SUBROUTINE dfi_accumulate( grid ) USE module_domain USE module_configure USE module_driver_constants USE module_machine USE module_dm USE module_model_constants USE module_state_description IMPLICIT NONE REAL hn ! Input data. TYPE(domain) , POINTER :: grid #if (EM_CORE == 1) IF ( grid%dfi_opt .EQ. DFI_NODFI .OR. grid%dfi_stage .EQ. DFI_FST ) RETURN hn = grid%hcoeff(grid%itimestep+1) ! accumulate dynamic variables grid%dfi_mu(:,:) = grid%dfi_mu(:,:) + grid%mu_2(:,:) * hn grid%dfi_u(:,:,:) = grid%dfi_u(:,:,:) + grid%u_2(:,:,:) * hn grid%dfi_v(:,:,:) = grid%dfi_v(:,:,:) + grid%v_2(:,:,:) * hn grid%dfi_w(:,:,:) = grid%dfi_w(:,:,:) + grid%w_2(:,:,:) * hn grid%dfi_ww(:,:,:) = grid%dfi_ww(:,:,:) + grid%ww(:,:,:) * hn grid%dfi_t(:,:,:) = grid%dfi_t(:,:,:) + grid%t_2(:,:,:) * hn grid%dfi_phb(:,:,:) = grid%dfi_phb(:,:,:) + grid%phb(:,:,:) * hn grid%dfi_ph0(:,:,:) = grid%dfi_ph0(:,:,:) + grid%ph0(:,:,:) * hn grid%dfi_php(:,:,:) = grid%dfi_php(:,:,:) + grid%php(:,:,:) * hn grid%dfi_p(:,:,:) = grid%dfi_p(:,:,:) + grid%p(:,:,:) * hn grid%dfi_ph(:,:,:) = grid%dfi_ph(:,:,:) + grid%ph_2(:,:,:) * hn grid%dfi_tke(:,:,:) = grid%dfi_tke(:,:,:) + grid%tke_2(:,:,:) * hn grid%dfi_al(:,:,:) = grid%dfi_al(:,:,:) + grid%al(:,:,:) * hn grid%dfi_alt(:,:,:) = grid%dfi_alt(:,:,:) + grid%alt(:,:,:) * hn grid%dfi_pb(:,:,:) = grid%dfi_pb(:,:,:) + grid%pb(:,:,:) * hn grid%dfi_moist(:,:,:,:) = grid%dfi_moist(:,:,:,:) + grid%moist(:,:,:,:) * hn grid%dfi_scalar(:,:,:,:) = grid%dfi_scalar(:,:,:,:) + grid%scalar(:,:,:,:) * hn ! accumulate DFI coefficient grid%hcoeff_tot = grid%hcoeff_tot + hn #endif END SUBROUTINE dfi_accumulate #if (EM_CORE == 1) SUBROUTINE wrf_dfi_bck_init ( ) USE module_domain USE module_utility IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER rc INTERFACE SUBROUTINE Setup_Timekeeping(grid) USE module_domain TYPE (domain), POINTER :: grid END SUBROUTINE Setup_Timekeeping SUBROUTINE dfi_save_arrays(grid) USE module_domain TYPE (domain), POINTER :: grid END SUBROUTINE dfi_save_arrays SUBROUTINE dfi_clear_accumulation(grid) USE module_domain TYPE (domain), POINTER :: grid END SUBROUTINE dfi_clear_accumulation SUBROUTINE optfil_driver(grid) USE module_domain TYPE (domain), POINTER :: grid END SUBROUTINE optfil_driver SUBROUTINE start_domain(grid, allowed_to_read) USE module_domain TYPE (domain) :: grid LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: allowed_to_read END SUBROUTINE start_domain END INTERFACE head_grid%dfi_stage = DFI_BCK ! Negate time step CALL nl_set_time_step ( 1, -head_grid%time_step ) CALL Setup_Timekeeping (head_grid) ! set physics options to zero CALL nl_set_mp_physics( 1, 0 ) CALL nl_set_ra_lw_physics( 1, 0 ) CALL nl_set_ra_sw_physics( 1, 0 ) CALL nl_set_sf_surface_physics( 1, 0 ) CALL nl_set_sf_sfclay_physics( 1, 0 ) CALL nl_set_bl_pbl_physics( 1, 0 ) CALL nl_set_cu_physics( 1, 0 ) ! set diffusion to zero for backward integration CALL nl_set_km_opt( 1, head_grid%km_opt_dfi) CALL nl_set_pd_moist( 1, head_grid%pd_moist_dfi) head_grid%start_subtime = domain_get_start_time ( head_grid ) head_grid%stop_subtime = domain_get_stop_time ( head_grid ) CALL WRFU_ClockSet(head_grid%domain_clock, currTime=head_grid%start_subtime, rc=rc) CALL dfi_save_arrays ( head_grid ) CALL dfi_clear_accumulation( head_grid ) CALL optfil_driver(head_grid) !tgs need to call start_domain here to reset bc initialization for negative dt CALL start_domain ( head_grid , .TRUE. ) END SUBROUTINE wrf_dfi_bck_init SUBROUTINE wrf_dfi_fwd_init ( ) USE module_domain USE module_utility IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER rc INTERFACE SUBROUTINE Setup_Timekeeping(grid) USE module_domain TYPE (domain), POINTER :: grid END SUBROUTINE Setup_Timekeeping SUBROUTINE dfi_save_arrays(grid) USE module_domain TYPE (domain), POINTER :: grid END SUBROUTINE dfi_save_arrays SUBROUTINE dfi_clear_accumulation(grid) USE module_domain TYPE (domain), POINTER :: grid END SUBROUTINE dfi_clear_accumulation SUBROUTINE optfil_driver(grid) USE module_domain TYPE (domain), POINTER :: grid END SUBROUTINE optfil_driver SUBROUTINE start_domain(grid, allowed_to_read) USE module_domain TYPE (domain) :: grid LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: allowed_to_read END SUBROUTINE start_domain END INTERFACE head_grid%dfi_stage = DFI_FWD ! get the negative time step from the namelist and store ! it as positive again. ! for Setup_Timekeeping to use when setting the clock ! note that this ignores fractional parts of time step CALL nl_get_time_step( 1, head_grid%time_step ) head_grid%time_step = abs(head_grid%time_step) CALL nl_set_time_step( 1, head_grid%time_step ) head_grid%itimestep=0 head_grid%xtime=0. ! reset physics options to normal CALL nl_set_mp_physics( 1, head_grid%mp_physics) CALL nl_set_ra_lw_physics( 1, head_grid%ra_lw_physics) CALL nl_set_ra_sw_physics( 1, head_grid%ra_sw_physics) CALL nl_set_sf_surface_physics( 1, head_grid%sf_surface_physics) CALL nl_set_sf_sfclay_physics( 1, head_grid%sf_sfclay_physics) CALL nl_set_bl_pbl_physics( 1, head_grid%bl_pbl_physics) CALL nl_set_cu_physics( 1, head_grid%cu_physics) ! reset km_opt to norlmal CALL nl_set_km_opt( 1, head_grid%km_opt) CALL nl_set_pd_moist( 1, head_grid%pd_moist) CALL Setup_Timekeeping (head_grid) head_grid%start_subtime = domain_get_start_time ( head_grid ) head_grid%stop_subtime = domain_get_stop_time ( head_grid ) CALL WRFU_ClockSet(head_grid%domain_clock, currTime=head_grid%start_subtime, rc=rc) IF ( head_grid%dfi_opt .EQ. DFI_DFL ) THEN CALL dfi_save_arrays ( head_grid ) END IF CALL dfi_clear_accumulation( head_grid ) CALL optfil_driver(head_grid) !tgs need to call it here to reset bc initialization for positive time_step CALL start_domain ( head_grid , .TRUE. ) END SUBROUTINE wrf_dfi_fwd_init SUBROUTINE wrf_dfi_fst_init ( ) USE module_domain IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: wrf_error_message INTERFACE SUBROUTINE Setup_Timekeeping(grid) USE module_domain TYPE (domain), POINTER :: grid END SUBROUTINE Setup_Timekeeping SUBROUTINE dfi_save_arrays(grid) USE module_domain TYPE (domain), POINTER :: grid END SUBROUTINE dfi_save_arrays SUBROUTINE dfi_clear_accumulation(grid) USE module_domain TYPE (domain), POINTER :: grid END SUBROUTINE dfi_clear_accumulation SUBROUTINE optfil_driver(grid) USE module_domain TYPE (domain), POINTER :: grid END SUBROUTINE optfil_driver SUBROUTINE start_domain(grid, allowed_to_read) USE module_domain TYPE (domain) :: grid LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: allowed_to_read END SUBROUTINE start_domain END INTERFACE head_grid%dfi_stage = DFI_FST head_grid%itimestep=0 head_grid%xtime=0. ! BUG: This will probably not work for all DFI options CALL Setup_Timekeeping (head_grid) head_grid%start_subtime = domain_get_start_time ( head_grid ) head_grid%stop_subtime = domain_get_stop_time ( head_grid ) CALL start_domain ( head_grid , .TRUE. ) END SUBROUTINE wrf_dfi_fst_init SUBROUTINE wrf_dfi_write_initialized_state( ) ! Driver layer USE module_domain USE module_io_domain USE module_configure IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: fid, ierr CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: wrf_error_message CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: rstname CHARACTER (LEN=132) :: message TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) :: config_flags CALL model_to_grid_config_rec ( head_grid%id , model_config_rec , config_flags ) WRITE (wrf_err_message,'(A,I4)') 'Writing out initialized model state' CALL wrf_message(TRIM(wrf_err_message)) rstname = 'wrfinput_initialized_d01' CALL open_w_dataset ( fid, TRIM(rstname), head_grid, config_flags, output_model_input, "DATASET=INPUT", ierr ) IF ( ierr .NE. 0 ) THEN WRITE( message , '("program wrf: error opening ",A," for writing")') TRIM(rstname) CALL WRF_ERROR_FATAL ( message ) END IF CALL output_model_input ( fid, head_grid, config_flags, ierr ) CALL close_dataset ( fid, config_flags, "DATASET=INPUT" ) END SUBROUTINE wrf_dfi_write_initialized_state SUBROUTINE wrf_dfi_array_reset ( ) USE module_domain IMPLICIT NONE INTERFACE SUBROUTINE dfi_array_reset(grid) USE module_domain TYPE (domain), POINTER :: grid END SUBROUTINE dfi_array_reset END INTERFACE ! Copy filtered arrays back into state arrays in grid structure, and ! restore original land surface fields CALL dfi_array_reset( head_grid ) END SUBROUTINE wrf_dfi_array_reset SUBROUTINE optfil_driver( grid ) USE module_domain USE module_wrf_error USE module_timing USE module_date_time USE module_configure USE module_state_description USE module_model_constants IMPLICIT NONE TYPE (domain) , POINTER :: grid ! Local variables integer :: nstep2, nstepmax, rundfi, i, rc real :: timestep, tauc TYPE(WRFU_TimeInterval) :: run_interval timestep=abs(grid%dt) run_interval = grid%stop_subtime - grid%start_subtime CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalGet( run_interval, S=rundfi, rc=rc ) rundfi = abs(rundfi) nstep2= ceiling((1.0 + real(rundfi)/timestep) / 2.0) ! nstep2 is equal to a half of timesteps per initialization period, ! should not exceed nstepmax tauc = real(grid%dfi_cutoff_seconds) ! Get DFI coefficient grid%hcoeff(:) = 0.0 IF ( grid%dfi_nfilter < 0 .OR. grid%dfi_nfilter > 8 ) THEN write(0,*) 'Invalid filter specified in namelist.' ELSE call dfcoef(nstep2-1, grid%dt, tauc, grid%dfi_nfilter, grid%hcoeff) END IF IF ( MOD(int(1.0 + real(rundfi)/timestep),2) /= 0 ) THEN DO i=1,nstep2-1 grid%hcoeff(2*nstep2-i) = grid%hcoeff(i) END DO ELSE DO i=1,nstep2 grid%hcoeff(2*nstep2-i+1) = grid%hcoeff(i) END DO END IF END SUBROUTINE optfil_driver SUBROUTINE dfi_clear_accumulation( grid ) USE module_domain USE module_configure USE module_driver_constants USE module_machine USE module_dm USE module_model_constants USE module_state_description IMPLICIT NONE ! Input data. TYPE(domain) , POINTER :: grid grid%dfi_mu(:,:) = 0. grid%dfi_u(:,:,:) = 0. grid%dfi_v(:,:,:) = 0. grid%dfi_w(:,:,:) = 0. grid%dfi_ww(:,:,:) = 0. grid%dfi_t(:,:,:) = 0. grid%dfi_phb(:,:,:) = 0. grid%dfi_ph0(:,:,:) = 0. grid%dfi_php(:,:,:) = 0. grid%dfi_p(:,:,:) = 0. grid%dfi_ph(:,:,:) = 0. grid%dfi_tke(:,:,:) = 0. grid%dfi_al(:,:,:) = 0. grid%dfi_alt(:,:,:) = 0. grid%dfi_pb(:,:,:) = 0. grid%dfi_moist(:,:,:,:) = 0. grid%dfi_scalar(:,:,:,:) = 0. grid%hcoeff_tot = 0.0 END SUBROUTINE dfi_clear_accumulation SUBROUTINE dfi_save_arrays( grid ) USE module_domain USE module_configure USE module_driver_constants USE module_machine USE module_dm USE module_model_constants USE module_state_description IMPLICIT NONE ! Input data. TYPE(domain) , POINTER :: grid ! save surface 2-D fields grid%dfi_SNOW(:,:) = grid%SNOW(:,:) grid%dfi_SNOWH(:,:) = grid%SNOWH(:,:) grid%dfi_SNOWC(:,:) = grid%SNOWC(:,:) grid%dfi_CANWAT(:,:) = grid%CANWAT(:,:) grid%dfi_TSK(:,:) = grid%TSK(:,:) grid%dfi_QVG(:,:) = grid%QVG(:,:) grid%dfi_SOILT1(:,:) = grid%SOILT1(:,:) grid%dfi_TSNAV(:,:) = grid%TSNAV(:,:) ! save soil fields grid%dfi_TSLB(:,:,:) = grid%TSLB(:,:,:) grid%dfi_SMOIS(:,:,:) = grid%SMOIS(:,:,:) grid%dfi_SMFR3D(:,:,:) = grid%SMFR3D(:,:,:) grid%dfi_KEEPFR3DFLAG(:,:,:) = grid%KEEPFR3DFLAG(:,:,:) END SUBROUTINE dfi_save_arrays SUBROUTINE dfi_array_reset( grid ) USE module_domain USE module_configure USE module_driver_constants USE module_machine USE module_dm USE module_model_constants USE module_state_description IMPLICIT NONE ! Input data. TYPE(domain) , POINTER :: grid IF ( grid%dfi_opt .EQ. DFI_NODFI ) RETURN ! Set dynamic variables ! divide by total DFI coefficient grid%mu_2(:,:) = grid%dfi_mu(:,:) / grid%hcoeff_tot grid%u_2(:,:,:) = grid%dfi_u(:,:,:) / grid%hcoeff_tot grid%v_2(:,:,:) = grid%dfi_v(:,:,:) / grid%hcoeff_tot grid%w_2(:,:,:) = grid%dfi_w(:,:,:) / grid%hcoeff_tot grid%ww(:,:,:) = grid%dfi_ww(:,:,:) / grid%hcoeff_tot grid%t_2(:,:,:) = grid%dfi_t(:,:,:) / grid%hcoeff_tot grid%phb(:,:,:) = grid%dfi_phb(:,:,:) / grid%hcoeff_tot grid%ph0(:,:,:) = grid%dfi_ph0(:,:,:) / grid%hcoeff_tot grid%php(:,:,:) = grid%dfi_php(:,:,:) / grid%hcoeff_tot grid%p(:,:,:) = grid%dfi_p(:,:,:) / grid%hcoeff_tot grid%ph_2(:,:,:) = grid%dfi_ph(:,:,:) / grid%hcoeff_tot grid%tke_2(:,:,:) = grid%dfi_tke(:,:,:) / grid%hcoeff_tot grid%al(:,:,:) = grid%dfi_al(:,:,:) / grid%hcoeff_tot grid%alt(:,:,:) = grid%dfi_alt(:,:,:) / grid%hcoeff_tot grid%pb(:,:,:) = grid%dfi_pb(:,:,:) / grid%hcoeff_tot grid%moist(:,:,:,:) = grid%dfi_moist(:,:,:,:) / grid%hcoeff_tot grid%scalar(:,:,:,:) = grid%dfi_scalar(:,:,:,:) / grid%hcoeff_tot ! restore initial fields grid%SNOW (:,:) = grid%dfi_SNOW (:,:) grid%SNOWH (:,:) = grid%dfi_SNOWH (:,:) grid%SNOWC (:,:) = grid%dfi_SNOWC (:,:) grid%CANWAT(:,:) = grid%dfi_CANWAT(:,:) grid%TSK (:,:) = grid%dfi_TSK (:,:) grid%QVG (:,:) = grid%dfi_QVG (:,:) grid%SOILT1(:,:) = grid%dfi_SOILT1(:,:) grid%TSNAV (:,:) = grid%dfi_TSNAV (:,:) grid%TSLB (:,:,:) = grid%dfi_TSLB (:,:,:) grid%SMOIS (:,:,:) = grid%dfi_SMOIS (:,:,:) grid%SMFR3D(:,:,:) = grid%dfi_SMFR3D (:,:,:) grid%KEEPFR3DFLAG(:,:,:) = grid%dfi_KEEPFR3DFLAG(:,:,:) END SUBROUTINE dfi_array_reset SUBROUTINE dfcoef (NSTEPS,DT,TAUC,NFILT,H) ! ! calculate filter weights with selected window. ! ! peter lynch and xiang-yu huang ! ! ref: see hamming, r.w., 1989: digital filters, ! prentice-hall international. 3rd edition. ! ! input: nsteps - number of timesteps ! forward or backward. ! dt - time step in seconds. ! tauc - cut-off period in seconds. ! nfilt - indicator for selected filter. ! ! output: h - array(0:nsteps) with the ! required filter weights ! !------------------------------------------------------------ implicit none integer, intent(in) :: nsteps, nfilt real , intent(in) :: dt, tauc real, intent(out) :: h(1:nsteps+1) ! Local data integer :: n real :: pi, omegac, x, window, deltat real :: hh(0:nsteps) pi=4*ATAN(1.) deltat=ABS(dt) ! windows are defined by a call and held in hh. if ( nfilt .eq. -1) call debug (nsteps,h) IF ( NFILT .EQ. 0 ) CALL UNIFORM (NSTEPS,HH) IF ( NFILT .EQ. 1 ) CALL LANCZOS (NSTEPS,HH) IF ( NFILT .EQ. 2 ) CALL HAMMING (NSTEPS,HH) IF ( NFILT .EQ. 3 ) CALL BLACKMAN (NSTEPS,HH) IF ( NFILT .EQ. 4 ) CALL KAISER (NSTEPS,HH) IF ( NFILT .EQ. 5 ) CALL POTTER2 (NSTEPS,HH) IF ( NFILT .EQ. 6 ) CALL DOLPHWIN (NSTEPS,HH) IF ( NFILT .LE. 6 ) THEN ! sinc-windowed filters ! calculate the cutoff frequency OMEGAC = 2.*PI/TAUC DO N=0,NSTEPS WINDOW = HH(N) IF ( N .EQ. 0 ) THEN X = (OMEGAC*DELTAT/PI) ELSE X = SIN(N*OMEGAC*DELTAT)/(N*PI) END IF HH(N) = X*WINDOW END DO ! normalize the sums to be unity CALL NORMLZ(HH,NSTEPS) DO N=0,NSTEPS H(N+1) = HH(NSTEPS-N) END DO ELSE IF ( NFILT .EQ. 7 ) THEN ! dolph filter CALL DOLPH(DT,TAUC,NSTEPS,H) ELSE IF ( NFILT .EQ. 8 ) THEN ! 2nd order, 2nd type quick start filter (RHO) CALL RHOFIL(DT,TAUC,2,NSTEPS*2,2,H,NSTEPS) END IF RETURN END SUBROUTINE dfcoef SUBROUTINE NORMLZ(HH,NMAX) ! normalize the sum of hh to be unity implicit none integer, intent(in) :: nmax real , dimension(0:nmax), intent(out) :: hh ! local data real :: sumhh integer :: n SUMHH = HH(0) DO N=1,NMAX SUMHH = SUMHH + 2*HH(N) ENDDO DO N=0,NMAX HH(N) = HH(N)/SUMHH ENDDO RETURN END subroutine normlz subroutine debug(nsteps, ww) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: nsteps real , dimension(0:nsteps), intent(out) :: ww integer :: n do n=0,nsteps ww(n)=0 end do ww(int(nsteps/2))=1 return end subroutine debug SUBROUTINE UNIFORM(NSTEPS,WW) ! define uniform or rectangular window function. implicit none integer, intent(in) :: nsteps real , dimension(0:nsteps), intent(out) :: ww integer :: n DO N=0,NSTEPS WW(N) = 1. ENDDO RETURN END subroutine uniform SUBROUTINE LANCZOS(NSTEPS,WW) ! define (genaralised) lanczos window function. implicit none integer, parameter :: nmax = 1000 integer, intent(in) :: nsteps real , dimension(0:nmax), intent(out) :: ww integer :: n real :: power, pi, w ! (for the usual lanczos window, power = 1 ) POWER = 1 PI=4*ATAN(1.) DO N=0,NSTEPS IF ( N .EQ. 0 ) THEN W = 1.0 ELSE W = SIN(N*PI/(NSTEPS+1)) / ( N*PI/(NSTEPS+1)) ENDIF WW(N) = W**POWER ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE lanczos SUBROUTINE HAMMING(NSTEPS,WW) ! define (genaralised) hamming window function. implicit none integer, intent(in) :: nsteps real, dimension(0:nsteps) :: ww integer :: n real :: alpha, pi, w ! (for the usual hamming window, alpha=0.54, ! for the hann window, alpha=0.50). ALPHA=0.54 PI=4*ATAN(1.) DO N=0,NSTEPS IF ( N .EQ. 0 ) THEN W = 1.0 ELSE W = ALPHA + (1-ALPHA)*COS(N*PI/(NSTEPS)) ENDIF WW(N) = W ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE hamming SUBROUTINE BLACKMAN(NSTEPS,WW) ! define blackman window function. implicit none integer, intent(in) :: nsteps real, dimension(0:nsteps) :: ww integer :: n real :: pi, w PI=4*ATAN(1.) DO N=0,NSTEPS IF ( N .EQ. 0 ) THEN W = 1.0 ELSE W = 0.42 + 0.50*COS( N*PI/(NSTEPS)) & + 0.08*COS(2*N*PI/(NSTEPS)) ENDIF WW(N) = W ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE blackman SUBROUTINE KAISER(NSTEPS,WW) ! define kaiser window function. implicit none real, external :: bessi0 integer, intent(in) :: nsteps real, dimension(0:nsteps) :: ww integer :: n real :: alpha, xi0a, xn, as ALPHA = 1 XI0A = BESSI0(ALPHA) DO N=0,NSTEPS XN = N AS = ALPHA*SQRT(1.-(XN/NSTEPS)**2) WW(N) = BESSI0(AS) / XI0A ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE kaiser REAL FUNCTION BESSI0(X) ! from numerical recipes (press, et al.) implicit none real(8) :: Y real(8) :: P1 = 1.0d0 real(8) :: P2 = 3.5156230D0 real(8) :: P3 = 3.0899424D0 real(8) :: P4 = 1.2067492D0 real(8) :: P5 = 0.2659732D0 real(8) :: P6 = 0.360768D-1 real(8) :: P7 = 0.45813D-2 real*8 :: Q1 = 0.39894228D0 real*8 :: Q2 = 0.1328592D-1 real*8 :: Q3 = 0.225319D-2 real*8 :: Q4 = -0.157565D-2 real*8 :: Q5 = 0.916281D-2 real*8 :: Q6 = -0.2057706D-1 real*8 :: Q7 = 0.2635537D-1 real*8 :: Q8 = -0.1647633D-1 real*8 :: Q9 = 0.392377D-2 real :: x, ax IF (ABS(X).LT.3.75) THEN Y=(X/3.75)**2 BESSI0=P1+Y*(P2+Y*(P3+Y*(P4+Y*(P5+Y*(P6+Y*P7))))) ELSE AX=ABS(X) Y=3.75/AX BESSI0=(EXP(AX)/SQRT(AX))*(Q1+Y*(Q2+Y*(Q3+Y*(Q4 & +Y*(Q5+Y*(Q6+Y*(Q7+Y*(Q8+Y*Q9)))))))) ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION bessi0 SUBROUTINE POTTER2(NSTEPS,WW) ! define potter window function. ! modified to fall off over twice the range. implicit none integer, intent(in) :: nsteps real, dimension(0:nsteps),intent(out) :: ww integer :: n real :: ck, sum, arg ! local data real, dimension(0:3) :: d real :: pi integer :: ip d(0) = 0.35577019 d(1) = 0.2436983 d(2) = 0.07211497 d(3) = 0.00630165 PI=4*ATAN(1.) CK = 1.0 DO N=0,NSTEPS IF (N.EQ.NSTEPS) CK = 0.5 ARG = PI*FLOAT(N)/FLOAT(NSTEPS) !min--- modification in next statement ARG = ARG/2. !min--- end of modification SUM = D(0) DO IP=1,3 SUM = SUM + 2.*D(IP)*COS(ARG*FLOAT(IP)) END DO WW(N) = CK*SUM END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE potter2 SUBROUTINE dolphwin(m, window) ! calculation of dolph-chebyshev window or, for short, ! dolph window, using the expression in the reference: ! ! antoniou, andreas, 1993: digital filters: analysis, ! design and applications. mcgraw-hill, inc., 689pp. ! ! the dolph window is optimal in the following sense: ! for a given main-lobe width, the stop-band attenuation ! is minimal; for a given stop-band level, the main-lobe ! width is minimal. ! ! it is possible to specify either the ripple-ratio r ! or the stop-band edge thetas. IMPLICIT NONE ! Arguments INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: m REAL, DIMENSION(0:M), INTENT(OUT) :: window ! local data REAL, DIMENSION(0:2*M) :: t REAL, DIMENSION(0:M) :: w, time REAL :: pi, thetas, x0, term1, term2, rr, r, db, sum, arg INTEGER :: n, nm1, nt, i PI = 4*ATAN(1.D0) THETAS = 2*PI/M N = 2*M+1 NM1 = N-1 X0 = 1/COS(THETAS/2) TERM1 = (X0 + SQRT(X0**2-1))**(FLOAT(N-1)) TERM2 = (X0 - SQRT(X0**2-1))**(FLOAT(N-1)) RR = 0.5*(TERM1+TERM2) R = 1/RR DB = 20*LOG10(R) WRITE(*,'(1X,''DOLPH: M,N='',2I8)')M,N WRITE(*,'(1X,''DOLPH: THETAS (STOP-BAND EDGE)='',F10.3)')THETAS WRITE(*,'(1X,''DOLPH: R,DB='',2F10.3)')R, DB DO NT=0,M SUM = RR DO I=1,M ARG = X0*COS(I*PI/N) CALL CHEBY(T,NM1,ARG) TERM1 = T(NM1) TERM2 = COS(2*NT*PI*I/N) SUM = SUM + 2*TERM1*TERM2 ENDDO W(NT) = SUM/N TIME(NT) = NT ENDDO ! fill up the array for return DO NT=0,M WINDOW(NT) = W(NT) ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE dolphwin SUBROUTINE dolph(deltat, taus, m, window) ! calculation of dolph-chebyshev window or, for short, ! dolph window, using the expression in the reference: ! ! antoniou, andreas, 1993: digital filters: analysis, ! design and applications. mcgraw-hill, inc., 689pp. ! ! the dolph window is optimal in the following sense: ! for a given main-lobe width, the stop-band attenuation ! is minimal; for a given stop-band level, the main-lobe ! width is minimal. IMPLICIT NONE ! Arguments INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: m REAL, DIMENSION(0:M), INTENT(OUT) :: window REAL, INTENT(IN) :: deltat, taus ! local data integer, PARAMETER :: NMAX = 5000 REAL, dimension(0:NMAX) :: t, w, time real, dimension(0:2*nmax) :: w2 INTEGER :: NPRPE=0 ! no of pe CHARACTER*80 :: MES real :: pi, thetas, x0, term1, term2, rr, r,db, sum, arg, sumw integer :: n, nm1, i, nt PI = 4*ATAN(1.D0) print *, 'in dfcoef, deltat = ', deltat, 'taus=',taus N = 2*M+1 NM1 = N-1 THETAS = 2*PI*ABS(DELTAT/TAUS) X0 = 1/COS(THETAS/2) TERM1 = (X0 + SQRT(X0**2-1))**(FLOAT(N-1)) TERM2 = (X0 - SQRT(X0**2-1))**(FLOAT(N-1)) RR = 0.5*(TERM1+TERM2) R = 1/RR DB = 20*LOG10(R) WRITE(*,'(1X,''DOLPH: M,N='',2I8)')M,N WRITE(*,'(1X,''DOLPH: THETAS (STOP-BAND EDGE)='',F10.3)')THETAS WRITE(*,'(1X,''DOLPH: R,DB='',2F10.3)')R, DB DO NT=0,M SUM = 1 DO I=1,M ARG = X0*COS(I*PI/N) CALL CHEBY(T,NM1,ARG) TERM1 = T(NM1) TERM2 = COS(2*NT*PI*I/N) SUM = SUM + R*2*TERM1*TERM2 ENDDO W(NT) = SUM/N TIME(NT) = NT WRITE(*,'(1X,''DOLPH: TIME, W='',F10.6,2X,E17.7)') & TIME(NT), W(NT) ENDDO ! fill in the negative-time values by symmetry. DO NT=0,M W2(M+NT) = W(NT) W2(M-NT) = W(NT) ENDDO ! fill up the array for return SUMW = 0. DO NT=0,2*M SUMW = SUMW + W2(NT) ENDDO WRITE(*,'(1X,''DOLPH: SUM OF WEIGHTS W2='',F10.4)')SUMW DO NT=0,2*M WINDOW(NT) = W2(NT) ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE dolph SUBROUTINE cheby(t, n, x) ! calculate all chebyshev polynomials up to order n ! for the argument value x. ! reference: numerical recipes, page 184, recurrence ! t_n(x) = 2xt_{n-1}(x) - t_{n-2}(x) , n>=2. IMPLICIT NONE ! Arguments INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n REAL, INTENT(IN) :: x REAL, DIMENSION(0:N) :: t integer :: nn T(0) = 1 T(1) = X IF(N.LT.2) RETURN DO NN=2,N T(NN) = 2*X*T(NN-1) - T(NN-2) ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE cheby SUBROUTINE rhofil(dt, tauc, norder, nstep, ictype, frow, nosize) ! RHO = recurssive high order. ! ! This routine calculates and returns the ! Last Row, FROW, of the FILTER matrix. ! ! Input Parameters: ! DT : Time Step in seconds ! TAUC : Cut-off period (hours) ! NORDER : Order of QS Filter ! NSTEP : Number of step/Size of row. ! ICTYPE : Initial Conditions ! NOSIZE : Max. side of FROW. ! ! Working Fields: ! ACOEF : X-coefficients of filter ! BCOEF : Y-coefficients of filter ! FILTER : Filter Matrix. ! ! Output Parameters: ! FROW : Last Row of Filter Matrix. ! ! Note: Two types of initial conditions are permitted. ! ICTYPE = 1 : Order increasing each row to NORDER. ! ICTYPE = 2 : Order fixed at NORDER throughout. ! ! DOUBLE PRECISION USED THROUGHOUT. IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) DOUBLE PRECISION MUC ! N.B. Single Precision for List Parameters. REAL, intent(in) :: DT,TAUC ! Space for the last row of FILTER. integer, intent(in) :: norder, nstep, ictype, nosize REAL , dimension(0:nosize), intent(out):: FROW ! Arrays for rho filter. integer, PARAMETER :: NOMAX=100 real , dimension(0:NOMAX) :: acoef, bcoef real , dimension(0:NOMAX,0:NOMAX) :: filter ! Working space. real , dimension(0:NOMAX) :: alpha, beta real :: DTT DTT = ABS(DT) PI = 2*DASIN(1.D0) IOTA = CMPLX(0.,1.) ! Filtering Parameters (derived). THETAC = 2*PI*DTT/(TAUC) MUC = tan(THETAC/2) FC = THETAC/(2*PI) ! Clear the arrays. DO NC=0,NOMAX ACOEF(NC) = 0. BCOEF(NC) = 0. ALPHA(NC) = 0. BETA (NC) = 0. FROW (NC) = 0. DO NR=0,NOMAX FILTER(NR,NC) = 0. ENDDO ENDDO ! Fill up the Filter Matrix. FILTER(0,0) = 1. ! Get the coefficients of the Filter. IF ( ICTYPE.eq.2 ) THEN CALL RHOCOF(NORDER,NOMAX,MUC, ACOEF,BCOEF) ENDIF DO 100 NROW=1,NSTEP IF ( ICTYPE.eq.1 ) THEN NORD = MIN(NROW,NORDER) IF ( NORD.le.NORDER) THEN CALL RHOCOF(NORD,NOMAX,MUC, ACOEF,BCOEF) ENDIF ENDIF DO K=0,NROW ALPHA(K) = ACOEF(NROW-K) IF( BETA(K) = BCOEF(NROW-K) ENDDO ! Correction for terms of negative index. IF ( ICTYPE.eq.2 ) THEN IF ( ) THEN CN = 0. DO NN=NROW+1,NORDER CN = CN + (ACOEF(NN)+BCOEF(NN)) ENDDO ALPHA(0) = ALPHA(0) + CN ENDIF ENDIF ! Check sum of ALPHAs and BETAs = 1 SUMAB = 0. DO NN=0,NROW SUMAB = SUMAB + ALPHA(NN) IF( SUMAB = SUMAB + BETA(NN) ENDDO DO KK=0,NROW-1 SUMBF = 0. DO LL=0,NROW-1 SUMBF = SUMBF + BETA(LL)*FILTER(LL,KK) ENDDO FILTER(NROW,KK) = ALPHA(KK)+SUMBF ENDDO FILTER(NROW,NROW) = ALPHA(NROW) ! Check sum of row elements = 1 SUMROW = 0. DO NN=0,NROW SUMROW = SUMROW + FILTER(NROW,NN) ENDDO 100 CONTINUE DO NC=0,NSTEP FROW(NC) = FILTER(NSTEP,NC) ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE rhofil SUBROUTINE rhocof(nord, nomax, muc, ca, cb) ! Get the coefficients of the RHO Filter ! IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT NONE ! Arguments integer, intent(in) :: nord, nomax real, dimension(0:nomax) :: ca, cb ! Functions double precision, external :: cnr ! Local variables INTEGER :: nn COMPLEX :: IOTA DOUBLE PRECISION :: MUC, ZN DOUBLE PRECISION :: pi, root2, rn, sigma, gain, sumcof PI = 2*ASIN(1.) ROOT2 = SQRT(2.) IOTA = (0.,1.) RN = 1./FLOAT(NORD) SIGMA = 1./( SQRT(2.**RN-1.) ) GAIN = (MUC*SIGMA/(1+MUC*SIGMA))**NORD ZN = (1-MUC*SIGMA)/(1+MUC*SIGMA) DO NN=0,NORD CA(NN) = CNR(NORD,NN)*GAIN IF( CB(NN) = -CNR(NORD,NN)*(-ZN)**NN ENDDO ! Check sum of coefficients = 1 SUMCOF = 0. DO NN=0,NORD SUMCOF = SUMCOF + CA(NN) IF( SUMCOF = SUMCOF + CB(NN) ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE RHOCOF DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION cnr(n,r) ! Binomial Coefficient (n,r). ! IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION(C,X) IMPLICIT NONE ! Arguments INTEGER , intent(in) :: n, R ! Local variables INTEGER :: k DOUBLE PRECISION :: coeff, xn, xr, xk IF ( R.eq.0 ) THEN CNR = 1.0 RETURN ENDIF Coeff = 1.0 XN = DFLOAT(N) XR = DFLOAT(R) DO K=1,R XK = DFLOAT(K) COEFF = COEFF * ( (XN-XR+XK)/XK ) ENDDO CNR = COEFF RETURN END FUNCTION cnr SUBROUTINE optfil (grid,NH,DELTAT,NHMAX) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SUBROUTINE optfil (NH,DELTAT,TAUP,TAUS,LPRINT, & ! H,NHMAX) ! ! - Huang and Lynch optimal filter ! Monthly Weather Review, Feb 1993 !---------------------------------------------------------- ! Input Parameters in List: ! NH : Half-length of the Filter ! DELTAT : Time-step (in seconds). ! TAUP : Period of pass-band edge (hours). ! TAUS : Period of stop-band edge (hours). ! LPRINT : Logical switch for messages. ! NHMAX : Maximum permitted Half-length. ! ! Output Parameters in List: ! H : Impulse Response. ! DP : Deviation in pass-band (db) ! DS : Deviation in stop-band (db) !---------------------------------------------------------- ! USE module_domain TYPE(domain) , POINTER :: grid REAL,DIMENSION( 20) :: EDGE REAL,DIMENSION( 10) :: FX, WTX, DEVIAT REAL,DIMENSION(2*NHMAX+1) :: H logical LPRINT REAL, INTENT (IN) :: DELTAT INTEGER, INTENT (IN) :: NH, NHMAX ! TAUP = 3. TAUS = 1.5 LPRINT = .true. !initialize H array NL=2*NHMAX+1 do 101 n=1,NL H(n)=0. 101 continue NFILT = 2*NH+1 print *,' start optfil, NFILT=', nfilt ! ! 930325 PL & XYH : the upper limit is changed from 64 to 128. IF(NFILT.LE.0 .OR. NFILT.GT.128 ) THEN WRITE(6,*) 'NH=',NH CALL wrf_error_fatal (' Sorry, error 1 in call to OPTFIL ') ENDIF ! ! The following four should always be the same. JTYPE = 1 NBANDS = 2 !CC JPRINT = 0 LGRID = 16 ! ! calculate transition frequencies. DT = ABS(DELTAT) FS = DT/(TAUS*3600.) FP = DT/(TAUP*3600.) IF(FS.GT.0.5) then ! print *,' FS too large in OPTFIL ' CALL wrf_error_fatal (' FS too large in OPTFIL ') ! return end if IF(FP.LT.0.0) then ! print *, ' FP too small in OPTFIL ' CALL wrf_error_fatal (' FP too small in OPTFIL ') ! return end if ! ! Relative Weights in pass- and stop-bands. WTP = 1.0 WTS = 1.0 ! !CC NOTE: (FP,FC,FS) is an arithmetic progression, so !CC (1/FS,1/FC,1/FP) is a harmonic one. !CC TAUP = 1/( (1/TAUC)-(1/DTAU) ) !CC TAUS = 1/( (1/TAUC)+(1/DTAU) ) !CC TAUC : Cut-off Period (hours). !CC DTAU : Transition half-width (hours). !CC FC = 1/TAUC ; DF = 1/DTAU !CC FP = FC - DF : FS = FC + DF ! IF ( LPRINT ) THEN TAUC = 2./((1/TAUS)+(1/TAUP)) DTAU = 2./((1/TAUS)-(1/TAUP)) FC = DT/(TAUC*3600.) DF = DT/(DTAU*3600.) WRITE(6,*) ' DT ' , dt WRITE(6,*) ' TAUS, TAUP ' , TAUS,TAUP WRITE(6,*) ' TAUC, DTAU ' , TAUC,DTAU WRITE(6,*) ' FP, FS ' , FP, FS WRITE(6,*) ' FC, DF ' , FC, DF WRITE(6,*) ' WTS, WTP ' , WTS, WTP ENDIF ! ! Fill the control vectors for MCCPAR EDGE(1) = 0.0 EDGE(2) = FP EDGE(3) = FS EDGE(4) = 0.5 FX(1) = 1.0 FX(2) = 0.0 WTX(1) = WTP WTX(2) = WTS CALL MCCPAR(NFILT,JTYPE,NBANDS,LPRINT,LGRID, & EDGE,FX,WTX,DEVIAT, h ) ! ! Save the deviations in the pass- and stop-bands. DP = DEVIAT(1) DS = DEVIAT(2) ! ! Fill out the array H (only first half filled in MCCPAR). IF(MOD(NFILT,2).EQ.0) THEN NHALF = ( NFILT )/2 ELSE NHALF = (NFILT+1)/2 ENDIF DO 100 nn=1,NHALF H(NFILT+1-nn) = h(nn) 100 CONTINUE ! normalize the sums to be unity sumh = 0 do 150 n=1,NFILT sumh = sumh + H(n) 150 continue print *,'SUMH =', sumh do 200 n=1,NFILT H(n) = H(n)/sumh 200 continue do 201 n=1,NFILT grid%hcoeff(n)=H(n) 201 continue ! print *,'HCOEFF(n) ', grid%hcoeff ! END SUBROUTINE optfil SUBROUTINE MCCPAR (NFILT,JTYPE,NBANDS,LPRINT,LGRID, & EDGE,FX,WTX,DEVIAT,h ) ! PROGRAM FOR THE DESIGN OF LINEAR PHASE FINITE IMPULSE ! REPONSE (FIR) FILTERS USING THE REMEZ EXCHANGE ALGORITHM ! !************************************************************ !* Reference: McClellan, J.H., T.W. Parks and L.R.Rabiner, * !* 1973: A computer program for designing * !* optimum FIR linear phase digital filters. * !* IEEE Trans. on Audio and Electroacoustics, * !* Vol AU-21, No. 6, 506-526. * !************************************************************ ! ! THREE TYPES OF FILTERS ARE INCLUDED -- BANDPASS FILTERS ! DIFFERENTIATORS, AND HILBERT TRANSFORM FILTERS ! !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! COMMON /x3x/ PI2,AD,DEV,X,Y,GRID,DES,WT,ALPHA,IEXT,NFCNS,NGRID DIMENSION IEXT(66),AD(66),ALPHA(66),X(66),Y(66) DIMENSION H(66) DIMENSION DES(1045),GRID(1045),WT(1045) DIMENSION EDGE(20),FX(10),WTX(10),DEVIAT(10) DOUBLE PRECISION PI2,PI DOUBLE PRECISION AD,DEV,X,Y LOGICAL LPRINT PI = 3.141592653589793 PI2 = 6.283185307179586 ! ...... NFMAX = 128 100 CONTINUE ! PROGRAM INPUT SECTION !CC READ(5,*) NFILT,JTYPE,NBANDS,JPRINT,LGRID IF(NFILT.GT.NFMAX.OR.NFILT.LT.3) THEN CALL wrf_error_fatal (' **** ERROR IN INPUT DATA ****' ) END IF IF(NBANDS.LE.0) NBANDS = 1 ! .... IF(LGRID.LE.0) LGRID = 16 JB = 2*NBANDS !cc READ(5,*) (EDGE(J),J=1,JB) !cc READ(5,*) (FX(J),J=1,NBANDS) !cc READ(5,*) (WTX(J),J=1,NBANDS) IF(JTYPE.EQ.0) THEN CALL wrf_error_fatal (' **** ERROR IN INPUT DATA ****' ) END IF NEG = 1 IF(JTYPE.EQ.1) NEG = 0 NODD = NFILT/2 NODD = NFILT-2*NODD NFCNS = NFILT/2 IF(NODD.EQ.1.AND.NEG.EQ.0) NFCNS = NFCNS+1 ! ... GRID(1) = EDGE(1) DELF = LGRID*NFCNS DELF = 0.5/DELF IF(NEG.EQ.0) GOTO 135 IF(EDGE(1).LT.DELF) GRID(1) = DELF 135 CONTINUE J = 1 L = 1 LBAND = 1 140 FUP = EDGE(L+1) 145 TEMP = GRID(J) ! .... DES(J) = EFF(TEMP,FX,WTX,LBAND,JTYPE) WT(J) = WATE(TEMP,FX,WTX,LBAND,JTYPE) J = J+1 GRID(J) = TEMP+DELF IF(GRID(J).GT.FUP) GOTO 150 GOTO 145 150 GRID(J-1) = FUP DES(J-1) = EFF(FUP,FX,WTX,LBAND,JTYPE) WT(J-1) = WATE(FUP,FX,WTX,LBAND,JTYPE) LBAND = LBAND+1 L = L+2 IF(LBAND.GT.NBANDS) GOTO 160 GRID(J) = EDGE(L) GOTO 140 160 NGRID = J-1 IF(NEG.NE.NODD) GOTO 165 IF(GRID(NGRID).GT.(0.5-DELF)) NGRID = NGRID-1 165 CONTINUE ! ...... IF(NEG) 170,170,180 170 IF(NODD.EQ.1) GOTO 200 DO 175 J=1,NGRID CHANGE = DCOS(PI*GRID(J)) DES(J) = DES(J)/CHANGE WT(J) = WT(J)*CHANGE 175 CONTINUE GOTO 200 180 IF(NODD.EQ.1) GOTO 190 DO 185 J = 1,NGRID CHANGE = DSIN(PI*GRID(J)) DES(J) = DES(J)/CHANGE WT(J) = WT(J)*CHANGE 185 CONTINUE GOTO 200 190 DO 195 J =1,NGRID CHANGE = DSIN(PI2*GRID(J)) DES(J) = DES(J)/CHANGE WT(J) = WT(J)*CHANGE 195 CONTINUE ! ...... 200 TEMP = FLOAT(NGRID-1)/FLOAT(NFCNS) DO 210 J = 1,NFCNS IEXT(J) = (J-1)*TEMP+1 210 CONTINUE IEXT(NFCNS+1) = NGRID NM1 = NFCNS-1 NZ = NFCNS+1 ! CALL THE REMEZ EXCHANGE ALGORITHM TO DO THE APPROXIMATION PROBLEM CALL REMEZ(EDGE,NBANDS,PI2,AD,DEV,X,Y,GRID,DES,WT,ALPHA,IEXT,NFCNS,NGRID) ! CALCULATE THE IMPULSE RESPONSE IF(NEG) 300,300,320 300 IF(NODD.EQ.0) GOTO 310 DO 305 J=1,NM1 H(J) = 0.5*ALPHA(NZ-J) 305 CONTINUE H(NFCNS)=ALPHA(1) GOTO 350 310 H(1) = 0.25*ALPHA(NFCNS) DO 315 J = 2,NM1 H(J) = 0.25*(ALPHA(NZ-J)+ALPHA(NFCNS+2-J)) 315 CONTINUE H(NFCNS) = 0.5*ALPHA(1)+0.25*ALPHA(2) GOTO 350 320 IF(NODD.EQ.0) GOTO 330 H(1) = 0.25*ALPHA(NFCNS) H(2) = 0.25*ALPHA(NM1) DO 325 J = 3,NM1 H(J) = 0.25*(ALPHA(NZ-J)-ALPHA(NFCNS+3-J)) 325 CONTINUE H(NFCNS) = 0.5*ALPHA(1)-0.25*ALPHA(3) H(NZ) = 0.0 GOTO 350 330 H(1) = 0.25*ALPHA(NFCNS) DO 335 J =2,NM1 H(J) = 0.25*(ALPHA(NZ-J)-ALPHA(NFCNS+2-J)) 335 CONTINUE H(NFCNS) = 0.5*ALPHA(1)-0.25*ALPHA(2) ! PROGRAM OUTPUT SECTION 350 CONTINUE ! IF(LPRINT) THEN print *, '****************************************************' print *, 'FINITE IMPULSE RESPONSE (FIR)' print *, 'LINEAR PHASE DIGITAL FILTER DESIGN' print *, 'REMEZ EXCHANGE ALGORITHM' IF(JTYPE.EQ.1) WRITE(6,365) 365 FORMAT(25X,'BANDPASS FILTER'/) IF(JTYPE.EQ.2) WRITE(6,370) 370 FORMAT(25X,'DIFFERENTIATOR '/) IF(JTYPE.EQ.3) WRITE(6,375) 375 FORMAT(25X,'HILBERT TRANSFORMER '/) WRITE(6,378) NFILT 378 FORMAT(15X,'FILTER LENGTH =',I3/) WRITE(6,380) 380 FORMAT(15X,'***** IMPULSE RESPONSE *****') DO 381 J = 1,NFCNS K = NFILT+1-J IF(NEG.EQ.0) WRITE(6,382) J,H(J),K IF(NEG.EQ.1) WRITE(6,383) J,H(J),K 381 CONTINUE 382 FORMAT(20X,'H(',I3,') = ',E15.8,' = H(',I4,')') 383 FORMAT(20X,'H(',I3,') = ',E15.8,' = -H(',I4,')') IF(NEG.EQ.1.AND.NODD.EQ.1) WRITE(6,384) NZ 384 FORMAT(20X,'H(',I3,') = 0.0') DO 450 K=1,NBANDS,4 KUP = K+3 IF(KUP.GT.NBANDS) KUP = NBANDS print * WRITE(6,385) (J,J=K,KUP) 385 FORMAT(24X,4('BAND',I3,8X)) WRITE(6,390) (EDGE(2*J-1),J=K,KUP) 390 FORMAT(2X,'LOWER BAND EDGE',5F15.8) WRITE(6,395) (EDGE(2*J),J=K,KUP) 395 FORMAT(2X,'UPPER BAND EDGE',5F15.8) IF(JTYPE.NE.2) WRITE(6,400) (FX(J),J=K,KUP) 400 FORMAT(2X,'DESIRED VALUE',2X,5F15.8) IF(JTYPE.EQ.2) WRITE(6,405) (FX(J),J=K,KUP) 405 FORMAT(2X,'DESIRED SLOPE',2X,5F15.8) WRITE(6,410) (WTX(J),J=K,KUP) 410 FORMAT(2X,'WEIGHTING',6X,5F15.8) DO 420 J = K,KUP DEVIAT(J) = DEV/WTX(J) 420 CONTINUE WRITE(6,425) (DEVIAT(J),J=K,KUP) 425 FORMAT(2X,'DEVIATION',6X,5F15.8) IF(JTYPE.NE.1) GOTO 450 DO 430 J = K,KUP DEVIAT(J) = 20.0*ALOG10(DEVIAT(J)) 430 CONTINUE WRITE(6,435) (DEVIAT(J),J=K,KUP) 435 FORMAT(2X,'DEVIATION IN DB',5F15.8) 450 CONTINUE print *, 'EXTREMAL FREQUENCIES' WRITE(6,455) (GRID(IEXT(J)),J=1,NZ) 455 FORMAT((2X,5F15.7)) WRITE(6,460) 460 FORMAT(1X,70(1H*)) ! ENDIF ! !CC IF(NFILT.NE.0) GOTO 100 ! removal of re-run loop. ! END SUBROUTINE mccpar FUNCTION EFF(TEMP,FX,WTX,LBAND,JTYPE) DIMENSION FX(5),WTX(5) IF(JTYPE.EQ.2) GOTO 1 EFF = FX(LBAND) RETURN 1 EFF = FX(LBAND)*TEMP END FUNCTION eff FUNCTION WATE(TEMP,FX,WTX,LBAND,JTYPE) DIMENSION FX(5),WTX(5) IF(JTYPE.EQ.2) GOTO 1 WATE = WTX(LBAND) RETURN 1 IF(FX(LBAND).LT.0.0001) GOTO 2 WATE = WTX(LBAND)/TEMP RETURN 2 WATE = WTX(LBAND) END FUNCTION wate ! SUBROUTINE ERROR !! WRITE(6,*)' **** ERROR IN INPUT DATA ****' ! CALL wrf_error_fatal (' **** ERROR IN INPUT DATA ****' ) ! END SUBROUTINE error SUBROUTINE REMEZ(EDGE,NBANDS,PI2,AD,DEV,X,Y,GRID,DES,WT,ALPHA,IEXT,NFCNS,NGRID) ! THIS SUBROUTINE IMPLEMENTS THE REMEZ EXCHANGE ALGORITHM ! FOR THE WEIGHTED CHEBCHEV APPROXIMATION OF A CONTINUOUS ! FUNCTION WITH A SUM OF COSINES. INPUTS TO THE SUBROUTINE ! ARE A DENSE GRID WHICH REPLACES THE FREQUENCY AXIS, THE ! DESIRED FUNCTION ON THIS GRID, THE WEIGHT FUNCTION ON THE ! GRID, THE NUMBER OF COSINES, AND THE INITIAL GUESS OF THE ! EXTREMAL FREQUENCIES. THE PROGRAM MINIMIZES THE CHEBYSHEV ! ERROR BY DETERMINING THE BEST LOCATION OF THE EXTREMAL ! FREQUENCIES (POINTS OF MAXIMUM ERROR) AND THEN CALCULATES ! THE COEFFICIENTS OF THE BEST APPROXIMATION. ! ! COMMON /x3x/ PI2,AD,DEV,X,Y,GRID,DES,WT,ALPHA,IEXT,NFCNS,NGRID DIMENSION EDGE(20) DIMENSION IEXT(66),AD(66),ALPHA(66),X(66),Y(66) DIMENSION DES(1045),GRID(1045),WT(1045) DIMENSION A(66),P(65),Q(65) DOUBLE PRECISION PI2,DNUM,DDEN,DTEMP,A,P,Q DOUBLE PRECISION AD,DEV,X,Y DOUBLE PRECISION, EXTERNAL :: D, GEE ! ! THE PROGRAM ALLOWS A MAXIMUM NUMBER OF ITERATIONS OF 25 ! ITRMAX=25 DEVL=-1.0 NZ=NFCNS+1 NZZ=NFCNS+2 NITER=0 100 CONTINUE IEXT(NZZ)=NGRID+1 NITER=NITER+1 IF(NITER.GT.ITRMAX) GO TO 400 DO 110 J=1,NZ DTEMP=GRID(IEXT(J)) DTEMP=DCOS(DTEMP*PI2) 110 X(J)=DTEMP JET=(NFCNS-1)/15+1 DO 120 J=1,NZ 120 AD(J)=D(J,NZ,JET,X) DNUM=0.0 DDEN=0.0 K=1 DO 130 J=1,NZ L=IEXT(J) DTEMP=AD(J)*DES(L) DNUM=DNUM+DTEMP DTEMP=K*AD(J)/WT(L) DDEN=DDEN+DTEMP 130 K=-K DEV=DNUM/DDEN NU=1 IF(DEV.GT.0.0) NU=-1 DEV=-NU*DEV K=NU DO 140 J=1,NZ L=IEXT(J) DTEMP=K*DEV/WT(L) Y(J)=DES(L)+DTEMP 140 K=-K IF(DEV.GE.DEVL) GO TO 150 WRITE(6,*) ' ******** FAILURE TO CONVERGE *********** ' WRITE(6,*) ' PROBABLE CAUSE IS MACHINE ROUNDING ERROR ' WRITE(6,*) ' THE IMPULSE RESPONSE MAY BE CORRECT ' WRITE(6,*) ' CHECK WITH A FREQUENCY RESPONSE ' WRITE(6,*) ' **************************************** ' GO TO 400 150 DEVL=DEV JCHNGE=0 K1=IEXT(1) KNZ=IEXT(NZ) KLOW=0 NUT=-NU J=1 ! ! SEARCH FOR THE EXTERMAL FREQUENCIES OF THE BEST ! APPROXIMATION. 200 IF(J.EQ.NZZ) YNZ=COMP IF(J.GE.NZZ) GO TO 300 KUP=IEXT(J+1) L=IEXT(J)+1 NUT=-NUT IF(J.EQ.2) Y1=COMP COMP=DEV IF(L.GE.KUP) GO TO 220 ERR=GEE(L,NZ,GRID,PI2,X,Y,AD) ERR=(ERR-DES(L))*WT(L) DTEMP=NUT*ERR-COMP IF(DTEMP.LE.0.0) GO TO 220 COMP=NUT*ERR 210 L=L+1 IF(L.GE.KUP) GO TO 215 ERR=GEE(L,NZ,GRID,PI2,X,Y,AD) ERR=(ERR-DES(L))*WT(L) DTEMP=NUT*ERR-COMP IF(DTEMP.LE.0.0) GO TO 215 COMP=NUT*ERR GO TO 210 215 IEXT(J)=L-1 J=J+1 KLOW=L-1 JCHNGE=JCHNGE+1 GO TO 200 220 L=L-1 225 L=L-1 IF(L.LE.KLOW) GO TO 250 ERR=GEE(L,NZ,GRID,PI2,X,Y,AD) ERR=(ERR-DES(L))*WT(L) DTEMP=NUT*ERR-COMP IF(DTEMP.GT.0.0) GO TO 230 IF(JCHNGE.LE.0) GO TO 225 GO TO 260 230 COMP=NUT*ERR 235 L=L-1 IF(L.LE.KLOW) GO TO 240 ERR=GEE(L,NZ,GRID,PI2,X,Y,AD) ERR=(ERR-DES(L))*WT(L) DTEMP=NUT*ERR-COMP IF(DTEMP.LE.0.0) GO TO 240 COMP=NUT*ERR GO TO 235 240 KLOW=IEXT(J) IEXT(J)=L+1 J=J+1 JCHNGE=JCHNGE+1 GO TO 200 250 L=IEXT(J)+1 IF(JCHNGE.GT.0) GO TO 215 255 L=L+1 IF(L.GE.KUP) GO TO 260 ERR=GEE(L,NZ,GRID,PI2,X,Y,AD) ERR=(ERR-DES(L))*WT(L) DTEMP=NUT*ERR-COMP IF(DTEMP.LE.0.0) GO TO 255 COMP=NUT*ERR GO TO 210 260 KLOW=IEXT(J) J=J+1 GO TO 200 300 IF(J.GT.NZZ) GO TO 320 IF(K1.GT.IEXT(1)) K1=IEXT(1) IF(KNZ.LT.IEXT(NZ)) KNZ=IEXT(NZ) NUT1=NUT NUT=-NU L=0 KUP=K1 COMP=YNZ*(1.00001) LUCK=1 310 L=L+1 IF(L.GE.KUP) GO TO 315 ERR=GEE(L,NZ,GRID,PI2,X,Y,AD) ERR=(ERR-DES(L))*WT(L) DTEMP=NUT*ERR-COMP IF(DTEMP.LE.0.0) GO TO 310 COMP=NUT*ERR J=NZZ GO TO 210 315 LUCK=6 GO TO 325 320 IF(LUCK.GT.9) GO TO 350 IF(COMP.GT.Y1) Y1=COMP K1=IEXT(NZZ) 325 L=NGRID+1 KLOW=KNZ NUT=-NUT1 COMP=Y1*(1.00001) 330 L=L-1 IF(L.LE.KLOW) GO TO 340 ERR=GEE(L,NZ,GRID,PI2,X,Y,AD) ERR=(ERR-DES(L))*WT(L) DTEMP=NUT*ERR-COMP IF(DTEMP.LE.0.0) GO TO 330 J=NZZ COMP=NUT*ERR LUCK=LUCK+10 GO TO 235 340 IF(LUCK.EQ.6) GO TO 370 DO 345 J=1,NFCNS 345 IEXT(NZZ-J)=IEXT(NZ-J) IEXT(1)=K1 GO TO 100 350 KN=IEXT(NZZ) DO 360 J=1,NFCNS 360 IEXT(J)=IEXT(J+1) IEXT(NZ)=KN GO TO 100 370 IF(JCHNGE.GT.0) GO TO 100 ! ! CALCULATION OF THE COEFFICIENTS OF THE BEST APPROXIMATION ! USING THE INVERSE DISCRETE FOURIER TRANSFORM. ! 400 CONTINUE NM1=NFCNS-1 FSH=1.0E-06 GTEMP=GRID(1) X(NZZ)=-2.0 CN=2*NFCNS-1 DELF=1.0/CN L=1 KKK=0 IF(EDGE(1).EQ.0.0.AND.EDGE(2*NBANDS).EQ.0.5) KKK=1 IF(NFCNS.LE.3) KKK=1 IF(KKK.EQ.1) GO TO 405 DTEMP=DCOS(PI2*GRID(1)) DNUM=DCOS(PI2*GRID(NGRID)) AA=2.0/(DTEMP-DNUM) BB=-(DTEMP+DNUM)/(DTEMP-DNUM) 405 CONTINUE DO 430 J=1,NFCNS FT=(J-1)*DELF XT=DCOS(PI2*FT) IF(KKK.EQ.1) GO TO 410 XT=(XT-BB)/AA ! original : FT=ARCOS(XT)/PI2 FT=ACOS(XT)/PI2 410 XE=X(L) IF(XT.GT.XE) GO TO 420 IF((XE-XT).LT.FSH) GO TO 415 L=L+1 GO TO 410 415 A(J)=Y(L) GO TO 425 420 IF((XT-XE).LT.FSH) GO TO 415 GRID(1)=FT A(J)=GEE(1,NZ,GRID,PI2,X,Y,AD) 425 CONTINUE IF(L.GT.1) L=L-1 430 CONTINUE GRID(1)=GTEMP DDEN=PI2/CN DO 510 J=1,NFCNS DTEMP=0.0 DNUM=(J-1)*DDEN IF(NM1.LT.1) GO TO 505 DO 500 K=1,NM1 500 DTEMP=DTEMP+A(K+1)*DCOS(DNUM*K) 505 DTEMP=2.0*DTEMP+A(1) 510 ALPHA(J)=DTEMP DO 550 J=2,NFCNS 550 ALPHA(J)=2*ALPHA(J)/CN ALPHA(1)=ALPHA(1)/CN IF(KKK.EQ.1) GO TO 545 P(1)=2.0*ALPHA(NFCNS)*BB+ALPHA(NM1) P(2)=2.0*AA*ALPHA(NFCNS) Q(1)=ALPHA(NFCNS-2)-ALPHA(NFCNS) DO 540 J=2,NM1 IF(J.LT.NM1) GO TO 515 AA=0.5*AA BB=0.5*BB 515 CONTINUE P(J+1)=0.0 DO 520 K=1,J A(K)=P(K) 520 P(K)=2.0*BB*A(K) P(2)=P(2)+A(1)*2.0*AA JM1=J-1 DO 525 K=1,JM1 525 P(K)=P(K)+Q(K)+AA*A(K+1) JP1=J+1 DO 530 K=3,JP1 530 P(K)=P(K)+AA*A(K-1) IF(J.EQ.NM1) GO TO 540 DO 535 K=1,J 535 Q(K)=-A(K) Q(1)=Q(1)+ALPHA(NFCNS-1-J) 540 CONTINUE DO 543 J=1,NFCNS 543 ALPHA(J)=P(J) 545 CONTINUE IF(NFCNS.GT.3) RETURN ALPHA(NFCNS+1)=0.0 ALPHA(NFCNS+2)=0.0 END SUBROUTINE remez DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION D(K,N,M,X) ! COMMON /x3x/ PI2,AD,DEV,X,Y,GRID,DES,WT,ALPHA,IEXT,NFCNS,NGRID DIMENSION IEXT(66),AD(66),ALPHA(66),X(66),Y(66) DIMENSION DES(1045),GRID(1045),WT(1045) DOUBLE PRECISION AD,DEV,X,Y DOUBLE PRECISION Q DOUBLE PRECISION PI2 D = 1.0 Q = X(K) DO 3 L = 1,M DO 2 J = L,N,M IF(J-K) 1,2,1 1 D = 2.0*D*(Q-X(J)) 2 CONTINUE 3 CONTINUE D = 1.0/D END FUNCTION D DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION GEE(K,N,GRID,PI2,X,Y,AD) ! COMMON /x3x/ PI2,AD,DEV,X,Y,GRID,DES,WT,ALPHA,IEXT,NFCNS,NGRID DIMENSION IEXT(66),AD(66),ALPHA(66),X(66),Y(66) DIMENSION DES(1045),GRID(1045),WT(1045) DOUBLE PRECISION AD,DEV,X,Y DOUBLE PRECISION P,C,D,XF DOUBLE PRECISION PI2 P = 0.0 XF = GRID(K) XF = DCOS(PI2*XF) D = 0.0 DO 1 J =1,N C = XF-X(J) C = AD(J)/C D = D+C P = P+C*Y(J) 1 CONTINUE GEE = P/D END FUNCTION GEE #endif