program angmom ! SL 12/2009: ! This program reads 4D (lon-lat-alt-time) fields directly from LMD (or CAM) outputs ! without regrid : histmth OR from files recast in log P coordinates (_P) ! (+ dynzon for LMD if present, but beware of recast consistency) ! ! it computes: ! dmass -- 4D -- mass of each cell ! osam -- 4D -- specific angular momentum (omega term) ! rsam -- 4D -- specific angular momentum (zonal wind term) ! oaam -- 1D -- integrated angular momentum (omega term) ! raam -- 1D -- integrated angular momentum (zonal wind term) ! tmou -- 1D -- Mountain torque ! tbls -- 1D -- Surface friction torque IF duvdf is present ! or if simple friction ! tdyn -- 1D -- Dynamics torque IF dudyn is present ! tgwo -- 1D -- Orographic GW torque IF dugwo is present ! tgwno -- 1D -- Non-Orographic GW torque IF dugwno is present ! ! Minimal requirements and dependencies: ! The dataset must include the following data: ! - surface pressure and surface geopotential ! - zonal wind ! Optional: dudyn, duvdf, dugwo, dugwno (acceleration terms from physiq param) implicit none include "" ! NetCDF definitions character (len=128) :: infile ! input file name character (len=128) :: dzfile ! input dynzon file name character (len=128) :: outfile ! output file name character (len=64) :: text ! to store some text integer infid ! NetCDF input file ID integer dzfid ! NetCDF input dynzon file ID integer outfid ! NetCDF output file ID integer lon_dimid,lat_dimid,alt_dimid,time_dimid ! NetCDF dimension IDs integer latdz_dimid,altdz_dimid,timedz_dimid ! NetCDF dimension IDs integer lon_varid,lat_varid,alt_varid,time_varid, tmpvarid integer latdz_varid,altdz_varid,timedz_varid integer :: datashape1d ! shape of 1D datasets integer,dimension(2) :: datashape2d ! shape of 2D datasets integer,dimension(3) :: datashape3d ! shape of 3D datasets integer,dimension(4) :: datashape4d ! shape of 4D datasets real :: miss_val=9.99e+33 ! special "missing value" to specify missing data real,parameter :: miss_val_def=9.99e+33 ! default value for "missing value" real :: pi real,dimension(:),allocatable :: lon ! longitude integer lonlength ! # of grid points along longitude real,dimension(:),allocatable :: lat ! latitude real,dimension(:),allocatable :: latrad ! latitude in radian integer latlength ! # of grid points along latitude real,dimension(:),allocatable :: plev ! Pressure levels (Pa) integer altlength ! # of grid point along presnivs (of input datasets) real,dimension(:),allocatable :: time ! time integer timelength ! # of points along time real,dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: ps ! surface pressure real,dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: phis3d ! surface geopotential real,dimension(:,:),allocatable :: phis ! surface geopotential real,dimension(:,:,:,:),allocatable :: temp ! atmospheric temperature real,dimension(:,:,:,:),allocatable :: vitu ! zonal wind (in m/s) real,dimension(:,:,:,:),allocatable :: vitv ! meridional wind (in m/s) real,dimension(:,:,:,:),allocatable :: duvdf ! Friction in BL real,dimension(:,:,:,:),allocatable :: dudyn ! Dynamics real,dimension(:,:,:,:),allocatable :: dugwo ! Orographic Gravity Waves real,dimension(:,:,:,:),allocatable :: dugwno ! Non-Orographic Gravity Waves real,dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: dmcdyn ! Dynamics dAM from dynzon real,dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: dmcdis ! Dissip dAM from dynzon real,dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: dmcspg ! Sponge dAM from dynzon real,dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: dmcphy ! Physics dAM from dynzon real,dimension(:,:,:,:),allocatable :: rayon ! distance to center (m) real,dimension(:,:,:,:),allocatable :: grav ! gravity field (m s-2) real,dimension(:,:,:,:),allocatable :: dmass ! mass in cell (kg) real,dimension(:,:,:,:),allocatable :: osam ! planetary rotation specific ang (m2/s) real,dimension(:,:,:,:),allocatable :: rsam ! zonal wind specific ang (m2/s) real,dimension(:),allocatable :: oaam ! planetary rotation total ang (kg m2/s) real,dimension(:),allocatable :: raam ! zonal wind total ang (kg m2/s) real,dimension(:),allocatable :: tmou ! mountain torque (kg m2/s2) real,dimension(:),allocatable :: tdyn ! dynamics torque (kg m2/s2) real,dimension(:),allocatable :: tbls ! friction torque (kg m2/s2) real,dimension(:),allocatable :: tgwo ! oro GW torque (kg m2/s2) real,dimension(:),allocatable :: tgwno! non-oro GW torque (kg m2/s2) real,dimension(:),allocatable :: tdyndz ! dynamics torque (kg m2/s2) from dynzon real,dimension(:),allocatable :: tdisdz ! dissip torque (kg m2/s2) from dynzon real,dimension(:),allocatable :: tspgdz ! sponge torque (kg m2/s2) from dynzon real,dimension(:),allocatable :: tphydz ! physics torque (kg m2/s2) from dynzon ! for angular momentum budget normalisation real,parameter :: hadley=1.e18 real,parameter :: hadday=1.e25 integer ierr,ierr1,ierr2 ! NetCDF routines return codes integer i,j,ilon,ilat,ilev,itim ! for loops integer idlsurf ! for option ideal surface logical :: flag_duvdf,flag_dudyn,flag_dugwo,flag_dugwno,lmdflag,dzflag real :: deltalat,deltalon ! lat and lon intervals in radians real :: tmpp ! temporary pressure real :: dz ! altitude diff real :: signe ! orientation of lon axis for mountain torque computation real :: norm ! for dynzon include "planet.h" !=============================================================================== ! 1. Input parameters !=============================================================================== pi = 2.*asin(1.) write(*,*) "" write(*,*) "You are working on the atmosphere of ",planet !=============================================================================== ! 1.1 Input file !=============================================================================== write(*,*) "" write(*,*) " Program valid for Venus or Titan LMD, or Venus CAM output files" write(*,*) "Enter input file name:" read(*,'(a128)') infile write(*,*) "" ! open input file ierr = NF_OPEN(infile,NF_NOWRITE,infid) if ( then write(*,*) 'ERROR: Pb opening file ',trim(infile) stop "" endif !=============================================================================== ! 1.2 Get grids in lon,lat,alt(pressure),time !=============================================================================== call get_iddim(infid,lat_varid,latlength,lon_varid,lonlength,& alt_varid,altlength,time_varid,timelength,lmdflag ) allocate(lon(lonlength)) ierr=NF_GET_VAR_REAL(infid,lon_varid,lon) if ( stop "Error: Failed reading longitude" if(lon(1).gt.lon(2)) then signe=-1. else signe=1. endif allocate(lat(latlength)) ierr=NF_GET_VAR_REAL(infid,lat_varid,lat) if ( stop "Error: Failed reading lat" allocate(latrad(latlength)) latrad = lat*pi/180. ! Lat, lon pressure intervals deltalat = abs(latrad(2)-latrad(1)) deltalon = abs(lon(2)-lon(1))*pi/180. allocate(plev(altlength)) ierr=NF_GET_VAR_REAL(infid,alt_varid,plev) if ( stop "Error: Failed reading pressure levels" if(.not.lmdflag) then ! in CAM files, pressure in mbar and reversed... call reverselev(altlength,plev) plev=plev*100. ! convertion to Pa endif allocate(time(timelength)) ierr=NF_GET_VAR_REAL(infid,time_varid,time) if ( stop "Error: Failed reading time" ! Time axis IN PLANET DAYS if(.not.lmdflag) then ! in CAM files, time in Earth days... ! => seconds time=time*86400. endif time=time/localday !=============================================================================== ! 1.3 dynzon file if present !=============================================================================== ! RAJOUTER UN TEST COHERENCE _P... dzflag=.false. if(lmdflag) then write(*,*) "Enter dynzon file name ( if not present):" read(*,'(a128)') dzfile write(*,*) "" if("") then ! open dynzon file ierr = NF_OPEN(dzfile,NF_NOWRITE,dzfid) if ( then write(*,*) 'ERROR: Pb opening file ',trim(dzfile) else dzflag=.true. endif endif !"" endif ! lmdflag !=============================================================================== ! 1.4 Get output file name !=============================================================================== write(*,*) "" !write(*,*) "Enter output file name" !read(*,*) outfile outfile=infile(1:len_trim(infile)-3)//"" write(*,*) "Output file name is: "//trim(outfile) !=============================================================================== ! 2.1 Store needed fields !=============================================================================== !=============================================================================== ! 2.1.1 Surface pressure and geopotential !=============================================================================== allocate(ps(lonlength,latlength,timelength)) allocate(phis3d(lonlength,latlength,timelength)) allocate(phis(lonlength,latlength)) if(lmdflag) then text="psol" else text="PS" endif call get_var3d(infid,lonlength,latlength,timelength,text,ps,ierr1,ierr2) if ( then write(*,*) " looking for ps instead... " text="ps" call get_var3d(infid,lonlength,latlength,timelength,text,ps,ierr1,ierr2) if ( stop "Error: Failed to get ps ID" endif if ( stop "Error: Failed reading surface pressure" if((.not.lmdflag).and.(planet.eq."Venus")) call reverse3d(lonlength,latlength,timelength,ps) text="PHIS" call get_var3d(infid,lonlength,latlength,timelength,text,phis3d,ierr1,ierr2) if ( then write(*,*) " Failed to get PHIS ID (3d), looking for phis (2d) instead... " text="phis" call get_var2d(infid,lonlength,latlength,text,phis,ierr1,ierr2) if ( stop "Error: Failed to get phis ID" if ( stop "Error: Failed reading surface geopotential" else if ( stop "Error: Failed reading surface geopotential" phis(:,:)=phis3d(:,:,1) if((.not.lmdflag).and.(planet.eq."Venus")) call reverse2d(lonlength,latlength,phis) endif !=============================================================================== ! 2.1.3 Winds !=============================================================================== allocate(vitu(lonlength,latlength,altlength,timelength)) ! zonal wind vitu / U (in m/s) if(lmdflag) then text="vitu" else text="U" endif call get_var4d(infid,lonlength,latlength,altlength,timelength,text,vitu,ierr1,ierr2) if ( stop "Error: Failed to get U ID" if ( stop "Error: Failed reading zonal wind" if(.not.lmdflag) call reverse4d(lonlength,latlength,altlength,timelength,vitu) !=============================================================================== ! 2.1.4 Altitude above areoide !=============================================================================== ! Only needed if g(z) on Titan... !allocate(za(lonlength,latlength,altlength,timelength)) !text="zareoid" !call get_var4d(infid,lonlength,latlength,altlength,timelength,text,za,ierr1,ierr2) !if ( stop "Error: Failed to get za ID" !if ( stop "Error: Failed reading zareoid" !=============================================================================== ! 2.1.5 Friction in Boundary layer !=============================================================================== allocate(duvdf(lonlength,latlength,altlength,timelength)) if(lmdflag) then text="duvdf" else text="DUVDF" endif call get_var4d(infid,lonlength,latlength,altlength,timelength,text,duvdf,ierr1,ierr2) if ( then write(*,*) "Failed to get duvdf ID" flag_duvdf = .false. if(.not.lmdflag) then ! IDEAL FRICTION ? write(*,*) "" write(*,*) " Is the friction at surface ideal ? 0 for no, 1 for yes" write(*,*) " duvdf = -u/(86400*30) in surface layer" write(*,*) " timescale hard-coded: 30 Edays" read(*,'(i1)') idlsurf !write(*,*) "" !write(*,*) " ASSUMED YES ! " !idlsurf=1 write(*,*) "" else idlsurf=0 endif if (idlsurf.eq.1) then flag_duvdf = .true. duvdf = 0. ilev=1 do ilon=1,lonlength do ilat=1,latlength do itim=1,timelength duvdf(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim) = vitu(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim) * (-1.)/(86400.*30.) enddo enddo enddo endif else !err1 if ( stop "Error: Failed reading duvdf" if(.not.lmdflag) call reverse4d(lonlength,latlength,altlength,timelength,duvdf) flag_duvdf = .true. endif !err1 !=============================================================================== ! 2.1.6 Orographic and Non-orographic gravity waves !=============================================================================== allocate(dugwo(lonlength,latlength,altlength,timelength)) allocate(dugwno(lonlength,latlength,altlength,timelength)) if(lmdflag) then text="dugwo" call get_var4d(infid,lonlength,latlength,altlength,timelength,text,dugwo,ierr1,ierr2) if ( then write(*,*) "Failed to get dugwo ID" flag_dugwo = .false. else if ( stop "Error: Failed reading dugwo" flag_dugwo = .true. endif text="dugwno" call get_var4d(infid,lonlength,latlength,altlength,timelength,text,dugwno,ierr1,ierr2) if ( then write(*,*) "Failed to get dugwno ID" flag_dugwno = .false. else if ( stop "Error: Failed reading dugwno" flag_dugwno = .true. endif else ! lmdflag print*,"dugwo and dugwno not in CAM simulations" endif ! lmdflag !=============================================================================== ! 2.1.7 Dynamics (includes the mountain torque...) !=============================================================================== allocate(dudyn(lonlength,latlength,altlength,timelength)) if(lmdflag) then text="dudyn" else text="DUDYN" endif call get_var4d(infid,lonlength,latlength,altlength,timelength,text,dudyn,ierr1,ierr2) if ( then write(*,*) "Failed to get dudyn ID" flag_dudyn = .false. else if ( stop "Error: Failed reading dudyn" if(.not.lmdflag) call reverse4d(lonlength,latlength,altlength,timelength,dudyn) flag_dudyn = .true. endif !=============================================================================== ! 2.1.8 Dynzon dAM/dt !=============================================================================== if(dzflag) then allocate(dmcdyn(latlength-1,altlength,timelength)) allocate(dmcdis(latlength-1,altlength,timelength)) allocate(dmcspg(latlength-1,altlength,timelength)) allocate(dmcphy(latlength-1,altlength,timelength)) text="dmcdyn" call get_var3d(dzfid,latlength-1,altlength,timelength,text,dmcdyn,ierr1,ierr2) if ( stop "Error: Failed to get dmcdyn ID" if ( stop "Error: Failed reading dmcdyn" text="dmcdis" call get_var3d(dzfid,latlength-1,altlength,timelength,text,dmcdis,ierr1,ierr2) if ( stop "Error: Failed to get dmcdis ID" if ( stop "Error: Failed reading dmcdis" text="dmcspg" call get_var3d(dzfid,latlength-1,altlength,timelength,text,dmcspg,ierr1,ierr2) if ( stop "Error: Failed to get dmcspg ID" if ( stop "Error: Failed reading dmcspg" text="dmcphy" call get_var3d(dzfid,latlength-1,altlength,timelength,text,dmcphy,ierr1,ierr2) if ( stop "Error: Failed to get dmcphy ID" if ( stop "Error: Failed reading dmcphy" endif ! dzflag !=============================================================================== ! 2.2 Computations !=============================================================================== !=============================================================================== ! 2.2.2 Mass in cells !=============================================================================== allocate(rayon(lonlength,latlength,altlength,timelength)) allocate(grav(lonlength,latlength,altlength,timelength)) allocate(dmass(lonlength,latlength,altlength,timelength)) do itim=1,timelength do ilon=1,lonlength do ilat=1,latlength do ilev=1,altlength ! Need to be consistent with GCM computations ! if (za(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim).ne.miss_val) then rayon(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim) = a0 ! rayon(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim) = za(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim) + a0 grav(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim) = g0*a0*a0 & /(rayon(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim)*rayon(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim)) ! else ! rayon(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim) = miss_val ! grav(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim) = miss_val ! endif enddo enddo enddo enddo ! timelength call cellmass(infid,latlength,lonlength,altlength,timelength, & lmdflag,deltalon,deltalat,latrad,plev,ps,grav,rayon, & dmass ) !=============================================================================== ! 2.2.3 Specific angular momentum !=============================================================================== allocate(osam(lonlength,latlength,altlength,timelength)) allocate(rsam(lonlength,latlength,altlength,timelength)) do itim=1,timelength do ilon=1,lonlength do ilat=1,latlength do ilev=1,altlength if (rayon(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim).ne.miss_val) then osam(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim) = & rayon(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim)*rayon(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim) & * cos(latrad(ilat))*cos(latrad(ilat)) & * omega rsam(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim) = vitu(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim) & * rayon(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim)*cos(latrad(ilat)) else osam(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim) = miss_val rsam(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim) = miss_val endif enddo enddo enddo enddo ! timelength !=============================================================================== ! 2.2.4 Total angular momentum !=============================================================================== allocate(oaam(timelength)) allocate(raam(timelength)) do itim=1,timelength oaam(itim) = 0. raam(itim) = 0. do ilon=1,lonlength do ilat=1,latlength do ilev=1,altlength oaam(itim) = oaam(itim) & + osam(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim)/ hadday * dmass(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim) raam(itim) = raam(itim) & + rsam(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim)/ hadday * dmass(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim) enddo enddo enddo if (oaam(itim).eq.0.) then oaam(itim) = miss_val raam(itim) = miss_val endif enddo ! timelength !=============================================================================== ! 2.2.5 Mountain, friction, dynamics and GW torques !=============================================================================== allocate(tmou(timelength)) if (flag_dudyn) allocate(tdyn(timelength)) if (flag_duvdf) allocate(tbls(timelength)) if (flag_dugwo) allocate(tgwo(timelength)) if (flag_dugwno) allocate(tgwno(timelength)) do itim=1,timelength tmou(itim) = 0. do ilon=1,lonlength do ilat=2,latlength-1 if (ilon.eq.lonlength) then dz = (phis( 1,ilat) -phis(ilon,ilat))/g0 tmpp = (ps( 1,ilat,itim) +ps(ilon,ilat,itim))/2. else dz = (phis(ilon+1,ilat) -phis(ilon,ilat))/g0 tmpp = (ps(ilon+1,ilat,itim) +ps(ilon,ilat,itim))/2. endif tmou(itim) = tmou(itim) + a0*a0* deltalat*cos(latrad(ilat)) & * signe*dz*tmpp & / hadley enddo enddo if (flag_dudyn) then tdyn(itim) = 0. do ilon=1,lonlength do ilat=1,latlength do ilev=1,altlength if (rayon(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim).ne.miss_val) then tdyn(itim) = tdyn(itim) + dudyn(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim) & * rayon(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim)*cos(latrad(ilat)) & * dmass(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim) & / hadley endif enddo enddo enddo if (tdyn(itim).eq.0.) tdyn(itim) = miss_val endif if (flag_duvdf) then tbls(itim) = 0. do ilon=1,lonlength do ilat=1,latlength do ilev=1,altlength if (rayon(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim).ne.miss_val) then tbls(itim) = tbls(itim) + duvdf(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim) & * rayon(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim)*cos(latrad(ilat)) & * dmass(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim) & / hadley endif enddo enddo enddo if (tbls(itim).eq.0.) tbls(itim) = miss_val endif if (flag_dugwo) then tgwo(itim) = 0. do ilon=1,lonlength do ilat=1,latlength do ilev=1,altlength if (rayon(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim).ne.miss_val) then tgwo(itim) = tgwo(itim) + dugwo(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim) & * rayon(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim)*cos(latrad(ilat)) & * dmass(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim) & / hadley endif enddo enddo enddo if (tgwo(itim).eq.0.) tgwo(itim) = miss_val endif if (flag_dugwno) then tgwno(itim) = 0. do ilon=1,lonlength do ilat=1,latlength do ilev=1,altlength if (rayon(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim).ne.miss_val) then tgwno(itim) = tgwno(itim) + dugwno(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim) & * rayon(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim)*cos(latrad(ilat)) & * dmass(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim) & / hadley endif enddo enddo enddo if (tgwno(itim).eq.0.) tgwno(itim) = miss_val endif enddo ! timelength !=============================================================================== ! 2.2.6 Torques from dynzon !=============================================================================== if(dzflag) then allocate(tdyndz(timelength)) allocate(tdisdz(timelength)) allocate(tspgdz(timelength)) allocate(tphydz(timelength)) norm=2./3.*a0*a0*omega do itim=1,timelength tdyndz(itim) = 0. tdisdz(itim) = 0. tspgdz(itim) = 0. tphydz(itim) = 0. do ilon=1,lonlength do ilat=2,latlength do ilev=1,altlength tdyndz(itim) = tdyndz(itim) + & (dmcdyn(ilat-1,ilev,itim)+dmcdyn(ilat,ilev,itim))/(2*lonlength) & * norm * dmass(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim) / hadley tdisdz(itim) = tdisdz(itim) + & (dmcdis(ilat-1,ilev,itim)+dmcdis(ilat,ilev,itim))/(2*lonlength) & * norm * dmass(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim) / hadley tspgdz(itim) = tspgdz(itim) + & (dmcspg(ilat-1,ilev,itim)+dmcspg(ilat,ilev,itim))/(2*lonlength) & * norm * dmass(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim) / hadley tphydz(itim) = tphydz(itim) + & (dmcphy(ilat-1,ilev,itim)+dmcphy(ilat,ilev,itim))/(2*lonlength) & * norm * dmass(ilon,ilat,ilev,itim) / hadley enddo enddo enddo if (tdyndz(itim).eq.0.) tdyndz(itim) = miss_val if (tdisdz(itim).eq.0.) tdisdz(itim) = miss_val if (tspgdz(itim).eq.0.) tspgdz(itim) = miss_val if (tphydz(itim).eq.0.) tphydz(itim) = miss_val enddo ! timelength endif ! dzflag print*,"End of computations" !=============================================================================== ! 3. Create output file !=============================================================================== ! Create output file ierr=NF_CREATE(outfile,NF_CLOBBER,outfid) if ( then write(*,*)"Error: could not create file ",outfile stop endif !=============================================================================== ! 3.1. Define and write dimensions !=============================================================================== call write_dim(outfid,lonlength,latlength,altlength,timelength, & lon,lat,plev,time,lon_dimid,lat_dimid,alt_dimid,time_dimid) !=============================================================================== ! 3.2. Define and write variables !=============================================================================== ! 1D Variables datashape1d=time_dimid call write_var1d(outfid,datashape1d,timelength,& "oaam ", "Total rotation ang ","E25kgm2s-1",miss_val,& oaam ) call write_var1d(outfid,datashape1d,timelength,& "raam ", "Total wind ang ","E25kgm2s-1",miss_val,& raam ) call write_var1d(outfid,datashape1d,timelength,& "tmou ", "Mountain torque ","E18kgm2s-2",miss_val,& tmou ) if (flag_dudyn) then call write_var1d(outfid,datashape1d,timelength,& "tdyn ", "Dynamics torque ","E18kgm2s-2",miss_val,& tdyn ) endif if (flag_duvdf) then call write_var1d(outfid,datashape1d,timelength,& "tbls ", "Friction torque ","E18kgm2s-2",miss_val,& tbls ) endif if (flag_dugwo) then call write_var1d(outfid,datashape1d,timelength,& "tgwo ", "Orographic GW torque","E18kgm2s-2",miss_val,& tgwo ) endif if (flag_dugwno) then call write_var1d(outfid,datashape1d,timelength,& "tgwno ", "Non-orogr. GW torque","E18kgm2s-2",miss_val,& tgwno ) endif if(dzflag) then call write_var1d(outfid,datashape1d,timelength,& "tdyndz ", "Dynamics torque DZ ","E18kgm2s-2",miss_val,& tdyndz ) call write_var1d(outfid,datashape1d,timelength,& "tdisdz ", "Dissip torque DZ ","E18kgm2s-2",miss_val,& tdisdz ) call write_var1d(outfid,datashape1d,timelength,& "tspgdz ", "Sponge torque DZ ","E18kgm2s-2",miss_val,& tspgdz ) call write_var1d(outfid,datashape1d,timelength, & "tphydz ", "Physics torque DZ ","E18kgm2s-2",miss_val,& tphydz ) endif ! dzflag ! 2D variables datashape2d(1)=lon_dimid datashape2d(2)=lat_dimid call write_var2d(outfid,datashape2d,lonlength,latlength,& "phis ", "Surface geopot ","m2 s-2 ",miss_val,& phis ) ! 3D variables datashape3d(1)=lon_dimid datashape3d(2)=lat_dimid datashape3d(3)=time_dimid call write_var3d(outfid,datashape3d,lonlength,latlength,timelength,& "ps ", "Surface pressure ","Pa ",miss_val,& ps ) ! 4D variables datashape4d(1)=lon_dimid datashape4d(2)=lat_dimid datashape4d(3)=alt_dimid datashape4d(4)=time_dimid call write_var4d(outfid,datashape4d,lonlength,latlength,altlength,timelength,& "dmass ", "Mass ","kg ",miss_val,& dmass ) call write_var4d(outfid,datashape4d,lonlength,latlength,altlength,timelength,& "osam ", "Specific rotat ang ","E25m2s-1 ",miss_val,& osam ) call write_var4d(outfid,datashape4d,lonlength,latlength,altlength,timelength,& "rsam ", "Specific wind ang ","E25m2s-1 ",miss_val,& rsam ) !!!! Close output file ierr=NF_CLOSE(outfid) if ( then write(*,*) 'Error, failed to close output file ',outfile endif end program