SUBROUTINE vdifc(ngrid,nlay,nq,co2ice,ppopsk, $ ptimestep,pcapcal,lecrit, $ pplay,pplev,pzlay,pzlev,pz0, $ pu,pv,ph,pq,ptsrf,pemis,pqsurf, $ pdufi,pdvfi,pdhfi,pdqfi,pfluxsrf, $ pdudif,pdvdif,pdhdif,pdtsrf,pq2, $ pdqdif,pdqsdif,wmax,zcdv_true,zcdh_true) IMPLICIT NONE c======================================================================= c c subject: c -------- c Turbulent diffusion (mixing) for potential T, U, V and tracer c c Shema implicite c On commence par rajouter au variables x la tendance physique c et on resoult en fait: c x(t+1) = x(t) + dt * (dx/dt)phys(t) + dt * (dx/dt)difv(t+1) c c author: c ------ c Hourdin/Forget/Fournier c======================================================================= c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c declarations: c ------------- #include "dimensions.h" #include "dimphys.h" #include "comcstfi.h" #include "callkeys.h" #include "surfdat.h" #include "comgeomfi.h" #include "tracer.h" c c arguments: c ---------- INTEGER ngrid,nlay REAL ptimestep REAL pplay(ngrid,nlay),pplev(ngrid,nlay+1) REAL pzlay(ngrid,nlay),pzlev(ngrid,nlay+1) REAL pu(ngrid,nlay),pv(ngrid,nlay),ph(ngrid,nlay) REAL ptsrf(ngrid),pemis(ngrid) REAL pdufi(ngrid,nlay),pdvfi(ngrid,nlay),pdhfi(ngrid,nlay) REAL pfluxsrf(ngrid) REAL pdudif(ngrid,nlay),pdvdif(ngrid,nlay),pdhdif(ngrid,nlay) REAL pdtsrf(ngrid),pcapcal(ngrid) REAL pq2(ngrid,nlay+1) c Argument added for condensation: REAL co2ice (ngrid), ppopsk(ngrid,nlay) logical lecrit REAL pz0(ngridmx) ! surface roughness length (m) c Argument added to account for subgrid gustiness : REAL wmax(ngridmx) c Traceurs : integer nq REAL pqsurf(ngrid,nq) real pq(ngrid,nlay,nq), pdqfi(ngrid,nlay,nq) real pdqdif(ngrid,nlay,nq) real pdqsdif(ngrid,nq) c local: c ------ INTEGER ilev,ig,ilay,nlev REAL z4st,zdplanck(ngridmx) REAL zkv(ngridmx,nlayermx+1),zkh(ngridmx,nlayermx+1) REAL zcdv(ngridmx),zcdh(ngridmx) REAL zcdv_true(ngridmx),zcdh_true(ngridmx) ! drag coeff are used by the LES to recompute u* and hfx REAL zu(ngridmx,nlayermx),zv(ngridmx,nlayermx) REAL zh(ngridmx,nlayermx) REAL ztsrf2(ngridmx) REAL z1(ngridmx),z2(ngridmx) REAL za(ngridmx,nlayermx),zb(ngridmx,nlayermx) REAL zb0(ngridmx,nlayermx) REAL zc(ngridmx,nlayermx),zd(ngridmx,nlayermx) REAL zcst1 REAL zu2(ngridmx) EXTERNAL SSUM,SCOPY REAL SSUM LOGICAL firstcall SAVE firstcall c variable added for CO2 condensation: c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ REAL hh , zhcond(ngridmx,nlayermx) REAL latcond,tcond1mb REAL acond,bcond SAVE acond,bcond DATA latcond,tcond1mb/5.9e5,136.27/ c Tracers : c ~~~~~~~ INTEGER iq REAL zq(ngridmx,nlayermx,nqmx) REAL zq1temp(ngridmx) REAL rho(ngridmx) ! near surface air density REAL qsat(ngridmx) DATA firstcall/.true./ REAL kmixmin c ** un petit test de coherence c -------------------------- IF (firstcall) THEN IF(ngrid.NE.ngridmx) THEN PRINT*,'STOP dans vdifc' PRINT*,'probleme de dimensions :' PRINT*,'ngrid =',ngrid PRINT*,'ngridmx =',ngridmx STOP ENDIF c To compute: Tcond= 1./(bcond-acond*log(.0095*p)) (p in pascal) bcond=1./tcond1mb acond=r/latcond PRINT*,'In vdifc: Tcond(P=1mb)=',tcond1mb,' Lcond=',latcond PRINT*,' acond,bcond',acond,bcond firstcall=.false. ENDIF c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c 1. initialisation c ----------------- nlev=nlay+1 c ** calcul de rho*dz et dt*rho/dz=dt*rho**2 g/dp c avec rho=p/RT=p/ (R Theta) (p/ps)**kappa c ---------------------------------------- DO ilay=1,nlay DO ig=1,ngrid za(ig,ilay)=(pplev(ig,ilay)-pplev(ig,ilay+1))/g ENDDO ENDDO zcst1=4.*g*ptimestep/(r*r) DO ilev=2,nlev-1 DO ig=1,ngrid zb0(ig,ilev)=pplev(ig,ilev)* s (pplev(ig,1)/pplev(ig,ilev))**rcp / s (ph(ig,ilev-1)+ph(ig,ilev)) zb0(ig,ilev)=zcst1*zb0(ig,ilev)*zb0(ig,ilev)/ s (pplay(ig,ilev-1)-pplay(ig,ilev)) ENDDO ENDDO DO ig=1,ngrid zb0(ig,1)=ptimestep*pplev(ig,1)/(r*ptsrf(ig)) ENDDO c ** diagnostique pour l'initialisation c ---------------------------------- IF(lecrit) THEN ig=ngrid/2+1 PRINT*,'Pression (mbar) ,altitude (km),u,v,theta, rho dz' DO ilay=1,nlay WRITE(*,'(6f11.5)') s .01*pplay(ig,ilay),.001*pzlay(ig,ilay), s pu(ig,ilay),pv(ig,ilay),ph(ig,ilay),za(ig,ilay) ENDDO PRINT*,'Pression (mbar) ,altitude (km),zb' DO ilev=1,nlay WRITE(*,'(3f15.7)') s .01*pplev(ig,ilev),.001*pzlev(ig,ilev), s zb0(ig,ilev) ENDDO ENDIF c Potential Condensation temperature: c ----------------------------------- c if (callcond) then c DO ilev=1,nlay c DO ig=1,ngrid c zhcond(ig,ilev) = c & (1./(bcond-acond*log(.0095*pplay(ig,ilev))))/ppopsk(ig,ilev) c END DO c END DO c else call zerophys(ngrid*nlay,zhcond) c end if c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c 2. ajout des tendances physiques c ----------------------------- DO ilev=1,nlay DO ig=1,ngrid zu(ig,ilev)=pu(ig,ilev)+pdufi(ig,ilev)*ptimestep zv(ig,ilev)=pv(ig,ilev)+pdvfi(ig,ilev)*ptimestep zh(ig,ilev)=ph(ig,ilev)+pdhfi(ig,ilev)*ptimestep zh(ig,ilev)=max(zh(ig,ilev),zhcond(ig,ilev)) ENDDO ENDDO if(tracer) then DO iq =1, nq DO ilev=1,nlay DO ig=1,ngrid zq(ig,ilev,iq)=pq(ig,ilev,iq)+pdqfi(ig,ilev,iq)*ptimestep ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO end if c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c 3. schema de turbulence c -------------------- c ** source d'energie cinetique turbulente a la surface c (condition aux limites du schema de diffusion turbulente c dans la couche limite c --------------------- CALL vdif_cd(ngrid,nlay,pz0,g,pzlay,pu,pv,wmax,ptsrf,ph & ,zcdv_true,zcdh_true) zu2(:)=pu(:,1)*pu(:,1)+pv(:,1)*pv(:,1) IF (callrichsl) THEN zcdv(:)=zcdv_true(:)*sqrt(zu2(:)+(0.7*wmax(:))**2) ! subgrid gustiness added by quadratic interpolation with a coeff beta zcdh(:)=zcdh_true(:)*sqrt(zu2(:)+(1.2*wmax(:))**2) ! LES comparisons. This parameter is linked to the thermals settings) ELSE zcdv(:)=zcdv_true(:)*sqrt(zu2(:)) ! 1 / bulk aerodynamic momentum conductance zcdh(:)=zcdh_true(:)*sqrt(zu2(:)) ! 1 / bulk aerodynamic heat conductance ENDIF ! Some usefull diagnostics for the new surface layer parametrization : ! call WRITEDIAGFI(ngridmx,'pcdv', ! & 'momentum drag','no units', ! & 2,zcdv_true) ! call WRITEDIAGFI(ngridmx,'pcdh', ! & 'heat drag','no units', ! & 2,zcdh_true) ! call WRITEDIAGFI(ngridmx,'u*', ! & 'friction velocity','m/s', ! & 2,sqrt(zcdv_true(:))*sqrt(zu2(:)+(0.7*wmax(:))**2)) ! call WRITEDIAGFI(ngridmx,'T*', ! & 'friction temperature','K', ! & 2,zcdh_true(:)*sqrt(zu2(:)+(1.2*wmax(:))**2)* ! & -(ptsrf(:)-ph(:,1)) ! & /(sqrt(zcdv_true(:))*sqrt(zu2(:)+(0.7*wmax(:))**2))) ! call WRITEDIAGFI(ngridmx,'rm-1', ! & 'aerodyn momentum conductance','m/s', ! & 2,zcdv) ! call WRITEDIAGFI(ngridmx,'rh-1', ! & 'aerodyn heat conductance','m/s', ! & 2,zcdh) c ** schema de diffusion turbulente dans la couche limite c ---------------------------------------------------- CALL vdif_kc(ptimestep,g,pzlev,pzlay & ,pu,pv,ph,zcdv_true & ,pq2,zkv,zkh,zq) if ((doubleq).and.(ngrid.eq.1)) then kmixmin = 80. !80.! minimum eddy mix coeff in 1D do ilev=1,nlay do ig=1,ngrid zkh(ig,ilev) = max(kmixmin,zkh(ig,ilev)) zkv(ig,ilev) = max(kmixmin,zkv(ig,ilev)) end do end do end if c ** diagnostique pour le schema de turbulence c ----------------------------------------- IF(lecrit) THEN PRINT* PRINT*,'Diagnostic for the vertical turbulent mixing' PRINT*,'Cd for momentum and potential temperature' PRINT*,zcdv(ngrid/2+1),zcdh(ngrid/2+1) PRINT*,'Mixing coefficient for momentum and pot.temp.' DO ilev=1,nlay PRINT*,zkv(ngrid/2+1,ilev),zkh(ngrid/2+1,ilev) ENDDO ENDIF c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c 4. inversion pour l'implicite sur u c -------------------------------- c ** l'equation est c u(t+1) = u(t) + dt * {(du/dt)phys}(t) + dt * {(du/dt)difv}(t+1) c avec c /zu/ = u(t) + dt * {(du/dt)phys}(t) (voir paragraphe 2.) c et c dt * {(du/dt)difv}(t+1) = dt * {(d/dz)[ Ku (du/dz) ]}(t+1) c donc les entrees sont /zcdv/ pour la condition a la limite sol c et /zkv/ = Ku CALL multipl((nlay-1)*ngrid,zkv(1,2),zb0(1,2),zb(1,2)) CALL multipl(ngrid,zcdv,zb0,zb) DO ig=1,ngrid z1(ig)=1./(za(ig,nlay)+zb(ig,nlay)) zc(ig,nlay)=za(ig,nlay)*zu(ig,nlay)*z1(ig) zd(ig,nlay)=zb(ig,nlay)*z1(ig) ENDDO DO ilay=nlay-1,1,-1 DO ig=1,ngrid z1(ig)=1./(za(ig,ilay)+zb(ig,ilay)+ $ zb(ig,ilay+1)*(1.-zd(ig,ilay+1))) zc(ig,ilay)=(za(ig,ilay)*zu(ig,ilay)+ $ zb(ig,ilay+1)*zc(ig,ilay+1))*z1(ig) zd(ig,ilay)=zb(ig,ilay)*z1(ig) ENDDO ENDDO DO ig=1,ngrid zu(ig,1)=zc(ig,1) ENDDO DO ilay=2,nlay DO ig=1,ngrid zu(ig,ilay)=zc(ig,ilay)+zd(ig,ilay)*zu(ig,ilay-1) ENDDO ENDDO c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c 5. inversion pour l'implicite sur v c -------------------------------- c ** l'equation est c v(t+1) = v(t) + dt * {(dv/dt)phys}(t) + dt * {(dv/dt)difv}(t+1) c avec c /zv/ = v(t) + dt * {(dv/dt)phys}(t) (voir paragraphe 2.) c et c dt * {(dv/dt)difv}(t+1) = dt * {(d/dz)[ Kv (dv/dz) ]}(t+1) c donc les entrees sont /zcdv/ pour la condition a la limite sol c et /zkv/ = Kv DO ig=1,ngrid z1(ig)=1./(za(ig,nlay)+zb(ig,nlay)) zc(ig,nlay)=za(ig,nlay)*zv(ig,nlay)*z1(ig) zd(ig,nlay)=zb(ig,nlay)*z1(ig) ENDDO DO ilay=nlay-1,1,-1 DO ig=1,ngrid z1(ig)=1./(za(ig,ilay)+zb(ig,ilay)+ $ zb(ig,ilay+1)*(1.-zd(ig,ilay+1))) zc(ig,ilay)=(za(ig,ilay)*zv(ig,ilay)+ $ zb(ig,ilay+1)*zc(ig,ilay+1))*z1(ig) zd(ig,ilay)=zb(ig,ilay)*z1(ig) ENDDO ENDDO DO ig=1,ngrid zv(ig,1)=zc(ig,1) ENDDO DO ilay=2,nlay DO ig=1,ngrid zv(ig,ilay)=zc(ig,ilay)+zd(ig,ilay)*zv(ig,ilay-1) ENDDO ENDDO c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c 6. inversion pour l'implicite sur h sans oublier le couplage c avec le sol (conduction) c ------------------------ c ** l'equation est c h(t+1) = h(t) + dt * {(dh/dt)phys}(t) + dt * {(dh/dt)difv}(t+1) c avec c /zh/ = h(t) + dt * {(dh/dt)phys}(t) (voir paragraphe 2.) c et c dt * {(dh/dt)difv}(t+1) = dt * {(d/dz)[ Kh (dh/dz) ]}(t+1) c donc les entrees sont /zcdh/ pour la condition de raccord au sol c et /zkh/ = Kh c ------------- CALL multipl((nlay-1)*ngrid,zkh(1,2),zb0(1,2),zb(1,2)) CALL multipl(ngrid,zcdh,zb0,zb) DO ig=1,ngrid z1(ig)=1./(za(ig,nlay)+zb(ig,nlay)) zc(ig,nlay)=za(ig,nlay)*zh(ig,nlay)*z1(ig) zd(ig,nlay)=zb(ig,nlay)*z1(ig) ENDDO DO ilay=nlay-1,1,-1 DO ig=1,ngrid z1(ig)=1./(za(ig,ilay)+zb(ig,ilay)+ $ zb(ig,ilay+1)*(1.-zd(ig,ilay+1))) zc(ig,ilay)=(za(ig,ilay)*zh(ig,ilay)+ $ zb(ig,ilay+1)*zc(ig,ilay+1))*z1(ig) zd(ig,ilay)=zb(ig,ilay)*z1(ig) ENDDO ENDDO c ** calcul de (d Planck / dT) a la temperature d'interface c ------------------------------------------------------ z4st=4.*5.67e-8*ptimestep DO ig=1,ngrid zdplanck(ig)=z4st*pemis(ig)*ptsrf(ig)*ptsrf(ig)*ptsrf(ig) ENDDO c ** calcul de la temperature_d'interface et de sa tendance. c on ecrit que la somme des flux est nulle a l'interface c a t + \delta t, c c'est a dire le flux radiatif a {t + \delta t} c + le flux turbulent a {t + \delta t} c qui s'ecrit K (T1-Tsurf) avec T1 = d1 Tsurf + c1 c (notation K dt = /cpp*b/) c + le flux dans le sol a t c + l'evolution du flux dans le sol lorsque la temperature d'interface c passe de sa valeur a t a sa valeur a {t + \delta t}. c ---------------------------------------------------- DO ig=1,ngrid z1(ig)=pcapcal(ig)*ptsrf(ig)+cpp*zb(ig,1)*zc(ig,1) s +zdplanck(ig)*ptsrf(ig)+ pfluxsrf(ig)*ptimestep z2(ig)= pcapcal(ig)+cpp*zb(ig,1)*(1.-zd(ig,1))+zdplanck(ig) ztsrf2(ig)=z1(ig)/z2(ig) pdtsrf(ig)=(ztsrf2(ig)-ptsrf(ig))/ptimestep c Modif speciale CO2 condensation: c tconds = 1./(bcond-acond*log(.0095*pplev(ig,1))) c if ((callcond).and. c & ((co2ice(ig).ne.0).or.(ztsrf2(ig).lt.tconds)))then c zh(ig,1)=zc(ig,1)+zd(ig,1)*tconds c else zh(ig,1)=zc(ig,1)+zd(ig,1)*ztsrf2(ig) c end if ENDDO c ** et a partir de la temperature au sol on remonte c ----------------------------------------------- DO ilay=2,nlay DO ig=1,ngrid hh = max( zh(ig,ilay-1) , zhcond(ig,ilay-1) ) ! modif co2cond zh(ig,ilay)=zc(ig,ilay)+zd(ig,ilay)*hh ENDDO ENDDO c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c TRACERS c ------- if(tracer) then c Using the wind modified by friction for lifting and sublimation c ---------------------------------------------------------------- DO ig=1,ngrid zu2(ig)=zu(ig,1)*zu(ig,1)+zv(ig,1)*zv(ig,1) zcdv(ig)=zcdv_true(ig)*sqrt(zu2(ig)) zcdh(ig)=zcdh_true(ig)*sqrt(zu2(ig)) ENDDO c Calcul du flux vertical au bas de la premiere couche (dust) : c ----------------------------------------------------------- do ig=1,ngridmx rho(ig) = zb0(ig,1) /ptimestep c zb(ig,1) = 0. end do c Dust lifting: if (lifting) then #ifndef MESOSCALE if (doubleq.AND.submicron) then do ig=1,ngrid c if(co2ice(ig).lt.1) then pdqsdif(ig,igcm_dust_mass) = & -alpha_lift(igcm_dust_mass) pdqsdif(ig,igcm_dust_number) = & -alpha_lift(igcm_dust_number) pdqsdif(ig,igcm_dust_submicron) = & -alpha_lift(igcm_dust_submicron) c end if end do else if (doubleq) then do ig=1,ngrid !!! soulevement constant pdqsdif(ig,igcm_dust_mass) = & -alpha_lift(igcm_dust_mass) pdqsdif(ig,igcm_dust_number) = & -alpha_lift(igcm_dust_number) end do else if (submicron) then do ig=1,ngrid pdqsdif(ig,igcm_dust_submicron) = & -alpha_lift(igcm_dust_submicron) end do else call dustlift(ngrid,nlay,nq,rho,zcdh_true,zcdh,co2ice, & pdqsdif) endif !doubleq.AND.submicron #else call dustlift(ngrid,nlay,nq,rho,zcdh_true,zcdh,co2ice, & pdqsdif) #endif else pdqsdif(1:ngrid,1:nq) = 0. end if c OU calcul de la valeur de q a la surface (water) : c ---------------------------------------- if (water) then call watersat(ngridmx,ptsrf,pplev(1,1),qsat) end if c Inversion pour l'implicite sur q c -------------------------------- do iq=1,nq CALL multipl((nlay-1)*ngrid,zkh(1,2),zb0(1,2),zb(1,2)) if ((water).and.(iq.eq.igcm_h2o_vap)) then c This line is required to account for turbulent transport c from surface (e.g. ice) to mid-layer of atmosphere: CALL multipl(ngrid,zcdv,zb0,zb(1,1)) CALL multipl(ngrid,dryness,zb(1,1),zb(1,1)) else ! (re)-initialize zb(:,1) zb(1:ngrid,1)=0 end if DO ig=1,ngrid z1(ig)=1./(za(ig,nlay)+zb(ig,nlay)) zc(ig,nlay)=za(ig,nlay)*zq(ig,nlay,iq)*z1(ig) zd(ig,nlay)=zb(ig,nlay)*z1(ig) ENDDO DO ilay=nlay-1,2,-1 DO ig=1,ngrid z1(ig)=1./(za(ig,ilay)+zb(ig,ilay)+ $ zb(ig,ilay+1)*(1.-zd(ig,ilay+1))) zc(ig,ilay)=(za(ig,ilay)*zq(ig,ilay,iq)+ $ zb(ig,ilay+1)*zc(ig,ilay+1))*z1(ig) zd(ig,ilay)=zb(ig,ilay)*z1(ig) ENDDO ENDDO if (water.and.(iq.eq.igcm_h2o_ice)) then ! special case for water ice tracer: do not include ! h2o ice tracer from surface (which is set when handling ! h2o vapour case (see further down). DO ig=1,ngrid z1(ig)=1./(za(ig,1)+zb(ig,1)+ $ zb(ig,2)*(1.-zd(ig,2))) zc(ig,1)=(za(ig,1)*zq(ig,1,iq)+ $ zb(ig,2)*zc(ig,2)) *z1(ig) ENDDO else ! general case DO ig=1,ngrid z1(ig)=1./(za(ig,1)+zb(ig,1)+ $ zb(ig,2)*(1.-zd(ig,2))) zc(ig,1)=(za(ig,1)*zq(ig,1,iq)+ $ zb(ig,2)*zc(ig,2) + $ (-pdqsdif(ig,iq)) *ptimestep) *z1(ig) !tracer flux from surface ENDDO endif ! of if (water.and.(iq.eq.igcm_h2o_ice)) IF ((water).and.(iq.eq.igcm_h2o_vap)) then c Calculation for turbulent exchange with the surface (for ice) DO ig=1,ngrid zd(ig,1)=zb(ig,1)*z1(ig) zq1temp(ig)=zc(ig,1)+ zd(ig,1)*qsat(ig) pdqsdif(ig,igcm_h2o_ice)=rho(ig)*dryness(ig)*zcdv(ig) & *(zq1temp(ig)-qsat(ig)) c write(*,*)'flux vers le sol=',pdqsdif(ig,nq) END DO DO ig=1,ngrid if(.not.watercaptag(ig)) then if ((-pdqsdif(ig,igcm_h2o_ice)*ptimestep) & .gt.pqsurf(ig,igcm_h2o_ice)) then c write(*,*)'on sublime plus que qsurf!' pdqsdif(ig,igcm_h2o_ice)= & -pqsurf(ig,igcm_h2o_ice)/ptimestep c write(*,*)'flux vers le sol=',pdqsdif(ig,nq) z1(ig)=1./(za(ig,1)+ zb(ig,2)*(1.-zd(ig,2))) zc(ig,1)=(za(ig,1)*zq(ig,1,igcm_h2o_vap)+ $ zb(ig,2)*zc(ig,2) + $ (-pdqsdif(ig,igcm_h2o_ice)) *ptimestep) *z1(ig) zq1temp(ig)=zc(ig,1) endif endif ! if (.not.watercaptag(ig)) c Starting upward calculations for water : zq(ig,1,igcm_h2o_vap)=zq1temp(ig) ENDDO ! of DO ig=1,ngrid ELSE c Starting upward calculations for simple mixing of tracer (dust) DO ig=1,ngrid zq(ig,1,iq)=zc(ig,1) ENDDO END IF ! of IF ((water).and.(iq.eq.igcm_h2o_vap)) DO ilay=2,nlay DO ig=1,ngrid zq(ig,ilay,iq)=zc(ig,ilay)+zd(ig,ilay)*zq(ig,ilay-1,iq) ENDDO ENDDO enddo ! of do iq=1,nq end if ! of if(tracer) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c 8. calcul final des tendances de la diffusion verticale c ---------------------------------------------------- DO ilev = 1, nlay DO ig=1,ngrid pdudif(ig,ilev)=( zu(ig,ilev)- $ (pu(ig,ilev)+pdufi(ig,ilev)*ptimestep) )/ptimestep pdvdif(ig,ilev)=( zv(ig,ilev)- $ (pv(ig,ilev)+pdvfi(ig,ilev)*ptimestep) )/ptimestep hh = max(ph(ig,ilev)+pdhfi(ig,ilev)*ptimestep , $ zhcond(ig,ilev)) ! modif co2cond pdhdif(ig,ilev)=( zh(ig,ilev)- hh )/ptimestep ENDDO ENDDO if (tracer) then DO iq = 1, nq DO ilev = 1, nlay DO ig=1,ngrid pdqdif(ig,ilev,iq)=(zq(ig,ilev,iq)- $ (pq(ig,ilev,iq) + pdqfi(ig,ilev,iq)*ptimestep))/ptimestep ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO end if c ** diagnostique final c ------------------ IF(lecrit) THEN PRINT*,'In vdif' PRINT*,'Ts (t) and Ts (t+st)' WRITE(*,'(a10,3a15)') s 'theta(t)','theta(t+dt)','u(t)','u(t+dt)' PRINT*,ptsrf(ngrid/2+1),ztsrf2(ngrid/2+1) DO ilev=1,nlay WRITE(*,'(4f15.7)') s ph(ngrid/2+1,ilev),zh(ngrid/2+1,ilev), s pu(ngrid/2+1,ilev),zu(ngrid/2+1,ilev) ENDDO ENDIF if (calltherm .and. outptherm) then if (ngrid .eq. 1) then call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'zh','zh inside vdifc', & 'SI',1,ph(:,:)+pdhfi(:,:)*ptimestep) call WRITEDIAGFI(ngrid,'zkh','zkh', & 'SI',1,zkh) endif endif RETURN END