SUBROUTINE med_nest_move ( parent, nest ) ! Driver layer USE module_domain USE module_timing USE module_configure USE module_io_domain USE module_dm TYPE(domain) , POINTER :: parent, nest, grid INTEGER dx, dy ! number of parent domain points to move #ifdef MOVE_NESTS ! Local CHARACTER*256 mess INTEGER i, j, p, parent_grid_ratio INTEGER px, py ! number and direction of nd points to move INTEGER :: ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , kps , kpe INTEGER ierr, fid LOGICAL input_from_hires LOGICAL saved_restart_value TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) :: config_flags LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: should_not_move INTERFACE SUBROUTINE med_interp_domain ( parent , nest ) USE module_domain TYPE(domain) , POINTER :: parent , nest END SUBROUTINE med_interp_domain SUBROUTINE start_domain ( grid , allowed_to_move ) USE module_domain TYPE(domain) :: grid LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: allowed_to_move END SUBROUTINE start_domain #if ( EM_CORE == 1 ) SUBROUTINE shift_domain_em ( grid, disp_x, disp_y & ! # include ! ) USE module_domain USE module_configure USE module_timing IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER disp_x, disp_y TYPE(domain) , POINTER :: grid # include END SUBROUTINE shift_domain_em #endif #if ( NMM_CORE == 1 ) #endif LOGICAL FUNCTION time_for_move ( parent , nest , dx , dy ) USE module_domain USE module_utility TYPE(domain) , POINTER :: parent , nest INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: dx , dy END FUNCTION time_for_move SUBROUTINE input_terrain_rsmas ( grid , & ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , kps , kpe ) USE module_domain TYPE ( domain ) :: grid INTEGER :: ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , kps , kpe END SUBROUTINE input_terrain_rsmas SUBROUTINE med_nest_feedback ( parent , nest , config_flags ) USE module_domain USE module_configure TYPE (domain), POINTER :: nest , parent TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) config_flags END SUBROUTINE med_nest_feedback SUBROUTINE blend_terrain ( ter_interpolated , ter_input , & ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , kps , kpe ) INTEGER :: ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , kps , kpe REAL , DIMENSION(ims:ime,jms:jme) :: ter_interpolated REAL , DIMENSION(ims:ime,jms:jme) :: ter_input END SUBROUTINE blend_terrain SUBROUTINE store_terrain ( ter_interpolated , ter_input , & ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , kps , kpe ) INTEGER :: ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , kps , kpe REAL , DIMENSION(ims:ime,jms:jme) :: ter_interpolated REAL , DIMENSION(ims:ime,jms:jme) :: ter_input END SUBROUTINE store_terrain END INTERFACE ! set grid pointer for code in deref_kludge (if used) grid => nest IF ( should_not_move( nest%id ) ) THEN CALL wrf_message( 'Nest movement is disabled because of namelist settings' ) RETURN ENDIF ! if the nest has stopped don't do all this IF ( WRFU_ClockIsStopTime(nest%domain_clock ,rc=ierr) ) RETURN ! mask should be defined in nest domain check_for_move: IF ( time_for_move ( parent , nest , dx, dy ) ) THEN IF ( (dx .gt. 1 .or. dx .lt. -1 ) .or. & (dy .gt. 1 .or. dy .lt. -1 ) ) THEN WRITE(mess,*)' invalid move: dx, dy ', dx, dy CALL wrf_error_fatal( mess ) ENDIF WRITE(mess,*)' moving ',grid%id,dx,dy CALL wrf_message(mess) CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( grid , & ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) CALL wrf_dm_move_nest ( parent, nest%intermediate_grid, dx, dy ) CALL adjust_domain_dims_for_move( nest%intermediate_grid , dx, dy ) CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( grid , & ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) grid => nest #if ( EM_CORE == 1 ) CALL shift_domain_em( grid, dx, dy & ! # include ! ) #endif px = grid%parent_grid_ratio*dx py = grid%parent_grid_ratio*dy grid%i_parent_start = grid%i_parent_start + px / grid%parent_grid_ratio CALL nl_set_i_parent_start( grid%id, grid%i_parent_start ) grid%j_parent_start = grid%j_parent_start + py / grid%parent_grid_ratio CALL nl_set_j_parent_start( grid%id, grid%j_parent_start ) IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN write(mess,*) & 'Grid ',grid%id,' New SW corner (in parent x and y):',grid%i_parent_start, grid%j_parent_start CALL wrf_message(TRIM(mess)) ENDIF CALL med_interp_domain( parent, nest ) CALL nl_get_input_from_hires( nest%id , input_from_hires ) IF ( input_from_hires ) THEN ! store horizontally interpolated terrain in temp location CALL store_terrain ( nest%ht_fine , nest%ht , & ids , ide , jds , jde , 1 , 1 , & ims , ime , jms , jme , 1 , 1 , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , 1 , 1 ) CALL store_terrain ( nest%mub_fine , nest%mub , & ids , ide , jds , jde , 1 , 1 , & ims , ime , jms , jme , 1 , 1 , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , 1 , 1 ) CALL store_terrain ( nest%phb_fine , nest%phb , & ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , kps , kpe ) CALL input_terrain_rsmas ( nest, & ids , ide , jds , jde , 1 , 1 , & ims , ime , jms , jme , 1 , 1 , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , 1 , 1 ) CALL blend_terrain ( nest%ht_fine , nest%ht , & ids , ide , jds , jde , 1 , 1 , & ims , ime , jms , jme , 1 , 1 , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , 1 , 1 ) CALL blend_terrain ( nest%mub_fine , nest%mub , & ids , ide , jds , jde , 1 , 1 , & ims , ime , jms , jme , 1 , 1 , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , 1 , 1 ) CALL blend_terrain ( nest%phb_fine , nest%phb , & ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , kps , kpe ) ! CALL model_to_grid_config_rec ( parent%id , model_config_rec , config_flags ) CALL med_nest_feedback ( parent , nest , config_flags ) parent%imask_nostag = 1 parent%imask_xstag = 1 parent%imask_ystag = 1 parent%imask_xystag = 1 ! start_domain will key off "restart". Even if this is a restart run ! we don't want it to here. Save the value, set it to false, and restore afterwards saved_restart_value = config_flags%restart config_flags%restart = .FALSE. grid%restart = .FALSE. CALL nl_set_restart ( 1, .FALSE. ) grid%press_adj = .FALSE. CALL start_domain ( parent , .FALSE. ) config_flags%restart = saved_restart_value grid%restart = saved_restart_value CALL nl_set_restart ( 1, saved_restart_value ) ENDIF ! ! masks associated with nest will have been set by shift_domain_em above nest%moved = .true. ! start_domain will key off "restart". Even if this is a restart run ! we don't want it to here. Save the value, set it to false, and restore afterwards saved_restart_value = config_flags%restart config_flags%restart = .FALSE. CALL nl_set_restart ( 1, .FALSE. ) grid%restart = .FALSE. nest%press_adj = .FALSE. CALL start_domain ( nest , .FALSE. ) config_flags%restart = saved_restart_value grid%restart = saved_restart_value CALL nl_set_restart ( 1, saved_restart_value ) nest%moved = .false. ! ! copy time level 2 to time level 1 in new regions of multi-time level fields ! this should be registry generated. ! #if ( EM_CORE == 1 ) do k = kms,kme where ( nest%imask_xstag .EQ. 1 ) nest%u_1(:,k,:) = nest%u_2(:,k,:) where ( nest%imask_ystag .EQ. 1 ) nest%v_1(:,k,:) = nest%v_2(:,k,:) where ( nest%imask_nostag .EQ. 1 ) nest%t_1(:,k,:) = nest%t_2(:,k,:) where ( nest%imask_nostag .EQ. 1 ) nest%w_1(:,k,:) = nest%w_2(:,k,:) where ( nest%imask_nostag .EQ. 1 ) nest%ph_1(:,k,:) = nest%ph_2(:,k,:) where ( nest%imask_nostag .EQ. 1 ) nest%tp_1(:,k,:) = nest%tp_2(:,k,:) where ( nest%imask_nostag .EQ. 1 ) nest%tke_1(:,k,:) = nest%tke_2(:,k,:) enddo where ( nest%imask_nostag .EQ. 1 ) nest%mu_1(:,:) = nest%mu_2(:,:) #endif ! ENDIF check_for_move #endif END SUBROUTINE med_nest_move LOGICAL FUNCTION time_for_move2 ( parent , grid , move_cd_x, move_cd_y ) ! Driver layer USE module_domain USE module_configure USE module_compute_geop USE module_dm USE module_utility IMPLICIT NONE ! Arguments TYPE(domain) , POINTER :: parent, grid INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: move_cd_x , move_cd_y #ifdef MOVE_NESTS ! Local INTEGER num_moves, rc INTEGER move_interval , move_id TYPE(WRFU_Time) :: ct, st TYPE(WRFU_TimeInterval) :: ti CHARACTER*256 mess, timestr INTEGER :: ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe INTEGER :: is, ie, js, je, ierr REAL :: ipbar, pbar, jpbar, fact REAL :: last_vc_i , last_vc_j REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: height_l, height REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: psfc, xlat, xlong, terrain REAL :: minh, maxh INTEGER :: mini, minj, maxi, maxj, i, j, pgr, irad REAL :: disp_x, disp_y, lag, radius, center_i, center_j, dx REAL :: dijsmooth, vmax, vmin, a, b REAL :: dc_i, dc_j ! domain center REAL :: maxws, ws REAL :: pmin INTEGER imploc, jmploc INTEGER :: fje, fjs, fie, fis, fimloc, fjmloc, imloc, jmloc INTEGER :: i_parent_start, j_parent_start INTEGER :: max_vortex_speed, vortex_interval ! meters per second and seconds INTEGER :: track_level REAL :: rsmooth = 100000. ! in meters LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor character*256 message, message2 !#define MOVING_DIAGS # ifdef VORTEX_CENTER CALL nl_get_parent_grid_ratio ( grid%id , pgr ) CALL nl_get_i_parent_start ( grid%id , i_parent_start ) CALL nl_get_j_parent_start ( grid%id , j_parent_start ) CALL nl_get_track_level ( grid%id , track_level ) ! WRITE(mess,*)'Vortex is tracked at ', track_level ! CALL wrf_message(mess) CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( grid , & ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) ! If the alarm is ringing, recompute the Vortex Center (VC); otherwise ! use the previous position of VC. VC is not recomputed ever step to ! save on cost for global collection of height field and broadcast ! of new center. # ifdef MOVING_DIAGS write(0,*)'Check to see if COMPUTE_VORTEX_CENTER_ALARM is ringing? ' # endif CALL nl_get_parent_grid_ratio ( grid%id , pgr ) CALL nl_get_dx ( grid%id , dx ) IF ( WRFU_AlarmIsRinging( grid%alarms( COMPUTE_VORTEX_CENTER_ALARM ), rc=rc ) ) THEN # ifdef MOVING_DIAGS write(0,*)'COMPUTE_VORTEX_CENTER_ALARM is ringing ' # endif CALL WRFU_AlarmRingerOff( grid%alarms( COMPUTE_VORTEX_CENTER_ALARM ), rc=rc ) CALL domain_clock_get( grid, current_timestr=timestr ) last_vc_i = grid%vc_i last_vc_j = grid%vc_j ALLOCATE ( height_l ( ims:ime , jms:jme ), STAT=ierr ) IF ( ierr .ne. 0 ) CALL wrf_error_fatal ('allocating height_l in time_for_move2') IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN ALLOCATE ( height ( ids:ide , jds:jde ), STAT=ierr ) IF ( ierr .ne. 0 ) CALL wrf_error_fatal ('allocating height in time_for_move2') ALLOCATE ( psfc ( ids:ide , jds:jde ), STAT=ierr ) IF ( ierr .ne. 0 ) CALL wrf_error_fatal ('allocating psfc in time_for_move2') ALLOCATE ( xlat ( ids:ide , jds:jde ), STAT=ierr ) IF ( ierr .ne. 0 ) CALL wrf_error_fatal ('allocating xlat in time_for_move2') ALLOCATE ( xlong ( ids:ide , jds:jde ), STAT=ierr ) IF ( ierr .ne. 0 ) CALL wrf_error_fatal ('allocating xlong in time_for_move2') ALLOCATE ( terrain ( ids:ide , jds:jde ), STAT=ierr ) IF ( ierr .ne. 0 ) CALL wrf_error_fatal ('allocating terrain in time_for_move2') ELSE ALLOCATE ( height ( 1:1 , 1:1 ), STAT=ierr ) IF ( ierr .ne. 0 ) CALL wrf_error_fatal ('allocating height in time_for_move2') ALLOCATE ( psfc ( 1:1 , 1:1 ), STAT=ierr ) IF ( ierr .ne. 0 ) CALL wrf_error_fatal ('allocating psfc in time_for_move2') ALLOCATE ( xlat ( 1:1 , 1:1 ), STAT=ierr ) IF ( ierr .ne. 0 ) CALL wrf_error_fatal ('allocating xlat in time_for_move2') ALLOCATE ( xlong ( 1:1 , 1:1 ), STAT=ierr ) IF ( ierr .ne. 0 ) CALL wrf_error_fatal ('allocating xlong in time_for_move2') ALLOCATE ( terrain ( 1:1 , 1:1 ), STAT=ierr ) IF ( ierr .ne. 0 ) CALL wrf_error_fatal ('allocating terrain in time_for_move2') ENDIF # if (EM_CORE == 1) CALL compute_500mb_height ( grid%ph_2 , grid%phb, grid%p, grid%pb, height_l , & track_level, & ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) # endif CALL wrf_patch_to_global_real ( height_l , height , grid%domdesc, "z", "xy", & ids, ide-1 , jds , jde-1 , 1 , 1 , & ims, ime , jms , jme , 1 , 1 , & ips, ipe , jps , jpe , 1 , 1 ) CALL wrf_patch_to_global_real ( grid%psfc , psfc , grid%domdesc, "z", "xy", & ids, ide-1 , jds , jde-1 , 1 , 1 , & ims, ime , jms , jme , 1 , 1 , & ips, ipe , jps , jpe , 1 , 1 ) CALL wrf_patch_to_global_real ( grid%xlat , xlat , grid%domdesc, "z", "xy", & ids, ide-1 , jds , jde-1 , 1 , 1 , & ims, ime , jms , jme , 1 , 1 , & ips, ipe , jps , jpe , 1 , 1 ) CALL wrf_patch_to_global_real ( grid%xlong , xlong , grid%domdesc, "z", "xy", & ids, ide-1 , jds , jde-1 , 1 , 1 , & ims, ime , jms , jme , 1 , 1 , & ips, ipe , jps , jpe , 1 , 1 ) CALL wrf_patch_to_global_real ( grid%ht , terrain , grid%domdesc, "z", "xy", & ids, ide-1 , jds , jde-1 , 1 , 1 , & ims, ime , jms , jme , 1 , 1 , & ips, ipe , jps , jpe , 1 , 1 ) ! calculate max wind speed maxws = 0. do j = jps, jpe do i = ips, ipe ws = grid%u10(i,j) * grid%u10(i,j) + grid%v10(i,j) * grid%v10(i,j) if ( ws > maxws ) maxws = ws enddo enddo maxws = sqrt ( maxws ) maxws = wrf_dm_max_real ( maxws ) monitor_only : IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN ! ! This vortex center finding code adapted from the Hurricane version of MM5, ! Courtesy: ! ! Shuyi Chen et al., Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmos. Sci., U. Miami. ! Spring, 2005 ! ! Get the first guess vortex center about which we do our search ! as mini and minh; minimum value is minh ! CALL nl_get_vortex_interval( grid%id , vortex_interval ) CALL nl_get_max_vortex_speed( grid%id , max_vortex_speed ) IF ( grid%vc_i < 0. .AND. grid%vc_j < 0. ) THEN ! first time through is = ids ie = ide-1 js = jds je = jde-1 ELSE ! limit the search to an area around the vortex ! that is limited by max_vortex_speed (default 40) meters per second from ! previous location over vortex_interval (default 15 mins) is = max( grid%vc_i - 60 * vortex_interval * max_vortex_speed / dx , 1.0 * ids ) js = max( grid%vc_j - 60 * vortex_interval * max_vortex_speed / dx , 1.0 * jds ) ie = min( grid%vc_i + 60 * vortex_interval * max_vortex_speed / dx , 1.0 * (ide-1) ) je = min( grid%vc_j + 60 * vortex_interval * max_vortex_speed / dx , 1.0 * (jde-1) ) ENDIF # ifdef MOVING_DIAGS write(0,*)'search set around last position ' write(0,*)' is, ids-1, ie, ide-1 ', is, ids-1, ie, ide-1 write(0,*)' js, jds-1, je, jde-1 ', js, jds-1, je, jde-1 # endif imploc = -1 jmploc = -1 ! find minimum psfc pmin = 99999999.0 ! make this very large to be sure we find a minumum DO j = js, je DO i = is, ie ! adjust approximately to sea level pressure (same as below: ATCF) psfc(i,j)=psfc(i,j)+11.38*terrain(i,j) IF ( psfc(i,j) .LT. pmin ) THEN pmin = psfc(i,j) imploc = i jmploc = j ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO IF ( imploc .EQ. -1 .OR. jmploc .EQ. -1 ) THEN ! if we fail to find a min there is something seriously wrong WRITE(mess,*)'i,j,is,ie,js,je,imploc,jmploc ',i,j,is,ie,js,je,imploc,jmploc CALL wrf_message(mess) CALL wrf_error_fatal('time_for_move2: Method failure searching for minimum psfc.') ENDIF imloc = -1 jmloc = -1 maxi = -1 maxj = -1 ! find local min, max vmin = 99999999.0 vmax = -99999999.0 DO j = js, je DO i = is, ie IF ( height(i,j) .LT. vmin ) THEN vmin = height(i,j) imloc = i jmloc = j ENDIF IF ( height(i,j) .GT. vmax ) THEN vmax = height(i,j) maxi = i maxj = j ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO IF ( imloc .EQ. -1 .OR. jmloc .EQ. -1 .OR. maxi .EQ. -1 .OR. maxj .EQ. -1 ) THEN WRITE(mess,*)'i,j,is,ie,js,je,imloc,jmloc,maxi,maxj ',i,j,is,ie,js,je,imloc,jmloc,maxi,maxj CALL wrf_message(mess) CALL wrf_error_fatal('time_for_move2: Method failure searching max/min of height.') ENDIF fimloc = imloc fjmloc = jmloc if ( grid%xi .EQ. -1. ) grid%xi = fimloc if ( grid%xj .EQ. -1. ) grid%xj = fjmloc dijsmooth = rsmooth / dx fjs = max(fjmloc-dijsmooth,1.0) fje = min(fjmloc+dijsmooth,jde-2.0) fis = max(fimloc-dijsmooth,1.0) fie = min(fimloc+dijsmooth,ide-2.0) js = fjs je = fje is = fis ie = fie vmin = 1000000.0 vmax = -1000000.0 DO j = js, je DO i = is, ie IF ( height(i,j) .GT. vmax ) THEN vmax = height(i,j) ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO pbar = 0.0 ipbar = 0.0 jpbar = 0.0 do j=js,je do i=is,ie fact = vmax - height(i,j) pbar = pbar + fact ipbar = ipbar + fact*(i-is) jpbar = jpbar + fact*(j-js) enddo enddo IF ( pbar .NE. 0. ) THEN ! Compute an adjusted, smoothed, vortex center location in cross ! point index space. ! Time average. A is coef for old information; B is new ! If pbar is zero then just skip this, leave xi and xj alone, ! result will be no movement. a = 0.0 b = 1.0 grid%xi = (a * grid%xi + b * (is + ipbar / pbar)) / ( a + b ) grid%xj = (a * grid%xj + b * (js + jpbar / pbar)) / ( a + b ) grid%vc_i = grid%xi + .5 grid%vc_j = grid%xj + .5 ENDIF # ifdef MOVING_DIAGS write(0,*)'computed grid%vc_i, grid%vc_j ',grid%vc_i, grid%vc_j i = grid%vc_i ; j = grid%vc_j ; height( i,j ) = height(i,j) * 1.2 !mark the center CALL domain_clock_get( grid, current_timestr=message2 ) WRITE ( message , FMT = '(A," on domain ",I3)' ) TRIM(message2), grid%id # endif ! i = INT(grid%xi+.5) j = INT(grid%xj+.5) write(mess,'("ATCF"," ",A19," ",f8.2," ",f8.2," ",f6.1," ",f6.1)') & timestr(1:19), & xlat(i,j), & xlong(i,j), & 0.01*pmin, & !already computed above 0.01*pmin+0.1138*terrain(imploc,jmploc), & maxws*1.94 CALL wrf_message(TRIM(mess)) ENDIF monitor_only DEALLOCATE ( psfc ) DEALLOCATE ( xlat ) DEALLOCATE ( xlong ) DEALLOCATE ( terrain ) DEALLOCATE ( height ) DEALLOCATE ( height_l ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_real( grid%vc_i , 1 ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_real( grid%vc_j , 1 ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_real( pmin , 1 ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_integer( imploc , 1 ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_integer( jmploc , 1 ) # ifdef MOVING_DIAGS write(0,*)'after bcast : grid%vc_i, grid%vc_j ',grid%vc_i, grid%vc_j # endif ENDIF ! COMPUTE_VORTEX_CENTER_ALARM ringing # ifdef MOVING_DIAGS write(0,*)'After ENDIF : grid%vc_i, grid%vc_j ',grid%vc_i, grid%vc_j # endif dc_i = (ide-ids+1)/2. ! domain center dc_j = (jde-jds+1)/2. disp_x = grid%vc_i - dc_i * 1.0 disp_y = grid%vc_j - dc_j * 1.0 #if 0 ! This appears to be an old, redundant, and perhaps even misnamed parameter. ! Remove it from the namelist and Registry and just hard code it to ! the default of 6. JM 20050721 CALL nl_get_vortex_search_radius( 1, irad ) #else irad = 6 #endif radius = irad if ( disp_x .GT. 0 ) disp_x = min( disp_x , radius ) if ( disp_y .GT. 0 ) disp_y = min( disp_y , radius ) if ( disp_x .LT. 0 ) disp_x = max( disp_x , -radius ) if ( disp_y .LT. 0 ) disp_y = max( disp_y , -radius ) move_cd_x = int ( disp_x / pgr ) move_cd_y = int ( disp_y / pgr ) IF ( move_cd_x .GT. 0 ) move_cd_x = min ( move_cd_x , 1 ) IF ( move_cd_y .GT. 0 ) move_cd_y = min ( move_cd_y , 1 ) IF ( move_cd_x .LT. 0 ) move_cd_x = max ( move_cd_x , -1 ) IF ( move_cd_y .LT. 0 ) move_cd_y = max ( move_cd_y , -1 ) CALL domain_clock_get( grid, current_timestr=timestr ) WRITE(mess,*)timestr(1:19),' vortex center (in nest x and y): ',grid%vc_i, grid%vc_j CALL wrf_message(TRIM(mess)) WRITE(mess,*)timestr(1:19),' grid center (in nest x and y): ', dc_i, dc_j CALL wrf_message(TRIM(mess)) WRITE(mess,*)timestr(1:19),' disp : ', disp_x, disp_y CALL wrf_message(TRIM(mess)) WRITE(mess,*)timestr(1:19),' move (rel cd) : ',move_cd_x, move_cd_y CALL wrf_message(TRIM(mess)) grid%vc_i = grid%vc_i - move_cd_x * pgr grid%vc_j = grid%vc_j - move_cd_y * pgr # ifdef MOVING_DIAGS write(0,*)' changing grid%vc_i, move_cd_x * pgr ', grid%vc_i, move_cd_x * pgr, move_cd_x, pgr # endif IF ( ( move_cd_x .NE. 0 ) .OR. ( move_cd_y .NE. 0 ) ) THEN time_for_move2 = .TRUE. ELSE time_for_move2 = .FALSE. ENDIF # else ! from namelist move_cd_x = 0 move_cd_y = 0 time_for_move2 = .FALSE. CALL domain_clock_get( grid, current_time=ct, start_time=st ) CALL nl_get_num_moves( 1, num_moves ) IF ( num_moves .GT. max_moves ) THEN WRITE(mess,*)'time_for_moves2: num_moves (',num_moves,') .GT. max_moves (',max_moves,')' CALL wrf_error_fatal( TRIM(mess) ) ENDIF DO i = 1, num_moves CALL nl_get_move_id( i, move_id ) IF ( move_id .EQ. grid%id ) THEN CALL nl_get_move_interval( i, move_interval ) IF ( move_interval .LT. 999999999 ) THEN CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalSet ( ti, M=move_interval, rc=rc ) IF ( ct .GE. st + ti ) THEN CALL nl_get_move_cd_x ( i, move_cd_x ) CALL nl_get_move_cd_y ( i, move_cd_y ) CALL nl_set_move_interval ( i, 999999999 ) time_for_move2 = .TRUE. EXIT ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO # endif RETURN #else time_for_move2 = .FALSE. #endif END FUNCTION time_for_move2 LOGICAL FUNCTION time_for_move ( parent , grid , move_cd_x, move_cd_y ) USE module_domain USE module_configure USE module_dm USE module_timing USE module_utility IMPLICIT NONE ! arguments TYPE(domain) , POINTER :: parent, grid, par, nst INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: move_cd_x , move_cd_y #ifdef MOVE_NESTS ! local INTEGER :: corral_dist, kid INTEGER :: dw, de, ds, dn, pgr INTEGER :: would_move_x, would_move_y INTEGER :: cids, cide, cjds, cjde, ckds, ckde, & cims, cime, cjms, cjme, ckms, ckme, & cips, cipe, cjps, cjpe, ckps, ckpe, & nids, nide, njds, njde, nkds, nkde, & nims, nime, njms, njme, nkms, nkme, & nips, nipe, njps, njpe, nkps, nkpe ! interface INTERFACE LOGICAL FUNCTION time_for_move2 ( parent , nest , dx , dy ) USE module_domain USE module_utility TYPE(domain) , POINTER :: parent , nest INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: dx , dy END FUNCTION time_for_move2 END INTERFACE ! executable ! ! Simplifying assumption: domains in moving nest simulations have only ! one parent and only one child. IF ( grid%num_nests .GT. 1 ) THEN CALL wrf_error_fatal ( 'domains in moving nest simulations can have only 1 nest' ) ENDIF kid = 1 ! ! find out if this is the innermost nest (will not have kids) IF ( grid%num_nests .EQ. 0 ) THEN ! code that executes on innermost nest time_for_move = time_for_move2 ( parent , grid , move_cd_x, move_cd_y ) ! Make sure the parent can move before allowing the nest to approach ! its boundary par => grid%parents(1)%ptr nst => grid would_move_x = move_cd_x would_move_y = move_cd_y ! top of until loop 100 CONTINUE CALL nl_get_corral_dist ( nst%id , corral_dist ) CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( nst , & nids, nide, njds, njde, nkds, nkde, & nims, nime, njms, njme, nkms, nkme, & nips, nipe, njps, njpe, nkps, nkpe ) CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( par , & cids, cide, cjds, cjde, ckds, ckde, & cims, cime, cjms, cjme, ckms, ckme, & cips, cipe, cjps, cjpe, ckps, ckpe ) CALL nl_get_parent_grid_ratio ( nst%id , pgr ) ! perform measurements... ! from western boundary dw = nst%i_parent_start + would_move_x - cids ! from southern boundary ds = nst%j_parent_start + would_move_y - cjds ! from eastern boundary de = cide - ( nst%i_parent_start + (nide-nids+1)/pgr + would_move_x ) ! from northern boundary dn = cjde - ( nst%j_parent_start + (njde-njds+1)/pgr + would_move_y ) ! would this generate a move on the parent? would_move_x = 0 would_move_y = 0 if ( dw .LE. corral_dist ) would_move_x = would_move_x - 1 if ( de .LE. corral_dist ) would_move_x = would_move_x + 1 if ( ds .LE. corral_dist ) would_move_y = would_move_y - 1 if ( dn .LE. corral_dist ) would_move_y = would_move_y + 1 IF ( par%id .EQ. 1 ) THEN IF ( would_move_x .NE. 0 .AND. move_cd_x .NE. 0 ) THEN CALL wrf_message('MOAD can not move. Cancelling nest move in X') if ( grid%num_nests .eq. 0 ) grid%vc_i = grid%vc_i + move_cd_x * pgr ! cancel effect of move move_cd_x = 0 ENDIF IF ( would_move_y .NE. 0 .AND. move_cd_y .NE. 0 ) THEN CALL wrf_message('MOAD can not move. Cancelling nest move in Y') if ( grid%num_nests .eq. 0 ) grid%vc_j = grid%vc_j + move_cd_y * pgr ! cancel effect of move move_cd_y = 0 ENDIF ELSE nst => par par => nst%parents(1)%ptr GOTO 100 ENDIF ! bottom of until loop time_for_move = ( move_cd_x .NE. 0 ) .OR. ( move_cd_y .NE. 0 ) ELSE ! code that executes on parent to see if parent needs to move ! get closest number of cells we'll allow nest edge to approach parent bdy CALL nl_get_corral_dist ( grid%nests(kid)%ptr%id , corral_dist ) ! get dims CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( grid%nests(kid)%ptr , & nids, nide, njds, njde, nkds, nkde, & nims, nime, njms, njme, nkms, nkme, & nips, nipe, njps, njpe, nkps, nkpe ) CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( grid , & cids, cide, cjds, cjde, ckds, ckde, & cims, cime, cjms, cjme, ckms, ckme, & cips, cipe, cjps, cjpe, ckps, ckpe ) CALL nl_get_parent_grid_ratio ( grid%nests(kid)%ptr%id , pgr ) ! perform measurements... ! from western boundary dw = grid%nests(kid)%ptr%i_parent_start - 1 ! from southern boundary ds = grid%nests(kid)%ptr%j_parent_start - 1 ! from eastern boundary de = cide - ( grid%nests(kid)%ptr%i_parent_start + (nide-nids+1)/pgr ) ! from northern boundary dn = cjde - ( grid%nests(kid)%ptr%j_parent_start + (njde-njds+1)/pgr ) ! move this domain (the parent containing the moving nest) ! in a direction that reestablishes the distance from ! the boundary. move_cd_x = 0 move_cd_y = 0 if ( dw .LE. corral_dist ) move_cd_x = move_cd_x - 1 if ( de .LE. corral_dist ) move_cd_x = move_cd_x + 1 if ( ds .LE. corral_dist ) move_cd_y = move_cd_y - 1 if ( dn .LE. corral_dist ) move_cd_y = move_cd_y + 1 time_for_move = ( move_cd_x .NE. 0 ) .OR. ( move_cd_y .NE. 0 ) IF ( time_for_move ) THEN IF ( grid%id .EQ. 1 ) THEN CALL wrf_message( 'DANGER: Nest has moved too close to boundary of outermost domain.' ) time_for_move = .FALSE. ELSE ! need to adjust the intermediate domain of the nest in relation to this ! domain since we're moving CALL wrf_dm_move_nest ( grid , grid%nests(kid)%ptr%intermediate_grid , -move_cd_x*pgr, -move_cd_y*pgr ) CALL adjust_domain_dims_for_move( grid%nests(kid)%ptr%intermediate_grid , -move_cd_x*pgr, -move_cd_y*pgr ) grid%nests(kid)%ptr%i_parent_start = grid%nests(kid)%ptr%i_parent_start - move_cd_x*pgr CALL nl_set_i_parent_start( grid%nests(kid)%ptr%id, grid%nests(kid)%ptr%i_parent_start ) grid%nests(kid)%ptr%j_parent_start = grid%nests(kid)%ptr%j_parent_start - move_cd_y*pgr CALL nl_set_j_parent_start( grid%nests(kid)%ptr%id, grid%nests(kid)%ptr%j_parent_start ) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF RETURN #else time_for_move = .FALSE. #endif END FUNCTION time_for_move ! Put any tests for non-moving options or conditions in here LOGICAL FUNCTION should_not_move ( id ) USE module_state_description USE module_configure IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: id ! Local LOGICAL retval INTEGER cu_physics, ra_sw_physics, ra_lw_physics, ucmcall, obs_nudge_opt retval = .FALSE. ! check for GD ensemble cumulus, which can not move CALL nl_get_cu_physics( id , cu_physics ) IF ( cu_physics .EQ. GDSCHEME ) THEN CALL wrf_message('Grell cumulus can not be specified with moving nests. Movement disabled.') retval = .TRUE. ENDIF ! check for CAM radiation scheme , which can not move CALL nl_get_ra_sw_physics( id , ra_sw_physics ) IF ( ra_sw_physics .EQ. CAMSWSCHEME ) THEN CALL wrf_message('CAM SW radiation can not be specified with moving nests. Movement disabled.') retval = .TRUE. ENDIF CALL nl_get_ra_lw_physics( id , ra_lw_physics ) IF ( ra_lw_physics .EQ. CAMLWSCHEME ) THEN CALL wrf_message('CAM LW radiation can not be specified with moving nests. Movement disabled.') retval = .TRUE. ENDIF ! check for urban canopy Noah LSM, which can not move CALL nl_get_ucmcall( id , ucmcall ) IF ( ucmcall .EQ. 1 ) THEN CALL wrf_message('UCM Noah LSM can not be specified with moving nests. Movement disabled.') retval = .TRUE. ENDIF ! check for observation nudging, which can not move CALL nl_get_obs_nudge_opt( id , obs_nudge_opt ) IF ( obs_nudge_opt .EQ. 1 ) THEN CALL wrf_message('Observation nudging can not be specified with moving nests. Movement disabled.') retval = .TRUE. ENDIF should_not_move = retval END FUNCTION