! !WRF:MEDIATION_LAYER:NESTING ! SUBROUTINE med_force_domain ( parent_grid , nested_grid ) USE module_domain USE module_configure IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(domain), POINTER :: parent_grid , nested_grid TYPE(domain), POINTER :: grid INTEGER nlev, msize #if !defined(MAC_KLUDGE) TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) :: config_flags #endif ! ---------------------------------------------------------- ! ------------------------------------------------------ ! Interface blocks ! ------------------------------------------------------ INTERFACE ! ------------------------------------------------------ ! Interface definitions for EM CORE ! ------------------------------------------------------ #if (EM_CORE == 1) #if !defined(MAC_KLUDGE) ! ------------------------------------------------------ ! These routines are supplied by module_dm.F from the ! external communication package (e.g. external/RSL) ! ------------------------------------------------------ SUBROUTINE interp_domain_em_part1 ( grid, intermediate_grid, ngrid, config_flags & ! # include "dummy_new_args.inc" ! ) USE module_domain USE module_configure TYPE(domain), POINTER :: grid ! name of the grid being dereferenced (must be "grid") TYPE(domain), POINTER :: intermediate_grid TYPE(domain), POINTER :: ngrid TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) :: config_flags # include END SUBROUTINE interp_domain_em_part1 SUBROUTINE force_domain_em_part2 ( grid, nested_grid, config_flags & ! # include "dummy_new_args.inc" ! ) USE module_domain USE module_configure TYPE(domain), POINTER :: grid ! name of the grid being dereferenced (must be "grid") TYPE(domain), POINTER :: nested_grid TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) :: config_flags # include END SUBROUTINE force_domain_em_part2 ! ---------------------------------------------------------- ! This routine is supplied by dyn_em/couple_or_uncouple_em.F ! ---------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE couple_or_uncouple_em ( grid, config_flags , couple & ! # include "dummy_new_args.inc" ! ) USE module_domain USE module_configure TYPE(domain), INTENT(INOUT) :: grid TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) :: config_flags LOGICAL, INTENT( IN) :: couple # include END SUBROUTINE couple_or_uncouple_em #endif #endif ! ---------------------------------------------------------- ! Interface definitions for NMM (placeholder) ! ---------------------------------------------------------- #if (NMM_CORE == 1 && NMM_NEST ==1) !======================================================================= ! Added for the NMM core. This is gopal's doing. !======================================================================= SUBROUTINE interp_domain_nmm_part1 ( grid, intermediate_grid, ngrid, config_flags & ! # include "dummy_args.inc" ! ) USE module_domain USE module_configure TYPE(domain), POINTER :: grid ! name of the grid being dereferenced (must be "grid") TYPE(domain), POINTER :: intermediate_grid TYPE(domain), POINTER :: ngrid TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) :: config_flags # include END SUBROUTINE interp_domain_nmm_part1 SUBROUTINE force_domain_nmm_part2 ( grid, nested_grid, config_flags & ! # include "dummy_args.inc" ! ) USE module_domain USE module_configure TYPE(domain), POINTER :: grid ! name of the grid being dereferenced (must be "grid") TYPE(domain), POINTER :: nested_grid TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) :: config_flags # include END SUBROUTINE force_domain_nmm_part2 !======================================================================= ! End of gopal's doing. !======================================================================= #endif ! ---------------------------------------------------------- ! Interface definitions for COAMPS (placeholder) ! ---------------------------------------------------------- #if (COAMPS_CORE == 1) #endif END INTERFACE ! ---------------------------------------------------------- ! End of Interface blocks ! ---------------------------------------------------------- ! ---------------------------------------------------------- ! ---------------------------------------------------------- ! Executable code ! ---------------------------------------------------------- ! ---------------------------------------------------------- ! Forcing calls for EM CORE. ! ---------------------------------------------------------- #if (EM_CORE == 1 && defined( DM_PARALLEL )) # if !defined(MAC_KLUDGE) CALL model_to_grid_config_rec ( nested_grid%id , model_config_rec , config_flags ) grid => nested_grid%intermediate_grid # if defined(MOVE_NESTS) || (!defined(SGIALTIX)) CALL alloc_space_field ( grid, grid%id , 1 , 2 , .TRUE. , & grid%sd31, grid%ed31, grid%sd32, grid%ed32, grid%sd33, grid%ed33, & grid%sm31, grid%em31, grid%sm32, grid%em32, grid%sm33, grid%em33, & grid%sm31x, grid%em31x, grid%sm32x, grid%em32x, grid%sm33x, grid%em33x, & ! x-xpose grid%sm31y, grid%em31y, grid%sm32y, grid%em32y, grid%sm33y, grid%em33y & ! y-xpose ) # endif ! couple parent domain grid => parent_grid ! swich config_flags to point to parent rconfig info CALL model_to_grid_config_rec ( grid%id , model_config_rec , config_flags ) CALL couple_or_uncouple_em ( grid , config_flags , .true. & ! # include "actual_new_args.inc" ! ) ! couple nested domain grid => nested_grid CALL model_to_grid_config_rec ( grid%id , model_config_rec , config_flags ) CALL couple_or_uncouple_em ( grid , config_flags , .true. & ! # include "actual_new_args.inc" ! ) ! perform first part: transfer data from parent to intermediate domain ! at the same resolution but on the same decomposition as the nest ! note that this will involve communication on multiple DM procs grid => parent_grid CALL model_to_grid_config_rec ( grid%id , model_config_rec , config_flags ) ! ! Added following line to handle adaptive time step. This should probably ! go somewhere else, but I'm not sure where. ! ! T. Hutchinson, WSI 1/23/07 ! nested_grid%intermediate_grid%dt = grid%dt CALL interp_domain_em_part1 ( grid , nested_grid%intermediate_grid, nested_grid, config_flags & ! # include "actual_new_args.inc" ! ) grid => nested_grid%intermediate_grid ! perform 2nd part: run interpolation on the intermediate domain ! and compute the values for the nest boundaries ! note that this is all local (no communication) CALL model_to_grid_config_rec ( nested_grid%id , model_config_rec , config_flags ) CALL force_domain_em_part2 ( grid, nested_grid, config_flags & ! # include "actual_new_args.inc" ! ) ! uncouple the nest grid => nested_grid CALL model_to_grid_config_rec ( grid%id , model_config_rec , config_flags ) CALL couple_or_uncouple_em ( grid , config_flags , .false. & ! # include "actual_new_args.inc" ! ) ! uncouple the parent grid => parent_grid CALL model_to_grid_config_rec ( grid%id , model_config_rec , config_flags ) CALL couple_or_uncouple_em ( grid , config_flags , .false. & ! # include "actual_new_args.inc" ! ) IF ( nested_grid%first_force ) THEN nested_grid%first_force = .FALSE. ENDIF nested_grid%dtbc = 0. ! grid => nested_grid%intermediate_grid # if defined(MOVE_NESTS) || (!defined(SGIALTIX)) CALL dealloc_space_field ( grid ) # endif # endif #endif ! ------------------------------------------------------ ! End of Forcing calls for EM CORE. ! ------------------------------------------------------ ! ------------------------------------------------------ ! ------------------------------------------------------ ! Forcing calls for NMM. (Placeholder) ! ------------------------------------------------------ # if (NMM_CORE == 1 && NMM_NEST == 1) !======================================================================= ! Added for the NMM core. This is gopal's doing. !======================================================================= CALL model_to_grid_config_rec ( nested_grid%id , model_config_rec , config_flags ) grid => nested_grid%intermediate_grid !dusan orig CALL alloc_space_field ( grid, grid%id , 1 , 2 , .TRUE. , & #if defined(MOVE_NESTS) || (!defined(SGIALTIX)) CALL alloc_space_field ( grid, grid%id , 1 , 3 , .FALSE. , & grid%sd31, grid%ed31, grid%sd32, grid%ed32, grid%sd33, grid%ed33, & grid%sm31, grid%em31, grid%sm32, grid%em32, grid%sm33, grid%em33, & grid%sm31x, grid%em31x, grid%sm32x, grid%em32x, grid%sm33x, grid%em33x, & ! x-xpose grid%sm31y, grid%em31y, grid%sm32y, grid%em32y, grid%sm33y, grid%em33y & ! y-xpose ) #endif ! couple parent domain grid => parent_grid ! swich config_flags to point to parent rconfig info CALL model_to_grid_config_rec ( grid%id , model_config_rec , config_flags ) ! on restart do not force the nest the first time since it has already been forced ! prior to the writing of the restart file IF ( .NOT. ( config_flags%restart .AND. nested_grid%first_force ) ) THEN ! couple nested domain grid => nested_grid CALL model_to_grid_config_rec ( grid%id , model_config_rec , config_flags ) ! perform first part: transfer data from parent to intermediate domain ! at the same resolution but on the same decomposition as the nest ! note that this will involve communication on multiple DM procs grid => parent_grid CALL model_to_grid_config_rec ( grid%id , model_config_rec , config_flags ) CALL interp_domain_nmm_part1 ( grid , nested_grid%intermediate_grid, nested_grid, config_flags & ! # include "actual_args.inc" ! ) ENDIF ! not restart and first force grid => nested_grid%intermediate_grid IF ( .NOT. ( config_flags%restart .AND. nested_grid%first_force ) ) THEN ! perform 2nd part: run interpolation on the intermediate domain ! and compute the values for the nest boundaries ! note that this is all local (no communication) CALL model_to_grid_config_rec ( nested_grid%id , model_config_rec , config_flags ) CALL force_domain_nmm_part2 ( grid, nested_grid, config_flags & ! # include "actual_args.inc" ! ) ENDIF ! not restart and first_force IF ( nested_grid%first_force ) THEN nested_grid%first_force = .FALSE. ENDIF nested_grid%dtbc = 0. ! grid => nested_grid%intermediate_grid #if defined(MOVE_NESTS) || (!defined(SGIALTIX)) CALL dealloc_space_field ( grid ) #endif !======================================================================= ! End of gopal's doing. !======================================================================= # endif ! ------------------------------------------------------ ! End of Forcing calls for NMM. ! ------------------------------------------------------ ! ------------------------------------------------------ ! ------------------------------------------------------ ! Forcing calls for COAMPS. (Placeholder) ! ------------------------------------------------------ # if (COAMPS_CORE == 1) # endif ! ------------------------------------------------------ ! End of Forcing calls for COAMPS. ! ------------------------------------------------------ RETURN END SUBROUTINE med_force_domain