SUBROUTINE watercloud(ngrid,nlay, ptimestep, & pplev,pplay,pdpsrf,pzlev,pzlay,pt,pdt, & pq,pdq,pdqcloud,pdqscloud,pdtcloud, & nq,tau,tauscaling,rdust,rice,nuice, & rsedcloud,rhocloud) IMPLICIT NONE c======================================================================= c Water-ice cloud formation c c Includes two different schemes: c - A simplified scheme (see simpleclouds.F) c - An improved microphysical scheme (see improvedclouds.F) c c Authors: Franck Montmessin, Francois Forget, Ehouarn Millour, c J.-B. Madeleine c c 2004 - Oct. 2011 c======================================================================= c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c declarations: c ------------- #include "dimensions.h" #include "dimphys.h" #include "comcstfi.h" #include "callkeys.h" #include "tracer.h" #include "comgeomfi.h" #include "dimradmars.h" c Inputs: c ------ INTEGER ngrid,nlay integer nq ! nombre de traceurs REAL ptimestep ! pas de temps physique (s) REAL pplev(ngrid,nlay+1) ! pression aux inter-couches (Pa) REAL pplay(ngrid,nlay) ! pression au milieu des couches (Pa) REAL pdpsrf(ngrid) ! tendance surf pressure REAL pzlev(ngrid,nlay+1) ! altitude at layer boundaries REAL pzlay(ngrid,nlay) ! altitude at the middle of the layers REAL pt(ngrid,nlay) ! temperature at the middle of the layers (K) REAL pdt(ngrid,nlay) ! tendance temperature des autres param. real pq(ngrid,nlay,nq) ! traceur (kg/kg) real pdq(ngrid,nlay,nq) ! tendance avant condensation (kg/kg.s-1) REAL tau(ngridmx,naerkind) ! Column dust optical depth at each point REAL tauscaling(ngridmx) ! Convertion factor for dust amount real rdust(ngridmx,nlayermx) ! Dust geometric mean radius (m) c Outputs: c ------- real pdqcloud(ngrid,nlay,nq) ! tendance de la condensation H2O(kg/kg.s-1) real pdqscloud(ngrid,nq) ! flux en surface (kg.m-2.s-1) REAL pdtcloud(ngrid,nlay) ! tendance temperature due ! a la chaleur latente REAL rice(ngrid,nlay) ! Ice mass mean radius (m) ! (r_c in montmessin_2004) REAL nuice(ngrid,nlay) ! Estimated effective variance ! of the size distribution real rsedcloud(ngridmx,nlayermx) ! Cloud sedimentation radius real rhocloud(ngridmx,nlayermx) ! Cloud density (kg.m-3) c local: c ------ INTEGER ig,l LOGICAL,SAVE :: firstcall=.true. c ** un petit test de coherence c -------------------------- IF (firstcall) THEN IF(ngrid.NE.ngridmx) THEN PRINT*,'STOP dans watercloud' PRINT*,'probleme de dimensions :' PRINT*,'ngrid =',ngrid PRINT*,'ngridmx =',ngridmx STOP ENDIF if ( then write(*,*) 'stop in watercloud (!' write(*,*) 'nq=',nq,' nqmx=',nqmx stop endif write(*,*) "watercloud: igcm_h2o_vap=",igcm_h2o_vap write(*,*) " igcm_h2o_ice=",igcm_h2o_ice firstcall=.false. ENDIF ! of IF (firstcall) c Main call to the different cloud schemes: IF (microphys) THEN CALL improvedclouds(ngrid,nlay,ptimestep, & pplev,pplay,pt,pdt, & pq,pdq,pdqcloud,pdqscloud,pdtcloud, & nq,tauscaling,rdust,rice,nuice, & rsedcloud,rhocloud) ELSE CALL simpleclouds(ngrid,nlay,ptimestep, & pplev,pplay,pzlev,pzlay,pt,pdt, & pq,pdq,pdqcloud,pdqscloud,pdtcloud, & nq,tau,rice,nuice,rsedcloud) ENDIF c A correction if a lot of subliming CO2 fills the 1st layer FF04/2005 c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ c Then that should not affect the ice particle radius do ig=1,ngridmx if(pdpsrf(ig)**(pplev(ig,1)-pplev(ig,2)))then if(pdpsrf(ig)**(pplev(ig,1)-pplev(ig,3))) & rice(ig,2)=rice(ig,3) rice(ig,1)=rice(ig,2) end if end do RETURN END