pro profile, $ what_I_plot, $ ; 1D vertical profile column, $ ; altitudes alt=alt, $ ; altitude range [altmin, altmax] minfield=minfield_init, $ ; minimum value of plotted field (=0: calculate) maxfield=maxfield_init, $ ; maximum value of plotted field (=0: calculate) inprofile=overplot, $ ; another vertical profile to overplot incolumn=overplot_column, $ ; altitudes of the other vertical profile (in case /= column) discrete=discrete, $ ; show the profile points (= type of points in !psym) title_plot=title_user, $ ; title of the plot ('Profile' is default) title_axis=title_axis, $ ; title of the [x,y] axis (['Field','Altitude'] is default) mention=mention ; add text precision within the plot window (default is nothing or '') ;-------------------------------------------- ; ; A general routine to plot 1D profiles ; ; USE: see comments above ; ; EXAMPLE: ; profile, findgen(30)^2, findgen(30) ; profile, findgen(30)^2, findgen(30), overplot=findgen(30)^2.2, discrete=4, title_plot='An example of profile' ; profile, findgen(30)^2, findgen(30), title_axis=['Dumb profile', 'Dumb Altitude'] ; ;-------------------------------------------- ; A. Spiga, September 2007 ;-------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------- ; a few permanent settings ;--------------------------- ; missing_value=1.e30 SPAWN, 'touch param_plot.idl' @param_plot.idl ; ;------------------ ;----------------------------- ; user and default settings ;----------------------------- if (n_elements(title_user) eq 0) then title='Profile' if (n_elements(title_axis) ne 2) then begin xtitle='Field' ytitle='Altitude' endif else begin xtitle=title_axis(0) ytitle=title_axis(1) endelse if (n_elements(maxfield_init) eq 0) then maxfield_init=0 if (n_elements(minfield_init) eq 0) then minfield_init=0 if (n_elements(column) eq 0) then column=findgen(n_elements(what_I_plot)) if (n_elements(mention) eq 0) then mention='' else mention='('+mention+')' ;------------------ ; missing values ;------------------ w=where(abs(what_I_plot) gt missing_value) if (w(0) ne -1) then what_I_plot[w]=!Values.F_NAN ;------------------ ; limits ;------------------ if (minfield_init*maxfield_init eq 0) then begin xrange=[min(what_I_plot),max(what_I_plot)] print, xrange endif else begin xrange=[minfield_init,maxfield_init] print, xrange endelse if (xrange(0)*xrange(1) eq 0) then begin print, 'nothing to plot ... skipping this plot ...' stop endif ;--------------- ; adapt ticks ;--------------- ;intervalx=round((xrange(1)-xrange(0))/5.) ;intervaly=round(abs(max(column)-min(column))/5.) ;intervalx=5. ;intervaly=5. ;if (n_elements(intervalx) eq 0) then intervalx=round((xrange(1)-xrange(0))/8.) ;;if (n_elements(intervaly) eq 0) then intervaly=round((abs(max(column)-min(column))/5.)) ;; ---------------------------- ;; manage the altitude range ;; ---------------------------- ;if (n_elements(alt) eq 2) then begin ; altmin=alt(0) ; altmax=alt(1) ; w=where((column ge altmin) and (column le altmax)) ; if (n_elements(intervaly) eq 0) then intervaly=(altmax-altmin)/5 ; if (w(0) ne -1) then begin ; column=column[w] ; what_I_plot=what_I_plot[w] ; minfield=min(what_I_plot) ; maxfield=max(what_I_plot) ; endif ;endif ;------------- ; plot ;------------- plot, $ what_I_plot,column, $ xrange=xrange, $ ; yrange=[min(column),max(column)], $ yrange=alt, $ xtickinterval=intervalx, $ ytickinterval=intervaly, $ xtitle=xtitle, $ ytitle=ytitle,$ title=title_user,$ /ylog ; subtitle=mention ;------------- ; overplot ;------------- if (n_elements(discrete) ne 0) then begin if (discrete ne 0) then begin !psym=discrete oplot, $ what_I_plot,column !psym=0 endif endif if (n_elements(overplot) gt 1) then begin column_overplot=column w=where(abs(overplot) gt missing_value) if (w(0) ne -1) then overplot[w]=!Values.F_NAN if (n_elements(overplot_column) gt 1) then column_overplot=overplot_column oplot, $ overplot, column_overplot, $ linestyle=2 if (n_elements(discrete) ne 0) then begin !psym=discrete oplot, $ overplot,column_overplot !psym=0 endif endif ;;-------------- ;; text inside ;;-------------- ;if (n_elements(mention) ne 0) then begin ; alignx=(max(what_I_plot)+min(what_I_plot))/2 ; aligny=max(column)-intervaly/2 ; xyouts, alignx, $ ; aligny, $ ; mention ;endif end