- reference state need to be hydrostatically balanced - reference state function of height only (- reference state satisfy the governing equations for an atmosphere at rest) - use ref state of idealized stuff ? attention dans start_em c'est l'avant-dernier level qui compte problem - souci de temperature negative parce que base_lapse trop eleve - repartition verticale pas bonne, meilleure avec exponentielle fin de compute_eta (plus rajouter des -2) ! Add those 2 levels back into the middle, just above the 8 levels ! that semi define a boundary layer. After we open up the levels, ! then we just linearly interpolate in znw. So now levels 1-8 are ! specified as the fixed boundary layer levels given in this routine. ! The top levels, 12 through kte are those computed. The middle ! levels 9, 10, and 11 are equi-spaced in znw, and are each 1/2 the ! the znw thickness of levels 11 through 12. DO k = kte-2 , 9 , -1 znw(k+2) = znw(k) END DO znw( 9) = 0.75 * znw( 8) + 0.25 * znw(12) znw(10) = 0.50 * znw( 8) + 0.50 * znw(12) znw(11) = 0.25 * znw( 8) + 0.75 * znw(12)