c*********************************************************************** c hrkday_convert.f c c fortran function that returns the factor for conversion from c hr' [erg s-1 cm-3] to hr [ k day-1 ] c c mar 2010 fgg adapted to GCM c jan 99 malv add o2 as major component. c ago 98 malv also returns cp_avg,pm_avg c jul 98 malv first version. c*********************************************************************** function hrkday_convert @ ( mmean_nlte,cpmean_nlte ) implicit none include 'comcstfi.h' include 'param.h' c argumentos real mmean_nlte,cpmean_nlte real hrkday_convert ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc hrkday_convert = daysec * n_avog / ( cpmean_nlte * 1.e4 * mmean_nlte ) c end return end