pro map_uvt ; ; ; what_I_plot=0. overcontour=0 no3d='true' SPAWN, '\rm param_plot.idl ; cp param_plot.idl ; cp -f '+save_ps+'' if (n_elements(coord2d) eq 0) then coord2d='false' ; ; ; zefile=save_ps PS_Start, filename=zefile+'.ps' print, zefile+'.ps' !P.Charsize = 1.2 !p.charthick = 2.0 !p.thick = 2.0 !x.thick = 2.0 !y.thick = 2.0 ; ; ; if (n_elements(field1) ne 0) then getcdf, file=filename, charvar=field1, invar=cfield1 u = getget(filename, 'Um', count=[0,0,1,1], offset=[0,0,nlevel,ntime]) v = getget(filename, 'Vm', count=[0,0,1,1], offset=[0,0,nlevel,ntime]) getcdf, file=filename, charvar='XLONG', invar=longi getcdf, file=filename, charvar='XLAT', invar=lati getcdf, file=filename, charvar='HGT', invar=hgt ;; ;; ;; ; hgt = smooth(hgt, [2,2,0], /EDGE_TRUNCATE) ;;; truc ;; ;; ;; sp = 5 ;; relaxation width nx = n_elements(longi(0,*)) ny = n_elements(longi(*,0)) if (n_elements(field1) ne 0) then begin if (no3d ne 'true') then cfield1 = cfield1 (sp:nx-sp-1,sp:ny-sp-1,*,*) else cfield1 = cfield1 (sp:nx-sp-1,sp:ny-sp-1,*) endif u = u (sp:nx-sp-1,sp:ny-sp-1);,*,*) v = v (sp:nx-sp-1,sp:ny-sp-1);,*,*) longi = longi (sp:nx-sp-1,sp:ny-sp-1,*) lati = lati (sp:nx-sp-1,sp:ny-sp-1,*) hgt = hgt (sp:nx-sp-1,sp:ny-sp-1,*) nx = n_elements(longi(*,0)) ny = n_elements(longi(0,*)) ; ; ; overcontour = reform(hgt(*,*,ntime)) lon = reform(longi(*,*,ntime)) lat = reform(lati(*,*,ntime)) overvector_x = u;reform(u(*,*,nlevel,ntime)) overvector_y = v;reform(v(*,*,nlevel,ntime)) if (n_elements(field1) eq 0) then begin print, 'field1: horizontal velocity' zevel = overvector_x^2 + overvector_y^2 ;; attention il faut que les tableaux soient de la meme taille, OK si uvmet what_I_plot = sqrt(zevel) endif else begin if (no3d ne 'true') then what_I_plot = reform(cfield1(*,*,nlevel,ntime)) else what_I_plot = reform(cfield1(*,*,ntime)) endelse ; ; ; minlat=min(lat) & maxlat=max(lat) & minlon=min(lon) & maxlon=max(lon) if (coord2d eq 'true') then begin npoints=n_elements(lon(*,0)) + n_elements(lon(0,*)) ;; trop de points, mais au moins on ne perd rien TRIANGULATE, lon, lat, tr what_I_plot = GRIDDATA( lon, lat, what_I_plot, /LINEAR, triangles=tr, dimension=npoints, MISSING=!VALUES.F_NAN ) overvector_x = GRIDDATA( lon, lat, overvector_x, /LINEAR, triangles=tr, dimension=npoints, MISSING=!VALUES.F_NAN ) overvector_y = GRIDDATA( lon, lat, overvector_y, /LINEAR, triangles=tr, dimension=npoints, MISSING=!VALUES.F_NAN ) overcontour = GRIDDATA( lon, lat, overcontour, /LINEAR, triangles=tr, dimension=npoints, MISSING=!VALUES.F_NAN ) ; sale sale sale if (minlat lt min(lat(*,0))) then overvector_y=-overvector_y if (minlon lt min(lon(0,*))) then overvector_x=-overvector_x lon = minlon + (maxlon - minlon)*findgen(npoints)/float(npoints-1) lat = minlat + (maxlat - minlat)*findgen(npoints)/float(npoints-1) endif else begin lon = reform(lon(*,0)) lat = reform(lat(0,*)) ;npoints=n_elements(lon(*,0)) + n_elements(lon(0,*)) ;what_I_plot = REBIN( what_I_plot, npoints, npoints ) ;overvector_x = REBIN( overvector_x, npoints, npoints ) ;overvector_y = REBIN( overvector_y, npoints, npoints ) ;overcontour = REBIN( overcontour, npoints, npoints ) ;lon = minlon + (maxlon - minlon)*findgen(npoints)/float(npoints-1) ;lat = minlat + (maxlat - minlat)*findgen(npoints)/float(npoints-1) endelse help, what_I_plot, lon, lat print, min(what_I_plot) print, max(what_I_plot) ; ; ; map_latlon, $ what_I_plot, $ ; 2D field lon, $ ; 1D latitude lat, $ ; 1D longitude minfield=minfield_init, $ ; minimum value of plotted field (=0: calculate) maxfield=maxfield_init, $ ; maximum value of plotted field (=0: calculate) overcontour=overcontour, $ ; another 2D field to overplot with contour lines (=0: no) overvector_x=overvector_x, $ ; wind vector - x component (=0: no) overvector_y=overvector_y, $ ; wind vector - y component (=0: no) ct=pal, $ ; color table (33-rainbow is default) colors=colors, $ ; number of colors/levels (32 is default) title=title_user, $ ; title of the plot ('' is default) format=format ; format of colorbar annotations ('(F6.2)' is default) ; ; ; PS_End, /PNG end