SUBROUTINE SWMAIN ( KDLON, KFLEV, $ PCST, albedo, $ PRMU0, PDP, PPLEV, aerosol,PFRACT, $ PHEAT, PFLUXD,PFLUXU) IMPLICIT NONE #include "dimensions.h" #include "dimphys.h" #include "dimradmars.h" #include "yomaer.h" #include "yomlw.h" #include "callkeys.h" c c PURPOSE. c -------- c c This routine computes the shortwave (solar wavelength) c radiation fluxes in two spectral intervals c and heating rate on the first "nlaylte" layers. C c Francois Forget (2000), adapted from C Fouquart and Bonnel's ECMWF program c C IMPLICIT ARGUMENTS : C -------------------- C C ==== INPUTS === c c KDLON : number of horizontal grid points c PCST : Solar constant on Mars (W.m-2) c albedo hemispheric surface albedo c albedo (i,1) : mean albedo for solar band#1 c (see below) c albedo (i,2) : mean albedo for solar band#2 c (see below) c PRMU0 : cos of solar zenith angle (=1 when sun at zenith) c PDP : Layer thickness (Pa) c PPLEV pressure (Pa) at boundaries of each layer c aerosol aerosol extinction optical depth c at reference wavelength "longrefvis" set c in dimradmars.h , in each layer, for one of c the "naerkind" kind of aerosol optical properties. c Pfract : day fraction of the time interval c =1 during the full day ; =0 during the night C ==== OUTPUTS === c PHEAT : Heating rate (K/s) c PFLUXD : SW downward flux at boundaries of each layer (W.m-2) c PFLUXU : SW upward flux at boundaries of each layer (W.m-2) C C ---------- C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C ARGUMENTS C --------- INTEGER KDLON, KFLEV REAL ZPSOL(NDLO2), aerosol(NDLO2,KFLEV,naerkind),PRMU0(NDLO2) real PCST REAL albedo(NDLO2,2) REAL PDP(NDLO2,KFLEV) REAL PPLEV(NDLO2,KFLEV+1) REAL PHEAT(NDLO2,KFLEV) REAL PFRACT(NDLO2) real PFLUXD(NDLON,NFLEV+1,2) real PFLUXU(NDLON,NFLEV+1,2) C LOCAL ARRAYS C ------------ REAL ZDSIG(NDLON,NFLEV), ZFACT(NDLON) S , ZFD(NDLON,NFLEV+1) S , ZFU(NDLON,NFLEV+1) S , ZRMU(NDLON), ZSEC(NDLON) S , ZUD(NDLON,3,NFLEV+1), ZUM(NDLON,NFLEV+1) REAL ZSIGN(NDLON), ZSIGO(NDLON) c following line has been changed, kflev--->nflev (to avoid error message c when compiling on NASA Ames Sun) REAL ZFDOWN(NDLO2,NFLEV+1),ZFUP(NDLO2,NFLEV+1) integer jl, jk, jkp1, jkl integer INU real zdfnet C ------------------------------------------------------------------ C Initializations : C ------------------------------------------------------------------ c Incident Solar flux and corrected angle in the atmosphere c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DO JL = 1 , KDLON c Incident Flux at the top of the atmosphere ZFACT(JL)= PRMU0(JL) * PCST * PFRACT(JL) c Cos of solar zenith angle CORRECTED for high zenith angle if (PRMU0(JL).GT.0) then ZRMU(JL)=SQRT(1224.* PRMU0(JL) * PRMU0(JL) + 1.) / 35. else ZRMU(JL)= 1. / 35. endif ZSEC(JL)=1./ZRMU(JL) END DO c Calcul of ZDSIG (thickness of layers in sigma coordinates) c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DO JL = 1 , KDLON ZSIGO(JL) = 1.0 ZPSOL(JL) = PPLEV(JL,1) END DO DO JK = 1 , nlaylte JKP1 = JK + 1 JKL = nlaylte+1 - JK DO JL = 1 , KDLON ZSIGN(JL) = PPLEV(JL,JKP1) / PPLEV(JL,1) ZDSIG(JL,JK) = ZSIGO(JL) - ZSIGN(JL) ZSIGO(JL) = ZSIGN(JL) END DO END DO C------------------------------------------------------------------ C LOOP ON SPECTRAL INTERVAL in solar spectrum C------------------------------------------------------------------ c 2 spectral interval in solar spectrum : c - INU=1: between wavelength "long1vis" and "long2vis" set in dimradmars.h c - INU=2: between wavelength "long2vis" and "long3vis" set in dimradmars.h DO INU = 1,2 CALL SWR ( KDLON, kflev, INU S , aerosol,albedo,ZDSIG,ZPSOL,ZRMU,ZSEC S , ZFD,ZFU ) DO JK = 1 , nlaylte+1 DO JL = 1 , KDLON PFLUXD(JL,JK,INU)=ZFD(JL,JK)*ZFACT(JL) PFLUXU(JL,JK,INU)=ZFU(JL,JK)*ZFACT(JL) END DO END DO END DO C ------------------------------------------------------ C HEATING RATES C ------------------------------------------------------ DO JK = 1 , nlaylte+1 DO JL = 1 , KDLON c wavelength integrated flux at every level: ZFUP(JL,JK)= (PFLUXU(JL,JK,1)+ PFLUXU(JL,JK,2)) ZFDOWN(JL,JK)= (PFLUXD(JL,JK,1)+ PFLUXD(JL,JK,2)) END DO END DO DO JK = 1 , nlaylte DO JL = 1 , KDLON ZDFNET = ZFUP (JL,JK ) - ZFDOWN(JL,JK ) S -ZFUP (JL,JK+1) + ZFDOWN(JL,JK+1) c Heating rate PHEAT(JL,JK) = gcp * ZDFNET / PDP(JL,JK) c TEST pour diminuer erreur eddington pour diffuseurs simples c if (activice) then c if(aerosol(JL,JK,2)/aerosol(JL,JK,1).gt.1) c s PHEAT(JL,JK) =PHEAT(JL,JK)/10. c endif END DO END DO RETURN END