subroutine testconservfast(ngrid,nlayer,nq,pq,pdq,pqs,pdqs, & ptimestep,pplev,zdq,zdqs,car1,car2) use comcstfi_mod, only: pi, g use geometry_mod, only: latitude, longitude, cell_area USE comgeomfi_h, only: totarea,totarea_planet implicit none !================================================================== ! Purpose ! ------- ! Test conservation of tracers ! ! Inputs ! ------ ! ngrid Number of vertical columns ! nlayer Number of layers ! pplev(ngrid,nlayer+1) Pressure levels ! zdq ! ! Outputs ! ------- ! ! Both ! ---- ! ! Authors ! ------- ! Tanguy Bertrand 2015 ! !================================================================== #include "dimensions.h" !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Arguments INTEGER ngrid, nlayer, nq REAL pq(ngrid) REAL pdq(ngrid) REAL zdq(ngrid) REAL pqs(ngrid) REAL pdqs(ngrid) REAL zdqs(ngrid) REAL ptimestep REAL pplev(ngrid,nlayer+1) character(len=3) :: car1 character(len=7) :: car2 ! LOCAL VARIABLES INTEGER l,ig,iq REAL masse REAL pqc(ngrid) REAL pqcs(ngrid) ! OUTPUT REAL dWtot REAL dWtots REAL Wtot REAL Wtots REAL nconsMAX INTEGER myig REAL vdifcncons(ngrid) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- dWtot=0.0 dWtots=0.0 Wtot=0.0 Wtots=0.0 nconsMAX=0.0 pqc=pq+pdq*ptimestep pqcs=pqs+pdqs*ptimestep do ig = 1, ngrid vdifcncons(ig)=0.0 ! sum of atmospheric mass : kg Wtot = Wtot + pqc(ig)*cell_area(ig)*pplev(ig,1)/g dWtot = dWtot + zdq(ig)*ptimestep*cell_area(ig)*pplev(ig,1)/g ! for each column, total mass lost per sec : kg(tracer) / m2 /s vdifcncons(ig)=vdifcncons(ig) + pplev(ig,1)/g*zdq(ig) dWtots = dWtots + zdqs(ig)*ptimestep*cell_area(ig) Wtots = Wtots + pqcs(ig)*cell_area(ig) vdifcncons(ig)=vdifcncons(ig)+zdqs(ig) ! vdifcncons is the total amount of material that appear or ! disapear per second in the routine ! it is the non conservative factor if(abs(vdifcncons(ig)).gt.abs(nconsMAX))then nconsMAX=vdifcncons(ig) myig=ig endif enddo dWtot = dWtot/totarea_planet dWtots = dWtots/totarea_planet print*,'In ',car2,' atmospheric ',car1,' change=',dWtot,' kg m-2' print*,'In ',car2,' surface ',car1,' change =',dWtots,' kg m-2' print*,'--> non-cons factor =',dWtot+dWtots,' kg m-2' print*,'--> MAX non-cons factor =',nconsMAX,' kg m-2 s-1' IF ( then print*,'--> obtained at lat/lon=',latitude(myig)*180./pi,longitude(myig)*180./pi ENDIF print*,'--> Total Mass ',car1,' =',(Wtot+Wtots)/totarea_planet,' kg m-2' end subroutine testconservfast