&time_control start_year = 2024, !! (p1) Start Martian Year (20XX for MY XX) start_month = 07, !! (p1) Start Martian Month start_day = 01, !! (p1) Start Martian Day start_hour = 06, !! (p1) Start Martian Hour (at longitude 0) end_year = 2024, !! (p1) End Martian Year (20XX for MY XX) end_month = 07, !! (p1) End Martian Month end_day = 02, !! (p1) End Martian Day end_hour = 06, !! (p1) End Martian Hour (at longitude 0) history_interval = 37, !! Frequency of outputs (37 --> 3700s = 1 Martian hour) frames_per_outfile = 24, !! Size of time dimension in files restart = .false. !! (*) Output restart files ? restart_interval = 8880 !! (*) Frequency of output restart files ? io_form_history = 2 !! (*) Choice of NETCDF for ouputs io_form_restart = 2 !! (*) Choice of NETCDF for ouputs io_form_input = 2 !! (*) Choice of NETCDF for ouputs io_form_boundary = 2 !! (*) Choice of NETCDF for ouputs debug_level = 0 !! Verbose level !!!!! OPTIONAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! interval_seconds = 3700 !! (p2) Frequency of large-scale fields update (s) input_from_file = T, !! (n)(p2) Initialize a given domain with an input file / &domains time_step = 30 !! Dynamical timestep dx = 20000, !! (p2) Horizontal resolution dy = 20000, !! (p2) Horizontal resolution (should be equal to dx) e_we = 61, !! (r)(p2) Number of longitude grid points e_sn = 61, !! (r)(p2) Number of latitude grid points e_vert = 61, !! (r)(p2) Number of vertical levels p_top_requested = 5 !! (p3) Chosen value of pressure at the top of the model !!!!! OPTIONAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! time_step_fract_num = 0 !! Additional fraction to time_step: numerator time_step_fract_den = 1 !! Additional fraction to time_step: denominator num_metgrid_levels = 26 !! (p1) Number of vertical levels in GCM inputs (+1) force_sfc_in_vinterp = 8 !! (p3) Number of levels hardwired in the PBL !! NB: decrease this parameter if low p_top_requested max_dz = 1500. !! (p3) Maximal interval (m) between vertical levels eta_levels = -1. !! (p3) Specify a list of e_vert eta levels max_dom = 1 !! (r)(n)(p2) Total number of domains grid_id = 1, !! (n)(p2) Identification of the domain parent_id = 0, !! (n)(p2) Associated parent domain i_parent_start = 0, !! (n)(p2) x-position of the bottom-left nest corner j_parent_start = 0, !! (n)(p2) x-position of the bottom-left nest corner parent_grid_ratio = 1, !! (n)(p2) Ratio of horizontal resolution parent/nest parent_time_step_ratio = 1, !! (n) Ratio of time step parent/nest feedback = 0 !! (n) Define one-way nesting [0] or two-way nesting [1] smooth_option = 2 !! (n) Smoothing option for parent domain (feedback=1) !! 0: none; 1: 1-2-1 smooth; 2: smooth-desmooth blend_width = 5 !! (n) Extent of blending zone for parent/nest boundaries / &physics !!!!! OPTIONAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! radt = 1, !! Ratio between physical and dynamical time step !! ... 1 is recommended, >5 is not recommended mars = 0, !! (r)(p2) Configuration of tracers: !! 0: no tracers, 1: water vapor + ice, 2: dust init_TI = 0., !! Define constant thermal inertia value init_AL = 0., !! Define constant albedo value init_U = 0., !! (p3) Define constant ini/bdy zonal wind value init_V = 0., !! (p3) Define constant ini/bdy meridional wind value init_WX = 0., !! (p3) \ Ini/bdy wind profile is everywhere equal to init_WY = 0., !! (p3) / the wind profile @ grid pt (init_WX,init_WY) init_MU = 0., !! (p3) Multiply ini & bdy zonal wind by init_MU init_MV = 0., !! (p3) Multiply ini & bdy meridional wind by init_MV num_soil_layers = 10. !! (r)(p1) Number of layers in soil model / &dynamics !!!!! OPTIONAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! time_step_sound = 6, !! Ratio of time step dynamic/acoustic integration !! NB: an increase could help solve instabilities non_hydrostatic = T, !! Integrate in non-hydrostatic/hydrostatic mode pd_scalar = T, !! Positive-definite advection scheme for tracers tiso = 140., !! (p3) Temperature at which base profile is isotherm !! diff_opt = 1 !! (*d) Diffusion option [set to 0 if GCM-like] km_opt = 4 !! (*d) Eddy coefficient option diff_6th_opt = 2, !! (*d) Knievel numerical diffusion diff_6th_factor = 0.2, !! (*d) Knievel numerical coeff. [set to 0.5 if GCM] smdiv = 0.1, !! (*d) Divergence damping [>0 for NH runs] emdiv = 0.01, !! (*d) External-mode filter for mass coord. model [>0 for NH runs] epssm = 0.1, !! (*d) Time off-centering for vertical sound waves [>0 for NH runs] h_mom_adv_order = 5, !! (*d) Horizontal momentum advection order v_mom_adv_order = 3, !! (*d) Vertical momentum advection order h_sca_adv_order = 5, !! (*d) Horizontal scalar advection order v_sca_adv_order = 3, !! (*d) Vertical scalar advection order / &bdy_control !!!!! OPTIONAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! specified = T, !! (n)(p3) Boundary conditions specified by GCM nested = F, !! (n)(p3) Boundary conditions from parent domain periodic_x = F, !! (p3) Periodic boundary conditions over x periodic_y = F, !! (p3) Periodic boundary conditions over y open_xs = F, !! (p3) Open boundary conditions @ western boundary open_xe = F, !! (p3) Open boundary conditions @ eastern boundary open_ys = F, !! (p3) Open boundary conditions @ southern boundary open_ye = F, !! (p3) Open boundary conditions @ northern boundary spec_bdy_width = 5 !! (p3) Width of transition zone with specified=T !! (spec_bdy_width must be equal to relax_zone+1) relax_zone = 4 !! (p3) Width of relaxation zone with specified=T !! (possible instabilities if relax_zone < 4) / !!!!! DO NOT MODIFY !!!!!!!!!! &grib2 / &fdda / &namelist_quilt !! (*) nio_tasks_per_group = 0, !! (*) nio_groups = 1, !! (*) / !! (*) !!!!! DO NOT MODIFY !!!!!!!!!!