MODULE donnees implicit none real, parameter :: ZERO = 2.220446049250313E-016 real, parameter :: PI = 3.1415926536D0 real, save :: E ! Constant for microphys. processes ! THERMO real, parameter :: kbz = 1.3806488D-23 ! Boltzmann constant real, parameter :: RGAS = 8.31441D0 !J/(mole K) Gas constant real, parameter :: LSA = 6.322D5 !J/kg Latent heat of evap of SA real, parameter :: MAIR = 43.45D-3 !kg/mole Molecular mass of venus air real, parameter :: MWV = 18.0153D-3 !kg/mole Molecular mass of water real, parameter :: CSA = 0.4430057096D0!=MAIR/MSA real, save :: PPSA, PPWV ! Partial pressure of SA and water real, save :: RH ! Relative Humidity real, save :: KAIR ! Thermal conductivity of air (J/m sec K) real, save :: KN ! Knudsen number real, save :: D ! Molecular diffusivity of the air (m2/s) real, save :: akn ! Approx slip-flow correction coef ! real, parameter :: akn = 1.591D0 ! Approx slip-flow correction coeff ! SEDIMENTATION and PRODUCTION !> Fractal dimension of fractal aerosols. REAL, SAVE :: df = 3.D0 ! 3 = sphere !> Monomer radius (m). REAL, SAVE :: rmono = 6.66D-8 REAL, SAVE :: rpla = 6051800.D0 !m Venus radius !> Planet acceleration due to gravity constant (ground) (\(m.s^{-2}\)). REAL, SAVE :: g0 = 6.673D-11*(4.867D24/(6051800.D0)**2) !!$ !> Air molecules mean radius (m). !SG Y|°O°|Y REAL, SAVE :: air_rad = 1.75D-10 ! MODES (H2SO4-H2O) real, save :: redge ! Virtual limits between the two modes real, save :: r1, r2 ! Mean raidus of the distribution (m) real, save :: N1, N2 ! Total number concentration (#/m3) real, save :: NTOT ! Total number of droplets (mode 1 and 2) ! DROPLET AND GAS real, save :: WSA, WSAEQ, SH2SO4, RHOSA, RHOsasat ! Heterogeneous nucleation parameter (Franck's thesis, p.34) real, parameter :: desorpco2 = 6.D-20 !J Absorp./desorp. of 1 h2o molecule at the CCN surface real, parameter :: surfdifco2 = 6.D-21 !J Activation energy for surface diffusion real, parameter :: nusco2 = 1.D+13 !s-1 Jump frequency ! CONSERVATION real, save :: CHECKSA real, save :: CHECKWV ! H2SO4 ! vo1h2so4 = masse 1 moléc. AS en kg / densité AS en kg/m3 ! vo1h2so4 = m_point/rho = 1.628656574D-25/1.8302D3 real, parameter :: vo1h2so4 = 8.898790154D-29 !m3 real, parameter :: m0h2so4 = 1.628640074D-25 !kg Wettability real, parameter :: MSA = 98.08D-3 !kg/mole Molecular mass of SA real, save :: ST ! Surface tension of sulfuric acid solution/vapor (N/m) real, save :: sigh2so4 ! tension superficielle de H2SO4 real, save :: h2so4_m3 ! Number concentration of H2SO4 (m-3) ! RADII GRID (m) real, save, dimension(:), allocatable :: rad_cld,ri,rs,vol real, save :: vratio ! FIADERO'S CORRECTION !! This flag enables/disables the __Fiadero__ correction alogrithm for fractal mode settling velocity !! computation. !! !! @bug !! Currently, the Fiadero correction creates instatibilities on the vertical structure. It seems to be !! related to the coupling between the two moments. In order to reduce the instabilities, settling !! velocity of moments are forced to be the same, see [[mm_globals(module):mm_wsed_m0(variable)]] and !! [[mm_globals(module):mm_wsed_m3(variable)]]). LOGICAL, SAVE :: no_fiadero_w = .false. !> Minimum ratio for __Fiadero__ correction. !! !! When [[mm_globals(module):mm_no_fiadero_w(variable)]] is disabled, this variable defines the minimum !! value of the moment's ratio between two adjacents vertical cells to be used within the correction. REAL, SAVE :: fiadero_min = 0.1D0 !> Maximum ratio for __Fiadero__ correction. !! !! When [[mm_globals(module):mm_no_fiadero_w(variable)]] is disabled, this variable defines the maximum !! value of the moment's ratio between two adjacents vertical cells to be used within the correction. REAL, SAVE :: fiadero_max = 10.D0 LOGICAL, SAVE :: wsed_m0 = .false. !! Force all aerosols moments to fall at M0 settling velocity. LOGICAL, SAVE :: wsed_m3 = .false. !! Force all aerosols moments to fall at M3 settling velocity. contains ! subroutine build_radius_grid ! SUBROUTINE logdist Calculates the lognormal size distribution function with bins !****************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE build_radius_grid(nbins,rmi,rma,vratio) !****************************************************************************** INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nbins REAL, INTENT(in) :: rmi,rma REAL, INTENT(out) :: vratio INTEGER :: i if (allocated(rad_cld)) deallocate(rad_cld) if (allocated(ri)) deallocate(ri) if (allocated(rs)) deallocate(rs) if (allocated(vol)) deallocate(vol) ALLOCATE(rad_cld(nbins),ri(nbins),rs(nbins),vol(nbins)) vratio=(rma/rmi)**(3.D0/(nbins-1)) vol(1)=4.D0/3.D0*pi*rmi**3 DO i=1,nbins rad_cld(i)=rmi*vratio**(i/3.D0) IF (i < nbins) vol(i+1)=vol(1)*vratio**i ri(i) = (2.D0/(vratio+1.))**(1.D0/3.D0)*rad_cld(i) rs(i) = (2.D0*vratio/(vratio+1.D0))**(1.D0/3.D0)*rad_cld(i) ENDDO END SUBROUTINE build_radius_grid !****************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE logdist(sigma,ntotal,r0,rad,n_aer) !****************************************************************************** USE free_param implicit none ! Inputs / Outputs real,intent(in) :: sigma, ntotal, r0 real,intent(out) :: n_aer(nbin) real,intent(in) :: rad(nbin) ! Local variables real :: lognr,dr,n_aer_erf(nbin),sqr2sig,logsig integer :: i dr = ((2.D0*vratio)/(vratio +1.D0))**(1.D0/3.D0) - (2.D0/(vratio + 1.D0))**(1.D0/3.D0) logsig = log(sigma) sqr2sig = logsig*sqrt(2.0) OPEN(666,FILE="logn.dat") DO i=1,nbin lognr = 1.D0 / (sqrt(2.D0*PI)*logsig*rad(i)) !m-1 lognr = lognr * exp(-0.5D0*(log(rad(i)/r_aer)/logsig)**2) !m-1 n_aer(i) = lognr*dr*rad(i) !# n_aer_erf(i) = 0.5 * (erf(log(rs(i)/r_aer)/sqr2sig) - erf(log(ri(i)/r_aer)/sqr2sig)) WRITE(666,'(6(ES15.7,2X))') rad(i),lognr,n_aer(i), n_aer_erf(i), rad(i)*dr, rs(i)-ri(i) END DO CLOSE(666) ! write(*,'(a,2(ES15.7,1X))') "logdist: nAER(norm), ERF method = ", SUM(n_aer(:)),SUM(n_aer_erf) n_aer(:) = n_aer(:)*ntotal ! write(*,'((a),2(ES15.7,1X))') ' --> total', SUM(n_aer(:)), ntotal ! write(*,'((a),ES15.7)') ' --> rel. error', abs(SUM(n_aer(:))-ntotal)/ntotal ! write(*,'(a)') 'Using erf METHOD (more accurate)' n_aer(:) = n_aer_erf(:) * ntotal END SUBROUTINE logdist END MODULE donnees