'reinit' 'open qss.ctl' ** script needs height level input data ** will look for .75 , 1.5. 4 and 8 km data to plot 'set display color white' 'set xlab off' 'set ylab off' 'run rgbset.gs' say 'Create gif images as well (1=yes ; 0=no)' pull ans frame = 1 'q file' rec=sublin(result,5) _endtime=subwrd(rec,12) _endlev=subwrd(rec,9) runscript = 1 dis_t = 2 while(runscript) dis_z = 1 'set t ' dis_t 'q dims' rec=sublin(result,5) _analysis=subwrd(rec,6) say 'Time is ' _analysis runlevel = 1 while(runlevel) 'set z ' dis_z 'q dims' rec=sublin(result,4) newz=subwrd(rec,6) say 'Level is ' newz found_level = 0 ** Looking for right level to plot if (newz=0.75) found_level=1 endif if (newz=1.5) found_level=1 endif if (newz=4.0) found_level=1 endif if (newz=8.0) found_level=1 endif if (found_level) say 'Plotting' 'c' 'set grads off' 'set gxout shaded' 'd theta' 'set gxout contour' 'd p' 'set strsiz .2' 'set string 1 l 6' 'draw string 2.7 8.35 pressure (mb,lines), Theta (color)' 'set strsiz .15' 'set string 1 l 3' 'draw string 6.5 8.0 ' _analysis 'draw string 2.5 8.0 ' newz ' km' 'run cbar.gs' if(ans) 'printim qss'frame'.gif gif ' frame=frame+1 endif pull dummy 'c' 'set grads off' 'set gxout shaded' 'd w' 'set strsiz .2' 'set string 1 l 6' 'draw string 4.7 8.35 W (color)' 'set strsiz .15' 'set string 1 l 3' 'draw string 6.5 8.0 ' _analysis 'draw string 2.5 8.0 ' newz ' km' 'run cbar.gs' if(ans) 'printim qss'frame'.gif gif ' frame=frame+1 endif pull dummy 'c' 'set grads off' 'set gxout shaded' 'd qvapor*1000.0' 'set strsiz .2' 'set string 1 l 6' 'draw string 4.2 8.35 QVAPOR (color)' 'set strsiz .15' 'set string 1 l 3' 'draw string 6.5 8.0 ' _analysis 'draw string 2.5 8.0 ' newz ' km' 'run cbar.gs' if(ans) 'printim qss'frame'.gif gif ' frame=frame+1 endif pull dummy 'c' 'set grads off' 'set gxout shaded' 'd qcloud*1000.0' 'set strsiz .2' 'set string 1 l 6' 'draw string 4.2.7 8.35 QCLOUD (color)' 'set strsiz .15' 'set string 1 l 3' 'draw string 6.5 8.0 ' _analysis 'draw string 2.5 8.0 ' newz ' km' 'run cbar.gs' if(ans) 'printim qss'frame'.gif gif ' frame=frame+1 endif pull dummy 'c' 'set grads off' 'set gxout shaded' 'd qrain*1000.0' 'set strsiz .2' 'set string 1 l 6' 'draw string 4.2.7 8.35 QRAIN (color)' 'set strsiz .15' 'set string 1 l 3' 'draw string 6.5 8.0 ' _analysis 'draw string 2.5 8.0 ' newz ' km' 'run cbar.gs' pull dummy if(ans) 'printim qss'frame'.gif gif ' frame=frame+1 endif endif if ( dis_z=_endlev ) runlevel=0 endif dis_z = dis_z + 1 endwhile dis_t = dis_t + 2 if ( dis_t>_endtime ) runscript=0 endif endwhile