SUBROUTINE phyetat0 (fichnom,tab0,Lmodif,nsoil,nq, . day_ini,time, . tsurf,tsoil,emis,q2,qsurf,co2ice) use netcdf implicit none c====================================================================== c Auteur(s) Z.X. Li (LMD/CNRS) date: 19930818 c Adaptation à Mars : Yann Wanherdrick c Objet: Lecture de l etat initial pour la physique ! Modifs: Aug.2010 EM : use NetCDF90 to load variables (enables using ! r4 or r8 restarts independently of having compiled ! the GCM in r4 or r8) c====================================================================== !#include "" #include "dimensions.h" #include "dimphys.h" !#include "comgeomfi.h" #include "surfdat.h" #include "planete.h" #include "dimradmars.h" #include "yomaer.h" #include "comcstfi.h" !#include "tracer.h" #include"advtrac.h" c====================================================================== INTEGER nbsrf !Mars nbsrf a 1 au lieu de 4 PARAMETER (nbsrf=1) ! nombre de sous-fractions pour une maille !====================================================================== ! Arguments: ! --------- ! inputs: character*(*) fichnom ! "" file integer tab0 integer Lmodif integer nsoil ! # of soil layers integer nq integer day_ini real time ! outputs: real tsurf(ngridmx) ! surface temperature real tsoil(ngridmx,nsoil) ! soil temperature real emis(ngridmx) ! surface emissivity real q2(ngridmx, llm+1) ! real qsurf(ngridmx,nq) ! tracers on surface real co2ice(ngridmx) ! co2 ice cover !====================================================================== ! Local variables: real surffield(ngridmx) ! to temporarily store a surface field real xmin,xmax ! to display min and max of a field c INTEGER ig,iq,lmax INTEGER nid, nvarid INTEGER ierr, i, nsrf ! integer isoil ! INTEGER length ! PARAMETER (length=100) CHARACTER*7 str7 CHARACTER*2 str2 CHARACTER*1 yes c REAL p_rad,p_omeg,p_g,p_mugaz,p_daysec INTEGER nqold ! flag which identifies if '' file is using old names (qsurf01,...) logical :: oldtracernames=.false. integer :: count character(len=30) :: txt ! to store some text c c Ouvrir le fichier contenant l etat initial: c ierr=nf90_open(fichnom,NF90_NOWRITE,nid) IF (ierr.NE.nf90_noerr) THEN write(6,*)' Pb d''ouverture du fichier ',trim(fichnom) write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(ierr)) CALL ABORT ENDIF ! Preliminary stuff: check if tracers follow old naming convention (qsurf01, ! qsurf02, ...) count=0 do iq=1,nqmx txt= " " write(txt,'(a5,i2.2)')'qsurf',iq ierr=nf90_inq_varid(nid,txt,nvarid) if ( then ! did not find old tracer name exit ! might as well stop here else ! found old tracer name count=count+1 endif enddo if (count.eq.nqmx) then write(*,*) "phyetat0:tracers seem to follow old naming ", & "convention (qsurf01,qsurf02,...)" write(*,*) " => will work for now ... " write(*,*) " but you should run newstart to rename them" oldtracernames=.true. endif c modifications possibles des variables de tab_cntrl PRINT* write(*,*) 'TABFI de phyeta0',Lmodif,tab0 call tabfi (nid,Lmodif,tab0,day_ini,lmax,p_rad, . p_omeg,p_g,p_mugaz,p_daysec,time) c c Read latitudes (coordinates): No need, these are provided by the dynamics c ! ierr=nf90_inq_varid(nid,"latitude",nvarid) ! IF (ierr.NE.nf90_noerr) THEN ! PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Le champ est absent' ! write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(ierr)) ! CALL abort ! ENDIF ! ierr=nf90_get_var(nid,nvarid,lati) ! IF (ierr.NE.nf90_noerr) THEN ! PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Lecture echouee pour ' ! write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(ierr)) ! CALL abort ! ENDIF c c read longitudes (coordinates): No need, these are provided by the dynamics c ! ierr=nf90_inq_varid(nid,"longitude",nvarid) ! IF (ierr.NE.nf90_noerr) THEN ! PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Le champ est absent' ! write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(ierr)) ! CALL abort ! ENDIF ! ierr=nf90_get_var(nid,nvarid,long) ! IF (ierr.NE.nf90_noerr) THEN ! PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Lecture echouee pour ' ! write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(ierr)) ! CALL abort ! ENDIF c c Read areas of meshes: No need, these are provided by the dynamics c ! ierr=nf90_inq_varid(nid,"area",nvarid) ! IF (ierr.NE.nf90_noerr) THEN ! PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Le champ est absent' ! write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(ierr)) ! CALL abort ! ENDIF ! ierr=nf90_get_var(nid,nvarid,area) ! IF (ierr.NE.nf90_noerr) THEN ! PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Lecture echouee pour ' ! write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(ierr)) ! CALL abort ! ENDIF ! xmin = 1.0E+20 ! xmax = -1.0E+20 ! xmin = MINVAL(area) ! xmax = MAXVAL(area) ! PRINT*,'Aires des mailles :', xmin, xmax c c Lecture du geopotentiel au sol: c ierr=nf90_inq_varid(nid,"phisfi",nvarid) IF (ierr.NE.nf90_noerr) THEN PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Le champ est absent' write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(ierr)) CALL abort ENDIF ierr=nf90_get_var(nid,nvarid,phisfi) IF (ierr.NE.nf90_noerr) THEN PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Lecture echouee pour ' write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(ierr)) CALL abort ENDIF xmin = 1.0E+20 xmax = -1.0E+20 xmin = MINVAL(phisfi) xmax = MAXVAL(phisfi) PRINT*,'Geopotentiel au sol :', xmin, xmax c c Lecture de l''albedo du sol nu: c ierr=nf90_inq_varid(nid,"albedodat",nvarid) IF (ierr.NE.nf90_noerr) THEN PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Le champ est absent' write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(ierr)) CALL abort ENDIF ierr=nf90_get_var(nid,nvarid,albedodat) IF (ierr.NE.nf90_noerr) THEN PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Lecture echouee pour ' CALL abort ENDIF xmin = 1.0E+20 xmax = -1.0E+20 xmin = MINVAL(albedodat) xmax = MAXVAL(albedodat) PRINT*,'Albedo du sol nu :', xmin, xmax c c Lecture de l''inertie thermique du sol: c ! ierr = NF_INQ_VARID (nid, "inertiedat", nvarid) ! IF (ierr.NE.nf90_noerr) THEN ! PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Le champ est absent' ! CALL abort ! ENDIF !#ifdef NC_DOUBLE ! ierr = NF_GET_VAR_DOUBLE(nid, nvarid, inertiedat) !#else ! ierr = NF_GET_VAR_REAL(nid, nvarid, inertiedat) !#endif ! IF (ierr.NE.nf90_noerr) THEN ! PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Lecture echouee pour ' ! CALL abort ! ENDIF ! xmin = 1.0E+20 ! xmax = -1.0E+20 ! xmin = MINVAL(inertiedat) ! xmax = MAXVAL(inertiedat) ! PRINT*,'Inertie thermique du sol :', xmin, xmax c c ZMEA c ierr=nf90_inq_varid(nid,"ZMEA",nvarid) IF (ierr.NE.nf90_noerr) THEN PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Le champ est absent' write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(ierr)) CALL abort ENDIF ierr=nf90_get_var(nid,nvarid,zmea) IF (ierr.NE.nf90_noerr) THEN PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Lecture echouee pour ' write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(ierr)) CALL abort ENDIF xmin = 1.0E+20 xmax = -1.0E+20 DO i = 1, ngridmx xmin = MIN(zmea(i),xmin) xmax = MAX(zmea(i),xmax) ENDDO PRINT*,':', xmin, xmax c c ZSTD c ierr=nf90_inq_varid(nid,"ZSTD",nvarid) IF (ierr.NE.nf90_noerr) THEN PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Le champ est absent' write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(ierr)) CALL abort ENDIF ierr=nf90_get_var(nid,nvarid,zstd) IF (ierr.NE.nf90_noerr) THEN PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Lecture echouee pour ' write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(ierr)) CALL abort ENDIF xmin = 1.0E+20 xmax = -1.0E+20 DO i = 1, ngridmx xmin = MIN(zstd(i),xmin) xmax = MAX(zstd(i),xmax) ENDDO PRINT*,':', xmin, xmax c c ZSIG c ierr=nf90_inq_varid(nid,"ZSIG",nvarid) IF (ierr.NE.nf90_noerr) THEN PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Le champ est absent' write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(ierr)) CALL abort ENDIF ierr=nf90_get_var(nid,nvarid,zsig) IF (ierr.NE.nf90_noerr) THEN PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Lecture echouee pour ' write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(ierr)) CALL abort ENDIF xmin = 1.0E+20 xmax = -1.0E+20 DO i = 1, ngridmx xmin = MIN(zsig(i),xmin) xmax = MAX(zsig(i),xmax) ENDDO PRINT*,':', xmin, xmax c c ZGAM c ierr=nf90_inq_varid(nid,"ZGAM",nvarid) IF (ierr.NE.nf90_noerr) THEN PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Le champ est absent' write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(ierr)) CALL abort ENDIF ierr=nf90_get_var(nid,nvarid,zgam) IF (ierr.NE.nf90_noerr) THEN PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Lecture echouee pour ' write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(ierr)) CALL abort ENDIF xmin = 1.0E+20 xmax = -1.0E+20 DO i = 1, ngridmx xmin = MIN(zgam(i),xmin) xmax = MAX(zgam(i),xmax) ENDDO PRINT*,':', xmin, xmax c c ZTHE c ierr=nf90_inq_varid(nid,"ZTHE",nvarid) IF (ierr.NE.nf90_noerr) THEN PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Le champ est absent' write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(ierr)) CALL abort ENDIF ierr=nf90_get_var(nid,nvarid,zthe) IF (ierr.NE.nf90_noerr) THEN PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Lecture echouee pour ' write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(ierr)) CALL abort ENDIF xmin = 1.0E+20 xmax = -1.0E+20 DO i = 1, ngridmx xmin = MIN(zthe(i),xmin) xmax = MAX(zthe(i),xmax) ENDDO PRINT*,':', xmin, xmax c c CO2 ice cover c ierr=nf90_inq_varid(nid,"co2ice",nvarid) IF (ierr.NE.nf90_noerr) THEN PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Le champ est absent' write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(ierr)) CALL abort ENDIF ierr=nf90_get_var(nid,nvarid,co2ice) IF (ierr.NE.nf90_noerr) THEN PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Lecture echouee pour ' write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(ierr)) CALL abort ENDIF xmin = 1.0E+20 xmax = -1.0E+20 xmin = MINVAL(co2ice) xmax = MAXVAL(co2ice) PRINT*,'CO2 ice cover :', xmin, xmax c c Lecture des temperatures du sol: c ierr=nf90_inq_varid(nid,"tsurf",nvarid) IF (ierr.NE.nf90_noerr) THEN PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Le champ est absent' ! Ehouarn: dump this part (causes problems with netcdf90 interface) ! PRINT*, ' Mais je vais essayer de lire TS**' ! IF (nbsrf.GT.99) THEN ! PRINT*, "Trop de sous-mailles" ! CALL abort ! ENDIF ! DO nsrf = 1, nbsrf ! WRITE(str2,'(i2.2)') nsrf ! ierr=nf90_inq_varid(nid,"TS"//str2,nvarid) ! IF (ierr.NE.nf90_noerr) THEN ! PRINT*, "phyetat0: Le champ est absent" ! write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(ierr)) ! CALL abort ! ENDIF ! ierr=nf90_get_var(nid,nvarid,tsurf(1,nsrf)) ! IF (ierr.NE.nf90_noerr) THEN ! PRINT*, "phyetat0: Lecture echouee pour " ! write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(ierr)) ! CALL abort ! ENDIF ! xmin = 1.0E+20 ! xmax = -1.0E+20 ! xmin = MINVAL(tsurf) ! xmax = MAXVAL(tsurf) ! PRINT*,'Temperature du sol TS**:', nsrf, xmin, xmax ! ENDDO ELSE PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Le champ est present' PRINT*, ' J ignore donc les autres temperatures TS**' !ierr=nf90_get_var(nid,nvarid,tsurf(1,1)) ierr=nf90_get_var(nid,nvarid,tsurf) IF (ierr.NE.nf90_noerr) THEN PRINT*, "phyetat0: Lecture echouee pour " write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(ierr)) CALL abort ENDIF xmin = 1.0E+20 xmax = -1.0E+20 xmin = MINVAL(tsurf) xmax = MAXVAL(tsurf) PRINT*,'Temperature du sol ', xmin, xmax ! Ehouarn: Mars => nbsurf=1 ! IF (nbsrf >= 2) THEN ! DO nsrf = 2, nbsrf ! DO i = 1, ngridmx ! tsurf(i,nsrf) = tsurf(i,1) ! ENDDO ! ENDDO ! ENDIF ENDIF c c Lecture des temperatures du sol profond: c ! IF (nsoil.GT.99 .OR. nbsrf.GT.99) THEN ! PRINT*, "Trop de couches ou sous-mailles" ! CALL abort ! ENDIF ! DO nsrf = 1, nbsrf ! DO isoil=1, nsoil ! WRITE(str7,'(i2.2,"srf",i2.2)') isoil, nsrf ! ierr = NF_INQ_VARID (nid, 'tsoil', nvarid) ! IF (ierr.NE.nf90_noerr) THEN ! PRINT*, "phyetat0: Le champ est absent" ! PRINT*, " Il prend donc la valeur de surface" ! DO i=1, ngridmx ! tsoil(i,isoil,nsrf)=tsurf(i,nsrf) ! ENDDO ! ELSE !#ifdef NC_DOUBLE ! ierr = NF_GET_VAR_DOUBLE(nid, nvarid, tsoil(1,1,nsrf)) !#else ! ierr = NF_GET_VAR_REAL(nid, nvarid, tsoil(1,1,nsrf)) !#endif ! IF (ierr.NE.nf90_noerr) THEN ! PRINT*, "Lecture echouee pour " ! CALL abort ! ENDIF ! ENDIF ! ENDDO ! ENDDO ! xmin = 1.0E+20 ! xmax = -1.0E+20 ! xmin = MINVAL(tsoil) ! xmax = MAXVAL(tsoil) ! PRINT*,'Temperatures du sol profond ', xmin, xmax c c Surface emissivity c ierr=nf90_inq_varid(nid,"emis",nvarid) IF (ierr.NE.nf90_noerr) THEN PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Le champ est absent' write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(ierr)) CALL abort ENDIF ierr=nf90_get_var(nid,nvarid,emis) IF (ierr.NE.nf90_noerr) THEN PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Lecture echouee pour ' write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(ierr)) CALL abort ENDIF xmin = 1.0E+20 xmax = -1.0E+20 xmin = MINVAL(emis) xmax = MAXVAL(emis) PRINT*,'Surface emissivity :', xmin, xmax ! ! surface roughness length (NB: z0 is a common in surfdat.h) ! ierr=nf90_inq_varid(nid,"z0",nvarid) if ( then write(*,*) 'phyetat0: did not find z0 field!' write(*,*) 'will use constant value of z0_default instead' z0(:)=z0_default else ierr=nf90_get_var(nid,nvarid,z0) if ( then write(*,*) 'phyetat0: Failed loading ' write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(ierr)) call abort endif xmin=1.0E+20 xmax=-1.0E+20 xmin=minval(z0) xmax=maxval(z0) write(*,*)'Surface roughness :',xmin,xmax endif c c pbl wind variance c ierr=nf90_inq_varid(nid,"q2",nvarid) IF (ierr.NE.nf90_noerr) THEN PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Le champ est absent' write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(ierr)) CALL abort ENDIF ierr=nf90_get_var(nid,nvarid,q2) IF (ierr.NE.nf90_noerr) THEN PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Lecture echouee pour ' write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(ierr)) CALL abort ENDIF xmin = 1.0E+20 xmax = -1.0E+20 xmin = MINVAL(q2) xmax = MAXVAL(q2) PRINT*,'pbl wind variance :', xmin, xmax c c tracer on surface c IF(nq.GE.1) THEN nqold=nq DO iq=1,nq ! str7(1:5)='qsurf' ! WRITE(str7(6:7),'(i2.2)') iq ! ierr = NF_INQ_VARID (nid,str7,nvarid) IF (oldtracernames) THEN txt=" " write(txt,'(a5,i2.2)')'qsurf',iq ELSE txt=tnom(iq) if (txt.eq."h2o_vap") then ! There is no surface tracer for h2o_vap; ! "h2o_ice" should be loaded instead txt="h2o_ice" write(*,*) 'phyetat0: loading surface tracer', & ' h2o_ice instead of h2o_vap' endif ENDIF ! of IF (oldtracernames) THEN ierr=nf90_inq_varid(nid,txt,nvarid) IF (ierr.NE.nf90_noerr) THEN write(*,*) 'PHYETAT0: WARNING : surface tracer',trim(txt), & ' not found in file' write(*,*) trim(txt), ' set to 0' do ig=1,ngridmx qsurf(ig,iq)=0. end do nqold=min(iq-1,nqold) ELSE !ierr=nf90_get_var(nid,nvarid,qsurf(1,iq)) ierr=nf90_get_var(nid,nvarid,surffield) qsurf(1:ngridmx,iq)=surffield(1:ngridmx) IF (ierr.NE.nf90_noerr) THEN PRINT*, 'phyetat0: Lecture echouee pour <',trim(txt),'>' write(*,*)trim(nf90_strerror(ierr)) CALL abort ENDIF ENDIF xmin = 1.0E+20 xmax = -1.0E+20 xmin = MINVAL(qsurf(1:ngridmx,iq)) xmax = MAXVAL(qsurf(1:ngridmx,iq)) PRINT*,'tracer on surface <',trim(txt),'>:',xmin,xmax ENDDO if (( then c case when new tracer are added in addition to old ones write(*,*)'qsurf 1 to ', nqold,'were already present' write(*,*)'qsurf ', nqold+1,' to ', nqmx,'are new' ! yes=' ' ! do while (('y').and.('n')) ! write(*,*) 'Would you like to reindex qsurf # 1 ->',nqold ! write(*,*) 'to #',nqmx-nqold+1,'->', nqmx,' (y or n) ?' ! read(*,fmt='(a)') yes ! end do ! if (yes.eq.'y') then ! write(*,*) 'OK, let s reindex qsurf' ! do ig=1,ngridmx ! do iq=nqmx,nqmx-nqold+1,-1 ! qsurf(ig,iq)=qsurf(ig,iq-nqmx+nqold) ! end do ! do iq=nqmx-nqold,1,-1 ! qsurf(ig,iq)= 0. ! end do ! end do ! end if end if ENDIF ! Call to soil_settings, in order to read soil temperatures, ! as well as thermal inertia and volumetric heat capacity call soil_settings(nid,ngridmx,nsoil,tsurf,tsoil) c c Fermer le fichier: c ierr=nf90_close(nid) c RETURN END