PROGRAM rcm1d USE infotrac use control_mod, only: planet_type,day_step,cpofT USE phys_state_var_mod use chemparam_mod USE comconst_mod, ONLY: cpp,t0_venus,nu_venus use cpdet_mod, only: ini_cpdet use moyzon_mod, only: tmoy USE comvert_mod, ONLY: ap,bp,presnivs,pa,preff,nivsigs,nivsig, . aps,bps,scaleheight,pseudoalt, . disvert_type,pressure_exner use conc, only: rho,mmean USE iniphysiq_mod, ONLY: iniphysiq USE mod_const_mpi, ONLY: comm_lmdz USE physiq_mod, ONLY: physiq USE logic_mod, ONLY: iflag_trac ! For XIOS outputs: USE mod_const_mpi, ONLY: init_const_mpi USE parallel_lmdz, ONLY: init_parallel IMPLICIT NONE c======================================================================= c subject: c -------- c PROGRAM useful to run physical part of the venusian GCM in a 1D column c c Can be compiled with a command like (e.g. for 50 layers) c "makelmdz_lmdz -p venus -d 50 rcm1d" c If you want XIOS outputs, then you'll need to compile with MPI and xios: c "makelmdz_lmdz -p venus -parallel mpi -io xios -d 50 rcm1d" c but the model should then be run using a single core, i.e. without mpirun c It requires the files "rcm1d.def" "physiq.def" c and a file describing the sigma layers (e.g. "z2sig.def") c c author: Frederic Hourdin, R.Fournier,F.Forget (original Mars version) c ------- Sebastien Lebonnois (Venus version) c c======================================================================= #include "dimensions.h" #include "dimsoil.h" #include "comcstfi.h" #include "" #include "clesphys.h" #include "iniprint.h" #include "tabcontrol.h" c -------------------------------------------------------------- c Declarations c -------------------------------------------------------------- c INTEGER unit ! unite de lecture de "rcm1d.def" INTEGER unitstart ! unite d'ecriture de "" INTEGER nlayer,nlevel,nsoil,ndt INTEGER ilayer,ilevel,isoil,idt,iq,i LOGICAl firstcall,lastcall REAL :: nb_days ! number of Vdays (and/or fraction thererof) to run c INTEGER day0 ! date initial (sol ; =0 a Ls=0) REAL day ! date durant le run REAL time ! time (0 will run ", ndt," timesteps" dtphys=daysec/day_step dtime=dtphys c Pression de surface sur la planete c ------------------------------------ c PRINT *,'pression au sol' READ(unit,*) psurf PRINT *,psurf c Pression de reference ! voir dyn3d/etat0_venus c pa = 5.e4 pa = 1.e6 preff = 9.2e6 ! 92 bars c preff = psurf c latitude/longitude c ------------------- PRINT *,'latitude en degres ?' READ(unit,*) lati(1) PRINT *,lati(1) lati(1)=lati(1)*pi/180. ! must be in radians. long(1)=0.E+0 c Initialisation speciales "physiq" c --------------------------------- ! CALL init_phys_lmdz(iim,jjm,llm,1,(/1/)) c la surface de chaque maille est inutile en 1D ---> area(1)=1.E+0 c de meme ? cufi(1)=1.E+0 cvfi(1)=1.E+0 call ini_cpdet c Ehouarn: iniphysiq requires arrays related to (3D) dynamics grid, c e.g. for cell boundaries, which are meaningless in 1D; so pad these c with '0.' when necessary CALL iniphysiq(1,1,llm, & 1,comm_lmdz, & daysec,day0,dtphys, & (/lati(1),0./),(/0./), & (/0.,0./),(/long(1),0./), & (/ (/area,0./),(/0.,0./) /), & (/cufi,0.,0.,0./), & (/cvfi,0./), & rad,g,r,cpp,1) c le geopotentiel au sol est inutile en 1D car tout est controle c par la pression de surface ---> phisfi(1)=0.E+0 c Initialisation pour prendre en compte les vents en 1-D c ------------------------------------------------------ c vent geostrophique PRINT *,'composante vers l est du vent geostrophique (U) ?' READ(unit,*) gru PRINT *,'composante vers le nord du vent geostrophique (V) ?' READ(unit,*) grv c Initialisation des vents au premier pas de temps DO ilayer=1,nlayer u(ilayer)=gru v(ilayer)=grv w(ilayer)=0 ENDDO c calcul des pressions et altitudes en utilisant les niveaux sigma c ---------------------------------------------------------------- c Vertical Coordinates (hybrids) c """""""""""""""""""" CALL disvert_noterre c Calcul au milieu des couches : Vient de la version Mars c WARNING : le choix de placer le milieu des couches au niveau de c pression intermédiaire est arbitraire et pourrait etre modifié. c C'est fait de la meme facon dans disvert DO l = 1, llm aps(l) = 0.5 *( ap(l) +ap(l+1)) bps(l) = 0.5 *( bp(l) +bp(l+1)) ENDDO DO ilevel=1,nlevel plev(ilevel)=ap(ilevel)+psurf*bp(ilevel) ENDDO DO ilayer=1,nlayer play(ilayer)=aps(ilayer)+psurf*bps(ilayer) pk(ilayer) =cpp*(play(ilayer)/preff)**rcp c write(120,*) ilayer,plev(ilayer),play(ilayer) ENDDO c write(120,*) nlevel,plev(nlevel) c stop pks=cpp*(psurf/preff)**rcp c init des variables pour phyredem c -------------------------------- call phys_state_var_init(nqtot) c profil de temperature et altitude au premier appel c -------------------------------------------------- c modif par rapport a Mars: c on envoie dz/T=-log(play/psurf)*r/g dans profile tmp1(0)=0.0 tmp1(1)= -log(play(1)/psurf)*r/g DO ilayer=2,nlayer tmp1(ilayer)=-log(play(ilayer)/play(ilayer-1))*r/g ENDDO call profile(unit,nlayer+1,tmp1,tmp2) CLOSE(unit) print*," Pression Altitude Temperature" ilayer=1 ftsol(1)=tmp2(0) temp(1)=tmp2(1) zlay(1)=tmp2(1)*tmp1(1) print*," 0",ftsol(1) print*,ilayer,play(ilayer),zlay(ilayer),temp(ilayer) DO ilayer=2,nlayer temp(ilayer)=tmp2(ilayer) zlay(ilayer)=zlay(ilayer-1)+tmp2(ilayer)*tmp1(ilayer) print*,ilayer,play(ilayer),zlay(ilayer),temp(ilayer) ENDDO allocate(tmoy(llm)) tmoy(:)=temp(:) c temperature du sous-sol c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DO isoil=1,nsoil ftsoil(1,isoil)=ftsol(1) ENDDO c Initialisation des traceurs c --------------------------- DO iq=1,nqtot DO ilayer=1,nlayer q(ilayer,iq) = 0. ENDDO ENDDO if (iflag_trac.eq.1) then print*,"rcm1d: Loading chemistry profiles from init_1D.txt" ! check if the file is indeed there inquire(file="init_1D.txt",exist=file_is_present) if (file_is_present) then open(21, form = 'formatted', file = 'init_1D.txt') read(21,*) do ilayer = nlayer,1,-1 read(21,*) idummy, dummy, dummy, (q(ilayer,iq), iq = 1,nqtot) ! print*, idummy, q(ilayer,1), q(ilayer,nqtot) end do close(21) else write(*,*) "Cannot find input file init_1D.txt!" write(*,*) "Might as well stop here" stop endif ! of if(file_is_present) endif ! iflag_trac c Initialisation des parametres d'oro c ----------------------------------- zmea(1) = 0. zstd(1) = 0. zsig(1) = 0. zgam(1) = 0. zthe(1) = 0. zpic(1) = 0. zval(1) = 0. c Initialisation albedo c ---------------------- falbe(1)=0.1 c Ecriture de "" c ------------------------- c (Ce fichier sera aussitot relu au premier c appel de "physiq", mais il est necessaire pour passer c les variables purement physiques a "physiq"... solsw(1) = 0. sollw(1) = 0. fder(1) = 0. dlw(1) = 0. sollwdown(1)= 0. radsol(1) = 0. t_ancien(1,:)=0. q2(1,:)=0. radpas = NINT(1.*day_step/nbapp_rad) soil_model = .true. call phyredem("") c deallocation des variables phyredem c ----------------------------------- call phys_state_var_end c======================================================================= c BOUCLE TEMPORELLE DU MODELE 1D c======================================================================= c !TEMPORAIRE firstcall=.true. lastcall=.false. ! debut de boucle temporelle DO idt=1,ndt IF (idt.eq.ndt) then lastcall=.true. c toujours nulle dans le cas de Venus, pour l'instant... zls = 0.0 c write(103,*) 'Ls=',zls*180./pi c write(103,*) 'Lat=', lati(1) c write(103,*) 'RunEnd - Atmos. Temp. File' c write(103,*) 'RunEnd - Atmos. Temp. File' c write(104,*) 'Ls=',zls*180./pi c write(104,*) 'Lat=', lati(1) c write(104,*) 'RunEnd - Atmos. Temp. File' ENDIF c calcul du geopotentiel c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! ADAPTATION GCM POUR CP(T) DO ilayer=1,nlayer s(ilayer)=(play(ilayer)/psurf)**rcp ENDDO phi(1)=cpp*temp(1)*(1.E+0-s(1)) DO ilayer=2,nlayer phi(ilayer)=phi(ilayer-1)+ & cpp*(temp(ilayer-1)/s(ilayer-1)+temp(ilayer)/s(ilayer))*0.5 & *(s(ilayer-1)-s(ilayer)) ENDDO c appel de la physique c -------------------- CALL physiq (1,llm,nqtot, , firstcall,lastcall, , day,time,dtphys, , plev,play,pk,phi,phisfi, , presnivs, , u,v,temp,q, , w, C - sorties s du,dv,dtemp,dq,dpsurf) c calcul de rho rho = 0. c print*,rho c print*,"DT APRES PHYSIQ=",day,time,dtime c print*,dtemp c print*,temp c print*," " c stop c evolution du vent : modele 1D c ----------------------------- c la physique calcule les derivees temporelles de u et v. c Pas de coriolis DO ilayer=1,nlayer du(ilayer)=du(ilayer)+ (gru-u(ilayer))/1.e4 dv(ilayer)=dv(ilayer)+ (grv-v(ilayer))/1.e4 ENDDO c c Calcul du temps au pas de temps suivant c --------------------------------------- firstcall=.false. time=time+dtphys/daysec IF ( then time=time-1.E+0 day=day+1 ENDIF c calcul des vitesses et temperature au pas de temps suivant c ---------------------------------------------------------- DO ilayer=1,nlayer u(ilayer)=u(ilayer)+dtphys*du(ilayer) v(ilayer)=v(ilayer)+dtphys*dv(ilayer) temp(ilayer)=temp(ilayer)+dtphys*dtemp(ilayer) ENDDO c calcul des traceurs au pas de temps suivant c ------------------------------------------- if (iflag_trac.eq.1) then DO iq=1,nqtot DO ilayer=1,nlayer q(ilayer,iq)=q(ilayer,iq)+dq(ilayer,iq)*dtphys ENDDO ENDDO endif c calcul des pressions au pas de temps suivant c -------------------------------------------- psurf=psurf+dtphys*dpsurf(1) ! evolution de la pression de surface DO ilevel=1,nlevel plev(ilevel)=ap(ilevel)+psurf*bp(ilevel) ENDDO DO ilayer=1,nlayer play(ilayer)=aps(ilayer)+psurf*bps(ilayer) ENDDO ENDDO ! fin de la boucle temporelle close(15) c ======================================================== c GESTION DES SORTIE c ======================================================== print*,"Temperature finale:" print*,temp c stabilite DO ilayer=1,nlayer zlay(ilayer) = phi(ilayer)/g/1000. !en km ENDDO DO ilayer=2,nlayer tmp1(ilayer) = . (temp(ilayer)-temp(ilayer-1))/(zlay(ilayer)-zlay(ilayer-1)) . + 1000.*g/cpp ENDDO OPEN(11,file='') DO ilayer=1,nlayer write (11,*) zlay(ilayer),temp(ilayer),tmp1(ilayer) ENDDO c ======================================================== END c*********************************************************************** c*********************************************************************** !#include "../dyn3d_common/disvert_noterre.F" !#include "../dyn3d/abort_gcm.F"