module updaterad ! This module intents to group together all ice and dust radius computations done in the GCM, ! so that it stays coherent through the code and make (numerous) radius bugs easier to debug. ! All different thresholds values are defined below. ! Radius computation do not always occur on the whole grid (cf. improvedcloud). ! So, subroutines are designed for scalar values instead of tables ! T. Navarro, June 2012 ! For instance, if R^3 is lower than r3icemin, then R is set to ricemin. ! So, ricemin should be the cubic root of r3icemin, but not necessarily ... real, parameter :: r3icemin = 1.e-30 ! ie ricemin = 0.0001 microns real, parameter :: ricemin = 1.e-10 real, parameter :: r3icemax = 125.e-12 ! ie ricemax = 500 microns real, parameter :: ricemax = 500.e-6 real, parameter :: qice_threshold = 1.e-15 ! 1.e-10 real, parameter :: nccn_threshold = 1. real, parameter :: qccn_threshold = 1.e-20 real, parameter :: r3ccnmin = 1.e-21 ! ie rccnmin = 0.1 microns real, parameter :: rccnmin = 0.1e-6 real, parameter :: r3ccnmax = 125.e-12 ! ie rccnmax = 500 microns real, parameter :: rccnmax = 500.e-6 real, parameter :: ndust_threshold = 1. real, parameter :: qdust_threshold = 1.e-20 real, parameter :: r3dustmin = 1.e-21 ! ie rdustmin = 0.1 microns real, parameter :: rdustmin = 0.1e-6 real, parameter :: r3dustmax = 125.e-12 ! ie rdustmax = 500 microns real, parameter :: rdustmax = 500.e-6 real, parameter :: rdust0 = 0.8e-6 contains !============================================================================ !============================================================================ !============================================================================ ! Update ice radius if microphys == true subroutine updaterice_micro(qice,qccn,nccn,coeff,rice,rhocloud) implicit none #include "dimensions.h" #include "dimphys.h" #include "comcstfi.h" #include "tracer.h" real, intent(in) :: qice,qccn,nccn real, intent(in) :: coeff ! this coeff is tauscaling if microphy = T (possibly ccn_factor^-1 otherwise) real, intent(out) :: rice,rhocloud ! rhocloud is needed for sedimentation and is also a good diagnostic variable real nccn_true,qccn_true ! radius of the ice crystal core to the power of 3 nccn_true = max(nccn * coeff, 1.e-30) qccn_true = max(qccn * coeff, 1.e-30) !! Nota: It is very dangerous to apply a threshold on qccn or nccn to force rice to be ricemin. !! Indeed, one can obtain ricemin for small but non negligible qice values, and therefore hugely opaque clouds. if (qice .ge. qice_threshold) then rhocloud = (qice*rho_ice + qccn_true*rho_dust) / (qice + qccn_true) rhocloud = min(max(rhocloud,rho_ice),rho_dust) rice = (qice + qccn_true) * 0.75 / pi / rhocloud / nccn_true if (rice .le. r3icemin) then rice = ricemin else if (rice .ge. r3icemax) then rice = ricemax else rice = rice**(1./3.) ! here rice is always positive endif else rice = ricemin rhocloud = rho_dust endif end subroutine updaterice_micro !============================================================================ !============================================================================ !============================================================================ !============================================================================ !============================================================================ !============================================================================ ! Update ice radius from a typical profile if microphys == false subroutine updaterice_typ(qice,tau,pzlay,rice) implicit none #include "dimensions.h" #include "dimphys.h" #include "comcstfi.h" #include "tracer.h" real, intent(in) :: qice real, intent(in) :: tau ! tau for dust real, intent(in) :: pzlay ! altitude at the middle of the layers real, intent(out) :: rice real rccn,nccn ! radius and number of ice crystals ! Typical CCN profile following Montmessin et al. 2004 ! (N0=2e6 m-3 has been converted into N0=1.3e8 kg-1, otherwise the equation for rice is not homogeneous...) nccn = 1.3e+8*max(tau,0.001)/0.1*exp(-pzlay/10000.) ! The previously used profile was not correct: ! Nccn=( epaisseur/masse ) * 2.e+6/0.1*max(tau,0.001)*exp(-pzlay/10000.) if (nccn .le. 1) then rice = ricemin else ! Typical dust radius profile: rccn = max(rdust0*exp(-pzlay/18000.),1.e-9) rice = qice * 0.75 / pi / rho_ice / nccn + rccn*rccn*rccn if (rice .le. r3icemin) then rice = ricemin else if (rice .ge. r3icemax) then rice = ricemax else rice = rice**(1./3.) ! here rice is always positive endif endif end subroutine updaterice_typ !============================================================================ !============================================================================ !============================================================================ !============================================================================ !============================================================================ !============================================================================ ! This subroutine computes the geometric mean radius(or number median radius) ! For a lognormal distribution : ! geometric mean radius = mass mean radius x exp(-1.5 sigma0^2) ! To be used with doubleq == true. otherwise, rdust is constant !!! subroutine updaterdust(qdust,ndust,rdust,tauscaling) implicit none #include "dimensions.h" #include "dimphys.h" #include "comcstfi.h" #include "tracer.h" real, intent(in) :: qdust,ndust ! needed if doubleq real, intent(in), optional :: tauscaling ! useful for realistic thresholds real, intent(out) :: rdust real coeff if (present(tauscaling)) then coeff = tauscaling ! thresholds on realistic values else coeff = 1. ! thresholds on virtual values endif if ((ndust .le. ndust_threshold/coeff) .or. (qdust .le. qdust_threshold/coeff)) then rdust = rdustmin else rdust = r3n_q * qdust / ndust if (rdust .le. r3dustmin) then rdust = rdustmin else if (rdust .ge. r3dustmax) then rdust = rdustmax else rdust = rdust**(1./3.) endif endif end subroutine updaterdust !============================================================================ !============================================================================ !============================================================================ !============================================================================ !============================================================================ !============================================================================ ! This subroutine computes the mass mean radius, ! used for heterogenous nucleation on CCNs in microphysics. ! For a lognormal distribution : ! geometric mean radius = mass mean radius x exp(-1.5 sigma0^2) subroutine updaterccn(qccn,nccn,rccn,tauscaling) implicit none #include "dimensions.h" #include "dimphys.h" #include "comcstfi.h" #include "tracer.h" real, intent(in) :: qccn,nccn ! needed if doubleq real, intent(in), optional :: tauscaling ! useful for realistic thresholds real, intent(out) :: rccn real coeff if (present(tauscaling)) then coeff = tauscaling ! threshold on realistic values else coeff = 1. ! threshold on virtual values endif if ((nccn .le. nccn_threshold/coeff) .or. (qccn .le. qccn_threshold/coeff)) then rccn = rccnmin else rccn = qccn * 0.75 / pi / rho_dust / nccn if (rccn .le. r3ccnmin) then rccn = rccnmin else if (rccn .ge. r3ccnmax) then rccn = rccnmax else rccn = rccn**(1./3.) endif endif end subroutine updaterccn !============================================================================ !============================================================================ !============================================================================ end module updaterad