SUBROUTINE callradite(icount,ngrid,nlayer, $ aerosol,albedo, $ emis,mu0,pplev,pplay,pt,tsurf,fract,dist_sol,igout, $ dtlw,dtsw,fluxsurf_lw,fluxsurf_sw,fluxtop_lw,fluxtop_sw) IMPLICIT NONE c======================================================================= c subject: c -------- c Subroutine designed to call the main canonic c radiative transfer subroutine "lwmain" et "swmain" c to compute radiative heating and cooling rate and c radiative fluxes to the surface. c c These calculations are only valid on the part of the atmosphere c where Local Thermal Equilibrium (NLTE) is verified. In practice c The calculations are only performed for the first "nlaylte" c parameters (nlaylte is calculated by subroutine "nlthermeq" c and stored in common "yomlw.h" c c c c The purpose of this subroutine is c 1) Make some initial calculation at first call c 2) Split the calculation in several sub-grid c ("sub-domain") to save memory and c be able run on a workstation at high resolution c The sub-grid size is defined in dimradmars.h c 3) call "lwmain" and "swmain" c c c author: c ------ c Francois Forget / Christophe Hourdin c c This version modified to only calculate radiative tendencies over c layers 1..NFLEV (set in dimradmars.h). Returns zero for higher c layers, if any. c In other routines, nlayermx -> nflev. c Routines affected: lwflux, lwi, lwmain, lwxb, lwxd, lwxn. c SRL 7/2000 c c definition: c ---------- c Here, solar band#1 is spectral interval between "long1vis" and "long2vis" c set in dimradmars.h c Here, solar band#2 is spectral interval between "long2vis" and "long3vis" c set in dimradmars.h c c input: c ----- c icount counter of call to subroutine physic by gcm c ngrid number of gridpoint of horizontal grid c nlayer Number of layer c c aerosol(ngrid,nlayer,naerkind) aerosol extinction optical depth c at reference wavelength "longrefvis" set c in dimradmars.h , in each layer, for one of c the "naerkind" kind of aerosol optical properties. c c albedo (ngrid,2) hemispheric surface albedo c albedo (i,1) : mean albedo for solar band#1 c (see below) c albedo (i,2) : mean albedo for solar band#2 c (see below) c mu0(ngridmx) cos of solar zenith angle (=1 when sun at zenith) c pplay(ngrid,nlayer) pressure (Pa) in the middle of each layer c pplev(ngrid,nlayer+1) pressure (Pa) at boundaries of each layer c pt(ngrid,nlayer) atmospheric temperature in each layer (K) c tsurf(ngrid) surface temperature (K) c fract(ngridmx) day fraction of the time interval c =1 during the full day ; =0 during the night c declin latitude of subsolar point c dist_sol sun-Mars distance (AU) c igout coordinate of analysed point for debugging c c output: c ------- c dtlw (ngrid,nlayer) longwave (IR) heating rate (K/s) c dtsw(ngrid,nlayer) shortwave (Solar) heating rate (K/s) c fluxsurf_lw(ngrid) surface downward flux tota LW (thermal IR) (W.m-2) c fluxsurf_sw(ngrid,1) surface downward flux SW for solar band#1 (W.m-2) c fluxsurf_sw(ngrid,2) surface downward flux SW for solar band#2 (W.m-2) c c fluxtop_lw(ngrid) outgoing upward flux tota LW (thermal IR) (W.m-2) c fluxtop_sw(ngrid,1) outgoing upward flux SW for solar band#1 (W.m-2) c fluxtop_sw(ngrid,2) outgoing upward flux SW for solar band#2 (W.m-2) c======================================================================= c c Declarations : c ------------- c #include "dimensions.h" #include "dimphys.h" #include "dimradmars.h" #include "comcstfi.h" #include "callkeys.h" #include "yomlw.h" c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Input/Output c ------------ INTEGER Icount INTEGER ngrid,nlayer INTEGER igout REAL aerosol(ngrid,nlayer,naerkind) REAL albedo(ngrid,2),emis(ngrid) REAL pplev(ngrid,nlayer+1),pplay(ngrid,nlayer) REAL pt(ngrid,nlayer) REAL tsurf(ngrid) REAL dist_sol,mu0(ngrid),fract(ngrid) REAL dtlw(ngridmx,nlayermx),dtsw(ngridmx,nlayermx) REAL fluxsurf_lw(ngridmx), fluxtop_lw(ngridmx) REAL fluxsurf_sw(ngridmx,2), fluxtop_sw(ngridmx,2) REAL flux(ngridmx,6) c c Local variables : c ----------------- INTEGER l,ig, n INTEGER jd,j,ig0,nd real cste_mars ! solar constant on Mars (Wm-2) REAL ptlev(ngridmx,nlayermx+1) INTEGER ndomain parameter (ndomain = (ngridmx-1) / ndomainsz + 1) c Thermal IR net radiative budget (W m-2) real znetrad(ndomainsz,nflev) real zfluxd_sw(ndomainsz,nflev+1,2) real zfluxu_sw(ndomainsz,nflev+1,2) REAL zplev(ndomainsz,nflev+1) REAL zztlev(ndomainsz,nflev+1) REAL zplay(ndomainsz,nflev) REAL zt(ndomainsz,nflev) REAL zaerosol(ndomainsz,nflev,naerkind) REAL zalbedo(ndomainsz,2) REAL zdp(ndomainsz,nflev) REAL zdt0(ndomainsz) REAL zzdtlw(ndomainsz,nflev) REAL zzdtsw(ndomainsz,nflev) REAL zzflux(ndomainsz,6) real zrmuz c local saved variables c --------------------- real pview(ngridmx) save pview real zco2 ! volume fraction of CO2 in Mars atmosphere DATA zco2/0.95/ SAVE zco2 LOGICAL firstcall DATA firstcall/.true./ SAVE firstcall c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c Initialisation c -------------- IF (firstcall) THEN DO ig=1,ngrid pview(ig)=1.66 ! cosecant of viewing angle ENDDO gcp = g/cpp CALL SUAER CALL SULW write(*,*) 'Splitting radiative calculations: ', $ ' ngridmx,ngrid,ndomainsz,ndomain', $ ngridmx,ngrid,ndomainsz,ndomain if (ngridmx .EQ. 1) then if (ndomainsz .NE. 1) then print* print*,'ATTENTION !!!' print*,'pour tourner en 1D, ' print*,'fixer ndomainsz=1 dans phymars/dimradmars.h' print* call exit(1) endif endif firstcall=.false. END IF c Starting loop on sub-domain c ---------------------------- DO jd=1,ndomain ig0=(jd-1)*ndomainsz if (jd.eq.ndomain) then nd=ngridmx-ig0 else nd=ndomainsz endif c Spliting input variable in sub-domain input variables c --------------------------------------------------- do l=1,nlaylte+1 do ig = 1,nd zplev(ig,l) = pplev(ig0+ig,l) enddo enddo do l=1,nlaylte do ig = 1,nd zplay(ig,l) = pplay(ig0+ig,l) zt(ig,l) = pt(ig0+ig,l) c Thickness of each layer (Pa) : zdp(ig,l)= pplev(ig0+ig,l) - pplev(ig0+ig,l+1) enddo enddo do n=1,naerkind do l=1,nlaylte do ig=1,nd zaerosol(ig,l,n) = aerosol(ig0+ig,l,n) enddo enddo enddo do j=1,2 do ig = 1,nd zalbedo(ig,j) = albedo(ig0+ig,j) enddo enddo c Intermediate levels: (computing tlev) c --------------------------------------- c Extrapolation for the air temperature above the surface DO ig=1,nd zztlev(ig,1)=zt(ig,1)+ s (zplev(ig,1)-zplay(ig,1))* s (zt(ig,1)-zt(ig,2))/(zplay(ig,1)-zplay(ig,2)) zdt0(ig) = tsurf(ig0+ig) - zztlev(ig,1) ENDDO DO l=2,nlaylte DO ig=1,nd zztlev(ig,l)=0.5*(zt(ig,l-1)+zt(ig,l)) ENDDO ENDDO DO ig=1,nd zztlev(ig,nlaylte+1)=zt(ig,nlaylte) ENDDO c Longwave ("lw") radiative transfer (= thermal infrared) c ------------------------------------------------------- !PRINT*,'ig0',ig0 !PRINT*,'icount',icount !PRINT*,'nd',nd !PRINT*,'nflev',nflev !PRINT*,'zdp',zdp !PRINT*,'zdt0',zdt0 !PRINT*,'emis',emis(ig0+1) !PRINT*,'zplev',zplev !PRINT*,'zztlev',zztlev !PRINT*,'zt',zt !PRINT*,'zaerosol',zaerosol !PRINT*,'zzdtlw',zzdtlw !PRINT*,'fluxsurf_lw',fluxsurf_lw(ig0+1) !PRINT*,'fluxtop_lw',fluxtop_lw(ig0+1) !PRINT*,'znetrad',znetrad call lwmain (ig0,icount,nd,nflev . ,zdp,zdt0,emis(ig0+1),zplev,zztlev,zt . ,zaerosol,zzdtlw . ,fluxsurf_lw(ig0+1),fluxtop_lw(ig0+1) . ,znetrad) c Shortwave ("sw") radiative transfer (= solar radiation) c ------------------------------------------------------- c Mars solar constant (W m-2) c 1370 W.m-2 is the solar constant at 1 AU. cste_mars=1370./(dist_sol*dist_sol) call swmain ( nd, nflev, S cste_mars, zalbedo, S mu0(ig0+1), zdp, zplev, zaerosol, fract(ig0+1), S zzdtsw, zfluxd_sw, zfluxu_sw) c Un-spliting output variable from sub-domain input variables c ------------------------------------------------------------ do l=1,nlaylte do ig = 1,nd dtlw(ig0+ig,l) = zzdtlw(ig,l) dtsw(ig0+ig,l) = zzdtsw(ig,l) enddo enddo do l=1,nlaylte+1 do ig = 1,nd ptlev(ig0+ig,l) = zztlev(ig,l) enddo enddo do ig = 1,nd fluxsurf_sw(ig0+ig,1) = zfluxd_sw(ig,1,1) fluxsurf_sw(ig0+ig,2) = zfluxd_sw(ig,1,2) fluxtop_sw(ig0+ig,1) = zfluxu_sw(ig,nlaylte+1,1) fluxtop_sw(ig0+ig,2) = zfluxu_sw(ig,nlaylte+1,2) enddo ENDDO ! (boucle jd=1, ndomain) c Zero tendencies for any remaining layers between nlaylte and nlayer if ( then do l = nlaylte+1, nlayer do ig = 1, ngrid dtlw(ig, l) = 0. dtsw(ig, l) = 0. enddo enddo endif c Output for debugging if lwrite=T c -------------------------------- c Write all nlayer layers, even though only nlaylte layers may have c non-zero tendencies. IF(lwrite) THEN PRINT*,'Diagnotique for the radiation' PRINT*,'albedo, emissiv, mu0,fract,fluxsurf_lw,fluxsurf_sw' PRINT*,albedo(igout,1),emis(igout),mu0(igout), s fract(igout), fluxsurf_lw(igout), $ fluxsurf_sw(igout,1)+fluxsurf_sw(igout,2) PRINT*,'Tlay Tlev Play Plev dT/dt SW dT/dt LW (K/s)' PRINT*,'daysec',daysec DO l=1,nlayer PRINT*,pt(igout,l),ptlev(igout,l), s pplay(igout,l),pplev(igout,l), s dtsw(igout,l),dtlw(igout,l) ENDDO ENDIF return end