! Copyright (c) Université de Reims Champagnne-Ardenne (2010-2015) ! Contributor: Jérémie Burgalat (jeremie.burgalat@univ-reims.fr) ! ! This software is a computer program whose purpose is to compute multi-variate ! linear interpolation. ! ! This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and ! abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, ! modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B ! license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL ! "http://www.cecill.info". ! ! As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, ! modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only ! with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the ! economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited ! liability. ! ! In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated ! with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the ! software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, ! that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also ! therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced ! professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore ! encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their ! requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or ! data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the ! same conditions as regards security. ! ! The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had ! knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. !! File: lint_dset.F90 !! Summary: Linear interpolation generic interfaces !! Author: J. Burgalat !! Date: 2010-2014 MODULE LINT_DSET !! Generic linear interpolation using simple [[datasets(module)]] USE LINT_PREC USE LINT_CORE USE LINT_DATASETS IMPLICIT NONE PUBLIC :: lintdset, hdcd_lint_dset, & dset1d, dset2d, dset3d, dset4d, dset5d, & read_dset, clear_dset, is_in PRIVATE !> Interface to multi-variate linear interpolation using data set !! !! For __n__, the number of variables, user must provide: !! !! - __n__ scalar(s)/vector(s) with the coordinate(s) of the point(s) to !! interpolate. !! - A single __n__-D data set with the tabulated function. !! - A function, satisfying the [[lintcore(module):locate(interface)]] interface, that !! should locate the neighbourhood of the point to interpolate in the given data !! set. !! - Either a scalar or vector which stores the interpolated values. !! !! This interface also provides vectorized version of the linear !! interpolation. In this case, input coordinates should be vector of the same !! size as well as the output argument. INTERFACE lintdset MODULE PROCEDURE l1d_dset_sc, l2d_dset_sc, l3d_dset_sc, l4d_dset_sc, & l5d_dset_sc MODULE PROCEDURE l1d_dset_ve, l2d_dset_ve, l3d_dset_ve, l4d_dset_ve, & l5d_dset_ve END INTERFACE !> Interface to multi-variate hard-coded linear interpolation using data set !! !! Same remarks as in [[lint_dset(module):lintdset(interface)]] apply here. INTERFACE hdcd_lint_dset MODULE PROCEDURE hdcdl1d_dset_sc, hdcdl2d_dset_sc, hdcdl3d_dset_sc, & hdcdl4d_dset_sc, hdcdl5d_dset_sc MODULE PROCEDURE hdcdl1d_dset_ve, hdcdl2d_dset_ve, hdcdl3d_dset_ve, & hdcdl4d_dset_ve, hdcdl5d_dset_ve END INTERFACE CONTAINS FUNCTION l1d_dset_sc(x,set,locator,res) RESULT(ret) !! Wrapper interface for 1D linear interpolation (scalar) !! !! @warning !! On error, __res__ output value is undefined. REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in) :: x !! X coordinate of the point to interpolate TYPE(dset1d), INTENT(in) :: set !! Dataset with the tabulated function REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(out) :: res !! Interpolated value PROCEDURE(locate) :: locator !! Locator function LOGICAL :: ret !! .true. on success, .false. otherwise REAL(kind=wp), DIMENSION(2,2) :: g1d INTEGER :: i,ix ret = .false. res = HUGE(res) ix = locator(x,set%x) ; IF (ix == 0) RETURN DO i=0,1 g1d(i+1,1) = set%x(ix+i) g1d(i+1,2) = set%data(ix+i) ENDDO res = lintc_((/x/),g1d) ret = .true. END FUNCTION l1d_dset_sc FUNCTION l2d_dset_sc(x,y,set,locator,res) RESULT(ret) !! Wrapper interface for 2D linear interpolation (scalar) !! !! @warning !! On error, __res__ output value is undefined. REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in) :: x !! X coordinate of the point to interpolate REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in) :: y !! Y coordinate of the point to interpolate TYPE(dset2d), INTENT(in) :: set !! Dataset with the tabulated function REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(out) :: res !! Interpolated value PROCEDURE(locate) :: locator !! Locator function LOGICAL :: ret !! .true. on success, .false. otherwise REAL(kind=wp), DIMENSION(4,3) :: g2d INTEGER :: i,ix0,iy0,a,b ret = .false. res = HUGE(res) ix0 = locator(x,set%x) ; IF (ix0 == 0) RETURN iy0 = locator(y,set%y) ; IF (iy0 == 0) RETURN DO i=1,4 a=ix0+MOD((i-1),2) ; g2d(i,1) = set%x(a) b=iy0+MOD((i-1)/2,2) ; g2d(i,2) = set%y(b) g2d(i,3) = set%data(a,b) ENDDO res = lintc_((/x,y/),g2d) ret = .true. END FUNCTION l2d_dset_sc FUNCTION l3d_dset_sc(x,y,z,set,locator,res) RESULT(ret) !! Wrapper interface for 3D linear interpolation (scalar) !! !! @warning !! On error, __res__ output value is undefined. REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in) :: x !! X coordinate of the point to interpolate REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in) :: y !! Y coordinate of the point to interpolate REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in) :: z !! Z coordinate of the point to interpolate TYPE(dset3d), INTENT(in) :: set !! Dataset with the tabulated function REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(out) :: res !! Interpolated value PROCEDURE(locate) :: locator !! Locator function LOGICAL :: ret !! .true. on success, .false. otherwise REAL(kind=wp), DIMENSION(8,4) :: g3d INTEGER :: i,ix0,iy0,iz0,a,b,c ret = .false. res = HUGE(res) ix0 = locator(x,set%x) ; IF (ix0 == 0) RETURN iy0 = locator(y,set%y) ; IF (iy0 == 0) RETURN iz0 = locator(z,set%z) ; IF (iz0 == 0) RETURN DO i=1,8 a=ix0+MOD((i-1),2) ; g3d(i,1) = set%x(a) b=iy0+MOD((i-1)/2,2) ; g3d(i,2) = set%y(b) c=iz0+MOD((i-1)/4,2) ; g3d(i,3) = set%z(c) g3d(i,4) = set%data(a,b,c) ENDDO res = lintc_((/x,y,z/),g3d) ret = .true. END FUNCTION l3d_dset_sc FUNCTION l4d_dset_sc(x,y,z,t,set,locator,res) RESULT(ret) !! Wrapper interface for 4D linear interpolation (scalar) !! !! @warning !! On error, __res__ output value is undefined. REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in) :: x !! X coordinate of the point to interpolate REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in) :: y !! Y coordinate of the point to interpolate REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in) :: z !! Z coordinate of the point to interpolate REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in) :: t !! T coordinate of the point to interpolate TYPE(dset4d), INTENT(in) :: set !! Dataset with the tabulated function REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(out) :: res !! Interpolated value PROCEDURE(locate) :: locator !! Locator function LOGICAL :: ret !! .true. on success, .false. otherwise REAL(kind=wp), DIMENSION(16,5) :: g4d INTEGER :: i,ix0,iy0,iz0,it0,a,b,c,d ret = .false. res = HUGE(res) ix0 = locator(x,set%x) ; IF (ix0 == 0) RETURN iy0 = locator(y,set%y) ; IF (iy0 == 0) RETURN iz0 = locator(z,set%z) ; IF (iz0 == 0) RETURN it0 = locator(t,set%t) ; IF (it0 == 0) RETURN DO i=1,16 a=ix0+MOD((i-1),2) ; g4d(i,1) = set%x(a) b=iy0+MOD((i-1)/2,2) ; g4d(i,2) = set%y(b) c=iz0+MOD((i-1)/4,2) ; g4d(i,3) = set%z(c) d=it0+MOD((i-1)/8,2) ; g4d(i,4) = set%t(d) g4d(i,5) = set%data(a,b,c,d) ENDDO res = lintc_((/x,y,z,t/),g4d) ret = .true. END FUNCTION l4d_dset_sc FUNCTION l5d_dset_sc(x,y,z,t,w,set,locator,res) RESULT(ret) !! Wrapper interface for 5D linear interpolation (scalar) !! !! @warning !! On error, __res__ output value is undefined. REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in) :: x !! X coordinate of the point to interpolate REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in) :: y !! Y coordinate of the point to interpolate REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in) :: z !! Z coordinate of the point to interpolate REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in) :: t !! T coordinate of the point to interpolate REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in) :: w !! W coordinate of the point to interpolate TYPE(dset5d), INTENT(in) :: set !! Dataset with the tabulated function REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(out) :: res !! Interpolated value PROCEDURE(locate) :: locator !! Locator function LOGICAL :: ret !! .true. on success, .false. otherwise REAL(kind=wp), DIMENSION(32,6) :: g5d INTEGER :: i,ix0,iy0,iz0,it0,iw0,a,b,c,d,e ret = .false. res = HUGE(res) ix0 = locator(x,set%x) ; IF (ix0 == 0) RETURN iy0 = locator(y,set%y) ; IF (iy0 == 0) RETURN iz0 = locator(z,set%z) ; IF (iz0 == 0) RETURN it0 = locator(t,set%t) ; IF (it0 == 0) RETURN iw0 = locator(w,set%w) ; IF (iw0 == 0) RETURN DO i=1,32 a=ix0+MOD((i-1),2) ; g5d(i,1) = set%x(a) b=iy0+MOD((i-1)/2,2) ; g5d(i,2) = set%y(b) c=iz0+MOD((i-1)/4,2) ; g5d(i,3) = set%z(c) d=it0+MOD((i-1)/8,2) ; g5d(i,4) = set%t(d) e=iw0+MOD((i-1)/16,2) ; g5d(i,5) = set%w(e) g5d(i,6) = set%data(a,b,c,d,e) ENDDO res = lintc_((/x,y,z,t,w/),g5d) ret = .true. END FUNCTION l5d_dset_sc FUNCTION l1d_dset_ve(x,set,locator,res) RESULT(ret) !! Wrapper interface for 1D linear interpolation (vector) !! !! @warning !! On error, __res__ output vector is undefined (i.e. not allocated). REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: x !! X coordinate of the points to interpolate TYPE(dset1d), INTENT(in) :: set !! Dataset with the tabulated function REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(out), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: res !! Interpolated values PROCEDURE(locate) :: locator !! Locator function LOGICAL :: ret !! .true. on success, .false. otherwise REAL(kind=wp), DIMENSION(2,2) :: g1d INTEGER :: nv,i,j,ix0 ret = .false. nv = SIZE(x) ; ALLOCATE(res(nv)) DO j=1,nv ix0 = locator(x(j),set%x) IF (ix0 == 0) THEN DEALLOCATE(res) ; RETURN ENDIF DO i=0,1 g1d(i+1,1) = set%x(ix0+i) g1d(i+1,2) = set%data(ix0+i) ENDDO res(j) = lintc_((/x(j)/),g1d) ENDDO ret = .true. END FUNCTION l1d_dset_ve FUNCTION l2d_dset_ve(x,y,set,locator,res) RESULT(ret) !! Wrapper interface for 2D linear interpolation (vector) !! !! @warning !! On error, __res__ output vector is undefined (i.e. not allocated). REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: x !! X coordinate of the points to interpolate REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: y !! Y coordinate of the points to interpolate TYPE(dset2d), INTENT(in) :: set !! Dataset with the tabulated function REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(out), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: res !! Interpolated values PROCEDURE(locate) :: locator !! Locator function LOGICAL :: ret !! .true. on success, .false. otherwise REAL(kind=wp), DIMENSION(4,3) :: g2d INTEGER :: nv,i,j,ix0,iy0,a,b ret = .false. nv = SIZE(x) ; ALLOCATE(res(nv)) DO j=1,nv ix0 = locator(x(j),set%x) iy0 = locator(y(j),set%y) IF (ix0 == 0 .OR. iy0 == 0) THEN DEALLOCATE(res) ; RETURN ENDIF DO i=1,4 a=ix0+MOD((i-1),2) ; g2d(i,1) = set%x(a) b=iy0+MOD((i-1)/2,2) ; g2d(i,2) = set%y(b) g2d(i,3) = set%data(a,b) ENDDO res(j) = lintc_((/x(j),y(j)/),g2d) ENDDO ret = .true. END FUNCTION l2d_dset_ve FUNCTION l3d_dset_ve(x,y,z,set,locator,res) RESULT(ret) !! Wrapper interface for 3D linear interpolation (vector) !! !! @warning !! On error, __res__ output vector is undefined (i.e. not allocated). REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: x !! X coordinate of the points to interpolate REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: y !! Y coordinate of the points to interpolate REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: z !! Z coordinate of the points to interpolate TYPE(dset3d), INTENT(in) :: set !! Dataset with the tabulated function REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(out), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: res !! Interpolated values PROCEDURE(locate) :: locator !! Locator function LOGICAL :: ret !! .true. on success, .false. otherwise REAL(kind=wp), DIMENSION(8,4) :: g3d INTEGER :: nv,i,j,ix0,iy0,iz0,a,b,c ret = .false. nv = SIZE(x) ; ALLOCATE(res(nv)) DO j=1,nv ix0 = locator(x(j),set%x) iy0 = locator(y(j),set%y) iz0 = locator(z(j),set%z) IF (ix0==0 .OR. iy0==0 .OR. iz0==0) THEN DEALLOCATE(res) ; RETURN ENDIF DO i=1,8 a=ix0+MOD((i-1),2) ; g3d(i,1) = set%x(a) b=iy0+MOD((i-1)/2,2) ; g3d(i,2) = set%y(b) c=iz0+MOD((i-1)/4,2) ; g3d(i,3) = set%z(c) g3d(i,4) = set%data(a,b,c) ENDDO res(j) = lintc_((/x(j),y(j),z(j)/),g3d) ENDDO ret = .true. END FUNCTION l3d_dset_ve FUNCTION l4d_dset_ve(x,y,z,t,set,locator,res) RESULT(ret) !! Wrapper interface for 4D linear interpolation (vector) !! !! @warning !! On error, __res__ output vector is undefined (i.e. not allocated). REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: x !! X coordinate of the points to interpolate REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: y !! Y coordinate of the points to interpolate REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: z !! Z coordinate of the points to interpolate REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: t !! T coordinate of the points to interpolate TYPE(dset4d), INTENT(in) :: set !! Dataset with the tabulated function REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(out), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: res !! Interpolated values PROCEDURE(locate) :: locator !! Locator function LOGICAL :: ret !! .true. on success, .false. otherwise REAL(kind=wp), DIMENSION(16,5) :: g4d INTEGER :: nv,i,j,ix0,iy0,iz0,it0,a,b,c,d ret = .false. nv = SIZE(x) ; ALLOCATE(res(nv)) DO j=1,nv ix0 = locator(x(j),set%x) iy0 = locator(y(j),set%y) iz0 = locator(z(j),set%z) it0 = locator(t(j),set%t) IF (ix0==0 .OR. iy0==0 .OR. iz0==0 .OR. it0==0) THEN DEALLOCATE(res) ; RETURN ENDIF DO i=1,16 a=ix0+MOD((i-1),2) ; g4d(i,1) = set%x(a) b=iy0+MOD((i-1)/2,2) ; g4d(i,2) = set%y(b) c=iz0+MOD((i-1)/4,2) ; g4d(i,3) = set%z(c) d=it0+MOD((i-1)/8,2) ; g4d(i,4) = set%t(d) g4d(i,5) = set%data(a,b,c,d) ENDDO res(j) = lintc_((/x(j),y(j),z(j),t(j)/),g4d) ENDDO ret = .true. END FUNCTION l4d_dset_ve FUNCTION l5d_dset_ve(x,y,z,t,w,set,locator,res) RESULT(ret) !! Wrapper interface for 5D linear interpolation (vector) !! !! @warning !! On error, __res__ output vector is undefined (i.e. not allocated). REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: x !! X coordinate of the points to interpolate REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: y !! Y coordinate of the points to interpolate REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: z !! Z coordinate of the points to interpolate REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: t !! T coordinate of the points to interpolate REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: w !! W coordinate of the points to interpolate TYPE(dset5d), INTENT(in) :: set !! Dataset with the tabulated function REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(out), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: res !! Interpolated values PROCEDURE(locate) :: locator !! Locator function LOGICAL :: ret !! .true. on success, .false. otherwise REAL(kind=wp), DIMENSION(32,6) :: g5d INTEGER :: nv,i,j,ix0,iy0,iz0,it0,iw0,a,b,c,d,e ret = .false. nv = SIZE(x) ; ALLOCATE(res(nv)) DO j=1,nv ix0 = locator(x(j),set%x) iy0 = locator(y(j),set%y) iz0 = locator(z(j),set%z) it0 = locator(t(j),set%t) iw0 = locator(w(j),set%w) IF (ix0==0 .OR. iy0==0 .OR. iz0==0 .OR. it0==0 .OR. iw0==0) THEN DEALLOCATE(res) ; RETURN ENDIF DO i=1,32 a=ix0+MOD((i-1),2) ; g5d(i,1) = set%x(a) b=iy0+MOD((i-1)/2,2) ; g5d(i,2) = set%y(b) c=iz0+MOD((i-1)/4,2) ; g5d(i,3) = set%z(c) d=it0+MOD((i-1)/8,2) ; g5d(i,4) = set%t(d) e=iw0+MOD((i-1)/16,2) ; g5d(i,5) = set%w(e) g5d(i,6) = set%data(a,b,c,d,e) ENDDO res(j) = lintc_((/x(j),y(j),z(j),t(j),w(j)/),g5d) ENDDO ret = .true. END FUNCTION l5d_dset_ve !--------------------! ! HARD CODED VERSION ! !--------------------! FUNCTION hdcdl1d_dset_sc(x,set, locator,res) RESULT(ret) !! Hard-coded for 1D linear interpolation (scalar) !! !! @warning !! On error, __res__ output value is undefined. REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in) :: x !! X coordinate of the point to interpolate TYPE(dset1d), INTENT(in) :: set !! Dataset with the tabulated function REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(out) :: res !! Interpolated value PROCEDURE(locate) :: locator !! Locator function LOGICAL :: ret !! .true. on success, .false. otherwise REAL(kind=wp) :: xd INTEGER :: ix0,ix1 ret = .false. res = HUGE(res) ix0 = locator(x,set%x) ; IF (ix0 == 0) RETURN ix1 = ix0+1 xd = (x-set%x(ix0))/(set%x(ix1)-set%x(ix0)) res = set%data(ix0)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1)*xd ret = .true. END FUNCTION hdcdl1d_dset_sc FUNCTION hdcdl2d_dset_sc(x,y,set,locator,res) RESULT(ret) !! Hard-coded for 2D linear interpolation (scalar) !! !! @warning !! On error, __res__ output value is undefined. REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in) :: x !! X coordinate of the point to interpolate REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in) :: y !! Y coordinate of the point to interpolate TYPE(dset2d), INTENT(in) :: set !! Dataset with the tabulated function REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(out) :: res !! Interpolated value PROCEDURE(locate) :: locator !! Locator function LOGICAL :: ret !! .true. on success, .false. otherwise REAL(kind=wp) :: xd,yd REAL(kind=wp) :: f0,f1 INTEGER :: ix0,iy0,ix1,iy1 ret = .false. res = HUGE(res) ix0 = locator(x,set%x) ; IF (ix0 == 0) RETURN iy0 = locator(y,set%y) ; IF (iy0 == 0) RETURN ix1 = ix0 + 1 ; iy1 = iy0 + 1 xd = (x-set%x(ix0))/(set%x(ix1)-set%x(ix0)) yd = (y-set%y(iy0))/(set%y(iy1)-set%y(iy0)) f0 = set%data(ix0,iy0)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy0)*xd f1 = set%data(ix0,iy1)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy1)*xd res = f0*(1d0-yd)+f1*yd ret = .true. END FUNCTION hdcdl2d_dset_sc FUNCTION hdcdl3d_dset_sc(x,y,z,set,locator,res) RESULT(ret) !! Hard-coded for 3D linear interpolation (scalar) !! !! @warning !! On error, __res__ output value is undefined. REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in) :: x !! X coordinate of the point to interpolate REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in) :: y !! Y coordinate of the point to interpolate REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in) :: z !! Z coordinate of the point to interpolate TYPE(dset3d), INTENT(in) :: set !! Dataset with the tabulated function REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(out) :: res !! Interpolated value PROCEDURE(locate) :: locator !! Locator function LOGICAL :: ret !! .true. on success, .false. otherwise REAL(kind=wp) :: xd,yd,zd REAL(kind=wp) :: f00,f10,f01,f11,f0,f1 INTEGER :: ix0,iy0,iz0,ix1,iy1,iz1 ret = .false. res = HUGE(res) ix0 = locator(x,set%x) ; IF (ix0 == 0) RETURN iy0 = locator(y,set%y) ; IF (iy0 == 0) RETURN iz0 = locator(z,set%z) ; IF (iz0 == 0) RETURN ix1=ix0+1 ; iy1=iy0+1 ; iz1=iz0+1 xd = (x-set%x(ix0))/(set%x(ix1)-set%x(ix0)) yd = (y-set%y(iy0))/(set%y(iy1)-set%y(iy0)) zd = (z-set%z(iz0))/(set%z(iz1)-set%z(iz0)) f00 = set%data(ix0,iy0,iz0)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy0,iz0)*xd f10 = set%data(ix0,iy1,iz0)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy1,iz0)*xd f01 = set%data(ix0,iy0,iz1)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy0,iz1)*xd f11 = set%data(ix0,iy1,iz1)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy1,iz1)*xd f0 = f00 *(1d0-yd)+f10*yd f1 = f00 *(1d0-yd)+f10*yd res = f0*(1d0-zd)+f1*zd ret = .true. END FUNCTION hdcdl3d_dset_sc FUNCTION hdcdl4d_dset_sc(x,y,z,t,set,locator,res) RESULT(ret) !! Hard-coded for 4D linear interpolation (scalar) !! !! @warning !! On error, __res__ output value is undefined. REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in) :: x !! X coordinate of the point to interpolate REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in) :: y !! Y coordinate of the point to interpolate REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in) :: z !! Z coordinate of the point to interpolate REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in) :: t !! T coordinate of the point to interpolate TYPE(dset4d), INTENT(in) :: set !! Dataset with the tabulated function REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(out) :: res !! Interpolated value PROCEDURE(locate) :: locator !! Locator function LOGICAL :: ret !! .true. on success, .false. otherwise REAL(kind=wp) :: xd,yd,zd,td REAL(kind=wp) :: f000,f100,f010,f110,f001,f101,f011,f111, & f00,f10,f01,f11,f0,f1 INTEGER :: ix0,iy0,iz0,it0,ix1,iy1,iz1,it1 ret = .false. res = HUGE(res) ix0 = locator(x,set%x) ; IF (ix0 == 0) RETURN iy0 = locator(y,set%y) ; IF (iy0 == 0) RETURN iz0 = locator(z,set%z) ; IF (iz0 == 0) RETURN it0 = locator(t,set%t) ; IF (it0 == 0) RETURN ix1=ix0+1 ; iy1=iy0+1 ; iz1=iz0+1 ; it1=it0+1 xd = (x-set%x(ix0))/(set%x(ix1)-set%x(ix0)) yd = (y-set%y(iy0))/(set%y(iy1)-set%y(iy0)) zd = (z-set%z(iz0))/(set%z(iz1)-set%z(iz0)) td = (t-set%t(it0))/(set%t(it1)-set%t(it0)) f000 = set%data(ix0,iy0,iz0,it0)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy0,iz0,it0)*xd f100 = set%data(ix0,iy1,iz0,it0)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy1,iz0,it0)*xd f010 = set%data(ix0,iy0,iz1,it0)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy0,iz1,it0)*xd f110 = set%data(ix0,iy1,iz1,it0)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy1,iz1,it0)*xd f001 = set%data(ix0,iy0,iz0,it1)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy0,iz0,it1)*xd f101 = set%data(ix0,iy1,iz0,it1)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy1,iz0,it1)*xd f011 = set%data(ix0,iy0,iz1,it1)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy0,iz1,it1)*xd f111 = set%data(ix0,iy1,iz1,it1)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy1,iz1,it1)*xd f00 = f000*(1d0-yd)+f100*yd f10 = f010*(1d0-yd)+f110*yd f01 = f001*(1d0-yd)+f101*yd f11 = f011*(1d0-yd)+f111*yd f0 = f00 *(1d0-zd)+f10*zd f1 = f01 *(1d0-zd)+f11*zd res = f0*(1d0-td)+f1*td ret = .true. END FUNCTION hdcdl4d_dset_sc FUNCTION hdcdl5d_dset_sc(x,y,z,t,w,set,locator,res) RESULT(ret) !! Hard-coded for 5D linear interpolation (scalar) !! !! @warning !! On error, __res__ output value is undefined. REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in) :: x !! X coordinate of the point to interpolate REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in) :: y !! Y coordinate of the point to interpolate REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in) :: z !! Z coordinate of the point to interpolate REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in) :: t !! T coordinate of the point to interpolate REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in) :: w !! W coordinate of the point to interpolate TYPE(dset5d), INTENT(in) :: set !! Dataset with the tabulated function REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(out) :: res !! Interpolated value PROCEDURE(locate) :: locator !! Locator function LOGICAL :: ret !! .true. on success, .false. otherwise REAL(kind=wp) :: xd,yd,zd,td,wd REAL(kind=wp) :: f0000,f1000,f0100,f1100,f0010,f1010,f0110,f1110, & f0001,f1001,f0101,f1101,f0011,f1011,f0111,f1111, & f000,f100,f010,f110,f001,f101,f011,f111, & f00,f10,f01,f11,f0,f1 INTEGER :: ix0,iy0,iz0,it0,iw0,ix1,iy1,iz1,it1,iw1 ret = .false. res = HUGE(res) ix0 = locator(x,set%x) ; IF (ix0 == 0) RETURN iy0 = locator(y,set%y) ; IF (iy0 == 0) RETURN iz0 = locator(z,set%z) ; IF (iz0 == 0) RETURN it0 = locator(t,set%t) ; IF (it0 == 0) RETURN iw0 = locator(w,set%w) ; IF (iw0 == 0) RETURN ix1=ix0+1 ; iy1=iy0+1 ; iz1=iz0+1 xd = (x-set%x(ix0))/(set%x(ix1)-set%x(ix0)) yd = (y-set%y(iy0))/(set%y(iy1)-set%y(iy0)) zd = (z-set%z(iz0))/(set%z(iz1)-set%z(iz0)) td = (t-set%t(it0))/(set%t(it1)-set%t(it0)) wd = (w-set%w(it0))/(set%w(it1)-set%w(it0)) f0000 = set%data(ix0,iy0,iz0,it0,iw0)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy0,iz0,it0,iw0)*xd f1000 = set%data(ix0,iy1,iz0,it0,iw0)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix0,iy1,iz0,it0,iw0)*xd f0100 = set%data(ix0,iy0,iz1,it0,iw0)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy0,iz1,it0,iw0)*xd f1100 = set%data(ix0,iy1,iz1,it0,iw0)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy1,iz1,it0,iw0)*xd f0010 = set%data(ix0,iy0,iz0,it1,iw0)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy0,iz0,it1,iw0)*xd f1010 = set%data(ix0,iy1,iz0,it1,iw0)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy1,iz0,it1,iw0)*xd f0110 = set%data(ix0,iy0,iz1,it1,iw0)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy0,iz1,it1,iw0)*xd f1110 = set%data(ix0,iy1,iz1,it1,iw0)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy1,iz1,it1,iw0)*xd f0001 = set%data(ix0,iy0,iz0,it0,iw1)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy0,iz0,it0,iw1)*xd f1001 = set%data(ix0,iy1,iz0,it0,iw1)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix0,iy1,iz0,it0,iw1)*xd f0101 = set%data(ix0,iy0,iz1,it0,iw1)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy0,iz1,it0,iw1)*xd f1101 = set%data(ix0,iy1,iz1,it0,iw1)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy1,iz1,it0,iw1)*xd f0011 = set%data(ix0,iy0,iz0,it1,iw1)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy0,iz0,it1,iw1)*xd f1011 = set%data(ix0,iy1,iz0,it1,iw1)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy1,iz0,it1,iw1)*xd f0111 = set%data(ix0,iy0,iz1,it1,iw1)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy0,iz1,it1,iw1)*xd f1111 = set%data(ix0,iy1,iz1,it1,iw1)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy1,iz1,it1,iw1)*xd f000 = f0000*(1d0-yd) + f1000*yd f100 = f0100*(1d0-yd) + f1100*yd f010 = f0010*(1d0-yd) + f1010*yd f110 = f0110*(1d0-yd) + f1110*yd f101 = f0101*(1d0-yd) + f1101*yd f011 = f0011*(1d0-yd) + f1011*yd f111 = f0111*(1d0-yd) + f1111*yd f00 = f000*(1d0-zd)+f100*zd f10 = f010*(1d0-zd)+f110*zd f01 = f001*(1d0-zd)+f101*zd f11 = f011*(1d0-zd)+f111*zd f0 = f00 *(1d0-td)+f10*td f1 = f01 *(1d0-td)+f11*td res = f0*(1d0-wd)+f1*wd ret = .true. END FUNCTION hdcdl5d_dset_sc FUNCTION hdcdl1d_dset_ve(x,set,locator,res) RESULT(ret) !! Hard-coded for 1D linear interpolation (vector) !! !! @warning !! On error, __res__ output vector is undefined (i.e. not allocated). REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: x !! X coordinate of the points to interpolate TYPE(dset1d), INTENT(in) :: set !! Dataset with the tabulated function REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(out), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: res !! Interpolated values PROCEDURE(locate) :: locator !! Locator function LOGICAL :: ret !! .true. on success, .false. otherwise REAL(kind=wp) :: xd INTEGER :: nv,j,ix0,ix1 ret = .false. nv = SIZE(x) ; ALLOCATE(res(nv)) DO j=1,nv ix0 = locator(x(j),set%x) IF (ix0==0) THEN DEALLOCATE(res) ; RETURN ENDIF ix1 = ix0+1 xd = (x(j)-set%x(ix0))/(set%x(ix1)-set%x(ix0)) res(j) = set%data(ix0)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1)*xd ENDDO ret = .true. END FUNCTION hdcdl1d_dset_ve FUNCTION hdcdl2d_dset_ve(x,y,set,locator,res) RESULT(ret) !! Hard-coded for 2D linear interpolation (vector) !! !! @warning !! On error, __res__ output vector is undefined (i.e. not allocated). REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: x !! X coordinate of the points to interpolate REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: y !! Y coordinate of the points to interpolate TYPE(dset2d), INTENT(in) :: set !! Dataset with the tabulated function REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(out), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: res !! Interpolated values PROCEDURE(locate) :: locator !! Locator function LOGICAL :: ret !! .true. on success, .false. otherwise REAL(kind=wp) :: xd,yd REAL(kind=wp) :: f0,f1 INTEGER :: nv,j,ix0,iy0,ix1,iy1 ret = .false. nv = SIZE(x) ; ALLOCATE(res(nv)) DO j=1,nv ix0 = locator(x(j),set%x) iy0 = locator(y(j),set%y) IF (ix0==0 .OR. iy0==0) THEN DEALLOCATE(res) ; RETURN ENDIF ix1 = ix0 + 1 ; iy1 = iy0 + 1 xd = (x(j)-set%x(ix0))/(set%x(ix1)-set%x(ix0)) yd = (y(j)-set%y(iy0))/(set%y(iy1)-set%y(iy0)) f0 = set%data(ix0,iy0)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy0)*xd f1 = set%data(ix0,iy1)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy1)*xd res(j) = f0*(1d0-yd)+f1*yd ENDDO ret = .true. END FUNCTION hdcdl2d_dset_ve FUNCTION hdcdl3d_dset_ve(x,y,z,set,locator,res) RESULT(ret) !! Hard-coded for 3D linear interpolation (vector) !! !! @warning !! On error, __res__ output vector is undefined (i.e. not allocated). REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: x !! X coordinate of the points to interpolate REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: y !! Y coordinate of the points to interpolate REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: z !! Z coordinate of the points to interpolate TYPE(dset3d), INTENT(in) :: set !! Dataset with the tabulated function REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(out), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: res !! Interpolated values PROCEDURE(locate) :: locator !! Locator function LOGICAL :: ret !! .true. on success, .false. otherwise REAL(kind=wp) :: xd,yd,zd REAL(kind=wp) :: f00,f10,f01,f11,f0,f1 INTEGER :: nv,j,ix0,iy0,iz0,ix1,iy1,iz1 ret = .false. nv = SIZE(x) ; ALLOCATE(res(nv)) DO j=1,nv ix0 = locator(x(j),set%x) iy0 = locator(y(j),set%y) iz0 = locator(z(j),set%z) IF (ix0==0 .OR. iy0==0 .OR. iz0==0) THEN DEALLOCATE(res) ; RETURN ENDIF ix1=ix0+1 ; iy1=iy0+1 ; iz1=iz0+1 xd = (x(j)-set%x(ix0))/(set%x(ix1)-set%x(ix0)) yd = (y(j)-set%y(iy0))/(set%y(iy1)-set%y(iy0)) zd = (z(j)-set%z(iz0))/(set%z(iz1)-set%z(iz0)) f00 = set%data(ix0,iy0,iz0)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy0,iz0)*xd f10 = set%data(ix0,iy1,iz0)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy1,iz0)*xd f01 = set%data(ix0,iy0,iz1)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy0,iz1)*xd f11 = set%data(ix0,iy1,iz1)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy1,iz1)*xd f0 = f00 *(1d0-yd)+f10*yd f1 = f00 *(1d0-yd)+f10*yd res(j) = f0*(1d0-zd)+f1*zd ENDDO ret = .true. END FUNCTION hdcdl3d_dset_ve FUNCTION hdcdl4d_dset_ve(x,y,z,t,set,locator,res) RESULT(ret) !! Hard-coded for 4D linear interpolation (vector) !! !! @warning !! On error, __res__ output vector is undefined (i.e. not allocated). REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: x !! X coordinate of the points to interpolate REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: y !! Y coordinate of the points to interpolate REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: z !! Z coordinate of the points to interpolate REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: t !! T coordinate of the points to interpolate TYPE(dset4d), INTENT(in) :: set !! Dataset with the tabulated function REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(out), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: res !! Interpolated values PROCEDURE(locate) :: locator !! Locator function LOGICAL :: ret !! .true. on success, .false. otherwise REAL(kind=wp) :: xd,yd,zd,td REAL(kind=wp) :: f000,f100,f010,f110,f001,f101,f011,f111, & f00,f10,f01,f11,f0,f1 INTEGER :: nv,j,ix0,iy0,iz0,it0,ix1,iy1,iz1,it1 ret = .false. nv = SIZE(x) ; ALLOCATE(res(nv)) DO j=1,nv ix0 = locator(x(j),set%x) iy0 = locator(y(j),set%y) iz0 = locator(z(j),set%z) it0 = locator(t(j),set%t) IF (ix0==0 .OR. iy0==0 .OR. iz0==0 .OR. it0==0) THEN DEALLOCATE(res) ; RETURN ENDIF ix1=ix0+1 ; iy1=iy0+1 ; iz1=iz0+1 ; it1=it0+1 xd = (x(j)-set%x(ix0))/(set%x(ix1)-set%x(ix0)) yd = (y(j)-set%y(iy0))/(set%y(iy1)-set%y(iy0)) zd = (z(j)-set%z(iz0))/(set%z(iz1)-set%z(iz0)) td = (t(j)-set%t(it0))/(set%t(it1)-set%t(it0)) f000 = set%data(ix0,iy0,iz0,it0)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy0,iz0,it0)*xd f100 = set%data(ix0,iy1,iz0,it0)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy1,iz0,it0)*xd f010 = set%data(ix0,iy0,iz1,it0)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy0,iz1,it0)*xd f110 = set%data(ix0,iy1,iz1,it0)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy1,iz1,it0)*xd f001 = set%data(ix0,iy0,iz0,it1)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy0,iz0,it1)*xd f101 = set%data(ix0,iy1,iz0,it1)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy1,iz0,it1)*xd f011 = set%data(ix0,iy0,iz1,it1)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy0,iz1,it1)*xd f111 = set%data(ix0,iy1,iz1,it1)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy1,iz1,it1)*xd f00 = f000*(1d0-yd)+f100*yd f10 = f010*(1d0-yd)+f110*yd f01 = f001*(1d0-yd)+f101*yd f11 = f011*(1d0-yd)+f111*yd f0 = f00 *(1d0-zd)+f10*zd f1 = f01 *(1d0-zd)+f11*zd res(j) = f0*(1d0-td)+f1*td ENDDO ret = .true. END FUNCTION hdcdl4d_dset_ve FUNCTION hdcdl5d_dset_ve(x,y,z,t,w,set,locator,res) RESULT(ret) !! Hard-coded for 5D linear interpolation (vector) !! !! @warning !! On error, __res__ output vector is undefined (i.e. not allocated). REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: x !! X coordinate of the points to interpolate REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: y !! Y coordinate of the points to interpolate REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: z !! Z coordinate of the points to interpolate REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: t !! T coordinate of the points to interpolate REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: w !! W coordinate of the points to interpolate TYPE(dset5d), INTENT(in) :: set !! Dataset with the tabulated function REAL(kind=wp), INTENT(out), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: res !! Interpolated values PROCEDURE(locate) :: locator !! Locator function LOGICAL :: ret !! .true. on success, .false. otherwise REAL(kind=wp) :: xd,yd,zd,td,wd REAL(kind=wp) :: f0000,f1000,f0100,f1100,f0010,f1010,f0110,f1110, & f0001,f1001,f0101,f1101,f0011,f1011,f0111,f1111, & f000,f100,f010,f110,f001,f101,f011,f111, & f00,f10,f01,f11,f0,f1 INTEGER :: nv,j,ix0,iy0,iz0,it0,iw0,ix1,iy1,iz1,it1,iw1 ret = .false. nv = SIZE(x) ; ALLOCATE(res(nv)) DO j=1,nv ix0 = locator(x(j),set%x) iy0 = locator(y(j),set%y) iz0 = locator(z(j),set%z) it0 = locator(t(j),set%t) iw0 = locator(w(j),set%w) IF (ix0==0 .OR. iy0==0 .OR. iz0==0 .OR. it0==0 .OR. iw0==0) THEN DEALLOCATE(res) ; RETURN ENDIF ix1=ix0+1 ; iy1=iy0+1 ; iz1=iz0+1 xd = (x(j)-set%x(ix0))/(set%x(ix1)-set%x(ix0)) yd = (y(j)-set%y(iy0))/(set%y(iy1)-set%y(iy0)) zd = (z(j)-set%z(iz0))/(set%z(iz1)-set%z(iz0)) td = (t(j)-set%t(it0))/(set%t(it1)-set%t(it0)) wd = (w(j)-set%w(it0))/(set%w(it1)-set%w(it0)) f0000 = set%data(ix0,iy0,iz0,it0,iw0)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy0,iz0,it0,iw0)*xd f1000 = set%data(ix0,iy1,iz0,it0,iw0)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix0,iy1,iz0,it0,iw0)*xd f0100 = set%data(ix0,iy0,iz1,it0,iw0)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy0,iz1,it0,iw0)*xd f1100 = set%data(ix0,iy1,iz1,it0,iw0)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy1,iz1,it0,iw0)*xd f0010 = set%data(ix0,iy0,iz0,it1,iw0)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy0,iz0,it1,iw0)*xd f1010 = set%data(ix0,iy1,iz0,it1,iw0)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy1,iz0,it1,iw0)*xd f0110 = set%data(ix0,iy0,iz1,it1,iw0)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy0,iz1,it1,iw0)*xd f1110 = set%data(ix0,iy1,iz1,it1,iw0)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy1,iz1,it1,iw0)*xd f0001 = set%data(ix0,iy0,iz0,it0,iw1)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy0,iz0,it0,iw1)*xd f1001 = set%data(ix0,iy1,iz0,it0,iw1)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix0,iy1,iz0,it0,iw1)*xd f0101 = set%data(ix0,iy0,iz1,it0,iw1)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy0,iz1,it0,iw1)*xd f1101 = set%data(ix0,iy1,iz1,it0,iw1)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy1,iz1,it0,iw1)*xd f0011 = set%data(ix0,iy0,iz0,it1,iw1)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy0,iz0,it1,iw1)*xd f1011 = set%data(ix0,iy1,iz0,it1,iw1)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy1,iz0,it1,iw1)*xd f0111 = set%data(ix0,iy0,iz1,it1,iw1)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy0,iz1,it1,iw1)*xd f1111 = set%data(ix0,iy1,iz1,it1,iw1)*(1d0-xd)+set%data(ix1,iy1,iz1,it1,iw1)*xd f000 = f0000*(1d0-yd) + f1000*yd f100 = f0100*(1d0-yd) + f1100*yd f010 = f0010*(1d0-yd) + f1010*yd f110 = f0110*(1d0-yd) + f1110*yd f101 = f0101*(1d0-yd) + f1101*yd f011 = f0011*(1d0-yd) + f1011*yd f111 = f0111*(1d0-yd) + f1111*yd f00 = f000*(1d0-zd)+f100*zd f10 = f010*(1d0-zd)+f110*zd f01 = f001*(1d0-zd)+f101*zd f11 = f011*(1d0-zd)+f111*zd f0 = f00 *(1d0-td)+f10*td f1 = f01 *(1d0-td)+f11*td res(j) = f0*(1d0-wd)+f1*wd ENDDO ret = .true. END FUNCTION hdcdl5d_dset_ve END MODULE LINT_DSET