module newton_cooling_hotJ !========================================================================================== ! Purpose ! ------- ! Compute a Newtonian cooling scheme for Hot Jupiters ! for scenario 1 of the MOCHA intercomparaison project ! (add citation to protocol paper here when it's live). ! Check this paper's equations (1) and (4): ! ! We aim at having a generic code but you never know, it might need improving at some point. ! The current (at time of writing) newtrelax.F90 routine is hardcoded for telluric temperate planets and untested. ! Thus, we don't use it and use this one instead. ! ! Authors ! ------- ! Lucas Teinturier (2024) ! !========================================================================================== implicit none ! Module variables real, allocatable, save :: T0(:) real, allocatable, save :: tau_relax(:) real, allocatable, save :: delta_Teq(:) real, allocatable, save :: Trelax(:,:) character(100),save :: planetary_suffix !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(planetary_suffix, Trelax,tau_relax,T0,delta_Teq) contains subroutine newtcool_MOCHA(ngrid,nlayer,coslon,coslat,temp,pplay,firstcall,lastcall,dtrad) ! use callkeys_mod, only: planetary_suffix ! this is to know which profiles to load for the T0, the delta Teq and the tau_rad use mod_phys_lmdz_para, only : is_master, bcast ! for OpenMP stuff implicit none ! Inputs integer, intent(in) :: ngrid,nlayer logical, intent(in) :: firstcall ! is it the first call of physiq_mod ? logical, intent(in) :: lastcall !is it the last call of physiq_mod ? real, intent(in) :: coslon(ngrid) !cosine of the longitude real, intent(in) :: coslat(ngrid) ! cosine of the latitude real, intent(in) :: temp(ngrid,nlayer) ! Temperature at each layer (K) real, intent(in) :: pplay(ngrid,nlayer) ! Pressure mid-layers (Pa) ! Output real, intent(out) :: dtrad(ngrid,nlayer) ! Tendency on temperature dT/dt (K/s) !! Internal variable integer ig,l character(100) :: filename if (firstcall) then ! Allocation of the dynamical arrays allocate(T0(nlayer)) allocate(tau_relax(nlayer)) allocate(delta_Teq(nlayer)) allocate(Trelax(ngrid,nlayer)) if (is_master) then print*,'-----------------------------------------------------' print*,'| ATTENTION: You are using a Newtonian cooling scheme' print*,'| for the radiative transfer. This means that ALL' print*,'| other physics subroutines must be switched off.' print*,'| Check that you have the required files in the ' print*,'| simulation directory !' print*,'-----------------------------------------------------' print*,"the planetary suffix is ",planetary_suffix !! We load the data using the subroutine load_input ! Loading T0 filename = trim(planetary_suffix) // "T0.dat" ! print*,"filename = ",filename call read_input(nlayer,filename,T0) print*,"I successfully read",filename ! Loading tau_relax filename = trim(planetary_suffix) // "tau_relax.dat" call read_input(nlayer,filename,tau_relax) print*,"I successfully read",filename ! Loading delta_Teq filename = trim(planetary_suffix) // "delta_Teq.dat" call read_input(nlayer,filename,delta_Teq) print*,"I successfully read",filename endif ! of is_master ! Broadcast tau_relax and Trelax to everyone call bcast(tau_relax) call bcast(Trelax) call bcast(T0) call bcast(delta_Teq) ! now initialising Trelax depending on day or night side do l=1,nlayer do ig=1,ngrid ! if we're on the day-side (the sub-stellar point is at lon =0, dayside is where the coslon >=0) if (coslon(ig) .ge. 0) then Trelax(ig,l) = T0(l)+delta_Teq(l)*(ABS(coslon(ig)*coslat(ig))-0.5) else !we're on the night-side Trelax(ig,l) = T0(l)-0.5*delta_Teq(l) endif enddo !ig=1,ngrid enddo ! l=1,nlayer ! deallocate T0 and delta_Teq, we don't need them anymore if (allocated(T0)) deallocate(T0) if (allocated(delta_Teq)) deallocate(delta_Teq) endif ! of firstcall ! call writediagfi(ngrid,"Trelax","Relaxation temperature ","K",3,Trelax) ! Calculation of the radiative forcing do l=1,nlayer do ig=1,ngrid if (pplay(ig,l) .le. 1.0e6) then ! if pressure is lower than 10 bar dtrad(ig,l) = (Trelax(ig,l)-temp(ig,l))/tau_relax(l) else ! Deeper than 10 bar, no relaxation, dtrad = 0 dtrad(ig,l) = 0. endif !(pplay(ig,l) .le. 1.e6) enddo !ig =1,ngrid enddo !l = 1,nlayer if (lastcall) then deallocate(tau_relax) deallocate(Trelax) endif end subroutine newtcool_MOCHA subroutine read_input(nlayer,filename, field) !======================================== ! Purpose ! ------- ! Read the input file for this module ! Each file starts with an integer that should ! be equal to nlayer (stops if that's not true) ! ! Author ! ------ ! Lucas Teinturier(2024) ! !======================================== implicit none ! Inputs integer,intent(in) :: nlayer character(100),intent(in) :: filename ! Output real, intent(out) :: field(nlayer) !! Internal variables integer ierr, nline, ii ! Opening the file open(401,form='formatted',status='old',file=trim(filename) ,iostat=ierr) if (ierr /=0) then print*,"Problem in newton_cooling_hotJ.F90" print*,"I have an issue opening file ",trim(filename) stop endif ! Checking that we have the right number of atmospheric layers read(401,*) nline if (nline /= nlayer) then print*,"Error, you're not using the right # of atmospheric layers in ",trim(filename) stop endif ! Now reading the content of the file do ii = 1,nline read(401,*) field(ii) enddo close(401) end subroutine read_input end module newton_cooling_hotJ