#! /bin/bash ######################################################### # runmeso : # # utility to combine compilation + preprocessing + run # ######################################################### ############################### # Author: A. Spiga # # New version : December 2008 # # Modified : 2009-2010 # # New physics : 2011 # ############################### # TODO: - GCM compile # - NETCDF # - (modif registry) # - quick restart ########################################### ########################################### ########################################### changeregis=0 ## 1 if changed registry #changeregis=1 ## 1 if changed registry i_want_to_compile=1 if [[ "${LMDMOD}" = "" ]] then echo "Please initialize the variable LMDMOD in your environnement (or modify scripts)" exit fi #################################### # A FEW DEFINITIONS YOU CAN MODIFY # #################################### main_folder=$LMDMOD meso_folder=${main_folder}'/LMD_MM_MARS' calendar=${main_folder}'/LMD_MM_MARS/SIMU/calendar' simu_folder=$PWD ################ # WELCOME USER # ################ echo '**********************************************' echo '**** LMD Martian Mesoscale Model launcher ****' echo '**********************************************' #echo '** Hello '$(whoami)' on '$(hostname)' !' #echo '** ['$(uname -a)']' echo '** User >>> '$(whoami) echo '** Hostname >>> '$(hostname) echo '** Hardware >>> '$(uname -m) echo '** Processor >>> '$(uname -p) echo '**********************************************' ######## NEWPHYS ??? if [[ ! ( -f "run.def" ) ]] then newphys=0 else echo '** New LMD physics >>> YES [run.def is here]' echo '**********************************************' newphys=1 fi ########################## # GET INFO FROM NAMELIST # ########################## #echo '***********************' #echo '**** Your settings ****' #echo '***********************' echo '** Simulation directory >>> '${simu_folder} if [[ ! ( -f "namelist.input" ) ]] then echo 'no namelist.input file !' exit fi # # READ INFO NEEDED FOR INIT # year=$(more ${simu_folder}/namelist.input | grep start_year | awk '{print $3}' | sed s+','+''+g) month=$(more ${simu_folder}/namelist.input | grep start_month | awk '{print $3}' | sed s+','+''+g) day=$(more ${simu_folder}/namelist.input | grep start_day | awk '{print $3}' | sed s+','+''+g) hour=$(more ${simu_folder}/namelist.input | grep start_hour | awk '{print $3}' | sed s+','+''+g) wrf_date=${year}'-'${month}'-'${day}'_00:00:00' daygcm=$(more ${calendar} | grep ${wrf_date} | awk '{print $2}') lsubs=$(more ${calendar} | grep ${wrf_date} | awk '{print $3}') eyear=$(more ${simu_folder}/namelist.input | grep end_year | awk '{print $3}' | sed s+','+''+g) emonth=$(more ${simu_folder}/namelist.input | grep end_month | awk '{print $3}' | sed s+','+''+g) eday=$(more ${simu_folder}/namelist.input | grep end_day | awk '{print $3}' | sed s+','+''+g) ehour=$(more ${simu_folder}/namelist.input | grep end_hour | awk '{print $3}' | sed s+','+''+g) ewrf_date=${eyear}'-'${emonth}'-'${eday}'_00:00:00' edaygcm=$(more ${calendar} | grep ${ewrf_date} | awk '{print $2}') elsubs=$(more ${calendar} | grep ${ewrf_date} | awk '{print $3}') echo '** Start date >>> '${year}'-'${month}'-'${day}" [sol="${daygcm}", Ls="${lsubs}"]" echo '** End date >>> '${eyear}'-'${emonth}'-'${eday}" [sol="${edaygcm}", Ls="${elsubs}"]" # # READ INFO NEEDED FOR DOMAIN # interval_seconds="$(more ${simu_folder}/namelist.input | grep -e '[^!]*interval_seconds *=')" if [[ "${interval_seconds}" = "" ]] then interval_seconds="interval_seconds = 3700 !! (p2) Frequency of large-scale fields update (s)" fi # max_dom="$(more ${simu_folder}/namelist.input | grep -e '[^!]*max_dom *=')" if [[ "${max_dom}" = "" ]] then max_dom="max_dom = 1 !! (r)(n)(p2) Total number of domains" fi # parent_id="$(more ${simu_folder}/namelist.input | grep -e '[^!]*parent_id *=')" if [[ "${parent_id}" = "" ]] then parent_id="parent_id = 0, !! (n)(p2) Associated parent domain" fi # i_parent_start="$(more ${simu_folder}/namelist.input | grep -e '[^!]*i_parent_start *=')" if [[ "${i_parent_start}" = "" ]] then i_parent_start="i_parent_start = 0, !! (n)(p2) x-position of the bottom-left nest corner" fi # j_parent_start="$(more ${simu_folder}/namelist.input | grep -e '[^!]*j_parent_start *=')" if [[ "${j_parent_start}" = "" ]] then j_parent_start="j_parent_start = 0, !! (n)(p2) y-position of the bottom-left nest corner" fi # parent_grid_ratio="$(more ${simu_folder}/namelist.input | grep -e '[^!]*parent_grid_ratio *=')" if [[ "${parent_grid_ratio}" = "" ]] then parent_grid_ratio="parent_grid_ratio = 1, !! (n)(p2) Ratio of horizontal resolution parent/nest" fi # e_we="$(more ${simu_folder}/namelist.input | grep -e '[^!]*e_we *=')" e_sn="$(more ${simu_folder}/namelist.input | grep -e '[^!]*e_sn *=')" # dx="$(more ${simu_folder}/namelist.input | grep -e '[^!]*dx *=' | awk '{print $3}' | sed s+','+''+g)" dy="$(more ${simu_folder}/namelist.input | grep -e '[^!]*dy *=' | awk '{print $3}' | sed s+','+''+g)" # # READ INFO NEEDED FOR COMPILATION # nx=$(more ${simu_folder}/namelist.input | grep -e '[^!]*e_we *=' | awk '{print $3}' | sed s+','+''+g) ny=$(more ${simu_folder}/namelist.input | grep -e '[^!]*e_sn *=' | awk '{print $3}' | sed s+','+''+g) nz=$(more ${simu_folder}/namelist.input | grep -e '[^!]*e_vert *=' | awk '{print $3}' | sed s+','+''+g) nest=$(more ${simu_folder}/namelist.input | grep -e '[^!]*max_dom *=' | awk '{print $3}' | sed s+','+''+g) if [[ "${nest}" = "" ]] then nest='1' fi numcallphys=$(ls callphys*def | wc -l) if [[ ${numcallphys} -lt ${nest} ]] then echo '**********' echo You should have ${nest} callphys.def' file(s)' !! exit fi tracers=$(more ${simu_folder}/namelist.input | grep mars | awk '{print $3}' | sed s+','+''+g) case ${tracers} in 0) tracers='1' ;; 1) tracers='2' ;; 11) tracers='5' ;; *) tracers='1' ;; esac echo '** Domain(s) >>> '${nest} echo '** Tracer(s) >>> '${tracers} echo '** Grid points >>> '${nx}" x "${ny}" x "${nz} echo '** Horizontal resolution >>> '${dx} #echo "OK ? ('no' to exit, any key if OK)" ; read wellok # if [[ "${wellok}" = "no" ]] # then # exit # fi ########### # ACTIONS # ########### #echo '***********************' #echo '**** Steps ****' #echo '***********************' echo '**********************************************' echo "** This script will compile the model then :" echo "** <1> Prepare GCM inputs <-1> to skip compilation" echo "** <2> Perform WPS interpolations <-2> to skip compilation" echo "** <3> Execute real.exe <-3> to skip compilation" echo "** <4> Execute wrf.exe <-4> to skip compilation" echo "** <5> Exit" echo "** <9> Oops ! Exit now please." echo '**********************************************' #echo "Start at which step ? (1-4)" ; read step echo "Where shall we start ? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 9" ; read step if [[ ${step} -lt 0 ]] then step=$(expr 0 - ${step}) i_want_to_compile=0 echo ".... ok, I skip the compiling & linking step. you'll just be asked the compiler you previously defined." fi case ${step} in 9) exit ;; 5) gcmstep=0 ; wpsstep=0 ; realstep=0 ; wrfstep=0 ;; 1) gcmstep=1 ; wpsstep=1 ; realstep=1 ; wrfstep=1 ;; 2) gcmstep=0 ; wpsstep=1 ; realstep=1 ; wrfstep=1 ;; 3) gcmstep=0 ; wpsstep=0 ; realstep=1 ; wrfstep=1 ;; 4) gcmstep=0 ; wpsstep=0 ; realstep=0 ; wrfstep=1 ;; *) echo "** I guess you do not know what to do. Let's start from the beginning." gcmstep=1 ; wpsstep=1 ; realstep=1 ; wrfstep=1 ;; esac ################################### # LINK THE EXECUTABLES OR COMPILE # ################################### echo '**********************************************' echo "** Compiling option " echo "** <1> pgf90" echo "** <2> g95" echo "** <3> mpi+pgf90" echo "** <4> ifort" echo "** <5> mpi+ifort" echo "** .... more in makemeso ...." echo '**********************************************' echo "Your choice ? (1-5)" ; read compilo if [[ "${compilo}" == "" || ${compilo} -lt 1 || ${compilo} -gt 5 ]] then echo "** well, let's try g95" compilo=2 fi if [[ ${compilo} -eq 3 || ${compilo} -eq 5 ]] then echo How many processors ? 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 16 ; read numproc else numproc=1 fi #if [[ ${i_want_to_compile} -ge 1 ]] #then cd ${meso_folder} echo ${compilo} > tmp if [[ ${compilo} -eq 3 ]] then echo ${numproc} >> tmp fi echo ${nest} >> tmp if [[ ${newphys} -eq 0 ]] then ./makemeso -d < tmp > /dev/null else ./makemeso -d -p < tmp > /dev/null fi \rm tmp 2> /dev/null work_folder=${meso_folder}'/'$(more what_folder) echo 'work_folder : '${work_folder} \rm what_folder 2> /dev/null ##################### NB: define the domain if was not done yet if [[ -f "${simu_folder}/namelist.wps" ]] then happy='y' else happy='' fi if [[ ${step} -le 2 ]] then while [[ "${happy}" != "y" ]] do #vi ${simu_folder}/namelist.input if [[ ! ( -d "${work_folder}/WPS" ) ]] then echo 'no WPS. you need to install it for your architecture' exit fi \rm ${simu_folder}/namelist.wps 2> /dev/null echo '**********************************************' echo " !!! NO namelist.wps FILE FOUND !!!" echo '**********************************************' echo 'Please define the domain (not for nests for the moment) : ' echo " - 1/4 Projection: polar lambert mercator ? previous is "${proj} ; read proj echo " - 2/4 Data source (multiple if nests): 'gcm' '32ppd' '64ppd' '64ppd_noHRti' '32ppd_HRalb' ? previous is "${data_source} ; read data_source echo " - 3/4 North Latitude of domain centre ? previous is "${lat} ; read lat echo " - 4/4 East Longitude of domain centre ? previous is "${lon} ; read lon ##### sed s+"__INTERVAL_SECONDS__"+"${interval_seconds}"+g ${meso_folder}/SIMU/namelist.wps | sed s+"__MAX_DOM__"+"${max_dom}"+g | sed s+"__PARENT_ID__"+"${parent_id}"+g | sed s+"__PARENT_GRID_RATIO__"+"${parent_grid_ratio}"+g | sed s+"__I_PARENT_START__"+"${i_parent_start}"+g | sed s+"__J_PARENT_START__"+"${j_parent_start}"+g | sed s+"__E_WE__"+"${e_we}"+g | sed s+"__E_SN__"+"${e_sn}"+g | sed s+"__DX__"+"${dx}"+g | sed s+"__DY__"+"${dy}"+g | sed s+"__PROJ__"+"${proj}"+g | sed s+"__DATA_SOURCE__"+"${data_source}"+g | sed s+"__LAT__"+"${lat}"+g | sed s+"__LON__"+"${lon}"+g | sed s+'0000-00-00_00:00:00'+${year}'-'${month}'-'${day}'_'${hour}':00:00'+g | sed s+'1111-11-11_11:11:11'+${eyear}'-'${emonth}'-'${eday}'_'${ehour}':00:00'+g > ${simu_folder}/namelist.wps #### ln -sf ${simu_folder}/namelist.wps ${work_folder}/WPS/namelist.wps #vi ${work_folder}/WPS/namelist.wps echo '**********************************************' echo OK, thank you. Please wait... ncview will pop up soon ! cd ${work_folder}/WPS/ \rm geo_em.d0*.nc 2> /dev/null ./geogrid.exe > /dev/null 2> /dev/null ncview geo_em.d01.nc > /dev/null 2> /dev/null & if [[ -f "geo_em.d02.nc" ]] then ncview geo_em.d02.nc > /dev/null 2> /dev/null & fi if [[ -f "geo_em.d03.nc" ]] then ncview geo_em.d03.nc > /dev/null 2> /dev/null & fi cd ${simu_folder}/ echo '**********************************************' echo 'Are you happy with the results ? type y if yes, any key if no' ; read happy done fi ##################### if [[ ${i_want_to_compile} -ge 1 ]] then cd ${simu_folder} ## corresponding executables wrfexe=${work_folder}/wrf_x${nx}_y${ny}_z${nz}_d${nest}_t${tracers}_p${numproc}.exe realexe=${work_folder}/real_x${nx}_y${ny}_z${nz}_d${nest}_t${tracers}_p${numproc}.exe if [[ -f ${wrfexe} ]] then echo '**********************************************' echo " !!! wrf.exe exists in ${work_folder}" echo '**********************************************' echo "Recompile ? ('yes' to accept, any key to refuse)" ; read reply else reply='yes' fi echo '********************************************** OK thanks. Now please wait...' echo ' ' if [[ "${reply}" == "yes" ]] then ##################### echo "** "Begin compilation process... \rm ${wrfexe} 2> /dev/null \rm ${realexe} 2> /dev/null # # CREATE makemeso_input # \rm ${simu_folder}/makemeso_input 2> /dev/null touch ${simu_folder}/makemeso_input echo ${compilo} >> ${simu_folder}/makemeso_input if [[ "${compilo}" = "3" || "${compilo}" = "5" ]] then echo ${numproc} >> ${simu_folder}/makemeso_input fi echo ${nx} >> ${simu_folder}/makemeso_input echo ${ny} >> ${simu_folder}/makemeso_input echo ${nz} >> ${simu_folder}/makemeso_input echo ${nest} >> ${simu_folder}/makemeso_input echo ${tracers} >> ${simu_folder}/makemeso_input #echo 'y' >> ${simu_folder}/makemeso_input # # COMPILE THE MODEL # cd ${meso_folder} if [[ "${changeregis}" = "1" ]] then cd ${work_folder}/WRFV2/Registry \rm Registry 2> /dev/null ./Registry.bash cd ../../.. fi ##****** if [[ ${newphys} -eq 0 ]] then ./makemeso -r < ${simu_folder}/makemeso_input else ./makemeso -r -p < ${simu_folder}/makemeso_input fi ##****** if [[ -f ${wrfexe} ]] then echo "** "seems OK ... linking executables ln -sf ${wrfexe} ${simu_folder}/wrf.exe ln -sf ${realexe} ${simu_folder}/real.exe chmod a+x ${realexe} ${wrfexe} ## sait-on jamais cd $simu_folder else echo no ${wrfexe} echo problem with the compilation exit fi else #echo simply linking existing executables... ln -sf ${wrfexe} ${simu_folder}/wrf.exe ln -sf ${realexe} ${simu_folder}/real.exe chmod a+x ${realexe} ${wrfexe} ## sait-on jamais fi fi ###################################### # 1. RUN GCM FOR INIT/BDY CONDITIONS # ###################################### if [ ${gcmstep} -eq 1 ] then echo '************************************' echo '**** Step 1: Prepare GCM inputs ****' echo '************************************' # # run GCM # if [[ ${newphys} -eq 0 ]] then cd ${main_folder}'/LMDZ.MARS/myGCM' else cd ${main_folder}'/LMDZ.MARS.new/myGCM' fi #echo '(during the run, you might like to check domain settings in '${work_folder}'/WPS)' echo ${daygcm} | ./launch_gcm # # prepare files for WPS # cd ${work_folder} if [[ -f ${work_folder}/PREP_MARS/create_readmeteo.exe && -f ${work_folder}/PREP_MARS/readmeteo.exe ]] then cd ${work_folder}/PREP_MARS/ ./compile_and_exec #echo 1 | ./create_readmeteo.exe #./readmeteo.exe < readmeteo.def else echo please compile the PREP_MARS utilities in ${work_folder} exit fi fi ################################### # 2. RUN WRF PREPROCESSING SYSTEM # ################################### if [ ${wpsstep} -eq 1 ] then echo '*****************************************' echo '**** Step 2: Perform WPS interpolations *' echo '*****************************************' if [[ -f ${work_folder}/WPS/geogrid.exe && -f ${work_folder}/WPS/metgrid.exe ]] then \rm -rf ${simu_folder}/met_em 2> /dev/null mkdir ${simu_folder}/met_em cd ${work_folder}/WPS/ \rm -rf ${work_folder}/WPS/WRFFEED/current 2> /dev/null mkdir ${work_folder}/WPS/WRFFEED/current ln -sf ${simu_folder}/namelist.wps ${work_folder}/WPS/namelist.wps #mv namelist.wps namelist.wps.tmp #sed s+'0000-00-00_00:00:00'+${year}'-'${month}'-'${day}'_'${hour}':00:00'+g namelist.wps.tmp | sed s+'1111-11-11_11:11:11'+${eyear}'-'${emonth}'-'${eday}'_'${ehour}':00:00'+g > namelist.wps ./geogrid.exe ./metgrid.exe #mv namelist.wps ${simu_folder} #mv namelist.wps.tmp namelist.wps namedata=$(date +simu_%d%h%Y_%H%M) mv ${work_folder}/WPS/WRFFEED/current ${work_folder}'/WPS/WRFFEED/'${namedata} echo met_em files in $namedata cd ${simu_folder}/met_em ln -sf ${work_folder}/WPS/WRFFEED/${namedata}/* . cd ${simu_folder} else echo please compile the WPS utilities in ${work_folder} exit fi fi ################### # 3. RUN REAL.EXE # ################### if [ ${realstep} -eq 1 ] then echo '*******************************' echo '**** Step 3: Execute real.exe *' echo '*******************************' cd ${simu_folder} if [[ ! -d met_em ]] then ls echo "PB: no met_em files:" echo "mkdir met_em folder then link met_em** files !" exit fi cd ${simu_folder}/met_em ln -sf ${simu_folder}/namelist.input . ln -sf ${simu_folder}/real.exe . rm -rf ${simu_folder}/met_em/wrfbdy* 2> /dev/null rm -rf ${simu_folder}/met_em/wrfinput* 2> /dev/null if [[ ${compilo} -eq 3 ]] then rm -rf ${simu_folder}/met_em/rsl.* 2> /dev/null echo "check in "${simu_folder}"/met_em/rsl.out.0000" ./real.exe tail -n 4 ${simu_folder}"/met_em/rsl.out.0000" else rm -rf ${simu_folder}/met_em/log* 2> /dev/null echo "check in "${simu_folder}"/met_em/log_real" real.exe > log_real tail -n 4 ${simu_folder}"/met_em/log_real" fi if [[ -f ${simu_folder}/met_em/wrfinput_d01 && -f ${simu_folder}/met_em/wrfbdy_d01 ]] then echo ok... link ini and bdy conditions cd ${simu_folder} ln -sf ${simu_folder}/met_em/wrf*_d0* . else echo mmm... there was a problem, see log files in met_em exit fi fi ################## # 4. RUN WRF.EXE # ################## if [ ${wrfstep} -eq 1 ] then xeyes & echo '******************************' echo '**** Step 4: Execute wrf.exe *' echo '******************************' cd ${simu_folder} rm -rf ${simu_folder}/wrfout* if [[ ${compilo} -eq 3 ]] then rm -rf ${simu_folder}/rsl.* 2> /dev/null # ${WHERE_MPI}/mpirun -host smith -np ${numproc} wrf.exe < /dev/null & ${WHERE_MPI}/mpirun -np ${numproc} wrf.exe < /dev/null & else rm -rf ${simu_folder}/log* 2> /dev/null nohup wrf.exe > log_wrf & fi echo OK ! Simulation should be running now ! echo Check with the command: "ps -e -o '%u %p %C %x %c' | grep wrf.exe" echo '******************************' echo '**** End.' fi exit