subroutine lwtt (kdlon,u,up,nu,tr) c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c LWTT computes the longwave transmission functions c for all the absorbers in all spectral intervals c using pade approximants and horner's algorithm c---------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none #include "dimensions.h" #include "dimphys.h" #include "dimradmars.h" #include "yomlw.h" c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c 0.1 arguments c --------- c inputs: c ------- integer kdlon ! part of ngrid integer nu ! real u (ndlo2,nu) ! absorber amounts real up (ndlo2,nu) ! idem scaled by the pressure c outputs: c -------- real tr (ndlo2,nu) ! transmission functions c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c 0.2 local arrays c ------------ integer ja,jl real xn (ndlon) real xd (ndlon) real ueq (ndlon) c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c Transmission by the CO2 15 microns band: c ---------------------------------------- do ja=1,nu do jl=1,kdlon c equivalent absorber amount (Doppler effect) c -------------------------------------------- ueq(jl) = sqrt(up(jl,ja)) . +cst_voigt(1,ja)*u(jl,ja)**cst_voigt(2,ja) c Horner's algorithm c ------------------ xn(jl) = ga(1,ja) + . ueq(jl)*(ga(2,ja) + ueq(jl) * ga(3,ja) ) xd(jl) = gb(1,ja) + ueq(jl)*(gb(2,ja) + . ueq(jl) * ( gb(3,ja) + ueq(jl) )) tr(jl,ja) = xn(jl) / xd(jl) enddo enddo c---------------------------------------------------------------------- return end