SUBROUTINE co2snow (ngrid,nlayer,ptimestep, & emisref,condsub,pplev, & pcondicea,pcondices,pfallice,pemisurf) IMPLICIT NONE c*****WRF: ligne trop longue c======================================================================= c Program for simulate the impact of the CO2 snow fall on c the surface infrared emission (emissivity) and on c the airborne dust c F.Forget 1996 c======================================================================= c Declarations c ------------ #include "dimensions.h" #include "dimphys.h" #include "comcstfi.h" #include "surfdat.h" #include "callkeys.h" c input c ----- INTEGER ngrid,nlayer REAL ptimestep , emisref(ngrid) ! grd or ice emissivity without snow logical condsub(ngrid) REAL pplev(ngrid,nlayer+1) REAL pcondicea(ngrid,nlayer), pcondices(ngrid) REAL pfallice(ngrid,nlayer+1) c output c ------ REAL pemisurf(ngrid) c local c ----- integer ig , l , icap REAL zdemisurf ,dtemis REAL sumdaer c saved c ----- REAL Kscat(2), scaveng LOGICAL firstcall SAVE firstcall save Kscat , scaveng DATA firstcall/.true./ c -------------- c Initialisation c -------------- if (firstcall) then c Kscat : coefficient for decreasing the surface emissivity c =(0.001/3.)*alpha/iceradius , c with 0.3< alpha < 0.6, set to 0.45 (coeff from emis = f (tau)) c and iceradius the mean radius of the c scaterring particles (200.e-6