MODULE module_ext_esmf USE ESMF_Mod USE module_esmf_extensions IMPLICIT NONE TYPE grid_ptr TYPE(ESMF_Grid), POINTER :: ptr ! use these for error-checking for now... INTEGER :: ide_save INTEGER :: jde_save INTEGER :: kde_save LOGICAL :: in_use END TYPE grid_ptr !TODO: encapsulate this state into a class... INTEGER, PARAMETER :: int_num_handles = 99 LOGICAL, DIMENSION(int_num_handles) :: okay_to_write, okay_to_read, & opened_for_write, opened_for_read, & int_handle_in_use TYPE(grid_ptr) :: grid(int_num_handles) ! convenience... CHARACTER (256) :: msg #include "wrf_io_flags.h" #include "wrf_status_codes.h" CONTAINS LOGICAL FUNCTION int_valid_handle( handle ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: handle int_valid_handle = ( handle .ge. 8 .and. handle .le. int_num_handles ) END FUNCTION int_valid_handle SUBROUTINE int_get_fresh_handle( retval ) INTEGER i, retval retval = -1 ! dont use first 8 handles DO i = 8, int_num_handles IF ( .NOT. int_handle_in_use(i) ) THEN retval = i GOTO 33 ENDIF ENDDO 33 CONTINUE IF ( retval < 0 ) THEN CALL wrf_error_fatal( "io_esmf.F90: int_get_fresh_handle() out of handles") ENDIF int_handle_in_use(retval) = .TRUE. END SUBROUTINE int_get_fresh_handle ! parse comma separated list of VARIABLE=VALUE strings and return the ! value for the matching variable if such exists, otherwise return ! the empty string SUBROUTINE get_value ( varname , str , retval ) IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER*(*) :: varname CHARACTER*(*) :: str CHARACTER*(*) :: retval CHARACTER (128) varstr, tstr INTEGER i,j,n,varstrn LOGICAL nobreak, nobreakouter varstr = TRIM(varname)//"=" varstrn = len(TRIM(varstr)) n = len(TRIM(str)) retval = "" i = 1 nobreakouter = .TRUE. DO WHILE ( nobreakouter ) j = 1 nobreak = .TRUE. tstr = "" DO WHILE ( nobreak ) nobreak = .FALSE. IF ( i .LE. n ) THEN IF (str(i:i) .NE. ',' ) THEN tstr(j:j) = str(i:i) nobreak = .TRUE. ENDIF ENDIF j = j + 1 i = i + 1 ENDDO IF ( i .GT. n ) nobreakouter = .FALSE. IF ( varstr(1:varstrn) .EQ. tstr(1:varstrn) ) THEN retval(1:) = TRIM(tstr(varstrn+1:)) nobreakouter = .FALSE. ENDIF ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE get_value !--- ioinit SUBROUTINE init_module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: i DO i = 1, int_num_handles WRITE( msg,* ) 'init_module_ext_esmf: calling ioesmf_nullify_grid(',i,')' CALL wrf_debug ( 5, TRIM(msg) ) CALL ioesmf_nullify_grid( i ) ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE init_module_ext_esmf ! allgather for integers, ESMF_style (since ESMF does not do this yet) SUBROUTINE GatherIntegerScalars_ESMF( inval, pe, numprocs, outvals ) INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: inval ! input scalar on this task INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: pe ! task id INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: numprocs ! number of tasks INTEGER, INTENT( OUT) :: outvals(0:numprocs-1) ! gathered output vector ! Local declarations TYPE(ESMF_VM) :: vm INTEGER(ESMF_KIND_I4) :: allSnd(0:numprocs-1) INTEGER(ESMF_KIND_I4) :: allRcv(0:numprocs-1) INTEGER :: rc ! get current ESMF virtual machine for communication CALL ESMF_VMGetCurrent(vm, rc) IF ( rc /= ESMF_SUCCESS ) THEN WRITE( msg,* ) 'Error in ESMF_VMGetCurrent', & __FILE__ , & ', line', & __LINE__ CALL wrf_error_fatal ( msg ) ENDIF allSnd = 0_ESMF_KIND_I4 allSnd(pe) = inval ! Hack due to lack of ESMF_VMAllGather(). CALL ESMF_VMAllReduce(vm, allSnd, allRcv, numprocs, ESMF_SUM, rc=rc ) IF ( rc /= ESMF_SUCCESS ) THEN WRITE( msg,* ) 'Error in ESMF_VMAllReduce', & __FILE__ , & ', line', & __LINE__ CALL wrf_error_fatal ( msg ) ENDIF outvals = allRcv END SUBROUTINE GatherIntegerScalars_ESMF END MODULE module_ext_esmf ! Indexes for non-staggered variables come in at one-less than ! domain dimensions, but io_esmf is currently hacked to use full ! domain spec, so adjust if not staggered. !TODO: remove this hackery once ESMF can support staggered !TODO: grids in regional models SUBROUTINE ioesmf_endfullhack( numdims, DomainEnd, PatchEnd, Stagger, & DomainEndFull, PatchEndFull ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: numdims INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: DomainEnd(numdims) INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: PatchEnd(numdims) CHARACTER*(*), INTENT(IN ) :: Stagger INTEGER, INTENT( OUT) :: DomainEndFull(numdims) INTEGER, INTENT( OUT) :: PatchEndFull(numdims) LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: has_char DomainEndFull(1:numdims) = DomainEnd(1:numdims) IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'x' ) ) DomainEndFull(1) = DomainEndFull(1) + 1 IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'y' ) ) DomainEndFull(2) = DomainEndFull(2) + 1 PatchEndFull(1:numdims) = PatchEnd(1:numdims) IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'x' ) ) THEN IF ( DomainEnd(1) == PatchEnd(1) ) PatchEndFull(1) = DomainEndFull(1) ENDIF IF ( .NOT. has_char( Stagger, 'y' ) ) THEN IF ( DomainEnd(2) == PatchEnd(2) ) PatchEndFull(2) = DomainEndFull(2) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE ioesmf_endfullhack ! Create the ESMF_Grid associated with index DataHandle. !TODO: Note that periodicity is not supported by this interface. If !TODO: periodicity is needed, pass in via SysDepInfo in the call to !TODO: ext_esmf_ioinit(). !TODO: Note that lat/lon coordinates are not supported by this interface !TODO: since general curvilinear coordindates (needed for map projections !TODO: used by WRF such as polar stereographic, mercator, lambert conformal) !TODO: are not supported by ESMF as of ESMF 2.1.1. Once they are supported, !TODO: add them via the "sieve" method used in ../io_mcel/. SUBROUTINE ioesmf_create_grid( DataHandle, numdims, & MemoryOrder, Stagger, & DomainStart, DomainEnd, & MemoryStart, MemoryEnd, & PatchStart, PatchEnd ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: DataHandle INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: numdims CHARACTER*(*), INTENT(IN ) :: MemoryOrder ! not used yet CHARACTER*(*), INTENT(IN ) :: Stagger INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: DomainStart(numdims), DomainEnd(numdims) INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: MemoryStart(numdims), MemoryEnd(numdims) INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: PatchStart(numdims), PatchEnd(numdims) INTEGER :: DomainEndFull(numdims) INTEGER :: PatchEndFull(numdims) WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG ioesmf_create_grid: begin, DataHandle = ', DataHandle CALL wrf_debug ( 5, TRIM(msg) ) ! For now, blindly create a new grid if it does not already exist for ! this DataHandle !TODO: Note that this approach will result in duplicate ESMF_Grids when !TODO: io_esmf is used for input and output. The first ESMF_Grid will !TODO: be associated with the input handle and the second will be associated !TODO: with the output handle. Fix this if ESMF_Grids are expensive. IF ( .NOT. grid( DataHandle )%in_use ) THEN IF ( ASSOCIATED( grid( DataHandle )%ptr ) ) THEN CALL wrf_error_fatal ( 'ASSERTION ERROR: grid(',DataHandle,') should be NULL' ) ENDIF IF ( numdims /= 2 ) THEN CALL wrf_error_fatal ( 'ERROR: only 2D arrays supported so far with io_esmf' ) ELSE WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG ioesmf_create_grid: creating grid(',DataHandle,')%ptr' CALL wrf_debug ( 5, TRIM(msg) ) ALLOCATE( grid( DataHandle )%ptr ) grid( DataHandle )%in_use = .TRUE. ! The non-staggered variables come in at one-less than ! domain dimensions, but io_esmf is currently hacked to use full ! domain spec, so adjust if not staggered. !TODO: remove this hackery once ESMF can support staggered !TODO: grids in regional models CALL ioesmf_endfullhack( numdims, DomainEnd, PatchEnd, Stagger, & DomainEndFull, PatchEndFull ) !TODO: at the moment this is hard-coded for 2D arrays !TODO: use MemoryOrder to set these properly! !TODO: also, set these once only !TODO: maybe even rip this out since it depends on a hack in input_wrf.F ... grid( DataHandle )%ide_save = DomainEndFull(1) grid( DataHandle )%jde_save = DomainEndFull(2) grid( DataHandle )%kde_save = 1 WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG ioesmf_create_grid: DomainEndFull = ', DomainEndFull CALL wrf_debug ( 5, TRIM(msg) ) WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG ioesmf_create_grid: PatchEndFull = ', PatchEndFull CALL wrf_debug ( 5, TRIM(msg) ) CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , 'DEBUG ioesmf_create_grid: Calling ioesmf_create_grid_int()' ) CALL ioesmf_create_grid_int( grid( DataHandle )%ptr, & numdims, & ! DomainStart, DomainEndFull, & DomainStart, DomainEnd, & MemoryStart, MemoryEnd, & PatchStart, PatchEndFull ) CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , 'DEBUG ioesmf_create_grid: back from ioesmf_create_grid_int()' ) WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG ioesmf_create_grid: done creating grid(',DataHandle,')%ptr' CALL wrf_debug ( 5, TRIM(msg) ) ENDIF ENDIF WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG ioesmf_create_grid: end' CALL wrf_debug ( 5, TRIM(msg) ) END SUBROUTINE ioesmf_create_grid ! Create an ESMF_Grid that matches a WRF decomposition. !TODO: Note that periodicity is not supported by this interface. If !TODO: periodicity is needed, pass in via SysDepInfo in the call to !TODO: ext_esmf_ioinit(). !TODO: Note that lat/lon coordinates are not supported by this interface !TODO: since general curvilinear coordindates (needed for map projections !TODO: used by WRF such as polar stereographic, mercator, lambert conformal) !TODO: are not supported by ESMF as of ESMF 2.1.1. Once they are supported, !TODO: add them via the "sieve" method used in ../io_mcel/. !TODO: Note that DomainEnd and PatchEnd must currently include "extra" !TODO: points for non-periodic staggered arrays. It may be possible to !TODO: remove this hackery once ESMF can support staggered !TODO: grids in regional models. SUBROUTINE ioesmf_create_grid_int( esmfgrid, numdims, & DomainStart, DomainEnd, & MemoryStart, MemoryEnd, & PatchStart, PatchEnd ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(ESMF_Grid), INTENT(INOUT) :: esmfgrid INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: numdims INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: DomainStart(numdims), DomainEnd(numdims) INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: MemoryStart(numdims), MemoryEnd(numdims) INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: PatchStart(numdims), PatchEnd(numdims) ! Local declarations INTEGER :: numprocs ! total number of tasks INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: ipatchStarts(:), jpatchStarts(:) INTEGER :: numprocsX ! number of tasks in "i" dimension INTEGER :: numprocsY ! number of tasks in "j" dimension INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: permuteTasks(:) INTEGER :: globalXcount ! staggered domain count in "i" dimension INTEGER :: globalYcount ! staggered domain count in "j" dimension INTEGER :: myXstart ! task-local start in "i" dimension INTEGER :: myYstart ! task-local start in "j" dimension INTEGER :: myXend ! staggered task-local end in "i" dimension INTEGER :: myYend ! staggered task-local end in "j" dimension INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: allXStart(:) INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: allXCount(:) INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: dimXCount(:) INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: allYStart(:) INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: allYCount(:) INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: dimYCount(:) REAL(ESMF_KIND_R8), ALLOCATABLE :: coordX(:) REAL(ESMF_KIND_R8), ALLOCATABLE :: coordY(:) INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: cellCounts(:,:) INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: globalStarts(:,:) INTEGER :: rc, debug_level INTEGER :: myXcount ! task-local count in "i" dimension INTEGER :: myYcount ! task-local count in "j" dimension INTEGER :: globalCellCounts(2) INTEGER :: numprocsXY(2) INTEGER :: myPE, i, j, pe, is, ie, js, je, is_min, js_min, ie_max, je_max INTEGER :: ips, ipe, jps, jpe, ids, ide, jds, jde TYPE(ESMF_VM) :: vm TYPE(ESMF_DELayout) :: taskLayout REAL(ESMF_KIND_R8), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: coordX2d, coordY2d INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: ubnd, lbnd CHARACTER (32) :: gridname INTEGER, SAVE :: gridID = 0 CALL get_wrf_debug_level( debug_level ) CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , 'DEBUG ioesmf_create_grid_int: begin...' ) WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG ioesmf_create_grid_int: numdims = ',numdims CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG ioesmf_create_grid_int: DomainStart = ',DomainStart(1:numdims) CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG ioesmf_create_grid_int: DomainEnd = ',DomainEnd(1:numdims) CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG ioesmf_create_grid_int: MemoryStart = ',MemoryStart(1:numdims) CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG ioesmf_create_grid_int: MemoryEnd = ',MemoryEnd(1:numdims) CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG ioesmf_create_grid_int: PatchStart = ',PatchStart(1:numdims) CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG ioesmf_create_grid_int: PatchEnd = ',PatchEnd(1:numdims) CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) ! First, determine number of tasks and number of tasks in each decomposed ! dimension (ESMF 2.2.0 is restricted to simple task layouts) ! get current ESMF virtual machine and inquire... CALL ESMF_VMGetCurrent(vm, rc) IF ( rc /= ESMF_SUCCESS ) THEN WRITE( msg,* ) 'Error in ESMF_VMGetCurrent', & __FILE__ , & ', line', & __LINE__ CALL wrf_error_fatal ( msg ) ENDIF !TODO: Note (PET==MPI process) assumption here. This is OK in ESMF !TODO: 2.2.0 but may change in a future ESMF release. If so, we will !TODO: need another way to do this. May want to grab mpiCommunicator !TODO: instead and ask it directly for number of MPI tasks. Unless this !TODO: is a serial run... CALL ESMF_VMGet(vm, petCount=numprocs, localPet=myPE, rc=rc) IF ( rc /= ESMF_SUCCESS ) THEN WRITE( msg,* ) 'Error in ESMF_VMGet', & __FILE__ , & ', line', & __LINE__ CALL wrf_error_fatal ( msg ) ENDIF ALLOCATE( ipatchStarts(0:numprocs-1), jpatchStarts(0:numprocs-1) ) CALL GatherIntegerScalars_ESMF(PatchStart(1), myPE, numprocs, ipatchStarts) CALL GatherIntegerScalars_ESMF(PatchStart(2), myPE, numprocs, jpatchStarts) numprocsX = 0 numprocsY = 0 DO pe = 0, numprocs-1 IF ( PatchStart(1) == ipatchStarts(pe) ) THEN numprocsY = numprocsY + 1 ENDIF IF ( PatchStart(2) == jpatchStarts(pe) ) THEN numprocsX = numprocsX + 1 ENDIF ENDDO DEALLOCATE( ipatchStarts, jpatchStarts ) WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG ioesmf_create_grid_int: numprocsX = ',numprocsX CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG ioesmf_create_grid_int: numprocsY = ',numprocsY CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) ! sanity check IF ( numprocs /= numprocsX*numprocsY ) THEN CALL wrf_error_fatal ( 'ASSERTION FAILED: numprocs /= numprocsX*numprocsY' ) ENDIF ! Next, create ESMF_DELayout numprocsXY = (/ numprocsX, numprocsY /) !TODO: 1-to-1 DE to PET mapping is assumed below... ALLOCATE( permuteTasks(0:numprocs-1) ) pe = 0 DO j = 0, numprocsY-1 DO i = 0, numprocsX-1 ! NOTE: seems to work both ways... ! (/ 0 2 1 3 /) ! permuteTasks(pe) = (i*numprocsY) + j ! (/ 0 1 2 3 /) permuteTasks(pe) = pe pe = pe + 1 ENDDO ENDDO WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG ioesmf_create_grid_int: numprocsXY = ',numprocsXY CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG ioesmf_create_grid_int: permuteTasks = ',permuteTasks CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , 'DEBUG ioesmf_create_grid_int: calling ESMF_DELayoutCreate' ) taskLayout = ESMF_DELayoutCreate( vm, numprocsXY, petList=permuteTasks, rc=rc ) IF ( rc /= ESMF_SUCCESS ) THEN WRITE( msg,* ) 'Error in ESMF_DELayoutCreate', & __FILE__ , & ', line', & __LINE__ CALL wrf_error_fatal ( msg ) ENDIF CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , 'DEBUG ioesmf_create_grid_int: back from ESMF_DELayoutCreate' ) DEALLOCATE( permuteTasks ) CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , 'DEBUG ioesmf_create_grid_int: calling ESMF_DELayoutPrint 1' ) IF ( 5 .LE. debug_level ) THEN CALL ESMF_DELayoutPrint( taskLayout, rc=rc ) ENDIF CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , 'DEBUG ioesmf_create_grid_int: back from ESMF_DELayoutPrint 1' ) ! Compute the dimensions for the ESMF grid, using WRF's non-staggered dimensions ! This is as of ESMF v3, JM 20080715 ! the [ij][dp][se] bits are for convenience... ids = DomainStart(1); ide = DomainEnd(1); jds = DomainStart(2); jde = DomainEnd(2); ips = PatchStart(1); ipe = PatchEnd(1); jps = PatchStart(2); jpe = PatchEnd(2); write(0,*)__FILE__,__LINE__,'DomainStart ',DomainStart(1:2) write(0,*)__FILE__,__LINE__,'DomainEnd ',DomainEnd(1:2) write(0,*)__FILE__,__LINE__,'PatchStart ',PatchStart(1:2) write(0,*)__FILE__,__LINE__,'PatchEnd ',PatchEnd(1:2) globalXcount = ide - ids ! in other words, the number of points from ids to ide-1 inclusive globalYcount = jde - jds ! in other words, the number of points from jds to jde-1 inclusive ! task-local numbers of points in patch for staggered arrays myXstart = ips myYstart = jps myXend = MIN(ipe,ide-1) myYend = MIN(jpe,jde-1) myXcount = myXend - myXstart + 1 myYcount = myYend - myYstart + 1 ! gather task-local information on all tasks since ! ESMF_GridDistribute[Block] interface require global knowledge to set up ! decompositions ! Recall that coordX and coordY are coordinates of *vertices*, not cell centers. ! Thus they must be 1 bigger than the number of cells. ALLOCATE( allXStart(0:numprocs-1), allXCount(0:numprocs-1), & allYStart(0:numprocs-1), allYCount(0:numprocs-1), & dimXCount(0:numprocsX-1), dimYCount(0:numprocsY-1), & coordX(globalXcount+1), coordY(globalYcount+1) ) CALL GatherIntegerScalars_ESMF(myXcount, myPE, numprocs, allXCount) CALL GatherIntegerScalars_ESMF(myXstart, myPE, numprocs, allXStart) CALL GatherIntegerScalars_ESMF(myYcount, myPE, numprocs, allYCount) CALL GatherIntegerScalars_ESMF(myYstart, myPE, numprocs, allYStart) !TODO: ESMF 2.x does not support mercator, polar-stereographic, or !TODO: lambert-conformal projections. Therefore, we're using fake !TODO: coordinates here. This means that WRF will either have to !TODO: couple to models that run on the same coorindate such that !TODO: grid points are co-located or something else will have to !TODO: perform the inter-grid interpolation computations. Replace !TODO: this once ESMF is upgraded to support the above map !TODO: projections (via general curvilinear coordinates). CALL wrf_message( 'WARNING: Using artificial coordinates for ESMF coupling.' ) CALL wrf_message( 'WARNING: ESMF coupling interpolation will be incorrect' ) CALL wrf_message( 'WARNING: unless grid points in the coupled components' ) CALL wrf_message( 'WARNING: are co-located. This limitation will be removed' ) CALL wrf_message( 'WARNING: once ESMF coupling supports generalized' ) CALL wrf_message( 'WARNING: curvilinear coordintates needed to represent' ) CALL wrf_message( 'WARNING: common map projections used by WRF and other' ) CALL wrf_message( 'WARNING: regional models.' ) ! Note that ESMF defines coordinates at *vertices* coordX(1) = 0.0 DO i = 2, SIZE(coordX) coordX(i) = coordX(i-1) + 1.0 ENDDO coordY(1) = 0.0 DO j = 2, SIZE(coordY) coordY(j) = coordY(j-1) + 1.0 ENDDO ! Create an ESMF_Grid ! For now we create only a 2D grid suitable for simple coupling of 2D ! surface fields. Later, create and subset one or more 3D grids. !TODO: Pass staggering info into this routine once ESMF can support staggered !TODO: grids. For now, it is hard-coded for WRF-ARW. gridID = gridID + 1 WRITE ( gridname,'(a,i0)' ) 'WRF_grid_', gridID CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , 'DEBUG WRF: Calling ESMF_GridCreate' ) WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG WRF: SIZE(coordX) = ', SIZE(coordX) CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG WRF: SIZE(coordY) = ', SIZE(coordY) CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) DO i = 1, SIZE(coordX) WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG WRF: coord1(',i,') = ', coordX(i) CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) ENDDO DO j = 1, SIZE(coordY) WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG WRF: coord2(',j,') = ', coordY(j) CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) ENDDO !WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG WRF: horzstagger = ', ESMF_GRID_HORZ_STAGGER_C_SW !CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG WRF: name = ', TRIM(gridname) CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) #if 0 esmfgrid = ESMF_GridCreateHorzXY( & coord1=coordX, coord2=coordY, & horzstagger=ESMF_GRID_HORZ_STAGGER_C_SW, & !TODO: use this for 3D Grids once it is stable ! coordorder=ESMF_COORD_ORDER_XZY, & name=TRIM(gridname), rc=rc ) #else ! based on example in 3.1 ref man sec 23.2.5, Creating an Irregularly ! Distributed Rectilinear Grid with a Non-Distributed Vertical Dimension !esmfgrid = ESMF_GridCreateShapeTile( & write(0,*)'calling ESMF_GridCreateShapeTile ',allXCount,allYCount esmfgrid = ESMF_GridCreateShapeTile( & countsPerDEDim1=allXCount , & countsPerDEDim2=allYCount , & coordDep1=(/1/) , & coordDep2=(/2/) , & indexflag=ESMF_INDEX_GLOBAL, & ! use global indices name=TRIM(gridname), & rc = rc ) write(0,*)'calling ESMF_GridAddCoord 1 ', rc ! Note that we are putting the values on CENTER points for now !TODO: update for WRF velocities, which go on faces of Ara. C grid CALL ESMF_GridAddCoord(esmfgrid, & staggerloc=ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CENTER, & rc=rc) write(0,*)'calling ESMF_GridAddCoord 2 ', rc CALL ESMF_GridAddCoord(esmfgrid, & staggerloc=ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CENTER, & rc=rc) write(0,*)'calling ESMF_GridGetCoord x', rc CALL ESMF_GridGetCoord(esmfgrid,coordDim=1,localDE=0, & staggerloc=ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CENTER, & computationalLBound=lbnd,computationalUBound=ubnd, & fptr=coordX2d, & rc=rc) write(0,*)'back from ESMF_GridGetCoord x', rc DO i=lbnd(1),ubnd(1) coordX2d(i) = (i-1)*1.0 write(0,*)'coordX2d ',i,coordX2d(i) ENDDO CALL ESMF_GridGetCoord(esmfgrid,coordDim=2,localDE=0, & staggerloc=ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CENTER, & computationalLBound=lbnd,computationalUBound=ubnd, & fptr=coordY2d, & rc=rc) write(0,*)'back from ESMF_GridGetCoord ', rc DO i=lbnd(1),ubnd(1) coordY2d(i) = (i-1)*1.0 write(0,*)'coordY2d ',i,coordY2d(i) ENDDO #endif IF ( rc /= ESMF_SUCCESS ) THEN WRITE( msg,* ) 'Error in ESMF_GridCreate', & __FILE__ , & ', line', & __LINE__ CALL wrf_error_fatal ( msg ) ENDIF CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , 'DEBUG WRF: back OK from ESMF_GridCreate' ) ! distribute the ESMF_Grid ! ignore repeated values is_min = MINVAL(allXStart) js_min = MINVAL(allYStart) i = 0 j = 0 WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG: is_min = ',is_min,' allXStart = ',allXStart CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG: js_min = ',js_min,' allYStart = ',allYStart CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG: allXCount = ',allXCount CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG: allYCount = ',allYCount CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) DO pe = 0, numprocs-1 IF (allXStart(pe) == is_min) THEN IF (j >= numprocsY) THEN WRITE( msg,* ) 'ASSERTION FAILED in ESMF_GridCreate', & __FILE__ , & ', line', & __LINE__ CALL wrf_error_fatal ( msg ) ENDIF WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG: dimYCount(',j,') == allYCount(',pe,')' CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) dimYCount(j) = allYCount(pe) j = j + 1 ENDIF IF (allYStart(pe) == js_min) THEN IF (i >= numprocsX) THEN WRITE( msg,* ) 'ASSERTION FAILED in ESMF_GridCreate', & __FILE__ , & ', line', & __LINE__ CALL wrf_error_fatal ( msg ) ENDIF WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG: dimXCount(',i,') == allXCount(',pe,')' CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) dimXCount(i) = allXCount(pe) i = i + 1 ENDIF ENDDO WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG: i = ',i,' dimXCount = ',dimXCount CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG: j = ',j,' dimYCount = ',dimYCount CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , 'DEBUG ioesmf_create_grid_int: calling ESMF_DELayoutPrint 2' ) IF ( 5 .LE. debug_level ) THEN CALL ESMF_DELayoutPrint( taskLayout, rc=rc ) ENDIF CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , 'DEBUG ioesmf_create_grid_int: back from ESMF_DELayoutPrint 2' ) #if 0 CALL ESMF_GridDistribute( esmfgrid, & delayout=taskLayout, & countsPerDEDim1=dimXCount, & countsPerDEDim2=dimYCount, & rc=rc ) IF ( rc /= ESMF_SUCCESS ) THEN WRITE( msg,* ) 'Error in ESMF_GridDistribute ', & __FILE__ , & ', line ', & __LINE__ , & ', error code = ',rc CALL wrf_error_fatal ( msg ) ENDIF #endif CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , 'DEBUG WRF: Calling ESMF_GridValidate()' ) CALL ESMF_GridValidate( esmfgrid, rc=rc ) IF ( rc /= ESMF_SUCCESS ) THEN WRITE( msg,* ) 'Error in ESMF_GridValidate ', & __FILE__ , & ', line ', & __LINE__ , & ', error code = ',rc CALL wrf_error_fatal ( msg ) ENDIF CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , 'DEBUG WRF: back OK from ESMF_GridValidate()' ) DEALLOCATE( allXStart, allXCount, allYStart, allYCount, & dimXCount, dimYCount, coordX, coordY ) #if 0 ! Print out the ESMF decomposition info for debug comparison with WRF ! decomposition info. ALLOCATE( cellCounts(0:numprocs-1,2), globalStarts(0:numprocs-1,2) ) ! extract information about staggered grids for debugging CALL ESMF_GridGet( esmfgrid, & horzrelloc=ESMF_CELL_WFACE, & globalStartPerDEPerDim=globalStarts, & cellCountPerDEPerDim=cellCounts, & globalCellCountPerDim=globalCellCounts, & rc=rc ) IF ( rc /= ESMF_SUCCESS ) THEN WRITE( msg,* ) 'Error in ESMF_GridGet', & __FILE__ , & ', line', & __LINE__ CALL wrf_error_fatal ( msg ) ENDIF ! note that global indices in ESMF_Grid always start at zero WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG: ESMF staggered ips = ',1+globalStarts(myPE,1) CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG: ESMF staggered ipe = ',1+globalStarts(myPE,1) + cellCounts(myPE,1) - 1 CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG: ESMF staggered i count = ', cellCounts(myPE,1) CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) CALL ESMF_GridGet( esmfgrid, & horzrelloc=ESMF_CELL_SFACE, & globalStartPerDEPerDim=globalStarts, & cellCountPerDEPerDim=cellCounts, & globalCellCountPerDim=globalCellCounts, & rc=rc ) IF ( rc /= ESMF_SUCCESS ) THEN WRITE( msg,* ) 'Error in ESMF_GridGet', & __FILE__ , & ', line', & __LINE__ CALL wrf_error_fatal ( msg ) ENDIF ! note that global indices in ESMF_Grid always start at zero WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG: ESMF staggered jps = ',1+globalStarts(myPE,2) CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG: ESMF staggered jpe = ',1+globalStarts(myPE,2) + cellCounts(myPE,2) - 1 CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG: ESMF staggered j count = ', cellCounts(myPE,2) CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) DEALLOCATE( cellCounts, globalStarts ) CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'DEBUG ioesmf_create_grid_int: print esmfgrid BEGIN...' ) IF ( 100 .LE. debug_level ) THEN CALL ESMF_GridPrint( esmfgrid, rc=rc ) IF ( rc /= ESMF_SUCCESS ) THEN WRITE( msg,* ) 'Error in ESMF_GridPrint', & __FILE__ , & ', line', & __LINE__ CALL wrf_error_fatal ( msg ) ENDIF ENDIF CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'DEBUG ioesmf_create_grid_int: print esmfgrid END' ) #endif CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , 'DEBUG ioesmf_create_grid_int: returning...' ) END SUBROUTINE ioesmf_create_grid_int ! Destroy the ESMF_Grid associated with index DataHandle. ! grid( DataHandle )%ptr is DEALLOCATED (NULLIFIED) SUBROUTINE ioesmf_destroy_grid( DataHandle ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: DataHandle ! Local declarations INTEGER :: id, rc TYPE(ESMF_DELayout) :: taskLayout LOGICAL :: noneLeft IF ( grid( DataHandle )%in_use ) THEN #if 0 WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG: ioesmf_destroy_grid( ',DataHandle,' ) begin...' CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) CALL ESMF_GridGet( grid( DataHandle )%ptr, delayout=taskLayout, rc=rc ) IF ( rc /= ESMF_SUCCESS ) THEN WRITE( msg,* ) 'Error in ESMF_GridGet', & __FILE__ , & ', line', & __LINE__ CALL wrf_error_fatal ( msg ) ENDIF ! I "know" I created this... (not really, but ESMF cannot tell me!) CALL ESMF_DELayoutDestroy( taskLayout, rc=rc ) IF ( rc /= ESMF_SUCCESS ) THEN WRITE( msg,* ) 'Error in ESMF_DELayoutDestroy', & __FILE__ , & ', line', & __LINE__ CALL wrf_error_fatal ( msg ) ENDIF #endif CALL ESMF_GridDestroy( grid( DataHandle )%ptr, rc=rc ) IF ( rc /= ESMF_SUCCESS ) THEN WRITE( msg,* ) 'Error in ESMF_GridDestroy', & __FILE__ , & ', line', & __LINE__ CALL wrf_error_fatal ( msg ) ENDIF DEALLOCATE( grid( DataHandle )%ptr ) CALL ioesmf_nullify_grid( DataHandle ) WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG: ioesmf_destroy_grid( ',DataHandle,' ) end' CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE ioesmf_destroy_grid ! Nullify the grid_ptr associated with index DataHandle. ! grid( DataHandle )%ptr must not be associated ! DataHandle must be in a valid range SUBROUTINE ioesmf_nullify_grid( DataHandle ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: DataHandle NULLIFY( grid( DataHandle )%ptr ) grid( DataHandle )%in_use = .FALSE. grid( DataHandle )%ide_save = 0 grid( DataHandle )%jde_save = 0 grid( DataHandle )%kde_save = 0 END SUBROUTINE ioesmf_nullify_grid !TODO: use generic explicit interfaces and remove duplication !TODO: use cpp to remove duplication SUBROUTINE ioesmf_extract_data_real( data_esmf_real, Field, & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme REAL(ESMF_KIND_R4), INTENT(IN ) :: data_esmf_real( ips:ipe, jps:jpe ) REAL, INTENT( OUT) :: Field( ims:ime, jms:jme, kms:kme ) Field( ips:ipe, jps:jpe, kms ) = data_esmf_real( ips:ipe, jps:jpe ) END SUBROUTINE ioesmf_extract_data_real !TODO: use cpp to remove duplication SUBROUTINE ioesmf_extract_data_int( data_esmf_int, Field, & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme INTEGER(ESMF_KIND_I4), INTENT(IN ) :: data_esmf_int( ips:ipe, jps:jpe ) INTEGER, INTENT( OUT) :: Field( ims:ime, jms:jme, kms:kme ) Field( ips:ipe, jps:jpe, kms ) = data_esmf_int( ips:ipe, jps:jpe ) END SUBROUTINE ioesmf_extract_data_int !TODO: use cpp to remove duplication SUBROUTINE ioesmf_insert_data_real( Field, data_esmf_real, & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme REAL, INTENT(IN ) :: Field( ims:ime, jms:jme, kms:kme ) REAL(ESMF_KIND_R4), INTENT( OUT) :: data_esmf_real( ips:ipe, jps:jpe ) !TODO: Remove this hack once we no longer have to store non-staggered !TODO: arrays in space dimensioned for staggered arrays. data_esmf_real = 0.0_ESMF_KIND_R4 data_esmf_real( ips:ipe, jps:jpe ) = Field( ips:ipe, jps:jpe, kms ) END SUBROUTINE ioesmf_insert_data_real !TODO: use cpp to remove duplication SUBROUTINE ioesmf_insert_data_int( Field, data_esmf_int, & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: Field( ims:ime, jms:jme, kms:kme ) INTEGER(ESMF_KIND_I4), INTENT( OUT) :: data_esmf_int( ips:ipe, jps:jpe ) !TODO: Remove this hack once we no longer have to store non-staggered !TODO: arrays in space dimensioned for staggered arrays. data_esmf_int = 0.0_ESMF_KIND_I4 data_esmf_int( ips:ipe, jps:jpe ) = Field( ips:ipe, jps:jpe, kms ) END SUBROUTINE ioesmf_insert_data_int !-------------- SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_ioinit( SysDepInfo, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER*(*), INTENT(IN) :: SysDepInfo INTEGER Status CALL init_module_ext_esmf Status = 0 END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_ioinit !--- open_for_read SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_open_for_read ( FileName , Comm_compute, Comm_io, SysDepInfo, & DataHandle , Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER*(*) :: FileName INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Comm_compute , Comm_io CHARACTER*(*) :: SysDepInfo INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: DataHandle INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CALL wrf_message('ext_esmf_open_for_read not supported yet') Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_open_for_read !--- inquire_opened SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_inquire_opened ( DataHandle, FileName , FileStatus, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: FileName INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: FileStatus INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status Status = 0 WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG ext_esmf_inquire_opened: begin, DataHandle = ', DataHandle CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG ext_esmf_inquire_opened: int_valid_handle(',DataHandle,') = ', & int_valid_handle( DataHandle ) CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG ext_esmf_inquire_opened: int_handle_in_use(',DataHandle,') = ', & int_handle_in_use( DataHandle ) CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG ext_esmf_inquire_opened: opened_for_read(',DataHandle,') = ', & opened_for_read( DataHandle ) CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG ext_esmf_inquire_opened: okay_to_read(',DataHandle,') = ', & okay_to_read( DataHandle ) CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG ext_esmf_inquire_opened: opened_for_write(',DataHandle,') = ', & opened_for_write( DataHandle ) CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG ext_esmf_inquire_opened: okay_to_write(',DataHandle,') = ', & okay_to_write( DataHandle ) CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) !TODO: need to cache file name and match with FileName argument and return !TODO: FileStatus = WRF_FILE_NOT_OPENED if they do not match FileStatus = WRF_FILE_NOT_OPENED IF ( int_valid_handle( DataHandle ) ) THEN IF ( int_handle_in_use( DataHandle ) ) THEN IF ( opened_for_read ( DataHandle ) ) THEN IF ( okay_to_read( DataHandle ) ) THEN FileStatus = WRF_FILE_OPENED_FOR_READ ELSE FileStatus = WRF_FILE_OPENED_NOT_COMMITTED ENDIF ELSE IF ( opened_for_write( DataHandle ) ) THEN IF ( okay_to_write( DataHandle ) ) THEN FileStatus = WRF_FILE_OPENED_FOR_WRITE ELSE FileStatus = WRF_FILE_OPENED_NOT_COMMITTED ENDIF ELSE FileStatus = WRF_FILE_NOT_OPENED ENDIF ENDIF WRITE( msg,* ) 'ERROR ext_esmf_inquire_opened: file handle ',DataHandle,' is invalid' CALL wrf_error_fatal ( TRIM(msg) ) ENDIF WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG ext_esmf_inquire_opened: end, FileStatus = ', FileStatus CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) Status = 0 RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_inquire_opened !--- inquire_filename SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_inquire_filename ( DataHandle, FileName , FileStatus, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: FileName INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: FileStatus INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CHARACTER *80 SysDepInfo Status = 0 WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG ext_esmf_inquire_filename: begin, DataHandle = ', DataHandle CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG ext_esmf_inquire_filename: int_valid_handle(',DataHandle,') = ', & int_valid_handle( DataHandle ) CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG ext_esmf_inquire_filename: int_handle_in_use(',DataHandle,') = ', & int_handle_in_use( DataHandle ) CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG ext_esmf_inquire_filename: opened_for_read(',DataHandle,') = ', & opened_for_read( DataHandle ) CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG ext_esmf_inquire_filename: okay_to_read(',DataHandle,') = ', & okay_to_read( DataHandle ) CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG ext_esmf_inquire_filename: opened_for_write(',DataHandle,') = ', & opened_for_write( DataHandle ) CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG ext_esmf_inquire_filename: okay_to_write(',DataHandle,') = ', & okay_to_write( DataHandle ) CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) !TODO: need to cache file name and return via FileName argument FileStatus = WRF_FILE_NOT_OPENED IF ( int_valid_handle( DataHandle ) ) THEN IF ( int_handle_in_use( DataHandle ) ) THEN IF ( opened_for_read ( DataHandle ) ) THEN IF ( okay_to_read( DataHandle ) ) THEN FileStatus = WRF_FILE_OPENED_FOR_READ ELSE FileStatus = WRF_FILE_OPENED_NOT_COMMITTED ENDIF ELSE IF ( opened_for_write( DataHandle ) ) THEN IF ( okay_to_write( DataHandle ) ) THEN FileStatus = WRF_FILE_OPENED_FOR_WRITE ELSE FileStatus = WRF_FILE_OPENED_NOT_COMMITTED ENDIF ELSE FileStatus = WRF_FILE_NOT_OPENED ENDIF ENDIF WRITE( msg,* ) 'ERROR ext_esmf_inquire_filename: file handle ',DataHandle,' is invalid' CALL wrf_error_fatal ( TRIM(msg) ) ENDIF WRITE( msg,* ) 'DEBUG ext_esmf_inquire_filename: end, FileStatus = ', FileStatus CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , TRIM(msg) ) Status = 0 RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_inquire_filename !--- sync SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_iosync ( DataHandle, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status Status = 0 RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_iosync !--- close SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_ioclose ( DataHandle, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER DataHandle, Status ! locals TYPE state_ptr TYPE(ESMF_State), POINTER :: stateptr END TYPE state_ptr TYPE(state_ptr) :: states(2) TYPE(ESMF_State), POINTER :: state INTEGER :: numItems, numFields, i, istate TYPE(ESMF_StateItemType), ALLOCATABLE :: itemTypes(:) TYPE(ESMF_Field) :: tmpField REAL, POINTER :: tmp_ptr(:,:) CHARACTER (len=ESMF_MAXSTR), ALLOCATABLE :: itemNames(:) CHARACTER (len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: str INTEGER :: rc ! TODO: The code below hangs with this error message: ! TODO: "ext_esmf_ioclose: ESMF_FieldGetDataPointer( LANDMASK) failed" ! TODO: Fix this so ESMF objects actually get destroyed to avoid memory ! TODO: leaks. CALL wrf_debug( 5, 'ext_esmf_ioclose: WARNING: not destroying ESMF objects' ) #if 0 !TODO: Need to upgrade this to use nested ESMF_States if we want support !TODO: more than one auxin and one auxhist stream for ESMF. IF ( int_valid_handle (DataHandle) ) THEN IF ( int_handle_in_use( DataHandle ) ) THEN ! Iterate through importState *and* exportState, find each ESMF_Field, ! extract its data pointer and deallocate it, then destroy the ! ESMF_Field. CALL ESMF_ImportStateGetCurrent(states(1)%stateptr, rc) IF ( rc /= ESMF_SUCCESS ) THEN CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ext_esmf_ioclose: ESMF_ImportStateGetCurrent failed' ) ENDIF CALL ESMF_ExportStateGetCurrent(states(2)%stateptr, rc) IF ( rc /= ESMF_SUCCESS ) THEN CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ext_esmf_ioclose: ESMF_ExportStateGetCurrent failed' ) ENDIF DO istate=1, 2 state => states(istate)%stateptr ! all this to avoid assignment (@#$%) ! Since there are no convenient iterators for ESMF_State (@#$%), ! write a lot of code... ! Figure out how many items are in the ESMF_State CALL ESMF_StateGet(state, itemCount=numItems, rc=rc) IF ( rc /= ESMF_SUCCESS) THEN CALL wrf_error_fatal ( 'ext_esmf_ioclose: ESMF_StateGet(numItems) failed' ) ENDIF ! allocate an array to hold the types of all items ALLOCATE( itemTypes(numItems) ) ! allocate an array to hold the names of all items ALLOCATE( itemNames(numItems) ) ! get the item types and names CALL ESMF_StateGet(state, stateitemtypeList=itemTypes, & itemNameList=itemNames, rc=rc) IF ( rc /= ESMF_SUCCESS) THEN WRITE(str,*) 'ext_esmf_ioclose: ESMF_StateGet itemTypes failed with rc = ', rc CALL wrf_error_fatal ( str ) ENDIF ! count how many items are ESMF_Fields numFields = 0 DO i=1,numItems IF ( itemTypes(i) == ESMF_STATEITEM_FIELD ) THEN numFields = numFields + 1 ENDIF ENDDO IF ( numFields > 0) THEN ! finally, extract nested ESMF_Fields by name, if there are any ! (should be able to do this by index at least -- @#%$) DO i=1,numItems IF ( itemTypes(i) == ESMF_STATEITEM_FIELD ) THEN CALL ESMF_StateGetField( state, TRIM(itemNames(i)), & tmpField, rc=rc ) IF ( rc /= ESMF_SUCCESS) THEN WRITE(str,*) 'ext_esmf_ioclose: ESMF_StateGetField(',TRIM(itemNames(i)),') failed' CALL wrf_error_fatal ( str ) ENDIF ! destroy pointer in field CALL ESMF_FieldGetDataPointer( tmpField, tmp_ptr, rc=rc ) IF (rc /= ESMF_SUCCESS) THEN WRITE( str , * ) & 'ext_esmf_ioclose: ESMF_FieldGetDataPointer( ', & TRIM(itemNames(i)),') failed' CALL wrf_error_fatal ( TRIM(str) ) ENDIF DEALLOCATE( tmp_ptr ) ! destroy field CALL ESMF_FieldDestroy( tmpField, rc=rc ) IF (rc /= ESMF_SUCCESS) THEN WRITE( str , * ) & 'ext_esmf_ioclose: ESMF_FieldDestroy( ', & TRIM(itemNames(i)),') failed' CALL wrf_error_fatal ( TRIM(str) ) ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF ! deallocate locals DEALLOCATE( itemTypes ) DEALLOCATE( itemNames ) ENDDO ! destroy ESMF_Grid associated with DataHandle CALL ioesmf_destroy_grid( DataHandle ) ENDIF ENDIF #endif Status = 0 RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_ioclose !--- ioexit SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_ioexit( Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status INTEGER :: i Status = 0 ! TODO: The code below causes ext_ncd_ioclose() to fail in the ! TODO: SST component for reasons as-yet unknown. ! TODO: Fix this so ESMF objects actually get destroyed to avoid memory ! TODO: leaks. CALL wrf_debug( 5, 'ext_esmf_ioexit: WARNING: not destroying ESMF objects' ) #if 0 DO i = 1, int_num_handles ! close any remaining open DataHandles CALL ext_esmf_ioclose ( i, Status ) ! destroy ESMF_Grid for this DataHandle CALL ioesmf_destroy_grid( i ) ENDDO CALL wrf_debug ( 5 , & 'ext_esmf_ioexit: DEBUG: done cleaning up ESMF objects' ) #endif RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_ioexit !--- get_next_time SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_next_time ( DataHandle, DateStr, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status IF ( .NOT. int_valid_handle( DataHandle ) ) THEN CALL wrf_error_fatal("io_esmf.F90: ext_esmf_get_next_time: invalid data handle" ) ENDIF IF ( .NOT. int_handle_in_use( DataHandle ) ) THEN CALL wrf_error_fatal("io_esmf.F90: ext_esmf_get_next_time: DataHandle not opened" ) ENDIF CALL wrf_message( "ext_esmf_get_next_time() not supported yet") Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_next_time !--- set_time SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_set_time ( DataHandle, DateStr, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CALL wrf_message( "ext_esmf_set_time() not supported yet") Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_set_time !--- get_var_info SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_var_info ( DataHandle , VarName , NDim , MemoryOrder , Stagger , & DomainStart , DomainEnd , WrfType, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE integer ,intent(in) :: DataHandle character*(*) ,intent(in) :: VarName integer ,intent(out) :: NDim character*(*) ,intent(out) :: MemoryOrder character*(*) ,intent(out) :: Stagger integer ,dimension(*) ,intent(out) :: DomainStart, DomainEnd integer ,intent(out) :: WrfType integer ,intent(out) :: Status IF ( .NOT. int_valid_handle( DataHandle ) ) THEN CALL wrf_error_fatal("io_esmf.F90: ext_esmf_get_var_info: invalid data handle" ) ENDIF IF ( .NOT. int_handle_in_use( DataHandle ) ) THEN CALL wrf_error_fatal("io_esmf.F90: ext_esmf_get_var_info: DataHandle not opened" ) ENDIF CALL wrf_message( "ext_esmf_get_var_info() not supported yet") Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_var_info !--- get_next_var SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_next_var ( DataHandle, VarName, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: VarName INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status IF ( .NOT. int_valid_handle( DataHandle ) ) THEN CALL wrf_error_fatal("external/io_esmf/io_esmf.F90: ext_esmf_get_next_var: invalid data handle" ) ENDIF IF ( .NOT. int_handle_in_use( DataHandle ) ) THEN CALL wrf_error_fatal("external/io_esmf/io_esmf.F90: ext_esmf_get_next_var: DataHandle not opened" ) ENDIF CALL wrf_message( "ext_esmf_get_next_var() not supported yet") Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_next_var !--- get_dom_ti_real SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_dom_ti_real ( DataHandle,Element, Data, Count, Outcount, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: Element real , INTENT(IN) :: Data(*) INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Count INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Outcount INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CALL wrf_message( "ext_esmf_get_dom_ti_real() not supported yet") Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_dom_ti_real !--- put_dom_ti_real SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_put_dom_ti_real ( DataHandle,Element, Data, Count, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: Element real , INTENT(IN) :: Data(*) INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Count INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CALL wrf_message( "ext_esmf_put_dom_ti_real() not supported yet") Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_put_dom_ti_real !--- get_dom_ti_double SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_dom_ti_double ( DataHandle,Element, Data, Count, Outcount, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: Element real*8 , INTENT(OUT) :: Data(*) INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Count INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: OutCount INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CALL wrf_message('ext_esmf_get_dom_ti_double not supported yet') Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_dom_ti_double !--- put_dom_ti_double SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_put_dom_ti_double ( DataHandle,Element, Data, Count, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: Element real*8 , INTENT(IN) :: Data(*) INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Count INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CALL wrf_message('ext_esmf_put_dom_ti_double not supported yet') Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_put_dom_ti_double !--- get_dom_ti_integer SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_dom_ti_integer ( DataHandle,Element, Data, Count, Outcount, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: Element integer , INTENT(OUT) :: Data(*) INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Count INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: OutCount INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status Status = 0 IF ( Element == 'WEST-EAST_GRID_DIMENSION' ) THEN Data(1) = grid( DataHandle )%ide_save Outcount = 1 ELSE IF ( Element == 'SOUTH-NORTH_GRID_DIMENSION' ) THEN Data(1) = grid( DataHandle )%jde_save Outcount = 1 ELSE IF ( Element == 'BOTTOM-TOP_GRID_DIMENSION' ) THEN Data(1) = grid( DataHandle )%kde_save Outcount = 1 ELSE CALL wrf_message('ext_esmf_get_dom_ti_integer not fully supported yet') Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED ENDIF RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_dom_ti_integer !--- put_dom_ti_integer SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_put_dom_ti_integer ( DataHandle,Element, Data, Count, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: Element INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Data(*) INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Count INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CALL wrf_message('ext_esmf_put_dom_ti_integer not supported yet') Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_put_dom_ti_integer !--- get_dom_ti_logical SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_dom_ti_logical ( DataHandle,Element, Data, Count, Outcount, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: Element logical , INTENT(OUT) :: Data(*) INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Count INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: OutCount INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CALL wrf_message('ext_esmf_get_dom_ti_logical not supported yet') Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_dom_ti_logical !--- put_dom_ti_logical SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_put_dom_ti_logical ( DataHandle,Element, Data, Count, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: Element logical , INTENT(IN) :: Data(*) INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Count INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CALL wrf_message('ext_esmf_put_dom_ti_logical not supported yet') Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_put_dom_ti_logical !--- get_dom_ti_char SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_dom_ti_char ( DataHandle,Element, Data, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: Element CHARACTER*(*) :: Data INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CALL wrf_message('ext_esmf_get_dom_ti_char not supported yet') Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_dom_ti_char !--- put_dom_ti_char SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_put_dom_ti_char ( DataHandle, Element, Data, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: Element CHARACTER*(*) :: Data INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CALL wrf_message('ext_esmf_put_dom_ti_char not supported yet') Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_put_dom_ti_char !--- get_dom_td_real SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_dom_td_real ( DataHandle,Element, DateStr, Data, Count, Outcount, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: Element CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr real , INTENT(OUT) :: Data(*) INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Count INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: OutCount INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CALL wrf_message('ext_esmf_get_dom_td_real not supported yet') Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_dom_td_real !--- put_dom_td_real SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_put_dom_td_real ( DataHandle,Element, DateStr, Data, Count, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: Element CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr real , INTENT(IN) :: Data(*) INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Count INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CALL wrf_message('ext_esmf_put_dom_td_real not supported yet') Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_put_dom_td_real !--- get_dom_td_double SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_dom_td_double ( DataHandle,Element, DateStr, Data, Count, Outcount, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: Element CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr real*8 , INTENT(OUT) :: Data(*) INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Count INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: OutCount INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CALL wrf_message('ext_esmf_get_dom_td_double not supported yet') Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_dom_td_double !--- put_dom_td_double SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_put_dom_td_double ( DataHandle,Element, DateStr, Data, Count, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: Element CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr real*8 , INTENT(IN) :: Data(*) INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Count INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CALL wrf_message('ext_esmf_put_dom_td_double not supported yet') Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_put_dom_td_double !--- get_dom_td_integer SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_dom_td_integer ( DataHandle,Element, DateStr, Data, Count, Outcount, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: Element CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr integer , INTENT(OUT) :: Data(*) INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Count INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: OutCount INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CALL wrf_message('ext_esmf_get_dom_td_integer not supported yet') Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_dom_td_integer !--- put_dom_td_integer SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_put_dom_td_integer ( DataHandle,Element, DateStr, Data, Count, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: Element CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr integer , INTENT(IN) :: Data(*) INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Count INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CALL wrf_message('ext_esmf_put_dom_td_integer not supported yet') Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_put_dom_td_integer !--- get_dom_td_logical SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_dom_td_logical ( DataHandle,Element, DateStr, Data, Count, Outcount, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: Element CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr logical , INTENT(OUT) :: Data(*) INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Count INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: OutCount INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CALL wrf_message('ext_esmf_get_dom_td_logical not supported yet') Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_dom_td_logical !--- put_dom_td_logical SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_put_dom_td_logical ( DataHandle,Element, DateStr, Data, Count, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: Element CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr logical , INTENT(IN) :: Data(*) INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Count INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CALL wrf_message('ext_esmf_put_dom_td_logical not supported yet') Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_put_dom_td_logical !--- get_dom_td_char SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_dom_td_char ( DataHandle,Element, DateStr, Data, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: Element CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr CHARACTER*(*) :: Data INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CALL wrf_message('ext_esmf_get_dom_td_char not supported yet') Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_dom_td_char !--- put_dom_td_char SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_put_dom_td_char ( DataHandle,Element, DateStr, Data, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: Element CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr CHARACTER*(*) :: Data INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CALL wrf_message('ext_esmf_put_dom_td_char not supported yet') Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_put_dom_td_char !--- get_var_ti_real SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_var_ti_real ( DataHandle,Element, Varname, Data, Count, Outcount, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: Element CHARACTER*(*) :: VarName real , INTENT(OUT) :: Data(*) INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Count INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: OutCount INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CALL wrf_message('ext_esmf_get_var_ti_real not supported yet') Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_var_ti_real !--- put_var_ti_real SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_put_var_ti_real ( DataHandle,Element, Varname, Data, Count, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: Element CHARACTER*(*) :: VarName real , INTENT(IN) :: Data(*) INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Count INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CALL wrf_message('ext_esmf_put_var_ti_real not supported yet') Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_put_var_ti_real !--- get_var_ti_double SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_var_ti_double ( DataHandle,Element, Varname, Data, Count, Outcount, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: Element CHARACTER*(*) :: VarName real*8 , INTENT(OUT) :: Data(*) INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Count INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: OutCount INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CALL wrf_message('ext_esmf_get_var_ti_double not supported yet') Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_var_ti_double !--- put_var_ti_double SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_put_var_ti_double ( DataHandle,Element, Varname, Data, Count, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: Element CHARACTER*(*) :: VarName real*8 , INTENT(IN) :: Data(*) INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Count INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CALL wrf_message('ext_esmf_put_var_ti_double not supported yet') Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_put_var_ti_double !--- get_var_ti_integer SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_var_ti_integer ( DataHandle,Element, Varname, Data, Count, Outcount, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: Element CHARACTER*(*) :: VarName integer , INTENT(OUT) :: Data(*) INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Count INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: OutCount INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CALL wrf_message('ext_esmf_get_var_ti_integer not supported yet') Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_var_ti_integer !--- put_var_ti_integer SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_put_var_ti_integer ( DataHandle,Element, Varname, Data, Count, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: Element CHARACTER*(*) :: VarName integer , INTENT(IN) :: Data(*) INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Count INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CALL wrf_message('ext_esmf_put_var_ti_integer not supported yet') Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_put_var_ti_integer !--- get_var_ti_logical SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_var_ti_logical ( DataHandle,Element, Varname, Data, Count, Outcount, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: Element CHARACTER*(*) :: VarName logical , INTENT(OUT) :: Data(*) INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Count INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: OutCount INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CALL wrf_message('ext_esmf_get_var_ti_logical not supported yet') Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_var_ti_logical !--- put_var_ti_logical SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_put_var_ti_logical ( DataHandle,Element, Varname, Data, Count, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: Element CHARACTER*(*) :: VarName logical , INTENT(IN) :: Data(*) INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Count INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CALL wrf_message('ext_esmf_put_var_ti_logical not supported yet') Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_put_var_ti_logical !--- get_var_ti_char SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_var_ti_char ( DataHandle,Element, Varname, Data, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: Element CHARACTER*(*) :: VarName CHARACTER*(*) :: Data INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status INTEGER locDataHandle, code CHARACTER*132 locElement, locVarName CALL wrf_message('ext_esmf_get_var_ti_char not supported yet') Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_var_ti_char !--- put_var_ti_char SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_put_var_ti_char ( DataHandle,Element, Varname, Data, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: Element CHARACTER*(*) :: VarName CHARACTER*(*) :: Data INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status REAL dummy INTEGER :: Count CALL wrf_message('ext_esmf_put_var_ti_char not supported yet') Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_put_var_ti_char !--- get_var_td_real SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_var_td_real ( DataHandle,Element, DateStr,Varname, Data, Count, Outcount, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: Element CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr CHARACTER*(*) :: VarName real , INTENT(OUT) :: Data(*) INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Count INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: OutCount INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CALL wrf_message('ext_esmf_get_var_td_real not supported yet') Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_var_td_real !--- put_var_td_real SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_put_var_td_real ( DataHandle,Element, DateStr,Varname, Data, Count, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: Element CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr CHARACTER*(*) :: VarName real , INTENT(IN) :: Data(*) INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Count INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CALL wrf_message('ext_esmf_put_var_td_real not supported yet') Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_put_var_td_real !--- get_var_td_double SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_var_td_double ( DataHandle,Element, DateStr,Varname, Data, Count, Outcount, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: Element CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr CHARACTER*(*) :: VarName real*8 , INTENT(OUT) :: Data(*) INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Count INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: OutCount INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CALL wrf_message('ext_esmf_get_var_td_double not supported yet') Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_var_td_double !--- put_var_td_double SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_put_var_td_double ( DataHandle,Element, DateStr,Varname, Data, Count, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: Element CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr CHARACTER*(*) :: VarName real*8 , INTENT(IN) :: Data(*) INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Count INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CALL wrf_message('ext_esmf_put_var_td_double not supported yet') Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_put_var_td_double !--- get_var_td_integer SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_var_td_integer ( DataHandle,Element, DateStr,Varname, Data, Count, Outcount, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: Element CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr CHARACTER*(*) :: VarName integer , INTENT(OUT) :: Data(*) INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Count INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: OutCount INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CALL wrf_message('ext_esmf_get_var_td_integer not supported yet') Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_var_td_integer !--- put_var_td_integer SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_put_var_td_integer ( DataHandle,Element, DateStr,Varname, Data, Count, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: Element CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr CHARACTER*(*) :: VarName integer , INTENT(IN) :: Data(*) INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Count INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CALL wrf_message('ext_esmf_put_var_td_integer not supported yet') Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_put_var_td_integer !--- get_var_td_logical SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_var_td_logical ( DataHandle,Element, DateStr,Varname, Data, Count, Outcount, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: Element CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr CHARACTER*(*) :: VarName logical , INTENT(OUT) :: Data(*) INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Count INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: OutCount INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CALL wrf_message('ext_esmf_get_var_td_logical not supported yet') Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_var_td_logical !--- put_var_td_logical SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_put_var_td_logical ( DataHandle,Element, DateStr,Varname, Data, Count, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: Element CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr CHARACTER*(*) :: VarName logical , INTENT(IN) :: Data(*) INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: Count INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CALL wrf_message('ext_esmf_put_var_td_logical not supported yet') Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_put_var_td_logical !--- get_var_td_char SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_var_td_char ( DataHandle,Element, DateStr,Varname, Data, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: Element CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr CHARACTER*(*) :: VarName CHARACTER*(*) :: Data INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CALL wrf_message('ext_esmf_get_var_td_char not supported yet') Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_get_var_td_char !--- put_var_td_char SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_put_var_td_char ( DataHandle,Element, DateStr,Varname, Data, Status ) USE module_ext_esmf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: DataHandle CHARACTER*(*) :: Element CHARACTER*(*) :: DateStr CHARACTER*(*) :: VarName CHARACTER*(*) :: Data INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: Status CALL wrf_message('ext_esmf_put_var_td_char not supported yet') Status = WRF_WARN_NOTSUPPORTED RETURN END SUBROUTINE ext_esmf_put_var_td_char