld(cgrib,lengrib,n,unpack,expand,gfld,ierr) if (debug_level .gt. 100 ) then write(6,*) 'gfld%version = ',gfld%version if (gfld%discipline .eq. 0) then string = 'Meteorological products' else if (gfld%discipline .eq. 1) then string = 'Hydrological products' else if (gfld%discipline .eq. 2) then string = 'Land Surface products' else string = 'See code table 0.0' endif write(6,*) 'Discipline = ',gfld%discipline,' ',string write(6,*) 'gfld%idsect(1) = ',gfld%idsect(1) write(6,*) 'gfld%idsect(2) = ',gfld%idsect(2) write(6,*) 'gfld%idsect(3) = ',gfld%idsect(3) write(6,*) 'gfld%idsect(4) = ',gfld%idsect(4) write(6,*) 'gfld%idsect(5) = ',gfld%idsect(5) write(6,*) 'gfld%idsect(6) = ',gfld%idsect(6) write(6,*) 'gfld%idsect(7) = ',gfld%idsect(7) write(6,*) 'gfld%idsect(8) = ',gfld%idsect(8) write(6,*) 'gfld%idsect(9) = ',gfld%idsect(9) write(6,*) 'gfld%idsect(10) = ',gfld%idsect(10) write(6,*) 'gfld%idsect(11) = ',gfld%idsect(11) write(6,*) 'gfld%idsect(12) = ',gfld%idsect(12) write(6,*) 'gfld%idsect(13) = ',gfld%idsect(13) write(6,*) 'gfld%idsectlen = ',gfld%idsectlen write(6,*) 'gfld%locallen = ',gfld%locallen write(6,*) 'gfld%ifldnum = ',gfld%ifldnum write(6,*) 'gfld%ngrdpts = ',gfld%ngrdpts write(6,*) 'gfld%numoct_opt = ',gfld%numoct_opt write(6,*) 'gfld%interp_opt = ',gfld%interp_opt write(6,*) 'gfld%griddef = ',gfld%griddef if (gfld%igdtnum .eq. 0) then string = 'Lat/Lon cylindrical equidistant' else if (gfld%igdtnum .eq. 1) then string = 'Rotated Lat/Lon' else if (gfld%igdtnum .eq. 2) then string = 'Stretched Lat/Lon' else if (gfld%igdtnum .eq. 20) then string = 'Polar Stereographic' else if (gfld%igdtnum .eq. 30) then string = 'Lambert Conformal' else if (gfld%igdtnum .eq. 40) then string = 'Gaussian Lat/Lon' else if (gfld%igdtnum .eq. 50) then string = 'Spherical harmonic coefficients' else string = 'see code table 3.1' endif write(6,*) 'Grid Template number = ',gfld%igdtnum,' ',string write(6,*) 'gfld%igdtlen = ',gfld%igdtlen do i = 1, gfld%igdtlen write(6,*) 'gfld%igdtmpl(',i,') = ',gfld%igdtmpl(i) enddo write(6,*) 'gfld%ipdtnum = ',gfld%ipdtnum write(6,*) 'gfld%ipdtlen = ',gfld%ipdtlen if ( gfld%ipdtnum .eq. 0 ) then do i = 1, gfld%ipdtlen write(6,*) 'gfld%ipdtmpl(',i,') = ',gfld%ipdtmpl(i) enddo endif write(6,*) 'gfld%num_coord = ',gfld%num_coord write(6,*) 'gfld%ndpts = ',gfld%ndpts write(6,*) 'gfld%idrtnum = ',gfld%idrtnum write(6,*) 'gfld%idrtlen = ',gfld%idrtlen write(6,*) 'gfld%expanded = ',gfld%expanded write(6,*) 'gfld%ibmap = ',gfld%ibmap endif if (debug_level .le. 50) then write(6,*) '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' write(6,*) ' rec Prod Cat Param Lvl Lvl Lvl Name Time Fcst' write(6,*) ' num Disc num code one two hour' write(6,*) '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' endif year =gfld%idsect(6) !(FOUR-DIGIT) YEAR OF THE DATA month =gfld%idsect(7) ! MONTH OF THE DATA day =gfld%idsect(8) ! DAY OF THE DATA hour =gfld%idsect(9) ! HOUR OF THE DATA minute=gfld%idsect(10) ! MINUTE OF THE DATA second=gfld%idsect(11) ! SECOND OF THE DATA fcst = 0 ! Parse the forecast time info from Sect 4. if (gfld%ipdtnum.eq.0) then ! Product Definition Template 4.0 ! Extract forecast time. fcst = gfld%ipdtmpl(9) endif ! Compute valid time. if (verbose) then print *, 'ymd',gfld%idsect(6),gfld%idsect(7),gfld%idsect(8) print *, 'hhmm ',gfld%idsect(9),gfld%idsect(10) endif call build_hdate(hdate,year,month,day,hour,minute,second) if (verbose) print *, 'G2 hdate = ',hdate ! call geth_newdate(hdate,hdate,3600*fcst) ! no need for thin in print ! print *, 'G2 hdate (fcst?) = ',hdate !-- ! Indicator of the source (center) of the data. icenter = gfld%idsect(1) ! Indicator of model (or whatever) which generated the data. iprocess = gfld%ipdtmpl(5) if (icenter.eq.7) then if (iprocess.eq.83 .or. iprocess.eq.84) then map%source = 'NCEP NAM Model' elseif (iprocess.eq.81) then map%source = 'NCEP GFS Model' elseif (iprocess.eq.96) then map%source = 'NCEP GFS Model' elseif (iprocess.eq.86 .or. iprocess.eq.100) then map%source = 'NCEP RUC Model' ! 60 km elseif (iprocess.eq.101) then map%source = 'NCEP RUC Model' ! 40 km elseif (iprocess.eq.105) then map%source = 'NCEP RUC Model' ! 20 km elseif (iprocess.eq.109) then map%source = 'NCEP RTMA' elseif (iprocess.eq.140) then map%source = 'NCEP NARR' else map%source = 'unknown model from NCEP' write (6,*) 'unknown NCEP model, iprocess = ',iprocess end if else if (icenter .eq. 57) then if (iprocess .eq. 87) then map%source = 'AFWA AGRMET' else map%source = 'AFWA' endif else if (icenter .eq. 98) then map%source = 'ECMWF' else map%source = 'unknown model and orig center' end if !-- ! Store information about the grid on which the data is. ! This stuff gets stored in the MAP variable, as defined in ! module GRIDINFO. map%startloc = 'SWCORNER' if (gfld%igdtnum.eq.0) then ! Lat/Lon grid aka Cylindrical Equidistant map%igrid = 0 map%nx = gfld%igdtmpl(8) map%ny = gfld%igdtmpl(9) map%dx = gfld%igdtmpl(17) map%dy = gfld%igdtmpl(18) map%lat1 = gfld%igdtmpl(12) map%lon1 = gfld%igdtmpl(13) ! Scale dx/dy values to degrees, default range is 1e6. if (map%dx.gt.10000) then map%dx = map%dx/scale_factor endif if (map%dy.gt.10000) then map%dy = (map%dy/scale_factor)*(-1) endif ! Scale lat/lon values to 0-180, default range is 1e6. if (map%lat1.ge.scale_factor) then map%lat1 = map%lat1/scale_factor endif if (map%lon1.ge.scale_factor) then map%lon1 = map%lon1/scale_factor endif ! if (iprocess.eq.81 .and. map%dy.eq.0) then !Hack for AFWA. ! map%dx = 0.5 ! map%dy = -0.5 ! endif elseif (gfld%igdtnum.eq.30) then ! Lambert Conformal Grid map%igrid = 3 map%nx = gfld%igdtmpl(8) map%ny = gfld%igdtmpl(9) map%lov = gfld%igdtmpl(14) map%truelat1 = gfld%igdtmpl(19) map%truelat2 = gfld%igdtmpl(20) map%dx = gfld%igdtmpl(15) map%dy = gfld%igdtmpl(16) map%lat1 = gfld%igdtmpl(10) map%lon1 = gfld%igdtmpl(11) elseif(gfld%igdtnum.eq.40) then ! Gaussian Grid (we will call it lat/lon) map%igrid = 0 map%nx = gfld%igdtmpl(8) map%ny = gfld%igdtmpl(9) map%dx = gfld%igdtmpl(17) map%dy = gfld%igdtmpl(18) ! ?not in Grid Definition Template 3.40 doc map%lat1 = gfld%igdtmpl(12) map%lon1 = gfld%igdtmpl(13) ! Scale dx/dy values to degrees, default range is 1e6. if (map%dx.gt.10000) then map%dx = map%dx/scale_factor endif if (map%dy.gt.10000) then map%dy = (map%dy/scale_factor)*(-1) endif ! Scale lat/lon values to 0-180, default range is 1e6. if (map%lat1.ge.scale_factor) then map%lat1 = map%lat1/scale_factor endif if (map%lon1.ge.scale_factor) then map%lon1 = map%lon1/scale_factor endif print *,'Gaussian Grid: Dx,Dy,lat,lon',map%dx,map%dy, & map%lat1,map%lon1 elseif (gfld%igdtnum.eq.20) then ! Polar-Stereographic Grid. map%igrid = 5 map%nx = gfld%igdtmpl(8) map%ny = gfld%igdtmpl(9) !map%lov = gfld%igdtmpl(x) ! ?not in Grid Definition Template 3.20 doc map%truelat1 = 60. map%truelat2 = 91. !map%dx = gfld%igdtmpl(x) !map%dy = gfld%igdtmpl(x) map%lat1 = gfld%igdtmpl(10) map%lon1 = gfld%igdtmpl(11) else print*, 'GRIB2 Unknown Projection: ',gfld%igdtnum print*, 'see Code Table 3.1: Grid Definition Template No' endif endif ! ---- ! Continue to unpack GRIB2 field. if (debug_level .gt. 100) write(6,*) 'numfields = ',numfields do n=1,numfields ! e.g. U and V would =2, otherwise its usually =1 call gf_getfld(cgrib,lengrib,n,unpack,expand,gfld,ierr) if (ierr.ne.0) then write(*,*) ' ERROR extracting field gf_getfld = ',ierr cycle endif ! ------------------------------------ ! Additional print information for developer. pabbrev=param_get_abbrev(gfld%discipline,gfld%ipdtmpl(1), & gfld%ipdtmpl(2)) if (debug_level .gt. 50 ) then print * ! print *,'G2 FIELD ',n if (n==1) then write(*,'(/,"GRIB2 SECTION 0 - INDICATOR SECTION:")') write(*,'(5x,"Discipline"'//pstring) gfld%discipline write(*,'(5x,"GRIB Edition Number"'//pstring) gfld%version write(*,'(5x,"GRIB length"'//pstring) lengrib write(*,'(/,"GRIB2 SECTION 1 - IDENTIFICATION SECTION:")') write(*,'(5x,"Length of Section"'//pstring) gfld%idsectlen write(*,'(5x,"Originating Center ID"'//pstring) & gfld%idsect(1) write(*,'(5x,"Subcenter ID"'//pstring) gfld%idsect(2) write(*,'(5x,"GRIB Master Table Version"'//pstring) & gfld%idsect(3) write(*,'(5x,"GRIB Local Table Version"'//pstring) & gfld%idsect(4) write(*,'(5x,"Significance of Reference Time"'//pstring) & gfld%idsect(5) write(*,'(5x,"Year"'//pstring) gfld%idsect(6) write(*,'(5x,"Month"'//pstring) gfld%idsect(7) write(*,'(5x,"Day"'//pstring) gfld%idsect(8) write(*,'(5x,"Hour"'//pstring) gfld%idsect(9) write(*,'(5x,"Minute"'//pstring) gfld%idsect(10) write(*,'(5x,"Second"'//pstring) gfld%idsect(11) write(*,'(5x,"Production Status of data"'//pstring) & gfld%idsect(12) write(*,'(5x,"Type of processed data"'//pstring) & gfld%idsect(13) ! print *,'G2 SECTION 1: ',(gfld%idsect(j),j=1,gfld%idsectlen) endif write(*,'(/,"GRIB2 SECTION 2 - LOCAL SECTION:")') write(*,'(5x,"Length of Section 2"'//pstring) gfld%locallen if ( associated(gfld%local).AND.gfld%locallen.gt.0 ) then do j = 1, gfld%locallen write(*,'(5x,"Local value "'//pstring) gfld%local(j) enddo ! print *,'G2 SECTION 2: ',(gfld%local(j),j=1,gfld%locallen) endif write(*,'(/,"GRIB2 SECTION 3 - GRID DEFINITION SECTION:")') ! write(*,'(5x,"Length of Section 3"'//pstring) gfld%unknown write(*,'(5x,"Source of grid definition"'& //pstring) gfld%griddef write(*,'(5x,"Number of grid points"'//pstring) gfld%ngrdpts write(*,'(5x,"Number of octets for addnl points"'//pstring) & gfld%numoct_opt write(*,'(5x,"Interpretation list"'//pstring) & gfld%interp_opt write(*,'(5x,"Grid Definition Template Number"'//pstring) & gfld%igdtnum if (gfld%igdtnum .eq. 0 .or. gfld%igdtnum .eq. 1 .or. & gfld%igdtnum .eq. 2 .or. gfld%igdtnum .eq. 3 ) then if (gfld%igdtnum .eq. 0 ) then write(*,'(5x,"Lat/Lon or Cylindrical Equidistant Grid")') else if (gfld%igdtnum .eq. 1 ) then write(*,'(5x,"Rotated Lat/Lon or Cylind. Equi. Grid")') else if (gfld%igdtnum .eq. 2 ) then write(*,'(5x,"Stretched Lat/Lon or Cylind. Equi. Grid")') else if (gfld%igdtnum .eq. 3 ) then write(*,'(5x,"Stretched and Rotated Lat/Lon Grid")') endif write(*,'(10x,"Shape of the Earth"'//pstring) & gfld%igdtmpl(1) write(*,'(10x,"Scale factor of spher. Earth"'//pstring) & gfld%igdtmpl(2) write(*,'(10x,"Scaled value of spher. Earth"'//pstring) & gfld%igdtmpl(3) write(*,'(10x,"Scale factor of major axis"'//pstring) & gfld%igdtmpl(4) write(*,'(10x,"Scaled value of major axis"'//pstring) & gfld%igdtmpl(5) write(*,'(10x,"Scale factor of minor axis"'//pstring) & gfld%igdtmpl(6) write(*,'(10x,"Scaled value of minor axis"'//pstring) & gfld%igdtmpl(7) write(*,'(10x,"Ni - points along a parallel"'//pstring) & gfld%igdtmpl(8) write(*,'(10x,"Nj - points along a meridian"'//pstring) & gfld%igdtmpl(9) write(*,'(10x,"Basic angle of initial domain"'//pstring)& gfld%igdtmpl(10) write(*,'(10x,"Subdivisions of basic angle"'//pstring) & gfld%igdtmpl(11) write(*,'(10x,"La1"'//pstring) gfld%igdtmpl(12) write(*,'(10x,"Lo1"'//pstring) gfld%igdtmpl(13) write(*,'(10x,"Resolution and Component",t50,":",B14.8)')& gfld%igdtmpl(14) write(*,'(10x,"La2"'//pstring) gfld%igdtmpl(15) write(*,'(10x,"Lo2"'//pstring) gfld%igdtmpl(16) write(*,'(10x,"Di - i-dir increment"'//pstring) & gfld%igdtmpl(17) write(*,'(10x,"Dj - j-dir increment"'//pstring) & gfld%igdtmpl(18) write(*,'(10x,"Scanning mode"'//pstring) & gfld%igdtmpl(19) if (gfld%igdtnum .eq. 1) then write(*,'(10x,"Lat of southern pole of project"'//pstring)& gfld%igdtmpl(20) write(*,'(10x,"Lon of southern pole of project"'//pstring)& gfld%igdtmpl(21) write(*,'(10x,"Angle of rotation of projection"'//pstring)& gfld%igdtmpl(22) else if (gfld%igdtnum .eq. 2) then write(*,'(10x,"Lat of the pole of stretching "'//pstring)& gfld%igdtmpl(20) write(*,'(10x,"Lon of the pole of stretching "'//pstring)& gfld%igdtmpl(21) write(*,'(10x,"Stretching factor"'//pstring) & gfld%igdtmpl(22) else if (gfld%igdtnum .eq. 3) then write(*,'(10x,"Lat of southern pole of project"'//pstring)& gfld%igdtmpl(20) write(*,'(10x,"Lon of southern pole of project"'//pstring)& gfld%igdtmpl(21) write(*,'(10x,"Angle of rotation of projection"'//pstring)& gfld%igdtmpl(22) write(*,'(10x,"Lat of the pole of stretching "'//pstring)& gfld%igdtmpl(23) write(*,'(10x,"Lon of the pole of stretching "'//pstring)& gfld%igdtmpl(24) write(*,'(10x,"Stretching factor"'//pstring) & gfld%igdtmpl(25) endif else if (gfld%igdtnum .eq. 10) then write(*,'(5x,"Mercator Grid")') else if (gfld%igdtnum .eq. 20 .or. gfld%igdtnum .eq. 30) then if (gfld%igdtnum .eq. 20) then write(*,'(5x,"Polar Stereographic Grid")') else if (gfld%igdtnum .eq. 30) then write(*,'(5x,"Lambert Conformal Grid")') endif write(*,'(10x,"Shape of the Earth"'//pstring) & gfld%igdtmpl(1) write(*,'(10x,"Scale factor of spher. Earth"'//pstring) & gfld%igdtmpl(2) write(*,'(10x,"Scaled value of spher. Earth"'//pstring) & gfld%igdtmpl(3) write(*,'(10x,"Scale factor of major axis"'//pstring) & gfld%igdtmpl(4) write(*,'(10x,"Scaled value of major axis"'//pstring) & gfld%igdtmpl(5) write(*,'(10x,"Scale factor of minor axis"'//pstring) & gfld%igdtmpl(6) write(*,'(10x,"Scaled value of minor axis"'//pstring) & gfld%igdtmpl(7) write(*,'(10x,"Nx"'//pstring) gfld%igdtmpl(8) write(*,'(10x,"Ny"'//pstring) gfld%igdtmpl(9) write(*,'(10x,"La1"'//pstring) gfld%igdtmpl(10) write(*,'(10x,"Lo1"'//pstring) gfld%igdtmpl(11) write(*,'(10x,"Resolution and Component",t50,":",B14.8)')& gfld%igdtmpl(12) write(*,'(10x,"LaD"'//pstring) gfld%igdtmpl(13) write(*,'(10x,"LoV"'//pstring) gfld%igdtmpl(14) write(*,'(10x,"Dx"'//pstring) gfld%igdtmpl(15) write(*,'(10x,"Dy"'//pstring) gfld%igdtmpl(16) write(*,'(10x,"Projection Center Flag"'//pstring) & gfld%igdtmpl(17) write(*,'(10x,"Scanning mode"'//pstring) & gfld%igdtmpl(18) if (gfld%igdtnum .eq. 30) then write(*,'(10x,"Latin 1 "'//pstring) & gfld%igdtmpl(19) write(*,'(10x,"Latin 2 "'//pstring) & gfld%igdtmpl(20) write(*,'(10x,"Lat of southern pole of project"'//pstring)& gfld%igdtmpl(21) write(*,'(10x,"Lon of southern pole of project"'//pstring)& gfld%igdtmpl(22) endif else if (gfld%igdtnum .eq. 40 .or. gfld%igdtnum .eq. 41) then if (gfld%igdtnum .eq. 40) then write(*,'(5x,"Gaussian Lat/Lon Grid")') else if (gfld%igdtnum .eq. 41) then write(*,'(5x,"Rotated Gaussian Lat/Lon Grid")') else if (gfld%igdtnum .eq. 42) then write(*,'(5x,"Stretched Gaussian Lat/Lon Grid")') else if (gfld%igdtnum .eq. 43) then write(*,'(5x,"Stretched and Rotated Gaussian Lat/Lon ")') endif else do j = 1, gfld%igdtlen write(*,'(5x,"Grid Definition Template entry "'//pstring) & gfld%igdtmpl(j) enddo endif ! print *,'G2 SECTION 3: ',gfld%griddef,gfld%ngrdpts, & ! gfld%numoct_opt,gfld%interp_opt, & ! gfld%igdtnum ! print *,'G2 GRID TEMPLATE 3.',gfld%igdtnum,': ', & ! (gfld%igdtmpl(j),j=1,gfld%igdtlen) if ( gfld%num_opt .eq. 0 ) then ! print *,'G2 NO Section 3 List Defining No. of Data Points.' else print *,'G2 Section 3 Optional List: ', & (gfld%list_opt(j),j=1,gfld%num_opt) endif write(*,'(/,"GRIB2 SECTION 4 - PRODUCT DEFINITION SECTION:")') ! write(*,'(5x,"Length of Section 4"'//pstring) gfld%unknown write(*,'(5x,"Product Definition Template Number"'//pstring)& gfld%ipdtnum do j = 1, gfld%ipdtlen write(tmp4,'(i4)') j string = '(5x,"Template Entry '//tmp4 // '"' write(*,string//pstring) gfld%ipdtmpl(j) enddo ! print *,'G2 PRODUCT TEMPLATE 4.',gfld%ipdtnum,': ', & ! (gfld%ipdtmpl(j),j=1,gfld%ipdtlen) !call prlevel(gfld%ipdtnum,gfld%ipdtmpl,labbrev) !call prvtime(gfld%ipdtnum,gfld%ipdtmpl,listsec1,tabbrev) write(*,'(5x,"Product Abbreviated Name",t50,":",a14)')& pabbrev ! print *,'G2 TEXT: ',pabbrev,trim(labbrev)," ",trim(tabbrev) if ( gfld%num_coord .eq. 0 ) then ! print *,'G2 NO Optional Vertical Coordinate List.' else print *,'G2 Section 4 Optional Coordinates: ', & (gfld%coord_list(j),j=1,gfld%num_coord) endif ! if ( gfld%ibmap .ne. 255 ) then ! print *,'G2 Num. of Data Points = ',gfld%ndpts, & ! ' with BIT-MAP ',gfld%ibmap ! else ! print *,'G2 Num. of Data Points = ',gfld%ndpts, & ! ' NO BIT-MAP ' ! endif write(*,'(/,"GRIB2 SECTION 5 - DATA REPRESENTATION SECTION:")') write(*,'(5x,"Data Representation Template Number"'//pstring)& gfld%idrtnum do j = 1, gfld%idrtlen write(tmp4,'(i4)') j string = '(5x,"Template Entry '//tmp4 // '"' write(*,string//pstring) gfld%idrtmpl(j) enddo ! print *,'G2 DRS TEMPLATE 5.',gfld%idrtnum,': ', & ! (gfld%idrtmpl(j),j=1,gfld%idrtlen) ! if ( gfld%ipdtnum .eq. 0 ) then ! if (gfld%ipdtmpl(1) .eq. 0 ) then ! write(6,*) 'Temperature' ! else if (gfld%ipdtmpl(1) .eq. 1 ) then ! write(6,*) 'Moisture' ! else if (gfld%ipdtmpl(1) .eq. 2 ) then ! write(6,*) 'Momentum' ! else if (gfld%ipdtmpl(1) .eq. 3 ) then ! write(6,*) 'Mass' ! endif ! endif write(*,'(/,"GRIB2 SECTION 6 - BIT-MAP SECTION:")') write(*,'(5x,"Bit-map indicator"'//pstring) & gfld%ibmap fldmax=gfld%fld(1) fldmin=gfld%fld(1) sum=gfld%fld(1) do j=2,gfld%ndpts if (gfld%fld(j).gt.fldmax) fldmax=gfld%fld(j) if (gfld%fld(j).lt.fldmin) fldmin=gfld%fld(j) sum=sum+gfld%fld(j) enddo ! gfld%ndpts write(*,'(/,"GRIB2 SECTION 7 - DATA SECTION:")') write(*,'(5x,"Minimum Data Value "'//rstring)& fldmin write(*,'(5x,"Maximum Data Value "'//rstring)& fldmax ! print *,'G2 Data Values:' ! write(*,fmt='("G2 MIN=",f21.8," AVE=",f21.8, & ! " MAX=",f21.8)') fldmin,sum/gfld%ndpts,fldmax if (debug_level .gt. 100 ) then print*, 'gfld%fld = ',gfld%fld ! do j=1,gfld%ndpts ! write(*,*) j, gfld%fld(j) ! enddo endif endif ! Additional Print information ! ------------------------------------ if ( debug_level .le. 50) then write(6,987) itot,gfld%discipline,gfld%ipdtmpl(1), & gfld%ipdtmpl(2),gfld%ipdtmpl(10),gfld%ipdtmpl(12),& gfld%ipdtmpl(15),pabbrev,hdate,fcst 987 format(2i4,i5,i4,i8,i8,i8,a10,a20,i5.2) endif enddo ! 1,numfields ! Deallocate arrays decoding GRIB2 record. call gf_free(gfld) enddo VERSION ! skgb if (debug_level .gt. 50) & print *, 'G2 total number of fields found = ',itot call summary() CALL BACLOSE(junit,IOS) ireaderr=1 else print *,'open status failed because',ios hdate = '9999-99-99_99:99:99' ireaderr=2 endif ! ireaderr check END subroutine r_grib2 !*****************************************************************************! ! Subroutine edition_num ! ! ! ! Purpose: ! ! Read one record from the input GRIB2 file. Based on the information in ! ! the GRIB2 header and the user-defined Vtable, decide whether the field in! ! the GRIB2 record is one to process or to skip. If the field is one we ! ! want to keep, extract the data from the GRIB2 record, and pass the data ! ! back to the calling routine. ! ! ! ! Argument list: ! ! Input: ! ! JUNIT : "Unit Number" to open and read from. Not really a Fortran ! ! unit number, since we do not do Fortran I/O for the GRIB2 ! ! files. Nor is it a UNIX File Descriptor returned from a C ! ! OPEN statement. It is really just an array index to the ! ! array (IUARR) where the UNIX File Descriptor values are ! ! stored. ! ! GRIB2FILE: File name to open, if it is not already open. ! ! ! ! Output: ! ! GRIB_EDITION: Set to 1 for GRIB and set to 2 for GRIB2 ! ! IERR : Error flag: 0 - no error on read from GRIB2 file. ! ! 1 - Hit the end of the GRIB2 file. ! ! 2 - The file GRIBFLNM we tried to open does ! ! not exist. ! ! Author: Paula McCaslin ! ! NOAA/FSL ! ! Sept 2004 ! !*****************************************************************************! SUBROUTINE edition_num(junit, gribflnm, grib_edition, ireaderr) use grib_mod use params parameter(msk1=32000,msk2=4000) character(len=1),allocatable,dimension(:) :: cgrib integer :: listsec0(3) integer :: listsec1(13) character(len=*) :: gribflnm integer :: lskip, lgrib integer :: junit integer :: grib_edition integer :: i, j, ireaderr integer :: currlen character(len=4) :: ctemp character(len=4),parameter :: grib='GRIB',c7777='7777' ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! SET ARGUMENTS call start() itot=0 icount=0 iseek=0 lskip=0 lgrib=0 currlen=0 !/* IOS Return Codes from BACIO: */ !/* 0 All was well */ !/* -1 Tried to open read only _and_ write only */ !/* -2 Tried to read and write in the same call */ !/* -3 Internal failure in name processing */ !/* -4 Failure in opening file */ !/* -5 Tried to read on a write-only file */ !/* -6 Failed in read to find the 'start' location */ !/* -7 Tried to write to a read only file */ !/* -8 Failed in write to find the 'start' location */ !/* -9 Error in close */ !/* -10 Read or wrote fewer data than requested */ !if ireaderr =1 we have hit the end of a file. !if ireaderr =2 we have hit the end of all the files. !if ireaderr =3 beginning characters 'GRIB' not found ! write(6,*) 'junit = ',junit,' gribflnm = ',gribflnm ! Open a byte-addressable file. CALL BAOPENR(junit,gribflnm,IOS) ! from w3lib ! write(6,*) 'ios = ',ios if (ios.eq.0) then ! Search opend file for the next GRIB2 messege (record). call skgb(junit,iseek,msk1,lskip,lgrib) ! Check for EOF, or problem if (lgrib.eq.0) then STOP "Grib2 file or date problem, stopping in edition_num." endif ! Check size, if needed allocate more memory. if (lgrib.gt.currlen) then if (allocated(cgrib)) deallocate(cgrib) allocate(cgrib(lgrib),stat=is) currlen=lgrib endif ! Read a given number of bytes from unblocked file. call baread(junit,lskip,lgrib,lengrib,cgrib) ! Check for beginning of GRIB message in the first 100 bytes istart=0 do j=1,100 ctemp=cgrib(j)//cgrib(j+1)//cgrib(j+2)//cgrib(j+3) if (ctemp.eq.grib ) then istart=j exit endif enddo if (istart.eq.0) then ireaderr=3 print*, "The beginning 4 characters >GRIB< were not found." endif ! Unpack Section 0 - Indicator Section to extract GRIB edition field iofst=8*(istart+5) call gbyte(cgrib,discipline,iofst,8) ! Discipline iofst=iofst+8 call gbyte(cgrib,grib_edition,iofst,8) ! GRIB edition number print *, 'ungrib - grib edition num', grib_edition call summary() CALL BACLOSE(junit,IOS) ireaderr=1 else if (ios .eq. -4) then print *,'edition_num: unable to open ',gribflnm stop 'edition_num' else print *,'edition_num: open status failed because',ios,gribflnm ireaderr=2 endif ! ireaderr check END subroutine edition_num subroutine parse_args(err, a1, h1, i1, l1, a2, h2, i2, l2, a3, h3, i3, l3, & hlast) integer :: err character(len=*) , optional :: a1, a2, a3 character(len=*), optional :: h1, h2, h3 integer , optional :: i1, i2, i3 logical, optional :: l1, l2, l3 character(len=*), optional :: hlast character(len=100) :: hold integer :: ioff = 0 if (present(hlast)) then ioff = -1 endif err = 0 narg = iargc() numarg = narg + ioff i = 1 LOOP : do while ( i <= numarg) ierr = 1 if (present(i1)) then call checkiarg(i, a1, i1, ierr) elseif (present(h1)) then call checkharg(i, a1, h1, ierr) elseif (present(l1)) then call checklarg(i, a1, l1, ierr) endif if (ierr.eq.0) cycle LOOP if (present(i2)) then call checkiarg(i, a2, i2, ierr) elseif (present(h2)) then call checkharg(i, a2, h2, ierr) elseif (present(l2)) then call checklarg(i, a2, l2, ierr) endif if (ierr.eq.0) cycle LOOP if (present(i3)) then call checkiarg(i, a3, i3, ierr) elseif (present(h3)) then call checkharg(i, a3, h3, ierr) elseif (present(l3)) then call checklarg(i, a3, l3, ierr) endif if (ierr.eq.0) cycle LOOP err = 1 call getarg(1, hold) write(*, '("arg = ", A)') trim(hold) exit LOOP enddo LOOP if (present(hlast)) then if (narg.eq.0) then err = 1 else call getarg(narg, hlast) endif endif contains subroutine checkiarg(c, a, i, ierr) integer :: c character(len=*) :: a integer :: i character(len=100) :: hold ierr = 1 call getarg(c, hold) if ('-'//a.eq.trim(hold)) then c = c + 1 call getarg(c, hold) read(hold, *) i c = c + 1 ierr = 0 elseif ('-'//a .eq. hold(1:len_trim(a)+1)) then hold = hold(len_trim(a)+2: len(hold)) read(hold, *) i c = c + 1 ierr = 0 endif end subroutine checkiarg subroutine checkharg(c, a, h, ierr) integer :: c character(len=*) :: a character(len=*) :: h character(len=100) :: hold ierr = 1 call getarg(c, hold) if ('-'//a.eq.trim(hold)) then c = c + 1 call getarg(c, hold) h = trim(hold) c = c + 1 ierr = 0 elseif ('-'//a .eq. hold(1:len_trim(a)+1)) then hold = hold(len_trim(a)+2: len(hold)) h = trim(hold) c = c + 1 ierr = 0 endif end subroutine checkharg subroutine checklarg(c, a, l, ierr) integer :: c character(len=*) :: a logical :: l character(len=100) :: hold ierr = 1 call getarg(c, hold) if ('-'//a.eq.trim(hold)) then l = .TRUE. c = c + 1 ierr = 0 endif end subroutine checklarg end subroutine parse_args