;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; FOLDER ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; FOLDER folder = '/d5/aslmd/LMD_MM_MARS_SIMUS/OM/' coord2d = 'false' ;; for non-regular projections filename = folder + 'OM6_TI85/wrfout_d01_2024-06-43_06:00:00_zabg' save_ps = 'OM6_TI85_winds' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; TIME ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; TIME ini_utc = 6 ;; cf. name of file freq = 1 ;; cf. 1 output per ... hour utc_to_lt = -9 ;; cf. longitude -- LT = UTC + utc_to_lt use_lt = 2 ;; cf. what user wants use_utc = use_lt - utc_to_lt ntime = (use_utc - ini_utc)/freq ;; TRUE IDL SUBSCRIPT ... ajouter un modulo... print, 'CHECK ... ', filename, ntime ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; LVL & FLD ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; LVL & FLD nlevel = 0 field1 = 'WAVE' ;; comment to trace horizontal velocity ;no3d = 'true' ;overvector_x = 0 ;; comment out to get rid of vectors ;overvector_y = 0 ;; comment out to get rid of vectors ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; TWEAK VAR ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; TWEAK VAR ;a0 = 64.839418 & a1 = 3.1521937 & a2 = 0.0054538848 ;; Ls ~ 173 -- 2AM ;;a0 = 65.052165 & a1 = 3.1228993 & a2 = 0.0053787417 ;; Ls ~ 173 ;;;a0 = 64.039300 & a1 = 3.1378104 & a2 = 0.0055369148 ;; Ls ~ 120 ;what_I_plot = - ( alog ( a1 - what_I_plot / a0 ) ) / a2 ;print, max(what_I_plot), min(what_I_plot) ;;overvector_x=0 ;;overvector_y=0 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;*************************************** PLOT TITLES ;title_user = 'Surface temperature (K) and Winds 10m ABG (m s!U-1!N)' ;title_user = 'Wind-induced apparent thermal inertia (J m!U-2!N s!U-0.5!N K!U-1!N)' title_user = 'Winds 10m ABG (m s!U-1!N)' ;title_user = 'Surface temperature (K)' ;subtitle_user = 'LT = 03:00am / Ls = 173!Uo!N / dx = 10km [single] / Uniform TI = 85 J m!U-2!N s!U-0.5!N K!U-1!N' subtitle_user = 'LT = 02:00am / Ls = 173!Uo!N / dx = 6km [single] / Uniform TI = 85 J m!U-2!N s!U-0.5!N K!U-1!N' title_axis = ['East longitude','North latitude'] ;;;;;*************************************** COLOR TABLES flag_cb = 'true' poscb = 0.96 format = '(I0)' ;format = '(F4.1)' ;colors = 128 colors = 32 pal = 22 ;; GOOD: 4, 18, 22, 16, 37, 33, 39, 6, 11 pal = 4 pal = 0 ;;;;;*************************************** FILL LIMITS ;minfield_init = 150. ;maxfield_init = 180. minfield_init = -10. maxfield_init = 0. ;;;;;*************************************** LIMIT TRICKS ;;;;;********************* must always follow FILL LIMITS missing_value=1.e30 lim_max = maxfield_init & w=where((what_I_plot ge lim_max) and (what_I_plot le 1e9)) & if (w[0] ne -1) then what_I_plot[w]=lim_max lim_min = minfield_init & w=where(what_I_plot le lim_min) & if (w[0] ne -1) then what_I_plot[w]=lim_min ;lim_blank = 2. & w=where(abs(what_I_plot) le lim_blank) & if (w[0] ne -1) then what_I_plot[w]=missing_value ;;;;;*************************************** WINDS ;windex = 10. ;; DEF: 20. windex = 20. ;; DEF: 20. ;stride = 1. ;; DEF: 5. ;stride = 2. ;; DEF: 5. stride = 5. ;; DEF: 5. ;;;;;*************************************** CONTOUR overcontour = overcontour/1000. ;lev = 50. + 50.*findgen(20) ;lev = -10. + 0.2*findgen(20) lev = -10. + 2.*findgen(20) ;lev = -10. + 1.*findgen(40) ;;;;;*************************************** AXIS isotropic = 'true' ;intervalx = 0.5 intervalx = 2.0 ;intervaly = intervalx intervaly = 1.0 ;;;;;*************************************** MAP LIMITS ;windowx = [-144.,-126.] ;windowy = [10.,26.] windowx = [-146.,-126.] ;windowy = [10.,28.] ;windowx = [-146.,-128.] ;windowy = [12.,26.] windowy = [11.,27.] ;;;;;*************************************** ;;;;;*************************************** ;;;;;*************************************** ;;;;;*************************************** ;;; ;;; VERTICAL SECTION LIMITS ;;; ;minalt=-5. ;; grepSEC ;maxalt=40. ;; grepSEC ;minspace=0.0 ;; grepSEC ;maxspace=35.0 ;; grepSEC ;;; ;;; METRIC UNITS FOR VERTICAL SECTION ;;; ;factor=10. ;; grepSEC ;space=space*60. & spacekm='true' ;; grepSEC ;minspace=minspace*60./factor ;; grepSEC ;maxspace=maxspace*60./factor ;; grepSEC ;intervalx=round(intervalx*60./factor) ;; grepSEC ;;; ;;; TRICKS ;;; ;; pour tracer juste les vecteurs sur un fond uni ou vide ;pal=0 ;; 1/4 grepMAP ;what_I_plot(*,*)=what_I_plot(*,*)*0.+0.2 ;; 2/4 grepMAP ;what_I_plot(0,0)=0. ;; 3/4 grepMAP ;flag_cb='false' ;; 4/4 grepMAP ;;; truc pour tracer juste les contours et une zone grisee de topo ;pal=0 ;; 1/9 grepALL ;w=where(abs(what_I_plot) lt missing_value) ;; 2/9 grepALL ;what_I_plot[w]=0. ;; 3/9 grepALL ;w=where(abs(what_I_plot) gt missing_value) ;; 4/9 grepALL ;what_I_plot[w]=0.75 ;; 5/9 grepALL ;w=where(what_I_plot eq 0.) ;; 6/9 grepALL ;what_I_plot[w]=missing_value ;; 7/9 grepALL ;what_I_plot(0,0)=1. & what_I_plot(1,0)=0. ;; 8/9 grepALL ;flag_cb='false' ;; 9/9 grepALL