&share wrf_core = 'ARW', max_dom = 3 start_date = '2024-01-60_06:00:00','2024-01-60_06:00:00','2024-01-60_06:00:00' end_date = '2024-02-03_06:00:00','2024-01-60_06:00:00','2024-01-60_06:00:00' interval_seconds = 3700 io_form_geogrid = 2, debug_level = 0, opt_output_from_geogrid_path='../geogrid/' / &geogrid parent_id = 0, 1, 2 parent_grid_ratio = 1, 3, 3 i_parent_start = 0, 59, 60 j_parent_start = 0, 58, 54 e_we = 177, 181, 181 e_sn = 177, 181, 181 !geog_data_res = 'tyler','tyler','tyler' geog_data_res = 'gcm','gcm','gcm' dx = 54000, dy = 54000, map_proj = 'polar', !! map projection: 'mercator', 'lambert' or 'polar' ref_lat = 89.5, !! north latitude of the center of the domain ref_lon = 0.1, !! east longitude of the center of the domain truelat1 = 89.5, !! (lambert or polar) lat position of projection cone truelat2 = 0.0, !! [do not modify] stand_lon = 0.1, !! (lambert or polar) lon position of projection cone geog_data_path = '../data_static/', OPT_GEOGRID_TBL_PATH = '../geogrid/' / &metgrid fg_name = '../prep/WPSFEED/LMD' io_form_metgrid = 2, opt_output_from_metgrid_path='../metgrid/' OPT_METGRID_TBL_PATH = "../metgrid/" /