! Copyright (c) Jeremie Burgalat (2013-2022) ! Contributor: Jeremie Burgalat (jeremie.burgalat@univ-reims.fr). ! ! This file is part of SWIFT ! ! Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of ! this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in ! the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to ! use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of ! the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, ! subject to the following conditions: ! ! The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all ! copies or substantial portions of the Software. ! ! THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR ! IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS ! FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR ! COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER ! IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN ! CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. !! File: swift_string_op.F90 !! Summary: Strings manipulation source file !! Author: J. Burgalat !! Date: 2013-2022 #include "swift_defined.h" MODULE SWIFT_STRING_OP !! Fortran strings manipulation module !! !! This module provides methods and objects to manipulate Fortran (allocatable) strings. It defines !! a doubly linked-list of strings, [[string_op(module):words(type)]] and several methods to format !! strings or convert them in other intrinsic types. USE SWIFT_ERRORS IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC :: str2dble_sc,str2dble_ve,str2real_sc,str2real_ve ! errors module (not used but propagated) PUBLIC :: stdout,stderr,noerror,error, error_to_string,aborting ! misc module methods PUBLIC :: to_string, from_string, string_is, remove_quotes, format_string, & format_paragraph, strip_newline, tokenize, str_length, endswith, & startswith, to_lower, to_upper, add_csi, & del_csi, reset_csi, str_remove, str_replace,& fancy ! words object related methods PUBLIC :: words_length, words_insert, words_append, words_prepend, words_get, & words_set, words_get_max_width, words_get_total_width, words_pop, & words_remove, words_next, words_previous, words_reset, & words_valid, words_current, words_extend, words_reverse, & words_reversed, words_dump, words_to_string, words_to_vector, & words_clear PRIVATE :: fis_affect_int, fis_affect_bool, fis_affect_real, & fis_affect_double, fis_affect_cplx, fis_affect_dcplx, & fis_cat_int, fis_cat_bool, fis_cat_real, fis_cat_double, & fis_cat_cplx, fis_cat_dcplx, fis_cat_int_inv, & fis_cat_bool_inv, fis_cat_real_inv, fis_cat_double_inv, & fis_cat_cplx_inv, fis_cat_dcplx_inv ! Operators PUBLIC :: ASSIGNMENT(=), OPERATOR(/=), OPERATOR(==) INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: st_string = 1 !! String type ID INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: st_logical = 2 !! Logical type ID INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: st_complex = 3 !! Complex type ID INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: st_integer = 4 !! Integer type ID INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: st_real = 5 !! Real type ID !> List of types names CHARACTER(len=*), DIMENSION(5), PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: st_type_names = & (/ 'string ', 'logical', 'complex', 'integer', 'real '/) INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: st_slen = SSLEN !! Maximum short string length INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: st_llen = SLLEN !! Maximum long string length INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: FC_BLACK = 30 !! Black foreground csi code INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: FC_RED = 31 !! Red foreground csi code INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: FC_GREEN = 32 !! Green foreground csi code INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: FC_YELLOW = 33 !! Yellow foreground csi code INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: FC_BLUE = 34 !! Blue foreground csi code INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: FC_MAGENTA = 35 !! Magenta foreground csi code INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: FC_CYAN = 36 !! Cyan foreground csi code INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: FC_WHITE = 37 !! White foreground csi code INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: BG_BLACK = 40 !! Black foreground csi code INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: BG_RED = 41 !! Black background csi code INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: BG_GREEN = 42 !! Green background csi code INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: BG_YELLOW = 43 !! Yellow background csi code INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: BG_BLUE = 44 !! Blue background csi code INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: BG_MAGENTA = 45 !! Magenta background csi code INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: BG_CYAN = 46 !! Cyan background csi code INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: BG_WHITE = 47 !! White background csi code INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: ST_NORMAL = 0 !! Normal (regular) attribute INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: ST_BOLD = 1 !! Bold (brighter) attribute INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: ST_ITALIC = 3 !! Italic attribute (sometimes reverse video or underline) INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: ST_UNDERLINE = 4 !! Underline attribute INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: ST_BLINK = 5 !! Slow blink mode !> List of all attributes in a vector INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER, DIMENSION(21) :: attributes = [FC_BLACK, & FC_RED, & FC_GREEN, & FC_YELLOW, & FC_BLUE, & FC_MAGENTA, & FC_CYAN, & FC_WHITE, & BG_BLACK, & BG_RED, & BG_GREEN, & BG_YELLOW, & BG_BLUE, & BG_MAGENTA, & BG_CYAN, & BG_WHITE, & ST_NORMAL, & ST_BOLD, & ST_ITALIC, & ST_UNDERLINE, & ST_BLINK & ] !> Aliases for CSI codes. CHARACTER(len=2), DIMENSION(21), PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: csis =(/ & "fk", "fr", "fg", "fy", "fb", "fm", "fc", "fw", & "bk", "br", "bg", "by", "bb", "bm", "bc", "bw", & "sn", "sb", "si", "su", "sk"/) !> [[words(type)]] object assignement interface INTERFACE ASSIGNMENT(=) MODULE PROCEDURE ws_affect END INTERFACE !> Clear either a scalar or a vector of list of [[words(type)]] !! !! The interface encapsulates words _destructors_, that deallocate memory used !! by the given list(s) of words. This method should be called anytime words !! object(s) is no longer used to avoid memory leaks. !! @note !! If the library support Derived type finalization, calling destructor is not !! mandatory. INTERFACE words_clear MODULE PROCEDURE ws_clear_sc, ws_clear_ve END INTERFACE !> Extend a given [[words(type)]] object either by another or by a string !! !! The interface encapsulates two subroutines: !! !! - [[ws_extend_ws(subroutine)]](this,other) which extends __this__ by __other__ !! (both are words objects). !! - [[ws_extend_str(subroutine)]](this,str,delimiter,merge) which splits __str__ !! according to __delimiter__ (and optionally __merge__) and then extends !! __this__ with the resulting tokens. INTERFACE words_extend MODULE PROCEDURE ws_extend_ws,ws_extend_str END INTERFACE !> Convert an intrinsic type value to a string !! !! This (very) generic interface provides conversion functions from !! intrinsic types to ALLOCATED string. !! !! ``` !! (1) FUNCTION to_string(value) RESULT(str) !! (2) FUNCTION to_string(value,fmt) RESULT(str) !! ``` !! Where : !! !! - __value__ is the value to convert !! - __fmt__ is a string the format descriptor of the output string. Surrounding !! parenthesis can be omitted. !! - __str__ is an allocatable string with the converted value in output, or an empty !! string if the conversion failed. INTERFACE to_string MODULE PROCEDURE int2str_as,int2str_fs MODULE PROCEDURE log2str_as,log2str_fs MODULE PROCEDURE real2str_as,real2str_fs MODULE PROCEDURE dble2str_as,dble2str_fs MODULE PROCEDURE cplx2str_as,cplx2str_fs MODULE PROCEDURE dcplx2str_as,dcplx2str_fs END INTERFACE !> Convert a string into an intrisinc type !! !! All methods defined in the interface are functions which take in arguments, !! a string (input) and an output variable with the relevant type (or vectors of both). !! They always return an error object which is set to -5 error code (i.e. cannot cast value) !! on error, otherwise [[errors(module):noerror(variable)]]. INTERFACE from_string MODULE PROCEDURE str2int_sc,str2log_sc,str2real_sc,str2dble_sc,str2cplx_sc MODULE PROCEDURE str2int_ve,str2log_ve,str2real_ve,str2dble_ve,str2cplx_ve END INTERFACE !> Compute a fancy string !! !! The generic interface adds CSI codes to the given value and returns a fortran intrinsic string. !! !! This is convinient wrapper to [[string_op(module):to_string(interface)]] and !! [[string_op(module):add_csi(function)]]. !! !! ```fortran !! FUNCTION fancy(value, flags) RESULT(str) !! ``` !! !! **value** can be either a INTEGER, REAL, REAL(kind=8), COMPLEX, COMPLEX(kind=8) or STRING. !! !! **flags is a vector of (string) attributes that can take the values as defined in the second !! column of the [list of csi attributes](|url|/page/swift/p02_strings.html#fancy-strings). INTERFACE fancy MODULE PROCEDURE fancy_fstr, fancy_int, fancy_real, fancy_double, fancy_cplx, fancy_dcplx END INTERFACE !> Overloaded string assignment operator interface INTERFACE ASSIGNMENT(=) MODULE PROCEDURE fis_affect_int, fis_affect_bool, fis_affect_real, & fis_affect_double, fis_affect_cplx, fis_affect_dcplx END INTERFACE !> Overloaded string concatentation operator interface INTERFACE OPERATOR(//) MODULE PROCEDURE fis_cat_int, fis_cat_bool, fis_cat_real, fis_cat_double, & fis_cat_cplx, fis_cat_dcplx MODULE PROCEDURE fis_cat_int_inv, fis_cat_bool_inv, fis_cat_real_inv, & fis_cat_double_inv, fis_cat_cplx_inv, fis_cat_dcplx_inv END INTERFACE !> Define a linked word !! !! Linked words are only intended to be used within a words type. !! It's part of the doubly linked list words. TYPE, PUBLIC :: word #if HAVE_FTNDTSTR CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: value !! Value of the word #else !> Value of the word !! !! @warning !! It is always limited to [[string_op(module):st_slen(variable)]] characters. CHARACTER(len=st_slen) :: value = '' #endif TYPE(word), PRIVATE, POINTER :: next => null() !! Next word in the list of words TYPE(word), PRIVATE, POINTER :: prev => null() !! Previous word in the list of words END TYPE word !> Define a list of words TYPE, PUBLIC :: words INTEGER, PRIVATE :: nw = 0 !! Number of word in the list TYPE(word), PRIVATE, POINTER :: head => null() !! First word in the list TYPE(word), PRIVATE, POINTER :: tail => null() !! Last word in the list TYPE(word), PRIVATE, POINTER :: iter => null() !! Current word (iterator) #if HAVE_FTNPROC CONTAINS PROCEDURE, PRIVATE :: ws_extend_ws PROCEDURE, PRIVATE :: ws_extend_str PROCEDURE, PUBLIC :: length => words_length !! Get the number of words in the list PROCEDURE, PUBLIC :: insert => words_insert !! Insert a word at given index PROCEDURE, PUBLIC :: append => words_append !! Append a word at the end of the list PROCEDURE, PUBLIC :: prepend => words_prepend !! Prepend a word at the beginning of the list PROCEDURE, PUBLIC :: get => words_get !! Get the word at given index PROCEDURE, PUBLIC :: set => words_set !! Set a word at given index PROCEDURE, PUBLIC :: max_width => words_get_max_width !! Get the width of the biggest word in the list PROCEDURE, PUBLIC :: total_width => words_get_total_width !! Get the total width of the words stored in the list PROCEDURE, PUBLIC :: reverse => words_reverse !! Reverse the list in place PROCEDURE, PUBLIC :: reversed => words_reversed !! Get a reversed copy of the list PROCEDURE, PUBLIC :: dump => words_dump !! Dump words of the list (on per line) PROCEDURE, PUBLIC :: tostring => words_to_string !! Convert the list in a single string PROCEDURE, PUBLIC :: to_vector => words_to_vector !! Convert the list in a vector PROCEDURE, PUBLIC :: pop => words_pop !! Pop a word from the list and returns it PROCEDURE, PUBLIC :: remove => words_remove !! Remove a word from the list PROCEDURE, PUBLIC :: next => words_next !! Go to the next word in the list PROCEDURE, PUBLIC :: previous => words_previous !! Go to the previous word in the list PROCEDURE, PUBLIC :: reset => words_reset !! Reset the list's iterator PROCEDURE, PUBLIC :: valid => words_valid !! Check if iterator position is valid PROCEDURE, PUBLIC :: current => words_current !! Get the current word in the list GENERIC, PUBLIC :: extend => ws_extend_ws,ws_extend_str !! Extend a list with either a string or another list of words #endif END TYPE words CONTAINS FUNCTION word_length(this) RESULT(lgth) !! Get the trimmed length of the word object TYPE(word), INTENT(in) :: this !! A word object INTEGER :: lgth !! The length of the word's value (without trailing spaces) #if HAVE_FTNDTSTR IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(this%value)) THEN lgth = 0 ; RETURN ENDIF #endif lgth = LEN_TRIM(this%value) RETURN END FUNCTION word_length SUBROUTINE disconnect_word(this) !! Disconnect a word object !! !! The object is no more connected to its neighbours which are connected together. !! @note !! After this method is called the object is no longer connected to its parent words !! object and should be deallocated in order to avoid memory leaks. TYPE(word), INTENT(inout) :: this !! A word object to disconnect TYPE(word), POINTER :: pw,nw nw => this%next ; pw => this%prev IF (ASSOCIATED(nw)) nw%prev => pw IF (ASSOCIATED(pw)) pw%next => nw RETURN END SUBROUTINE disconnect_word SUBROUTINE ws_affect(this,other) !! words object assignment operator subroutine TYPE(words), INTENT(out) :: this !! A words object to be assigned TYPE(words), INTENT(in) :: other !! A words object to assign TYPE(word), POINTER :: cur CALL ws_clear_sc(this) IF (other%nw == 0) THEN RETURN ELSE cur => other%head DO WHILE(associated(cur)) #if HAVE_FTNDTSTR IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(cur%value)) THEN CALL words_append(this,"") ELSE CALL words_append(this,cur%value) ENDIF #else CALL words_append(this,cur%value) #endif IF (ASSOCIATED(cur,other%iter)) this%iter => this%tail cur => cur%next ENDDO ENDIF RETURN END SUBROUTINE ws_affect SUBROUTINE ini_word(this,value) !! Initialize the first word of a list of words !! !! This subroutine is not a constructor. It is only intended to set the first word !! object in a words object. TYPE(words), INTENT(inout) :: this !! A words object reference CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: value !! A string with the word used to initialize the list ALLOCATE(this%head) this%tail => this%head ASSIGN_DTSTR(value,this%tail%value) this%nw = 1 RETURN END SUBROUTINE ini_word SUBROUTINE ws_clear_sc(obj) !! Clear a list of words !! !! This subroutine deallocates all memory used by the given words object. !! @warning !! The subroutine should be called whenever a words is no more used (e.g. at !! the end of the current scope), otherwise memory leaks could occur. TYPE(words),INTENT(inout), TARGET :: obj !! A words object to clear TYPE(word), POINTER :: cur,next IF (obj%nw == 0) RETURN cur => obj%head DO WHILE(ASSOCIATED(cur)) next => cur%next CALL disconnect_word(cur) #if HAVE_FTNDTSTR IF (ALLOCATED(cur%value)) DEALLOCATE(cur%value) #endif DEALLOCATE(cur) cur => next ENDDO obj%nw = 0 obj%head => null() ; obj%tail => null() ; obj%iter => null() END SUBROUTINE ws_clear_sc SUBROUTINE ws_clear_ve(objs) !! Clear a vector of list of words !! !! This subroutine deallocates all memory used by the given vector of words objects. !! @warning !! The subroutine should be called whenever a words is no more used (e.g. at the end !! of the current scope), otherwise memory leaks could occur. TYPE(words),INTENT(inout), DIMENSION(:) :: objs !! A vector of words objects to clear TYPE(word), POINTER :: cur,next INTEGER :: i DO i=1,SIZE(objs) call ws_clear_sc(objs(i)) ENDDO END SUBROUTINE ws_clear_ve SUBROUTINE ws_extend_ws(this, other) !! Extend a list of words with another one OBJECT(words), INTENT(inout) :: this !! A words object to extend TYPE(words), INTENT(in) :: other !! A words object to extend with TYPE(word), POINTER :: cw IF (other%nw == 0) RETURN cw => other%head DO WHILE(ASSOCIATED(cw)) CALL words_append(this,cw%value) ; cw => cw%next ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE ws_extend_ws SUBROUTINE ws_extend_str(this,str,delimiter,merge,protect) !> Extend a list of word with a given string !! @details The method adds a new list of words to the current list by !! splitting a string using a set of delimiters. !! !! - If __delimiter__ is not given, THEN blank space is used. !! - __delimiter__ can be a string of any length, but each character of !! the sequence is seen as a single delimiter. Each time one of these !! special character is seen on the string, it is splitted. !! - If __protect__ is set to .true. THEN delimiter enclosed by !! either single or double quotes are protected. !! - The optional argument __merge__ instructs the method wether to merge !! or not successive delimiters in the string. !! !! For example, considering the following string: !!
@verbatim "I like coffee and bananas." @endverbatim
!! - Used with only __delimiter__ = " e", the method returns the list: !!
!! - Used with both __delimiter__ = " e" and __merge__ = .true. : !!
!! @warning !! The method does not trim or adjust the input string. Consequently, it can !! add several empty words at the end of the list if the string is not well !! defined. !! @warning To avoid such problems, consider using TRIM() and ADJUSTL() !! function on __str__ actual argument when calling this subroutine. OBJECT(words), INTENT(inout), TARGET :: this !! A words object to extend CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: str !! A string to split in words CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: delimiter !! An optional string with the words delimiters (default to blank space). LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: merge !! An optional boolean control flag that instructs the method !! wether to merge or not successive delimiters (default to .false.) LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: protect !! An optional boolean flag with .true. to indicate that !! delimiter characters between quotes are protected ! - LOCAL INTEGER :: sl,p,i,j,stat LOGICAL :: zmerge,zprotect,indq,insq,outer CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: seps CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: curw CHARACTER(len=1), PARAMETER :: sq = CHAR(39) ! single quote ascii code CHARACTER(len=1), PARAMETER :: dq = CHAR(34) ! double quotes ascii code stat=0 ; p=1 ; indq = .false. ; insq = .false. seps = ' ' zmerge = .false. ; IF (PRESENT(merge)) zmerge = merge zprotect = .true. ; IF (PRESENT(protect)) zprotect = protect IF (PRESENT(delimiter)) THEN IF (LEN(delimiter) > 0) seps = delimiter ENDIF sl = LEN(str) ; IF (sl == 0) RETURN outer = (INDEX(str,sq) == 1 .AND. INDEX(str,sq,.true.) == LEN(str)) & .OR.(INDEX(str,dq) == 1 .AND. INDEX(str,dq,.true.) == LEN(str)) ! no delimiter found or (have outer quotes and should protect) IF (SCAN(str,seps) == 0.OR.(outer.AND.zprotect)) THEN CALL words_append(this,remove_quotes(str)) RETURN ENDIF ! We have to loop... i = 1 ; curw='' DO IF (i > sl) EXIT p = SCAN(str(i:),seps) ! position du delimiteur IF (p == 0) THEN ! a gerer curw = curw//TRIM(str(i:)) CALL words_append(this,TRIM(str(i:))) ; EXIT curw='' ELSE IF (zprotect) THEN j=i ! starting state DO WHILE(j null() IF (idx < 1 .OR. idx > words_length(this)) THEN RETURN ENDIF IF (idx > (this%nw+1)/2) THEN pted => this%tail DO i=1,this%nw - idx ; pted => pted%prev ; ENDDO ELSE pted => this%head DO i=1,idx-1 ; pted => pted%next ; ENDDO ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION ws_get_ptr FUNCTION words_length(this) RESULT(res) !! Get the size of the words object. !! !! The method returns the number of words stored in the given list of words. OBJECT(words), INTENT(in) :: this !! A words object. INTEGER :: res !! The number of words in the object. res = this%nw RETURN END FUNCTION words_length SUBROUTINE words_insert(this, idx, value) !! Insert a word before given index in a list of words. !! !! The method inserts a new word before the given index in the list of words. If the given index is out !! of range, the method prepends/appends the object based on the index value. OBJECT(words), INTENT(inout) :: this !! A words object. INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: idx !! An integer with the index of an object in the list. The new object will be inserted before that index. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: value !! A string with the word to insert in the list. TYPE(word), POINTER :: welt,nx,pv INTEGER :: i welt => null() ; nx => null() ; pv => null() IF (this%nw == 0) THEN CALL ini_word(this,value) ELSE IF (idx > this%nw) THEN this%nw = this%nw + 1 welt => this%tail allocate(this%tail) ASSIGN_DTSTR(value,this%tail%value) this%tail%prev => welt this%tail%prev%next => this%tail ELSE IF (idx <= 1) THEN this%nw = this%nw + 1 welt => this%head allocate(this%head) ASSIGN_DTSTR(value,this%head%value) this%head%next => welt this%head%next%prev => this%head ELSE IF (idx > (this%nw+1)/2) THEN nx => this%tail DO i=1, this%nw - idx ; nx => nx%prev ; ENDDO ELSE nx => this%head DO i=1, idx-1 ; nx => nx%next ; ENDDO ENDIF pv => nx%prev allocate(welt) ASSIGN_DTSTR(value,welt%value) welt%prev => pv ; welt%next => nx pv%next => welt ; nx%prev => welt this%nw = this%nw + 1 ENDIF RETURN END SUBROUTINE words_insert SUBROUTINE words_append(this,value) !! Append a word to the list of word !! !! The method appends a word to the list of word. This is a convinient wrapper to !! [[string_op(module)::words_insert(subroutine)]] to add a new word at the beginning of the list. OBJECT(words), INTENT(inout) :: this !! A words object CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: value !! A string to append !CALL words_insert(this,this%nw+1,value) type(word), pointer :: np call words_insert(this,this%nw+1,value) !! If the list is empty !if (this%nw == 0) then ! call ini_word(this, value) ! return !end if !! Add new element to the end !this%nw = this%nw + 1 !np => this%tail !allocate(this%tail) !this%tail%value = TRIM(value) !this%tail%prev => np !this%tail%prev%next => this%tail RETURN END SUBROUTINE words_append SUBROUTINE words_prepend(this,value) !! Prepend a word to the list of word !! !! The method prepends a word to the list of word. This is a convinient wrapper to !! [[string_op(module)::words_insert(subroutine)]] to add a new word at the end of the list. OBJECT(words), INTENT(inout) :: this !! A words object CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: value !! A string to prepend CALL words_insert(this,0,value) RETURN END SUBROUTINE words_prepend FUNCTION words_get(this,idx,case) RESULT (res) !! Get the word's value at given index !! !! The method attempts to get the word's value at the given index. If index is out of range !! an empty string is returned. !! @note !! The returned string is always trimmed. OBJECT(words), INTENT(in) :: this !! A words object reference INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: idx !! An integer with the index of a word in the list CHARACTER(len=5), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: case !! An optional string with either 'upper' or 'lower' to get the value converted in the relevant case CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: res !! The value of the word stored at given index in the list of words TYPE(word), POINTER :: cur cur => ws_get_ptr(this,idx) IF (.not.associated(cur)) THEN res = '' ; RETURN ENDIF IF (PRESENT(case)) THEN IF (case == "upper") res = to_upper(cur%value) IF (case == "lower") res = to_lower(cur%value) ELSE res = TRIM(cur%value) ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION words_get SUBROUTINE words_set(this,idx,value) !! Set a new value to a word object in the list of words at given index !! !! The method sets a new word at given index. If index is out of range, the method simply does nothing. OBJECT(words), INTENT(inout) :: this !! A words object INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: idx !! An integer with the index of the word object to modify in the list CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: value !! A string with the new value to set TYPE(word), POINTER :: cur cur => ws_get_ptr(this,idx) IF (.NOT.ASSOCIATED(cur)) RETURN cur%value = value END SUBROUTINE words_set FUNCTION words_get_max_width(this) RESULT(res) !! Get the longest word's width in the words object !! !! The method computes and returns the longest (trimmed) word's width in the words object. OBJECT(words), INTENT(in) :: this !! A words object INTEGER :: res !! An integer with the maximum width (0 if the list is empty) TYPE(word), POINTER :: cur res = 0 IF (this%nw == 0) RETURN cur => this%head ; res = word_length(cur) DO WHILE(ASSOCIATED(cur%next)) cur => cur%next IF (word_length(cur) > res) res = word_length(cur) ENDDO RETURN END FUNCTION words_get_max_width FUNCTION words_get_total_width(this) RESULT(width) !! Get the total width of all words stored in the list of words !! !! The method computes and returns the total width of all words stored in !! the list of words. !! @note !! Total width is computed using strings::word_length so it only takes !! into account trimmed words (without trailing blanks) !! @note !! If csi codes have been added to words elements they are counted in the width. OBJECT(words), INTENT(in) :: this !! A words object INTEGER :: width !! Total length of the list of words TYPE(word), POINTER :: cur width = 0 IF (this%nw == 0) RETURN cur => this%head ; width = word_length(cur) DO WHILE(ASSOCIATED(cur%next)) cur => cur%next width = width + word_length(cur) ENDDO cur => null() RETURN END FUNCTION words_get_total_width SUBROUTINE words_reverse(this) !! Reverse the list of words in-place OBJECT(words), INTENT(inout) :: this !! A words object to reverse TYPE(word), POINTER :: loop,iwc,iwp IF (this%nw <= 1) RETURN loop => this%head ; iwc=> this%head ; iwp=> null() DO WHILE(ASSOCIATED(loop%next)) loop => loop%next iwp => iwc%prev ; iwc%prev => iwc%next ; iwc%next => iwp iwc => loop ENDDO iwp=>this%tail%prev ; this%tail%prev=>this%tail%next ; this%tail%next=>iwp iwc => this%head ; this%head => this%tail ; this%tail => iwc loop => null() ; iwc => null() ; iwp => null() RETURN END SUBROUTINE words_reverse FUNCTION words_reversed(this) RESULT(res) !! Get a reversed copy of the list of words OBJECT(words), INTENT(in) :: this !! A words object to reverse TYPE(words) :: res !! A reversed copy of the input list of words TYPE(word),POINTER :: cur IF(this%nw == 0) RETURN cur => this%tail DO WHILE(ASSOCIATED(cur)) CALL words_append(res,cur%value) IF (ASSOCIATED(cur,this%iter)) res%iter => res%tail cur => cur%prev ENDDO cur => null() RETURN END FUNCTION words_reversed SUBROUTINE words_dump(this,lun) !! Dump the list of words !! !! The method dumps on the given logical unit the elements of the list one by line. OBJECT(words), INTENT(in) :: this !! A words object to dump INTEGER, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: lun !! An optional integer with the printing logical unit. If not given, the list is dumped on !! standard output stream. TYPE(word), POINTER :: cur INTEGER :: lu IF (this%nw == 0) RETURN lu=6 ; IF (PRESENT(lun)) lu = lun cur => this%head DO WHILE(ASSOCIATED(cur)) WRITE(lu,'(a)') TRIM(cur%value) cur => cur%next ENDDO cur => null() RETURN END SUBROUTINE words_dump FUNCTION words_to_string(this, delimiter,protect) RESULT(str) !! Convert the list of words into a string !! !! The method converts the list of words into a string. In output, string is always !! allocated even if the list is empty. !! !! If `protect` is set to .true. (default to .false.), each word is enclose between !! double quotes. This option can be used to perform operation on the string before !! setting it back as values of the list of words. OBJECT(words), INTENT(in) :: this !! A words object CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: delimiter !! An optional string used as delimiter between each words LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: protect !! Optional control flag with .true. to protect each word during concatentation. CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! An allocatable string with the list of words joined by the given delimiter (if any) TYPE(word), POINTER :: cur LOGICAL :: zprotect zprotect = .false. ; IF (PRESENT(protect)) zprotect = protect str = '' IF (this%nw == 0) RETURN cur => this%head DO WHILE(ASSOCIATED(cur)) IF (zprotect) THEN str=str//'"'//TRIM(cur%value)//'"' ELSE str=str//TRIM(cur%value) ENDIF IF (PRESENT(delimiter).AND..NOT.ASSOCIATED(cur,this%tail)) & str=str//delimiter cur => cur%next ENDDO RETURN END FUNCTION words_to_string FUNCTION words_to_vector(this,ret) RESULT(ok) !! Convert the list of words into a vector of strings !! !! The method attempts to convert the list of words in a vector of strings. !! If _this_ list of words is empty, the output vector is allocated with 0 elements and the method returns !! .false., otherwise it returns .true. !! @note !! If elements in __this__ words object are wider than [[string_op(module):st_slen(variable)]], output !! values will be truncated. OBJECT(words), INTENT(in) :: this !! A words object reference CHARACTER(len=st_slen), INTENT(out), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: ret !! An allocatable vector of assumed length string with the words of __this__ LOGICAL :: ok !! Return status. INTEGER :: l,mw TYPE(word), POINTER :: iw ok = .true. l = words_length(this) IF (l == 0) THEN ALLOCATE(ret(0)) ok = .false. RETURN ENDIF ALLOCATE(ret(l)) ; mw = LEN(ret(l)) ret(1:l) = ' ' ! really needed ? iw => this%head ; l=1 DO WHILE(ASSOCIATED(iw)) ret(l) = TRIM(iw%value) ; l=l+1 ; iw => iw%next ENDDO END FUNCTION words_to_vector FUNCTION words_pop(this,idx,move_forward) RESULT(value) !! Pop a word in the list of words !! !! The method removes the word of the list at given index and returns it. If no index is given, !! last word of the list is removed. !! !! If the index is out of range, the method does nothing and returns an empty string. !! !! By default, if the iterator is located on the item to be removed, it is moved backward before !! deletion occurs. If __move\_forward__ is set to .true., the iterator is moved forward. OBJECT(words), INTENT(inout) :: this !! A words object INTEGER, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: idx !! Optional index of the word to delete LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: move_forward !! Move the iterator forward if needed. By default the iterator is moved backward. CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: value !! The word's value at given index LOGICAL :: zforward INTEGER :: zidx TYPE(word), POINTER :: cur zidx=words_length(this) ; IF (PRESENT(idx)) zidx = idx zforward = .false. ; IF (PRESENT(move_forward)) zforward = move_forward cur => ws_get_ptr(this,zidx) IF (.NOT.ASSOCIATED(cur)) THEN value = '' ; RETURN ELSE IF (ASSOCIATED(cur,this%iter)) THEN IF (zforward) THEN CALL words_next(this) ELSE CALL words_previous(this) ENDIF ENDIF value = TRIM(cur%value) CALL disconnect_word(cur) DEALLOCATE(cur) this%nw = this%nw - 1 RETURN END FUNCTION words_pop SUBROUTINE words_remove(this,idx,move_forward) !! Remove the word of the list at given index !! !! The method removes the word of the list at given index. If no index is given, last word !! of the list is removed. !! !! If the index is out of range, the method does nothing. !! !! By default, if the iterator is located on the item to be removed, it is moved backward before !! deletion occurs. If __move\_forward__ is set to .true., the iterator is moved forward. OBJECT(words), INTENT(inout) :: this !! A words object INTEGER, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: idx !! Index of the word to delete LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: move_forward !! Move the iterator forward if needed. By default the iterator is moved backward. LOGICAL :: zforward INTEGER :: zidx TYPE(word), POINTER :: cur zidx=words_length(this) ; IF(PRESENT(idx)) zidx = idx zforward = .false. ; IF (PRESENT(move_forward)) zforward = move_forward cur => ws_get_ptr(this,idx) IF (.NOT.ASSOCIATED(cur)) THEN RETURN ELSE IF (ASSOCIATED(cur,this%iter)) THEN IF (zforward) THEN CALL words_next(this) ELSE CALL words_previous(this) ENDIF ENDIF CALL disconnect_word(cur) DEALLOCATE(cur) this%nw = this%nw - 1 RETURN END SUBROUTINE words_remove SUBROUTINE words_next(this) !! Go to the next word in the list OBJECT(words), INTENT(inout) :: this !! A words object IF (ASSOCIATED(this%iter)) this%iter => this%iter%next END SUBROUTINE words_next SUBROUTINE words_previous(this) !! Go to the previous word in the list OBJECT(words), INTENT(inout) :: this !! A words object IF (ASSOCIATED(this%iter)) this%iter => this%iter%prev END SUBROUTINE words_previous FUNCTION words_valid(this) RESULT(ret) !! Check if the current iterated word is valid OBJECT(words), INTENT(in) :: this !! A words object LOGICAL :: ret !! A logical flag with .true. if the current iterated word is valid ret = associated(this%iter) END FUNCTION words_valid FUNCTION words_current(this) RESULT(wrd) !! Get current word value OBJECT(words), INTENT(in) :: this !! A words object CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: wrd !! A string with the value of the current word or __an unallocated string__ if current word !! is not valid (see [[string_op(module):words_valid(function)]]). IF (ASSOCIATED(this%iter)) THEN wrd = this%iter%value ENDIF END FUNCTION words_current SUBROUTINE words_reset(this,to_end) !! Reset the iterator !! !! The method resets the iterator either at the beginning or at the end of the list of words !! (if __to_end__ is set to .true.). OBJECT(words), INTENT(inout) :: this !! A words object LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: to_end !! An optional logical flag with .true. to reset the iterator at the end of the list this%iter => this%head IF (PRESENT(to_end)) THEN IF (to_end) this%iter => this%tail ENDIF END SUBROUTINE words_reset ! Fancy string methods ! -------------------- FUNCTION tokenize(str,vector,delimiter,merge,protect) RESULT(ok) !! Tokenize a string. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: str !! A string to tokenize CHARACTER(len=st_slen), INTENT(out), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: vector !! An allocatable vector of strings with the tokens found. If string cannot be tokenized, !! the vector is __allocated to 0 elements__ and the method returns .false.. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: delimiter !! An optional string with the words delimiters. It is set to blank space by default. !! Note that each character is seen as a single delimiter. LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: merge !! An optional boolean control flag with .true. that instructs the method whether to !! merge or not successive delimiters. Default to .false. LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: protect !! An optional boolean flag with .true. to indicate that delimiter characters between !! quotes are protected. Default to .true. LOGICAL :: ok !! Return status (.true. on success). CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: seps TYPE(words) :: tmp LOGICAL :: zmerge,zprotect TYPE(word), POINTER :: wrd integer :: i,nw ok = .true. zmerge = .false. ; zprotect = .true. ; seps = ' ' IF (PRESENT(merge)) zmerge = merge IF (PRESENT(protect)) zprotect = protect IF (PRESENT(delimiter)) THEN IF (LEN(delimiter) > 0 ) seps = delimiter ENDIF call words_extend(tmp,str,seps,zmerge,zprotect) nw = tmp%nw i = 1 ALLOCATE(vector(tmp%nw)) IF (nw > 0) THEN wrd => tmp%head DO WHILE(ASSOCIATED(wrd)) vector(i) = TRIM(wrd%value) wrd => wrd%next i = i+1 ENDDO ELSE ok = .false. ENDIF call words_clear(tmp) RETURN END FUNCTION tokenize FUNCTION remove_quotes(str) RESULT(ostr) !! Strips outer quotes from string !! !! The function removes only external quotes from the input string !! and returns the result in an allocatable string. !! Quotes are removed only if they are the first and last non blank !! characters. Either double and single quotes are stripped without distinction. !! The output string is trimmed from leading and trailing blank spaces (after quotes removal !) CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: str !! A string to check CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: ostr !! A string without external quotes (if any). CHARACTER(len=1), PARAMETER :: sq=CHAR(39), dq=CHAR(34) CHARACTER(len=2), PARAMETER :: dsq=CHAR(39)//CHAR(34) INTEGER :: i, j IF (LEN_TRIM(str) == 0) RETURN ostr = TRIM(ADJUSTL(str)) i = SCAN(ostr,sq//dq) ; j = SCAN(ostr,sq//dq,.true.) IF (i == j) RETURN IF (i /= 1) i = 0 IF (j /= LEN(ostr)) j = LEN(ostr)+1 ostr = TRIM(ostr(i+1:j-1)) RETURN END FUNCTION remove_quotes FUNCTION string_is(str) RESULT(ret) !! Check if string represents an intrinsic type !! !! The method checks if the given string represents an intrinsic type. Both logical and complex type !! are checked in a strict way : !! !! - A string is a logical if it is one of the following value: __.false.__, __.true.__, __F__, __T__. !! - A string is potentially a complex if it has the following format: __(\*\*\*,\*\*\*)__ where !! __\*\*\*__ is checked to see wether it is numerical or not. !! !! Valid numerical values can take the following forms: !! ``` !! [0-9] !! [0-9]*.?[0-9]*?([ed][+-]?[0-9]+)? !! ``` !! Obviously if returned value is greater than 3, the string can be converted in !! floating point value. !! !! Empty input string is simply considered to be of string type ! CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: str !! A string to check INTEGER :: ret !! An integer with the intrinsic type related to the string. !! !! Types are one of the following parameters !! !! - [[string_op(module):st_string(variable)]] (1) for string !! - [[string_op(module):st_logical(variable)]] (2) for logical !! - [[string_op(module):st_complex(variable)]] (3) for complex !! - [[string_op(module):st_integer(variable)]] (4) for integer !! - [[string_op(module):st_real(variable)]] (5) for floating point value CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: zs,zzs INTEGER :: j,l ret = 1 ; IF (LEN_TRIM(str) == 0) RETURN zs = to_lower(TRIM(ADJUSTL(str))) ; j = INDEX(zs,',') ; l = len(zs) IF (zs(1:1)=='('.AND.zs(l:l) == ')'.AND.j==INDEX(zs,',')) THEN IF (j == 2 .OR. j == l-1) RETURN zzs = TRIM(ADJUSTL(zs(2:j-1))) ; IF (what_(zzs) < 3) RETURN zzs = TRIM(ADJUSTL(zs(j+1:l-1))) ; ret = what_(zzs) IF (ret > 3) THEN ; ret = 3 ; ELSE ; ret = 1 ; ENDIF ELSE ret = what_(zs) ENDIF CONTAINS FUNCTION what_(s) RESULT(is) !! Check if the given string is numerical, logical or a simple string !! @note !! Input string should be in lower case, otherwise, the method will give a a wrong result. !! @warning !! The test performed for logical checking is quite strict : A string is considered as logical !! if and only if it is one of the following values : __.false.__, __.true.__, __F__, __T__. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: s !! A string to check INTEGER :: is !! An integer with : __1__ for string, __2__ for logical, __4__ for integer and __5__ for real LOGICAL :: dec,fdot,fexp INTEGER :: i CHARACTER(len=24), PARAMETER :: aset='abcfghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' CHARACTER(len=10), PARAMETER :: iset='1234567890' CHARACTER(len=2), PARAMETER :: dset='ed' CHARACTER(len=2), PARAMETER :: sset='+-' CHARACTER(len=7), PARAMETER :: slog(4) = (/'.true. ','.false.',& 't ','f '/) is = -1 ; dec = .false. ; fdot = dec ; fexp = fdot DO i = 1,LEN(s) IF (i == 1) THEN ! string does not start by [+-\.\d] IF (VERIFY(s(i:i),'.'//iset//sset) /= 0) THEN is = 1 ; EXIT ENDIF ! update control flag for decimal part dec = s(i:i) == '.' ; fdot = dec ELSE ! check if char is in [a-z] IF(VERIFY(s(i:i),aset) == 0) THEN dec=.false. ; is = 1 ; EXIT ELSE IF (s(i:i) == '.') THEN ! check for dot in decimal/exponent part (==> not a number IF (fdot.OR.fexp) THEN dec = .false. ; is = 1 ; EXIT ENDIF ELSE IF (VERIFY(s(i:i),dset)==0) THEN IF (fexp) THEN dec = .false. ; is = 1 ; EXIT ENDIF ELSE IF (VERIFY(s(i:i),sset) == 0) THEN IF (VERIFY(s(i-1:i-1),dset) /= 0) THEN dec = .false. ; is = 1 ; EXIT ENDIF ENDIF fdot = (fdot .OR. s(i:i) == '.') fexp = (fexp .OR. VERIFY(s(i:i), dset) == 0) ENDIF ENDDO ! it is a string IF (is == 1) THEN ! but have the format of a logical IF (any(slog == s)) is = 2 ELSE IF ((fexp.AND.SCAN(s(LEN(s):LEN(s)),dset) /= 0)) THEN is = 1 ELSE is = 4 IF (fdot.OR.fexp) is = 5 ENDIF ENDIF END FUNCTION what_ END FUNCTION string_is FUNCTION format_string(str,idt1,idto) RESULT(output) !! Format the given string !! !! This function only replaces all '\\n' escape sequence in the given string by NEW_LINE() character. !! The output string is eventually indented if optional arguments are set. !! @warning !! __idto__ is relative to __idt1__ ! CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: str !! The string to format INTEGER, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: idt1, & !! An optional integer with the indentation level of the first output line (default to 0) idto !! An optional integer with the indentation level of all other output lines (default to 0) CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: output !! An allocatable string with the output formatted string. ! - LOCAL INTEGER :: i,c,ti,mx CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: idts IF (LEN_TRIM(str) == 0) THEN ALLOCATE(output,source='') ; RETURN ENDIF i=0 ; IF (PRESENT(idt1)) i = MAX(i,idt1) ALLOCATE(CHARACTER(len=i) :: output) IF (i > 0) output(1:i) = CHAR(32) ! i0 is relative to i1 and must be >= 0 IF (PRESENT(idto)) i = MAX(i+idto,0) ALLOCATE(CHARACTER(len=i+1) :: idts) idts(1:1) = NEW_LINE('A') ; IF (i>1) idts(2:) = CHAR(32) ! Builds output string c=1 ; mx = LEN_TRIM(str) i = INDEX(str(c:),'\n') ; ti = c+i-1 IF (i == 0) THEN output=output//TRIM(str(ti+1:mx)) ELSE output=output//TRIM(str(c:ti-1)) ; c=ti+2 DO i = INDEX(str(c:),"\n") ; ti = c+i-1 IF (i == 0) THEN output=output//TRIM(str(ti+1:mx)) ; c = mx+1 ELSE output=output//idts//str(c:ti-1) ; c = ti+2 ENDIF IF (c > mx) EXIT ENDDO ENDIF ! print a newline if we have \n at the end of the string IF (INDEX(TRIM(str),'\n',.true.) == mx-1.AND.TRIM(str) /= '\n') & output=output//idts(1:1) END FUNCTION format_string FUNCTION format_paragraph(str,width,idt1,idto) RESULT(output) !! Split and format a string over several lines !! !! The function splits an input string in words so output lines fit (almost) in __width__ characters. !! The method handles indentation level (defined as leading blank spaces). It also accounts for known !! csi (see [[string_op(module):attributes(variable)]]). !! @note !! Words are considered indivisible and thus output lines can sometimes exceed the maximum width if !! there is not enough space to put a word (with the associated indentation if given). The default !! behavior in that case is to print the word in a new line (with the correct leading blank spaces). !! @warning !! If __width__, __idt1__ and/or __idto__ have inconsistent values (e.g. __width__ <= __idt1__), the !! method still computes the paragraph, but each words will be set on a new line with the appropriate !! indentation. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: str !! string with the content to split INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: width !! An positive integer with the maximum width of a line INTEGER, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: idt1 !! An optional integer with the indentation level of the first output line INTEGER, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: idto !! An optional integer with the indentation level of the other output lines CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: output !! An allocatable string with the output content CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: idts,zs INTEGER :: l1,lo,zmx,zw,cc,j,jj,l zw = abs(width) ; zs = strip_newline(str) zmx = LEN_TRIM(zs) IF (zmx == 0) THEN ALLOCATE(output,source='') ; RETURN ENDIF l1=0 ; IF (PRESENT(idt1)) l1 = MAX(l1,idt1) ALLOCATE(CHARACTER(len=l1) :: output) IF (l1 > 0) output(1:l1) = CHAR(32) lo=l1 ; IF (PRESENT(idto)) lo = MAX(l1+idto,0) ALLOCATE(CHARACTER(len=lo+1) :: idts) idts(1:1) = NEW_LINE('A') ; IF (lo>=1) idts(2:len(idts)) = CHAR(32) ! Prints a message if user is just stupid... IF (lo+1 > zw .OR. l1+1 > zw) THEN output = str ; RETURN ENDIF ! check if can just return the string as is IF (zmx + l1 <= zw) THEN output=output//TRIM(zs) ; RETURN ENDIF j=1 ; jj=1+l1 DO ! Gets next blank in input string cc = INDEX(TRIM(zs(j:)),CHAR(32)) ! no more blank ! Gets total length of csi between zs(j:j+cc-1) ! this value will be substracted to each length test IF (cc == 0) THEN l = csis_length(zs(j:)) IF (jj-1+LEN_TRIM(zs(j:))-l > zw) THEN output = output//idts ENDIF output=output//TRIM(zs(j:)) EXIT ! we are at the last word : we must exit the infinite loop ! ELSE l = csis_length(zs(j:j+cc-1)) IF (cc+jj-1-l > zw) THEN output=output//idts//zs(j:j+cc-1) ; jj = lo+1+cc+1 - l ELSE output=output//zs(j:j+cc-1) ; jj = jj + cc - l ENDIF ENDIF j = j + cc ENDDO CONTAINS FUNCTION csis_length(str) RESULT(value) ! - DUMMY CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: str ! - RESULT INTEGER :: value ! - LOCAL INTEGER :: jc,iesc,im LOGICAL :: tcsi value = 0 jc=1 DO IF (jc>LEN(str)) EXIT ! search for escape iesc = INDEX(str(jc:),CHAR(27)) IF (iesc == 0) EXIT ! search for m im = INDEX(str(jc+iesc:),"m") ! no m in the string after ESC --> this could not be a csi IF (im == 0) EXIT ! check if this is really a csi and updates length tcsi = is_csi(str(jc+iesc-1:jc+iesc+im-1)) jc = jc + iesc IF (tcsi) THEN value=value+im+1 jc=jc+im ENDIF ENDDO END FUNCTION csis_length END FUNCTION format_paragraph FUNCTION strip_newline(str,rpl) RESULT(stripped) !! Replace newline escape sequences by spaces !! !! The function replaces newline (both '\\n' escape sequence and Fortran NEW_LINE() character) in the !! given string and returns the resulting string. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: str !! A string to process CHARACTER(len=1), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: rpl !! A optional single character used as substitution of escape sequences (blank space by default) CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: stripped !! An allocatable string with all newline sequences replaced by blank space or __rpl__ if given CHARACTER(len=1) :: zrp INTEGER :: i, j, ns zrp = CHAR(32) ; IF(PRESENT(rpl)) zrp = rpl IF (str == NEW_LINE('A')) THEN stripped = zrp ; RETURN ENDIF ns = LEN_TRIM(str) IF (ns == 0) THEN ALLOCATE(stripped,source='') ; RETURN ENDIF ALLOCATE(CHARACTER(len=ns) :: stripped) ; stripped(1:ns) = CHAR(32) i=1 ; j=1 DO IF (str(i:i) == NEW_LINE('A')) THEN stripped(j:j) = zrp ELSE IF (i < ns) THEN IF (str(i:i+1) == "\n") THEN stripped(j:j) = zrp ; i=i+1 ELSE stripped(j:j) = str(i:i) ENDIF ELSE stripped(j:j) = str(i:i) ENDIF j=j+1 ; i=i+1 IF (i > ns .OR. j > ns) EXIT ENDDO IF (j < ns) stripped = stripped(1:j) RETURN END FUNCTION strip_newline FUNCTION str_length(str) RESULT(res) !! Get the length of the string object !! !! The method computes the length of the string. It differs from LEN intrinsic function as !! it does not account for extra-characters of csi codes. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: str !! String to process INTEGER :: res !! The actual length of string (i.e. does not account for csi codes) CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp res = 0 IF (LEN(str) /= 0) THEN tmp = reset_csi(str) res = LEN(tmp) DEALLOCATE(tmp) ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION str_length FUNCTION to_lower(str1) RESULT(str) !! Convert the string in lower case !! !! The method converts the input string in lower case and accounts for !! possible csi codes in the string. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: str1 !! Input string to convert CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! A copy of the string in lower case INTEGER :: i,ic IF (LEN(str1) /= 0) THEN str = str1 DO i = 1, len(str1) ic = ichar(str1(i:i)) IF (ic >= 65 .AND. ic < 90) str(i:i) = char(ic + 32) ENDDO ELSE str='' ENDIF END FUNCTION to_lower FUNCTION to_upper(str1) RESULT(str) !! Convert the string in upper case !! !! The method converts the input string in upper case and accounts for !! possible csi codes in the string. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: str1 !! Input string to convert CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! A copy of the string in upper case INTEGER :: j,i,ic,icsi,lcsi IF (LEN(str1) > 0) THEN str = str1 i = 1 DO IF (i > LEN(str)) EXIT icsi = str_index_of_csi(str(i:),lcsi) IF (icsi == 0) THEN ! no more csi the end of string is upper case converted DO j=i,LEN(str) ic = ichar(str(j:j)) IF (ic >= 97 .AND. ic < 122) str(j:j) = char(ic-32) ENDDO RETURN ELSE IF (icsi == 1) THEN i = i + lcsi ELSE IF (icsi > 1) THEN ! csi is not the first word: we convert in upper case until its ! position THEN copy the csi and get back in the loop DO j=i,i+icsi-2 ic = ichar(str(j:j)) IF (ic >= 97 .AND. ic < 122) str(j:j) = char(ic-32) ENDDO i = i + icsi + lcsi-1 ENDIF ENDDO ELSE str='' ENDIF END FUNCTION to_upper FUNCTION str_remove(string,substring,back,all) RESULT(str) !! Remove substring from current string !! !! The function removes the first occurence of __substring__ in __string__ or all !! its occurences if __all__ is explicitly set to .true.. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: string !! A string to search in CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: substring !! A string to search and removes from __string__ LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: back, & !! An optional boolean flag with .true. to begin search at the end of the string all !! An optional boolean flag with .true. to remove all occurences of __substring__ CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! An allocatable string with __substring__ occurence(s) removed LOGICAL :: zb,za INTEGER :: is,j,zboff str='' zb = .false. ; za = .false. IF (PRESENT(back)) zb = back IF (PRESENT(all)) za = all IF (za) zb=.false. zboff = 0 ; IF (zb) zboff = 1 IF (LEN(string) == 0) RETURN j=1 DO IF (j>LEN(string)) EXIT ! search for substring is = INDEX(string(j:),substring,back=zb) IF (is == 0) THEN ! substring is not found : we get the last part of the string and return str = str//string(j:) ; RETURN ELSE IF (is == 1) THEN j = j + LEN(substring) ELSE ! substring is not at the begin of the string : saves the string str = str//string(j:j+is-2) j = j + is+LEN(substring)-1 ENDIF ! if we only want to str_remove ONE occurence we exit if substring ! has been found IF (.NOT.(is==0.OR.za)) EXIT ENDDO IF (j <= LEN(string).AND..NOT.zb) str=str//string(j:) RETURN END FUNCTION str_remove FUNCTION str_replace(string,old,new,back,all) RESULT(str) !! Replace substring from current string !! !! The function replaces the first occurence of __old__ in __string__ by !! __new__ or all its occurence(s) if __all__ is explicitly set to .true.. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: string !! A string to search in CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: old, & !! A string to search and replace new !! A string to substitute to __old__ LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: back, & !! An optional boolean flag with .true. to begin search at the end of the string all !! An optional boolean flag with .true. to replace all occurences of __old__ CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! An allocatable string with occurence(s) of __old__ replaced by __new__ LOGICAL :: zb,za INTEGER :: is,j str='' zb = .false. ; za = .false. IF (PRESENT(back)) zb = back IF (PRESENT(all)) za = all IF (za) zb = .NOT.za IF (LEN(string) == 0) RETURN j=1 DO IF (j>LEN(string)) EXIT ! search for "old" is = INDEX(string(j:),old,back=zb) IF (is == 0) THEN ! "old" is not found : we get the last part of the string and return str = str//string(j:) ; RETURN ELSE IF (is == 1) THEN str = str//new j = j + LEN(old) ELSE ! "old" is not at the begin of the string : saves the string str = str//string(j:j+is-2)//new j = j + is + LEN(old) - 1 ENDIF IF (.NOT.(is==0.OR.za)) EXIT ENDDO IF (j <= LEN(str)) str=str//string(j:) RETURN END FUNCTION str_replace FUNCTION endswith(string,substring,icase) RESULT(ret) !! Check if string ends by substring CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: string !! @param[in] string A string to check CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: substring !! A string to search in __string__ LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: icase !! An optional boolean flag with .true. to perform insensitive case search LOGICAL :: ret !! .true. if __string__ ends by __substring__, .false. otherwise. CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: zthis,zstr INTEGER :: idx LOGICAL :: noc ret = .false. noc = .false. ; IF (PRESENT(icase)) noc = icase IF (LEN(string) == 0 .OR. LEN(substring) == 0) RETURN zthis = reset_csi(string) ; zstr=reset_csi(substring) IF (noc) THEN idx = INDEX(to_lower(zthis),to_lower(zstr),.true.) ELSE idx = INDEX(zthis,zstr,.true.) ENDIF IF (idx == 0.OR.idx+str_length(zstr)-1 /= str_length(zthis)) RETURN ret=.true. END FUNCTION endswith FUNCTION startswith(string,substring,icase) RESULT(ret) !! Check if string starts by substring CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: string !! A string to check CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: substring !! A string to search in __string__ LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: icase !! An optional boolean flag with .true. to perform insensitive case search LOGICAL :: ret !! .true. if __string__ starts by __substring__, .false. otherwise. CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: zthis,zstr INTEGER :: idx LOGICAL :: noc ret = .false. noc = .false. ; IF (PRESENT(icase)) noc = icase IF (LEN(string) == 0 .OR. LEN(substring) == 0) RETURN zthis = reset_csi(string) ; zstr=reset_csi(substring) IF (noc) THEN idx = INDEX(to_lower(zthis),to_lower(zstr)) ELSE idx = INDEX(zthis,zstr) ENDIF IF (idx /= 1) RETURN ret=.true. END FUNCTION startswith ! CSI related functions ! --------------------- FUNCTION add_csi(string,attrs) RESULT(str) !! Set csi attributes to the given string object !! !! The function adds csi (ANSI escape sequences) to the given string and !! returns a copy of it. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: string !! @param[in] string A string object reference INTEGER, INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: attrs !! A vector of integers with the code to add. Each __attrs__ value should refers to one i !! of [[string_op(module):attributes(variable)]] values. CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! An allocatable string with new csi codes added. INTEGER :: j,iesc,im CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp,csi CHARACTER(len=4), PARAMETER :: rcsi = CHAR(27)//"[0m" str='' ! 1) Check for input string IF (LEN(string) == 0) RETURN ! 2) Removes last [0m if any and initializes output string ! we must remove only the last [0m if any IF (INDEX(string,rcsi,.true.) == LEN(string)-3) THEN tmp = str_remove(string,rcsi,back=.true.) ELSE tmp = string ENDIF ! 3) Add all the given csi preceded by [0m at the beginning of the string ! if it does not start by an ANSI sequence IF (INDEX(tmp,CHAR(27)//"[") /= 1) & tmp = str_add_to_csi(rcsi,attrs)//tmp ! Loops on new string and updates csi codes j=1 DO IF (j>LEN(tmp)) EXIT ! search for escape iesc = INDEX(tmp(j:),CHAR(27)) IF (iesc == 0) THEN ! no more ESC : cat until end of input string and exit str = str//tmp(j:) ; EXIT ELSE IF (iesc > 1) THEN ! ESC is not first char: copy until ESC str = str//tmp(j:j+iesc-2) ENDIF ! search for m im = INDEX(tmp(j+iesc:),"m") ! no m in the string after ESC --> copy string (INCLUDING ESC) and leave IF (im == 0) THEN str = str//tmp(j+iesc-1:) RETURN ENDIF csi = tmp(j+iesc-1:j+iesc+im-1) ! we have a csi: we add new codes to it IF (is_csi(csi)) THEN csi = str_add_to_csi(csi,attrs) ENDIF str = str//csi j = j + iesc + im ENDDO IF (INDEX(str,rcsi,.true.) /= LEN(str)-3) str = str//rcsi RETURN END FUNCTION add_csi FUNCTION del_csi(string,attrs) RESULT(str) !! Remove attributes to the given string !! !! The function removes list of csi (ANSI escape sequences) from the given !! string and returns a copy of it. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: string !! Input string INTEGER, INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: attrs !! A vector of integers with the code to remove. Each __attrs__ value should !! refers to one of [[string_op(module):attributes(variable)]] values. CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! An allocatable string with csi codes from __list__ removed LOGICAL :: ok INTEGER :: j,iesc,im CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp,csi,csis CHARACTER(len=st_slen), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: tks CHARACTER(len=4), PARAMETER :: rcsi = CHAR(27)//"[0m" str='' IF (LEN(string) == 0) RETURN ! remove last [0m if found at the end of the string IF (INDEX(string,rcsi,.true.) == LEN(string)-3) THEN tmp = str_remove(string,rcsi,back=.true.) ELSE tmp = string ENDIF ! Loops on new string and updates csi codes j=1 ; csis="" DO IF (j>LEN(tmp)) EXIT ! search for escape iesc = INDEX(tmp(j:),CHAR(27)) IF (iesc == 0) THEN ! no more ESC : cat until end of input string and exit str = str//tmp(j:) ; EXIT ELSE IF (iesc > 1) THEN ! ESC is not first char: copy until ESC str = str//tmp(j:j+iesc-2) ENDIF ! search for m im = INDEX(tmp(j+iesc:),"m") ! no m in the string after ESC --> copy string (INCLUDING ESC) and leave IF (im == 0) THEN str = str//tmp(j+iesc-1:) RETURN ENDIF csi = tmp(j+iesc-1:j+iesc+im-1) ! we have a csi: we add new codes to it IF (is_csi(csi)) THEN csi = str_del_from_csi(csi,attrs) ENDIF csis=csis//csi//"|" str = str//csi j = j + iesc + im ENDDO ! Add [0m at the end of string if not found IF (INDEX(str,rcsi,.true.) /= LEN(str)-3) str = str//rcsi ! resets all attributes if we only have [0m in final list ok = tokenize(csis(1:LEN(csis)-1),tks,"|") IF (ALL(tks == rcsi)) str = reset_csi(str) DEALLOCATE(tks) RETURN END FUNCTION del_csi FUNCTION reset_csi(string) RESULT(str) !! Reset all csi codes of the string !! !! The method removes __all__ the known escape sequences from the input string. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: string !! Input string CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! An allocatable string with the copy of input string stripped off csi codes. INTEGER :: j,iesc,im LOGICAL :: tcsi str = "" IF (LEN(string) == 0) RETURN j=1 DO IF (j>LEN(string)) EXIT ! search for escape iesc = INDEX(string(j:),CHAR(27)) IF (iesc == 0) THEN str = str//string(j:) ; EXIT ENDIF ! search for m im = INDEX(string(j+iesc:),"m") ! no m in the string after ESC --> copy string (INCLUDING ESC) and leave IF (im == 0) THEN str = str//string(j+iesc-1:) RETURN ENDIF ! csi includes everything between ESC and m (excluding them): ! to check for csi it should begin by [ and then be a list of integers ! separated by ; tcsi = is_csi(string(j+iesc-1:j+iesc+im-1)) IF (iesc > 1) THEN str = str//string(j:j+iesc-2) ENDIF j = j + iesc ; IF (tcsi) j=j+im ENDDO RETURN END FUNCTION reset_csi FUNCTION is_csi(value) RESULT(yes) !! Check if string is a known csi !! !! The function only check for known csi code which are defined in [[string_op(module):attributes(variable)]]. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: value !! A Fortran intrinsic string to check LOGICAL :: yes !! .true. if it is a known csi, .false. otherwise LOGICAL :: ok CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp TYPE(words) :: wtks CHARACTER(len=st_slen), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: stks INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: nums INTEGER :: i yes = .false. IF (LEN(value) < 4) RETURN tmp = value(3:len(value)-1) call words_extend(wtks,tmp,';') ok = words_to_vector(wtks,stks) CALL ws_clear_sc(wtks) IF (.NOT.ok) RETURN ! if we cannot convert strings to integers : it is not a csi IF (.NOT.from_string(stks,nums)) RETURN DEALLOCATE(stks) DO i=1, SIZE(nums) IF (.NOT.ANY(attributes == nums(i))) RETURN ENDDO yes = .true. END FUNCTION is_csi FUNCTION str_add_to_csi(csi,list) RESULT(ncsi) !! Add a new list of codes to the input csi string !! !! The method adds all the csi codes given in __list__ that are known by the module and not !! already present in the input csi. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: csi !! A string with the input csi. It __must__ begin with "[" and ends with "m". INTEGER, INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: list !! A vector of integers with the csi code to add. Each value of __list__ should be one of !! [[string_op(module):attributes(variable)]] values. All unknown values are filtered out as well !! as csi code already present in input __csi__. CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: ncsi !! A new csi string or the input __csi__ if some "errors" occured (the input csi could not !! be tokenized or none of __list__ values are left after filtering). LOGICAL :: ok CHARACTER(len=st_slen), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: tks CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: zlist,nums INTEGER :: i,j,ni,no ! 1) Filter input list : ! 1.1) Gets the list of current csi codes ncsi = csi(3:len(csi)-1) ok = tokenize(ncsi,tks,"; ",merge=.true.) IF (.NOT.from_string(tks,nums)) THEN ncsi = csi RETURN ENDIF DEALLOCATE(tks) ! 1.2) Filter input list of new flags to add ! counts number of valid flags j=0 DO i=1,SIZE(list) ! new flags must be in attributes but NOT in nums IF (ANY(attributes==list(i).AND..NOT.ANY(nums == list(i)))) j=j+1 ENDDO ! No "valid" flags -> returns old csi IF (j == 0) THEN ; ncsi = csi ; RETURN ; ENDIF ni = SIZE(nums) ; no = j + ni ALLOCATE(zlist(no)) ; zlist(1:ni) = nums(:) ; j = ni DO i=1,SIZE(list) ! new flags must be in attributes but NOT in nums IF (ANY(attributes==list(i).AND..NOT.ANY(nums == list(i)))) THEN j=j+1 ; zlist(j) = list(i) ENDIF ENDDO DEALLOCATE(nums) ! 2) Builds new csi ! Here we explictly set the first flag to 0 (i.e. reset attributes)... ncsi = CHAR(27)//"[0;" DO i=1,no ! ... So we get rid of all "0" flag in the list IF (zlist(i) /= 0) THEN tmp = to_string(zlist(i)) IF (LEN_TRIM(tmp) == 0) THEN ncsi = csi ; RETURN ENDIF ncsi = ncsi//tmp IF (i /= no) ncsi = ncsi//";" ENDIF ENDDO ncsi = ncsi//"m" END FUNCTION str_add_to_csi FUNCTION str_del_from_csi(csi,list) RESULT(ncsi) !! Remove a list of codes from the input csi string !! !! The method removes all the csi codes given in __list__ that are known by the !! module and already present in the input csi. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: csi !! An intrinsic Fortran string with the input csi. It __must__ begin with "[" and ends with "m". INTEGER, INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: list !! A vector of integers with the csi code to remove. Each value of __list__ should be one of !! [[string_op(module):attributes(variable)]] values. All unknown values are filtered out. CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: ncsi !! A new csi string or the input __csi__ if some "errors" occured (the input csi could not !! be tokenized or none of __list__ values are left after filtering). LOGICAL :: ok CHARACTER(len=LEN(csi)), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: tks CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: nums INTEGER :: i ncsi = csi(3:len(csi)-1) ok = tokenize(ncsi,tks,"; ",merge=.true.) IF (.NOT.from_string(tks,nums)) THEN ncsi = csi RETURN ENDIF DEALLOCATE(tks) tmp="" DO i=1, SIZE(nums) IF (ALL(nums(i) /= list).AND.nums(i) /= 0) THEN ! no need to check for to_string status : it is always ok ! tmp=tmp//to_string(nums(i))//";" ENDIF ENDDO IF (LEN_TRIM(tmp) /= 0) THEN ncsi=CHAR(27)//"[0;"//tmp(1:LEN(tmp)-1)//"m" ELSE ncsi=CHAR(27)//"[0m" ENDIF END FUNCTION str_del_from_csi FUNCTION str_index_of_csi(str,length) RESULT(pos) !! Get the position of the first known csi in string !! !! The method searches for the first known csi in string. The csi must contain known codes !! (i.e. values of [[string_op(module):attributes(variable)]]). CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: str !! A string to search in INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: length !! Length of the csi in the string INTEGER :: pos !! Position of the first csi found. It is set to 0 if no csi has been found. INTEGER :: iesc,im pos = 0 ; length = 0 ! we need at least 4 chars to create a csi IF (LEN_TRIM(str) < 4) RETURN iesc = INDEX(str,CHAR(27)) IF (iesc == 0) RETURN ! search for m im = INDEX(str(iesc:),"m") ! no m in the string after ESC --> copy string (INCLUDING ESC) and leave IF (im == 0) RETURN IF (.NOT.is_csi(str(iesc:iesc+im-1))) RETURN pos = iesc ; length = im END FUNCTION str_index_of_csi ! String conversion functions ! --------------------------- FUNCTION str2int_sc(str, value) RESULT(ret) !! Convert string value to integer value (scalar) CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: str !! String to convert INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: value !! Output value LOGICAL :: ret !! Return status (.true. on success) CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: zs ret = .true. ; zs = remove_quotes(str) IF (string_is(zs) /= st_integer) THEN ret = .false. ELSE READ(zs, *) value ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION str2int_sc FUNCTION str2log_sc(str, value) RESULT(ret) !! Convert string value to logical value (scalar) CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: str !! String to convert LOGICAL, INTENT(out) :: value !! Output value LOGICAL :: ret !! Return status (.true. on success) CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: zs integer :: r ret = .true. ; zs = remove_quotes(str) r = string_is(zs) IF (string_is(zs) /= st_logical) THEN ret = .false. ELSE READ(zs, *) value ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION str2log_sc FUNCTION str2real_sc(str, value) RESULT(ret) !! Convert string value to simple precision floating precision value (scalar) CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: str !! String to convert REAL(kind=4), INTENT(out) :: value !! Output value LOGICAL :: ret !! Return status (.true. on success) CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: zs ret = .true.; zs = remove_quotes(str) IF (string_is(zs) < st_integer) THEN ret = .false. ELSE READ(zs, *) value ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION str2real_sc FUNCTION str2dble_sc(str, value) RESULT(ret) !! Convert string value to double precision floating precision value (scalar) CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: str !! String to convert REAL(kind=8), INTENT(out) :: value !! Output value LOGICAL :: ret !! Return status (.true. on success) CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: zs ret = .true. ; zs = remove_quotes(str) IF (string_is(zs) < st_integer) THEN ret = .false. ELSE READ(zs, *) value ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION str2dble_sc FUNCTION str2cplx_sc(str, value) RESULT(ret) !! Convert string value to complex value (scalar) CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: str !! String to convert COMPLEX(kind=4), INTENT(out) :: value !! Output value LOGICAL :: ret !! Return status (.true. on success) ! - LOCAL CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: zs ret = .true. ; zs = remove_quotes(str) IF (string_is(zs) /= st_complex) THEN ret = .false. ELSE READ(zs, *) value ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION str2cplx_sc FUNCTION str2int_ve(str, value) RESULT(ret) !! Convert strings values to integer values (vector) CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: str !! Vector of strings to convert INTEGER, INTENT(out), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: value !! Vector of output values LOGICAL :: ret !! Return status (.true. on success) INTEGER :: i,ns CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: zs ret = .true. ; ns = SIZE(str) ; ALLOCATE(value(ns)) DO i=1,ns zs = remove_quotes(str(i)) IF (string_is(zs) /= st_integer) THEN ret = .false. ; DEALLOCATE(value) ; RETURN ELSE READ(zs, *) value(i) ENDIF ENDDO RETURN END FUNCTION str2int_ve FUNCTION str2log_ve(str, value) RESULT(ret) !! Convert strings values to logical values (vector) CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: str !! Vector of strings to convert LOGICAL, INTENT(out), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: value !! Vector of output values LOGICAL :: ret !! Return status (.true. on success) INTEGER :: i,ns CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: zs ret = .true. ; ns = SIZE(str) ; ALLOCATE(value(ns)) DO i=1,ns zs = remove_quotes(str(i)) IF (string_is(zs) /= st_logical) THEN ret = .false. ; DEALLOCATE(value) ; RETURN ELSE READ(zs, *) value(i) ENDIF ENDDO RETURN END FUNCTION str2log_ve FUNCTION str2real_ve(str, value) RESULT(ret) !! Convert strings values to simple precision floating point values (vector) CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: str !! Vector of strings to convert REAL(kind=4), INTENT(out), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: value !! Vector of output values LOGICAL :: ret !! Return status (.true. on success) INTEGER :: i,ns CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: zs ret = .true. ; ns = SIZE(str) ; ALLOCATE(value(ns)) DO i=1,ns IF (string_is(zs) < st_integer) THEN ret = .false. ; DEALLOCATE(value) ; RETURN ELSE READ(zs, *) value(i) ENDIF ENDDO RETURN END FUNCTION str2real_ve FUNCTION str2dble_ve(str, value) RESULT(ret) !! Convert strings values to double precision floating point values (vector) CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: str !! Vector of strings to convert REAL(kind=8), INTENT(out), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: value !! Vector of output values LOGICAL :: ret !! Return status (.true. on success) INTEGER :: i,ns CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: zs ret = .true. ; ns = SIZE(str) ; ALLOCATE(value(ns)) DO i=1,ns zs = remove_quotes(str(i)) IF (string_is(zs) < st_integer) THEN ret = .false. ; DEALLOCATE(value) ; RETURN ELSE READ(zs, *) value(i) ENDIF ENDDO RETURN END FUNCTION str2dble_ve FUNCTION str2cplx_ve(str, value) RESULT(ret) !! Convert strings values to complex values (vector) CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: str !! Vector of strings to convert COMPLEX(kind=4), INTENT(out), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: value !! Vector of output values LOGICAL :: ret !! Return status (.true. on success) INTEGER :: i,ns CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: zs ret = .true. ; ns = SIZE(str) ; ALLOCATE(value(ns)) DO i=1,ns zs = remove_quotes(str(i)) IF (string_is(zs) /= st_complex) THEN ret = .false. ; DEALLOCATE(value) ; RETURN ELSE READ(zs, *) value(i) ENDIF ENDDO RETURN END FUNCTION str2cplx_ve FUNCTION int2str_as(value) RESULT(str) !! Convert an integer value to string (auto format / string result) INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: value !! Value to convert CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! String with the converted value in output INTEGER :: err ALLOCATE(CHARACTER(len=DIGITS(value)) :: str) WRITE(str,*,iostat=err) value str = TRIM(ADJUSTL(str)) IF (err /= 0) str = '' RETURN END FUNCTION int2str_as FUNCTION log2str_as(value) RESULT(str) !! Convert a logical value to string (auto format / string result) LOGICAL, INTENT(in) :: value !! Value to convert CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! String with the converted value in output INTEGER :: err ALLOCATE(CHARACTER(len=2) :: str) WRITE(str, *, IOSTAT = err) value str=TRIM(ADJUSTL(str)) IF (err /= 0) str = '' RETURN END FUNCTION log2str_as FUNCTION real2str_as(value) RESULT(str) !! Convert a simple precision floating point value to string (auto format / string result) REAL(kind=4), INTENT(in) :: value !! Value to convert CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! String with the converted value in output INTEGER :: err ALLOCATE(CHARACTER(len=DIGITS(value)) ::str) WRITE(str,*, IOSTAT = err) value str=TRIM(ADJUSTL(str)) IF (err /= 0) str = '' RETURN END FUNCTION real2str_as FUNCTION dble2str_as(value) RESULT(str) !! Convert a double precision floating point value to string (auto format / string result) REAL(kind=8), INTENT(in) :: value !! Value to convert CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! String with the converted value in output INTEGER :: err ALLOCATE(CHARACTER(len=DIGITS(value)) ::str) WRITE(str,*, IOSTAT = err) value str=TRIM(ADJUSTL(str)) IF (err /= 0) str = '' RETURN END FUNCTION dble2str_as FUNCTION cplx2str_as(value) RESULT(str) !! Convert a complex value to string (auto format / string result) COMPLEX(kind=4), INTENT(in) :: value !! Value to convert CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! String with the converted value in output INTEGER :: err,sl sl = DIGITS(REAL(value))*2+3 ALLOCATE(CHARACTER(len=sl) :: str) WRITE(str, *, IOSTAT = err) value str = TRIM(ADJUSTL(str)) IF (err /= 0) str = '' RETURN END FUNCTION cplx2str_as FUNCTION dcplx2str_as(value) RESULT(str) !! Convert a complex value to string (auto format / string result) COMPLEX(kind=8), INTENT(in) :: value !! Value to convert CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! String with the converted value in output INTEGER :: err,sl sl = DIGITS(REAL(value))*2+3 ALLOCATE(CHARACTER(len=sl) :: str) WRITE(str, *, IOSTAT = err) value str = TRIM(ADJUSTL(str)) IF (err /= 0) str = '' RETURN END FUNCTION dcplx2str_as FUNCTION int2str_fs(value, fmt) RESULT(str) !! Convert an integer value to string (user format / string result) INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: value !! Value to convert CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: fmt !! String format CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! String with the converted value in output INTEGER :: err ALLOCATE(CHARACTER(len=st_slen) :: str) WRITE(str, '('//fmt//')', IOSTAT = err) value str = TRIM(ADJUSTL(str)) IF (err /= 0) str = '' RETURN END FUNCTION int2str_fs FUNCTION log2str_fs(value, fmt) RESULT(str) !! Convert a logical value to string (user format / string result) LOGICAL, INTENT(in) :: value !! Value to convert CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: fmt !! String format CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! String with the converted value in output INTEGER :: err ALLOCATE(CHARACTER(len=st_slen) :: str) WRITE(str, '('//fmt//')', IOSTAT = err) value str=TRIM(ADJUSTL(str)) IF (err /= 0) str = '' RETURN END FUNCTION log2str_fs FUNCTION real2str_fs(value, fmt) RESULT(str) !! Convert a simple precision floating point value to string (user format / string result) REAL(kind=4), INTENT(in) :: value !! Value to convert CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: fmt !! String format CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! String with the converted value in output INTEGER :: err ALLOCATE(CHARACTER(len=st_slen) :: str) WRITE(str, '('//fmt//')', IOSTAT = err) value str = TRIM(ADJUSTL(str)) IF (err /= 0) str = '' RETURN END FUNCTION real2str_fs FUNCTION dble2str_fs(value, fmt) RESULT(str) !! Convert a double precision floating point value to string (user format / string result) REAL(kind=8), INTENT(in) :: value !! Value to convert CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: fmt !! String format CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! String with the converted value in output INTEGER :: err ALLOCATE(CHARACTER(len=st_slen) :: str) WRITE(str, '('//fmt//')', IOSTAT = err) value str = TRIM(ADJUSTL(str)) IF (err /= 0) str = '' RETURN END FUNCTION dble2str_fs FUNCTION cplx2str_fs(value, fmt) RESULT(str) !! Convert a complex value to string (user format / string result) COMPLEX(kind=4), INTENT(in) :: value !! Value to convert CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: fmt !! String format CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! String with the converted value in output INTEGER :: err ALLOCATE(CHARACTER(len=st_slen) :: str) WRITE(str, '('//fmt//')', IOSTAT = err) value str = TRIM(ADJUSTL(str)) IF (err /= 0) str = '' RETURN END FUNCTION cplx2str_fs FUNCTION dcplx2str_fs(value, fmt) RESULT(str) !! Convert a complex value to string (user format / string result) COMPLEX(kind=8), INTENT(in) :: value !! Value to convert CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: fmt !! String format CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! String with the converted value in output INTEGER :: err ALLOCATE(CHARACTER(len=st_slen) :: str) WRITE(str, '('//fmt//')', IOSTAT = err) value str = TRIM(ADJUSTL(str)) IF (err /= 0) str = '' RETURN END FUNCTION dcplx2str_fs ! Extended strings features ! --------------------------- FUNCTION fis_cat_int(str1,int2) RESULT(str) !! Concatenate a fortran intrinsic string with a integer. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: str1 !! String to concatenate INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: int2 !! Integer to concatenate CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! Output string ALLOCATE(CHARACTER(len=DIGITS(int2)) :: str) WRITE(str,*) int2 ; str = TRIM(ADJUSTL(str)) IF (LEN(str1) /= 0) str = str1//str RETURN END FUNCTION fis_cat_int !! @param[in] int2 An integer to concatenate !! @param[in] str1 A string to concatenate !! @return An allocatable string with the concatenation of input values. FUNCTION fis_cat_int_inv(int2,str1) RESULT(str) !! Concatenate a fortran intrinsic string with a integer (reversed). INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: int2 !! Integer to concatenate CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: str1 !! String to concatenate CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! Output string ALLOCATE(CHARACTER(len=DIGITS(int2)) :: str) WRITE(str,*) int2 ; str = TRIM(ADJUSTL(str)) IF (LEN(str1) /= 0) str = str//str1 RETURN END FUNCTION fis_cat_int_inv FUNCTION fis_cat_bool(str1,bool2) RESULT(str) !! Concatenate a string with a logical CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: str1 !! String to concatenate LOGICAL, INTENT(in) :: bool2 !! Logical to concatenate CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! Output string CHARACTER(len=2) ::tmp WRITE(tmp,*) bool2 str=TRIM(ADJUSTL(tmp)) IF (LEN(str1) /= 0) str = str1//str RETURN END FUNCTION fis_cat_bool FUNCTION fis_cat_bool_inv(bool2,str1) RESULT(str) !! Concatenate a string with a logical (reversed) LOGICAL, INTENT(in) :: bool2 !! Logical to concatenate CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: str1 !! String to concatenate CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! Output string CHARACTER(len=2) ::tmp WRITE(tmp,*) bool2 str = TRIM(ADJUSTL(tmp)) IF (LEN(str1) /= 0) str = str//str1 RETURN END FUNCTION fis_cat_bool_inv FUNCTION fis_cat_real(str1,real2) RESULT(str) !! Concatenate a string with a real simple precision CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: str1 !! String to concatenate REAL(kind=4), INTENT(in) :: real2 !! Simple precision real to concatenate CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! Output string ALLOCATE(CHARACTER(len=DIGITS(real2)) :: str) WRITE(str,*) real2 ; str = TRIM(ADJUSTL(str)) IF (LEN(str1) /= 0) str=str1//str RETURN END FUNCTION fis_cat_real FUNCTION fis_cat_real_inv(real2,str1) RESULT(str) !! Concatenate a string with a real simple precision (reversed) REAL(kind=4), INTENT(in) :: real2 !! Simple precision real to concatenate CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: str1 !! String to concatenate CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! Output string ALLOCATE(CHARACTER(len=DIGITS(real2)) :: str) WRITE(str,*) real2 ; str = TRIM(ADJUSTL(str)) IF (LEN(str1) /= 0) str = str//str1 RETURN END FUNCTION fis_cat_real_inv FUNCTION fis_cat_double(str1,double2) RESULT(str) !! Concatenate a string with a real double precision CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: str1 !! String to concatenate REAL(kind=8), INTENT(in) :: double2 !! Double precision real to concatenate CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! Output string ALLOCATE(CHARACTER(len=DIGITS(double2)) :: str) WRITE(str,*) double2 ; str = TRIM(ADJUSTL(str)) IF (LEN(str1) /= 0) str=str1//str RETURN END FUNCTION fis_cat_double FUNCTION fis_cat_double_inv(double2,str1) RESULT(str) !! Concatenate a string with a real double precision (reversed) REAL(kind=8), INTENT(in) :: double2 !! Double precision real to concatenate CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: str1 !! String to concatenate CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! Output string ALLOCATE(CHARACTER(len=DIGITS(double2)) :: str) WRITE(str,*) double2 ; str = TRIM(ADJUSTL(str)) IF (LEN(str1) /= 0) str = str//str1 RETURN END FUNCTION fis_cat_double_inv FUNCTION fis_cat_cplx(str1,cplx2) RESULT(str) !! Concatenate a string with a complex CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: str1 !! String to concatenate COMPLEX(kind=4), INTENT(in) :: cplx2 !! Complex value to concatenate CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! Output string INTEGER :: sl sl = DIGITS(REAL(cplx2))*2+3 ALLOCATE(CHARACTER(len=sl) :: str) WRITE(str,*) cplx2 ; str = TRIM(ADJUSTL(str)) IF (LEN(str1) /= 0) str = str//str1 RETURN END FUNCTION fis_cat_cplx FUNCTION fis_cat_cplx_inv(cplx2,str1) RESULT(str) !! Concatenate a string with a complex (reversed) COMPLEX(kind=4), INTENT(in) :: cplx2 !! Complex value to concatenate CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: str1 !! String to concatenate CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! Output string INTEGER :: sl sl = DIGITS(REAL(cplx2))*2+3 ALLOCATE(CHARACTER(len=sl) :: str) WRITE(str,*) cplx2 str = TRIM(ADJUSTL(str)) IF (LEN(str1) /= 0) str = str//str1 RETURN END FUNCTION fis_cat_cplx_inv FUNCTION fis_cat_dcplx(str1,dcplx2) RESULT(str) !! Concatenate a string with a double precision complex CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: str1 !! String to concatenate COMPLEX(kind=8), INTENT(in) :: dcplx2 !! Complex value to concatenate CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! Output string INTEGER :: sl sl = DIGITS(REAL(dcplx2))*2+3 ALLOCATE(CHARACTER(len=sl) :: str) WRITE(str,*) dcplx2 ; str = TRIM(ADJUSTL(str)) IF (LEN(str1) /= 0) str = str//str1 RETURN END FUNCTION fis_cat_dcplx FUNCTION fis_cat_dcplx_inv(dcplx2,str1) RESULT(str) !! Concatenate a string with a double precision complex (reversed) COMPLEX(kind=8), INTENT(in) :: dcplx2 !! Complex value to concatenate CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: str1 !! string to concatenate CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! Output string INTEGER :: sl sl = DIGITS(REAL(dcplx2))*2+3 ALLOCATE(CHARACTER(len=sl) :: str) WRITE(str,*) dcplx2 str = TRIM(ADJUSTL(str)) IF (LEN(str1) /= 0) str = str//str1 RETURN END FUNCTION fis_cat_dcplx_inv SUBROUTINE fis_affect_int(str,int) !! Assignment subroutine (using intrinsic integer) CHARACTER(len=:), INTENT(out), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! Output string to be assigned INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: int !! Input value to assign str = fis_cat_int('',int) END SUBROUTINE fis_affect_int SUBROUTINE fis_affect_bool(str,bool) !! Assignment subroutine (using intrinsic logical) CHARACTER(len=:), INTENT(out), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! Output string to be assigned LOGICAL, INTENT(in) :: bool !! Input value to assign str = fis_cat_bool('',bool) END SUBROUTINE fis_affect_bool SUBROUTINE fis_affect_real(str,float) !! Assignment subroutine (using intrinsic real) CHARACTER(len=:), INTENT(out), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! Output string to be assigned REAL(kind=4), INTENT(in) :: float !! Input value to assign str = fis_cat_real('',float) END SUBROUTINE fis_affect_real SUBROUTINE fis_affect_double(str,double) !! Assignment subroutine (using intrinsic real(kind=8)) CHARACTER(len=:), INTENT(out), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! Output string to be assigned REAL(kind=8), INTENT(in) :: double !! Input value to assign str = fis_cat_double('',double) END SUBROUTINE fis_affect_double SUBROUTINE fis_affect_cplx(str,cplx) !! Assignment subroutine (using intrinsic complex) CHARACTER(len=:), INTENT(out), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! Output string to be assigned COMPLEX(kind=4), INTENT(in) :: cplx !! Input value to assign str = fis_cat_cplx('',cplx) END SUBROUTINE fis_affect_cplx SUBROUTINE fis_affect_dcplx(str,dcplx) !! Assignment subroutine (using intrinsic complex(kind=8)) CHARACTER(len=:), INTENT(out), ALLOCATABLE :: str !! Output string to be assigned COMPLEX(kind=8), INTENT(in) :: dcplx !! Input value to assign str = fis_cat_dcplx('',dcplx) END SUBROUTINE fis_affect_dcplx FUNCTION get_attrs_indexes(flags) RESULT(codes) !! Convert a list of csi flags into a csi codes. !! !! Only know CSI codes are returned. If no known CSI are found the outputput vector is !! allocated with 0 elements. CHARACTER(len=2), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in) :: flags !! CSI attributes flags INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: codes !! CSI codes. INTEGER :: i,j,n n = 0 ALLOCATE(codes(SIZE(flags))) codes(:) = -1 DO i = 1, SIZE(flags) DO j = 1, SIZE(attributes) IF (to_lower(flags(i)) == csis(j)) THEN n = n + 1 codes(n) = attributes(j) EXIT ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO IF (n > 0) THEN codes = codes(1:n) ELSE DEALLOCATE(codes) ALLOCATE(codes(0)) ENDIF END FUNCTION get_attrs_indexes FUNCTION fancy_fstr(value,flags,fmt) RESULT(output) !! Compute a fancy string from the given (fortran intrinsic) string. CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: value !! String object reference CHARACTER(len=2), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in) :: flags !! CSI attributes flags CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: fmt !! Optional format (unused for this overload) CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: output !! Output fortran instrinsic string INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: codes codes = get_attrs_indexes(flags) IF (SIZE(codes) == 0) THEN output = value ; RETURN ELSE output = add_csi(value,codes) ENDIF END FUNCTION fancy_fstr FUNCTION fancy_int(value,flags,fmt) RESULT(output) !! Compute a fancy string from the given integer value. INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: value !! String object reference CHARACTER(len=2), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in) :: flags !! CSI attributes flags CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: fmt !! Optional format. If given it must be a valid Fortran format. CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: output !! Output fortran instrinsic string INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: codes CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp codes = get_attrs_indexes(flags) IF (PRESENT(fmt)) THEN ; tmp = to_string(value,fmt) ; ELSE ; tmp = to_string(value) ; ENDIF IF (SIZE(codes) /= 0) THEN ; output = add_csi(tmp,codes) ; ELSE ; output = tmp ; ENDIF END FUNCTION fancy_int FUNCTION fancy_bool(value,flags,fmt) RESULT(output) !! Compute a fancy string from the given logical value. LOGICAL, INTENT(in) :: value !! String object reference CHARACTER(len=2), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in) :: flags !! CSI attributes flags CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: fmt !! Optional format. If given it must be a valid Fortran format. CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: output !! Output fortran instrinsic string INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: codes CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp codes = get_attrs_indexes(flags) IF (PRESENT(fmt)) THEN ; tmp = to_string(value,fmt) ; ELSE ; tmp = to_string(value) ; ENDIF IF (SIZE(codes) /= 0) THEN ; output = add_csi(tmp,codes) ; ELSE ; output = tmp ; ENDIF END FUNCTION fancy_bool FUNCTION fancy_real(value,flags,fmt) RESULT(output) !! Compute a fancy string from the given real value (simple precision). REAL(kind=4), INTENT(in) :: value !! String object reference CHARACTER(len=2), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in) :: flags !! CSI attributes flags CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: fmt !! Optional format. If given it must be a valid Fortran format. CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: output !! Output fortran instrinsic string INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: codes CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp codes = get_attrs_indexes(flags) IF (PRESENT(fmt)) THEN ; tmp = to_string(value,fmt) ; ELSE ; tmp = to_string(value) ; ENDIF IF (SIZE(codes) /= 0) THEN ; output = add_csi(tmp,codes) ; ELSE ; output = tmp ; ENDIF END FUNCTION fancy_real FUNCTION fancy_double(value,flags,fmt) RESULT(output) !! Compute a fancy string from the given real value (double precision). REAL(kind=8), INTENT(in) :: value !! String object reference CHARACTER(len=2), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in) :: flags !! CSI attributes flags CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: fmt !! Optional format. If given it must be a valid Fortran format. CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: output !! Output fortran instrinsic string INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: codes CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp codes = get_attrs_indexes(flags) IF (PRESENT(fmt)) THEN ; tmp = to_string(value,fmt) ; ELSE ; tmp = to_string(value) ; ENDIF IF (SIZE(codes) /= 0) THEN ; output = add_csi(tmp,codes) ; ELSE ; output = tmp ; ENDIF END FUNCTION fancy_double FUNCTION fancy_cplx(value,flags,fmt) RESULT(output) !! Compute a fancy string from the given complex value (simple precision). COMPLEX(kind=4), INTENT(in) :: value !! String object reference CHARACTER(len=2), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in) :: flags !! CSI attributes flags CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: fmt !! Optional format. If given it must be a valid Fortran format. CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: output !! Output fortran instrinsic string INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: codes CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp codes = get_attrs_indexes(flags) IF (PRESENT(fmt)) THEN ; tmp = to_string(value,fmt) ; ELSE ; tmp = to_string(value) ; ENDIF IF (SIZE(codes) /= 0) THEN ; output = add_csi(tmp,codes) ; ELSE ; output = tmp ; ENDIF END FUNCTION fancy_cplx FUNCTION fancy_dcplx(value,flags,fmt) RESULT(output) !! Compute a fancy string from the given complex value (double precision). COMPLEX(kind=8), INTENT(in) :: value !! String object reference CHARACTER(len=2), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in) :: flags !! CSI attributes flags CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: fmt !! Optional format. If given it must be a valid Fortran format. CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: output !! Output fortran instrinsic string INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: codes CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp codes = get_attrs_indexes(flags) IF (PRESENT(fmt)) THEN ; tmp = to_string(value,fmt) ; ELSE ; tmp = to_string(value) ; ENDIF IF (SIZE(codes) /= 0) THEN ; output = add_csi(tmp,codes) ; ELSE ; output = tmp ; ENDIF END FUNCTION fancy_dcplx END MODULE SWIFT_STRING_OP