MODULE layering_mod !======================================================================= ! Purpose: Manage layered deposits in the PEM with a linked list data structure ! ! Author: JBC ! Date: 08/03/2024 !======================================================================= use glaciers_mod, only: rho_co2ice, rho_h2oice implicit none !---- Declarations ! Numerical parameter real, parameter :: eps = epsilon(1.), tol = 1.e2*eps integer :: nb_str_max logical :: layering_algo ! Physical parameters real, parameter :: d_dust = 5.78e-2 ! Tendency of dust [kg.m-2.y-1] real, parameter :: dry_lag_porosity = 0.5 ! Porosity of dust lag real, parameter :: dry_regolith_porosity = 0.45 ! Porosity of regolith real, parameter :: co2ice_porosity = 0.3 ! Porosity of CO2 ice real, parameter :: h2oice_porosity = 0.3 ! Porosity of H2O ice real, parameter :: rho_dust = 2500. ! Density of dust [kg.m-3] real, parameter :: rho_rock = 3200. ! Density of rock [kg.m-3] ! Lag layer parameters -> see Levrard et al. 2007 real, parameter :: hmin_lag = 0.5 ! Minimal height of the lag deposit to reduce the sblimation rate real, parameter :: fred_subl = 0.1 ! Reduction factor of sublimation rate ! Stratum = node of the linked list type :: stratum real :: thickness ! Layer thickness [m] real :: top_elevation ! Layer top_elevation (top height from the surface) [m] real :: co2ice_volfrac ! CO2 ice volumetric fraction real :: h2oice_volfrac ! H2O ice volumetric fraction real :: dust_volfrac ! Dust volumetric fraction real :: air_volfrac ! Air volumetric fraction inside pores type(stratum), pointer :: up => null() ! Upper stratum (next node) type(stratum), pointer :: down => null() ! Lower stratum (previous node) end type stratum ! Layering = linked list type layering integer :: nb_str = 0 ! Number of strata type(stratum), pointer :: bottom => null() ! First stratum (head of the list) type(stratum), pointer :: top => null() ! Last stratum (tail of the list) end type layering ! Array of pointers to "stratum" type ptrarray type(stratum), pointer :: p end type ptrarray !======================================================================= contains ! Procedures to manipulate the data structure: ! > print_stratum ! > add_stratum ! > insert_stratum ! > rm_stratum ! > get_stratum ! > ini_layering ! > del_layering ! > print_layering ! > get_nb_str_max ! > stratif2array ! > array2stratif ! > print_stratif ! Procedures for the algorithm to evolve the layering: ! > make_layering ! > subl_co2ice_layering ! > subl_h2oice_layering ! > lift_dust_lags !======================================================================= ! To display a stratum SUBROUTINE print_stratum(this) implicit none !---- Arguments type(stratum), intent(in) :: this !---- Code write(*,'(a20,es13.6)') 'Thickness : ', this%thickness write(*,'(a20,es13.6)') 'Top elevation : ', this%top_elevation write(*,'(a20,es13.6)') 'CO2 ice (m3/m3): ', this%co2ice_volfrac write(*,'(a20,es13.6)') 'H2O ice (m3/m3): ', this%h2oice_volfrac write(*,'(a20,es13.6)') 'Dust (m3/m3) : ', this%dust_volfrac write(*,'(a20,es13.6)') 'Air (m3/m3) : ', this%air_volfrac END SUBROUTINE print_stratum !======================================================================= ! To add a stratum to the top of a layering SUBROUTINE add_stratum(this,thickness,top_elevation,co2ice,h2oice,dust,air) implicit none !---- Arguments type(layering), intent(inout) :: this real, intent(in), optional :: thickness, top_elevation, co2ice, h2oice, dust, air !---- Local variables type(stratum), pointer :: str !---- Code ! Creation of the stratum allocate(str) nullify(str%up,str%down) str%thickness = 1. str%top_elevation = 1. str%co2ice_volfrac = 0. str%h2oice_volfrac = 0. str%dust_volfrac = 0. str%air_volfrac = 1. if (present(thickness)) str%thickness = thickness if (present(top_elevation)) str%top_elevation = top_elevation if (present(co2ice)) str%co2ice_volfrac = co2ice if (present(h2oice)) str%h2oice_volfrac = h2oice if (present(dust)) str%dust_volfrac = dust if (present(air)) str%air_volfrac = air ! Verification of volume fraction if (abs(1. - (str%co2ice_volfrac + str%h2oice_volfrac + str%dust_volfrac + str%air_volfrac)) > tol) & error stop 'add_stratum: properties for the new stratum are not possible (sum of volumetric fraction /= 1)!' ! Increment the number of strata this%nb_str = this%nb_str + 1 ! Add the stratum to the layering if (.not. associated(this%bottom)) then ! If it is the very first one this%bottom => str this%top => str else str%down => this%top this%top%up => str this%top => str endif END SUBROUTINE add_stratum !======================================================================= ! To insert a stratum after another one in a layering SUBROUTINE insert_stratum(this,str_prev,thickness,top_elevation,co2ice,h2oice,dust,air) implicit none !---- Arguments type(layering), intent(inout) :: this type(stratum), pointer, intent(inout) :: str_prev real, intent(in), optional :: thickness, top_elevation, co2ice, h2oice, dust, air !---- Local variables type(stratum), pointer :: str, current !---- Code if (.not. associated(str_prev%up)) then ! If str_prev is the top stratum of the layering call add_stratum(this,thickness,top_elevation,co2ice,h2oice,dust,air) else ! Creation of the stratum allocate(str) nullify(str%up,str%down) str%thickness = 1. str%top_elevation = 1. str%co2ice_volfrac = 0. str%h2oice_volfrac = 0. str%dust_volfrac = 0. str%air_volfrac = 1. if (present(thickness)) str%thickness = thickness if (present(top_elevation)) str%top_elevation = top_elevation if (present(co2ice)) str%co2ice_volfrac = co2ice if (present(h2oice)) str%h2oice_volfrac = h2oice if (present(dust)) str%dust_volfrac = dust if (present(air)) str%air_volfrac = air ! Verification of volume fraction if (abs(1. - (str%co2ice_volfrac + str%h2oice_volfrac + str%dust_volfrac + str%air_volfrac)) > tol) & error stop 'insert_stratum: properties for the new stratum are not possible (sum of volumetric fraction /= 1)!' ! Increment the number of strata this%nb_str = this%nb_str + 1 ! Insert the stratum into the layering at the right place str%down => str_prev str%up => str_prev%up str_prev%up => str str%up%down => str ! Correct the value of top_elevation for the upper strata current => str%up do while (associated(current)) current%top_elevation = current%down%top_elevation + current%thickness current => current%up enddo endif END SUBROUTINE insert_stratum !======================================================================= ! To remove a stratum in a layering SUBROUTINE rm_stratum(this,str) implicit none !---- Arguments type(layering), intent(inout) :: this type(stratum), pointer, intent(inout) :: str !---- Local variables type(stratum), pointer :: new_str !---- Code ! Protect the 3 sub-surface strata from removing if (str%top_elevation <= 0.) return ! Decrement the number of strata this%nb_str = this%nb_str - 1 ! Remove the stratum from the layering str%down%up => str%up if (associated(str%up)) then ! If it is not the last one at the top of the layering str%up%down => str%down else this%top => str%down endif new_str => str%down nullify(str%up,str%down) deallocate(str) nullify(str) str => new_str END SUBROUTINE rm_stratum !======================================================================= ! To get a specific stratum in a layering FUNCTION get_stratum(lay,i) RESULT(str) implicit none !---- Arguments type(layering), intent(in) :: lay integer, intent(in) :: i type(stratum), pointer :: str !---- Local variables integer :: k !---- Code if (i < 1 .or. i > lay%nb_str) error stop 'get_stratum: requested number is beyond the number of strata of the layering!' k = 1 str => lay%bottom do while (k /= i) str => str%up k = k + 1 enddo END FUNCTION get_stratum !======================================================================= ! To initialize the layering SUBROUTINE ini_layering(this) implicit none !---- Arguments type(layering), intent(inout) :: this !---- Code ! Creation of three strata at the bottom of the layering ! 1) Dry porous deep regolith !call add_stratum(this,18.,-12.,0.,0.,dry_regolith_porosity,1. - dry_regolith_porosity) ! 2) Ice-cemented regolith (ice table) !call add_stratum(this,10.,-2.,0.,1. - dry_regolith_porosity,dry_regolith_porosity,0.) ! 3) Dry porous regolith call add_stratum(this,2.,0.,0.,0.,dry_regolith_porosity,1. - dry_regolith_porosity) END SUBROUTINE ini_layering !======================================================================= ! To delete the entire layering SUBROUTINE del_layering(this) implicit none !---- Arguments type(layering), intent(inout) :: this !---- Local variables type(stratum), pointer :: current, next !---- Code current => this%bottom do while (associated(current)) next => current%up deallocate(current) nullify(current) current => next enddo this%nb_str = 0 END SUBROUTINE del_layering !======================================================================= ! To display a layering SUBROUTINE print_layering(this) implicit none !---- Arguments type(layering), intent(in) :: this !---- Local variables type(stratum), pointer :: current integer :: i !---- Code current => this%top i = this%nb_str do while (associated(current)) write(*,'(a8,i4)') 'Stratum ', i call print_stratum(current) write(*,*) current => current%down i = i - 1 enddo END SUBROUTINE print_layering !======================================================================= ! To get the maximum number of "stratum" in the stratification (layerings) FUNCTION get_nb_str_max(stratif,ngrid,nslope) RESULT(nb_str_max) implicit none !---- Arguments type(layering), dimension(ngrid,nslope), intent(in) :: stratif integer, intent(in) :: ngrid, nslope integer :: nb_str_max !---- Local variables integer :: ig, islope !---- Code nb_str_max = 0 do islope = 1,nslope do ig = 1,ngrid nb_str_max = max(stratif(ig,islope)%nb_str,nb_str_max) enddo enddo END FUNCTION get_nb_str_max !======================================================================= ! To convert the stratification data structure (layerings) into an array able to be outputted SUBROUTINE stratif2array(stratif,ngrid,nslope,stratif_array) implicit none !---- Arguments integer, intent(in) :: ngrid, nslope type(layering), dimension(ngrid,nslope), intent(in) :: stratif real, dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable, intent(inout) :: stratif_array !---- Local variables type(stratum), pointer :: current integer :: ig, islope, k !---- Code stratif_array = 0. do islope = 1,nslope do ig = 1,ngrid current => stratif(ig,islope)%bottom k = 1 do while (associated(current)) stratif_array(ig,islope,k,1) = current%thickness stratif_array(ig,islope,k,2) = current%top_elevation stratif_array(ig,islope,k,3) = current%co2ice_volfrac stratif_array(ig,islope,k,4) = current%h2oice_volfrac stratif_array(ig,islope,k,5) = current%dust_volfrac stratif_array(ig,islope,k,6) = current%air_volfrac current => current%up k = k + 1 enddo enddo enddo END SUBROUTINE stratif2array !======================================================================= ! To convert the stratification array into the stratification data structure (layerings) SUBROUTINE array2stratif(stratif_array,ngrid,nslope,stratif) implicit none !---- Arguments integer, intent(in) :: ngrid, nslope real, dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable, intent(in) :: stratif_array type(layering), dimension(ngrid,nslope), intent(inout) :: stratif !---- Local variables integer :: ig, islope, k !---- Code do islope = 1,nslope do ig = 1,ngrid stratif(ig,islope)%bottom%thickness = stratif_array(ig,islope,1,1) stratif(ig,islope)%bottom%top_elevation = stratif_array(ig,islope,1,2) stratif(ig,islope)%bottom%co2ice_volfrac = stratif_array(ig,islope,1,3) stratif(ig,islope)%bottom%h2oice_volfrac = stratif_array(ig,islope,1,4) stratif(ig,islope)%bottom%dust_volfrac = stratif_array(ig,islope,1,5) stratif(ig,islope)%bottom%air_volfrac = stratif_array(ig,islope,1,6) do k = 2,size(stratif_array,3) if (all(abs(stratif_array(ig,islope,k,:)) < eps)) exit call add_stratum(stratif(ig,islope),stratif_array(ig,islope,k,1),stratif_array(ig,islope,k,2),stratif_array(ig,islope,k,3),stratif_array(ig,islope,k,4),stratif_array(ig,islope,k,5),stratif_array(ig,islope,k,6)) enddo enddo enddo END SUBROUTINE array2stratif !======================================================================= ! To display a stratification (layerings) SUBROUTINE print_stratif(this,ngrid,nslope) implicit none !---- Arguments integer, intent(in) :: ngrid, nslope type(layering), dimension(ngrid,nslope), intent(in) :: this !---- Local variables integer :: ig, islope !---- Code do ig = 1,ngrid write(*,'(a10,i4)') 'Grid cell ', ig do islope = 1,nslope write(*,'(a13,i1)') 'Slope number ', islope call print_layering(this(ig,islope)) write(*,*) '~~~~~~~~~~' enddo write(*,*) '--------------------' enddo END SUBROUTINE print_stratif !======================================================================= ! Layering algorithm SUBROUTINE make_layering(this,d_co2ice,d_h2oice,d_dust,new_str,zshift_surf,new_lag1,new_lag2,zlag,stopPEM,current1,current2) implicit none !---- Arguments ! Inputs real, intent(in) :: d_co2ice, d_h2oice, d_dust ! Outputs type(layering), intent(inout) :: this type(stratum), pointer, intent(inout) :: current1, current2 logical, intent(inout) :: new_str, new_lag1, new_lag2 integer, intent(inout) :: stopPEM real, intent(out) :: zshift_surf, zlag !---- Local variables real :: dh_co2ice, dh_h2oice, dh_dust real :: h_co2ice_old, h_h2oice_old, h_dust_old real :: thickness, h2subl, h2subl_tot, h2lift, h2lift_tot real :: h_toplag type(stratum), pointer :: currentloc !---- Code dh_co2ice = d_co2ice/rho_co2ice dh_h2oice = d_h2oice/rho_h2oice dh_dust = d_dust/rho_dust zshift_surf = 0. zlag = 0. if (dh_dust < 0.) then ! Dust lifting only if (abs(dh_co2ice) > eps .or. abs(dh_h2oice) > eps) error stop 'Situation not managed: dust lifting + CO2/H2O ice condensation/sublimation!' write(*,'(a)') ' Stratification -> Dust lifting' h2lift_tot = abs(dh_dust) do while (h2lift_tot > 0. .and. associated(current1)) ! Is the considered stratum a dust lag? if (abs(1. - (current1%dust_volfrac + current1%air_volfrac)) < tol) then ! Yes, we can lift dust h_dust_old = current1%dust_volfrac*current1%thickness ! How much dust can be lifted in the considered dust lag? if (h2lift_tot - h_dust_old <= eps) then ! There is enough to lift h2lift = h2lift_tot h2lift_tot = 0. call lift_dust_lags(this,current1,h2lift) else ! Only a fraction can be lifted and so we move to the underlying stratum h2lift = h_dust_old h2lift_tot = h2lift_tot - h2lift call lift_dust_lags(this,current1,h2lift) current1 => current1%down endif else ! No, we stop write(*,'(a)') ' Stratification -> Dust lifting: no dust lag!' stopPEM = 8 exit endif enddo if (h2lift_tot > 0.) then write(*,'(a)') ' Stratification -> Not enough dust in the lag layers to complete the lifting!' stopPEM = 8 endif zshift_surf = dh_dust + h2lift_tot else !------ Dust sedimentation only if (abs(dh_co2ice) < eps .and. abs(dh_h2oice) < eps) then write(*,'(a)') ' Stratification -> Dust sedimentation' ! New stratum at the layering top by sedimentation of dust thickness = dh_dust/(1. - dry_regolith_porosity) if (thickness > 0.) then ! Only if the stratum is building up if (new_str) then call add_stratum(this,thickness,this%top%top_elevation + thickness,0.,0.,dh_dust/thickness,dry_regolith_porosity) new_str = .false. else this%top%thickness = this%top%thickness + thickness this%top%top_elevation = this%top%top_elevation + thickness endif endif zshift_surf = thickness !------ Condensation of CO2 ice + H2O ice else if ((dh_co2ice >= 0. .and. dh_h2oice > 0.) .or. (dh_co2ice > 0. .and. dh_h2oice >= 0.)) then write(*,'(a)') ' Stratification -> CO2 and H2O ice condensation' ! New stratum at the layering top by condensation of CO2 and H2O ice thickness = dh_co2ice/(1. - co2ice_porosity) + dh_h2oice/(1. - h2oice_porosity) + dh_dust if (thickness > 0.) then ! Only if the stratum is building up if (new_str) then call add_stratum(this,thickness,this%top%top_elevation + thickness,dh_co2ice/thickness,dh_h2oice/thickness,dh_dust/thickness,1. - (dh_co2ice/thickness + dh_h2oice/thickness + dh_dust/thickness)) new_str = .false. else this%top%thickness = this%top%thickness + thickness this%top%top_elevation = this%top%top_elevation + thickness endif endif zshift_surf = thickness !------ Sublimation of CO2 ice + Condensation of H2O ice else if (dh_co2ice < 0. .and. dh_h2oice > 0.) then write(*,'(a)') ' Stratification -> Sublimation of CO2 ice + Condensation of H2O ice' ! CO2 ice sublimation in the considered stratum + New stratum for dust lag h2subl_tot = abs(dh_co2ice) do while (h2subl_tot > 0. .and. associated(current1)) h_co2ice_old = current1%co2ice_volfrac*current1%thickness h_h2oice_old = current1%h2oice_volfrac*current1%thickness h_dust_old = current1%dust_volfrac*current1%thickness ! How much is CO2 ice sublimation inhibited by the top dust lag? h_toplag = 0. if (associated(current1%up)) then ! If there is an upper stratum currentloc => current1%up do while (abs(1. - (currentloc%dust_volfrac + currentloc%air_volfrac)) < tol) h_toplag = h_toplag + currentloc%thickness if (.not. associated(currentloc%up)) exit currentloc => currentloc%up enddo endif h2subl_tot = h2subl_tot*fred_subl**(h_toplag/hmin_lag) ! How much CO2 ice can sublimate in the considered stratum? if (h2subl_tot - h_co2ice_old <= eps) then ! There is enough to sublimate h2subl = h2subl_tot h2subl_tot = 0. call subl_co2ice_layering(this,current1,h2subl,h_co2ice_old,h_h2oice_old,h_dust_old,zshift_surf,new_lag1,zlag) else if (h_co2ice_old < eps) then ! There is nothing to sublimate ! Is the considered stratum a dust lag? if (abs(1. - (current1%dust_volfrac + current1%air_volfrac)) < tol) then ! Yes, we move to the underlying stratum current1 => current1%down new_lag1 = .true. else ! No, so we stop here exit endif else ! Only a fraction can sublimate and so we move to the underlying stratum h2subl = h_co2ice_old h2subl_tot = h2subl_tot - h2subl call subl_co2ice_layering(this,current1,h2subl,h_co2ice_old,h_h2oice_old,h_dust_old,zshift_surf,new_lag1,zlag) current1 => current1%down new_lag1 = .true. endif enddo if (h2subl_tot > 0.) then write(*,'(a)') ' Stratification -> Not enough CO2 ice in the layering to complete the sublimation!' stopPEM = 8 endif ! New stratum at the layering top by condensation of H2O ice thickness = dh_h2oice/(1. - h2oice_porosity) + dh_dust if (thickness > 0.) then ! Only if the stratum is building up if (new_str) then call add_stratum(this,thickness,this%top%top_elevation + thickness,0.,dh_h2oice/thickness,dh_dust/thickness,1. - (dh_h2oice/thickness + dh_dust/thickness)) new_str = .false. else this%top%thickness = this%top%thickness + thickness this%top%top_elevation = this%top%top_elevation + thickness endif endif zshift_surf = zshift_surf + thickness !------ Sublimation of CO2 ice + H2O ice else if ((dh_co2ice <= 0. .and. dh_h2oice < 0.) .or. (dh_co2ice < 0. .and. dh_h2oice <= 0.)) then write(*,'(a)') ' Stratification -> Sublimation of CO2 and H2O ice' ! CO2 ice sublimation in the considered stratum + New stratum for dust lag h2subl_tot = abs(dh_co2ice) do while (h2subl_tot > 0. .and. associated(current1)) h_co2ice_old = current1%co2ice_volfrac*current1%thickness h_h2oice_old = current1%h2oice_volfrac*current1%thickness h_dust_old = current1%dust_volfrac*current1%thickness ! How much is CO2 ice sublimation inhibited by the top dust lag? h_toplag = 0. if (associated(current1%up)) then ! If there is an upper stratum currentloc => current1%up do while (abs(1. - (currentloc%dust_volfrac + currentloc%air_volfrac)) < tol) h_toplag = h_toplag + currentloc%thickness if (.not. associated(currentloc%up)) exit currentloc => currentloc%up enddo endif h2subl_tot = h2subl_tot*fred_subl**(h_toplag/hmin_lag) ! How much CO2 ice can sublimate in the considered stratum? if (h2subl_tot - h_co2ice_old <= eps) then ! There is enough to sublimate h2subl = h2subl_tot h2subl_tot = 0. call subl_co2ice_layering(this,current1,h2subl,h_co2ice_old,h_h2oice_old,h_dust_old,zshift_surf,new_lag1,zlag) else if (h_co2ice_old < eps) then ! There is nothing to sublimate ! Is the considered stratum a dust lag? if (abs(1. - (current1%dust_volfrac + current1%air_volfrac)) < tol) then ! Yes, we move to the underlying stratum current1 => current1%down new_lag1 = .true. else ! No, so we stop here exit endif else ! Only a fraction can sublimate and so we move to the underlying stratum h2subl = h_co2ice_old h2subl_tot = h2subl_tot - h2subl call subl_co2ice_layering(this,current1,h2subl,h_co2ice_old,h_h2oice_old,h_dust_old,zshift_surf,new_lag1,zlag) current1 => current1%down new_lag1 = .true. endif enddo if (h2subl_tot > 0.) then write(*,'(a)') ' Stratification -> Not enough CO2 ice in the layering to complete the sublimation!' stopPEM = 8 endif ! H2O ice sublimation in the considered stratum + New stratum for dust lag h2subl_tot = abs(dh_h2oice) do while (h2subl_tot > 0. .and. associated(current2)) h_co2ice_old = current2%co2ice_volfrac*current2%thickness h_h2oice_old = current2%h2oice_volfrac*current2%thickness h_dust_old = current2%dust_volfrac*current2%thickness ! How much is H2O ice sublimation inhibited by the top dust lag? h_toplag = 0. if (associated(current2%up)) then ! If there is an upper stratum currentloc => current2%up do while (abs(1. - (currentloc%dust_volfrac + currentloc%air_volfrac)) < tol) h_toplag = h_toplag + currentloc%thickness if (.not. associated(currentloc%up)) exit currentloc => currentloc%up enddo endif h2subl_tot = h2subl_tot*fred_subl**(h_toplag/hmin_lag) ! How much H2O ice can sublimate in the considered stratum? if (h2subl_tot - h_h2oice_old <= eps) then ! There is enough to sublimate h2subl = h2subl_tot h2subl_tot = 0. call subl_h2oice_layering(this,current2,h2subl,h_co2ice_old,h_h2oice_old,h_dust_old,zshift_surf,new_lag2,zlag) else if (h_h2oice_old < eps) then ! There is nothing to sublimate ! Is the considered stratum a dust lag? if (abs(1. - (current1%dust_volfrac + current1%air_volfrac)) < tol) then ! Yes, we move to the underlying stratum current1 => current1%down new_lag1 = .true. else ! No, so we stop here exit endif else ! Only a fraction can sublimate and so we move to the underlying stratum h2subl = h_h2oice_old h2subl_tot = h2subl_tot - h2subl call subl_h2oice_layering(this,current2,h2subl,h_co2ice_old,h_h2oice_old,h_dust_old,zshift_surf,new_lag2,zlag) current2 => current2%down new_lag2 = .true. endif enddo if (h2subl_tot > 0.) then write(*,'(a)') ' Stratification -> Not enough H2O ice in the layering to complete the sublimation!' stopPEM = 8 endif !------ Condensation of CO2 ice + Sublimation of H2O ice else if (dh_co2ice > 0. .and. dh_h2oice < 0.) then error stop 'Impossible situation: CO2 ice condensation + H2O ice sublimation!' endif endif END SUBROUTINE make_layering !======================================================================= ! To sublimate CO2 ice in the layering SUBROUTINE subl_co2ice_layering(this,str,h2subl,h_co2ice_old,h_h2oice_old,h_dust_old,zshift_surf,new_lag,zlag) implicit none !---- Arguments type(layering), intent(inout) :: this type(stratum), pointer, intent(inout) :: str logical, intent(inout) :: new_lag real, intent(inout) :: zshift_surf, zlag real, intent(in) :: h2subl, h_co2ice_old, h_h2oice_old, h_dust_old !---- Local variables real :: r_subl, hsubl_dust, h_lag type(stratum), pointer :: current !---- Code ! How much dust does CO2 ice sublimation involve to create the lag? r_subl = h2subl/(1. - co2ice_porosity) & /(str%thickness*(str%co2ice_volfrac/(1. - co2ice_porosity) + str%h2oice_volfrac/(1. - h2oice_porosity))) hsubl_dust = r_subl*str%dust_volfrac*str%thickness str%thickness = str%thickness - h2subl/(1. - co2ice_porosity) - hsubl_dust zshift_surf = zshift_surf - h2subl/(1. - co2ice_porosity) - hsubl_dust if (str%thickness < tol) then ! Remove the sublimating stratum if there is no ice anymore call rm_stratum(this,str) else ! Update of properties in the sublimating stratum str%top_elevation = str%top_elevation - h2subl/(1. - co2ice_porosity) - hsubl_dust str%co2ice_volfrac = (h_co2ice_old - h2subl)/str%thickness str%h2oice_volfrac = h_h2oice_old/str%thickness str%dust_volfrac = (h_dust_old - hsubl_dust)/str%thickness str%air_volfrac = 1. - (str%co2ice_volfrac + str%h2oice_volfrac + str%dust_volfrac) ! Correct the value of top_elevation for the upper strata current => str%up do while (associated(current)) current%top_elevation = current%down%top_elevation + current%thickness current => current%up enddo endif ! New stratum = dust lag h_lag = hsubl_dust/(1. - dry_lag_porosity) if (h_lag > 0.) then ! Only if the dust lag is building up if (new_lag) then call insert_stratum(this,str,h_lag,str%top_elevation + h_lag,0.,0.,1. - dry_lag_porosity,dry_lag_porosity) new_lag = .false. else str%up%thickness = str%up%thickness + h_lag str%up%top_elevation = str%up%top_elevation + h_lag endif endif zlag = zlag + h_lag END SUBROUTINE subl_co2ice_layering !======================================================================= ! To sublimate H2O ice in the layering SUBROUTINE subl_h2oice_layering(this,str,h2subl,h_co2ice_old,h_h2oice_old,h_dust_old,zshift_surf,new_lag,zlag) implicit none !---- Arguments type(layering), intent(inout) :: this type(stratum), pointer, intent(inout) :: str logical, intent(inout) :: new_lag real, intent(inout) :: zshift_surf, zlag real, intent(in) :: h2subl, h_co2ice_old, h_h2oice_old, h_dust_old !---- Local variables real :: r_subl, hsubl_dust, h_lag type(stratum), pointer :: current !---- Code ! How much dust does CO2 ice sublimation involve to create the lag? r_subl = h2subl/(1. - h2oice_porosity) & /(str%thickness*(str%co2ice_volfrac/(1. - co2ice_porosity) + str%h2oice_volfrac/(1. - h2oice_porosity))) hsubl_dust = r_subl*str%dust_volfrac*str%thickness str%thickness = str%thickness - h2subl/(1. - h2oice_porosity) - hsubl_dust zshift_surf = zshift_surf - h2subl/(1. - h2oice_porosity) - hsubl_dust if (str%thickness < tol) then ! Remove the sublimating stratum if there is no ice anymore call rm_stratum(this,str) else ! Update of properties in the sublimating stratum str%top_elevation = str%top_elevation - h2subl/(1. - h2oice_porosity) - hsubl_dust str%co2ice_volfrac = h_co2ice_old/str%thickness str%h2oice_volfrac = (h_h2oice_old - h2subl)/str%thickness str%dust_volfrac = (h_dust_old - hsubl_dust)/str%thickness str%air_volfrac = 1. - (str%co2ice_volfrac + str%h2oice_volfrac + str%dust_volfrac) ! Correct the value of top_elevation for the upper strata current => str%up do while (associated(current)) current%top_elevation = current%down%top_elevation + current%thickness current => current%up enddo endif ! New stratum = dust lag h_lag = hsubl_dust/(1. - dry_lag_porosity) if (h_lag > 0.) then ! Only if the dust lag is building up if (new_lag) then call insert_stratum(this,str,h_lag,str%top_elevation + h_lag,0.,0.,1. - dry_lag_porosity,dry_lag_porosity) new_lag = .false. else str%up%thickness = str%up%thickness + h_lag str%up%top_elevation = str%up%top_elevation + h_lag endif endif zlag = zlag + h_lag END SUBROUTINE subl_h2oice_layering !======================================================================= ! To lift dust in the layering SUBROUTINE lift_dust_lags(this,str,h2lift) implicit none !---- Arguments type(layering), intent(inout) :: this type(stratum), pointer, intent(inout) :: str real, intent(in) :: h2lift !---- Code ! Update of properties in the eroding dust lag str%thickness = str%thickness - h2lift/(1. - str%air_volfrac) str%top_elevation = str%top_elevation - h2lift/(1. - str%air_volfrac) ! Remove the eroding dust lag if there is no dust anymore if (str%thickness < tol) call rm_stratum(this,str) END SUBROUTINE lift_dust_lags END MODULE layering_mod