module check_fields_mod real,save :: default_temp_min=5. ! minimum reasonable temperature (K) real,save :: default_temp_max=5000. ! maximum reasonable temperature (K) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(default_temp_min,default_temp_max) real,save :: default_wind_max=5000. ! maximum reasonable wind magnitude (m/s) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(default_wind_max) real,save :: default_ps_min=1.e-5 ! minimum reasonable surface pressure (Pa) real,save :: default_ps_max=3000000. ! maximum reasonable surface pressure (Pa) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(default_ps_min,default_ps_max) contains subroutine check_physics_fields(message,temp,u,v,pplev,q) use dimphy, only: klon, klev use tracer_h, only: nqtot use ioipsl_getin_p_mod, only: getin_p implicit none character(len=*),intent(in):: message ! text message for outputs real,intent(in) :: temp(klon,klev) real,intent(in) :: u(klon,klev) ! zonal wind (m/s) real,intent(in) :: v(klon,klev) ! meridional wind (m/s) real,intent(in) :: pplev(klon,klev+1) ! pressure at level interfaces (Pa) real,intent(in) :: q(klon,klev,nqtot) ! tracer mixing ratio (.../kg_air) character(len=50) :: name="check_physics_fields" logical :: ok_t,ok_w,ok_ps,ok_q logical, save :: firstcall = .true. !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(firstcall) ! 0. Get user defaults if (firstcall) then call getin_p("check_temp_min", default_temp_min) call getin_p("check_temp_max", default_temp_max) call getin_p("check_wind_max", default_wind_max) call getin_p("check_ps_min", default_ps_min) call getin_p("check_ps_max", default_ps_max) firstcall = .false. endif ! 1. Initialisations ok_q=.true. ! 2. Check temperature, winds and surface pressure call check_temperature(message,temp,ok_t) call check_winds(message,u,v,ok_w) call check_ps(message,pplev(:,1),ok_ps) if (nqtot>=1) then call check_tracers(message,q,ok_q) endif if ((.not.ok_t).or.(.not.ok_w).or.(.not.ok_ps).or.(.not.ok_q)) then ! Something is wrong, might as well stop here if (.not.ok_t) write(*,*) trim(name)//":"//trim(message)//"Bad temperature values" if (.not.ok_w) write(*,*) trim(name)//":"//trim(message)//"Bad wind values " if (.not.ok_ps) write(*,*) trim(name)//":"//trim(message)//"Bad surface pressure values" if (.not.ok_q) write(*,*) trim(name)//":"//trim(message)//"Bad tracers values" call abort_physic(trim(name),trim(message)//" Invalid field values",1) endif end subroutine check_physics_fields subroutine check_temperature(message,temp,ok,temp_min,temp_max) use dimphy, only: klon, klev implicit none character(len=*),intent(in):: message ! text message for outputs real,intent(in) :: temp(klon,klev) logical,intent(out) :: ok ! returns .true. if everything OK, .false. otherwise real,intent(in),optional :: temp_min ! user provided acceptable minimum real,intent(in),optional :: temp_max ! user provided acceptable maximum character(len=50) :: name="check_temperature" real :: tmin,tmax integer :: i,k ! 0. Check optional inputs if (present(temp_min)) then tmin=temp_min else tmin=default_temp_min endif if (present(temp_max)) then tmax=temp_max else tmax=default_temp_max endif ! 1. initializations ok=.true. ! 2. do the checking do i=1,klon do k=1,klev ! look for NaN if (temp(i,k).ne.temp(i,k)) then ok=.false. write(*,*)trim(message)//" "//trim(name)//" temp(i,k)=",temp(i,k),& " for i=",i," k=",k endif ! check for temperatures too low if (temp(i,k).lt.tmin) then ok=.false. write(*,*)trim(message)//" "//trim(name)//" temp(i,k)=",temp(i,k),& " for i=",i," k=",k," <",tmin endif ! check for temperatures too high if (temp(i,k).gt.tmax) then ok=.false. write(*,*)trim(message)//" "//trim(name)//" temp(i,k)=",temp(i,k),& " for i=",i," k=",k," >",tmax endif enddo enddo end subroutine check_temperature subroutine check_winds(message,u,v,ok,wind_max) use dimphy, only: klon, klev implicit none character(len=*),intent(in):: message ! text message for outputs real,intent(in) :: u(klon,klev) ! zonal wind (m/s) real,intent(in) :: v(klon,klev) ! meridional wind (m/s) logical,intent(out) :: ok ! returns .true. if everything OK, .false. otherwise real,intent(in),optional :: wind_max ! user provided acceptable maximum magnitude character(len=50) :: name="check_winds" real :: wmax integer :: i,k ! 0. Check optional inputs if (present(wind_max)) then wmax=wind_max else wmax=default_wind_max endif ! 1. initializations ok=.true. ! 2. do the checking do i=1,klon do k=1,klev ! look for NaN if (u(i,k).ne.u(i,k)) then ok=.false. write(*,*)trim(message)//" "//trim(name)//" u(i,k)=",u(i,k),& " for i=",i," k=",k endif if (v(i,k).ne.v(i,k)) then ok=.false. write(*,*)trim(message)//" "//trim(name)//" v(i,k)=",v(i,k),& " for i=",i," k=",k endif ! check for magnitudes too high if (abs(u(i,k)).gt.wmax) then ok=.false. write(*,*)trim(message)//" "//trim(name)//" u(i,k)=",u(i,k),& " for i=",i," k=",k," >",wmax endif if (abs(v(i,k)).gt.wmax) then ok=.false. write(*,*)trim(message)//" "//trim(name)//" v(i,k)=",v(i,k),& " for i=",i," k=",k," >",wmax endif enddo enddo end subroutine check_winds subroutine check_ps(message,ps,ok,ps_min,ps_max) use dimphy, only: klon implicit none character(len=*),intent(in):: message ! text message for outputs real,intent(in) :: ps(klon) logical,intent(out) :: ok ! returns .true. if everything OK, .false. otherwise real,intent(in),optional :: ps_min ! user provided acceptable minimum real,intent(in),optional :: ps_max ! user provided acceptable maximum character(len=50) :: name="check_ps" real :: pmin,pmax integer :: i ! 0. Check optional inputs if (present(ps_min)) then pmin=ps_min else pmin=default_ps_min endif if (present(ps_max)) then pmax=ps_max else pmax=default_ps_max endif ! 1. initializations ok=.true. ! 2. do the checking do i=1,klon ! look for NaN if (ps(i) then ok=.false. write(*,*)trim(message)//" "//trim(name)//" ps(i)=",ps(i)," for i=",i endif ! check for pressures too low if (ps(i).lt.pmin) then ok=.false. write(*,*)trim(message)//" "//trim(name)//" ps(i)=",ps(i)," for i=",i,& " <",pmin endif ! check for pressures too high if (ps(i).gt.pmax) then ok=.false. write(*,*)trim(message)//" "//trim(name)//" ps(i)=",ps(i)," for i=",i,& " >",pmax endif enddo end subroutine check_ps subroutine check_tracers(message,q,ok) use dimphy, only: klon, klev use tracer_h, only: nqtot,noms implicit none character(len=*),intent(in):: message ! text message for outputs real,intent(in) :: q(klon,klev,nqtot) ! tracer mixing ratio logical,intent(inout) :: ok ! set to .false. if something is wrong character(len=50) :: name="check_tracers" integer :: i,k,iq integer :: nb_bad_neg ! number of problematic points (negative values) integer :: nb_bad_nan ! number of problematic points (NaNs) ! 1. initializations nb_bad_nan=0 ! 2. do the checking do iq=1,nqtot nb_bad_neg=0 ! initialize do i=1,klon do k=1,klev ! look for NaN if (q(i,k,iq).ne.q(i,k,iq)) then ok=.false. nb_bad_nan=nb_bad_nan+1 endif ! look for negative values if (q(i,k,iq).lt.0) then ! ok=.false. nb_bad_neg=nb_bad_neg+1 endif enddo enddo if (nb_bad_neg>0) then write(*,*)trim(message)//" "//trim(name)//" tracer "//trim(noms(iq))//& " contains ",nb_bad_neg," negative values!" endif enddo !of do iq=1,nqtot end subroutine check_tracers end module check_fields_mod