MODULE conf_phys_mod IMPLICIT NONE CONTAINS SUBROUTINE conf_phys(ngrid,nlayer,nq) !======================================================================= ! ! purpose: ! ------- ! ! Initialisation for the physical parametrisations ! flags (i.e. run-time options) of the Mars PCM !----------------------------------------------------------------------- USE ioipsl_getin_p_mod, ONLY : getin_p use tracer_mod, only : nuice_sed, ccn_factor, nuiceco2_sed, & nuice_ref,nuiceco2_ref use surfdat_h, only: albedo_h2o_cap,albedo_h2o_frost, & albedo_perennialco2, & frost_albedo_threshold, inert_h2o_ice, & frost_metam_threshold,old_wsublimation_scheme use time_phylmdz_mod, only: steps_per_sol,outputs_per_sol,iphysiq, & ecritstart,daysec,dtphys use dimradmars_mod, only: naerkind, name_iaer, & ini_scatterers,tauvis use datafile_mod, only: datadir use wstats_mod, only: callstats use writediagsoil_mod, only: diagsoil use calchim_mod, only: ichemistry use co2condens_mod, only: scavco2cond use dust_param_mod, only: dustbin, doubleq, submicron, active, & lifting, freedust, callddevil, & dustscaling_mode, & reff_driven_IRtoVIS_scenario use aeropacity_mod, only: iddist, topdustref USE mod_phys_lmdz_transfert_para, ONLY: bcast USE paleoclimate_mod,ONLY: paleoclimate, & lag_layer, include_waterbuoyancy use microphys_h, only: mteta use comsoil_h, only: adsorption_soil, choice_ads,ads_const_D, & ads_massive_ice use nonoro_gwd_mix_mod, only: calljliu_gwimix IMPLICIT NONE include "callkeys.h" INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: ngrid ! number of atmospheric columns INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: nlayer ! number of atmospheric layers INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: nq ! number of tracers INTEGER ierr,j character(len=20),parameter :: modname="conf_phys" real :: ecritphy ! to check that this obsolete flag is no longer used... real :: albedo_perennialco2_north, albedo_perennialco2_south CHARACTER ch1*12 #ifndef MESOSCALE ! read in some parameters from "run.def" for physics, ! or shared between dynamics and physics. ecritphy=-666 ! dummy default value call getin_p("ecritphy",ecritphy) ! frequency of outputs in physics, ! in dynamical steps if (ecritphy/=-666) then call abort_physic(modname, & "Error: parameter ecritphy is obsolete! Remove it! "// & "And use outputs_per_sol instead",1) endif outputs_per_sol=4 ! default value, 4 outputs per sol call getin_p("outputs_per_sol",outputs_per_sol) ! check that indeed it is possible for given physics time step if (modulo(steps_per_sol,outputs_per_sol)/=0) then write(*,*) "Error: outputs_per_sol = ",outputs_per_sol write(*,*) " is not a divisor of number of steps per sol = ", & steps_per_sol call abort_physic(modname, & "Error: inadequate value for outputs_per_sol",1) endif iphysiq=20 ! default value call getin_p("iphysiq",iphysiq) ! call physics every iphysiq dyn step ecritstart=0 ! default value call getin_p("ecritstart",ecritstart) ! write a restart every ecristart steps #endif ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! Reading the "callphys.def" file controlling some key options ! -------------------------------------------------------------- !$OMP MASTER ! check that 'callphys.def' file is around OPEN(99,file='callphys.def',status='old',form='formatted' & ,iostat=ierr) CLOSE(99) !$OMP END MASTER call bcast(ierr) ! ierr=0 IF(ierr.EQ.0) THEN PRINT* PRINT* PRINT*,'--------------------------------------------' PRINT*,' conf_phys: Parameters for the physics (callphys.def)' PRINT*,'--------------------------------------------' write(*,*) "Directory where external input files are:" ! default path is set in datafile_mod call getin_p("datadir",datadir) write(*,*) " datadir = ",trim(datadir) write(*,*) "Initialize physics with file ?" startphy_file=.true. call getin_p("startphy_file",startphy_file) write(*,*) "startphy_file", startphy_file write(*,*) "Diurnal cycle ?" write(*,*) "(if diurnal=False, diurnal averaged solar heating)" diurnal=.true. ! default value call getin_p("diurnal",diurnal) write(*,*) " diurnal = ",diurnal write(*,*) "Seasonal cycle ?" write(*,*) "(if season=False, Ls stays constant, to value ", & "set in 'start'" season=.true. ! default value call getin_p("season",season) write(*,*) " season = ",season write(*,*) "Save statistics in file ?" #ifdef MESOSCALE callstats=.false. ! default value #else callstats=.true. ! default value #endif call getin_p("callstats",callstats) write(*,*) " callstats = ",callstats write(*,*) "Write sub-surface fields in file ?" diagsoil=.false. ! default value call getin_p("diagsoil",diagsoil) write(*,*) " diagsoil = ",diagsoil write(*,*) "Save EOF profiles in file 'profiles' for ", & "Climate Database?" calleofdump=.false. ! default value call getin_p("calleofdump",calleofdump) write(*,*) " calleofdump = ",calleofdump write(*,*) "Dust scenario: 1=constant dust (read from startfi", & " or set as tauvis); 2=Viking scenario; =3 MGS scenario,", & "=6 cold (low dust) scenario; =7 warm (high dust) scenario ", & "=24,25 ... 30 :Mars Year 24, ... or 30 from TES assimilation" iaervar=3 ! default value call getin_p("iaervar",iaervar) write(*,*) " iaervar = ",iaervar write(*,*) "Reference (visible) dust opacity at 610 Pa ", & "(matters only if iaervar=1)" ! NB: default value of tauvis is set/read in file call getin_p("tauvis",tauvis) write(*,*) " tauvis = ",tauvis write(*,*) "Dust vertical distribution:" write(*,*) "(=1 top set by topdustref parameter;", & " =2 Viking scenario; =3 MGS scenario)" iddist=3 ! default value call getin_p("iddist",iddist) write(*,*) " iddist = ",iddist write(*,*) "Dust top altitude (km). (Matters only if iddist=1)" topdustref= 90.0 ! default value call getin_p("topdustref",topdustref) write(*,*) " topdustref = ",topdustref write(*,*) "Prescribed surface thermal flux (H/(rho*cp),K m/s)" tke_heat_flux=0. ! default value call getin_p("tke_heat_flux",tke_heat_flux) write(*,*) " tke_heat_flux = ",tke_heat_flux write(*,*) " 0 means the usual schemes are computing" write(*,*) "call radiative transfer ?" callrad=.true. ! default value call getin_p("callrad",callrad) write(*,*) " callrad = ",callrad write(*,*) "call slope insolation scheme ?", & "(matters only if callrad=T)" #ifdef MESOSCALE callslope=.true. ! default value #else callslope=.false. ! default value (not supported yet) #endif call getin_p("callslope",callslope) write(*,*) " callslope = ",callslope write(*,*) "call NLTE radiative schemes ?", & "(matters only if callrad=T)" callnlte=.false. ! default value call getin_p("callnlte",callnlte) write(*,*) " callnlte = ",callnlte nltemodel=0 !default value write(*,*) "NLTE model?" write(*,*) "0 -> old model, static O" write(*,*) "1 -> old model, dynamic O" write(*,*) "2 -> new model" write(*,*) "(matters only if callnlte=T)" call getin_p("nltemodel",nltemodel) write(*,*) " nltemodel = ",nltemodel write(*,*) "call CO2 NIR absorption ?", & "(matters only if callrad=T)" callnirco2=.false. ! default value call getin_p("callnirco2",callnirco2) write(*,*) " callnirco2 = ",callnirco2 write(*,*) "New NIR NLTE correction ?", $ "0-> old model (no correction)", $ "1-> new correction", $ "(matters only if callnirco2=T)" #ifdef MESOSCALE nircorr=0 !default value. this is OK below 60 km. #else nircorr=0 !default value #endif call getin_p("nircorr",nircorr) write(*,*) " nircorr = ",nircorr write(*,*) "call turbulent vertical diffusion ?" calldifv=.true. ! default value call getin_p("calldifv",calldifv) write(*,*) " calldifv = ",calldifv write(*,*) "call thermals ?" calltherm=.false. ! default value call getin_p("calltherm",calltherm) write(*,*) " calltherm = ",calltherm write(*,*) "call convective adjustment ?" calladj=.true. ! default value call getin_p("calladj",calladj) write(*,*) " calladj = ",calladj if (calltherm .and. calladj) then print*,'!!! PLEASE NOTE !!!' print*,'convective adjustment is on' print*,'but since thermal plume model is on' print*,'convadj is only activated above the PBL' endif write(*,*) "used latest version of yamada scheme?" callyamada4=.true. ! default value call getin_p("callyamada4",callyamada4) write(*,*) " callyamada4 = ",callyamada4 write(*,*) "used latest version of ATKE scheme?" callatke =.false. ! default value call getin_p("callatke",callatke) write(*,*) " callatke = ",callatke if(callyamada4.and.callatke) then print*,"You can't use both yamada and atke" print*,"Choose either Yamada or ATKE" call abort_physic(modname, & "Can't use both yamada and ATKE",1) endif if (calltherm .and. .not.callyamada4) then print*,'!!!! WARNING WARNING WARNING !!!!' print*,'if calltherm=T we strongly advise that ' print*,'you set the flag callyamada4 to T ' print*,'!!!! WARNING WARNING WARNING !!!!' endif write(*,*) "call Richardson-based surface layer ?" callrichsl=.false. ! default value call getin_p("callrichsl",callrichsl) write(*,*) " callrichsl = ",callrichsl if (calltherm .and. .not.callrichsl) then print*,'WARNING WARNING WARNING' print*,'if calltherm=T we strongly advise that ' print*,'you use the new surface layer scheme ' print*,'by setting callrichsl=T ' endif if (calladj .and. callrichsl .and. (.not. calltherm)) then print*,'You should not be calling the convective adjustment & scheme with the Richardson surface-layer and without the thermals &. This approach is not & physically consistent and can lead to unrealistic friction & values.' print*,'If you want to use the Ri. surface-layer, either & activate thermals OR de-activate the convective adjustment.' call abort_physic(modname, & "Richardson layer must be used with thermals",1) endif write(*,*) "call CO2 condensation ?" callcond=.true. ! default value call getin_p("callcond",callcond) write(*,*) " callcond = ",callcond write(*,*)"call thermal conduction in the soil ?" callsoil=.true. ! default value call getin_p("callsoil",callsoil) write(*,*) " callsoil = ",callsoil write(*,*)"call Lott's gravity wave/subgrid topography ", & "scheme ?" calllott=.true. ! default value call getin_p("calllott",calllott) write(*,*)" calllott = ",calllott write(*,*)"call Lott's non-oro GWs parameterisation ", & "scheme ?" calllott_nonoro=.false. ! default value call getin_p("calllott_nonoro",calllott_nonoro) write(*,*)" calllott_nonoro = ",calllott_nonoro write(*,*)"call jliu's nonoro GWs-induced mixing ", & "scheme ?" calljliu_gwimix=.false. ! default value call getin_p("calljliu_gwimix",calljliu_gwimix) write(*,*)" calljliu_gwimix = ",calljliu_gwimix ! rocket dust storm injection scheme write(*,*)"call rocket dust storm parametrization" rdstorm=.false. ! default value call getin_p("rdstorm",rdstorm) write(*,*)" rdstorm = ",rdstorm ! rocket dust storm detrainment coefficient coeff_detrainment=0.02 ! default value call getin_p("coeff_detrainment",coeff_detrainment) write(*,*)" coeff_detrainment = ",coeff_detrainment ! entrainment by mountain top dust flows scheme write(*,*)"call mountain top dust flows parametrization" topflows=.false. ! default value call getin_p("topflows",topflows) write(*,*)" topflows = ",topflows ! latent heat release from ground water ice sublimation/condensation write(*,*)"latent heat release during sublimation", & " /condensation of ground water ice" latentheat_surfwater=.true. ! default value call getin_p("latentheat_surfwater",latentheat_surfwater) write(*,*)" latentheat_surfwater = ",latentheat_surfwater write(*,*)"rad.transfer is computed every iradia", & " physical timestep" iradia=1 ! default value call getin_p("iradia",iradia) write(*,*)" iradia = ",iradia write(*,*)"Output of the exchange coefficient mattrix ?", & "(for diagnostics only)" callg2d=.false. ! default value call getin_p("callg2d",callg2d) write(*,*)" callg2d = ",callg2d write(*,*)"Rayleigh scattering : (should be .false. for now)" rayleigh=.false. call getin_p("rayleigh",rayleigh) write(*,*)" rayleigh = ",rayleigh ! PALEOCLIMATE write(*,*)"Using lag layer??" lag_layer=.false. call getin_p("lag_layer",lag_layer) write(*,*) "lag_layer = ", lag_layer write(*,*)"Is it paleoclimate run?" paleoclimate=.false. ! default value call getin_p("paleoclimate",paleoclimate) write(*,*)"paleoclimate = ",paleoclimate write(*,*)"Albedo for perennial CO2 ice (northern hemisphere)?" albedo_perennialco2_north = 0.6 ! default value call getin_p("albedo_perennialco2_north",albedo_perennialco2_ & north) albedo_perennialco2(1) = albedo_perennialco2_north write(*,*)"albedo_perennialco2(1) = ",albedo_perennialco2(1) write(*,*)"Albedo for perennial CO2 ice (southern hemisphere)?" albedo_perennialco2_south = 0.85 ! default value call getin_p("albedo_perennialco2_south",albedo_perennialco2_ & south) albedo_perennialco2(2) = albedo_perennialco2_south write(*,*)"albedo_perennialco2(2) = ",albedo_perennialco2(2) write(*,*)"Include water buoyancy effect??" include_waterbuoyancy=.false. call getin_p("include_waterbuoyancy",include_waterbuoyancy) write(*,*) "include_waterbuoyancy = ", include_waterbuoyancy if (include_waterbuoyancy.and.(.not.paleoclimate)) then print*,'You should not include the water buoyancy effect & on current climate (model not tunned with this effect' call abort_physic(modname, & "include_waterbuoyancy must be used with paleoclimate",1) endif ! TRACERS: ! dustbin write(*,*)"Transported dust ? (if >0, use 'dustbin' dust bins)" dustbin=0 ! default value call getin_p("dustbin",dustbin) write(*,*)" dustbin = ",dustbin ! active write(*,*)"Radiatively active dust ? (matters if dustbin>0)" active=.false. ! default value call getin_p("active",active) write(*,*)" active = ",active ! Test of incompatibility: ! if active is used, then dustbin should be > 0 if (active.and.( then print*,'if active is used, then dustbin should > 0' call abort_physic(modname, & "active option requires dustbin < 0",1) endif ! doubleq write(*,*)"use mass and number mixing ratios to predict", & " dust size ?" doubleq=.false. ! default value call getin_p("doubleq",doubleq) write(*,*)" doubleq = ",doubleq ! submicron submicron=.false. ! default value call getin_p("submicron",submicron) write(*,*)" submicron = ",submicron ! Test of incompatibility: ! if doubleq is used, then dustbin should be 2 if (doubleq.and.( then print*,'if doubleq is used, then dustbin should be 2' call abort_physic(modname, & "doubleq option requires dustbin = 2",1) endif if (doubleq.and.submicron.and.(nq.LT.3)) then print*,'If doubleq is used with a submicron tracer,' print*,' then the number of tracers has to be' print*,' larger than 3.' call abort_physic(modname, & "submicron option requires dustbin > 2",1) endif ! lifting write(*,*)"dust lifted by GCM surface winds ?" lifting=.false. ! default value call getin_p("lifting",lifting) write(*,*)" lifting = ",lifting ! Test of incompatibility: ! if lifting is used, then dustbin should be > 0 if (lifting.and.( then print*,'if lifting is used, then dustbin should > 0' call abort_physic(modname, & "lifting option requires dustbin > 0",1) endif ! dust injection scheme dustinjection=0 ! default: no injection scheme call getin_p("dustinjection",dustinjection) write(*,*)" dustinjection = ",dustinjection ! dust injection scheme coefficient coeff_injection=0.25 ! default value call getin_p("coeff_injection",coeff_injection) write(*,*)" coeff_in,jection = ",coeff_injection ! timing for dust injection ti_injection=0. ! default value tf_injection=24. ! default value call getin_p("ti_injection",ti_injection) write(*,*)" ti_injection = ",ti_injection call getin_p("tf_injection",tf_injection) write(*,*)" tf_injection = ",tf_injection ! free evolving dust ! freedust=true just says that there is no lifting and no dust opacity scaling. write(*,*)"dust lifted by GCM surface winds ?" freedust=.false. ! default value call getin_p("freedust",freedust) write(*,*)" freedust = ",freedust if (freedust.and..not.doubleq) then print*,'freedust should be used with doubleq !' call abort_physic(modname, & "freedust option requires doubleq",1) endif ! dust rescaling mode (if any) ! =0 --> freedust, tauscaling=1 ! =1 --> GCM5.3-like, tauscaling computed wrt tau_pref_scenario ! =2 --> tauscaling=1 but dust_rad_adjust (rescaling for the radiative transfer only) if (freedust) then dustscaling_mode=0 else dustscaling_mode=1 ! GCMv5.3 style endif call getin_p("dustscaling_mode",dustscaling_mode) write(*,*) "dustscaling_mode=",dustscaling_mode if ((dustscaling_mode.eq.1).and.freedust) then print*,'freedust and dustscaling_mode=1 are incompatible !' call abort_physic(modname, & "freedust and dustscaling_mode=1 are incompatible",1) endif #ifndef MESOSCALE ! this test is valid in GCM case ! ... not in mesoscale case, for we want to activate mesoscale lifting if (freedust.and.dustinjection.eq.0)then if(lifting) then print*,'if freedust is used and dustinjection = 0, & then lifting should not be used' call abort_physic(modname, & "freedust option with dustinjection = 0"// & " requires lifting to be false",1) endif endif #endif if (dustinjection.eq.1)then if(.not.lifting) then print*,"if dustinjection=1, then lifting should be true" call abort_physic(modname, & "dustinjection=1 requires lifting",1) endif if(.not.freedust) then print*,"if dustinjection=1, then freedust should be true" call abort_physic(modname, & "dustinjection=1 requires freedust",1) endif endif ! rocket dust storm and entrainment by top flows ! Test of incompatibility: ! if rdstorm or topflows is used, then doubleq should be true if ((rdstorm.or.topflows).and..not.doubleq) then print*,'if rdstorm or topflows is used, then doubleq & should be used !' call abort_physic(modname, & "rdstorm or topflows requires doubleq",1) endif if ((rdstorm.or.topflows) then print*,'if rdstorm or topflows is used, then active & should be used !' call abort_physic(modname, & "rdstorm or topflows requires active",1) endif if (rdstorm.and..not.lifting) then print*,'if rdstorm is used, then lifting & should be used !' call abort_physic(modname, & "rdstorm requires lifting",1) endif if ((rdstorm.or.topflows).and..not.freedust) then print*,'if rdstorm or topflows is used, then freedust & should be used !' call abort_physic(modname, & "rdstorm or topflows requires freedust",1) endif if (rdstorm.and.(dustinjection.eq.0)) then print*,'if rdstorm is used, then dustinjection & should be used !' call abort_physic(modname, & "rdstorm requires dustinjection",1) endif ! Dust IR opacity write(*,*)" Wavelength for infrared opacity of dust ?" write(*,*)" Choices are:" write(*,*)" tes --- > 9.3 microns [default]" write(*,*)" mcs --- > 21.6 microns" ! ! WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING ! ! BEFORE ADDING A NEW VALUE, BE SURE THAT THE ! CORRESPONDING WAVELENGTH IS IN THE LOOKUP TABLE, ! OR AT LEAST NO TO FAR, TO AVOID FALLACIOUS INTERPOLATIONS. ! dustiropacity="tes" !default value call getin_p("dustiropacity",dustiropacity) write(*,*)" dustiropacity = ",trim(dustiropacity) select case (trim(dustiropacity)) case ("tes") dustrefir = 9.3E-6 case ("mcs") dustrefir = 21.6E-6 case default write(*,*) trim(dustiropacity), & " is not a valid option for dustiropacity" call abort_physic(modname, & "invalid dustiropacity option value",1) end select ! Dust scenario IR to VIS conversion write(*,*)"Use an IR to VIS conversion coefficient" write(*,*)"for the dust scenario, that is dependent" write(*,*)"on the GCM dust effective radius," write(*,*)"instead of a fixed 2.6 coefficient ?" reff_driven_IRtoVIS_scenario=.false. !default value call getin_p("reff_driven_IRtoVIS_scenario", & reff_driven_IRtoVIS_scenario) write(*,*)" reff_driven_IRtoVIS_scenario = ", & reff_driven_IRtoVIS_scenario ! Test of incompatibility: ! if reff_driven_IRtoVIS_scenario=.true., ! dustrefir must be 9.3E-6 = scenarios' wavelength if (reff_driven_IRtoVIS_scenario .and. & ( then print*,'if reff_driven_IRtoVIS_scenario is used, then '// & 'the GCM IR reference wavelength should be the one '// & 'of the scenarios (dustiropacity=tes)' call abort_physic(modname, & "reff_driven_IRtoVIS_scenario requires tes wavelength",1) endif ! callddevil write(*,*)" dust lifted by dust devils ?" callddevil=.false. !default value call getin_p("callddevil",callddevil) write(*,*)" callddevil = ",callddevil ! Test of incompatibility: ! if dustdevil is used, then dustbin should be > 0 if (callddevil.and.( then print*,'if dustdevil is used, then dustbin should > 0' call abort_physic(modname, & "callddevil requires dustbin > 0",1) endif ! sedimentation write(*,*) "Gravitationnal sedimentation ?" sedimentation=.true. ! default value call getin_p("sedimentation",sedimentation) write(*,*) " sedimentation = ",sedimentation ! activice write(*,*) "Radiatively active transported atmospheric ", & "water ice ?" activice=.false. ! default value call getin_p("activice",activice) write(*,*) " activice = ",activice ! water write(*,*) "Compute water cycle ?" water=.false. ! default value call getin_p("water",water) write(*,*) " water = ",water ! hdo write(*,*) "Compute hdo cycle ?" hdo=.false. ! default value call getin_p("hdo",hdo) write(*,*) " hdo = ",hdo write(*,*) "Use fractionation for hdo?" hdofrac=.true. ! default value call getin_p("hdofrac",hdofrac) write(*,*) " hdofrac = ",hdofrac ! Activeco2ice write(*,*) "Radiatively active transported atmospheric ", & "Co2 ice ?" activeco2ice=.false. ! default value call getin_p("activeco2ice",activeco2ice) write(*,*) " activeco2ice = ",activeco2ice ! sub-grid cloud fraction: fixed write(*,*) "Fixed cloud fraction?" CLFfixval=1.0 ! default value call getin_p("CLFfixval",CLFfixval) write(*,*) "CLFfixval=",CLFfixval ! sub-grid cloud fraction: varying write(*,*) "Use partial nebulosity?" CLFvarying=.false. ! default value call getin_p("CLFvarying",CLFvarying) write(*,*)"CLFvarying=",CLFvarying !CO2 clouds scheme? write(*,*) "Compute CO2 clouds (implies microphysical scheme)?" co2clouds=.false. ! default value call getin_p("co2clouds",co2clouds) write(*,*) " co2clouds = ",co2clouds !Can water ice particles serve as CCN for CO2clouds write(*,*) "Use water ice as CO2 clouds CCN ?" co2useh2o=.false. ! default value call getin_p("co2useh2o",co2useh2o) write(*,*) " co2useh2o = ",co2useh2o !Do we allow a supply of meteoritic paricles to serve as CO2 ice CCN? write(*,*) "Supply meteoritic particle for CO2 clouds ?" meteo_flux=.false. !Default value call getin_p("meteo_flux",meteo_flux) write(*,*) " meteo_flux = ",meteo_flux !Do we allow a sub-grid temperature distribution for the CO2 microphysics write(*,*) "sub-grid temperature distribution for CO2 clouds?" CLFvaryingCO2=.false. !Default value call getin_p("CLFvaryingCO2",CLFvaryingCO2) write(*,*) " CLFvaryingCO2 = ",CLFvaryingCO2 !Amplitude of the sub-grid temperature distribution for the CO2 microphysics write(*,*) "sub-grid temperature amplitude for CO2 clouds?" spantCO2=0 !Default value call getin_p("spantCO2",spantCO2) write(*,*) " spantCO2 = ",spantCO2 !Do you want to filter the sub-grid T distribution by a Saturation index? write(*,*) "filter sub-grid temperature by Saturation index?" satindexco2=.true. call getin_p("satindexco2",satindexco2) write(*,*) " satindexco2 = ",satindexco2 ! thermal inertia feedback write(*,*) "Activate the thermal inertia feedback ?" surfaceice_tifeedback=.false. ! default value call getin_p("surfaceice_tifeedback",surfaceice_tifeedback) write(*,*) " surfaceice_tifeedback = ",surfaceice_tifeedback ! Test of incompatibility: if (surfaceice_tifeedback.and..not.water) then print*,'if surfaceice_tifeedback is used,' print*,'water should be used too' call abort_physic(modname, & "surfaceice_tifeedback requires water",1) endif if (surfaceice_tifeedback.and..not.callsoil) then print*,'if surfaceice_tifeedback is used,' print*,'callsoil should be used too' call abort_physic(modname, & "surfaceice_tifeedback requires callsoil",1) endif if (activice.and..not.water) then print*,'if activice is used, water should be used too' call abort_physic(modname, & "activeice requires water",1) endif if (hdo.and..not.water) then print*,'if hdo is used, water should be used too' call abort_physic(modname, & "hd2 requires tracer",1) endif if (activeco2ice.and..not.co2clouds) then print*,'if activeco2ice is used, co2clouds should be used too' call abort_physic(modname, & "activeco2ice requires co2clouds",1) endif ! water ice clouds effective variance distribution for sedimentaion write(*,*) "Sed effective variance for water ice clouds ?" nuice_sed=0.45 call getin_p("nuice_sed",nuice_sed) write(*,*) "water_param nueff Sedimentation:", nuice_sed write(*,*) "Sed effective variance for CO2 clouds ?" nuiceco2_sed=0.45 call getin_p("nuiceco2_sed",nuiceco2_sed) write(*,*) "CO2 nueff Sedimentation:", nuiceco2_sed write(*,*) "REF effective variance for CO2 clouds ?" nuiceco2_ref=0.45 call getin_p("nuiceco2_ref",nuiceco2_ref) write(*,*) "CO2 nueff Sedimentation:", nuiceco2_ref write(*,*) "REF effective variance for water clouds ?" nuice_ref=0.1 call getin_p("nuice_ref",nuice_ref) write(*,*) "H2O nueff Sedimentation:", nuice_ref ! ccn factor if no scavenging write(*,*) "water param CCN reduc. factor ?" ccn_factor = 4.5 call getin_p("ccn_factor",ccn_factor) write(*,*)" ccn_factor = ",ccn_factor write(*,*)"Careful: only used when microphys=F, otherwise" write(*,*)"the contact parameter is used instead;" ! microphys write(*,*)"Microphysical scheme for water-ice clouds?" microphys=.false. ! default value call getin_p("microphys",microphys) write(*,*)" microphys = ",microphys ! supersat write(*,*)"Allow super-saturation of water vapor?" supersat=.true. ! default value call getin_p("supersat",supersat) write(*,*)"supersat = ",supersat ! microphysical parameter contact write(*,*) "water contact parameter ?" mteta = 0.95 ! default value temp_dependent_m = .false. ! default value call getin_p("temp_dependent_m",temp_dependent_m) if (temp_dependent_m) then !(JN 2023) print*,'You have chosen a temperature-dependent water' print*,'contact parameter ! From Maattanen et al. 2014' else if (.not.temp_dependent_m) then print*,'Water contact parameter is constant' call getin_p("mteta",mteta) write(*,*) "mteta = ", mteta endif ! Adaptative timestep for cloud microphysics (JN 2023) write(*,*)"Adaptative timestep for cloud", & " microphysics ? (default is false)" cloud_adapt_ts=.false. ! default value call getin_p("cloud_adapt_ts",cloud_adapt_ts) write(*,*)"cloud_adapt_ts= ",cloud_adapt_ts ! Test of incompatibility: ! If you want the adaptative timestep, you should use the ! temperature dependent contact parameter (otherwise the ! global water cycle is nuts !) ! However one can use the temperature dependent contact parameter ! without the adaptative timestep (MCD6.1 configuration) if (cloud_adapt_ts.and..not.temp_dependent_m) then print*,'Water cycle v6 : if cloud_adapt_ts is used' print*,'then temp_dependent_m must be used!' print*,'Otherwise the water cycle is unrealistic.' call abort_physic(modname, & "cloud_adapt_ts requires temp_dependent_m",1) endif ! scavenging write(*,*)"Dust scavenging by H2O/CO2 snowfall ?" scavenging=.false. ! default value call getin_p("scavenging",scavenging) write(*,*)" scavenging = ",scavenging ! Test of incompatibility: ! if scavenging is used, then dustbin should be > 0 if ((microphys.and..not.doubleq).or. & (microphys.and..not.water)) then print*,'if microphys is used, then doubleq,' print*,'and water must be used!' call abort_physic(modname, & "microphys requires water and doubleq",1) endif if (microphys.and..not.scavenging) then print*,'' print*,'----------------WARNING-----------------' print*,'microphys is used without scavenging !!!' print*,'----------------WARNING-----------------' print*,'' endif if ((scavenging.and..not.microphys).or. & (scavenging.and.( print*,'if scavenging is used, then microphys' print*,'must be used!' call abort_physic(modname, & "scavenging requires microphys",1) endif ! Instantaneous scavenging by CO2 ! -> expected to be replaced by scavenging with microphysics (flag scavenging) one day write(*,*)"Dust scavenging by instantaneous CO2 snowfall ?" scavco2cond=.false. ! default value call getin_p("scavco2cond",scavco2cond) write(*,*)" scavco2cond = ",scavco2cond ! Test of incompatibility: ! if scavco2cond is used, then dustbin should be > 0 if (scavco2cond.and.( print*,'if scavco2cond is used, then dustbin should be > 0' call abort_physic(modname, & "scavco2cond requires dustbin > 0",1) endif ! if co2clouds is used, then there is no need for scavco2cond if (co2clouds.and.scavco2cond) then print*,'' print*,'----------------WARNING-----------------' print*,' microphys scavenging is used so ' print*,' no need for scavco2cond !!! ' print*,'----------------WARNING-----------------' print*,'' call abort_physic(modname, & "incompatible co2cloud and scavco2cond options",1) endif ! Test of incompatibility: write(*,*) "Permanent water caps at poles ?", & " .true. is RECOMMENDED" write(*,*) "(with .true., North cap is a source of water ", & "and South pole is a cold trap)" caps=.true. ! default value call getin_p("caps",caps) write(*,*) " caps = ",caps ! JN : now separated between albedo_h2o_cap and ! albedo_h2o_frost. Retrocompatible with old ! callphys.def with albedo_h2o_ice write(*,*) "water ice albedo ? Old settings use ", & "albedo_h2o_ice, new settings use ", & "albedo_h2o_cap and albedo_h2o_frost " albedo_h2o_cap=0.35 albedo_h2o_frost=0.35 call getin_p("albedo_h2o_ice",albedo_h2o_cap) albedo_h2o_frost=albedo_h2o_cap call getin_p("albedo_h2o_cap",albedo_h2o_cap) write(*,*) " albedo_h2o_cap = ",albedo_h2o_cap call getin_p("albedo_h2o_frost",albedo_h2o_frost) write(*,*) " albedo_h2o_frost = ",albedo_h2o_frost ! Northern polar cap albedo (JN 2021) write(*,*)"Watercaptag albedo is unchanged by water frost", & " deposition (default is false)" cst_cap_albedo=.false. ! default value call getin_p("cst_cap_albedo",cst_cap_albedo) write(*,*)"cst_cap_albedo = ",cst_cap_albedo ! Watercap evolution & refill (with discriminated albedos) (JN 2021) write(*,*)"Watercap is replenished by water frost", & " accumulation (default is false)" refill_watercap=.false. ! default value call getin_p("refill_watercap",refill_watercap) write(*,*)"refill_watercap= ",refill_watercap ! frost thickness threshold for refill_watercap (ice metamorphism) write(*,*) "frost thickness threshold for metamorphism ?", & "ie converted into watercap", & "only if refill_watercap is .true." frost_metam_threshold=0.05 ! (i.e 0.05 kg.m-2) call getin_p("frost_metam_threshold", & frost_metam_threshold) write(*,*) " frost_metam_threshold = ", & frost_metam_threshold ! inert_h2o_ice write(*,*) "water ice thermal inertia ?" inert_h2o_ice=2400 ! (J.m^-2.K^-1.s^-1/2) call getin_p("inert_h2o_ice",inert_h2o_ice) write(*,*) " inert_h2o_ice = ",inert_h2o_ice ! frost_albedo_threshold write(*,*) "frost thickness threshold for albedo ?" frost_albedo_threshold=0.005 ! 5.4 mic (i.e 0.005 kg.m-2) call getin_p("frost_albedo_threshold", & frost_albedo_threshold) write(*,*) " frost_albedo_threshold = ", & frost_albedo_threshold ! TMP: old_wsublimation_scheme write(*,*) "Old water sublimation scheme?" old_wsublimation_scheme = .true. call getin_p("old_wsublimation_scheme",old_wsublimation_scheme) write(*,*) "old_wsublimation_scheme",old_wsublimation_scheme ! call Titus crocus line -- DEFAULT IS NONE write(*,*) "Titus crocus line ?" tituscap=.false. ! default value call getin_p("tituscap",tituscap) write(*,*) "tituscap",tituscap ! Chemistry: write(*,*) "photochemistry: include chemical species" photochem=.false. ! default value call getin_p("photochem",photochem) write(*,*) " photochem = ",photochem write(*,*) "Compute chemistry (if photochem is .true.)", & "every ichemistry physics step (default: ichemistry=1)" ichemistry=1 call getin_p("ichemistry",ichemistry) write(*,*) " ichemistry = ",ichemistry ! SCATTERERS write(*,*) "how many scatterers?" naerkind=1 ! default value call getin_p("naerkind",naerkind) write(*,*)" naerkind = ",naerkind ! Test of incompatibility c Logical tests for radiatively active water-ice clouds: IF ( (activice.AND.(.NOT.water)).OR. & (activice.AND.(naerkind.LT.2)) ) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'If activice is TRUE, water has to be set' WRITE(*,*) 'to TRUE, and "naerkind" must be at least' WRITE(*,*) 'equal to 2.' call abort_physic(modname, & "radiatively active dust and water"// & " require naerkind > 1",1) ENDIF !------------------------------------------ !------------------------------------------ ! once naerkind is known allocate arrays ! -- we do it here and not in phys_var_init ! -- because we need to know naerkind first CALL ini_scatterers(ngrid,nlayer) !------------------------------------------ !------------------------------------------ c Please name the different scatterers here ---------------- name_iaer(1) = "dust_conrath" !! default choice is good old Conrath profile IF ( name_iaer(1) = "dust_doubleq" !! two-moment scheme if ( then ! trick to avoid problems compiling with 1 tracer ! and picky compilers who know name_iaer(2) is out of bounds j=2 IF (rdstorm.AND..NOT.activice.AND..NOT.topflows) then name_iaer(j) = "stormdust_doubleq" !! storm dust two-moment scheme j = j+1 END IF IF (rdstorm.AND.water.AND.activice.AND..NOT.topflows) then name_iaer(j) = "stormdust_doubleq" j = j+1 END IF IF (topflows.AND..NOT.activice.AND..NOT.rdstorm) then name_iaer(j) = "topdust_doubleq" !! storm dust two-moment scheme j = j+1 END IF IF (topflows.AND.water.AND.activice.AND..NOT.rdstorm) then name_iaer(j) = "topdust_doubleq" j = j+1 END IF IF (rdstorm.AND.topflows.AND..NOT.activice) THEN name_iaer(j) = "stormdust_doubleq" name_iaer(j+1) = "topdust_doubleq" j = j+2 ENDIF IF (rdstorm.AND.topflows.AND.water.AND.activice) THEN name_iaer(j) = "stormdust_doubleq" name_iaer(j+1) = "topdust_doubleq" j = j+2 ENDIF IF (water.AND.activice) then name_iaer(j) = "h2o_ice" !! radiatively-active clouds j = j+1 END IF IF (co2clouds.AND.activeco2ice) then name_iaer(j) = "co2_ice" !! radiatively-active co2 clouds j = j+1 ENDIF IF ( then name_iaer(j) = "dust_submicron" !! JBM experimental stuff j = j+1 ENDIF endif ! of if ( c ---------------------------------------------------------- ! Adsorption adsorption_soil = .false. ! default value call getin_p("adsorption_soil",adsorption_soil) if (adsorption_soil .and. (.not. water)) then write(*,*)"Adsorption can be run only if water = True" call abort_physic(modname, & "Adsorption must be used with water = true",1) endif choice_ads = 0 ! default value (no adsorption) if (adsorption_soil) choice_ads = 1 call getin_p("choice_ads",choice_ads) ads_const_D = .false. call getin_p("ads_const_D",ads_const_D) ads_massive_ice = .false. call getin_p("ads_massive_ice",ads_massive_ice) poreice_tifeedback = .false. call getin_p("poreice_tifeedback",poreice_tifeedback) write(*,*) 'poreice_tifeedback=',poreice_tifeedback if (poreice_tifeedback .and. (.not. adsorption_soil)) then write(*,*)"Pore ice TI feedback can be run only if & adsorption_soil = True" call abort_physic(modname, & "Pore ice TI feedback be used with adsorption_soil & = true",1) endif c ---------------------------------------------------------- ! THERMOSPHERE write(*,*) "call thermosphere ?" callthermos=.false. ! default value call getin_p("callthermos",callthermos) write(*,*) " callthermos = ",callthermos write(*,*) " water included without cycle ", & "(only if water=.false.)" thermoswater=.false. ! default value call getin_p("thermoswater",thermoswater) write(*,*) " thermoswater = ",thermoswater write(*,*) "call thermal conduction ?", & " (only if callthermos=.true.)" callconduct=.false. ! default value call getin_p("callconduct",callconduct) write(*,*) " callconduct = ",callconduct write(*,*) "call EUV heating ?", & " (only if callthermos=.true.)" calleuv=.false. ! default value call getin_p("calleuv",calleuv) write(*,*) " calleuv = ",calleuv write(*,*) "call molecular viscosity ?", & " (only if callthermos=.true.)" callmolvis=.false. ! default value call getin_p("callmolvis",callmolvis) write(*,*) " callmolvis = ",callmolvis write(*,*) "call molecular diffusion ?", & " (only if callthermos=.true.)" callmoldiff=.false. ! default value call getin_p("callmoldiff",callmoldiff) write(*,*) " callmoldiff = ",callmoldiff write(*,*) "call thermospheric photochemistry ?", & " (only if callthermos=.true.)" thermochem=.false. ! default value call getin_p("thermochem",thermochem) write(*,*) " thermochem = ",thermochem write(*,*) "Method to include solar variability" write(*,*) "0-> fixed value of E10.7 (fixed_euv_value); ", & "1-> daily evolution of E10.7 (for given solvaryear)" solvarmod=1 call getin_p("solvarmod",solvarmod) write(*,*) " solvarmod = ",solvarmod write(*,*) "Fixed euv (for solvarmod==0) 10.7 value?" write(*,*) " (min=80 , ave=140, max=320)" fixed_euv_value=140 ! default value call getin_p("fixed_euv_value",fixed_euv_value) write(*,*) " fixed_euv_value = ",fixed_euv_value write(*,*) "Solar variability as observed for MY: " write(*,*) "Only if solvarmod=1" solvaryear=24 call getin_p("solvaryear",solvaryear) write(*,*) " solvaryear = ",solvaryear write(*,*) "UV heating efficiency:", & "measured values between 0.19 and 0.23 (Fox et al. 1996)", & "lower values may be used to compensate low 15 um cooling" euveff=0.21 !default value call getin_p("euveff",euveff) write(*,*) " euveff = ", euveff if (.not.callthermos) then if (thermoswater) then print*,'if thermoswater is set, callthermos must be true' call abort_physic(modname, & "thermoswater requires callthermos",1) endif if (callconduct) then print*,'if callconduct is set, callthermos must be true' call abort_physic(modname, & "callconduct requires callthermos",1) endif if (calleuv) then print*,'if calleuv is set, callthermos must be true' call abort_physic(modname, & "calleuv requires callthermos",1) endif if (callmolvis) then print*,'if callmolvis is set, callthermos must be true' call abort_physic(modname, & "callmolvis requires callthermos",1) endif if (callmoldiff) then print*,'if callmoldiff is set, callthermos must be true' call abort_physic(modname, & "callmoldiff requires callthermos",1) endif if (thermochem) then print*,'if thermochem is set, callthermos must be true' call abort_physic(modname, & "thermochem requires callthermos",1) endif endif ! Test of incompatibility: ! if photochem is used, then water should be used too if (photochem.and..not.water) then print*,'if photochem is used, water should be used too' call abort_physic(modname, & "photochem requires water",1) endif ! if callthermos is used, then thermoswater should be used too ! (if water not used already) if (callthermos .and. .not.water) then if (callthermos .and. .not.thermoswater) then print*,'if callthermos is used, water or thermoswater & should be used too' call abort_physic(modname, & "callthermos requires water or thermoswater",1) endif endif PRINT*,'--------------------------------------------' PRINT* PRINT* ELSE write(*,*) write(*,*) 'Cannot read file callphys.def. Is it here ?' call abort_physic(modname, & "missing callphys.def file",1) ENDIF 8000 FORMAT(t5,a12,l8) 8001 FORMAT(t5,a12,i8) PRINT* PRINT*,'conf_phys: daysec',daysec PRINT* PRINT*,'conf_phys: The radiative transfer is computed:' PRINT*,' each ',iradia,' physical time-step' PRINT*,' or each ',iradia*dtphys,' seconds' PRINT* ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! Managing the Longwave radiative transfer ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! In most cases, the run just use the following values : ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ callemis=.true. ! ilwd=10*int(daysec/dtphys) ! bug before 22/10/01 ilwd=1 ilwn=1 !2 ilwb=1 !2 linear=.true. ncouche=3 alphan=0.4 semi=0 ! BUT people working hard on the LW may want to read them in 'radia.def' ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !$OMP MASTER OPEN(99,file='radia.def',status='old',form='formatted' . ,iostat=ierr) IF(ierr.EQ.0) THEN write(*,*) 'conf_phys: Reading radia.def !!!' READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,*) callemis WRITE(*,8000) ch1,callemis READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,*) iradia WRITE(*,8001) ch1,iradia READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,*) ilwd WRITE(*,8001) ch1,ilwd READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,*) ilwn WRITE(*,8001) ch1,ilwn READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,*) linear WRITE(*,8000) ch1,linear READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,*) ncouche WRITE(*,8001) ch1,ncouche READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,*) alphan WRITE(*,*) ch1,alphan READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,*) ilwb WRITE(*,8001) ch1,ilwb READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,'(l1)') callg2d WRITE(*,8000) ch1,callg2d READ(99,fmt='(a)') ch1 READ(99,*) semi WRITE(*,*) ch1,semi end if CLOSE(99) !$OMP END MASTER call bcast(ch1) call bcast(callemis) call bcast(iradia) call bcast(ilwd) call bcast(ilwn) call bcast(linear) call bcast(ncouche) call bcast(alphan) call bcast(ilwb) call bcast(callg2d) call bcast(semi) END SUBROUTINE conf_phys END MODULE conf_phys_mod