module surfdat_h ! arrays are allocated in conf_phys real,save,allocatable :: albedodat(:) ! albedo of bare ground real,save,allocatable :: phisfi(:) ! geopotential at ground level real, dimension(2) :: albedice ! default albedo for ice (1:Northern hemisphere 2:Southern hemisphere) real, dimension(2) :: emisice ! ice emissivity (1:Northern hemisphere 2:Southern hemisphere) real,save :: emissiv ! emissivity of bare ground logical,save :: TESicealbedo ! use TES ice cap albedoes (if set to .true.) logical,save,allocatable :: watercaptag(:) ! flag for water ice surface real, save, allocatable :: dryness(:) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(albedodat, phisfi,albedice,emisice,emissiv,TESicealbedo, & !$OMP watercaptag,dryness) logical,save :: temptag !temp tag for water caps !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(temptag) real,save :: albedo_h2o_cap ! water cap albedo real,save :: albedo_h2o_frost ! water frost albedo real,save :: inert_h2o_ice ! water ice thermal inertia real,save :: frost_albedo_threshold ! water frost thickness on the ground (kg.m^-2, ie mm) real,save :: frost_metam_threshold ! water frost threshold before conversion to ice (kg.m^-2, ie mm) real,save :: TESice_Ncoef ! coefficient for TES ice albedo in Northern hemisphere real,save :: TESice_Scoef ! coefficient for TES ice albedo in Southern hemisphere real,save :: iceradius(2) , dtemisice(2) real,save,allocatable :: zmea(:),zstd(:),zsig(:),zgam(:),zthe(:) real,save,allocatable :: hmons(:),summit(:),base(:) real,save,allocatable :: z0(:) ! surface roughness length (m) real,save :: z0_default ! default (constant over planet) surface roughness (m) LOGICAL, SAVE :: old_wsublimation_scheme ! TEMPORARY : TO USE THE OLD WATER SUBLIMATION SCHEME (i.e., using Cd instead of Ch), true by default !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(albedo_h2o_cap,albedo_h2o_frost,inert_h2o_ice, & !$OMP frost_albedo_threshold,frost_metam_threshold,TESice_Ncoef, & !$OMP TESice_Scoef,iceradius,dtemisice, & !$OMP zmea,zstd,zsig,zgam,zthe,hmons,summit,base,z0,z0_default, & !$OMP old_wsublimation_scheme) !! mountain top dust flows REAL,SAVE,ALLOCATABLE :: alpha_hmons(:) ! sub-grid scale mountain mesh fraction REAL,SAVE,ALLOCATABLE :: hsummit(:) ! mountain height above the GCM surface LOGICAL,SAVE,ALLOCATABLE :: contains_mons(:) ! is there a mountain in the grid mesh ? !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(alpha_hmons,hsummit,contains_mons) !! variables REAL,SAVE,ALLOCATABLE :: tsurf(:,:) ! Surface temperature (K) REAL,SAVE,ALLOCATABLE :: emis(:,:) ! Thermal IR surface emissivity REAL,SAVE,ALLOCATABLE :: capcal(:,:) ! surface heat capacity (J m-2 K-1) REAL,SAVE,ALLOCATABLE :: fluxgrd(:,:) ! surface conduction flux (W.m-2) REAL,ALLOCATABLE,SAVE :: qsurf(:,:,:) ! tracer on surface (e.g. kg.m-2) REAL,SAVE,ALLOCATABLE :: watercap(:,:) ! Surface water ice (kg.m-2) REAL,SAVE,ALLOCATABLE :: perennial_co2ice(:,:) ! Perennial CO2 ice (kg.m-2) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(tsurf,emis,capcal,fluxgrd,qsurf,watercap,perennial_co2ice) contains subroutine ini_surfdat_h(ngrid,nq,nslope) implicit none integer,intent(in) :: ngrid ! number of atmospheric columns integer,intent(in) :: nq ! number of tracers integer,intent(in) :: nslope ! number of sub-grid scale slope allocate(albedodat(ngrid)) allocate(phisfi(ngrid)) allocate(watercaptag(ngrid)) allocate(dryness(ngrid)) allocate(zmea(ngrid)) allocate(zstd(ngrid)) allocate(zsig(ngrid)) allocate(zgam(ngrid)) allocate(zthe(ngrid)) allocate(z0(ngrid)) allocate(qsurf(ngrid,nq,nslope)) allocate(tsurf(ngrid,nslope)) allocate(watercap(ngrid,nslope)) allocate(perennial_co2ice(ngrid,nslope)) allocate(emis(ngrid,nslope)) allocate(capcal(ngrid,nslope)) allocate(fluxgrd(ngrid,nslope)) allocate(hmons(ngrid)) allocate(summit(ngrid)) allocate(base(ngrid)) allocate(alpha_hmons(ngrid)) allocate(hsummit(ngrid)) allocate(contains_mons(ngrid)) end subroutine ini_surfdat_h subroutine end_surfdat_h implicit none if (allocated(albedodat)) deallocate(albedodat) if (allocated(phisfi)) deallocate(phisfi) if (allocated(watercaptag)) deallocate(watercaptag) if (allocated(dryness)) deallocate(dryness) if (allocated(zmea)) deallocate(zmea) if (allocated(zstd)) deallocate(zstd) if (allocated(zsig)) deallocate(zsig) if (allocated(zgam)) deallocate(zgam) if (allocated(zthe)) deallocate(zthe) if (allocated(z0)) deallocate(z0) if (allocated(qsurf)) deallocate(qsurf) if (allocated(tsurf)) deallocate(tsurf) if (allocated(watercap)) deallocate(watercap) if (allocated(perennial_co2ice)) deallocate(perennial_co2ice) if (allocated(emis)) deallocate(emis) if (allocated(capcal)) deallocate(capcal) if (allocated(fluxgrd)) deallocate(fluxgrd) if (allocated(hmons)) deallocate(hmons) if (allocated(summit)) deallocate(summit) if (allocated(base)) deallocate(base) if (allocated(alpha_hmons)) deallocate(alpha_hmons) if (allocated(hsummit)) deallocate(hsummit) if (allocated(contains_mons)) deallocate(contains_mons) end subroutine end_surfdat_h subroutine ini_surfdat_h_slope_var(ngrid,nq,nslope) implicit none integer,intent(in) :: ngrid ! number of atmospheric columns integer,intent(in) :: nq ! number of tracers integer,intent(in) :: nslope ! number of sub-grid scale slope allocate(qsurf(ngrid,nq,nslope)) allocate(tsurf(ngrid,nslope)) allocate(watercap(ngrid,nslope)) allocate(perennial_co2ice(ngrid,nslope)) allocate(emis(ngrid,nslope)) allocate(capcal(ngrid,nslope)) allocate(fluxgrd(ngrid,nslope)) end subroutine ini_surfdat_h_slope_var subroutine end_surfdat_h_slope_var implicit none if (allocated(qsurf)) deallocate(qsurf) if (allocated(tsurf)) deallocate(tsurf) if (allocated(watercap)) deallocate(watercap) if (allocated(perennial_co2ice)) deallocate(perennial_co2ice) if (allocated(emis)) deallocate(emis) if (allocated(capcal)) deallocate(capcal) if (allocated(fluxgrd)) deallocate(fluxgrd) end subroutine end_surfdat_h_slope_var end module surfdat_h