SUBROUTINE defrun_new( tapedef, etatinit ) c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Auteurs : L. Fairhead , P. Le Van . c Modif C. Hourdin F. Forget VERSION MARTIENNE c c c ------------------------------------------------------------------- c c MODIF JUIN 2000 (zoom) c ......... Version du 29/04/97 .......... c c Nouveaux parametres nitergdiv,nitergrot,niterh,tetagdiv,tetagrot, c tetatemp ajoutes pour la dissipation . c c Autre parametre ajoute en fin de liste : ** fxyhypb ** c c Si fxyhypb = .TRUE. , choix de la fonction a derivee tangente hyperb. c Sinon , choix de fxynew , a derivee sinusoidale .. c c ...... etatinit = . TRUE. si defrun_new est appele dans NEWSTART c ETAT0_LMD ou LIMIT_LMD pour l'initialisation de start.dat (dic) et c de limit.dat (dic) ........... c Sinon etatinit = . FALSE . c c Donc etatinit = .F. si on veut comparer les valeurs de alphax , c alphay,clon,clat, fxyhypb lues sur le fichier start avec c celles passees par run.def , au debut du gcm, apres l'appel a c lectba . c Ces parametres definissant entre autres la grille et doivent etre c pareils et coherents , sinon il y aura divergence du gcm . c c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Declarations : c -------------- ! to use 'getin' USE ioipsl_getincom IMPLICIT NONE #include "dimensions.h" #include "paramet.h" #include "control.h" #include "logic.h" #include "serre.h" #include "comdissnew.h" #include "sponge.h" c c arguments: c --------- LOGICAL etatinit ! should be .false. for a call from gcm.F ! and .true. for a call from newstart.F INTEGER tapedef ! unit number to assign to 'run.def' file c c local variables: c --------------- CHARACTER ch1*72,ch2*72,ch3*72,ch4*8 ! to store various strings INTEGER tapeout ! unit numbers for (standard) outputs parameter (tapeout=6) integer tapeerr ! unit number for error message parameter (tapeerr=0) c REAL clonn,clatt,alphaxx,alphayy c LOGICAL fxyhypbb INTEGER ierr REAL clonn,clatt,grossismxx,grossismyy REAL dzoomxx,dzoomyy,tauxx,tauyy,temp LOGICAL fxyhypbb, ysinuss c initialisations: c ---------------- ! tapeout=6 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Parametres de controle du run: c----------------------------------------------------------------------- !Initialisation des parametres "terrestres", qui ne concernent pas !le modele martien et ne sont donc plus lues dans "run.def" anneeref=0 ! Note: anneref is a common in 'control.h' OPEN(tapedef,file='run.def',status='old',form='formatted' . ,iostat=ierr) CLOSE(tapedef) ! first call to getin will open the file IF(ierr.EQ.0) THEN ! if file run.def is found WRITE(tapeout,*) "DEFRUN_NEW: reading file run.def" WRITE(tapeout,*) "" WRITE(tapeout,*) "Number of days to run:" nday_r=1 ! default value call getin("nday",nday_r) WRITE(tapeout,*)" nday = ",nday_r WRITE(tapeout,*) "" WRITE(tapeout,*) "Number of dynamical steps per day:", & "(should be a multiple of iperiod)" day_step=960 ! default value call getin("day_step",day_step) WRITE(tapeout,*)" day_step = ",day_step WRITE(tapeout,*) "" WRITE(tapeout,*) "periode pour le pas Matsuno (en pas)" iperiod=5 ! default value call getin("iperiod",iperiod) ! verify that day_step is a multiple of iperiod if (((1.*day_step)/iperiod).ne.(day_step/iperiod)) then write(tapeout,*)" Error! iperiod must be such that", & " day_step is a multiple of iperiod, but iperiod=", & iperiod," and day_step=",day_step else WRITE(tapeout,*)" iperiod = ",iperiod endif WRITE(tapeout,*) "" WRITE(tapeout,*) "periode de sortie des variables de ", & "controle (en pas)" iconser=120 ! default value call getin("iconser",iconser) WRITE(tapeout,*)" iconser = ",iconser WRITE(tapeout,*) "" WRITE(tapeout,*) "periode de la dissipation (en pas)" idissip=5 ! default value call getin("idissip",idissip) WRITE(tapeout,*)" idissip = ",idissip ccc .... P. Le Van , modif le 29/04/97 .pour la dissipation ... ccc WRITE(tapeout,*) "" WRITE(tapeout,*) "choix de l'operateur de dissipation ", & "(star ou non star )" lstardis=.true. ! default value call getin("lstardis",lstardis) WRITE(tapeout,*)" lstardis = ",lstardis WRITE(tapeout,*) "" WRITE(tapeout,*) "avec ou sans coordonnee hybrides" hybrid=.true. ! default value call getin("hybrid",hybrid) WRITE(tapeout,*)" hybrid = ",hybrid WRITE(tapeout,*) "" WRITE(tapeout,*) "nombre d'iterations de l'operateur de ", & "dissipation gradiv " nitergdiv=1 ! default value call getin("nitergdiv",nitergdiv) WRITE(tapeout,*)" nitergdiv = ",nitergdiv WRITE(tapeout,*) "" WRITE(tapeout,*) "nombre d'iterations de l'operateur de ", & "dissipation nxgradrot" nitergrot=2 ! default value call getin("nitergrot",nitergrot) WRITE(tapeout,*)" nitergrot = ",nitergrot WRITE(tapeout,*) "" WRITE(tapeout,*) "nombre d'iterations de l'operateur de ", & "dissipation divgrad" niterh=2 ! default value call getin("niterh",niterh) WRITE(tapeout,*)" niterh = ",niterh WRITE(tapeout,*) "" WRITE(tapeout,*) "temps de dissipation des plus petites ", & "long.d ondes pour u,v (gradiv)" tetagdiv=4000. ! default value call getin("tetagdiv",tetagdiv) WRITE(tapeout,*)" tetagdiv = ",tetagdiv WRITE(tapeout,*) "" WRITE(tapeout,*) "temps de dissipation des plus petites ", & "long.d ondes pour u,v(nxgradrot)" tetagrot=5000. ! default value call getin("tetagrot",tetagrot) WRITE(tapeout,*)" tetagrot = ",tetagrot WRITE(tapeout,*) "" WRITE(tapeout,*) "temps de dissipation des plus petites ", & "long.d ondes pour h ( divgrad)" tetatemp=5000. ! default value call getin("tetatemp",tetatemp) WRITE(tapeout,*)" tetatemp = ",tetatemp WRITE(tapeout,*) "" WRITE(tapeout,*) "coefficient pour gamdissip" coefdis=0. ! default value call getin("coefdis",coefdis) WRITE(tapeout,*)" coefdis = ",coefdis c c ............................................................... WRITE(tapeout,*) "" WRITE(tapeout,*) "choix du shema d'integration temporelle ", & "(true==Matsuno ou false==Matsuno-leapfrog)" purmats=.false. ! default value call getin("purmats",purmats) WRITE(tapeout,*)" purmats = ",purmats WRITE(tapeout,*) "" WRITE(tapeout,*) "avec ou sans physique" physic=.true. ! default value call getin("physic",physic) WRITE(tapeout,*)" physic = ",physic WRITE(tapeout,*) "" WRITE(tapeout,*) "periode de la physique (en pas)" iphysiq=20 ! default value call getin("iphysiq",iphysiq) ! verify that day_step is a multiple of iphysiq if (((1.*day_step)/iphysiq).ne.(day_step/iphysiq)) then write(tapeout,*)" Error! iphysiq must be such that", & " day_step is a multiple of iphysiq, but iphysiq=", & iphysiq," and day_step=",day_step else WRITE(tapeout,*)" iphysiq = ",iphysiq endif WRITE(tapeout,*) "" WRITE(tapeout,*) "choix d'une grille reguliere" grireg=.true. call getin("grireg",grireg) WRITE(tapeout,*)" grireg = ",grireg ccc .... P.Le Van, ajout le 03/01/96 pour l'ecriture phys ... c WRITE(tapeout,*) "" WRITE(tapeout,*) "frequence (en pas) de l'ecriture ", & "du fichier" ecritphy=240 call getin("ecritphy",ecritphy) ! verify that ecriphy is indeed a multiple of iphysiq if (((1.*ecritphy)/iphysiq).ne.(ecritphy/iphysiq)) then write(tapeout,*)" Error! ecritphy must be a multiple", & " of iphysiq, but ecritphy=",ecritphy," and iphysiq=", & iphysiq else WRITE(tapeout,*)" ecritphy = ",ecritphy endif ccc .... P. Le Van , ajout le 7/03/95 .pour le zoom ... c ......... ( modif le 17/04/96 ) ......... c if (.not.etatinit ) then clonn=63. call getin("clon",clonn) IF( ABS(clon - clonn).GE. 0.001 ) THEN PRINT *,' La valeur de clon passee par run.def est ' * ,'differente de celle lue sur le fichier start ' STOP ENDIF c c clatt=0. call getin("clat",clatt) IF( ABS(clat - clatt).GE. 0.001 ) THEN PRINT *,' La valeur de clat passee par run.def est ' * ,'differente de celle lue sur le fichier start ' STOP ENDIF grossismxx=1.0 call getin("grossismx",grossismxx) if(grossismxx.eq.0) then write(*,*) write(*,*)'ERREUR : dans run.def, grossismx =0' write(*,*)'Attention a ne pas utiliser une version de' write(*,*)'run.def avant le nouveau zoom LMDZ2.3 (06/2000)' write(*,*)'(Il faut ajouter grossismx,dzoomx,etc... a la' write(*,*)'place de alphax, alphay. cf. dyn3d). ' write(*,*) stop end if IF( ABS(grossismx - grossismxx).GE. 0.001 ) THEN PRINT *,' La valeur de grossismx passee par run.def est ' * ,'differente de celle lue sur le fichier start =', * grossismx if (grossismx.eq.0) then write(*,*) 'OK,Normal : c est un vieux start' * , 'd avant le nouveau zoom LMDZ2.3 (06/2000)' grossismx=grossismxx else STOP endif ENDIF grossismyy=1.0 call getin("grossismy",grossismyy) IF( ABS(grossismy - grossismyy).GE. 0.001 ) THEN PRINT *,' La valeur de grossismy passee par run.def est ' * ,'differente de celle lue sur le fichier start =', * grossismy if (grossismy.eq.0) then write(*,*) 'OK,Normal : c est un vieux start' * , 'd avant le nouveau zoom LMDZ2.3 (06/2000)' grossismy=grossismyy else STOP endif ENDIF IF( grossismx.LT.1. ) THEN PRINT *,' *** ATTENTION !! grossismx < 1 . *** ' STOP ELSE alphax = 1. - 1./ grossismx ENDIF IF( grossismy.LT.1. ) THEN PRINT *,' *** ATTENTION !! grossismy < 1 . *** ' STOP ELSE alphay = 1. - 1./ grossismy ENDIF PRINT *,' ' PRINT *,' --> In defrun: alphax alphay ',alphax,alphay PRINT *,' ' c fxyhypbb=.false. call getin("fxyhypbb",fxyhypbb) IF( .NOT.fxyhypb ) THEN IF( fxyhypbb ) THEN PRINT *,' ******** PBS DANS DEFRUN ******** ' PRINT *,' *** fxyhypb lu sur le fichier start est F ', * 'alors qu il est T sur run.def ***' STOP ENDIF ELSE IF( .NOT.fxyhypbb ) THEN PRINT *,' ******** PBS DANS DEFRUN ******** ' PRINT *,' *** fxyhypb lu sur le fichier start est T ', * 'alors qu il est F sur run.def **** ' STOP ENDIF ENDIF dzoomxx=0.0 call getin("dzoomx",dzoomxx) IF( fxyhypb ) THEN IF( ABS(dzoomx - dzoomxx).GE. 0.001 ) THEN PRINT *,' La valeur de dzoomx passee par run.def est ' * ,'differente de celle lue sur le fichier start ' STOP ENDIF ENDIF dzoomyy=0.0 call getin("dzoomy",dzoomyy) IF( fxyhypb ) THEN IF( ABS(dzoomy - dzoomyy).GE. 0.001 ) THEN PRINT *,' La valeur de dzoomy passee par run.def est ' * ,'differente de celle lue sur le fichier start ' STOP ENDIF ENDIF tauxx=2.0 call getin("taux",tauxx) tauyy=2.0 call getin("tauy",tauyy) IF( fxyhypb ) THEN IF( ABS(taux - tauxx).GE. 0.001 ) THEN WRITE(6,*)' La valeur de taux passee par run.def est', * 'differente de celle lue sur le fichier start ' CALL ABORT ENDIF IF( ABS(tauy - tauyy).GE. 0.001 ) THEN WRITE(6,*)' La valeur de tauy passee par run.def est', * 'differente de celle lue sur le fichier start ' CALL ABORT ENDIF ENDIF ELSE ! Below, case when etainit=.true. WRITE(tapeout,*) "" WRITE(tapeout,*) "longitude en degres du centre du zoom" clon=63. ! default value call getin("clon",clon) WRITE(tapeout,*)" clon = ",clon c WRITE(tapeout,*) "" WRITE(tapeout,*) "latitude en degres du centre du zoom " clat=0. ! default value call getin("clat",clat) WRITE(tapeout,*)" clat = ",clat WRITE(tapeout,*) "" WRITE(tapeout,*) "facteur de grossissement du zoom,", & " selon longitude" grossismx=1.0 ! default value call getin("grossismx",grossismx) WRITE(tapeout,*)" grossismx = ",grossismx WRITE(tapeout,*) "" WRITE(tapeout,*) "facteur de grossissement du zoom ,", & " selon latitude" grossismy=1.0 ! default value call getin("grossismy",grossismy) WRITE(tapeout,*)" grossismy = ",grossismy IF( grossismx.LT.1. ) THEN PRINT *,' *** ATTENTION !! grossismx < 1 . *** ' STOP ELSE alphax = 1. - 1./ grossismx ENDIF IF( grossismy.LT.1. ) THEN PRINT *,' *** ATTENTION !! grossismy < 1 . *** ' STOP ELSE alphay = 1. - 1./ grossismy ENDIF PRINT *,' Defrun alphax alphay ',alphax,alphay c WRITE(tapeout,*) "" WRITE(tapeout,*) "Fonction f(y) hyperbolique si = .true.", & ", sinon sinusoidale" fxyhypb=.false. ! default value call getin("fxyhypb",fxyhypb) WRITE(tapeout,*)" fxyhypb = ",fxyhypb WRITE(tapeout,*) "" WRITE(tapeout,*) "extension en longitude de la zone du zoom", & " (fraction de la zone totale)" dzoomx=0. ! default value call getin("dzoomx",dzoomx) WRITE(tapeout,*)" dzoomx = ",dzoomx WRITE(tapeout,*) "" WRITE(tapeout,*) "extension en latitude de la zone du zoom", & " (fraction de la zone totale)" dzoomy=0. ! default value call getin("dzoomy",dzoomy) WRITE(tapeout,*)" dzoomy = ",dzoomy WRITE(tapeout,*) "" WRITE(tapeout,*) "raideur du zoom en X" taux=2. ! default value call getin("taux",taux) WRITE(tapeout,*)" taux = ",taux WRITE(tapeout,*) "" WRITE(tapeout,*) "raideur du zoom en Y" tauy=2.0 ! default value call getin("tauy",tauy) WRITE(tapeout,*)" tauy = ",tauy END IF ! of if (.not.etatinit ) WRITE(tapeout,*) "" WRITE(tapeout,*) "Avec sponge layer" callsponge=.true. ! default value call getin("callsponge",callsponge) WRITE(tapeout,*)" callsponge = ",callsponge WRITE(tapeout,*) "" WRITE(tapeout,*) "Sponge: number of layers over which", & " sponge extends" nsponge=3 ! default value call getin("nsponge",nsponge) WRITE(tapeout,*)" nsponge = ",nsponge WRITE(tapeout,*)"" WRITE(tapeout,*)"Sponge mode: (forcing is towards ..." WRITE(tapeout,*)" over upper nsponge layers)" WRITE(tapeout,*)" 0: (h=hmean,u=v=0)" WRITE(tapeout,*)" 1: (h=hmean,u=umean,v=0)" WRITE(tapeout,*)" 2: (h=hmean,u=umean,v=vmean)" mode_sponge=2 ! default value call getin("mode_sponge",mode_sponge) WRITE(tapeout,*)" mode_sponge = ",mode_sponge WRITE(tapeout,*) "" WRITE(tapeout,*) "Sponge: characteristice time scale tetasponge" WRITE(tapeout,*) "(seconds) at topmost layer (time scale then " WRITE(tapeout,*) " doubles with decreasing layer index)." tetasponge=30000.0 call getin("tetasponge",tetasponge) WRITE(tapeout,*)" tetasponge = ",tetasponge WRITE(tapeout,*) '-----------------------------------------------' WRITE(tapeout,*) ' ' WRITE(tapeout,*) ' ' c c Unlike on Earth (cf LMDZ2.2) , always a regular grid on Mars : ysinus = .false. !Mars Mettre a jour WRITE(tapeout,*) '-----------------------------------------------' WRITE(tapeout,*) ' ' WRITE(tapeout,*) ' ' cc ELSE write(tapeerr,*) ' WHERE IS run.def ? WE NEED IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!' stop ENDIF ! of IF(ierr.eq.0) c Test sur le zoom if((grossismx.eq.1).and.(grossismy.eq.1)) then c Pas de zoom : write(tapeout,*) 'No zoom ? -> fxyhypb set to False' & ,' (It runs better that way)' fxyhypb = .false. else c Avec Zoom if (.not.fxyhypb) stop 'With zoom, fxyhypb should be set to T &in run.def for this version... -> STOP ! ' end if RETURN END