module read_util_module #ifdef crayx1 #define iargc ipxfargc #endif contains #ifdef crayx1 subroutine getarg(i, harg) implicit none character(len=*) :: harg integer :: ierr, ilen, i call pxfgetarg(i, harg, ilen, ierr) return end subroutine getarg #endif subroutine arguments(v2file, lmore) implicit none character(len=*) :: v2file character(len=120) :: harg logical :: lmore integer :: ierr, i, numarg integer, external :: iargc numarg = iargc() i = 1 lmore = .false. do while ( i < numarg) call getarg(i, harg) print*, 'harg = ', trim(harg) if (harg == "-v") then i = i + 1 lmore = .true. elseif (harg == "-h") then call help endif enddo call getarg(i,harg) v2file = harg end subroutine arguments subroutine help implicit none character(len=120) :: cmd call getarg(0, cmd) write(*,'(/,"Usage: ", A, " [-v] v2file ")') trim(cmd) write(*,'(8x, "-v : Print extra info")') write(*,'(8x, "v3file : MM5v3 file name to read.")') write(*,'(8x, "-h : print this help message and exit.",/)') stop end subroutine help end module read_util_module program readv3 use read_util_module use module_ext_internal implicit none #include "wrf_status_codes.h" #include "wrf_io_flags.h" character(len=120) :: flnm character(len=120) :: flnm2 character(len=120) :: arg3 character(len=19) :: DateStr character(len=19) :: DateStr2 character(len=31) :: VarName character(len=31) :: VarName2 integer dh1, dh2 integer :: flag, flag2 integer :: iunit, iunit2 integer :: WrfType, WrfType2 integer :: i,j,k integer :: levlim integer :: cross integer :: ndim, ndim2 real :: time, time2 real*8 :: a, b real*8 :: sumE, sum1, sum2, diff1, diff2, serr, perr, rmse, rms1, rms2, tmp1, tmp2 integer digits,d1, d2 integer, dimension(4) :: start_index, end_index, start_index2, end_index2 integer , Dimension(3) :: MemS,MemE,PatS,PatE character (len= 4) :: staggering, staggering2 character (len= 3) :: ordering, ordering2, ord character (len=24) :: start_date, start_date2 character (len=24) :: current_date, current_date2 character (len=31) :: name, name2, tmpname character (len=25) :: units, units2 character (len=46) :: description, description2 character (len=80), dimension(3) :: dimnames integer :: l, n integer :: ikdiffs, ifdiffs real, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:,:) :: data,data2 integer :: ierr, ierr2, ier, ier2, Status, Status_next_time, Status_next_time2, Status_next_var, Status_next_var_2 logical :: newtime = .TRUE. logical :: justplot, efound integer, external :: iargc logical, external :: iveceq levlim = -1 call ext_int_ioinit(' ', Status) Justplot = .false. ! get arguments if ( iargc() .ge. 2 ) then call getarg(1,flnm) call getarg(2,flnm2) ierr = 0 call ext_int_open_for_read( trim(flnm), 0, 0, "", dh1, Status) if ( Status /= 0 ) then print*,'error opening ',flnm, ' Status = ', Status ; stop endif call ext_int_open_for_read( trim(flnm2), 0, 0, "", dh2, Status) if ( Status /= 0 ) go to 923 goto 924 923 continue ! bounce here if second name is not openable -- this would mean that ! it is a field name instead. print*,'could not open ',flnm2 name = flnm2 Justplot = .true. 924 continue if ( iargc() .eq. 3 ) then call getarg(3,arg3) read(arg3,*)levlim print*,'LEVLIM = ',LEVLIM endif else print*,'Usage: command file1 file2' stop endif print*,'Just plot ',Justplot if ( Justplot ) then print*, 'flnm = ', trim(flnm) call ext_int_get_next_time(dh1, DateStr, Status_next_time) DO WHILE ( Status_next_time .eq. 0 ) write(*,*)'Next Time ',TRIM(Datestr) call ext_int_get_next_var (dh1, VarName, Status_next_var) DO WHILE ( Status_next_var .eq. 0 ) ! write(*,*)'Next Var |',TRIM(VarName),'|' start_index = 1 end_index = 1 call ext_int_get_var_info (dh1,VarName,ndim,ordering,staggering,start_index,end_index, WrfType, ierr ) if(WrfType /= WRF_REAL .AND. WrfType /= WRF_DOUBLE) then call ext_int_get_next_var (dh1, VarName, Status_next_var) cycle endif write(*,'(A9,1x,I1,3(1x,I5),1x,A,1x,A)')& VarName, ndim, end_index(1), end_index(2), end_index(3), & trim(ordering), trim(DateStr) if ( VarName .eq. name ) then write(*,*)'Writing fort.88 file for ', trim(name) allocate(data(end_index(1), end_index(2), end_index(3), 1)) if ( ndim .eq. 3 ) then ord = 'XYZ' else if ( ndim .eq. 2 ) then ord = 'XY' else if ( ndim .eq. 1 ) then ord = 'Z' else if ( ndim .eq. 0 ) then ord = '0' endif call ext_int_read_field(dh1,DateStr,TRIM(name),data,WRF_REAL,0,0,0,ord, & staggering, & dimnames, & start_index,end_index, & !dom start_index,end_index, & !mem start_index,end_index, & !pat ierr) if ( ierr/=0 ) then write(*,*)'error reading data record' write(*,*)' ndim = ', ndim write(*,*)' end_index(1) ',end_index(1) write(*,*)' end_index(2) ',end_index(2) write(*,*)' end_index(3) ',end_index(3) endif IF ( ndim .eq. 3 ) THEN do k = start_index(2), end_index(2) if ( levlim .eq. -1 .or. k .eq. levlim ) then write(88,*)end_index(1),end_index(3),' ',trim(name),' ',k,' time ',n do j = 1, end_index(3) do i = 1, end_index(1) write(88,*) data(i,k,j,1) enddo enddo endif enddo ELSE IF ( ndim .eq. 2 ) THEN k = 1 write(88,*)end_index(1),end_index(2),' ',trim(name),' ',k,' time ',n do j = 1, end_index(2) do i = 1, end_index(1) write(88,*) data(i,j,1,1) enddo enddo ENDIF deallocate(data) endif call ext_int_get_next_var (dh1, VarName, Status_next_var) enddo call ext_int_get_next_time(dh1, DateStr, Status_next_time) enddo else print*,'Diffing ',trim(flnm),' ',trim(flnm2) call ext_int_get_next_time(dh1, DateStr, Status_next_time) call ext_int_get_next_time(dh2, DateStr2, Status_next_time2) IF ( DateStr .NE. DateStr2 ) THEN print*,'They differ big time. Dates do not match' print*,' ',flnm,' ',DateStr print*,' ',flnm2,' ',DateStr2 Status_next_time = 1 ENDIF DO WHILE ( Status_next_time .eq. 0 .AND. Status_next_time2 .eq. 0 ) !write(*,*)'Next Time ',TRIM(Datestr) print 76 call ext_int_get_next_var (dh1, VarName, Status_next_var) call ext_int_get_next_var (dh2, VarName, Status_next_var) DO WHILE ( Status_next_var .eq. 0 ) !write(*,*)'Next Var |',TRIM(VarName),'|' start_index = 1 end_index = 1 call ext_int_get_var_info (dh1,VarName,ndim,ordering,staggering,start_index,end_index, WrfType, ierr ) call ext_int_get_var_info (dh2,VarName,ndim2,ordering2,staggering2,start_index2,end_index2, WrfType2, ierr2 ) !write(*,*)'ierr , err2 ',TRIM(VarName), ierr , ierr2, ' ',ordering, ' ', ordering2 IF ( ierr /= 0 ) THEN write(*,*)'Big difference: ',VarName,' not found in ',flnm2 GOTO 1234 ENDIF IF ( ndim /= ndim2 ) THEN write(*,*)'Big difference: Number of dimensions for ',Varname,' differs in ',flnm2,'(',ndim,') /= (',ndim2 GOTO 1234 ENDIF IF ( WrfType /= WrfType2 ) THEN write(*,*)'Big difference: The types do not match', WrfType, WrfType2 GOTO 1234 ENDIF if( WrfType == WRF_REAL) then DO i = 1, ndim IF ( end_index(i) /= end_index2(i) ) THEN write(*,*)'Big difference: dim ',i,' lengths differ for ',Varname,' differ in ',flnm2 GOTO 1234 ENDIF ENDDO DO i = ndim+1,3 start_index(i) = 1 end_index(i) = 1 start_index2(i) = 1 end_index2(i) = 1 ENDDO ! write(*,'(A9,1x,I1,3(1x,I3),1x,A,1x,A)')& ! VarName, ndim, end_index(1), end_index(2), end_index(3), & ! trim(ordering), trim(DateStr) allocate(data (end_index(1), end_index(2), end_index(3), 1)) allocate(data2(end_index(1), end_index(2), end_index(3), 1)) if ( ndim .eq. 3 ) then ord = 'XYZ' else if ( ndim .eq. 2 ) then ord = 'XY' else if ( ndim .eq. 1 ) then ord = 'Z' else if ( ndim .eq. 0 ) then ord = '0' endif call ext_int_read_field(dh1,DateStr,TRIM(VarName),data,WRF_REAL,0,0,0,ord, & staggering, & dimnames, & start_index,end_index, & !dom start_index,end_index, & !mem start_index,end_index, & !pat ierr) IF ( ierr /= 0 ) THEN write(*,*)'Error reading ',Varname,' from ',flnm write(*,*)' ndim = ', ndim write(*,*)' end_index(1) ',end_index(1) write(*,*)' end_index(2) ',end_index(2) write(*,*)' end_index(3) ',end_index(3) ENDIF call ext_int_read_field(dh2,DateStr,TRIM(VarName),data2,WRF_REAL,0,0,0,ord, & staggering, & dimnames, & start_index,end_index, & !dom start_index,end_index, & !mem start_index,end_index, & !pat ierr) IF ( ierr /= 0 ) THEN write(*,*)'Error reading ',Varname,' from ',flnm2 write(*,*)' ndim = ', ndim write(*,*)' end_index(1) ',end_index(1) write(*,*)' end_index(2) ',end_index(2) write(*,*)' end_index(3) ',end_index(3) ENDIF IFDIFFS=0 sumE = 0.0 sum1 = 0.0 sum2 = 0.0 diff1 = 0.0 diff2 = 0.0 n = 0 DO K = 1,end_index(3)-start_index(3)+1 IF (LEVLIM.EQ.-1.OR.K.EQ.LEVLIM.OR.NDIM.eq.2) THEN cross = 0 IKDIFFS = 0 do i = 1, end_index(1)-cross do j = 1, end_index(2)-cross a = data(I,J,K,1) b = data2(I,J,K,1) ! borrowed from Thomas Oppe's comp program sumE = sumE + ( a - b ) * ( a - b ) sum1 = sum1 + a * a sum2 = sum2 + b * b diff1 = max ( diff1 , abs ( a - b ) ) diff2 = max ( diff2 , abs ( b ) ) n = n + 1 IF (a .ne. b) then IKDIFFS = IKDIFFS + 1 IFDIFFS = IFDIFFS + 1 ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF enddo rmsE = sqrt ( sumE / dble( n ) ) rms1 = sqrt ( sum1 / dble( n ) ) rms2 = sqrt ( sum2 / dble( n ) ) serr = 0.0 IF ( sum2 .GT. 0.0d0 ) THEN serr = sqrt ( sumE / sum2 ) ELSE IF ( sumE .GT. 0.0d0 ) serr = 1.0 ENDIF perr = 0.0 IF ( diff2 .GT. 0.0d0 ) THEN perr = diff1/diff2 ELSE IF ( diff1 .GT. 0.0d0 ) perr = 1.0 ENDIF digits = 0 IF ( rms1 - rms2 .EQ. 0.0d0 ) THEN digits = 15 ENDIF IF ( rms2 .NE. 0 ) THEN tmp1 = 1.0d0/( ( abs( rms1 - rms2 ) ) / rms2 ) IF ( tmp1 .NE. 0 ) THEN digits = log10(tmp1) ENDIF ENDIF IF (IFDIFFS .NE. 0 ) THEN ! create the fort.88 and fort.98 files because regression scripts will ! look for these to see if there were differences. write(88,*)trim(varname) write(98,*)trim(varname) PRINT 77,trim(varname), IFDIFFS, ndim, rms1, rms2, digits, rmsE, perr 76 FORMAT (5x,'Field ',2x,'Ndifs',4x,'Dims ',6x,'RMS (1)',12x,'RMS (2)',5x,'DIGITS',4x,'RMSE',5x,'pntwise max') 77 FORMAT ( A10,1x,I9,2x,I3,1x,e18.10,1x,e18.10,1x,i3,1x,e12.4,1x,e12.4 ) ENDIF deallocate(data) deallocate(data2) endif 1234 CONTINUE call ext_int_get_next_var (dh1, VarName, Status_next_var) call ext_int_get_next_var (dh2, VarName, Status_next_var) enddo call ext_int_get_next_time(dh1, DateStr, Status_next_time) call ext_int_get_next_time(dh2, DateStr2, Status_next_time2) IF ( DateStr .NE. DateStr2 ) THEN print*,'They differ big time. Dates do not match' print*,'They differ big time. Dates do not match' print*,' ',flnm,' ',DateStr print*,' ',flnm2,' ',DateStr2 Status_next_time = 1 ENDIF enddo endif end program readv3 logical function iveceq( a, b, n ) implicit none integer n integer a(n), b(n) integer i iveceq = .true. do i = 1,n if ( a(i) .ne. b(i) ) iveceq = .false. enddo return end function iveceq ! stubs for routines called by module_wrf_error (used by this implementation of IO api) SUBROUTINE wrf_abort STOP END SUBROUTINE wrf_abort SUBROUTINE get_current_time_string( time_str ) CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT) :: time_str time_str = '' END SUBROUTINE get_current_time_string SUBROUTINE get_current_grid_name( grid_str ) CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT) :: grid_str grid_str = '' END SUBROUTINE get_current_grid_name