pro gw, typeplot ;----------------------------------------- ; Read files generated by ARWpost & plot ; ; typeplot is s for see (.ps are not saved, .def saved) ; t for trace (.ps are saved, .def saved) ; r for report (same as t + tex report) ; m for movie (same as t + gif movie) ; w for web page (same as t + html animation) ; g for simple grads output ; ; default is 's' ; ; use: ; 1. set parameters in gw.def ; 2. @gwc ; 3. gw, 's' (or 't' or 'r' or 'm' or 'w' or 'g') ; or simply: gw ; ;----------------------------------------- ; A. Spiga, Mars 2008 ;----------------------------------------- nomovie='yes' grads='blabla' useidlfile='false' if (n_elements(typeplot) eq 0) then typeplot='s' if (typeplot eq 'g') then grads='true' print, '---------------------' print, 'init. please wait ...' print, '---------------------' ; ; init. ; field1='' & field2='' & winds=['',''] backup_data='no' & already_data='no' datafolder='./' & plotfolder='./' textitle='plot' & texcomments='plot' topo=0 extract='yes' ;;a question is asked ; ; defining fields, coordinates, type of plot ... etc ... ; @user.idl ; ; extracting/interpolating fields from WRF NETCDF files ; if (typeplot eq 'g') then SPAWN, 'cp -f gw.def '+plotfolder+'/grads_gw.def' if (useidlfile eq 'true') then extract='no' if (extract eq 'yes') then begin print, 'EXTRACT DATA. OK ?' if (n_elements(dumb) eq 0) then begin ;; give dumb in user.idl if one does not want to be asked questions ! if (grads ne 'true') then read, dumb, prompt='type 1 to proceed, 0 to keep the same input >>> ' else dumb=999 endif if (dumb ne 0) then begin print, 'WE WILL EXTRACT DATA USING ARWPOST.EXE' if (n_elements(nest) eq 0) then nest='d01' call_arwpost, nam1, nam2, nam3, nam4, nam5, tabnam, nest, datafolder, grads endif endif if (already_data eq 'yes') then begin if (nam5 eq " interp_method = 0 ") then coord='model_level' if ((nam5 eq " interp_method = 1 ") and (tabnam(0) lt tabnam(1))) then coord='height' SPAWN, 'ln -sf '+datafolder+'/'+coord+'.input.ctl input.ctl' SPAWN, 'ln -sf '+datafolder+'/'+coord+'.input.dat input.dat' endif ;-----------------------------; ; STARTING TO READ INPUT.CTL ; ;-----------------------------; ; ; get the local time ; interv=0. & openr, 99, 'timefil' & readf,99,interv & close, 99 ; ; get preliminar info on coordinates ; wnx=1 & wny=1 & wnz=1 & wnt=1 & txt='' & param=[0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.] openr, 1, 'input.ctl' while not eof(1) do begin readf,1,txt match=STRPOS(txt,'linear') if (match ne -1) then begin wnx=(STRPOS(txt,'xdef') eq -1)*wnx ;0 if linear wny=(STRPOS(txt,'ydef') eq -1)*wny ;0 if linear wnz=(STRPOS(txt,'zdef') eq -1)*wnz ;0 if linear wnt=(STRPOS(txt,'tdef') eq -1)*wnt ;0 if linear paramstart=STRSPLIT(txt, 'r', LENGTH=paramlength) paramchar=STRMID(txt,paramstart(1),paramlength(1)) READS, paramchar, start, step param=param+[start*(STRPOS(txt,'xdef') ne -1),$ step*(STRPOS(txt,'xdef') ne -1),$ start*(STRPOS(txt,'ydef') ne -1),$ step*(STRPOS(txt,'ydef') ne -1),$ start*(STRPOS(txt,'zdef') ne -1),$ step*(STRPOS(txt,'zdef') ne -1),$ start*(STRPOS(txt,'tdef') ne -1),$ step*(STRPOS(txt,'tdef') ne -1)] endif endwhile close, 1 timebegin=param(6) ;--------------------------------- ; READ .CTL FILE INFORMATIONS ;--------------------------------- info=read_ascii('input.ctl', missing_value=1e37) infodat=info.field1 ; ; second column : dimensions ; w=where((infodat(0,*) eq 1e37) and (infodat(1,*) lt 1e37)) dimensions=reform(infodat(1,w)) nx=round(dimensions(0)) & ny=round(dimensions(1)) nz=round(dimensions(2)) & nt=round(dimensions(3)) fields=round(dimensions(4)) & vertical=intarr(fields) for i=0,fields-1 do vertical(i)=round(dimensions(5+i)) ; ; first column : coordinates ; w=where((infodat(1,*) eq 1e37) and (infodat(0,*) lt 1e37)) if (w(0) ne -1) then coordinates=reform(infodat(0,w)) if (wnx ne 0) then begin wnx=nx x=coordinates(0:nx-1) endif else begin xmin=param(0) xmax=param(0)+param(1)*(nx-1) MOD 360 ;inc=param(0)+param(1)*(nx-1) ;cas mercator ;x=start+inc*findgen(nx) x=xmin+(xmax-xmin)*findgen(nx)/(nx-1) ;param(1)=param(1)-param(0) ;;bricolo plot GCM ;xmin=param(0) ;xmax=param(0)+param(1)*(nx-1) ;x=xmin+(xmax-xmin)*findgen(nx)/(nx-1) ;;x = x - (LONG(x)/180)*360.0 ;print, x ;stop endelse if (wny ne 0) then begin wny=ny y=coordinates(wnx:wnx+wny-1) endif else begin start=param(2) step=param(3) y=start+step*findgen(ny) endelse if (wnz ne 0) then begin wnz=nz z=coordinates(wnx+wny:wnx+wny+wnz-1) endif else begin start=param(4) step=param(5) z=start+step*findgen(nz) endelse t=interv*findgen(nt)/3700. + timebegin + mean(x)/15. lct = round(t+24) MOD 24 ; ; get info on fields ; openr, 1, 'input.ctl' toto=5+wnx+1+wny+1+wnz+2+fields infofields=strarr(toto) readf, 1, infofields close, 1 desc_field=transpose(infofields(toto-fields:toto-1)) ; ; vert coord ; if (z(0) lt z(1)) then coord='height' if (z(0) gt z(1)) then coord='pressure' if ((z(0) eq 1.) and (z(nz-1) eq (z(nz-2)+1.))) then coord='model_level' ;--------------------------------- ; READ .DAT FILE DATA ;--------------------------------- ; GrADS views gridded data sets as 5-dimensional arrays ; varying in longitude, latitude, vertical level, variable, and time. ;--------------------------------- ;-----------------------------; ; STARTING TO READ INPUT.DATA ; ;-----------------------------; print, '----------------' print, 'reading data ...' print, '----------------' print, 'longitudes: ', min(x), max(x), nx, ' points' print, 'latitudes: ', min(y), max(y), ny, ' points' print, 'altitudes: ', min(z), max(z), nz, ' points' print, 'local times: ', min(lct), max(lct), nt, ' points' print, fields, ' recorded fields :' print, desc_field print, '----------------' ; see OPENR, lun, 'input.dat', /GET_LUN ; ; titles and plot name ; denom=textitle+'_'+plot+'_'+coord+'_'+field1 if ((field2 ne '') and (topo eq 0)) then denom=denom+'_'+field2 if (topo eq 1) then denom=denom+'_HGT' if (winds(0) ne '') then denom=denom+'_'+winds(0)+winds(1) case coord of 'height': charlev='Altitude (km)' ;'pressure': begin ; H=10. ; p0=6.1 ; z=H*alog(p0/z) ; charlev='Log-Pressure altitude (km)' ;end 'model_level': charlev='Model level' endcase ; ; graphics settings ; !p.charthick = 2.0 !p.thick = 3.0 !x.thick = 2.0 !y.thick = 2.0 ; plot with topography if (topo eq 1) then field2='HGT' save_ps='true' ;; hardwired ;save_ps='false' if (save_ps eq 'false') then begin ;if (save_ps ne 'false') then begin ; ;set_plot, 'ps' ;endif else begin set_plot, 'x' !P.MULTI = [0, 2, 3] window, 0, xsize=600, ysize=900 ;endelse endif no3D='false' ;goto, yeye print, 'GENERATE PLOTS ',min([nt-1,num-1])+1 for l=0,min([nt-1,num-1]) do begin ;time loop print, '************************************************************************' print, 'time loop ...', l+1, ' / ', string(nt,'(I0)') T = SYSTIME(1) if (useidlfile eq 'true') then $ restore,filename=plotfolder+'/'+denom+string(1000+l,'(I0)')+'.idl' $ else begin for f=0, fields-1 do begin ;fields (whether 2D or 3D) ;variable loop nzf=vertical(f) print, 'scanning field ...', f+1, ' / ', string(fields,'(I0)') data = FLTARR(1,nzf*ny*nx) print, 'read data ...' READF, lun, data ;; the IDL way, two times faster than 3 FOR loops print, 'read data done' recognize=STRSPLIT(desc_field(f), /EXTRACT) recognize=recognize[0] ; IF (STRPOS(desc_field(f),field1) ne -1) then begin ; IF ( ( STRPOS(desc_field(f),field1) eq 0 ) and ( STRLEN(desc_field(f)) eq STRLEN(field1) ) ) then begin IF (recognize eq field1) then begin data_save=data print, 'found field1 ', field1 data=REFORM(data,nx,ny,nzf,/OVERWRITE) w=where(data eq -9999.) ; missing values: -9999 (before, was 1e20) if (w(0) ne -1) then data[w]=1e37 CASE (plot) OF 'map': what_I_plot=reform(data(*,*,-1+min([level,nzf]))) 'meridional': what_I_plot=reform(data(-1+min([nlon,nx]),*,*)) 'zonal': what_I_plot=reform(data(*,-1+min([nlat,ny]),*)) ENDCASE if (nzf eq 1) then no3D='true' data=0. & data=data_save & data_save=0. ENDIF ; IF ((STRPOS(desc_field(f),field2) ne -1) and (field2 ne '')) then begin ; IF ((STRPOS(desc_field(f),field2) eq 0) and (field2 ne '')) then begin ; IF ( ( STRPOS(desc_field(f),field2) eq 0 ) and ( field2 ne '' ) and ( STRLEN(desc_field(f)) eq STRLEN(field2) ) ) then begin IF (recognize eq field2) then begin data_save=data print, 'found field2 ', field2 if (topo eq 1) then begin data=data/100. data=round(data) data=float(data)/10. endif data=REFORM(data,nx,ny,nzf,/OVERWRITE) w=where(data eq -9999.) ; missing values if (w(0) ne -1) then data[w]=1e37 CASE (plot) OF 'map': overcontour=reform(data(*,*,-1+min([level,nzf]))) 'meridional': overcontour=reform(data(-1+min([nlon,nx]),*,*)) 'zonal': overcontour=reform(data(*,-1+min([nlat,ny]),*)) ENDCASE data=0. & data=data_save & data_save=0. ENDIF ; IF (STRPOS(desc_field(f),winds(0)) ne -1 and (winds(0) ne '')) then begin ; IF (STRPOS(desc_field(f),winds(0)) eq 0 and (winds(0) ne '')) then begin IF (recognize eq winds(0)) then begin data_save=data print, 'found wind1 ', winds(0) data=REFORM(data,nx,ny,nzf,/OVERWRITE) w=where(data eq -9999.) ; missing values if (w(0) ne -1) then data[w]=!Values.F_NAN CASE (plot) OF 'map': overvector_x=reform(data(*,*,-1+min([level,nzf]))) 'meridional': overvector_x=reform(data(-1+min([nlon,nx]),*,*)) 'zonal': overvector_x=reform(data(*,-1+min([nlat,ny]),*)) ENDCASE data=0. & data=data_save & data_save=0. ENDIF ; IF (STRPOS(desc_field(f),winds(1)) ne -1 and (winds(1) ne '')) then begin ; IF (STRPOS(desc_field(f),winds(1)) eq 0 and (winds(1) ne '')) then begin IF (recognize eq winds(1)) then begin data_save=data print, 'found wind2 ', winds(1) data=REFORM(data,nx,ny,nzf,/OVERWRITE) w=where(data eq -9999.) ; missing values if (w(0) ne -1) then data[w]=!Values.F_NAN CASE (plot) OF 'map': overvector_y=reform(data(*,*,-1+min([level,nzf]))) 'meridional': overvector_y=reform(data(-1+min([nlon,nx]),*,*)) 'zonal': overvector_y=reform(data(*,-1+min([nlat,ny]),*)) ENDCASE data=0. & data=data_save & data_save=0. ENDIF data=0. ;; free memory data_save=0. ;; free memory endfor save, $ what_I_plot, $ overcontour, overvector_x, overvector_y, $ x, y, z, lct, filename=plotfolder+'/'+denom+string(1000+l,'(I0)')+'.idl' endelse if (n_elements(overcontour) eq 0) then overcontour=0. if (n_elements(overvector_x) eq 0) then overvector_x=0. if (n_elements(overvector_y) eq 0) then overvector_y=0. @gw_name.idl ;;-------------------------------------------------------- ;; NB: you can use the winds fields to combine variables ;;-------------------------------------------------------- @wind_stress.idl ;** WIND STRESS @sea_level.idl ;** HYDROSTATIC REDUCTION TO LEVEL OF REFERENCE ;@ertel_vorticity.idl ;** ERTEL POTENTIAL VORTICITY @tau_cloud.idl ;** CLOUD OPACITY @wind_velocity.idl ;** 3D WIND VELOCITY @hwind_velocity.idl ;** HORIZONTAL WIND VELOCITY ;what_I_plot=what_I_plot-median(what_I_plot) ;;-------------------------------------------------------- ;; NB: you can use the winds fields to combine variables ;;-------------------------------------------------------- title=title+', LT '+string(lct(l),'(I0)') ;;-------------------------------------------------------- ;;-------------------------------------------------------- ; getcdf, file='zefolder/wrfinput_d01', charvar='MARS_TI', invar=what_I_plot ;;; changer minfield et maxfield ;;print, size(what_I_plot) ;;getcdf, file='../WPS/', charvar='THERMAL_INERTIA', invar=yeyeye ;;title = 'Thermal Inertia (J m!U-2!N s!U-0.5!N K!U-1!N)' & no3D='true' & pal=3 & format='(I0)' ;;what_I_plot(2:153,2:153)=reform(yeyeye(*,*,0)) ;what_I_plot=reform(what_I_plot(*,*,0)) & help, what_I_plot ; getcdf, file='zefolder/wrfinput_d01', charvar='MARS_ALB', invar=what_I_plot ;;; changer minfield et maxfield ; title = 'Albedo' & no3D='true' & pal=1 & format='(F5.2)' ; what_I_plot=reform(what_I_plot(*,*,0)) & help, what_I_plot ;;-------------------------------------------------------- ;;-------------------------------------------------------- if (save_ps ne 'false') then begin save_ps=denom+string(1000+l,'(I0)') ; device, filename=save_ps+'.ps', /color, bits=16 PS_Start, filename=save_ps+'.ps' !P.Charsize = 1.2 endif ;************************** smoothampl=2 smoothampl=0 ;; no smooth ;************************** CASE (plot) OF 'map': begin case coord of 'height': charlev=string(round(z(level-1)*1000.),'(I0)')+' m AMR' 'pressure': charlev=string(round(z(level-1)*100.),'(I0)')+' Pa' 'model_level': charlev=string(round(z(level-1)),'(I0)') endcase if (no3D ne 'true') then title=title+', at level '+charlev print, title map_latlon, $ smooth(what_I_plot,[smoothampl,smoothampl],/EDGE_TRUNCATE), $ ; 2D field x, $ ; 1D latitude y, $ ; 1D longitude minfield=0., $ ; minimum value of plotted field (=0: calculate) maxfield=0., $ ; maximum value of plotted field (=0: calculate) overcontour=overcontour, $ ; another 2D field to overplot with contour lines (=0: no) overvector_x=overvector_x, $ ; wind vector - x component (=0: no) overvector_y=overvector_y, $ ; wind vector - y component (=0: no) ct=pal, $ ; color table (33-rainbow is default) colors=colors, $ ; number of colors/levels (32 is default) title=title, $ ; title of the plot ('' is default) format=format ; format of colorbar annotations ('(F6.2)' is default) end 'zonal': begin displaylat=float(round(y(nlat-1)*10))/10. title=title+ ', section at latitude '+string(displaylat,format='(1F6.1)')+ '!Uo!N ' print, title section, $ smooth(what_I_plot,[smoothampl,smoothampl],/EDGE_TRUNCATE), $ ; 2D field x, $ ; horizontal coordinate z, $ ; altitude coordinate minfield=0., $ ; minimum value of plotted field (=0: calculate) maxfield=0., $ ; maximum value of plotted field (=0: calculate) minspace=0., $ ; minimum value of space window (=0: calculate) maxspace=0., $ ; maximum value of space window (=0: calculate) overcontour=overcontour, $ ; another 2D field to overplot with contour lines (=0: no) overvector_x=overvector_x, $ ; wind vector - x component (=0: no) overvector_y=overvector_y, $ ; wind vector - y component (=0: no) colors=colors, $ ; number of colors/levels (32 is default) title_plot=title, $ ; title of the plot ('Profile' is default) title_axis=['Longitude',charlev], $ ; title of the [x,y] axis (['Field','Altitude'] is default) ct=pal, $ ; color table (33-rainbow is default) format=format end 'meridional': begin displaylon=float(round(x(nlon-1)*10))/10. title=title+', section at longitude '+string(displaylon,format='(1F6.1)')+ '!Uo!N ' print, title section, $ smooth(what_I_plot,[smoothampl,smoothampl],/EDGE_TRUNCATE), $ ; 2D field y, $ ; horizontal coordinate z, $ ; altitude coordinate minfield=0., $ ; minimum value of plotted field (=0: calculate) maxfield=0., $ ; maximum value of plotted field (=0: calculate) minspace=0., $ ; minimum value of space window (=0: calculate) maxspace=0., $ ; maximum value of space window (=0: calculate) overcontour=overcontour, $ ; another 2D field to overplot with contour lines (=0: no) overvector_x=overvector_x, $ ; wind vector - x component (=0: no) overvector_y=overvector_y, $ ; wind vector - y component (=0: no) colors=colors, $ ; number of colors/levels (32 is default) title_plot=title, $ ; title of the plot ('Profile' is default) title_axis=['Latitude',charlev], $ ; title of the [x,y] axis (['Field','Altitude'] is default) ct=pal, $ ; color table (33-rainbow is default) format=format end endcase PS_End, /PNG ; if (save_ps ne 'false') then begin ; device, /close ; ; SPAWN, './ps2png -a ; \rm '+save_ps+'.ps '+save_ps+'.eps ' ; SPAWN, './ps2png ; \rm '+save_ps+'.ps '+save_ps+'.eps ' if (typeplot eq 's') then begin SPAWN, 'display '+save_ps+'.png &' endif ; endif ;PRINT, 1000*(SYSTIME(1) - T), ' milliSeconds' PRINT, SYSTIME(1) - T, ' seconds to process' endfor CLOSE, lun print, '...done !' help, /memory print, '---------' yeye: CASE (typeplot) OF ;'g': begin ; SPAWN, 'cp -f gw.def '+plotfolder+'/grads_'+denom+'.def' ;end 's': begin ;SPAWN, 'find '+denom+'????.ps -exec display {} \;' SPAWN, 'cp -f gw.def '+plotfolder+'/see_'+denom+'.def' ; \rm ./'+denom+'????.ps ./'+denom+'????.eps ' ;;./'+denom+'????.png' end 't': begin SPAWN, 'mv -f ./'+denom+'????.ps ./'+denom+'????.png '+plotfolder+'/' SPAWN, 'cp -f gw.def '+plotfolder+'/'+denom+'.def' end 'r': begin SPAWN, 'touch report.comments ; \rm report.comments ; echo '+textitle+' > report.comments ; echo '+texcomments+' >> report.comments' SPAWN, 'rm -f '+denom+' ; echo executing ... base '+denom+'????.ps < report.comments' SPAWN, 'base '+denom+'????.ps < report.comments ; mv -f '+denom+'' SPAWN, 'mv -f ./'+denom+'????.ps '+plotfolder+'/' SPAWN, 'mv -f ./'+denom+' '+plotfolder+'/' SPAWN, 'cp -f gw.def '+plotfolder+'/'+denom+'.def' end 'm': begin print, 'generating movie ...' SPAWN, 'rm -rf temp ; mkdir temp ; mv -f '+denom+'????.ps temp ; cp bigconvert200 temp ; cd temp' SPAWN, 'bigconvert200 *.ps ; convert -delay 60 *.png movie.gif ; cd ..' if (nomovie ne 'yes') then SPAWN, 'animate temp/movie.gif &' print, 'movie done' SPAWN, 'mv -f temp/'+denom+'????.ps '+plotfolder+'/' SPAWN, 'mv -f temp/movie.gif '+plotfolder+'/'+denom+'.gif' SPAWN, 'mv -f temp/'+denom+'????.png '+plotfolder+'/' SPAWN, 'cp -f gw.def '+plotfolder+'/'+denom+'.def' end 'w': begin ; ; netfolder='/u/aslmd/WWW/ANIMATIONS/' ;netfolder='/home/aslmd/' ; ; set also textitle ; ;print, 'generating frames ...' ;; SPAWN, 'rm -rf temp ; mkdir temp ; mv -f '+denom+'????.ps temp/ ; ls temp/' ;;; SPAWN, "find temp/* -exec convert -antialias -density 100x100 -crop 0x0 {} '{}.png' \;" ;;SPAWN, "cd temp ; ../ps2png ; cd .." ;; SPAWN, 'ls temp/' ;; ;SPAWN, 'mv -f temp/'+denom+'????.ps '+plotfolder+'/' ;SPAWN, 'cp -f gw.def '+plotfolder+'/web_'+denom+'.def' ;;; webpage ;;SPAWN, 'rm -rf '+netfolder+textitle+'_'+denom+' ; mkdir '+netfolder+textitle+'_'+denom ;SPAWN, 'mkdir '+netfolder+textitle ;;SPAWN, 'mv -f temp/'+denom+'????.png '+netfolder+textitle+'/' ;SPAWN, 'mv -f temp/'+denom+'????.png '+netfolder+textitle+'/' ;SPAWN, 'chmod 777 -R '+netfolder+textitle ;SPAWN, 'rm -rf '+denom+'.html ; more header.html > '+textitle+'_'+denom+'.html' ;genanim, num, textitle, denom ;SPAWN, 'more templist >> '+textitle+'_'+denom+'.html ; rm -rf templist' ;SPAWN, 'more body.html >> '+textitle+'_'+denom+'.html' ;SPAWN, 'mv -f '+textitle+'_'+denom+'.html '+netfolder+'/' print, 'generating frames ...' cmd = 'echo unix' cmd = cmd + ' ; cp -f gw.def '+plotfolder+'/web_'+denom+'.def' ;;; webpage ;cmd = cmd + ' ; mkdir '+netfolder+textitle cmd = cmd + ' ; mv -f ./'+denom+'????.png '+netfolder+'/' ;+textitle+'/' ;cmd = cmd + ' ; chmod 777 -R '+netfolder+textitle cmd = cmd + ' ; rm -rf '+denom+'.html ; cat header.html > '+denom+'.html' SPAWN, cmd genanim, num, textitle, denom cmd = 'echo unix' cmd = cmd + ' ; cat templist >> '+denom+'.html ; rm -rf templist' cmd = cmd + ' ; cat body.html >> '+denom+'.html' cmd = cmd + ' ; mv -f '+denom+'.html '+netfolder+'/' cmd = cmd + ' ; rm -rf ./*.epsi ./*.ps' SPAWN, cmd end ENDCASE if (backup_data eq 'yes') then SPAWN, 'cp -f namelist.ARWpost '+datafolder+'/'+coord+'.namelist.ARWpost' if (backup_data eq 'yes') then SPAWN, 'cp -f input.ctl '+datafolder+'/'+coord+'.input.ctl' if (backup_data eq 'yes') then SPAWN, 'cp -f input.dat '+datafolder+'/'+coord+'.input.dat' end