SUBROUTINE LW_venus_ve( S PPB, PT, PTSURF, S PCOOL, S PTOPLW,PSOLLW,PSOLLWDN, S ZFLNET) IMPLICIT none #include "dimensions.h" #include "dimphy.h" #include "raddim.h" #include "YOMCST.h" C C ------------------------------------------------------------------ C C PURPOSE. C -------- C c This routine loads the longwave matrix of factors Ksi, c used to build the Net Exchange Rates matrix Psi. c Psi(i,j,nu) = Ksi(i,j,nu) * ( B(i,nu)-B(j,nu) ) c c This Ksi matrix has been computed by Vincent Eymet C c The NER matrix is then integrated in frequency, and the output c are calculated. c C AUTHOR. C ------- C Sebastien Lebonnois C C MODIFICATIONS. C -------------- C ORIGINAL : 27/07/2005 C ------------------------------------------------------------------ C C* ARGUMENTS: C c inputs REAL PPB(KFLEV+1) ! inter-couches PRESSURE (bar) REAL PT(KFLEV) ! Temperature in layer (K) REAL PTSURF ! Surface temperature C c output REAL PCOOL(KFLEV) ! LONGWAVE COOLING (K/VENUSDAY) within each layer REAL PTOPLW ! LONGWAVE FLUX AT T.O.A. (net, + vers le haut) REAL PSOLLW ! LONGWAVE FLUX AT SURFACE (net, + vers le haut) REAL PSOLLWDN ! LONGWAVE FLUX AT SURFACE (down, + vers le bas) REAL ZFLNET(KFLEV+1) ! net thermal flux at ppb levels (+ vers le haut) C C* LOCAL VARIABLES: C integer nlve,nnuve parameter (nlve=81) ! fichiers Vincent parameter (nnuve=68) ! fichiers Vincent et Bullock real dureejour parameter (dureejour=10.087e6) integer i,j,p,nl0,nnu0,band,k,l real presve(nlve+1) ! pressure levels in table (Pa->bar) real tempve(nlve+1) ! temperature in table (K) (middle of layer) real altve(nlve+1) ! altitude in table (km) real lambda(nnuve) ! wavelenght in table (mu->m, middle of interval) real ksive(0:nlve+1,0:nlve+1,nnuve) ! ksi factors real bplck(0:nlve+1,nnuve) ! Planck luminances in table layers real al(nnuve),bl(nnuve) ! for Planck luminances calculations real psive(0:nlve+1,0:nlve+1,nnuve) ! NER in W/m**2 per wavelength band real psi_1(0:nlve+1,0:nlve+1) ! NER in W/m**2 (sum on lambda) real ztemp(0:nlve) ! GCM temperature in table layers real zlnet(nlve+1) ! net thermal flux (W/m**2) real dzlnet(0:nlve) ! Radiative budget (W/m**2) real radbudget(kflev) ! Radiative budget on GCM grid real coolrate(nlve) ! cooling rates (K/s) on table grid character*22 nullchar real lambdamin,lambdamax ! in microns real dlambda ! cm-1 real y(0:nlve,nnuve) ! intermediaire Planck real pdp(kflev) ! delta pression (Pa), grille GCM real pdpve(nlve) ! delta pression (Pa), grille table real zdblay(nlve,nnuve) ! gradient en temperature de planck real factflux real facttemp,prT(kflev),prTve(nlve) logical firstcall data firstcall/.true./ save lambda,ksive,al,bl,firstcall c ------------------------ c Loading the files c ------------------------ if (firstcall) then print*,"PREMIER APPEL RADIATIF" c Grilles alt et press c--------------------- open(11,file='mesh.txt') read(11,*) nl0,nnu0,i read(11,*) nullchar read(11,'(82(2x,F15.9))') altve read(11,'(82(2x,F15.9))') presve read(11,'(81(2x,F15.9))') tempve tempve(nlve+1)=tempve(nlve) close(11) if ( then print*,'Probleme de dimension entre mesh.txt et lw' print*,'N levels = ',nl0,nlve stop endif if ( then print*,'Probleme de dimension entre mesh.txt et lw' print*,'N freq = ',nnu0,nnuve stop endif do i=1,nlve+1 presve(i) = presve(i)*1.e-5 ! convert to bar enddo c Verifs... c print*, altve c print*, presve c Matrice Ksi c------------ open(13,file='ksi_gccr.txt') read(13,*) nl0,nnu0 if ( then print*,'Probleme de dimension entre ksi.txt et lw' print*,'N levels = ',nl0,nlve stop endif if ( then print*,'Probleme de dimension entre ksi.txt et lw' print*,'N freq = ',nnu0,nnuve stop endif do band=1,nnuve read(13,*) lambdamin,lambdamax ! en microns lambda(band)=(lambdamin+lambdamax)/2.*1.e-6 ! en m dlambda =(1./lambdamin-1./lambdamax)*1.e4 ! en cm-1 c print*,band,lambdamin,dlambda,lambdamax do i=0,nlve+1 read(13,'(83e17.9)') (ksive(i,j,band),j=0,nlve+1) c ecart-type MC sur les ksi: pas utilise c read(13,'(83e17.9)') (psive(i,j,band),j=0,nlve+1) c changement de convention (signe) pour ksi, c et prise en compte de la largeur de bande (en cm-1): do j=0,nlve+1 ksive(i,j,band) = -ksive(i,j,band)*dlambda enddo enddo c calcul des coeff al et bl pour luminance Planck al(band) = 2.*RHPLA*RCLUM*RCLUM/(lambda(band))**5. c cette luminance doit etre en W/m²/sr/µm pour correspondre au calcul c des ksi. Ici, elle est en W/m²/sr/m donc il faut mettre un facteur 1.e-6 . * 1.e-6 bl(band) = RHPLA*RCLUM/(RKBOL*lambda(band)) enddo close(13) endif ! firstcall c -------------------------------------- c Calculation of the Psi matrix c -------------------------------------- c temperature in the table layers c ------------------------------- do i=1,kflev prT(i) = (PPB(i)+PPB(i+1))/2. c prT(i) = 10.**((log10(PPB(i))+log10(PPB(i+1)))/2.) enddo do j=1,nlve prTve(j) = (presve(j)+presve(j+1))/2. c prTve(j) = max(10.**((log10(presve(j))+log10(presve(j+1)))/2.) c . ,1.e-5) enddo do j=1,nlve nl0 = 2 do i=1,kflev-1 if (prT(i).ge.prTve(j)) then nl0 = i+1 endif enddo facttemp = (log10(prTve(j))-log10(prT(nl0-1))) . /(log10(prT(nl0))-log10(prT(nl0-1))) ztemp(j) = facttemp *PT(nl0) . + (1.-facttemp)*PT(nl0-1) c write(100,*) prTve(j),ztemp(j) enddo ztemp(0) = PTSURF c do j=1,kflev c write(101,*) prT(j),PT(j) c enddo c print*,'VERIF TEMP' c print*,PTSURF,PT c print*,ztemp c print*,tempve c Planck function c --------------- do band=1,nnuve y(0,band) = exp(bl(band)/ztemp(0))-1. bplck(0,band) = al(band)/(y(0,band)) do j=1,nlve c Developpement en polynomes ? c bplck(j,band) = xp(1,band) c . +ztemp(j)*(xp(2,band) c . +ztemp(j)*(xp(3,band) c . +ztemp(j)*(xp(4,band) c . +ztemp(j)*(xp(5,band) c . +ztemp(j)*(xp(6,band) ))))) c B(T,l) = al/(exp(bl/T)-1) y(j,band) = exp(bl(band)/ztemp(j))-1. bplck(j,band) = al(band)/(y(j,band)) zdblay(j,band) = al(band)*bl(band)*exp(bl(band)/ztemp(j))/ . ((ztemp(j)**2)*(y(j,band)**2)) enddo bplck(nlve+1,band) = 0.0 enddo c Calculation of Psi c ------------------ do band=1,nnuve do j=0,nlve+1 do i=0,nlve+1 psive(i,j,band)=ksive(i,j,band)*(bplck(i,band)-bplck(j,band)) enddo enddo enddo do j=0,nlve+1 do i=0,nlve+1 psi_1(i,j) = 0.0 ! positif quand nrj de i->j enddo enddo do band=1,nnuve do j=0,nlve+1 do i=0,nlve+1 psi_1(i,j) = psi_1(i,j)+psive(i,j,band) enddo enddo enddo c Verif...----------------------- c open(11,file="psi.dat") c do i=0,nlve+1 c write(11,'(I3,83E17.9)') i,(psi_1(j,i),j=0,nlve+1) c enddo c close(11) c stop c ------------------------------- c -------------------------- c Calculation of the fluxes c -------------------------- c flux aux intercouches: c zlnet(i+1) est le flux net traversant le plafond de la couche i (+ vers le haut) do p=0,nlve ! numero de la couche zlnet(p+1) = 0.0 do j=p+1,nlve+1 do i=0,p zlnet(p+1) = zlnet(p+1)+psi_1(i,j) enddo enddo enddo c do p=1,nlve c write(102,*) presve(p),zlnet(p), c . (zlnet(p+1)-zlnet(p))/(presve(p)-presve(p+1)) c enddo c flux net au sol, + vers le haut: PSOLLW = zlnet(1) c flux vers le bas au sol, + vers le bas: PSOLLWDN = 0.0 do i=1,nlve+1 PSOLLWDN = PSOLLWDN+max(psi_1(i,0),0.0) enddo c dfluxnet = radiative budget (W m-2) do p=0,nlve ! numero de la couche dzlnet(p) = 0.0 do j=0,nlve+1 dzlnet(p) = dzlnet(p)+psi_1(p,j) enddo enddo c -------------------------------------- c Interpolation in the GCM vertical grid c -------------------------------------- c Flux net c -------- do j=1,kflev+1 nl0 = 2 do i=1,nlve if (presve(i).ge.PPB(j)) then nl0 = i+1 endif enddo factflux = (log10(max(PPB(j),presve(nlve+1))) . -log10(presve(nl0-1))) . /(log10(presve(nl0))-log10(presve(nl0-1))) ZFLNET(j) = factflux *zlnet(nl0) . + (1.-factflux)*zlnet(nl0-1) enddo PTOPLW = ZFLNET(kflev+1) c Heating rates c ------------- c cool (K/s) = dfluxnet (W/m2) ! positif quand nrj sort de la couche c *g (m/s2) c /(-dp) (epaisseur couche, en Pa=kg/m/s2) c /cp (J/kg/K) c layers thickness on each pressure grid (in Pa) do j=1,kflev pdp(j)=(PPB(j)-PPB(j+1))*1.e5 enddo do j=1,nlve pdpve(j)=(presve(j)-presve(j+1))*1.e5 enddo c CHOIX CALCUL DIRECT OU IMPLICIT c Ici, le budget radiatif est en calcul direct. c On ne fait rien. Si on veut l'implicit, on autorise le test suivant: if (1.eq.0) then c Pour calcul par schema implicite, on obtient en sortie de lwi le coolrate. c Donc on actualise le dzlnet par dzlnet=coolrate*(cp/g)*pdpve call lwi(nlve,nnuve,dzlnet,zdblay,pdpve,ksive,coolrate) do j=1,nlve dzlnet(j) = coolrate(j) *RCPD/RG *pdpve(j) enddo endif c Interpolation on GCM grid of radiative budgets (dzlnet) c on divise l'energie deposee dans la couche par l'epaisseur c on moyenne ensuite ces valeurs (creneaux sur grille VE) c entre les niveaux de la grille GCM, et on multiplie ensuite par c l'epaisseur (nouvelle grille) pour avoir l'energie deposee dans les c couches GCM. i=1 do j=1,kflev if (PPB(j+1).ge.presve(i+1)) then radbudget(j) = dzlnet(i)/(log10(presve(i+1))-log10(presve(i))) . *(log10(PPB(j+1))-log10(PPB(j))) else l=i+1 do while ((PPB(j+1).lt.presve(l+1)).and.( l=l+1 enddo radbudget(j) = dzlnet(i)/(log10(presve(i+1))-log10(presve(i)))* . (log10(presve(i+1))-log10(PPB(j))) . +dzlnet(l)/(log10(presve(l+1))-log10(presve(l)))* . (log10(PPB(j+1))-log10(presve(l))) do k=i+2,l radbudget(j) = radbudget(j)+dzlnet(k-1) enddo i=l endif enddo c do i=1,kflev c print*,radbudget(i),prT(i) c enddo c do i=1,nlve c print*,dzlnet(i),prTve(i) c enddo c stop c On obtient le coolrate en calculant: PCOOL = radbudget*(g/cp)/pdp do j=1,kflev PCOOL(j) = radbudget(j) *RG/RCPD / pdp(j) PCOOL(j) = PCOOL(j)*dureejour ! K/Venusday enddo c print*,PCOOL firstcall = .false. return end